HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-12-02, Page 1• 1:11 GLIOT TRAVER, i • A.tt_oirtey-at-Law, Solic toxin Chan-- 0-litylei,aucer &c: U9ice text door to - kite Pest Office, Lucknow.; Out. • 318 J.A. ".-A,Ser kl-ER$ON,- ATrokrIET, Solici- • - • tor; c., Queen. Streit, Kincardine.- 1 r tAlaltOW- 4i, Ritutii3F001‘, .T• 1:$rri'era, Solicitors; &e. , Gocierich - .. 2" ' . - • 4, T. qAtkliQW [ W3E, Trk0.1J.D.POOT: rAEEsNIERV ILLE, 7 C.C1 EY A N dEi.. Ntoney to loan e•il eakyterins on Real Estate.: Valtiator for '1.`r-iist. Co. • • Itt 4 RATXON, Conveyancer, Commis- a-- IC) loner in B. R., etc. goinev to toacr at 6 per cent. straignt interest. Valliat r for The Landed Banking •CO. f • KINLOU(H. P0. : FREDERIPK'-itCidERS3 ' (Late of reeawater.) - = 1 - _ g ."tr ri-iter• at I.,aw., ....kttolicre y, 2Solicitor . in c 4ancery, onveyancer, Etc., Etc, antid - r ; . -•.'s M aw 'lei -It ook, TING.R.All, .oN. I ..,,er Scott'S -Bank.. 411.y artiOnu, 1 funds to Ioari. C'ARD. ?w. Atli‘YEE - .110.0KN0W, ONTARIO AmEttott & - tAqiikBE -.BANKERS-, . z.-1-cr OX]-: 0: -vir_ Money to Loan at Reducer' ates to - Suittne titter. ' • ' - i Loans on Mortgages as low as 5 per peal,' _ ., _ 4 - ' NOTES AND Mkt TUACE! !SOUGHT . : - Drafts and 'Cheques on all oirlts eaplied. f Accounts„, ents,- - - Special and Prompt Attentioi paid to the Collectinn oNotes, &a; . - C4).WilRUNI-slAT uumaR 2,.-1881:. tshii`io be distire,etly inderetboil ikatwe donot :hold ouisqves yeapenreible for 'the uews expre88e4 &i correspondents-Ep: • LaCknow Public..$0001. To the 'Editor Of the • Sazt001. Mi 1)4A- *Sia, -j see by your- last :week's issue ofthe SENTINti, that 1. ern Confronted by two lengtlit-letters. on the LucknoW-Behooli one 1. grieve to 15 RAIlTS_PAYABLE__ATLIPAR, "mud_ onthe Principal cities and thvtlis of Cana, da. ' and. on. the United Stater and Gl•eat ri-taiv' Parties Reuuttip Will find this the cheapest sa. est, &Oiled idnvenientrnethoe. - UN E air I FiVii per cent. allowed D 114, • Savings Bank Depart • Fauds:-Invested ror-Privat •We are prepared to offer- p at facility- afforded by a Chart r andoliequally favoribl t raitrt:eirtsine,4..tehry' e Bank MR' 11ARRISTER, :will be at LucknoW on every Wednes - • ef.ty eackweek. nutil'_the Branch Office- is. znened.. t MEDICAL. woe ' NIAC(1D, 1.--1 RA:1)1f ATE of the University of 'Poronto, Phy.loiton, 'Surgeon, &c., Office Ca,mii ,o1 it the bank. ,In okstt the' 1?r.fis tier in the lflice, call_ at the Lucknow Bank), • GEPIE - • - it I- ()NU- TO LEND on easy terms iuf _ -PaYttlen't Apoly - 1 JOHN 000 1C1 Agent, Dungannorii/ - _ kr:1 HAS. r. prQvizop.1",„.,a, :iut•veor. Valuator ne Land A.gerit .01lice_oner'Eaclie's Drug Std le'. Wi agliam, Ont. All ordeis by mail, will•re- 4eive priamIpt attention_ - .11.4sztrayt,:e geltt,:i ENT1S-'CRY. E-RO ME bilentiati of 11-S, Dental Surgery, has re- tnoved to MT iinf.ham, where he will carry ;on t.c.e dentistry ,.- ha he would. beg:.to inform his tiatroni.that he will visit Luelcaroav on the first NIonday ,ausl. Tuesday, and nasty. ' Nloaday and Tuesday of' each mth Office at Pascoe'S Itotelt . onveyaneing in all its Itranehes.,- Fiee:.and :Li e B T GOWANIEs REP Ep214,T,..1). - • • OFFICE,Honts..,4196at 9 W. TO 4 111 ‘1 • ;,...)AmERot& o4mp.BEL . , oc-nricow." - Oldlight Lode;.. V-0. ISA, G.:B. .0. 11 meets tU Thursday on or before f allniohn _ . r ;---'.2t7r.4"; If each month at 8; -.