HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-12-02, Page 3:J1
777Z 'W
I g WW3 V-
18" t)Wr 'ommon.
an "of t ei f t
npperil They will - scarcely arrive, here- are in.", a ri C biaden in
tri 1:116 go RV or"t 0
:A --villa En ish� I li rar*es
�u - en ind4g
dr V; if they, see Me tit r big IN by
�Yi;hoc 4nding withqiXit,
that Will be an eicuse; for them not-taenter. Mort, A
o Childr0h.
0r Iteakef
�10 on inks th&V every gir t
They will. merely backoni'me Up to the cliff, th
so- thmt. it is'
should learn to cook a potbto
beckoning will 0,
W.. avor.
hert AS 'AVi�ltft'
idud, not iitve I my-, turn; -THR. HQU101161. *h1temeal-y-andmof delicatell
�-Ahetefqie, I shall -Stay within a, 7—Come, IiO-*.,�0119,DIBEASII','-IS-RROP ^TBID ROW "A ww�l -W , , 7 - , . - - - - - 7 - - - Z
-31r� Grab, thou. sIrf,00 very- large,. that I The scandal -cohrieeted with -the mariagem; WhenLthe mother is at
Every 'h' h am any 0
A iting fionlAkdams,
th" f
Philant ropical*iiter "I the children may
di -'tb:kRLt oe.- correspondent ment- of sto, Paul's -Inaustfial School -An- b6dy w o r di
me - - " Ii
bi 7 -the
-Jeffiirs6n.- count. a York, �s P
-iolatlidly legraph.- Canadian ws, be1fitle better tilan Orphan
this he -said &B, -ena- of thti, -creatures '"s Ddi ly Te hiist6jry kud
.1 , , * , , . theria-is-ragib - in thi -village anil.le%uses a "iiring
strelitch-ed'a; mail arni -from Under a. huge Ult,to -An attomPt- to discdv thi. 4uelties, whic Gsioline, which was fired at BuffSI64
ms 61 - X s-� theriibelli- 1,. -a as air "unanirm I
panic. hero, - It is d get.6ny one to d y- r onof,.3, . nd.* - - ; u � ---Poctorg, add lawyers dont agree. b Ot
(for with -great. rocks, bearded with ad Were -1here- pradtided was- d
out a -Riq: and
of 'the UTY the in fla so with- the editors th ty
ling weedi the; Sind was,, . strew)L, and - , i mes-down the'Niagara.
t take. cari§ Sick, Burr, 1 �s. -member oU tha' Bellbol Board.-_:Ldrift
pgutifultd contemp ate.,.
th 13 '"id to- Say
thin _posrij. L that--exgMmJor
though it Her oba'rges'aiminat the Mi&4agdV rnleti D.:Seianton--of-Rochosl it is
Sincelast F- -there. have been, , She W* vain montI6., ovft.the-Faliii �It
f in withdow it -T suddenly, as': dead. U all orkbd ivL for many
W, tw bion
a�yen deaths - an o ths 2& a6ut "of' Ha 0 1- evil thin
a Car line'. an g sp
d projecting eye had'seen'some danger' -
deaths from it ilona. Theiii are which is least. Shmk ieiiri6i fdllils.
ckco f M6 out of tbe'school *are treated 8.1 was th� Owner of -th' 0 ave,
me, r1d0d9,-,0b t4y hole.." As I exagk@ration
a rep, 1611 wing i8:0MLiltcboiciB irf'rotten app esi
51 b the
si6k, With the Aigew D.- . Mrs. an er Were. theis flob managers Y- Was it' not.the otliIi6i'iiimy 16 D;ter
Of 'her -!�-Jt �bf tojitimes rairisjust-limr enough
-To be continued. die
daughter, MrH F., d ast -Y kn that 'U h Schools �wer
own 8 interesting
In 4 OL
tbree--hours of each oth6r, in the -Says, 4othe theatre, but ocrethe
within more thalf- Usnally ihstibidrdinate, 'and- --reat, owner
WVNIDR1119 10V W111K W06KM60. of'' the- C- iar6lhiiiiy? - li-4� go We si
butidd in the
forenoon,. and they wer6. r. ."Scrutt6n ----6ottgh Willi1irn- Wells,,
troublesome.? W�s noi�i. M Of bdNlyi. W��as go to church.
