HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-11-04, Page 51 0. t 9: ishes to in.forin the pub is that}>.e 1 at rsUnsti ti Ly eta hand a { RS :0 ASS; S OeK of e S - •. f ��1fiSS' and €Fliildl e11fs_ B Ot;:fi,. .r € To. avid: cntrtitroe ' Fs re•tll r s Kct. - t.uc,}e.:i1 each l .cl4," especially his.. J?rtnilt'i'`Obhic • Ref tie purchasing ant ZIi111 Spoektl i.: t ir,Ei•�s y sto^k ' sol : ,tf ,t at- and Ii f.r tr. r : I acid Itlatfi rr• taken tit xchart e .and t oPPcsit, ton; is Rett If etrrtincd i[F .Lower. Prices thay anyone in. toavn. it ya.':tiv pa.tr',tt s. tf) ,4' t •l ittt �tL ' it thin �• tt hilt tlte'cl.c,1 be.:t trnyorirtt," in I,ri.ees, there trill 'lie • O L. *tiring in Qu.a.r:lt . In his t ,thy experien(•e he has found t ¢EL 4 ' to dept tutt1ung buit-goott trtt4at, • Pie rt t rib tb t Utird to keep,, tint 139.3t. U {J,,SI J • .4-(j, itrd - I& nod, b 1 a sa1d Meat De villa werel `ccs: ' (t Parts of the- ;e,: on Shortest eiotice.• t . t to pi 11 I ecce Block ftreets: 1M.ES: las reducetl.tl e price of` s. - fSi 7 is the tine to p-rchaae dark Lots,- er •without Buildings) at trms'. c ona1C Mc e a tV itches co:iufo1r m t e itliljlic of the fact hat notwithstanding e greaat(le sand fo}1' `A t12N , cA RRL ES, BARYONS, and BIIJGG ES. $o still-IFag a . , s•>ieud d assortment tlent remairiingThey are. -all mann aetured by thoi•uughty competent- 1(-,,rk en,_of Weil -seasoned'. timber and it the1atestand most - • . fashion He-a%so desires to ca that he .bas• aeon { -village if Luck ble_ designs.. 1 attention to the fact od Sole Right, of the Ow,to m.t u • i0. _factu re the • - SEpMO�'iU P4kiT. An inspection of whieh ATM u inee'ihe* most sceli:tit.ii,l of it • snuermr merits, 1: cuter Lighter, Ziu_ pl r and tnore• dor able tlr-in than the mein common use,. And which vt niclerfultorelate , NY -1/1 be alt at the uiipre- Eetleatel price of $UO. - RSE Anct-(xerte reap Blacks -rettinr>:iiiing will b:. ` - utss, cheap/ • L itliing. Repairing and -executed with ,tie tt- . e, and de p: telt. ONALi1 lIcLI. N. Adv. i4. vg Partieshavina sales $ill de well to give hint a f[igli%est Cask •Prue;• Paid for e:title c Will tui Ii Try Str•-et, opposite the • Methodist Church. -• • .10 Rt,RA OA-. at fli Am tit _2' h. Mk,. • : €UA ' € FH' 1i:DtiiNE TRADE MV1ARg . I F.Gz1lb 0T 7: -1 RADE MARK. orasit 454 An. 'i n�fyacrlii q -:ire to Seinen aI We kness,. Sperm torrife a, - 1impoteney, ; ._ and all L)iseases Belo Ta ng that follow OXi sequeneeofSelf es A trse ;; as loss of 2 to nory, -Universal T,.ts i- tudc , Paitz in the back, Dintnest 'c f Viyictii, Premature old age, and manly other-Disea•Ses that lead to Iinsanity'or Coitsuritptiiin and Premature -Grave, particulars i i eur pamphlet, which we; des}re to send fr.e,e by mail to eveFv one,, .amu The Specific Met{ cifte is4olct b e- Hill Drug,• -sts at •31 perptatli. arse, o:r sue p. •kares for $,i or will he sent `free:bv mail:<n receipt of the •.oto tY by a l t dressing . - - ME GRAY GRAY MED[C'NE CO ;• . : • Toronto Ont., Canada ^Sold k Lucxnow by all druggists L•ii,d every wherein Canada and the United Stabs by, all wholesale and retail druggists,. WHIM. WLL SUM, RI H_ OR -POOR... • _ by'.appliyipg to 1:1;M! I; be found at. Ins tlf_ tie:, Bridge, Ready „amt 1� a1Li n gt t r. rtcc(ianrnod+ t.z his numerous pat i tl• oh ate ha s. fur years vat.servedthcm . rE fit.0 RTC AO • and sailer - 'ClT11dIETS;,• a itrliy a{rd -Pinata lay attended' to .