The Sentinel, 1881-10-28, Page 67
7 -
M -.A w -
Tim. -GAR,
'Favor6d rth
La It.
VEA ky Fo Ine.
A 7 7
I Victoria's a
Ro Not Be by of 6id-from E6 now strike in th
Ygil FIV`Or 810st6wed-U-pon. ergo =A tMon
Indull In. obibe istbe latest 12ame Safe mine, a
-ged ne rsaii R
no -San Diego,
pine crown 'Pro -on Smith, evidently, has drink. oighiy -Miles Ito . r.Califor-
-A. -Virot sh has 'the A Roberts
coVered With biocad .-�"Prof. King I s a 9" huniming- 11 U%ih yield 972 1 t
eep Ix "t :�� , -R . per -on.
B.' Orman o
we red - silk WE
rolle -.their vie*s-in'to-the,pulpit. You.- re age rueblo,:Went to C61orj
-is - also ti- At MaItie bills if - - - A,� T -a
d -brim -is ie Fifteen years ago
ea, plush. - ainisters- ivho
15 7 The sYmpithy' with "th
NAII&ARTZER d, with- a handsome vsnityleiddthem to. car Be a Balloon, Boys. W
ZKOXY AT XAbRM.. 'Poarl. beaded tich ionfa and no -Val ry t eir''apeoula. 681" 1 Lu �Mes bi
do -.a poor - _py
th. Though, -fu some respeots� his -View
d tr6und
the crown si�d miiig16d-'
usm. gs---,
Pic a b9h f or li Works 2 load of
ending thq� 0 ore'am RdeZ( fr011i those. 'of his brethren in tke � id- —Makes mules and- ho ra
ardaill-bunch wi or mas.torder !A toma.- -day -he employs 3,0od. -me' a a -OVVM ail'
'kike iroinp, and ipagenatry Att :t.sage and k,
Ostrich tiPs'On one aide. Th- t a 'The b*
I'-nevdr introduced Sn2itb-.7. A - negled 'a of two-
11l1TeXdtUre"D.0r!0*#*n of III are Church, he* says:- st as
t --etDre$0081of cream, Jac h a* S rM id:- bat we�it
one Iva el Plante& mugit-have their.. a-.. -'had lived -ii servants in the Riiih -
4 .. I by
in. t 6
c�llg r 2enge
atnd� Insliodik; t large 10 Saped -such. questi
dotsi i lif on side of ille trath—truth which can '.b6- prove ab Pittsburgh -Pa., has unei, -dI
a ons h . -Positi —Potato 8 girls wha,,
lind ar a, �P)Ilpit
RM" ,he inv6jtit . ue n out- them 'if they are'to �Hbuib,
r 11 t ' witli a transparent grasshopper.* illustrated, applied---can'be to come.pp. pecte
XW9, Alfonso _of ildelbuig �is& Ilk birkied-in.' -maill ies yi
a ialdent ,
-with the. Order of the: Garter A�H bl*' made them; -happ -The" opte of Saiwl'
brushec as a square crown, to occupy &Ila miiiistti Is. time All Pu 10 dark brown -goods - 8 quantit id . Surr %J
took P14ad � -this af tera I do Fisn6isbdi has- 690,060 -of 1his dead mWi
llstr#otiou, and employ all big-a6ilit,
86- oon. AlfonzOL'XII.. wn unUl it - resembles a. g6ritle'. i in
mciney,- andla--loolu -fot.C�r6li - and
received, many mirks -of mau?s 19gh, hat that has had
-6siti ce, A man gives the no
sympfthy� a misunder- its illustration. Such p. �-,7-The-more_ advi, if,
Atauding with Ve truth, 'and 8
fro M, Queen -Victoria,- but none more agree, ril low ceilings, - An
such only, has-'powr ar- is lie withh,
impean. breast a popul A-1 88137tba
-abk thaizi,'the' high . or �4.o turn mon' to A fOROWS
katinotfoin o Ai headornam onesidefrighte in'six weeiw�afierb �ii
is riva: n
OuSuess, --w eat'- is- th �C-1 '-a -o I)- 'umbids 0-
this- century -noe before and'to o -September-sow
of thi- tur them onfithr and- edify � n h rNifig Or r. W. J. Been, of Col
is Pic aqua sti, d recall rains
ow another
-a ll -r. Tlio ey-un h - �ake City mi
therdinY If.D MRS, of Chicago fill 'I erthe t
Spanish 6verbign. Lord, Wellesley, A turb&W� of 4 k. bionzer. Plush is located wo mines in Ue -1
after Orna- -and som nearei home, who iu'pist. -Yi ing,
tfiogreatPeninaul Ar Bars ��When-&;Lola.m district, and sit the depth of' twenty-five
mented�wit VA is well 11-preserVk
fe �t
green Perrot. ate g t difficulties- only she"ough
at wari-hroug"e-Garter h a 8 Va The1h
Ot -112 G
70 F6rdin&n&VII-, grandfatho# of' Alfonso. muft whip a o a 'struckthefitiestspe
�1 t to be- sweet 6xidugh'to kiss.
