HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-11-18, Page 8- Cafintry,Alutt_Latu.now ready,. 0, do_s.111cindtworkinstny_ line at lOwest. 'pri_ces consistent, with_gentt work. -131=popying and.'.Entarging Spesialty, Frames', and Stereo. scopes- on .hand. - 1..114110w, :ent-e. 9th; . . r M. E T.A.BLIEe. ``GOIN`C4-KOrTH 4 No, 4 53 3-11 12 5-2 .24 5 40 Villaot • I Witt Aforneward Bound,- - ..F:roni Pre manner' of -young men .rEAUtang 1 ro:it:I/IA.44: and e1stwr -4•Itmetoigroteit 44.8t-.:8-Atitti, ex/wt to iturtroNe wee -4 (lilt Vet ty ieaso abl .tins Audtlon Mr, 'X--,titie4- gar -if% of let- 3- con, will have at auction- d of fattn, Nti-venili-r', ;oia.ai Purves,, ,auctti.)1fri mat. For Sales: The, lielt:rokal-_-- Steam . savit -111,1 - Owned by. .ziA & .„%-:.t.raofith wilt . bA,:i . _ . . I .. 1 841- by itne4ititt. oi-WttelSdlav next, 2-2ip,-: . ,, ,, a 141,4 seitmttitp of - 8t)..e.ii; e•te.-4 • w i'll alsolt _ wild, X..Ptirves,- auction.:! r E ri!atit tn. In din-. conituntrica tCE on c. • SQ -11-40)1;Y: :iri;tc*--' fliy the._ tev, '11,71aer, ` which • . tyiwar4,irt our iue th,t haia4reetrtug to the n1:flinty I ace. ie3i. • "A • _ . • -:Tniazistrar.. KuttisIttinz - L , Kta,„ Ra. -anti-kee t .,c - e:.t . .Woolt5.4 -:- --clo.,0afor ta(ttes!' i.nd,_ift,,r4tr4in'aiwear --,(..; -,.-i_ntel#te--.0.„•c;arl--dopartinarkle,: -- -- - .._ .. . i . C3.5.011 Reward,: - ...,..1117.:e1:1 ft4.0:i.! :to 4 Muttiat,Fir..-InStiitute • - , . - - , - ..!antipIativ eftwera...a...r0, 1.i;?1 t a of -$500 !LW' '14 it,..,Etiteli neien,arvlie'.,)-nvietiotr.bf. are- party.:Or ;•f, 1-'-ttea wh4 isi-, fi.-0,.,to: tin-. -... rft-aindl..,. '..f:,h4tis of.4.1'• Tin**, atitil.t. :- -4:act-ft- , taarbing: of jo. ...0-1.4: of Am-gask; •il-o.tii--., ,affr-,L4Nfzi:314.1--Ar tri,„ ete..-.-bet4.1.4g:I.xt,4" 8f -r.. Peter hturr.:(y-,7,0-!t -the, 1.14-41,- of 4e-eighthM. October.1-48t., . - - • - i, - .orenntirticattone.-, Wialit'it to, . '-Ott Oat *f: Will net _ .. _ .- _ . , . . , .. , -s,i,kezatton tlinaterer,,.. tT).: -nutter- . . arty eon ,-. or:4_ 1*i-dimly 1;6 - E0---nfuttrileat ORS 1- s4. itacotki-va-t-r f - tr:4ft - o.--tuy, alliki Ti,Xi- - ' ei-' haVe al* , _ _ - _ _ , _ •4:-.4,:p_1::: 're:.et_ieit le4tt.r from -_a -t hu . hut-. ,..-- 1 • lOt, pithfish -tititift fraish-od- wtrli t r.pc." writet'S.U.tinte-. . NVOl do: mit visit to .p the' none . . .,. 4`Fittrf1 S.!. aro i'vri - " „..-..bott tithe- -I -`rweti;-.. sk ,.... i'Vt. k t CI Ty, (Nif kat attetUt • tt-sh Oreat 4toci Safes,: s le large., t- de: of farm stoc.sz. n1116 ‘ection„. triourteed, tO falcfp1ap4 a 4. 010-,-- tPIt qf ; -act-outitvf---g:oek.-ett, Lc:reg.:it ftrat:zlass.. fano eheav. rt-lg ..I.)unt_Arro„ v, • ga.