-aft oon., The de14-are buried as soon as . . - - ... f'� -
A�ittiiogsi oulzAint respec theItheicitbusible OV t.* The. boat VA# One . "-�'�.F 1i - - L ths:'Naw Yor
umpkin. pium'-, Days
fficitilly- responsi a w w ch. -bi-Ld: been,.Vu
-,ibl a, within iour hours after, a
orn ited'.- me�qbek
Board, 'o 6bI Ho' -hi At 'in -1W-o V I decline well,
d-- attenda�ee'mt BSI" Cananercial 11-sie. on* tba�
dvhl- deathwit oul services an sat water. off ih .-of
I "h -�coal deepgns the tint Lei! ias, -they ilra�goln W &-t� You
J a] COURT believe fthmi�auythingma`a foir -eLAmi w -,that. ia
the -cemetery.; Twomen Anil my�elft ried g..
tUn. waa a- lady, - o- -So" She,.Was 4fterwa-rd4lakeli
wrong accuser- 1
wh uth- Carolium.� Mean
lk�aoinths iind P duti
r vet and-lalips a
one to-dsyar�d:Wa wqre the onlyoties was. actuat brough: t a. ff. f *.'Y' OU. bmVe"11.m- _.grea miP
Siti Y CaIfial to -6 her
beans 'posSeBs twice a -'s much Some light waB thr own on. the'. origin of motiveg 0 but 'Whose -'�haides p I" , - - Buffilo,-mfid- we -had. zto huf 7t�l
3d -' no - d6ubt, ,by� -the --beRt! t h i u&V
com) PlIand: t A�l to-do
OdOIL t �A
-lectuie before tbo-Acade thing You may congrmtulato yourself -I.
thd part of ii� one- 'cut from the -r the "0".
niirogii as grain, And therefore ch a 8 Oiphtheri& inm, a
my implied neglect of duty on 106 in:*.Buffa:10 Creak, fb
furnish:Las i4tioll nutrim b Your neiglibors perhapit have-riever thought
of Natural Sciencek'. hilaiddl&ia,� the other Be Put her to"if
O'llisajues 2 It .*as - too ridiculous It we ad -
of our c -ti .
i Nigga, �m r on
4ra at a,.'ferriparature' night, by Prohiiisok 6r&tio'C, od, wilb did h
begins 'to yield,- to believe that Mrs.. Kuir,: Who had, nothing �mnd before that meTpora�bl.6 ., night f De. You - ave one' --
-h L the reSult eonneq- off oi&lly t4i L
tween 706 :and .8QO, tandatones s ow, gave of -hit researches in ' . - - - t -0 - "L. h
b4 h-1' 4he wzis-ie A widow is7 a lady w o may possibly'
L N, : o with t & adhool-,.'should be' ceibber 28th, 183.7,"-wh - a ver
great's power of endurauca, luas4ve lime- with -Dr. Hi t L ad.
Bury F. Formad, . involving find the.eqiiul of dear depart
righ Mr.. Scrutton-, th6 manage he'FaM oil fire. .'She -had been the, never:
-and who is
-1 grd int-discoN mj -thiij. fatal t�as
L that appointed latt h but . - - .,,L
stor and marble the. greatest the. importi I by the Bomrd-,� shou. d be guilty of Carohnia,.but the final er of ler'l name deternlihe4 o come as near i
0 119.4 orait-eii are aimon� the� weakest: insidious d sease 1 1 by & L 'Will allow..:
opagatiac It t e
_dB,r -iomoved fr*
re and S
.pi liction of duty. tesides'lisa"' not Gov. W blianged when sha�waw
fringi- Axisting- I
-the no mmtter,0v-ho,-.s�,y
mibroad6pio plitnt,. o n �all 6runientinspeat a-visifed &Ad -the.
stories. the school" "Ailmlitic Coatit'. tio"L'aIke VAd: Y J"
of Erie, s that Lm�
erbolting*is s Ucce in e -L. human bdings, espec �ally iii'the mouth and
�how -could they fmif- to find'out -fajilts- Niagara River. Sh WRS --�6oppir-bci tomi�d wife':-.!, , �hould be like roms
u ad with 8 as th
0, UQ-
nery hall of a 11 Neverth bless Mrs. Sti�r he, q uew- p y --
throat,: bat lacking iie, war of reprod littjebraf ti- and all
hi n. exhibitio now 'held
those. t d iweev and nicely dressed,. With laht
It i that the -belting. 101 1 hid LD --butwithouti--sauc
t* a. until given, increased vitalitv by ;an eve� by -these -t6rm r at 0 a
of. would not. be bea4 tion Ppfrom the �ddl 46 gs�
lou - Ifa to disorder'ed conditio 5- the mucous mem.. a- Sof
ad: � d -q@ine.qffi6i%1ism;'She Buffalo - permit iug us to run 's are ma ing-.6nor-
ade. of -paper has b6en tosto &D able platitu a an I and laborer k
ihtit Niagitra-:-
V_, are in great
In— mpp�al6d 4gairi an again, the
b' atrong6i! than that made of ordi- 'brane. which -atten ..,sofa thr6 t when d to: a Boar but and' Schlosser,
were mous wages in Inuipeg, an
nsryL leather-- -baused by cold. T inveatigafionS -refused, to 'institute- mulliquiry-and st6pping at -Wavy IS ad,'wfiere Wer -,quar- d Yet there are: -
ads' at the M'stlee-'of the: put,bei� im' s� i4teimeiffah for -a p. si io 041 ecity I
Bide -ag iLg person -t a. c -a u-aai;" 0 it U h )oIic6-force.-'
&The averagie lif 6 of an.- E bglimb� gold M ere h an -ref qgeu
Board'of Healtb�, Arld, exendedf not billyto T' s ab ut, -18 vears—that is, 'the.. Who rbed-. -the Proceedings - of,- the American -sympathizeim We run 116 8�7.ereign. -�The low -Is that, are destine play the.