d. this rule- confined them. V CiMeR 0 silver ore.
panie� thi is also of observe
-,,Tho,ro1Rtiohs0ooledbetween8- bibuza.p1hushh", JUL ad with and ennor promises tbit a -b ll�l _qyer -p He hia. to ad- �$100 00q-
o-- -roduced
cardin in, selves -in' eir7 ministiationg-, to thos b
wi stone for the Oc -gloo
fe n -ons Gdz;tz, ch there Was aubgitau The richest
gnWbili the and has -parro with cardinal Jet I a or "ll or the miu�es
enIgiRbeJIa,s_r6i al Ibbo
d its tliiost, n,- the but great. truths, in 'whi
marriage poli qedizoibil of. quartz of it
cy annoyedthe side. tial: agreement 'between, S size
BrAisk Go thenj Ruc! th of - the /waste n 6. 11
k &ken, out --w
vernment., bye t A
During..the'javoltE., 4 Gainsiborol. 6 marine blue pi that haWt Mad gi a -stridem- . . I of any.mine on the Pacific
us� as Churches to they belonge
Septenilor, E- I A ff,',theii a ao -Coss I Calif
a, -on a orma
n. so r i'that jh-o
D re now wor - , Noble's,
ranclsopi. It weighs 214 pounds':
paug up an c ean.
The left both tho� and stre t Ilk
ow to Ming the samelfox facbfrim- congregations would have lost nothing, and resses a sho
#OIX d ngan ever sl ostrich Plumes o ti xhibitibit at-.'
r000bize governments hke- those of ",-well, 48' itieeii San F
Ame- the-outaide; a crossings are seldom I
oi -was efirat to andis. valued. by'
ta j2 fi6
-7AAain ought to ha"ve said:;, - ke in
ubI6. *,As
'On Of-thiQ bay, pri an -Purp No the R
h F. 4
ive C t -bite
at 1p o a nty.�
-one by'. the daring. General. Martinez al. hti.. 1011dw that- he 6Ught to. toach. 611, th lie,
thr lush' beli ' but it do
man,'.96rtsin yj ought- --to. Sierrai.Co
he restorati saved, from a great deal of -deus. slid Serraii among. th side oUthe b the Q hurch would lixv6 been oll'assayer at $20,600.
rim.1 ht d'hela*ith
hail, t &bunch of red 'I plums. _ in am
nce, who, 'a]
--when fresh.frond, exilb, A, theitro' teach- anything- Eva, when he was tern d
was called th his ilienille and evej
s wbunch as not applei
of 6ded'ohenille, flowers,
-111POs. -Therefore- the-, lSpan!&:- At --prIz
-slightly -
gold: - ihreads.The.- d -.-'b'fore
court- - ces, 8 -fight
`beli at A--
reoqlve much ar-er"Of believe, Vlnreig� 16 _Poo a �!GRHAT deal of interesting informatimi.
d Witli StZings, eVes ..ft to be
pfea�ure t4e announce- Wble Uutthebell' 6
plush and Ratill, necessary to-salvati o- kWpiehint P Wil
merson Be manceuvres: iecontly hel
mOne-of Zugland!s in E and' Russian-,
cia, envoy extrao;dinaryi There were tru Ib6gain'ddfr- '-:thb,G
meatthat.s. spe ermazi, Austrian
which the Lord Christ n6t'onli
&,niali-pasobs or w1fat 6 the close ingpe6tion"s
Ost bmcieut peers - chief immense P?ke shape, with brim at believed' but Allowto be such 6h He- ya f �The.�niiilts. f-'
'hiohes.*ide,.!9 6f'rich and
Of tbe. old House of Toidimobi, in least eight
d himself he iszorild N
'His discipleg, Simply- ercises.,.-t st:h- nut town did nQt. teach. t6. , lie-dont; he passes for- the.:eX h, ave tiaken, p. I
of th6 Gartor, *ould� �om brocaded elvet.; Two pheasants 1he' Saki of ace in
wind .-becausp they we -Bessarabia
re not, prepared to to -Ing a. -new trump-
-this, royarpresent to Do t Konitz, and in - H
posite, them. There may.,be-. truthe -Which- at you - �err Man way In a in regimen il"
nAlfonffo' 4 town in OP Xelin a chahg6a� ad Of the
bearer arouna cone *Vedic a. 'an.d
-but of -Watered dimly Perceived -even"- n o W. by' t
T , be -Garter. counts!-- ouits Proud roll directions, fastft�ng- th a A
e t in'