� aiy- eijoybIe. and-4-tW .structiveentOtalninent u the-Caledoin, • hin. hat on Friday evenin last: and:exollnine MrS• R tcl• et.ock eostti trio- Ctutpis 1.11 - all eleaAing shades. Very stylish, , - •ntifilbet- -dip kite •beret or the OdritelloW's Louge; of this -villa-1,4(N visited- I'enetangore folge 'of •Iciocal• l cardiue, on Tuesday. _e?.3,.:(t(fge meeting' the vi iting breth:. rOn verentettiined 'to. an I ;y8b.41": 1.0„,cknow tea arriv(4-f-' inane On-thi.cei1v train •-11 • 40,3r• ';1.110rktillacr* a. .d • wtth accortr, prettoitnee - the e brethre "jOily good. fel1inge.i.7. .Parth,s, svantina-1).ry Cie -Ite(f -Flag ;Store. trie cheapest guut4,... Or • 134,1r dentin -48, Machine.Aucidenti 84tne threeveeks-ago wilt& . , at a threshing intichun;, .a On .Of LluortAtrie Boyle' of Kinitfrs, --got his - hand terribly_mutilatet lVUdicat -aid was stint in( tied a tht; titne and tne-T- it jure(' men; er was,. ts ..suppOsed, Etroperiy dr ssed: On ;ay JAW. Ve‘ek.,however,- it, cOritinente , 416.' ding al. -mini -and 1)r. Ma kid, of this , viLhge, ivaw' sent fur, wh found it ui-teso.,,ry to i, sort :a rod . -iron itt tfte wound to stop- the JIG:: - Wood: The timely arrival:a the d -etor save,t re- young4nan'sItfe-,..as• Wculd tio ,have bled .to death in -a_-,short ' • ' • M. .R4,1/0 -1:07g hare ist !receive( iart,11 at Of a tiew and'. F tqHats; .0.,t7p.ri:eit. ,the fia - estteVer IA -oil -67.4'v the: ." . _ -West WaWartosli Council. '7 - A-_tneettragot the towns-, fp' coutte-il held at- 'the- -Con o -cit till 1881., Nt.inberS il:--presoot,- TheReeve tlet, chair. - Witutes w.prtvuittanteeting read ana 1m4 WatteiTaylOr aplI(d to have ettivor 24-25,-„ Fever. The It eve Instrueted . „ tter, 414-rikrog i308.t1t g Bower biJt ToInfera:, tor th.o• c 1_41frit(;.tiqtiT ha 1 ow t.4 the 'contract was -.2tWaided.:..ti -1ys, at 131 .- colt per etrbie&- r - • . Ivard.• A num het -of -an amnia wori-,.! fkant.;:- The adjoirrited:. . • tTjt ertiryene having tried `-e,rsiniquilt,i) tht new toilet gem., Get a 5- cent sample RAJ a sttli continues.: for good • an4 he -.41 Gonda. Cotne early as piasildc. After itioon we cannot Wait •en all- the • e.uat.aners. -Many go away- ,unoeive4. Berrli& Clondenning. Liberal Club.. A Meeting. was held itthe Caledon jai): Hall,- ',it .0)!. *ill 4f1, on Tuesday evetriiig last;- vitrtio'::4 of. Otaii-, fzin;& when-- la Iaie -1,nin her of the fetuini Il.eferiners •.(-f villageand the toivrisoili ot *gin.: • ationdo.1, Ho'!. R. M. 'Wel e, of l'oti,ntn,. was•preSe.tit; .at!ft r«-;Iniered-: valthibto -asASt-ance :in the fltnation of th.. crun. . The following IA iiSt of the 'Officers tor the ctirre,:t - - ,• oo 000 . At pbell - .... President. . „1st Vice-Presitient. A. Maclutyre, W.11. . „Secretary: D;•tatterson •••• .. . - ' 3,46ifoivird - - . EXECUTIVE COMarrIlgE.. ob Nicholls,- D. McDonald., JOhn ;Houston. . . I% Corrigan. I -.- Jag, McLeod. Itl-gollatti, s yi,,-..AMI;ct,l(titel.z. .ie..., Jae!. Stevart. : U. W. ti rry. A. M criKrson.' . U-, Kerr: • i -#P t-meefing oft. le. f3bib will. be 1 111 1,I in. the.:•ainoliall'ol, ,17_ri lay je,Yrn- itni,76t1 D•to 1 1 m her, 'and itis - eritneatl-,. _ !queered_ .thit, all.. suppotters of: 0.