-,... . •.:-..,-.--- f`'.. - p.m: Viaing-breth- . . . rencordiailyiuvited. R,. -4. HLTXTER ; . IVJUGALI) 11-ICINN ON , W....a. Beg-rho:Ty „ _ laleK.N.07 LODGE No. 112 AM (0E- CAMP NOTARYP U . CaramiseloOr int2!,. R.., Co E Etc. iirt*NOW.- _ 'Conveyancing in all its Bra Deeds Mortgages Bonds; Leases; '8ze., _pioniptfy and ca ed, and correctness guaranteed Special and prompt attenti searching of Titles; and to al nected with_ the transfer of Re C-HARGES RPASON Meets e7erY TridaY evening at 8 o'clock, in heir If all,. Campbell -a. Au hrethren:col- disay invited. WM: CONNFILL, Seesetary., , ..ShentoOra TOolin ONT- 14.0 C., tieyancer,g - NTAR40. • es. rgeeintits, lily prepar paid t4 the atters corv 1 state. r- • - -BLEi _H. W. C. ME R, Barrister, and Attorn y at Law. OfFlOCKENT'S.131:K,WINGHANI. learn is: from• an outsider not interest, ea -in the school at all, te.clergyman,and a -A. under the, norri, phone- of: it Parent,".. but iimidani kis not , yet informednie at least offiCielly who he, iS, that has so far -forgotten -hie sacred. calling and scholastic'ettainmeiits a to - . • . So-_iiiioalled for . andsoiinseein- _IV correspond-ence;so grossly-.1intratbflil. in its stateinente; basely tnd so cowardly in its bearing. through- out. : The.other;-a.se-cond. epistle from. the. Rev, r oho. Welker;also.en'outaider. JO reading :Over .theeorreepondence ot these clerical* t-ientleinen (if it be • true- , . r. that theY7.both are-,).- especially :that 1. of John -Walker,' la full•of.slanderonoi and.. unproven charges, . lig:Utterly' Void ef- eharitY, So full of spleen and- veriani in its .toneiiarid so persistent:. 411-;. gating,' them, that-:ona ..cannot - but feel the -exti.ao- rdinary•-co..traSt-there is: ht.,- tweelNus Whitened sepulchre and the Mast.,- he professes to _fdlow and Serve. How much bus _conduct is ..in harmony with•the precepts jiidge.not thato HOLE No. think that they-cod.d. takesueli.liearsall,-question to retire. Until .. She _would - _corW,:. • - - -- - - - - -I . Now that the tune for he lilection ..' Hee, of trustees approaching,. it behooves - .80*:96.nitillskt-.0..913d. -09t10,fad1Ory. i 0 iii w:h-ai--iiitsayS::: .--. The ethical's:die ; the people to elect tiva 9tiph-• .iiien.: as .ticin;:iii-Oral training- and Social.' PositiOh j t eau sunseribe to Jojni A.V.alkt'a.- thi-e-t one sided evidence which he consider 'TOY with the rules. of cle.ardiiness._ -•,., (save the mark), forbidfs one to suspect of evidence, in order that fair plaY:11- a (even) - said pupil of inventing a te . done to nim, and peace and harmony_ . _ . . &eating -a fabrication. hat a gran once more reign snprenie. . 1 beg most ani glorious iniOrOvernent-011._-_tho •-h -resPeetfally;- alsntn:atihmit -that when . -fossil 'British:law and. Whitt, a - saving thetime atones for tile engagement. of. -- ritif e4penentothe ea -until injudgo„lifil„ teachers,-. that -,the canditateS after ton ---- Witnesses; and alt the otner' perapherns t. tilying.-.iiiiith .the ,ekirriealon . 'of!' eillies lia rendered ne cessary- in the proper Ad!l s ' tied . and. moral be - Also -gab .,._, . ,. _ . , . _ , .. _ „ _ _ ,.._.: - ministration of justice, ifsuch‘one.:sidei-i :;rnitted to ...John •:- Welker's '- standard of = I hearsay, . but UnquestiOnabbk eviden0 InanhPad; -. -and: - h4iti.',..-- passed - -sit, . . *could be Mad), -_a tillable, iiistSub: ere yet -any'.doikt ead..of if there --....is - . -. • -:- '-.