twouty4ve-knightaxi who,.. &to of- s- few --&eat have w ter o ;sini ye incliti�d I'll re ents will be -The'Germans
-6 wh h -,t o' to_ in
ibbon. stRped- roll t not, be
Engignali r with -satin,
plan of
blue ich thinXCra, which' Will be, br6ug ut in to burat t ars. have developed. a -more
gendarme bl needed. 'Middle -of -the hour -glass, a, -should -b are
st-- blood - tinued-at each sidq, to foirn-the: string they attack, and it
I *itll- of- Ldrd 16arer light.. when
esConsfield1l who, entered' th' AL to a added
a noble chap-' uO velvet has two w.s of meet 1 the necessities- of- -corbing- ' note- -the. B.o %ISO, than has�b
StOZIV69vierdal, is a --waist adn--known. -before. The
ter 4 rig4t- Of talent.- and V61yeti bOX-Plaftedfaroandthoiiii to ons w ave-
deic n
exceptional� ouiside, ti wald'-'be . hurtful- rath of ti o- use -Y
0brvicesz to -the- Crown., Thi foreign knfght%, with -two� impeazi at tbdn Test Wiario - - n . ided *9 n: t. ar i ery.;, i
irdscrosiea and- Mingled, beii6fiQi7Q.,to-the,pi�eent'-state of -in , n in the Georgian. 'heavy masses,
-it b telle, trict" Y -
against battefibg -a d, -
Diu crowned -beadg-,�or .heir -vejvet-'aroun -the crown. -tuel eptrilual- -devdl�p -At larri 7belf- -batte les' 0
a 8 apparent with -the, roll of A slid dis -'th-
atrings%-bf-rev rible nlent--GhrisU4 -rawb
lbdU well under lilso flow iso a -_q niallebavr6d
-at-1048, -to, obtain,
t the'Gartdr- M Alf
hal3g� . oneo, velvet- -and sati� the Guardian.., - Gray al
lid -they arer
yurer a
Sign! a( 18 acceptance of th-d-proff Same, shade. L
a in ai bladk -w red -h
Order. and- had fi c!" Or s AO-lacb. filsutillIi-bonlifi no to the conclu�iow thaxe I Oct Mourning hat
aare- qi. e, Extrabrdinar- cavalry- will aK the Inc 'derk-browiy for -Winter_
-9ber lith ;itb- elaboiat y -4io . h- p ay a m
daY for ii2-vOstitute�in-hiari�-yal-palao .,--thosiaoit-half m' Water' o ]Luke
a. The� a
ourning. On we ir
isins -in opera i
gpeoial- env6y--�jud- bir- d� --superse - -iinPOrtgnt Part then ovbi� - --the - - ---- ti—
illieup following has the. -front. bl f-autu ons
a gray o a, tu of' w!Lr. S
arrived s =ed with. d, Ifia, not usu 0, -00, with� the "lu
't 61i, the; day whea the, j Umlef 4 OlFand brighat bdads' 61 at this season of -the --y i qlen.did mus
ar brooms 1svt Reb act that -their afolds and flat bows, of is in . ingled- -with- -h- wet� gathered
-for while --a grebe's, h -the ing. th" was ex reme
xperiencea eavy re; in: the ifcinijy ant - I-
sas handled in the
t 1Y -Use
�th$ appointed une;. f -Long, before Ili ' W
is year last Tiiikigh 'the ce hour for crape and silk that Month:". beiing S T - , however,.. a
remony of. the in tims the -,brim- Septeiliber 'es 'une noble -writer. Once said that by have deqid6d
Tbe'strings ar� of heavy rr'vie With. J
vestiturb guards Teduce'the ra
sbit damp. ligo -at wbich
Of. honor wilth -inch gros of *ate'r fron! _Was -is to be
b afour weather. Thi contagious. HeL wron practi
and., �dlors -grai,ribbQn., 7 a arge amouni d e
a Min 0 action. at from 1,600 i -1500 yards
h 3D 9
up'tfieir: station tile n thought to -be- the 66' Ib -lS catc i. 9. t
took N .-me a, and in future -their uns will
I in -the Pslagewcour,t - ' - - - 1� . - - - I I � . . - -co
QP-Posita'the- Stat .. -Importzint F h'
-im ."hlox� Note of the ig w tier in L k' S;'
o enrance, . and, I. �i I I _ _ a �-se- uperior�, The , -7;-,Bonuet atfings,. lon �fievi f �rthe o
es numdroussmallddc" along-th g or Short, brbad"& r -'off than -the latter distance---.;.