€.1, Lihrral'partv Will..be, pretent.' - • . . _ „ .Trufltonk. of IVEillifierv- AA Fat cy . - anods i!Lt -Mrs, Itaileliffe's iiiithinry , . - • 1)epot, rs the I irszest and nu)s,t cAtiplete- ,Iver -eta wn in the liii-lage. , . .. $_tiecea ful Company. - Froth ,the: result -of an irsterYieW a . , - . - , few' -days.: ago-, with 'Mr. Murray, -of _St" Helens, the -Seli•otk..ry and Nlatieger of . west:. Woyandeli Fire Insurance ettati-jatiyi_ ;;40.:1, A rp. that -this cot!! pally . has: done A . Most succesal•nil- linsiness ,. .i • - - . utiinf- - the - Year just drawink . to- --a . . doge,- as 4 inay. now bp looked on with co!didynce :as".„one of he -host-r'liable mu: u d the Prb- that '1.11, tit. winel Jae, Martin. - McLean. • M. Corn:ran. Ir; MCIittyre . MacCrimnion.- A-. IVICt uiaig: • -A. McIntyre.' - fi.. r.e.-int4ilralfr..e ootupajiles11 . . i iiv:e. -_---We are pleaCitift.to.learn .- farmers of the sOx townships- . the - :Company :!iors _ bUsinf es; Nt .4;....., iF, st- an:I West Wawatuish, Ash-- ield,. -C. .horn , ,kand- ialoss 1iiiron,. )• - . - are so ,inktich „alive -to tileir-4wn. int ores' s as-tO ii,aingtirate and ,cai ry mi.- with so . . • . - in will-. shceessi an _Institution : which-. ::-...not- -only- ,.. prOve-: a. pncu ciary : benefit, . but.-otie. ii.-wh;nih.lthey liavn reason to , :pla_ne..ey -ry c=9}.fi0oofce,, .awl in. which tit -ex -get the i, hill , ' ,.-e,efit,- of -insn.ranee _ . . . at- -e-ct ttitt.-oost. --,- -the .:e9rfirpi,s-ny- -‘I es . _ . . . • -otzalliize,f: :!iti-Ikti-y,_ 1-.879-. - Du ring-thlit vr. thev 1961 about $6414, iiThl *1110 co flt 170.43 -hal - only -bee.-t-.a, .few r.. °. nth s to existeiteew,en ne ti3-. occurred, It . oUst, Ilse mein oers of the eotnp.tnyi-4: tlif.'iliiie 'of -the - losp„ $3.20 'for :ea -eh' 81000..iistirekt in 1886.. The 'cop patty'. It..).q;.- ,00t di . tg- and. -there-fOrit itiade,- rib itsse.s.s.orki in 1881,-...a1thon-1:11 'the .,fires by ligiblig, the torch o_f the...ioneknii, ary, hin4 fires„ anit-,M iier..cans3s,, -lnive Catw..,41 ,.zi) to ca..li:lo-,s ii tirs Provine-4 as wrli a4.iliother pUts. of -the • eOntir.enti whielt.wydoI no tibt .cripple It ,not.: . inattrile.„ et_ inp..--thiesi.- : trO..: probubly.". ext.i_40.*Itnp=a1uig:_ot1it,,...as Wentitike-; -an.e ---_,cot4pany--of-=-o-viir."-,tlittt-Y-,40ars: ifinditill-„,,t'i t ToroutO, winding. up .-no.W . .The- AV-i4s,atiosli_ Ins lost onlv $3 alt4 .- ,•:_-_... „gether--di ring tins: year,- : which: _ Speity-avcitiples' for the ability nr,d_.car4:-. oft -he ,ni n%-(*er of this institution.- • As-- we.take 4cleicp intmest-jti ' eyerythhigi-. ._,-.r, :affectina 1 our a,griCalturalftrienils, - we I wish. , th in -.118..- Hind].81.12Ci.T. in -, the future liazVe had in the: past,. and, ;hope' tl.ey - may long - laire tf..-.:e '-platit're .6flubking to.thoir,Own.