HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-11-18, Page 62
I 5t 3 zf�
4 A
-7 V
0 V-77
h -but
00 Air
tdtn vo
can see not. Ing Inneat , us
fe* feet, westward -and.)rou
4.. wo, b tie. ;
at �leas �n lie
0 them 0j. Is
:00 v��
--c6Avers%. - $,-. - - -t
ill you so 2 bi Btor�s of out htdrp`�rt-6f
out nant d I not U as
a. Lt -e
A It, wad I -find mvjF- pon, 'whose beetli
it the -i COU
T L is :With Baptist 84 [61t. 'relief. by n e ance! i I yonder, precipice 6 ed
-A-V 1E W. h 4 4081 felldw, wag 'Ibio lauguishei e I rather -sheer steep III
Carey, althoug a MOB
of the inbal *SS finished ind, ioloftj that the"Burf
;ho - eii6mies of ov yb64 � whbu erea V a. scenes lie, 13
the litge hi
sewater 0.1 f bar W #8
A imery at lkoTo, nna,baring�, j, ,by no means r.0 had something -O sin to.
1: - b&*e saidi al the -host, I lie'r-t ichl, SgRq-V
t the' Moreover as - en undermines,':cabnot.reac
9h i when-Mr.-StOv not- 9,11. that, OhO' �11�
inent to endurg�still
ru ; '96 a at.th --i -4 -.scax6e � a
-ru ir alloeiii of some r V11 odr mooth, th, ere
there. was just now a I it Come, lieutt atinot
th -uthor ot fiWbat He rviec laut, you .0 Mr Stevens: coldly thobpe- fboth(ild is the ledgei� --Aero-,th6- P
a a Cost gbr," he con bred 14tO bb.pre; obse ave - upon
the 'fooNli'l.iiii16 ts -
GwendolinOr Ha
bommil pon 6 mb,half-may4to Xide,` -julls breed, and ino
o, great robbery (as
ropulix novels - . sently bted upoil be-
irveat"', and O�her 'y's Cus. my: Companion for a lQuit' li"ie himsel w9kitig. sea
iop�holly out at lesal 13arey-dared Imm 116o -i;o I ar..-f, siirid in ordered line, -by sco"res ai id'soores.11
ta, andi wsisi Wi #
An�a -poor Mr.-(
it F 6r.3r Smoot ut' , ave
Almost imme a Y. A �wvildh
I h dist I I AAd- �.a§
of the raige dprobab tbatbepu Sabdby-' Inexpli, OU in
iii �g t Bus
Nei -All us satialle& answer to this unexpreagid, thoug t Or wretch
iiect Xn- Dickson of h ugtq asy-3 eve r.. given-1he po, ybu sPoke -.of h;.
TZ he did A ever;
well, - 98 8 -com � I
��- 'h' h hi -Steveris sto ot'-16w t at least have
IN RCEPTED� in tbig pped old greater chance he Would iifoi
the Aempter c
often been A to AAy goo&b�e;. hd..p.o. ted been- dashedlr6m- r ck -t -in 118'
0 ug or- accompar an 0 Tf54
Pale and hagg%id 'from -le 'Okough- 3spiduding 'to - the- Ldok�out, --upon the� with it to -s dark objeot.1
-sleep I I'l. 4 -8 e*dhituto ty him to the height outhis-.1i
her almoA 3. 1
ooming u ft�f
I Hepburn,! -an b descent, andat the bot6Qm ther.0 1,c3.ss;nd, I,
lby'side"of tht
Altoge. by
''he stranger 4hick -big what is that?" h 1111 tore( boks. -btft
patche eat of 'down far in - advar see."
less- - -night arbie-Mildrei dby athit-Ludilty Sin -bay. There;, in sight of- 6r
a ut Nay," returned Rayi vou
your mis
u- the- cosst-guard�,Atatioujnb; the' bandsome: godeiddo Vi 0 11, Mraw fore I Upon mylife, Mr. I see.nos&ndja-na- q,.Projf
V �*rotel her -note in soo;et,'and dis 1,my, her *ould-h e efe roil to d ovbr Pan ipks'Cott
d like.-:-Aike A all A
i6ad-theatri� take of
breach d h in rhiS tro ,le Cany,"cri d he, 1 believe.I might just,as dbl the' -gr a
idd and hi as
band,. -Th wer Hepburn had;given e So haggaxd, so, eat rh t -
wild, -and yet So Ing
SOwn ot. well -head mitie. was e 9 An era a iiarance as, a' a e iko,pand from -here, so bi6
-or as this
tk-1 Ikkoivei a bright blu& Fjky, U, 18�sea well -as -s nethingoutof 1061&
get th are b-', ot f bav( wn- and,
worer a. smile� upon it is letter taken tod clean f6rgotten'a letter Which -a'mes- this An'u
A lips, stift wh a - g i t Olt a, on U �Sjnsll,iaa.bateh.of roundid -stonos, which:
n r fro r
loo li e6gallbwa-�: mouldilaahthe-life'outof a nian, thoug-li
Wrath,,land ittiovd� t' h1ndEL. He.did not, in ed, do 4 Be -rn intrusted to me haive ke tt
o look -as. though-, its a. �e
eat - he fell. but t" of t1114 Alstance
green waves, �w.hjplj. w missionaire, but he Jound Steveiig,, who ihis, very 9;nin g give to your Wife's bird." a ere sin'
gr ere, tossing U onl ana*.ere. j. 91 one quar er
Ut stay;- I
ibout� for ldaguei U, hid -strolled, out W ith a:d -apy- -ban dpiit think you must it For one who a 'no. -foolish Ane 1611- next pb-6-tide w6uld- b-eux m--ou'
Pon their- or sts. !the (and a B� f ies" while'664
glass) before. -brea ast,.-a, artarofimile- open it, for
Wants 'of -mons -floating' homes 81111d. ou ate it� is marked Private., as wei were Speaking of -but ni:
you-. ke to Sea;. and'yet-11,
rowned i
to, Sa
e Oil,
-in& 6 of scomething.