crOwU g4thered n''6r--the -appes, Le Fa Mw doats and� bodices, i b bay front' narrow, are- -worn'- in ther '-as I �Wliile'they-
-the eff6rts of '90 Way be to
-You-p e6§6
re used, for -lending from pl�as
horse, sac abakter in front ih Urd -- . . . , 7 -it enebay!s I-ine 11 0 a
despite 1fQQt-p&trIs. which a
k a o"Pecia y wh
ata carriage - -obtaining vatei to., and.4hich. —A -lunatio -he 16y. heav
While fine at an bpets, en It. -is br,
9, drawn- by t the back, %�, -
fine t;6a of 'Anaaiusi 813 have gener I all
ere theY" take moro.-or le y muskett
in six -.horses, plumed the form of a gentle y' be y re.
on about t'YioJieet`ab6ve
0 C.
a -ad brillia man's areas coat, ate to 4 musi the. R .Rxp vis charg� -i' where- n ocheatek. ton
tly.harnessed, wer't with the be- worn this-wi4ter. - -kany of -these will the level, are at -the present �ehtirely it to' Guiteau,- eu
av long held away -a
srquis. aW,,V the. -principal- intro.: be.,in differ wl-'blVe. stopkings
&ve rulad.t
9 at.
ere is a cortaiii tiMe-of yeax-viligh If -W-6 can credit W
allee submer d. Iii fact; - the, wat hi h T`
ent matevial to the rest of the t,.1, thife or Le roo
dtwer of the amb&s te
sadora, to thal1r.otel-do dress, and, may be Worn. w i- amer Man h
th a .�viri ty of ftobi.wa enabled -h
aindost: everybddy leels "Jazy.. d a bear, womejd Who like -
The escort go up the. River Raministiqi' AL -9,4-.: Leh
was; formed by,a squa&. skirts. The Jaqueft� -Lsmball a without.any
all -go- it 'A
called indian sumiijqj�.
rou a is olit) of difficult This a
licelse� to lira t,
c ise.-
0 bers ot-the courts need .,to
and woman takes more pride In. a e - - t. 1 -- -
NOithaiiipton.-and Sir- Albert Wo by no, took plice, on -Monday- -Ia. at, - i being --66 no icense
of" Of Royal Horse Glisids. - -The Marquis, the, ne*eat'of these it' i"tight,11tting slid X - &ordinary occurrence tt-
Getter Kin' ods, mea339; long in the. basqueik, reseimblea first time a steamer has been. ove fobit"tban: r ac as� -- ofrace
g -at -Arms, and the. members�if in- faft the huntin 'anything- blsb, a d an -a.* advise
g jackets ladies us -ea to it has- c r theUr a man
the 'missiou were driven t' the. a h 4 watt traiiied' rnoustiLcbe man in', about .'the- settleuiedor'b
0 palsde wax in the eight�enth 'cent
ple,6yer.tfiere to feel the., f
awyerg. The
r( r -through. regularly admitted J
Of S color �contrAsti� qal:. -An efforl
W 0. f
9 with -the b
-120le 461 f -ficibg,. o
�When a 'is, drank draw"
w h akirt,',and ia made of cloth or velvet for -the ing
'[r.ekchxe!,d the- palace they- it ey a ugade t6induce thasteamer Sovaieikn maji, wthrough crowded streets'. As. soon a's they a1w Ury- It* i` loss 6g nsedtban,us b is also :4esi able.
ka rbval salute.- &ad -tflo now unloa.ding ralls. 'at, a- and- of%rbitrati
]British. anthem. street kud-volvet, for -ev 'Prince Arthu'j2g we re, -told,- on is- freely Open o
ening wear - -is, as anled- a
a small pirt-of1eir- when he q-obers -,ho.tri in t as-, in the that -ho'
f long akevi Bostb
do open'at tl up thi 'k
mombergof the household: and others, ald-has he Thunder"Bay
a formed,, in w. a women- saforesaid, h
Wch'm rehed litter ease -it is in
e�e throat cargo at -the towii 7 th e& 'to n all thelocal
)S; all the -S - i7lel. ey. are. . . . . - thav
" ":. � chroniclers
Last'caul:6 the, Marquis of N r -law
-o�thampton,, edge& being trimm a gr- - - - I
Mine rich -lace. laid us lie'
ajaque tk
-W.sterloo Tow` B,plgeoh
onis ell the 0, leifsim-.. .1bles, na on ffiit and turned i pward. Thi tte �strous -potato on-- :traditional dek a
an: aged. sild haughty, looking peer,. a Dunn: h" own- a �04-rnb6ra are -not only eqtipped �vith'
8 'P.--'It-doe. n -di
arter King.-at-Arins in: the 'is admirably adap;ed, for'. -wear at -the -oral ineptle -in(! libm
atre, boixg f lig 00 U -entance -foi-
�ounca 0, WeI6 o rer
of n: Via, seti IPg w0pounds..'.-
liftntre of his offibe� c "quit, C udek. -!"k an
ariying Quee the
5 14ey, ie genial and witty. megaengerbit
thou Rev. E.. 1. Tell t.- ! 1.