the -:Phenomena at ending- the- oidinary -1 ` about Ugly stiblects; for' th year,
Part 'of Bpri
Voin lose.4three- quarterso!a grain irl, weight. august body by- ta, king a purposb7of smu d
endemiediplitheiia, isti.tiginPh,iladelphia, -gg ing weap S. an ng chic keni' next
4at length Qf t me. I pro men an
ad- le tor6oat.. live in
as my earing
time� to time different p1doeB. Wh
- from 4bua6l� s�'of prpgres
r ors -bad aw bond from -Dr.,
s own* inspedt- df-Rritish gold -coinage 40 Ps' 0 -liad not di
'Office, d the Secretary. of --St0,e- loilh d- 6jiL 14 mvy Island - and 'b
t then ceases but -to the, mor -6' ole' t form.,occu *then- addressed herself. to the Horne %mmunitio4 and visions 6�:A alre i Y -ab
t& be legal tend .- It is said thut of the fly
P0,000,000 Dr Fomand vi, n - in a t6d town on '.Ut. Sit 8L courageous —Constable John'Leader Tor while
n ogad weight covered, that th and lo�id who was. then Mayr i of' B
s worif-da�wn below thi I onto,
h one-thi o 'all the
Lake, Michigan, W tq A a' no -instinct. of shovellihg-�ndw,froinir;frofit of his dooron.
h blest 16Bs of fell
Toussaint (Colaph,* Rendur) finds -children iriv a ma'rs district didd of' the _.the 16 us indemnity in case ojL the
So -rilobn, fbrWar on I - A.
WOManhoba, ve and rare of �'pliildren L . el b' Britis ii d b
if, at, no contagious �naaludy possessea the�uv ss �y -h,. atermidli -of: Saturday afte m f
up ew secon. a
epiem dipb ' hvbackwith�him. speel- riglit, Wld tb4tLiceitainbf tile-6fli course.- I nev presented the boila Ar,pay. face. -and when- picked
ra gregater, e had beeri.guity either of On a- �f to be diAd-
rulefic than, -tuberculosis, the met's 0 ie an '�iuelty or 6 ment. Others -had -taken -that, -afterWar- L 8 Was ound
vi I ihe d hthc ric vir4s, geeral of the
k. ui ere, Was' 1. Th - 6 late n - --once o a L ervea
ariably formed. fnvancei.while was, I th no such b if illiarn Pen
Virus.46ECisting and preservinViLtsefficacy'at eswl ich,-'in-v sell Iiaddt: 6nd,in.-' oidaihil b
mbran -.zhe-� Board it
t6d persons, and,
t3m StUres which destroy the ba�eteria of. -inthea throsts.of tht afflic a. Still the E, 66stly.fo Anclair, grossly neglected its dutie Bgible-, to mppease the-Britial xcess, in. a
PPATe is
t ith mff excess of
fever. The infection, takes
iportions. of the 'vise �Lra, :,In. all smid -Board . &4- n 6t eonvinbed�, -
Londoir School -0 rest. -hat- �w
b i -b InOCu m- tlie-Prcifessor,- th denisil Le'odL's mr urin th t &I diy
AS. erAaily y madstiQu As are -mre twd kindsof cor- Mg , a ye, 1 iarn wqre a.
ocrutt ide'd -inquiry- and- IL, W&S on the' boat, &ad- I camec!9fty. near bri Ahat'L '�m sheez-Va a- ofinaterial.
0. -an X the on -red color givifig wiis
�stopp,D$ on L
the evideuce - he eat - h A r; �b Vernight, is: dfasome...7, r
would -m i oard -�LLittle .
V nge a 'are
ar slid a Its. surt, &-d- +0 labe. H --d -.tweniy-thre- ai�lqaiug -!I -a ia�no ory ate, the -White-, By careful. itady .6 id crew.