'Iimbs� were Therearestorms, certainly black, and -it is YbUL think even
not -far down, tb`eir d' md, mL41-ga on- t4w: Sandl�y si4& f he Look out Lwo �`t d6fan you Another moment:; strangely moved by- -Marmouth Bed66h.: �"`Ay, whs,0 - You w're
Station. -Perbap we, 1; 1 not,- go:. far tak. it -back At once,And make my hu2'T' it is
wrong in sup
t- such, 9, -strait might y
1posing that that pootof lqst.. Ologies; pray-, do- -pray, d neve ew
hie nig I Under her dar
- Of course- day -time but 67.wind, beri but �ken for ii-jilfibvra, et be,.Qitv�d
Mr. Ing, in the little before. eacon - As stoo , in A !II -Nob So,- air;� I was -espisLho had- Seen- -ion Coming d Hepburn, t hi
-ht anc k 'Wing ind how
more 6 f ien R -i had putposel d behold with a grateful heart another, on that pr6hioutdr ft is in thia Wry- spot I sawAbe
04 inmailiestban it be day.- y gond forth t) meet him, gai n'ba
ibe, I ' ike a -tresti Mokning'-'i 2y
The ea4by, publin OpIDIOXI nue: the pearance of the, lieutenant. with one:. of �, the higbbst clill in T, ef ��:S worklast spring. No less�.
among men seems Soo ueA upon the ft-va i�ere
observed this gentleman' roles'sly. was westerzi bill -top; and her couiitry,� for ierhaps.,,, 6*hat, to restraitz San cingingtothe faceof'the'- &`a::p'rec*
-place by qis iniiiient ipice,
Upon this Aprif morning, atall ev6ntFj, itL' 'there much damage done at_ dis was extreme when she now- In -the middle ages it as t ts with"nothi but a rope
bide apiece -to-
showed no traCe. Of:MsJi&-L' last nighVic"storm ? saw of
)he former shak
Ii4 n
kesfiguoh aaw 0 'as- OWS 11 d with - the evident. intention. Of threatened - it did good ser Vice, tob,-Wfidn drawn up with Ayoug
fuLir, bit seemed - t, 6 hands withhis com- warning far and near, whenever an inv aor- Anchor' the - -to -life. ope'� being
10-d4light, in practical kn eni"'. r e the. iheg� P&f
hirling ur oily -
tanger.,grulftyi. but the.'act- is, I Came rot Ing. She even beckoned to him with the t3pa iard would havb'laid foot
the, whit6 pijeo�s: Of Sa ike 91411�43 -either 'hand - .y Farm. (which7
twi aer -come on -but- Although he upon- -us, --and �Wjbll_ Ag6ijjSt_ the !a
nd) in lee; as- many
vionsidofed itself inla' before. my eyes Wish well open,- for li land. ta told a toigu-of, fi&ine i mooth -chilk,
k off bi
he- on ly shooklig head. emphatically, and" yonder twinkle With myria tied
Lei% eirolea-As thbii� pwn -Spiral -hab 'the, wlnd'k�pt ino awake,90 11i'bloiiiij he, bt,Jn token that: he saw and berP when big great- Armada, made 'the diep -out into the -very air ams th-
011 WO
�ld -oof; na. when! should 4180 be,,r have, suggestedii and So- bewildering them sbingfa ff my i _fthts, AS even* a foothold - 'and- -a
d s inriting, L- t walked rapidly a be-wMS
or with th.6 Speed there�f, that they f go way homeward. another heaven ge,
f ba ng jokes lo his -mate upol, the -e(l
_on e. ould have brought back,
every Prec, know th Ay, n lie here --who morel -hel e 'Crpty this to Carry to the prev tiv Station; 11 - - . - _L pmse VP& r l� gulls; also --meetink . e- . faith allCL he held oat the. 'letter o Mr. Stevens g �Upo, _Y- d the hide. lik'
--with.. th-d round hat of- Walter S4 tHAPTER XXIL h ngth an& 0
Dicks6n, old a Id M- n W Ose- strE
r� -Steviiins Circles
el -see At , nt�s. leng th, pjo3, a in but with-. 6, stealthy gla ;y- nee f In er,,studk as it med-� by At! am does who Lai;
depen �!d. So