Va. "In diolet Lor-raii e cur adlis 4nd�-
'lettem. credbnp6� The Kink effectft q. biit with IsLe
w ;t -Thera -ire a �great many. du birdg. h6ithre, C6u�gollo
ne, meibyst .,Pxeii n of Col6r do' Colloge-, -as a r
he b"'
elegam-, Vi6le d -t on -took fouidi 116 or-
wi d 0 a- eo f or ruby., averpream, r light gray, it ii'vbry time -the beloved Past, -C
stand ng, in, th, berdiers.? un! orm, but a
without orofth jpbgre
any,prosa ofstar*hate the lower on - of bat
-,,at on his t over .ersian lilac, sapphire �Qhur they -at of' -
ch -in a.seanpoagit. town: in�- MiLs achu-frather'-shy in&spbr
dark: blue7 tume", awaited' -Abe mission, over Vale - blUe - Sati - 0 A - I tsmen t6irtYAWo'graduates -at or Stirsh, 9 fi4d -it-bard '.t Sell B6ston Laws
and black sdtt. - Toeke o ti
aurroupded'by the[,,, C ut: his salary, big people get a; shot it them.- 901. --ButBoson
niaters. need not bof
6 urt of. over red.or 6oral, also, combinati6m,!of- gevei�him- a doustion-pift .Ye uch. -week JU ge
.Be Ch Y, amqng the pre.- Sirjohn- Akndley, -at.,
a.. 91 wobaall
half.- hold the'vvife of alawyer Q �Ihat
T he -Mar� upton advented. t,6 Insanity.' On the ollowin r 0
a Pit� tliift the -Min �ton
-of a- much admired. Ben -ess-'cost forthe pas. blu yA- that bees* lovi- Scranton plicilil'the righ of
�Queenl riatina, stood'on ' the'!Qft. - th oolof
-her- ts being a fine new di t
Mid - at are the infintes. s[is, of Norther tor, and a tasty b6lindt for his.: better w P tako�. _W
gal of one. 6fthem eve a gently does
te�unday� nobk).t6- act'as O�
no foot throire. an �,Jn'Freneb in a- I they ;�alkedup --have blue- filgers e of. i!oard o
of thb� d f an - agalpat str6nuou
t crankiness f Guitte a d
The tb(p aisle -in - ir now. habiliments'. the —When obiections not only
t you eve a 4
Mia top ie vertently atru"k h to- ma 'a sus Al
short address explained the Object of the emphitibally a " Method `in, it. - hoir, - idad
aii haa mbst
BiOgr' �The slits t - e*d her hu -her. award, -
ng 13 PU with do ction
I d. "-'Lord to, be defend the voluntary, -vin ch to i in buginess-iike m n
'Northampt -an ed -n -wthe` plea of legal the anner,
on the Garter discom- n... W' siugillarly-.equ
appioa King�at-Arms, re-'e'd- ur-pa itable.
a- -of -th' rite. tb -fb -of Ipoi-a6
Page Would sumce'.-
wi a ensitive largy he f ap whei -Lord elb - r' ia of such
4garter on tLe and blickioa the 'other inid.' That`gpe i6s of insanity means, and' bi o are, as.0 ne's
ched 16 insanity,"' onl�notf s-trollbled, any -�tur 'c
t� JW Of M& Majesty below- ifo, Wh hracter .&H ien-der
lef th
should say., shat At the :.—The-teh(hi :f
the "knee,, -thd, G we in bright array??, .-Same chfirch,`& pr
will dlear a man y
a- ne a th L
4 prominebt POB
d highly reapedted citizen Of the ra rbiversion js sureto be Lord:
er' of theparticul few *eeks Will - , re g ql�iabl at a B00h r6ti the
res at crime for, Tice in St. -Kit -been -let
it' -which he; ig, e. funeral 'of
OD1 lolfI Aftqrwirdoord ts -has
Xoithampto n- where he -can be town, by age I Car or 84'Switzer -of that., pity, anIC olridie's
he amount is oubt
Successively invested thb and po' 'there-!
and liame of Knigbt� occurred, on Which
-Would be -�welcoilie -to
occasii)n- by a Singular :ro71trdten4-s,-. the' the
King With the - ribbon, kept out of th� re !�P',Ifl ;0pularfury -till hi the $28iOOO' that the chaii
ut 9: gnil once is'half forgotteia and then. qe
t, nd feather an star -thb� to,-.- - allow bi �Xeverdes�ia
collaiI, he' :6T - -ii-old.friend.becau-se a vanced -Se,etion,of -theaVi
d b4piL. a ne their '-flist Be action- h
come, forth -choir'" hd a -ty..
w career o -the happens to.have -grown'. ribli.. Go-to-hijj�,f r h -r Order. The Ki -ng- on reddivilig the svvo an hymn ou air alling- -o a p -
wickedness--perhap R�more careful one,iiid. nilli'lly h:tting- -There will be no take.him isidb,- tall hfivgently bf hijfa
I.. I d etract,
prano, sito an a
..o end bf petrolbuin'�&&,*-liow improved- slid pdr'
the dege ng,� you §10.0.