- -- .. .-initting betli- O Odes Ae the critical. ex: on the minds roftlie trusteesesjo their. .., . . . . . 'iarnination-of opposing othincili,' od--..-.dt fitneeS, 'After ...having -obta.ineda certifk- ---- - .- cibtAideicitig; :every:::nien- ionecent-..-,11htil-- Of :cf--4013iCal.' :edlicittiolI,, Ariorar +v;,ine. jiiitiate nrsii.en -•gpilty. - , What 'a -:grand-reVent: and-..-snnial rp.o.sition," :that, theybe tin,.- I OLICITOR for .-Bank. of it Hamilton" and. Commissioner! for taking . Manitoba. Farm, Town; and .pro and sold.. • goikey (private funds) loaned. seeurity a„t.,644.- 'oer cent. goney invested jor piiVate - the best -Mortgage securities wit Pense to Lehder. ' Lands for•saie in Manitoba a West; • - • daviGs for erty beught On Mortgage" ;sena upon• Out! PAY e)E- cl the -North Win " in _ ' the conduct of eriegi,: ally submitted to the pre per authority nal proiecutions, it the. aacueed co 11' in inch matters as ..to whether they - produce a certificate -to show that can bo ." respected more -than ethical education, .moral - negtoes.:.. 'Parent again, John judge,gocial i 19 sla.1'1;sacoo::t ded the bp:64.tt the hasany- I -even) of guilt Of 4'10) ,.14tep.tiypri; . or any other pat, - school, poiiitecl n Waiker. fair or i-easonable grounls such *mod CIO iW4r 0._Orlee and forever WIth charges as are so stiong,ly infirred,,:they - the vexed question �f insaiity .by , - - e- : ;•• rare -not acting in the- 'best. int,ere.-Ste of the schoolorsociety if thydonot bis-0111-'06rie4)--60.:611e what hft..LI etibtnitl-thela '131.4er" . . ai-4-ei.•0 proper. evittnan.al and -0710- 'at- --_-ioe,..1".flaisii-red that the tinet::: 'crave.the reader's. "indulgence. Whi.1 1,iave the interest. Of the, school- • some fttioer Citi.ntatinns- fr014.pa_ ,-eutnmlnutkem h' -art as muoh th ity at tio - n . if John Walker- Or Any --other ,complainatit,:iaij any feir that juStice will not - 1?ei LUS -them by: my presence. no the Board, _-1 shall"... ow:sr:. be too glad,to. retire .while Y, -the: Matter is under -'invostiga 1•0', t Would it not therefore be. -more -:-Cliaritable,: more .0hristien-like, and More in accordance With truth aiid jighteonShess". to submit. such matters.- .-- te:the/13oard first; .:and,if they )ardyretuie tea -4 in = -.4-a Matter,: then ' ..subinit it to :ant: tribunal._ they hke, - the public: press 4-conrts °flaw. Now., r. E.ditoi,IliankJ..ogyOu_for your,Cour- • tesY 0-in,lif4i-rnes4'i.tr giving space . to--- so - i;.aueh cattreSpenderice„.., I prouilise t1t- unle-ee it is something veyy•-0?isonal .E114 .tirkellt,11a11...-ricot :"agi411 :trouble -be; IVA jiidged.; if thy biother ofl'end thee • forgive, yea _seventy. *.times seven ;- if thine enemy smite 'thee .on :one cheek turn the other to hiw also " -How • inueh. of the charity -of te goba Saeiiariten pervades 'his conduct. .1. r hove been taught from my .youth 16 te- :Spa, and honor the clergy; end it:is-ail tone -to he -able. to do so, but, clergymen so disgraese :the holf.°Ace•to'.whiebthet (at least) :fess. t6.44ve been '.celled;ae to Stepid6wn and off -..-this. sacred' :-entineilee, initaate ,cariduct.,and-.gravel thefilthf-shind- • tinprov-eu ohitres, falai et itto--: inents; donteMptiblio. arid iniptite'utiwt,rthy es to.others,lati: igliage. 