--insizr4 . l . . . altce Colnp'any with that pride' Which. .. . ... . - such. a i tatitution nay well inspire' , Ikre,arila has eyek-attained sitch unli itird ! ed popularity in se short a I titne as :Minh).* -.1310-id Bitters, and that too, :during the exist4 _en e . ' conntiess numbere- of widely adver-•1 . tie() bitters and blood •iiutifyers. It .js esti di dent that ihis medicine 'begins. its .Work ,41 once,.andi ayes n.ociettitable effect unattained.'" I, Mits. AliCLIEFF, ht.a 4-,.ceived tier -fall and i.1 inta sit poly .- a M illi oery, Faitc0: GoodS Woolen ()beds Fur, - -ete • and ,. . . • , .. , ,. ., . . - - . ia b.tter t'181E al,yer pre[iat-:4 .,to. .atipply the iri..0t8 of her customers: . A -call so:' - -- ' . , . , p .....,...smisk 1th of- December 1881. •-.1tagyak(rs.l'eliow-.011. -Wilt be foundinvaluable for all ifurpbsestit a fatuity liniment. Immediate relief--witl fali .f(iw- usnia all eases of pain- in tho stomach, how48` or- side; ..theilmatiSm, colic, colds, and. br.ttiges::• For 'internal' a.roilnx tonal irse. itiiasiio equal.ii&the world 'fort"! W!hat_it _enter at twentr-five dente,. bottiln; • • . • . .vife,„ of Xr.,-Janies WIA'a resides'e *the', neighbor.' tool tiffthe st.in itt t with -7.a yeryi air1 pair -rill -1 ICIi1I nt at e- - hutd, 011. nonday last: • It 'pp us fat the urt -rRirtate 11 cito-14 bro;d4 to the, hotei. . : before: le 11.1114 • - ( sti6.Ms ALary Whitely, tbught:er (it t tie proprietor; - but it.- rot ri ruing in i sed the top of trlo -headitirvg-1(' the- -b. ,14.011t,- .tl-raturs-hunyult-the wn and by tee" Tennant w• itirtuedititely=stnitfor anal- set Ole ltaliftn wrIukii tilt poor tromait In. eyed to her pre.S.11). . - - 411.e orogr,ssniir favorably, and it hw an Psiin2-1-ditvtlg-.12t."8he 'ver. ei-n.1.103 xatri.ty at Atift. Vidal -ate& A 1 1• leading, shades_ s% -4,1 repretit-nfed,?Bi-""raC ° ;,,o- fur h >tit old and yOut2;;. IT" e4tifi-°11 '91 lAreSt.z y -on vi -i,41 to 8 01.0-:i'YrIP5-i_ and- bein h'P-I! Ic't. vile -'91144a of ctil- and-se,M. Radcliffe; large drai i Ir itt thetou ushi - Std Bereavernent. • West - WaWanosti.- tl.ta sad Vtitt1 is. week to- taye L -. f; in ienutli . octureen our an!, iVe., e!. -- ilertie to Jie.ar the 'sixth co, -awanosk uttilig 4 of Col' efsion of - -- .-)v- ':,illire; Eke-- ujaa- th OT.f- VilfM K. e,k, 4-w.:" ei-g' tiirre,et. rci: iii,e; at. -11iNt-op. 1. I -. b feet • an twerkty throa year:. witte . at. th,e .1-4,0ttotnst an , av,el'ag,eesr 70 tt rig weak , _deep Iti will c()a„:0. rr airdi dathteiT rot' Mr.. John t atiote_fiv-e, fa, 04 *hich .-1413 pa in . .1. litAlf ,r.as..111-016..rest,t".06e itistilinetit% 11,'• per °alit ten fever -1)404-404 ,',4tiferest,.by...the:_partieg -IhoeT.,prOperty place i -'' - ''44.1- be berni-,tel therehr.• As -the 1115111to. - rbaira9- ftau wibl atfe- Lay', c-.41,4p*oted the, • -wh:104:' !resulted her . • - 11*.anti-,, • - ru:a8 throutl a traet ofr atifit for cub ivatioa 111 f -he pre „.911,the %vat- rcavirse,. It shrill inc. value -of the n e A prop,:•r,y rts y. . 