on. Mer h go ance-to nee At biscompAnibli. niftid-hisexi d e
the - capillar3� attraction tOL L ACO
t e extreme back! of �amaterialgriey xpat I am a Catholic 111�8611,"Ansered- R- of -these adenturers
the Mr, Sievensp6isupd -his wSy-tOPan2paB ay -
hi; -head, it togsiPd it bither.and thither- anA -far as thaf:goe " rej6in6 simply', I -b -t' I woil&n',ot,force my 'All, but tr liou mye a mate bit
Well, as
Skied." it bf the cotta uat, to' - 9, mereL sl.ake they
Q11ed it, an Stranger, 11 1 can save you he'reat re, and, as. he waited'f9r the servant' creed down a. nationys throat att a point mselves dfive-into
d 11 chivied- t to the eurib�. jove, and
likeL a good jaatu�'red mob, at. a f 4 Ana jioj walkandwelcOme, asIard t ieguestafLieu- an 4er the bell. pull�d.*-out` hn;.'watch ofilie sWord.' In these' jinj
air V� dur theiz tenint Care , ing to Which thei
a blood. thirst rabbl y at present, and, som y fasten
gr6bily for, a in. -,(u n ei i. at osteintatiod slyj as though b 6L would aiff
the late wAf, the -beacon e on y
Only'us6d ag
obserl a am a punctual Man ;'I they Seem to fi U -i:). ne matter
ruii�,, ag-had. ee ito bet once' trust rap,h;- Those.' wooden 'Arm a,' which- of t
ramine nback to. his. house at breakfait�71 teleg
rn &at: part
'but at few hour& before� ot, 'vitten gave it _they h
as - you Bay,
Ve when made ace of the wit in doors, but he Was ha ' ' ..: 11 �
had ithdrawn h' -ave to k,---Ilemseves
a- D ghiStly an appear. ascent, when 'd
�.b M 1! Well, you- see, it's g Shall.- jot have: to W it6" Mrs. He is ai the I rivate pbu
ditbe ]R�kaon
Upo t , well that. this be Of r
decisiveiv; "'and yet"f-he he sci�tched pie - fitomime I,, or o' toare
Speak-, of, many hundred wbrai, wh 11 insert- their hand -ben t�ath tb
Inga of the. zephy'ra were far froll� relished could ot be lost upon .4 a6d. th
-NeverthQless, tb6so high-spirited pr�ce&l-- ance a -vocabular, to frorn thel' d
rx, Uickso . i� not toc-well pleased hs,hea with extraordina h herAr o a' fi d ve euri'qace- Aeoid, be beard, or. rathe- bliff-edke. No. ent, int Janey or' I else mlm . I . es aw r
the. first pla6e, --With -his Sppidintlaotit-�bf
-be in the down-stair.W Ib6lieve,--eith.erbird;.cateiiii,,,f)- ,ye 0 reat MY o chfaiced to
roo , . . r
ayt ger to Mrs.. Hepburn, since, e t it
head t th,�:ie hive-onde 0 itt, m - and when liJkwassidinitted he -npb
ere any people stationed th gatheri 9, b
ere t n ul well
jCj big 4)mbfella in with.h Are t p.;L.,Lr
deliver,&., er,tiindthat's �,'j took is7u im, as one whiw - .6 called
figibifigL tha coas -guar et 1he truth
sta- -work 40-V inquired the abrangere, it a .dreadful trade.'
t (T lask your pardon;,sir; per-haps-y hskv 0 me. not to -make '.a cgll;L-buf to take a notl-now; the Wooden ati6n,, he Would a;ve dong -anything in: the NOI'L sY6
ere :in
walk, pects to Start m Uint t e;immicni,�,ly, sa;jd'Mr.-.
belong io'-th6m.blessed Blu abottles."'Pl. and -,who ex med'
i' het, and ind ed, h d W
World fo, was.. do�lng e D 0 "7,..
own whbre'-the semaphore- men, used.:& Stevens for all- - k
Not 1 d,)' -4tely. lie MO. reasons for -not wishi'
-im ossile, for any,�gentl my frien, -rejoined i the' ng IiVe?and: lat pres
:a f A dozen us
but i�ia e� ant Lsupposk it is obejj5j
10 w te time while- poor �Mildred *bo the :most lo pla Fjb& Whose presence.we know b6 out.,,
p tia may e hal
WL a, I tiger aughing; the v ry r am
'h t deg in !gee and ownii Bmoki was lie nely cesliereabouts.