'cannot-he-too:strong for their -con- demnation, anci- with 'this .. as I have alveady.repned-,.61, leirgth to Parent's cominunicatiop; end -Will. do. 80 again nnt.sonthilated) YOur eit- :weertl:issue; Witl. :tiro.zeerd•IO with John/. *Walker's -two • epistiesi; -1h doing so try and Use: eholi.- quota. tions anct.'•• inferences from: .. his 'own correspondence - support . •.03T - he I deemnece.esarY -order- !' Mete to "him. the -measure: .Which inetea 'ant to erthers.'.'. -in one partienlar instance, however, J will ,nOt. follow hia example,l will not call..hini- John wten• not follow- hisexamplel in . hypocritical --entlearlienta as "--t1:169e d.e9r gentlemen,"- th.nseir good. -40,1413,:like, kissing therm 4-- I the -eheek, and -betraying them -Omnnxt - Moment: '7 Those good,rneti". of whom -he Says it. is.-" useless"; to lay our . . grievandes-:. befare . they will justi::- fy their action. no matter how it etin filets with ,public epinion. or . Usage4., in; other ..lcircles, -.al- well as •With. schocil -Bow -very nominating - town;" it mast be to, think -,..that -nent .or.notorions Ainitn. as John Walk- : been unvittiaMY received' iourtequalY, treatekreepli3ttully ani with coilfidennechy gentlemenrof elsewhere; to have heeh se Our4 treat: .pck on a forrierpcoasion„ And by 9--foini;. er.cliairman and -SO-infeerenionicius bv the'present one, Dr. t Wenerininion„ as to eelude the thchight.: submitti4. his grt.:67aOces to the wholn•Board, -not:. withstanding that he knows that the 5ecretery, the offleial busitieSsi. men Of ther'lloaid,rand - 'the prolier .grii.vanee-s. to; 'oat,te mentbers if oe- :Board -"-,commis4oned'. .. the . -.Crolen :to eilministet inettee, and that the Other Members, -(not ittrlu-iing my: -self,at. eikei 's pleaSure„). are . Men. who in 'every essential Of_ mapheod,-- .ship, at!d public I)iDiOfl-.are -8° .11111eS h is_ su perinr;that there is no COmparison. .316NEY*TO. Li) X. kiret$EY,TO 1.4)A1N- Ol)1 FARA, .1.11 Property' i 6.ano per -cent, abceru 1.0 the semuiti offered. The above *ill in loaned on any t •rnis to suir he borrower fly aniwinet Helenkt (.., a -respondence. 441 be cheerf witiniut expensf.:-. For birth .._ appiair- to - - .- • -1 aPlIN. '11 • 407: . • • - - THISL.00.UET METS' =, a' the- Fit'st and Third, MOndays ' "in 4very ,-okonth; at t.30./2....:-.y.,,..intrreraperance-./Elall.. ..,Prethren. will please attend. ' : . • A.LEN. NiAc ENTYRE, It. S. - - • net pe'r lay at .gPr isit plea sent -free.: -Address - :S 1? I,- SON; & CO, POrtla,ii,d, Lune FLO URA11.1,4:FEElIa _ istAvrER. TRELE.4vEr4 Aa in the past,.etill keepa on hand a large and • auperior stock of GENE itA I._ GROCERIES -• - •E Twinning everythinc, f aund in ti'' larder of a gtiocf tiousvkeeper, lie would. atso interim the m ore "particular:Iv the foriningeorarrunt, that he has engaged the seri/ices of a TilpROUG,1:71 , • „and still carry on the Milling husine4e with li. renal"' A- vigor, and by.. turning mit good grists in cifir c: time. gai"c increased patronage from the pm lie. All kinds. of . •-' -. , GRA.uku. AND SEEDS i e.onstantly. on Niwcfp... poikorect- to ahyl Part of ta v TAvinf. • ' Same. Source, to -shew. what he .e.Onsii. an 'unnianly nirtn„ "a. Man. who will -. nosed -14 -lei himselfdavin or boil -44h - self by being- obliged -0- ap1.9;1,0.-vil,d0 hlunii-ei,s,!!.,1: is ".on- -unmanly i `-‘ without -_parts,"- .: .-u_hgentleitian: KyiclaUti.v. , iva - :- is -.:pf ,.-j the - -0 ,loii :that he himself : is . a ‘qmiii-... 0 -:64- ': parts," .i anci: ': that.