8 01(3 Contr,let i 130:110Wliat 1 rj4lr tban toiie, more- ' . )(id housel,tx --1rntt. has °t,0111:rvie°ncat irde,L,tteilil.:Cojuitnlc'e.i.1)1.!aevacil ciiidst_bcluoedn: "ty, that sidorable difficult geti g the . -[- et1410,.."••••._ Grilite "-# to pas tire end T1-101ROUG••V H. NT - toubt- teel ern iside blv trelutived. Who.H.k: ent stato! ease the -L 1vi I Keys, -. and will oi.erry on the Millimib;iiiness with lg. lf Iv-s-..incardi„e t Rowed vi or and by turning out good grists 'fransLAtlanth. - , .. quIck the, r,:tio increased. patrOnaoe from 1 ^ - (61 L nZ.•_.r an., -parse; .. ,.. b .ax erp , , o , ..O1--Bui•ope: as lowtte work _ • "he Iiablio. i Alt kinds of GRAIN AND swaps sal- Also A la gent for Bea it - ' constantly on band- -i Tickets for Winnipeg antra i - : ., . ' • lowest rates. -.. - re` t • Cioc,4 Delivered to any Part of tit' • p CAk. = . - t 1 Tqwni, _i4liceo.! Me ..Tfil. CI' -.11111111,N. In tucknoiv. on Tuesday the wifeofMr. Jame? _ 144.r.er kf p8 -in. itg WEEP,. - 3:toss--1A.LKER-1.o Kincardine; on -Wedne7,d4y 1 November lith by ..the„Rev.. J. 1..; Murray, the raw& d_en•de _of the ' bridi-Ozoneie. intrents, Mr. -John Ross to Miss ,B,411n Walker, 'bah ofi.t..ucknow. dr' was in .t.ow-n- ow_ Wiiiin-8044y: .1.8 ot...i. -111j88:-Itink,' Of Oltoi:Ay' is: ixt-ires0fit- vigiting her-sieter iit. IX .4,..-Vtinwron!8-, . . .. - . _ ... .. .,.. ... .._.... . ,.: . . _.. . ... he its..:41:f.f Kujili‘kic-i81(34.61.:::!Willts.'''::::nintw°'1'1.76n.' ru.esday. last.-.....- .... .._ , .- ........ ... . . - . . . .. .mt, GeOl, ,Mellardr,l0ft' on _Monday •.- -last .f.Or •T,to,::*Vlere ' .h�r. intetals- e.peralini, i-feW'-dnyti. • ---- ' .. Mr Jot. tfugg, ni-i eat .. 4pytr, , 1,4- .i.or'Keip,i-o.im wi•-tueitilay, 1, -i -sr:. here: :.-b e iti,i1ers-q$141-04,$-Ik..lev.f -../1-„Ot,4.- litib- Iris:friends - .- -- - - .. , - , - .. The lion.:, 1t.,--111,-We11i; _15'.1.--- 01-T.Irtin-re, spent -,t few-•, days-, in . t vill..ge, :this week.- -.the, gueskol-: r. . . . .. . 1)..,E.." Co ineron, banker. --. _ . - . .-... .... . Ma tr-T I.,,ithi8a-y- 4-twretree, . Sen. .o rhos. -LaW-renee„ , Visq.,i- ,Wlin. iirrive0- here fro:* f.Itoiti it tit - laS t; 1 wegfc,:.• left - .- i• t: T4e0...h.y--.),..st tot L.ifil.pi.,.=_,tii.-'4,0i0. - t h.p.- large drug establishin:44, Of Mr ' 'Wm. §4.,u,i iders. • -: : We - tv iiii- - Liinuiay-- every - :::e.r.:-.pfeased .to hear that otir : If r" cd-- IR ,bet ,Soin 3 V, 11 t.i.k(t4 ow" gi . . ,oe.: t 1.),C." _feunant,',, ,14„.,4_,:- Ilann NI.)1 o C I ay firai--.-:-, Wjiiiti-..fi)i-i;IVei fr: .-. ing ye in the .McklictiLlit-41-,.:TR ihe,it !.:ava -general- ,e i tisIPC! ion I to- .Ttlie .111:1 ny custohnirS,- afut,we teel.tertain. - tbry ail- weil.-a4.otinieltres will .he . gild .to-. et. Itim oin;e..-tri4re _beh'ind .the. • counto.: The -14. .will-Ilin8 live nioi:e.: tithe •-ty.