Zd o, r
MY ig I b ' h
bsible-; the*cllfil-
ve trie emed th . " K not to�day retur-,-id'1,',"vmond
IM Mr La. to- g. free 0 overv�hejmjipe y t -se e Sea, it is t t 11
here s
everyw the W
cheerfuloess &'j BervjeeLT -which b
ssiial �rith h a 0. perform �vith custo-housp.. I am -'On aerp'to- look iLt th6. s6rtion'd the lieutenapt, did not
so 6- -sheeraand except by, i sfat to'o strolig Lord; -
-interest in deia,3409 doaat4uard I illeir hae I III31p; T�j�f hel
-rings.-him me. of your sea -sights --the Mermaid know hat -she -had Any *ith the guardiansW aye mercy - Upon
a86 dotiffi h
too, ieem. e -minutes'-elapsed, P.1
-is v Oite� once a - week by Ahr- w M
n can te,
P'Ue IN 0 'ODA -with Any feeling' Gaveir his do parturp, Not - fiv :whether -It Stain. not your Soul ith uz� li�
the zeve tie. os o E
ong: -pu e n
Batik h%, - voice, la�ld lo( ked cautiouBi . y uman oreittre, If YOU _W'Ould'like to p9A41 With*- --on-b' str' 'e h
ong.all his. acquiiAf- he i strai:igiir w re clim ng tog6ther, the. down by -,it, hcv� e
t - f- th Grown'�-he p
mended- by mi rEi thefel )re before Raymond, , and �'th& i
wou �ect ir in�! am, e bi
no ciri us' pickpock6t, 'or eVen', a Ake us in
aInceff all ev r, it will not. UZI gkpulderg, .-th6 :treaodb'
I L about, im— which shouldbe a b hi �,ItheLCbitag;6, -and Mildred. -with her E;rowq had.
'of Stojo�L gool prnrociver IS,, to -go on an errand hild i IL Jib out of our, way.11 thrust his co
should it not? -to- all freetr aders r arms was-4itallin tb _mPan,lon over the to.do 'so much,11-rep46ft- cours Al,!t j t sheer
fi6r him to, the �Sjtjjng'm .,g and I _Should
as 10 ith dumb;'wbite. lips* a pra
In. w
a&trate�,at BOW `<11-Porhaps, -it should,, a4d -perha� ."Ste ave aiever -.,y(
treety, jlor� w.puld- Mrs. Ile I
9 yer Mr vdns.�- I h -t beW -his.p6At muscular-Stf0Lj-'f','jj -or- he husb
-top close a beacon- *,L nor ever.' g Aty
jok -pburn, 've should lotf-� returned - tlie" other, -waril urn. At the
h� and's.safe ret
alter D Son on t is j�eculiair y� of the dow
"The coastguArd Station is -i soen - A. e even. in tb'4t ifistant; to
ii�, he paused a d, -turned,, aitand� befbrei" &.had'exiabl dbi
twist routd-with h a facii, mission if She c6ula-- hiCive. helped. it., Bdtv queer place. . . --d big si
or an honest, man toput up mt;.the.rat 1139 UP against the horizon very i8tiL
a 0 fs they cal See'e& toWard-i-the'pre cl
in. the,flrs`t. he wa h'r n;aiest neiil'- doeiuvt. trust the dog,- ybu1now, that lies The're he motioned to L her a far netly. Yet"hereabou cipice"
and, there ewell, afores, obseryed Hep'urn! laughii
hor, yas not e. to spare, sft�ce b. ig. ThA aew feetbelow- the ed -,e, fia the same bagli'vi 'th th
r,, t 6 rapid w into -tlxd soft chalk.
And �e'tii if hee Wofflerddeir�l. Use of Lis Once little Milly, as -she well- undeksto d Mi�lmond
Mr,.Stev �ns *as expertedver-yearly, d� kimitiig his, - ha, a twicej --for.-ber,.and fresh, clear Ai
in, the 'nexv pl�CeL. the objec,tion of being with. a '.ilatura ly health� stfiving-10 -nd
t6eth to carry a letter, laughed it, the vanisliedover the brow of' r, -a even attaui-Ti�,
ConnectediL Ope secretly, with the the allimailisinti Ana put i du- igh spirAg- Ary hbld.
stranger.. -Is while ler own'�fingeis Were yet upon --her
ay do' of t4
-doutr4b A houldthink ven. the.. most Which even the
at �e, againWevery - d' service t4e bill' in
cautious of ratir might aCCE, t thaf service -lips. fr. -Stevens lingered 'an - inst -6
woman an&'Ch�'Jd in 'SAndby. .-who ant ef-M, I Y(?U,. Bomb r.
ens could.liot dain
looked By all, ineariS'L carry it yours bi�hjnd him-, and s6 ined to imit CHAPTER
how ever,' i are - p easod -to 'Vie ep. ate her
upon ich brandy and BrusgQls lace as. gesture, moc joculi.ir - si
you. think t right- to[ do although kingly, like -so' P - I -
produbtioiia of their. -ow- �ln responded that woktby,- -our nor OVER T13B �Cla!,I,.