�Poriments,. a perbons� ii A b
when you go'hOffiia and And:.mlk in L
-er'Q If
both -la, iiman-beii igs-� and, Iliei lower -xdl
1""aia that, so With :every-. silvailitage; as-- corno ---moored%.-At--- Schloss b
a but n$() 1-0
'C 0.
t no leading cutl thb;t Ibis- itifinitisimal lack: -In' the� evening to hid;'sornething, c
ei-y firm made' ' it was found. mittee. of the- Board—the:'. very, 6 was. litit --hr strums is comingi;
corpuscles tilb fact t
abuU fokty�
caledlutiun that to sup�ly hehifielveg fastens upoi the white
body.tbathadscreenbilmild defended him b6 Brit I ish iiii, *af te r 'asking.an importinen
arded. b �I-tbq
d multiplies if& c -Als, altering theirchmr- t
inquiry... duigh�.
with the 11vory needed for, thei r -business, they an all along ---conducted the The Or
1280 elerhan.ta every yedip, ibii6 that 'acter Ulifil, wiiih�-, � ille -interidr destroyed, fifty 'in, number
b6 Mur;.1 apol6gizes. by. saying that h
aduced abundantly i quQs ion,. 0 m§ked
Amot DuTree,.bf4he boat's creWj-
th�( -burstand.'the it simply 11 frinfornashun," -should you con -
#en; with, thia num 1 �y all, the ad'ousations. catildnot dared by the askilants-Vand clude t atedL C
RUM . to Weigh 2&�' pound' irregular mass selImiste, and -,d. -off indi-, had -him by A
g find out whiali boy. disturbed at hill a;. aoien others. suffbr.65. like
0 utti shu ng -up a I thebeer -sald6ns --for ninety
Vidu&llyt coxitillu) the destructive work Nas jilt y -
Mil bridge �iasLb-fienshoWiVI4�Pr'Dfeg.aor talkingjio-whbleL School I ea4 fmtei but -I about. L I - . , - . -
y increased.. Uq�e,� d- they eSa
y., in PAris,. s6m-o..npW p1lotographic ays.
other corpuscle An wat a unhish- -W denied -j- tb
d er for a day. In
a�s *Said, arid'n:eVer I pretty *Oman in me
POIS?r. ro
were cracked.: -over it
h blood,. 61 oke the ves4dIs ond a d --v' th a boit bI -4i pis"s- - the
.-�;onders. H wab1a.'to.V4keaph-dto-- nt Was giv in ov boy want ie -wi
of &'seeo. Dur ing a all -an oW
Because a bottle was [ -t
fo ilic aliL Aike m: Pr t in myriad Irt, mbersin the- Splen and' Me -bi the' boys: when she was mibseqteritly. fire a Looks ratL y YOU
graph �ud . I - en d� a
bone mailrow-, whdi a the: blood- Is manfifaeT th Don't you like -to -see
d' a' t0rif ti When the. fihil f a id o W, d
is 1'eap-he obtained p4otqgrmphs, to -go Withoiii- inner nd -to stand - f orl 0 oesu,1,she? -
inie_on� af� tty _Young"
&us a&VL - TheL murder -of Durfee ca re
8 own -widovi young"
h g diftern ons., D3� me of tured. hours in 1e open;Air 6n a win tee I was. m�p F9 -'A Pretty
N' log
s or Woods investipitions j§bow. aplemai- Y-
d zoetrope, pi�6jiects "such Pi0fe, a' children were so fimishe4� thm� man f e9lor the
improve thmt the' false:' Membrane, -supposed to L Y O� subpcenmed SIB one. of t exhibiting. a1z own OL to ena
so thein -itpla the fo6dgivarl The p 'ember we all titopPed. Ityours 11
Ogures, on a scrt�eu 'the pr a m- se.bution, and I r -so, ong,
eaende. of diph-
a ere -was greau I lam
his somersaill.ts, a, horse at- at lopi, m boys also frequently- tobk bread from, ag s otel
6 Cm ad by ammoniti,, Spanish t t * St&rV efi aursing, aiid 6ven iti fli eto.. pautry,driven to.1h6ft by f;ys ema le. I iind. eniiett, the attendance -at' the.- Qllego of-; m er al aro Michigan- C
0' founder- e'dit a , ew Me' icinei to
90 ififill
fly or any other i ence in. the -or sud'.Publig er o C1, 6k a; d 'of zconitqby�milt
IC, IS muou. 1?in&fore.a'instiBa.,d f shirtii-and N -ose-
-.A.ArsonVille. i le
at, so that its resence i not infallib
a y Morning - and died an our.
Shirts without sledveW wiatj� dOnStafttly Yotkjle�fqld, Was With us: at - s Hc h*
very sanourne abLouti The cLeod4. tria�- - 1W W Mom- ifterimmrds 'His funeralvill-�takejp ace -S. h sworne lads used-. �.01:netfm
t a existence of a disease'
a S&YA that it *i*ll, sdpe�rs.eda� 'all the But iri emae
as to wear during .
he� talae- membrane. Utm.Q aL
h p1ilied him, and Jim
sitical PIS] 'in bed
totiveLpow.er&b"yinanaudi5,tLr�p athenijul builtup 6y. this ii�th- their socks fdr six Week w*tho nge.. the S ordon. Oliatam.-
nt, wh
every way, El -a promises ter" 1? At one tirne twentv -of �the "were. benriettwho run aHe4-alc14-*&s then
'rove in an d- in now 9 son (after: a long. whist bbut tt
its in mine , With: bad f
ultlpx�S Upon 14 the -Iidlub);w�"It is- awfully Imtei- Br Vin.-
lyrows n�eaitl:y. arti�le tliai.. whatever irktural force eat, produced by cO*1d..mud...bY a 4icking I)aoy in their E 0
whE U i a hituself to report
r- may be -the cause. meupto tic-.- --.to your
id, it i, - surrouud'. total otaudih�giu. the wei yatids- Without shoes Or Bennett ca wife?',', Brown
maybe am 3PDy ele�tiicit� alone WhaIfwill.you Bay.