--, -attend -. to .,' .hjki. -11iiItirca1 praectice-, to `,.v.1J1f..:4 he willAl•nvOte: all his tinle.,, lraraitletint. o . Our 'our*. cor-esiognde4-: - On Frith:1y e*.e:iiing 1 ..laS0v--eek some. inalhnousTer ion. or pers*tia c!i•tered..th7._, Oretniiies:. of .-Aft:-.14attie,.; MeGuit'e:aitd abeat ed tire,. wanes- 11:8. Mag:, nificriat _span of -'colts.. 'the patty or:patties who -,Wercengaged.: iff spar aibeh-=:velent and netghboilj tuck b tilid'otfe;.-"likin'oilf;" Mr..; . . . . Gone gets a:hold on.theln he tuenj,-aS the old Say Log ;;i.S, :Where e ao 8 wont bite eni.'.. • , , .A 411o.oti..ngsimich ..was .h.ehl res_iiienc(.3 orMr _Gayirts., efirMend• last, thit,k . it „ waa..a :success. 'Inc.inei0ibOra ail of. ,friOflts gather at the -.i.egi(iell-Ce of Mir.;Per Aluira., for the:purl) toeut ere-eting hew sta b wkerp.the- old one: et.nstinnid, fire.. Tin`, .penple nett;o'5!s'ork atid-befOrer ry longhad :all; the: ()wits-. to4ether randy- 'ter,-. raiSing: The •nieti diviue without tie aid of napTaiii8 as Ilya -t was so Very cjld andWet, and:there . little _chance 4or argeoil .race. '171. e framer gave Ile 'signal :to to raise and - . . • soon the -buil, ting was up: The, -butld- ingwas franiett by eut.-.2J-ii.n,:e14-, ID•udek -.sop.,,,s_Asiff.i.-1,1, iti a first elase style, _ Ilew_drop A,, No, 3.96';7for.14..ptegeu(sOartil areas.fOtlewS Preablenc, _ - - Tay; Vice "President, - W. .Richards.; Iteastirq,. Davis; S -r., -Can ',no tor,- .1‘toggit - - Atritew, • J 1.1 .alle,ler, :J. P. -Murray; 0.: Murilnely,'M u 1iail. I)!puty M.irI alJ, Annie Attne.'A dc;s."Agnew;,_-: Senti -G. r4eicenzie;-•:Pat -.11.-rcsid,-,nti .5. 11 A Very Fine Stock Of LBTIMS, BOTH AUTOGRAPH- , - AND PHOTOGRAPH, !BLEB, HYMN BOOKS, LANDSCAPE,: EDITIolk OF - scgoast,--.0p0s„,., . - D SCHOOL, REQUISITES, OF 1 ALLrKIND13# :VAOLINS .OLEO-GRAPFIS,-- PAP-ELr nd a Great lrazietk of Fancy Goods of all P kinds at prices as low as any Come _ antigen for yourselves. - COW ESITAY. TRAYED FROMTHE ruEmi-sEs OF - - :thuberiber,1 a Sinali Red Cow, abut r years old. Last Seen other was. about 7t1i, titt:!rhawoednil.1163e eaddtlic Ohtler7elal-An)covelyu nr-illbilet:1113fitaathitrY THOS. LAWRECE, tucknow. -11111:1F-ER ESTICAY.: '1114YED •To'. PREMISES OF: Andrew McManons. Lot 40, Tat Mu., nloss, or about the 20th _Oetulfer. a !fedi riti-ling Heifer. The ()Wiser is requested. 4rar prove property, pay expenses and take -ANDUEW 493in. ' _ MONEY TO -oNEy. To LOAN oTN Goon FARM' Property '1, t 6 and si per -cent; accord - to thr!, Security -offered. Inc aboy, wilibe -gated on any terms . to snitbe li-TroWer. orrespontienee wig be -cheerfully answeted. I--thout expense; For .further particulate - a ply to. . - 4011X GOPDON, - St. Ifelf-„iy. r.- OTES- LOST.. - - A PROMISSORY NOTE 'MADE in favorsof C.- A. Shepard, or hearer,. Mi.. the sum of 852.15, dated 31.st of Alay,1881:. payable -five -iiionths after -date: 'the publie . .ate cautioned:tot to recei've the aboveziote att -itis not negotahle. C. A: StlyPIA.11.1),_ ' !Lucknolg, Nov. 4ta-, . BOAA FOR SERVICE. E :UNDERSIGNED TO inform the inhabitants of this -section- a't he has for service a Thoroughbred Sitio& hr,viluoh -will serve sows at lot 11,- crin,. 