n- labor, and. ul�ori a
should Spectrie of the Brocketi. She,had"pr6mised
Raymond ri coast as I"t I -hae 'thouglit th V.- the, word. r to be a btid it ell
he. - interloping' f c9iffitry, such I
oPriyati or W. s t the pe Od
o it'the -18 said, I-mah: cit'his exiale no �v
nOf.the letter than partil -ular hat;d.�by -home. a
eigner, 'Iffol; import duties' -referred ontehtB
'gh tow to mee this man -on Ahe -in 81912. aanst ill-chaice,it
bMe hi er tc the ' Ag! i
Merm d's Cavern, and be big guide nee must 6e iiiiinbered-b
-thosel da
eoiiai uhless the heot of
was-1certainly an ex ple-of revery�merry.', We'callitfi�.'�', -which it delyiv w
d 'ha" wasi to be Arl; (et she now feared nothing �at his'
law, b�t- r which7 many men woul 6re an Indee-AA res�onded-Rayw6nd, laughL
ru�fian Should relent; WhOS
fl-Ay.t'hail'stru"e-enough,LnLasteii.sur6Ay4 herself, . but verything lor ing Still _ _ , L I_ _ I i3 f ace was
om P;an 11lm,'11Io gu:mo lay I )r .. . w that a poorp�'j lo9kig . - is.
r 4agt d; au d. althoi:�h Sh never kne. .down--ftom the euff,,-oi) upon.
and if �qu!re I - I itig -tq- da At lega, as, 1 a. imbiediate effectaf with the a' e knew, it not, was, held to btij -and -yet 1 gouies.
19 bad luck; y
going to bre�l Yh
'tre lieuten he Td �ood cauki for f6a
kkeborie blood-sheddingmdrder d his, wifej ittk- like'ydtill r., know the- north- country- wel' -Still tim
a aswe I I too have- all %earber opportunity of - g;ivitig -her The iWo ��iftly on' thei Ther6 is e, !u a7a, asp
producing'a_gP40r&j men pushed i thOU01it you told me esterday dill t reach - - down
lawl-e -- i 0
this here than I -for way. There was Lot 6hough'.-gympath your itud save -a
I - -them ebottle6 is
iiess---A. hatred aws as- tyrannies. *ere lr6m the South, observed. tho-strang6i fellow-66atufe fr6m.deaith,- xvj.)
keep -me ban Detweefft
sartin- to gin about hem to -make th The ilUffe�liiigtfiusengenderedb and em slacken'their. gravely. dip. 'So help me hea Will forgive" --'-
etween the the con�enienciq
ItRtening to their Sail 6; ibste id -of fo I
c taliffigin Pace
-,go -Lei 1 h Ujjy'. jeja you-, Y6U Will I"
verned And i r governor of.couversati6n.
manifested. ave, lived in both the north add-
-F the letter direct." They -i ralked; rather- 'like" the Alpine soil
itself. *ith'greAtest - intensity,, Of� course, in h,"�nsweredRayin(iii,d,iA.90ine.coA orgive -me; Ra njond
Very- good,.".', ob ed �rr, S: amateurs Who walk-for�W�ing's-aalie,-and fuSion y
flist atlige-;. that iS, -�etwe= the actual -Now, look at -those' little, lunip r is:_Stranger, quiatij- pocketing the note-: I WilL see -Oil professional guides of. chalk' -which, fun -:to- Atid, noxious -law and the b t v h6m the thL Y te lied -th
VIQ Stois 6 tft 11 P
I the ob -from e a debt is even still -upon
em would, I should a very' Your and
Wties.wh that Xrw. Carey gets it at-Qnce." p1dy in k, b .'. � -1 �.
pao duty it -'wag to- uphold, it. 'A Beacono like the out,lines, of be sure, I will XACt it to.. the h ttermos
unwilling, to express their QI would:*behAvie't6wards A c He nodded carelessly, and ?vii. private'- - t
Smuggler turning,.upon chlldren!g�game. Without them, the coast. You have found:a resting Icshis- 'of h -see,
6pini Wbe
guardsman aw he would behave to nobody heel, sauntered.Vack in- the direed on n, owever, -they came to d a
a guar am'. n, Would, never find his� way A which perhaps.- will. 1"t
th' preventiia -station while Mr. mdkg6ili any, remarkable Spot'. Raymond would d�oticmsome cowat'dly - scound-relg, m afraid, the nature of the cli alh is friable)
.*as h1q. andby 6 an
el� who nemy night
inIS Com.: fo , Wh
-n t displeased-st having n spajed-Ahe r Oin smugg er as far too good- �k while- you listen to what -I h6 -V0* say:,,
*lie had,vii-ves and children of their ow'n-. 0 T411se, dad -courteously, explain to-bi
most. unpleasant- portion- 0 'his ori4nd - 'panion'N rhAtever.6f tOL whom they ho�ed'God Would be itler interest belonged �to it.. them- after -dark
laY almostblose tohe so" thKt :H'd 't li b position
the PO -as: was- Ra�yino wilked hastily -Saiidbyways '*ijbOut c' Their I eOUP
by� pieservtilg- to'them their br p or wr'efch,L thinkWg th.at. he WaS oiji� closelY lis th
the- chat Kcliff�-; but every nbw and then. a pe in a eries of 111 tu,- t
y ri y.we e.