• 00�1 a week in yoitt ow town; Terms III) ) i nd =35 tiutfitt tre4.. Lcttlress, IL AI.LET. r,Portlanc , Ma ne. ',,,';,`••••.,/,'''..-- • A ir.: L .,, 1 %14:.IGA•fc T G►= rr'TEFY R£; ,;DEBt1GHT'GP1:1,1 y fo�Od dlBA`ETELSERIOECMCt10IE15HS `m�' -/t• ADto '16- e4 Jfill.QC9� �L¢+:► LIE E CAS, _ ...• 0.. P 0 tTJ blicl 133 .p4a•mW.. ig (20 git 1.1 to P ►3 M 1:141 02 GO. OS/ so a 43 13 ►, 0 .1 CD.C as e®el, ' m mom:. RKl.a, E meLi`- gg GLOBS as : ACCO -co,:`.:. WINi. soa. onrr! P,14aTROIT, kir*. WAKE. % t10E wesr t r tiforrn the citizens- Of Lueknttw:aiic s rrr .tkadingcountry, than r have { orteneci :rix a: • 1,!:UT.014ER - SHOP, to, it (ft eeArkviltts:OldStand, I -Will keep ouIthaind a:t all times ALL KINDS :OF FRESH .MEAT. give. me a e,Al • - : ,LtMES;LINDS:tY, cltiiov► Sept titL one 0 On Real Estates at: reasonable- rates; on terms of paythent to suit: Borrowers.... : -E-, L10 TRAVFlit :OF I E--- C N.at_to Post; OLce . Luckr}aw.; '.lfatcb.. 11 rn. •'(- Z: T- E A.172ES;. lA 'hice New Mantle - is a :)ery :important part of .a La 's -Outfit; and• adds . read to the �' A,C� and $�g'tr +Y of the weareer� lilnd nature ;J as _given i eyeryLady her share of beauty- and. comeliness; henceevery lady .Inay _be dressed to look- well. Shale Featly ltalydsorne ladies -are rendered_ hedicus by the AwTLES:they wear, which. for style and fit reminecl. one of wool sacks - and 1 than: t lanketfi • Sonie think that finematerials make fine mantles, but ire mein er if the Q 'T, x'1T, PXQ 1J E -and � o �Q•,:do 11(4p/iota rmonize You'll'. articular std le of build, you have' Only' a:$.L a I,:�die_ ;it a raiistslie to think that. au �N��r'T, t - y hack of a_seannitress'can: ija1 o a Magda;: uonie a all ARTI$ can do that, anct noise hut:agood Salesmen: eau ht 'it ori; and pint out. it ! r 3. eatuia ada tion 1) t101T t0 Ott r n �, _ _ atural develo Q y. ptnelnts. The �ud�melnt of Ane Ulan of tastein matters of. ladies!_ wear is better than that -of tel wenie l Lrd i esal« a a look neat. yc Because Clothes Fit, their 2bZan$10-$ des•gned to agree with -their st.:'lc tit build �_ and bodily configuration. L4I! ES ! LOOZ at:my • 2 JTLES%-eoinb-and'see- whether buy- n -If le; Fit,-Qualty.ancl h want ua: sill yctu <, '�.W:• a _I • •T 4 t.Ihis h ' > fp)r i �ADIES 1 �U LifDIF.S; bt t leb u seri t;. ..ca. may male or mar -your future, -Besides it' -will :_=help me very lady sell td .becomes a living, walking, talking advertisement; `. betterartcl cheaper even than the Prnter's. Ink; SIE AIIES >r. -rs nosy- in:-- U81NES Leaving bought : out-- Mr E. Dore't )-cash' Boss..Street, rntends',carrying on -the • Carriaegand Waggon- fir -. BUSINESS; in connection with which .lte - V-11:1 do - - , .. 1!)Qorseslaoe,ing sinithuig And will guarantee satis faction .3. � both lines of the trade :. - First -crass Workmen onlyemployed 11 yea RnEi the work-superintenc1ed by mv.