It is.I int,idyed 61d Scotch-. a �Iarita.giow str6rig enough as -the trW; *He wa Shant muchii:
which can stGr4 and traiit�port it to. any, stackings& TOr this: Boa one. boy W wa'squ , .
a lood, Othek. ',pois�bniu - na-Whisper)-11Oht-_-LI to �extea confih6d to -bad-- foi.'twONe A lad- man and neither he nor his pa;pek 6in�tirited ", -rod-morning, dear,' or SOMJB�'
distance, in, m �praot�cid itud., leconom dal. uknow -, c
-handcuffay.), On him tol nItie L In t ose days., llyi'� he was I She'll say-Ibe rest12-"
themselv�s' or YiDg, the �Oigoii- -'�, V iii V
mad Rtiat - had h h
ria. sets i t,
Ma r n' The little thing of ihzi.scrt.:
them-, that. dipht k
POL while. be waw- in -bed And lor wtipp
; ed two or'three times
i's fautl�toe very ctly th S&Ma as found U Il a braad� holo -L�Because the Philmdelphia oni le
ys 019. t - " hear -thaf- . 'Hiudoo� girs -aee
s,exactly th -Iva d 'd on h
vmluabl�'As, a fertilizer- In Cortv%rall, Where- co twe a h SL in "Cell r any. ptW60s *oit - 1. Herald
of. h d
mted tongue. 0 ssheep have ixot suffered and watbr.:- The first-.dSybe Was birched, sj?i6aking of as ourri.i.dist; tilight toL- 'hin
been used, -Pro planua wxplit,as W -L of Alitrriage
W14eaL fbsso.r Wobil put and ;when hetame out ho vi�lis balled. 'Tile -ie---- 'er ho k
from tELe fluke a,�d other- diseases as thibY- �older citike .-can- still , math
ugue in sterib. "thankful th le ist �ilis makes
found upon a iealthy to, can it beli ves it
have, donNel8ewhere. The' b ot, -birchwa.i Soaked in lime before it Wars eady they 4
ey .were; in
y r fused to, gr6w -on tlie g�r a iY'
llzed�mattei the Smarter than, -b'
0 ght rhment's threats n- ey L - a
iusad st . - them
p9tMes. is "For who for' usi In 'order that its effects rhi of th
ove So ' "ething- e.two-ye.irs.
contrary, plants oni the tUoat or blood, b"illiemoTeLpminful, Anbtberb6v didd"in- larbed t 6sit kcLeod- was -aquitted.
Of 8, pdrSolf
n -"the, bouse
land. sex-s�aid 'ig a very valtiable: -mamirer; plitheria multi� lild�",-Who lves,- I
affeiete with dil the BtofWom; all.6thei little - foii6w& took- HIS Wds.-trii6d bdibre the Oyer ab& T cl
ni �z telve d s. earlier thall.. rl��c
pe u plied, rm�idlv. praetica suit of the 06tArt; righ of - yo -6�ftti ma, n�zuiure. Allaay oth6t v6isou because -the officiSis' w�re'.0ivayii' -tha t ainvestigation poi7ille b- s delibei6;W t S. Is he"afool?" --Gentle-
wl uy other out WAS the ilossibility
on" to him ;-seven... Oy Y Bet the- - mith." Child
crops have.alsc.y been benLfited liy its appli� that diplitherisi, , f existing t)ledries- -hold 6! -Cortidrily -...-not-" C&tio_L the schoiSIL raIther- than - stand aby. Viet 04 of M6tL
Oii I and execution, eod --for ma�
g d,,'ma'y' be 1 revented by artificial, longeX, the - oru� r ve in our!
QO I, tiestinerif to they Dtirfee and. turnitig1ho-Ci, O�. ii s ' '.the .11 a on the left of yoius?'
wore atibiec, sogas� in. ave certain y precipi
t6d.- '-The food. al a,
-Hdw photoigrapby oficoloramaybeaccbm' vaccination. In t e case'of. �-plenie fever Child
anim as;� W no would h'
hi,yers of: coa plished, ky 'dv gulaited from A�h ha� proved to Ii" Gentle 'd
'famous;, beetles, crickets. - an Were second rrible mar"betWeen 6pht Britain -he m ''fo man 0
a- d, .