8,- ot Ashfiel.d, Teims.t.L.00. '. • - PAUL SkELTZER. 1 ast, Nov,414,18131.. - Of Colds „ . . are getting or heated .in hot rooms or crow( ed Assemblies, sittingin-a-draught,-or_cooling too rapidly ft exorcise, muffling- up -warni and changingtolighter wrappings; cold and damp -feet: No Matter -*bat- is the cause, Ilagyard's Pectoral Balsam is the (!pre for all throat and lung diseases that indirce co I ,- n , gumption • .„ ,PICS.EST_RAY _ TRATED ITO TE PittlYtiKES the .iindersigned, north half 75, con loss, on or about 'the 1st of .August, a 11 \V hite Sow. 'the Owner isrequested-to ' - :prove property, pay expenses, and take %t ; tjity. AlF0 sttayed trum the premise of the ithtiber Twki White Sows: A-n-y-Pc.fgarg - lug shelainformatiqn that will lead.to tlaeir Oenry, Suitably rewarded. M-URDOCit MCQU-EEN, 10 43in. •Lucknow P. 0,, $1.00: -REWARD:- TRAYED FROM" THE' PREMISES - of -the noderSigned, on or ai.out the .5,-)e.,•b.fr;-a-larke Black Sow Pig- ; the top it off ifs-r;glit ear ;- has' a-'1.ono..tail, Any . itties giving-suidi-infortnationthat will lead its steeOveo will be rewarded $2: ' ' •; - A. CLOW,. CAT1LIE- . -,, - -.- - •-. -- • -A.--_BY:-.1):_717.31011,_ . - --PREITISER • .01-.C'haries.-McKiriiron; List 39,- Con. 1st, -Iiin1iss,-0, ri-or-abOtit -theTiniddle". of ' AItigist laSti-a-tiarktbrolVin_spotted-White:steCriligiig.-- 1 33arsold.; a heifer, spotted 'iv hite, sarn - entr.. .i.. ,.-o-tas steer;.riSing ayears -old- ,,.- - also a stee .riti-" ing two years old, .grey, 'nearly._ white. 'Atiy: epersongiving suckinforniiiiion that will lerol. 1 .tfi their lecovery ill be suitably rewarded,_ - CHAS. MCK.IN.N.ON.,- - s. -m 410:- - -. Ini&itow P. Q. • --- - ! ' , The Pioneer has just opene out bis New Importation of :SuOiVII TWEEDS, ovg-RcbATIN SWAWLS FLANNE BOAR FOB 'SERVICE. RE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO, onfone the, f rinevs and others of th, tr....ling country that he . has mrchased e Celebrated Berkshire Boar, " Mai efield 's •4-0C1 will -kvelfr him for serYice at .Lot 18,con. 5, Kinloss. TerMS, $1,.to he paid :at tirue- of - -itOrvice- N. :B—" Mansfield" was tired by II & Sons, of Clinton, and sired by tbs. taint us Berkshire -Boar, ' 'Champion ," his dam Itiog 4.` Western Pki'neess." For further par - "liars aptly - --Lot 18, 0on:-5, Kinloakt, CTTLIE ESTRAY.- , AME TO THE -PREMISES CF J II. Gardiner, Lot 10,13on, 1-2, Ashfield, on r About the,thiddli3 of -October last, a red- and 7; 'bite Steer, and al•ed SpringiCalf. The-ovna- .. hit requ4Sted to -p!eypropertY.,- pay expen- !leg andtalie the anmrials away. • . , • 516-3in,-• Lin:know,- P. 0: Price, cturnot be Exe11ed1 1. --FOR ALL IK-INDS-OF--;-.. ATCHIS, CLOCKS, AND. = - . JEWELERY. ng done "promptly _;•• - ALEX, rI-NP,LAT!,:i‘ „ _„;