-elf. - Fifteen years of .experience is sufficient warrant of., tl$ style of myworkruanship, -Parties requiring ,anything- in the `tbot_e. 1i eFi will-= do- well to ' GIVE 114:E:A .CALL. ` I hope -by _strictattention: to :business tali Merit a Liberal Share of the public patron - age I link for a return of my old cus- touters,.and a continuation of: patronage: 1�e Painttiiig and Re -Trimming »one with neatness tend despatA.i1; Lgcknow-llIarcli-:4, 1881: - Oar Is.receiv_ing Fresh Fall :and Winter Gnarls- daily, and trill sell the same lines of:goods. -as cheap its:any house this-sitle`et= • Teronto. • : -- I'INE -LINES AND BETTER R:U.NUI G ORDER than ever 't was before. We have put in a new Engine `and a. new -PIar r . raid have: ovbrhauled-' fl the rest of the M ichinery, and are i;oW I ikttared'to_ do - INDS of WORK in the E.LDINQ : LI We have also on handb a large Stock of Seasoed L.. umb er � Doors,- , - Sash, Blinds, Mout • House and a - Eaxe: Trough i'ng, Etc SCROLL• AND BAND •-S' ; .STAIR BUILDING • tIVG A: 'SPECIAL Gley. o ua: call e purchasing. elsewhere , CHRISTIE •• - B-ERTSQ 4 lr= Assortment: of I all:brailles will be corn,: piete ina few days, CALL AND SEE. We eTl(.lea.volll' to le :you good value at='reg sonable-. prices;.r SpecialLities will -he -Sold Close on Cost LIBERAL DISCOTTNT FOn CAS;II Peat & Corrisaa. the YB. D 4s �OHNSTON'S`d SARSAPARI-LLA 11114 C MP MIT?, �SSP8g�1A, And for Purifying the Hood If has been in use for 20 years and has proved to be the best rreparation in the market for SICK HEADACHE; PAIN IN THE SIDE -OR BACK, LIVER' COM; PLAINT . PIMPLES ON. TEE FACE DYSPEPSIA, .:PILES,_ 'and all Diseases. that arise from a Disordered L'ver or an i mpure- blood; Thousands of - our. best pewle. take it and give it to their chil- dren; =Physiciai-is prescribe it daily. Those who use it once, recommend -t:to others. It is made from Wellow Doc): Hondo- ras Sarsaparilla, ,Wild Cherry. Stillingia, Dandelion Sassafras, Wintergreen, and -other well-known valuable .Roots - and Herbs._It is strictly vegetable,and can- not hurt the most delicate constitution., Itis oneo(the best utedieines.in.use,for Regulating-the::Bowels.. •=' it is solei by: all °responsible druggists a.t'one dollar for a quart .bottle, or .six. bottles -for five dollars.' ' Those who cannot obtain a- bottle of this medicine from _their drutgiit -mty- send.us. one dollar• and we will send it • -to them W--dOBNSTON Zs M., 3tannfaunrerr, AMxERSTEtRti, ON'T. ti at is it? 'file best Machine. Oil in tai. . world; is utiinufaetured by oColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. al'hig Uil, trader the severest test .and -cite most - active competition, .was- aWaided t]ittie oft!, highest urines iii 1880, riapicly,-'1crs .tri 1, dustriai shibiticin 1 first Prizts ; Proti ire t . a Exltibition,`1-i Toiltvn, /held:AI edit I ; -and t ,t Daniiniotr >f,'xh�iiitii,n, Ottrrea, S7ti•er AlettaI. Partners 'and •otlrera running machinery V Save spostey and_ machiuery by using-le/owl\ t•, 9..k. youriiaerchant for it and take nt otuer - �i