silbuinen wtts explamede- to I rjA Imcewhat similar plant,
�he French originate in a d
the-: so#. One boy you &�k ? -Child Because I hear
lrequeutl-�- found in a ited-Stmfes. re:
Acad:6my of Scieuce by XVI, Q Ords and Pwiteur has four d thmt the -plant, when ow&m.setfoWLkesack&-.- the inutew and. oo
turned in. twIenty, In pitonounced mamma -Say
g -hild say§ the -mother.
ftsz . us a
fficiel t. time t X.'Caxpentier Tlwy submitted two phOto-- io iUe air, by. the uilty,
exposed a iu task was- c6liintl4d'and.he dib& But the t�e prisoner no.. h A Yes c
--r-e-p-ort, an 1ber sib
d graphic proofs of p tiDg.iii WzAer color%- -a�tioll of O'Lyenz lases�-its p6i's6fious-ebarac- mit flogged -for idleness iiet,? says.- the' printe a ry a
and at
g'with:the ori j, sho -the exac�V ter,' and -,when ti Len introdudled concluded -he. fsh
ywhdre.- -8 there are onthe
into 'the oor e ore a expired Were W.a&no - excitement isible-At meople. in he rn�oon Just, a
thti day b f b
nimal r.epr
0ductiou ot tll'ill,detntils itud. coloiE4 I but is nThe'pr soner.s keen grey(
�';;ye� brightened BU there bThree photographs of the. odainal wbre longer fAtal.. Th deduction thmt, -this UP �earth.
his -hat kna cloak, 6 Indeea;and, pz:ay. why -ea.
le a n't thdebe,
-14:4 G -ran e screen,, I known roolt- )KNIG-111I..
ithL el from the Vly9
ken - one,tho.dgly a, U %U -go
' 1 - b L tiVm'tad" so heislowlyre.tired* hisdons�l se,_Wbarp vdufdthe�,
third, - thouglf A'z liquid green screen, and in time b L- Uri
aSent t*' the Refarmiittort�Au nI III Wh re per d�ps the dostinies% of, J You �;mn hardly
__i -violet 6'areem. -with the system Co. e when --the moon get'
1 quid i atdd
that. when ini 11 11i4li-Y!, . L . -
-been eterm
to -_t dj�jaga i a-riation-had. d iiied in. own'..gea -0
-the imag ).tained tl� - � U tI . . . I
For drit, *1
'King L Sion telegra . In reports' v- diet: of acquittAl. lig CoXktil 140T,� SHE
wiLweuiplo eluding the - a -- that John eX
an red col6r- bath yed; foi -its f�tal' form. Con' I cture, A
;he'hight- . . . . . .
le k.-sdc4ndsqiei' Prof.W 1 led vien. he, said: Ho a, 9.11- glish- lad, was charged at 'Twa� jLUSt�belor�Liho� migtery of i
R109ko's Ce W
that d, e through the IgiIt 01 o"A; -Looriiecl-thToiigh-thei-duiky-i)-.oi!talial-the-east-;.
blue Pro th" iheg- Iiscoeries� coiAiI, ver -ha-vd: the�p —c uYt with -Imvinp ZtoIew,frozn �jeliour when -bats begin their1light'
, .1� �4�, th( nehtal" Themag-
bath a for i, effected: thrc c o1i a Co
ry tilitions, spair o n pires,94 or to th
thirds 'r- eu it yellow bath beaumade' renvine Murray iTime -And -vn.
c e In this pro but for, the aid o4 iv ectionc Hen rOwn a h
evidently. no d irect Photographic aga Small tin, biLuk'containifi
hereJ lust ch there is a-fodlia; udice in hest, keys and
asous -h
prej -1 of --his boart .
.$2. He ackilowled (if Moltke miWing success' -Between im and the'id
n of objects with their hatural �theL min -of Ma angtof u
reproductiO Ry- A ce liplan6d. boards forbidding rose
money, but th 6rtitles- ]I& Said he: tire -'not -far to seeki ' It: hus be -favoring seams .
other init4i theelimber s i
m- at the Military sit, May. be no very pro-- - friendly knot-wh6les tempt-his,tinglin
VANANAL: .,4Q.4 found. He arrived-. f iorn Eugland'ibout th
0 f rylthM "ibi-pi
ouquet of MiUR46: Mas, and I ound myste -incip the
fortnight b 5ie'lait Christ
Th a- I&N
n -the Aaring.`L Shall I top
'Harcourt, in a, speee at Dreadiul-Wo plain g
Seven months- -worked' for -a Wholesale rood -sense abdthat a r William rtalityAniong tNo principles of I
His peop w eye,a -c a hea an eatt The CoWiar
Ol to
compared Liarfl Saliabfiry to that 6 S�ys Morisioni le ere -in a d d- a-itait h iiiightyleap he takes, andLoIn the. p
�NV A despatch from Panama roost Of Toronto. A
14 9
general than all His Uly f6rm-& quivering object sits.