]!is. own an� g4vo it to tba� tbereforo. more. angel )Us night theire." The effect, is' go ult isdased Cairb6linbi deodorize
oud to the public'
Garter Kfng-st�A-rw�t - The, followi is d nd tenor sue 4asively took
It must'be c6infossed. f let oirr 'courts. hbve
up the refkam'' who SaY no was we tbat`� it jps;- the:article you nee Bu� a-
a -insignia: The often recognized juSt tl a1egree of- ins III calclilatid to'e'�:pite'the'risibleg Of 0.
ription'- of th'
Vkr- or is. made of link& - d
0 massive gc health to sleaP in thadiitime:aje rebuk thousa-il
those who had gatheredi-
Val his
ca v a-lue,
it A
4 rawer in the.
designed -in
'being,§ tEditor' D Har- people -who, attend church h'
ith bdekle,. --collitr and -lir any a by j� re l9lous. Journalist, Who says-th + e- -al as b
blue velvet, 'i; f ild on slid: acquitted- fOU1' c -iminals Under eni
that humorous'spilti. but be land you - w 0
ry-excuse. T rence, at- th will
lesn�ss,- ign6
Ing, the-dragoii deause per's MagaAine. oi
P. representation- or at. Georg1 kill- f0liah, glentimenta-lity viiateverth 646'cest'Of 8,11 t let
v. emarkably plendi4ly. of such.ectio good b alth
gold� Tire- Knighils ni n, May ha been,hasof course
antle is, of, blue silk-
en led to the commission f other.. crimes with Black -�L-Soiie of the new- styl6s.� of- h
Velv 1wbite Satin, with buckle of. the. hope, of' gi e. -Men a per -91i
et'lin afic foot,B'11 ats for
Solid gold. we '- - - . - k linilar re Its. Perhaps ,d on the--ver� top of. t�6
ars a q.Uairit -this The- Toronth- altiiielg- uthead
corre d
at and. loopholepf;es poll eni .10 blb,
j and if: they wereg0ih b
cape occ
eeore carried 0* ce re& to. gt
dopraved-mind when hi w -theira., Th--- W Guitteau!s *,eat with Lord Lorne gives -'i 'A i'd the longer
-,, vigiltot oush as meditating b1s his descripti Off YOU:view them the
lots with th& ekdeption" 5f the 608tume of a Blackfoot hello: TI ohn more -you -wish. that th
Of dreadiul-deed... This, c jande 6f impunity ey Ia b
-head, 9L
the -sword.. The commissio4a and- lotte upperportion of her face including-- foie. _Wqu lowoff.
ts- liav hae-turneil!the- sdalevOben�he- was- odious..bomp
Of-cradenceefa. written.. on� fine vellu7iii weig&6g -166d- cbeeks 'w- arison '.One - of the:
Signed by Queen' tho-pleaftre 4 f. -the; notoriety as painted in mogit- disag Victoria hers he bright chrome y eable thffigs�
in the world -is
Aher bo:
.,a The allow, the- l4wer portion of
-would-gain-byplanking the w
�16110wihghrp description of the hol h- f rJairiabn Of the'!Iri�
ill' W
costumes 4carlet, slia :a�-Scaile't marriage bar
mdurni wore at the
ug-againatthaprDbableconse -bh�pket thrown Y. -with the-
thd- members of- the mission, -: ' , , - i3moli t
Le I gal loosely over beir 6hodIder; af pr'thst evelit.
Lord Othis -Meditated act
lklmPton was in admiral'& uniform, Ought to find in -uittei �ws . 'case qu nice" And,uqder this -WAS ilong-lobs-d-blouse, made
r .,Afair.niaiden,�w.hoVorked-aiab
lifs-'sons -and, ther tWo. other mimbe ch. an, -out-of -a. dark- nsv� blu ei blanket- and irim� a: 01 expost
a mission being -in 'diplomatic Uad lovers�.so she used to tellovvs. -
Lre. suct coildemni tion f SOL&
-th, as *ill.make'an med, with.- Pipings. 9 rlet and white.