-: opinionshared by your humble servant, and no doubt-abandonod. the -pulpit, -tetook_Iiimiielf tee-inore preearieus jgrietile ropAiiiifit .-because . he. 'cOOli.1 .." aceept:a ,p-Ositionfar --cv hien :he i5 Ifitted;':', Prat he was . eorreet.-.in - Opinion'. -Of . hiniselt" can very ettail- , shown, :for =guy mini that can. mix . . . .. . , ... :unproven . slanders,-Canteliptible ins .:_ations„ - inipute.' unworthy' nicti yes °theta, witb seerea.Scriptural quatat ... . -. . , . . . -in -- one-Conglonferate.MaiS, is -.Ott '-iiio ' ornarnent; crediti.or: profit ts Oftistiatii :clitirelter- people. Some years ago whenhe-says:he. haa aoc " to lay his a corp . boOtiy,?7_. 44 Av.aic.caiitgud. to,..trjitiowt Ilia: .171undpvi4.: AnOthtr .-Oecesion. lcould be Cited where, he had auk. ledge himself in evinV, and ageordin GUY :TO LOANI oN.711tT:(3.,Ags MORTIAGES- at 7 to, 74 per oent -interest payahls yearly, (largo-a:err Moderate. "Apply to - - • ROBERT MURRAY, St. -Ifelena. Secretary of the West Wayguosla Mans& Fire Insurance Conipatty; nothing buff farm pronerty insured. Par ties Ix ishing tok- insure 1 iJl• this popular farmers company in tho town - of ColbOrne, Ash -field, East ahd West Wawan-psh,-Kinlpss, and Wimp by aehding a Poet Card. tome will be -calIecton and every information given. _.- - 1 ' • ROBERT' MURRAY ,St.1:1elerolvP.'0. MONEY'0 A Ar-citsFEYTOTA011•1= at 1 er eent;, fr v.L. 2 to 20 years, lists of F.arms3toes in. Ontario as well as Manitob .--' Parties . sirous to sell farms, will consul their intere kr-inspecting the- ad vertisitig fgPilities :Of s seriber in Great Britain and Ii ,i• id and c ; . , tment of lands for sple. • • - • : 'AN -US STIl, Al -.1', 019. ale: (te- sts Land-Vadentor, Lucklinw P dnt. itot nt tat lit3 to• 005 rlIv nY our lun ate 'de iso OW: his own finding be is therefoie an un: - Inanly Men, " without parta.".!..-:.Sin4e-ker 1 ieniemberti,eo Well on i the- .00caSiii."..:- el:: ludet :to hoW-,eurtly (When. -he.: . . iler;.. took fa deliver 9 ponderous diseper,e'On isoOfithirig, --anything,-..but nothing:par: ticaler,) - -the -cheirinati, Mr-. - Caraiiliell,-: treated-,-Iiie. i--lioW . the -.8edretary g Dr, Teniient,:.boiled rlaWn• his.seyen!Charges in_tOOne,:a.o.the qiiiet reinerlihe ttri;--. 1)1,ite§_4- t4. so, but *Mai 1 did -not-make - • -officially, '. he will no. doubt ialso -.-rieurienii .beir,i--that Mr. Campbell, the InspoOtor,. --told,him.that he vas -entirely wrong in - the ei)4,rse lie' pursued, in . slandering, th.ri. t Seller atict that he abbgid-tOlkit.c: ! e 1-. . - .: , . . - .kttowledge:-his'ITTOT-,. shake hands -- with and -inVite „lulu - to • tea to his h,use • to atone foi:the -wrong :he... --r. had. - .. ne- !him. ":11e. will alsO'reineriiber .whak ;ha:: - htols:e1( said, When 'he 'failed -te. iiikke - good any 61 4ris.'Ohat4eS„.: '" - 14/1T,da#Oht:.- ere have no incire:_reSEieqt -E6r: .N4, tireiii. nant than thier haVe;. for . [tn.:: illiititate *inegro,'' (smi!htisiaing-:eVery--- word; -and' thia-lier- con.dere& siiffidient stroiinflOor . ii the teaelier'a dianiiksel.-- 'Andne*.efter .the. butiiiiiet :on, -Of complete: deft* - - ' he retUrne like ' be dog to -hisivoniii, .f-Ille--, So* that was washed.. to WellOWiilg- in . the: triire,,(4n iiielegant.--qiU.-Itation0,-Yk ' - Walker 'may -think,- but one. ier-lhigh:. . there is alligh. _premien t, And lie711_-,_, :Sp.: :plies:IA(3 in bk. case,): to the sameiiland: 'teaclier,::trustpes,:end all- concernitt are INIONEY- To -1.40. .