1ta -made' women. widows On-- ]qpon big ususil-bea-tt fisIt.over-tbe Bliff-top.11 pressing upon him, yet be- looking- behind him. If he entert46ed-
LjICkyL any--auspidion a bilge ft, riv Co VUlSion of L ld
-kept -big eyes turi inquireof that wickedglqdtingf&,�8�
orphan& lony at L ter cl.
Bay of Mr. Ste�e s -en by ome n And was Med- Lu pose nature,: worn, wa inquirea Wh'
but sinall Scruple. fll L -A- � javili then, art- thou 91, -
Ev*ard,rand had
-befora, nlow� wi Carrie aeci v6st; y by-, the cOnstafit M-r--St6venS1.- d
-n oj
for. a few actio Some little river,, would compol.a 64K
dy minutes -would hkve
y name: is j
t con- ill6dwL&y; e had had-hine h -p
toj -win -was not probable that a- 6.
it remarked.-ths that 'detftri rhese shelter�d spots, -Wooded for must ha ideo Carr'_
Inblue-jaokof so., used -to- the- cliff as bert. gontleina I 'Was a. ed,: -
Ro ve lost -i - dl before heL. reaq)Ied h4 Up: stranger, hoarsely. Raymond's
non- t;�vrhich happe4edJn;;Januaiiy Lok� -and the
nit-Deani, f ." instance. -Should, have* be' most part to the very.verge. of. -the:.r.-bbd --Whether A manfell from i6nd lacagrew:,white.as 6
en siderable time emer1king ro n, the little i d hot
thiKetL -loy tom.
which lay. bet -and. were very ely,.butin the L eyes 6age.upon,gisp ie� Cliff to W -h
jcdt.b.&wn- over ween, lim or shingle,.,it would matt blutg, and as damp with the dew,3 of te
-he reb -cou p -Le
-last d i a dead cal=,'� by--& nt. in --to -1im by'- the tinlo' ',ohi bf -deiath, -foi he 0V -t Idex ot----
of an�
_�Qr ,And crio' oilt. This_,intdrval a. ape itant-. of. thB lwality, tbdir nothing or h
the very P;g t wh picturdaqueuesshid but little:-daim Upon either.. S
US' j6Lmannerwbi.eh.'few' besides the late Sir kh -hat lie
UUMUL 0mN on en a. lair' ee� I the Very rabbits in thewairei&Viao mercy.
ge ",c They -were. all','nlare- or -leB
James Gri iipi co dh t" his regs. rd. t 10 we
ds*96 was -know -it to -hive'beea run within ul ave, scien iouply a -there have left a space between the but! Ayo -u--- grd
0, r` tUsea', for'smuggling pur oses; not. a boAt t I nYoung
p lying�up symolidi -It tir. - tu en to lau
balf a mile
Lded. Nothing wis e.. -than to rows AtUthe hideous -steep and squat at ofthe spqt.-,-. even granting So— Oommer
heuntwist the igh and dry t respectful distance. '0 :Put of an abundantL �bharity, W tie . a
jilfim lit notei-which. had,heither ba- the shorq'-tha e . poor, vi ti' �$,vhen, you stol tempestuous morning but had held at one ..c m1A
sealdr- fastening of any% kin " rom ,eV e- UPC) oralone coriveved by its superscrip time oi a noth-er its bon
'ther guard! e 1. t name. is carved aotn�iiwher n the BdaicoA brothbrls-atms�,
Boy &no excipt'. that your
lt - on- th Irsiband o'krgo'La nd itself;--- yes,' hereAt -fitting -,never You inter--
diig that pi ion.- ea is- more set to do this,
it Private about b --tb
�e for, hi
wh and the contents were his" own -fate, b16 ere was a,ta, 6 of adventure,
64 'lie was, record of his -perhaps in such. e&; man pas' uately.
in )ruptbd the
- -by appropriatioii) in half a I pbri
ielk 'lie was uter. anc ri -blood. t6 b to - Which. dootii
4aa- Onowj only his. La and' e. told th
6ter-morning, with an any other. monument
him sure -Ru never did;"
Mri.Stevens seemed to -lend .-e n attentIVe L'. i!�
the Oh- gle.. Dx&nEsT Mug. CA:Bkyr---PrE y'li.e8eie You are- right, Sir, a, Ywar �brot
ith nisinya PRIOZ;--mpor4t—
ch the. ear. Thp downs- thwnsplves, w
velvet:hollow meet for the noiseless- pas-, d1atd is . Luna I
is, it, to be. Supposed' that All the' outonaut to accompany -Mi. Stevens and ibe6ose to 'pl
t cj:--had'not t
already eraied.y t W avenge. ut,whefi
WAJ expkeiseti upion: one side. Th �iO' bay hdaband,
big ww you ronged hi.,you.