dress. end of i.--mnocheste
Lord Down and Colonel Eliot were -in''- the t E4 press, -This-blouse W&Bfagtonad at the- -Whrau'LL10ked whit she'd ITIO
d lid imp Y repilea;
onve tion, of
worez,-mapificent tabards- Wbw-� literally covered- -with larLe boa ucill
-wleatli6r b elt full bight inches -tr6, -W
foim' walst. wit kee
Guards, uni D1. V -.A.16 ani -B
and,his offiders, hDfi"ek S*aitiS
a of IL
and coats with the At the ecent, c a. , renews:IhO old
oil, C. A:�,a question
"ms.embossed, the Y,. M p6lished braw. On her neck was a strinlf whether at table itis '-Proper to -take 'bird
Sir Albert Wood "One,of -Iu� -:)ur ngers. We 6i!r only them., For twoAdys-piest obourg, Mr.-A.'Sindbam. r"ead- of-brasa,boads. &&-large as, che
andthe Spanish ch a, fi
amberlailla h paper on the Subject c if boys' vwrk� r. er -bracelets-consiAted �6f a:-��ojl of hei -- 'th I -, refer her to 9 TRADE'SAOU -D�XOTF
ave been 6VV a proverb-thid-a bi" ORGET:THAT.
rd in the
discussinge-tiquette. The salonwastaken- Bry-4af, of Bramptoii,asid be -was -less than two
tcvthe palo t,51earu omethilij abo -an ious',. -W that ld-weigh ii6t n -the bush.
Soft, mushu
'rain- covered ivas a. lacrosse club star d foi aground aroused -a��sqrt of.bigh' oll 'Inantiftetdrod only in
-the. boys. i -large- brass bads several' of her fing6jaL. &.djbS tj "" . - ! , 3 , - . Tod
Which Ostrich featb ra .,on'.
ilig boyg iii small to a, In. orThe Queen W -ore -s- ilress� with long velvet whi. , his- town- th6ra- was of nearly thq- game weight", -d a &S an dmb"sy e64iicrdinary. the mode.of treat- R� Pound, and.a-half While the
also' wore it Of
Coi a -green veiv amilton, -Oil sand - e royal it were nearly covered 'With at with-, '-b
-the Cioivn diamofids* was a bles'iing but, this y a of. myr- till
is Of biiass as
11 1 uln
mantra.: ThenfiInts IaAbejl.& was in -&ik bad be celmhai called forth a.. n
trimmings of th' iffiltationa, iel
Y Food. Not*
-Plentifully .11 -ski
had been. yjxe-and-beads same shado. While -lace lidg wainiy on the- aoknow-l'eedr*1
-Utation of
blue, broca engaged in return mat sed m this MVj 'in
ice carefully r
T do, with sapphires and dismonaiL tytsll T oron t o L rt.
The Infant clubs, and the, &yet dinner di6ag, a when ordeiri4 'be Silke, �0� get
a& -abd-- Rulalie okonto a had led the The *Oxe; TEO
RLEYs inipyoved cattie F frohl' 6iii
were in boys into ho
re decoUeteeg dresqes with dia� yet;!' . -renia AL"XIOLTON, 0
'that -that imp6r- lamb ilaW
a blua� vel ttels, and. Hal at and .'Pearl&- Hal us.! Mr. Micke r±her6: the'
court wo The ladies of Most people would say
zi% of Hamilton, rosu' -the. dia-cussi 1816F
t 'T ad aL lady to hot coin. L - - - , - -
On ant m.eihb -the nose., was pi
on boys, work. 6o siderec a cei I i . t ar, abed -exactly, ponion, as be peak6d- am in.. the Street. -
y Mr. Sandham s-
(8- and' no'trai 'Thb- grandees anci d the in th fe.of the'face bUtL-ii' is asserted Excuse madam
iji full L a' 'wqrk-amozig"bo�s, in
ourtiers -were gal costume, The .... ad i�e�vp�pei. that as a me -hie, :.t3ai he; arpl*y.,' I OR. L
_read b ter -. of fact, it IQUOR CRAVING IN-DIGES
ceremony of investiture, . including- -the E hould be � confined-- rarely 'or- --y TION and.Cnstiven6as
Qu -are- -m-istaken; -a ame, nia 0
n. f -Vot ew-remedy, sa'lh
never found thug. pladed ;., it, is - - - I - .
drosa of tfie, Mkiquii of' No;-thampt em6$t ame la*yeez' cents, fi�ailedfor'stit
ad -o o the holixeless.'t.It shor, Id not exte any liart-,di,
Vizited Staibs.