* At Greatly Recioced-Rates • 'ERS1$ OF REPAYKYNT TO sun 'borrower.- See rates before borrowing eisewhere. Agent for lirst:elass • -,-- iNstruarcz CO2,7.421'1E3. Trans -Atlantic; Mail Steamers Tickets for Liverpool., London; Glasgovr, and !nil Parts: ' of ,Europe. as low as any other Or,it-clatai . • , hire: fairAtlen Mont forBeattyLine ofiBteamers rickets for Winnipeg, and all pointi'west,i-At Jawed rates. ; .:•••or , - D-,-0A-mv3ELui uitio.4.4ti zio.C4 , Amti, on tbis subject, .4 i f,e1 satisfied that • it will. only end- in undesirable bitter - nese, Without aecomplishing- any ooit hoWeyer . much Mr. Welker may -think suchtinseendy7 slandering and black- mailing is purely in the in terest'of ir- t,ue -Morality,: andfor the part ha e taken in it. Epleadin justification, that I did not initiate •it, ane that I _have acted on' the defensive arid n But, let Melt .te ati to --his reason for net subinittiog ..siii'paseo grievancf,is . it is the fear that the' pout° wctulti hasp - wOra'oditifa upon, hiraself,*(eud he needs it - no,) for .he knows thijka Ontliagoie the' ',gill tdt, eir; walk in nekt: mato% tlie- keel int /wok • . o on the -:%;f2reirSii(3, St' 4ii40. that. those having rktieVenees- or: complaints.: . . , againet-erly Of the teae.hers Will not shrink from --a -• proper in'iestigation,- .beforeacting...in the. unseemly way- Arbien thia. corisspendenee Coniiee4ced- _ • I 491.1tear sir youra -MAcCursolON. - - _ • - "What `eitt4-:One.-Says- must . trues"- r? • - And every one --09. hes. tssted: its merits.; apeaks*arinly in praise of Hagyard'sPeatoraL Balsam .as a.,positive cure for .41 thtoat and'. Iiing.pc4Plaints,,conglis and colds;sorn.throat •- ; licoacmicaS anti incipient:consul:notion, mous, unproven char,:;(3s, in Miieh. Yakamonnt.-. • Pray»Oa.i. Otsw.00.44041,04. •-. '.1*ea Of the -21-4--;e00.-:,.. Huron, is up present With.. the „ -.erYsipeles...in: the face, _ -Wo Underitarid then:3,44-50'cent - ward. Offered tot the - clipped off Xeciltiireeinagnificent.-Spen;OlOOlts....: . . . Mr Stm-n.4 Matiiiire- and sister,haVer;-::. kist tettirned being from Chicage,Whero,: they were., visiting -.their Wends ...tor*: soma time :-.0inee, ;looking -.halo . hearty.. ;,.•: . teacht with the use of stkez--..p.hrases, ;which::4-.true, aro :to -say the. iroy ineleght: He • cites: ou pat tintilariai illustration,-, 0.• yon ',confounded dioy.:. beggar" -.Very; inelegant 'Word8.. travi,. but .perhaps itim.ta:*knoW: -hak cable: and ',truthliii- -they.] -wereliii that t .--1 .1.pParortiilta'.iiiiiiii4r 8.:1/8:79,ratnh;ii3.01finhinegPIAV48.8beproP the teacher !erred and'he Ottably- - Pi jn the -to.w-ti sl tip Of- Ashfi an Wednes lay morning,:at 5",a.in,„22nd- ..November„ Maggie, y.thifizest daughter of -Aim and Mte: John Murray,.of this,- phice, af,,ed 9 months 'ands ten :days, - Mi itoa ,mrs. !pave the. syzn- patv cf. the -surrounding vicinity% in, their: sad- hizr ea vemolit. . _ A Real Necessity. NO house should be 'withont a bottle of' . Hagyard's Yellow Oil, in . case of accident. There is no oreparation offered to suffering -- humanity that has made so many permanent., cures, or relieved so much pain and tnisery.' It called by some the Good Samaritan, br- ..otorst the Crtrozall,' sad. kky the afilketeal„sna . _ .Apgii of Measyi.-- '4. 4 • r.1.• -4.• d • P