t their wakthik morning. of the cloud: -shadows took PlAc6
-metil At -Lucky B's--y're y a sf is a V I many liny- *6a
This. ST and therIf but the thing b13 -br
very., silly r know; 'and din4eglp d6tted with ogge -t a path 'of my SiStffl! G
racej and
YbtL.j t -few years ago.'? -
And shiggy.ivith very
cutlasses upon efy Slight, pio- hi'nk you will.grant it, ven -without gorge ad- otter have balk�
're by no me" s
ans.- without their, er
uUd who looked-, ipon, a Guer But why perifty- inouired Mr. StevenA n4ey h&ving,d,- reason assigned by, Yours affee
ry -pri un erest.- a is not- Ut would you.d
stoky. More thin',once- the' 'wayfarer -with ' wonted fifti B
fty� mark- for a pi - M=jmD jjj:pBURX.,, wouldco6ie upQ !*a a 6 murder fbi li
in the 11 blri6 or� burial er,Bske,,
rhapa"'L. ibfoi
qrst of' all pe nd6ra Mr., St Latin for m4rdered,1 is it.?,? man arms - are
aeveha' folded up t a places, my tiff
uriosit y us both :from
ievo," laugheq
-BOmP 96-W.ell, n�ot,exaot i ly, I -bel
t-tbe fat) der.-hioaven. Ali, sav6� nae
-'hereL making bad- 'blood evib�,. tocke wh'an'Unp i ' t in h a , waistcoat ri4e4-( I 'I" - ngera :ache. 'God
46 neighborhood,, an -a sow4sus I "Jet"ter as of the',long-forgotten dead
before, and piacda A tbeir contents by- brutal o
Raymond ;,�cbd -is, the orithe Wait you
'80 '10'' as which Brithn or
e, same eatth never- brought legai-11 home -to the wr6tc too -by otle d de
leasan '14 NO Others hfts. Raymond -Hepburn quized -U
n .,T
rit -w 1dering bon ot Ould have :aowbd, most purely t mile.. pod.the ntact, with th h
of ki smeno. W he f�j 6 r, e.r . Ithough the fitger of. justice seemed t6 Ay or one --in your
-era �ljo Are slowly, "Tdo is but"inaturs
�think that. pn a will Suit Saxon, -0nturies ago, had place
acquainted With
e way- AS above' their. dead. These
troubleig: of poius h him but as clearly as grin -theological arguments
me. Two is dompany-for v, litti
at oiip� pini 0sition to raise L
M ally fall intoj a error, *ben-' you. them- a ere. pointing -cooly.
h bat three ix none..- t a ve r� -upon sotue ek.
-pref6e.w t
safe on
beell a 1.9f makin Ap'lea The stranger looked up in the- direction in
totUr ed Gideon
fortunate the op. here,'I
as thou a Is 5
'91 r that thinj that.1 -was'"at the L' ok-out, &na lofty'ridie, gh ther dyiiij
indicated by bis --companion, then Staggered ;practical vie*- of matters.' Y6il as
Mi3S wish of
dp:Vj)t1U9 -r vices wW h thereby able. to. anticipate your. little illose beneath them bad been to li �k lie
arrangement I "L
by. such a- Btatd of thi * Vjitfii L oin e laid back with his- J asheg.� T- r u d- commit wli �t you. Are
ace! pa 0 a] Vhe�he' - I WOP I'
e, Wof Afetheordinary, relations
ill 3 -spot fr vibich tb6ir. h h�
01116s, long black atim -of tfid;telegr' )h grinify, pleased t6describ
- a -
go e sa;ke
es on pretty much, ther fields and all t e little world -which:
r; 'Stevens- -had- not. bee i the otily h
overing lin as--a:muBket cov nob -dy else Will t t1la
-g the figdrs�heaft-that-mqv-h- -they-1 ers ita-mark, -t- vieWL-6t -it.