-h ad of hrasa n4uay.'6-thelkh iWilldo-mir to make-
fL t a c er� o a ma
e ay -City, -thre 0 birthday. -theAia I 9T
is uive of. bii-16ih-
ane st�tue' which- had & -the r
a Goslon Blanch6t, Chief o England. 'He st6le.
I If it w&s� the image e3 I
a of`J,6rnini.1' -These asi, a
and feet o Vic died in thi tile an he tory at .Peue a do hot 11SU Jac -a Bible its head ws of fine sent t b"' t 1fight's ca
ire his tiof, ndelabra 11ash along t
menItion'd in -tb yello* feVbr. :Ris, duties equ He was othp Reforrata nite' exhaust the h.e'L SR;y 7 tbmt L - . Ite comoth rows
udoubt., the bdve in'.
gold -but it. mmy4 have been that freTent pi&ence- along-'thel. line oo t 8 tan uisliage'for -two years. -The genteniee- ere is., no: 'di
is -The little -fellOW- natural quislificationSI Combi wh&d I ishe . 3 -?. L
rom a tri Ah, ],aged thing of sabrie swityi I an d' e-zeturne f p �011 si ere too-sevefg. medjonih:- the' one �oh his fat&ho has
splinters out -o
With fron� o 'Came from 'rioudstudy.of )reity -Tw .�doctbrs f brass and feetof.cl&Y- days before is death, &na was - tak ig-deformed-.* He ays he first. se
-a ..great caiPtaitik -fortune I& litii.tL or 40g
D -the- I a
-ill immedia I. urin is fatber,'wh to. Produce water-ipe on
-Gladzitone, hk his great speev at tely up6a..his:arrival toSearch: for b` Min.' -And Moltke- fableV, 'That i
1. Meed 41 standi nLg smoderately f voring 16ponds Ono how you acquire
s. sooke of Xr Tarm i 'the PaSt'few days a.nambet Of employelas 'for Cau:i6de; 'ahead bf 86
beb 'broughtto . ri -he' -was . he L: a east taken careL that fortubt .5 ould �p Ion. If YOU."buy,it,
like Moses,.'bet' dily have essenion of, the 'me.
ween the 'livi'g and 'the pf the. canal coMp mother died he --_young, and
eero ;was. tr weli as possible be- agnnst -him.. streetit is a more vegetable. - but if ybut:
est, Vutr to spread the., foreiga -hospital, -suffering from f ridd over to th Iendef -mercies o an as - r t - -
'dead -not howeirer,. to arr he
Samrbruek Ao Spainil-. -it WE69 have t' crawl on your stomach; -about-haif
den Asioni: At Gatan 'station there v6i 9 --Of surit, Who to g
It Should have b S ibn a 4 a iretriaof him sent him to. this From, 0
. 0 6f him !he left to le�throujh high weeds, on moonlight
LSed bLy exposure to d arture fr hing -to
an. re- t*L d6aithiL dafly,- cau country, Before -taking big-- ep oone a - t IuUheon, de- sun- and -raib, whibb. the abote the: police stait MU0 U MhUtlell -9,- Stor w Iq -while the Old ranger who -
of Lond-bb- wh 0
ir� uhdargo. don �he Wrote a letter of iAecio ding L to night Ptd steal it,
Mr.- teriderI to &I -a, friend �of I Ke's once owns' -maleepil t -on
ast'300-,madamployed at sd� int -his cit h ' had' explaiiia-much, h rich - Ana.
d him ati I[I.our honored lidst..'t -There, ars at I t W 0-
ki encQU, 11, tared him ropical lru%
point',- buildirig;houseg. and ma, 1119 a befriended 111112., in the Atre ucot
Mon mei Ae secchd ON I[ONEY.
llfta'es tOL Sam :road to Colon., eoq nien have -Iia accioln- morab a mor
a -13olubbed, th e ii
The'LorIdon, D ily 2�eics 9, ��tion or- pr I o action frdm-,VaiD 'and'are' halt of sulki-ino the Frnch b1ii atu' voil's a pretty hard, plade
-aL-bre,-Lch-*of �Prdmise- case. Said,
Weller us mentioning nbver r6mernbeIng mbd' it was ece
of S ep in 4) -aft
the'�, .2, 1 ha- iholkerid; or Ef er,hasn!t got plefity qb dash
eat compelled: to- ..,pen air and . A:Jusi been r ividd, and - 1-1
-defendant,. I more I - - . ebbery one Says, beautiful fac6r'
afaytbing aa.ai char�cteristie . the ly-. askeabeLr if she L , .- . . Us wat a
moist or. d Ld a -hasty greetirig,was- moving on.1 Whither BOV :dey
marry me, -pi my- 0 all Wefl .
'Me&UiD-g Kgr U4 &MP grour Would
k "tapley. der cars- on sees wr dimin flash,,
MoltkeA-; Oh I
now YOU U s on -
New uskjaw fat ly in. a few - days. -very- bruising -young - Wen.aman' h 'as sn'likewisepootr
-her. Di3if yer see?,
a termih�stes,
inhabitants." -which Starts the' favor f, It. asked�
didnt. make:-Uny, promis ast be busy.