and the King's ana td'boys in Christian hozi ea. iuv�riably a- lttle out of the.", square,), 444hada ot rageto
fRsted f bit- twent, -'The, N�ork of ild -& Ad
—A wido*, at the Wast, i�tb� �'ft i t'T
war b f, its being a D"
hat ich ndl 6 jzgisi., oronto.,
boys, away frond their homes where le
minutes. Th y the'fact o 0 is often t
a. migsion, Wag- ente'r
ceed her husband
intructioli a a peculiar. expression and "Gui c' -ent of
they had good, Chriiti@� pi -- in -the ffianagem
h aadtertise`� --that ,,the hotel -will- *be ta-med at -'a grand 'banquet nthe pals nd to- the face. m6dical writer.'paiiiits out,,
gs -surr6un.din ;:would mover'be Ibat, ke by- "dow of.-th -or
y. Once 1§ there. are?�anato"mlca reasons 'why 's -1 blessed. -A meeting -for ai ch boyi, asW1 e forni
light deviation.. from, the tru wn;- who. di --d. Otler 760 StaIKTilereri have b-
a &at eep curpd by Ila
n w diorhig, ti2e pits Testinioniais fivin
New ur- Th6 v&St spoil would interest the e and that the nose whiob all 11arts -of tbeU. and Cinada;., A
WHAT is) to be done alio t", 06, k 0 G d6ul 6 do goodi as it. e- central line a -and improv�ed, r -ibree: years.
asksl the; rers ? a. wee uld jtnay�b expect d
111 - -in - Agociati0n work; I -th dbly straight. be- Wh mmule-tions- of ca at and.. the. -but� i taike these. b6i�A 'to I �YeS tw6eii the' --- at Will thig' AHL'aERING IN�TIT
Pit Mmercial; in their bom6s Us acurE two Writes. a
use nigbtly.w.aa ifter'all; be� considered an abnor- new poet on the -mirgiii -of
of the tele1g.raph make- it - really -not ' -
positible- for not d�- lmet thing he.
one', -the Onl� - absolutely sent US.-aboi
con true and. c an dvhig,fok,.l(j*
certsia firms. having w a
ide! business Ing, - in or
-to anyt In
re -proper ki
noyspea �-private secretary, hears - t -Ing, n e-to-th onsum
6 waste busket.,
-io'busily -- -.1 r
iaottoii vorm�r recent go -b 'all mankind 0 rig t or left will g6. Ing 11181M t
UP col!n at& in ardeleff Of �eviatesa Attie to the' i h
ctiong,tdi -get Mrsi-Garfliald is. rallyin 'I from �6ct organ fact, � that'- which. .1i won't come g, vbu*
diate. . usei y tioli., Mr 'grown,. 'tKd late -'Piesid6ntls
ly levied tribute upon, Ist 'She ! &YO -S
of Sir aamiael Aske'r and -h
the- efXtirQ-cotto maulificturin engaied- in -h �8 wife-satile
tat -dordestici uties,
utereat Qu T=" Yo
to renWn.'in, Cleveland di A.quiety.oulig nlafi fr6n� FOR
-corner has the"' Winter. ildiizem�nt at'tfia.�.p' hanghai
auropeyesterdiby.:- Lady Baker expressed -
Ggeat..Britain,.". Anotbor.cottbn Indulged- iii a piec of inined
olitenbBs and -decency
r 'dent kVW.a His -life w6r C 0 L -b
formed tG,affect the Liverpool-ni- All-the'-personalefleots 1 P ills
ket.- The 0 -is a corner bean In: thii shington, &to the ordinary walks of life 'A forni'lich
Hi - Ono nioek.-., ein 'paoke,4 In I this'contr Mass bei ladyship .1 - we a- re 'be.-- forwgi to Mrs. Gar- 0 qle
-connOtion. the Armour corner, in -pork last I boxes and*2
eW ral i9neires- -L LIG
'go ile.
ka- eWa- n
the subs -e- sire. ody-e as are.. iadls�enaabl
'Y will be. recall' d, as si� she may all in those walkB;!eicegt wf
mar a Well a field- Whenever ;Cuo
ver thin
et i, b d established riiniddy on
quenkcoru in ate Population The silk'bujin of-&-springfie,14 L a4,)B:toil E Tiij I
olard. the; I Ts ?Ali is:slispeAded..
ass of W49M b
1Z e zutbgan. a ur9pef, agd�should can, be with
America be also� '0 recomineirded for -thet�abbve'
it! grain inhipago is probably a grest6t oNfing- to the. newand .11 . 1. , , ,
Y. ife in --�-New. York gt�r.' W6!t
r know OPP: *88 coilditibng Denver' -L iper'bs lib ; -
L Pe T if vour inerch aww b
to modern, comme I opera- of al.9 the Japanese'guild, J�b8oauae it el suit merely- 'theke'
bingWrongAb Ut en -n as nott� 90 -it,: he
tions� ;!a _to Was SO1118t 0
le 1g, nice tence,-atid-n
h j(,imp6ted fatredL
a-deec that W re it bu-�ers resiAL 'I- on as,, OW N Matter JOHN.- W. WCHLE
_old r' re'Anow.'wfiat th6
t e h A- Son
,Btor. b atlett to oulA have bee (Forinerly t. Vicki