aWed L, 'Raymond
Carey, hikit ..-Some a 5serva on of yondeir bai`i -,'where
fro ZnK:- Early as it -was: �you-a far being, -stepped out ther orb no silly fancka, Plus, Bay -you- are easily -You expressed-
Jatterly,. h, F -Ws i& - 'M� ti this a ow
!your intefiti6ji..-of-'gong by*
ion -only shrugged friglAidned-,",ob Raymond with, All B- the' 'k
'With the�- litention- made; t hii C'omp4n
the tow is carried on� withth . of -
at, telling her,9fteat that. the. -tea.- i r�as aims, hiaL hoUl erg, not Seat L- soetho-,,- Itenegs *hich it. presqutj a ning to appre6fixt6 Aa 6 of tbe: vi
y, Maim a'
01 f een.,wit contempt. Wh eon ISL was �construi
scl been -An. Uns intiquitie r rb 'til)g' this' Itle story- ai -
pas - to �Ilie -o the - flections, arising there- quite a. SO we
hpa as arecrowto you; Ashould-haveAl-- bmine-al-ingi-om-tha, - t very Place, -and-l-All nk
Om, so u
between-bim atid Di soil. This dh-. as th& Wes�.about -Will in been- SAI -W
h04 Coast BG greatly rengthened er spiel oat thout - e the colasciencePtrick- -do My last Words at it will
8 man is know he hag paid, bel-drfeit of b
b 't th 'I th )rej Prayj be Caref ill of the
his- connection- with th 'I nVhAtj does it )�l At- bappento 011 pre
-99 Atit one. another'
rderer himself elater OT �ng in matter,. when. a
thgjtL she ventured to.c -be �'roughlv ,wker6 you --do Walk so very near the -edge;
d, -Me_idbutally And aurv�
i-cf. " - L- de hem to hei-
Wj:� L - wag the very man- I was4e
us -He illiiiig you'of bay deg-r-Mr...Hepbain.'- If your bod
-But, f join a bk�n( 8 a a' t -to? -husband. n -co . y
a one another gbo c r of who Wag'-sh
f "his ot through- the -head by -Mr. neer foundagaiii,
1'replied Rayin nd.--,, Still, Topsell it -the -second -1 �eed- would as you ju t guard- ststi=5 to 6, sort, Tr`Uef I
Xninb --)spoke Wall,,they Of. now guaran�
.,Watch, .-was -too niany ILI" we came to. be he Case, y6e-n u-jitti-e
in On- HiS na was er ke- care bought- you
-8 for Me, one has -fampy in these, atters.
bye�-: and limba to- e[*er- ion- -Ofthe� lieutenant to -v e me Pet ' --Elliot-Tal were lalkipg bf-�y6urself,
'be e4f Even w 7011 are going toij Sir, -for 11-0aven's. need say nothing And'I
rouiiUalf would-not1like to lie unburld lot inBta�ce, where
When bngaged in SL huriy.. He had only withf6rie'sf bones
g 'k th scene. birds, sakel You 6 6ar t1fei ed kill suffoPthe d
be&n to, adtidit, - arn afraid' yott
0 are Stand' to OIL, ce you h*te, at
_tL bf�in 1 1 . ) �g we� da 9
expee aand' " ndonvenien
e �e present; Mr- the- possibility. of Mr. StevenBlh Picked, by ob
-whitening on a desert; Orin the depth,, unless you have a er
pd,therouibekkt direat emissary of the - in' steady eye�. me.alongi whi&.result -from?'blein'
alty, wheill of ocean, tossing. about 'With Shell never. gi dy. from h Renied - the- -rights, 61 * Sep,* g
'Ap 81 A jaea_ y� p ysidel . ure.. But if
OL �- their is 9 d -d' loo' our 1�ody- i4 found., jg-bn t
-erceptibl. and 'irdl
Ppea Wea ,an th. cafises," the stranger* coolly, 80 subkod'by the cold
than: 90 inoatt affable -of- littte-gard less fish
b yol
d a 'on aving although, �S.' h 'd -your ve hen, ist i - Ave beeu goO, -_-enough story. to, explain
whether he --men a You :are faf;tidious,,L MHepburn," -to riPniark,'s hie thii4i, make me tie lltii I sin digressing,- nd-
lunty maglsttxte� seen, said Kra. rVOUS.
you-�V no timd�t
in responded the Stringer' hammering -at, the., Do you -to* th't a
e -tho n mi�m mean say''. a -a- wou
ent-.Aheir- g m-Aaur Would say;. why
e -Seateclatthe breakfast -table. upst wag 'rounded tiirfwith irreverent heel. ave 6chandemlor-bli sist6r's sake iiiidel have.
% heir
tion,2 ot life w1ro e 1 --from' y me or your
it-iie' so to pr6fer land t" here in
o *Ater for 96 eep
to V9ter;�-'Wh ' b - tide' een t ot d
was iWure y I ut bu`hc
ce, littif 'b oil ftrd lik _ e- Ursibe, - 1'
edid he uttat abou.4' any Suck, nieetizigi, aaa 4&sb restitig.:pW fbm` returned Is
athei, than
91 Of !ave � een. & ch Ray V 11 uP-as. it is how, for ifistanbe
I have -said,'but fa
d thdAd.* 'IN the ve
ilcy. 0,
Over for Ong
ad Phurch thin 8 ot "a glan'67of St, ' 'b it -.into donne ryl olig -t V1, `Xpiuiued� --1 ago ge ill, I would' lin to be laid- Where my Wife Raymond confiden Where' We ade lip Ur --mi
ta cande atr.bft huab6nd as inuo as.w say, a Awe -70141d have
nd, child i ould come to look UPOJ-the eart ov rhangs. 4 Aittle, - and'.' -we
e if. e
ohter�O inmandit; h hot th ol ff
-be aflo, iqdon:iieven pagpj
ov -r-,
e1i I th
it 01 me