�e a pr(
-"T don't:sebm td. -reic Sort ob ai show
Anall. Geiman-wis Hebasift-na
'Ap hi h
i1hatis ajact," mi, oncir, but veryihing is ly aatithe, ensuing,: mail f off,
o�be nisde nniair - mi, - tile f ous:-strategiat"ca no will be druy td- do..wall; for s ure
plication A B ka, Furte"t. . krriIed -his colil h
]-this w6man's expects; t ' L ' -- * ' I " �
ameiA. for an Act to ineor- as,you raisei Over- 9, Por dat maii's vulgsj� ain'10W,
expeo you -n1 o A cafe; to talk p DOWL yeree?
�iorl.of Parl erai d"the late Of. Ai a shall-, to panic
EbrI rliq, tions,' W
The Thunder B my,& MinilesOt The fan
pbrvte -Bavarian b or., A�t Vefgalile�'ihe Railway. -Company, wlth'poWer io- clild who. died out west a few -weeka Cal.1 tha JISXt gla s of 'a
Now, ef yer p6eketis werry well -fill(
0 'a Castle id Fren.ch wolldered'-to' so .- Im: so..
'L a railav Iron! atornear Co A: Jewish'gehtlemahi surnm6nadloserve, ing"'.as -it- appearea -to UeiL An"you ownslobA.'
t66k place it on Fir my" do hi h sall
Wn Spilled
'Noveinber. `4tb,. va-st hcOursa London, excused Althoulb. yer honor h
a or at s1liticipest in
Prine Arthur's Land' g to poin on as a jur h'6 itrell4d i Deyll -take yet by do hA
a in after -avenin �Iio . lato -the
n, stiorided to do bmor to his' memory- no imslEvening ag�
-said river. and 06
-r6staurant, -he "had .6 ver, to bridge n the following i143 �addressed to on yprsed
Pigeon, Ri - a . - P,
projected linefro JuL11I6 Jamili, viult in the
ied a my 94 ric Y
_mL Duluth to wa n be-coToner: .111 eg.youl'-ill. excu C%jmli
nee' h ung of
'incorporate. pariah church r�u p�edoceisso , Rear in Pigeon �tivqr for -all A 1 -, , I iere his Sei ra attendance on religiou - J - 1 L - I , y Do'go
pt to. -grtl uds., I eing a
am4eaw a,
Me- s Gooderham, George A. Cox, a Aaron the'l H ----
it, )Ut in -a ne 'burial ground -1 �regimnti,-mnd stayed 'as ng--_ at tab 6 RS AW, leso d4hol'
-in�th title-reE Piiest --am- uryth1119 of
X hh:-S. Newberly,, Sarnei b3q in the prb� it
MoMilLlarf, John- bl6se -to the bank of the Lady Airlie forbidden by my -keligidn" others Not that he, ?
n, . l6aning n aahtastes-V6390f the�siroplegt. -it
1$'. P. Cheney end follo the arm -of picur it
wed1lid coff 6f a dead d F oth6ra as enc :,,wise than. my -of hiw 66 noticed that a fikVionite dish -Was
Son. ''-t.
-Brid Coinpany"L, With 9, her- eldds Lord Airli, hmvin.g been.. nearest kindrad.1111
roas gooSe. 0 had�s kult Ste. Marie ge 0 horou I , mas an Og&ie, We gh y' Tn
osjital stock 6f$1,000,000 - an4 withpower
rocession was a- etrid'a the 61
6yed -the
-for railway and,. heil pipers,
au det6stwass4ssins�g�ndd wants- a qrk that had�nb� ad t -be
Guite an s e-Iored-bi -,'w 6�
ided by the �to build anWork. a bridge who 4 O -A -at hiA. a AS'
t6b 4d
h .8 �ia oIUBSY� " �4 _, j. yer,
er. I.
-Mary RiLV 13111mn� and', Land, 6, men
St er. Pbrtugiiiiie
other purpqses� across- th d
er W-Charle -17 - -, - oore 'starfed' the e0erve.
the Le4l,�' wh
DudIdy Warriei'�-'sa�s hat A western. actim,�I .1 r4, eX. & 90� he oldest pipers of- Lordl Breadalb a �- and '.0th
castlie Tte
v D Smith*,, .61 Kentucky, is- t Me I n'L P mye jL �4r ;hn;b'4 16 pay. fcjmiug,4i- r SU- trab
in d ilth %h i6p bblEftr tyle- oh, in ffront 'of t ;oy PePFO D
tote a. o Loch& or Mpezqr -a -hen
Speaking, bishop
s, iewior oil Oirdiddwfihill road to
P 6tant, and English
-7 the: world.v Wss� gow Do'd yer. �oe ?
wn Ion- 1�
ho: Chiptht bi
�4t heiid of
H ecrati !3 1101f "Able id ki
L en