The Sentinel, 1881-10-28, Page 4"Di W�l % a, WSW R. " 'AL go-- e. OIL Noll; 4 to the eyes or 4, stra nger,* 4ing in Pat, 4 an4. I am stire. Ilia % ..... .. One ot th j Ke�t -tests 6f 4 good hugbind:. a. c-, tbroti a country- ths O'd ZY inalf is 6 6 *a lik-, guide e ow-ye'll lie can the: plow 8 at -WItLL'ASSORTED-STOOK it, WaY apparli to the best� -NOW. SHOWING'AlARGE.A D 0- 114 to- turit uv6ri goil th IS od,vaititage to F. L'RE""O _U-tTEft MID TO AR 1FREEtly tile, eyles.0ca, Okill&j plquithm D 8 -nk in., Oiilv_ � regs. Good" Imeres W lzb' lo XCC0'Rl)19qT0 THE PlIMATER 0 VV 0 11 peraon4f Sip in6ie' imingi dbii jBia et$., $Awlg Cori MUR: Azavlz AiiL 0 , - 6f tl,6-' S Ve to6k- hold THER LIMT1941 plow. V sturdy tia� o eg; Hoser & handle.% with to show how Canrztfutp- 6 Ganadia n- sol could �i 00tobler ,Uil"o-vetC�n4diiii,4ott',�oi, le 17 1�e Hitiliiiiiiall a boy twelve -y V eat& V1 I'li X: ne 'loth" T06ts, a A of faill Wi nAe T�v-eeds-,Mady Madi A'Ttill.,and Coinplet-o-, Li t1i Go -"'r 111-411 :e r . mace d� Rae' �hibite( WaS4 19� staisi�d, -he'field_ "D In& jbilly cli er� and I" Groc-leriols Crolok a sware. ti t ie cotIrse.ol t4ler R r zutubler of.. 0 .90 the '4tertioub one of the-clij U 0 1m) ts knug ai 0, -ura& o& hqw.;l Capt DS bliLillf., a itig of 4,a S tver t DolialdCatneeiin. awljuha 't[ters, ate. e I r _P 10_�, edL at 0 t tal hati-at th-ebreselAthi Fra, Urk r* U7. ae I - del-s-eiving -of �sp' niore oi-ein �o, I OT101 1W I Inert lon for I h P ftiv �W"e t rice_s,---that.-- 'C Pa.- - . - 0 it urray, -to carry o art ziolt 'Psa.�--Piekell will V0 t.ran. thera, )vi And-, Yet 'prtjvitf�jj for E Every Effor" -has belola made'to. Wants eqe fia lid'Judge.4 T -Of he- IN jribly�:wifl 0. ny. &uy ab pt:%v tade U -C the nd IT _E Q inak D; J)tinbil)ld of t0- ti Vid.tors' p. eased t *lader ig, 1st;..Cb4r3e XE N N CLASS lr.-�-Yo ing nioli between -1-8 and 2 1, Ist, 1i.au cis Alath ers Kini ov g1l * tr 21, It, -David i g y Math - am; 2ael, lItI ':A O�T wall sh, plo4 by Robertson of,W' RAN III - Oaz� ST11 T-A�K A, Kil .()ss,Plt)w,. ­1lufact;i1by Liwrti X U, U1, a Qf lough, R awallosh. Vie- kjI�l- I& an - -e& 174'af rehiex. V' Allri D er"I lViiii 7 eeeiv6d, Th(w. Millet,' Kialoss, plow fifacturi by-Robertsoxii, U. 'T inI lAt hero a� qhort flict-iiial 6i Nlar i A Gi[14, of, ftm.;'9 In crowston, -0.10P� Y 110tu DIF Grant oulain,Nnugh or A TTA T. -R. VAIL" A D T' tau8, ag,): M`iI we hem the lie Prizes wereI oash - and 'is une- -for each r cond A r1in tv aL d hotApF, Lid hultI, '0 k kuowu as a, that not Ka. oOel ii iiii r- 7 n d- 1)ufora next werz wo, thevietvs-apnr eq - Ilesa sh6p a M7 A Will hil a M -A t tile ditoj- P ('the 1 nia't rial hanag part; of n I I _W4 D rather mystitied �by b alrea ie eneral dy. waich. appi in -your issi d At fir�(- 1: tl�oiulber juth fro -al. )ui L,zinkside. co are -it Lie rreesp u L KE HER R N_G_. D. M 10 tho,� qzlistK ttributod 4 to sumv yer, youtil'of that loc�iit i ti g' JI Qv� I Lie, a ab- red- att, tupt. - at humor without uccess. EYS it to �bo a libel -ALEX Male-INTYR hilt tu build a clivrdlt o I,, since. t e AT azi& U;�e� jilif the lor s -r; Lw m I ai itne lealcter of 'Me cot r. VIII Ni e ie- are. eowilutnit�y': d iap e to pen zile. U -C T VAL COMFOR. AND'� b LO Th urch b Til jIdd S PLEND 10 so'llill ra tit, heitoi, amt Mail, buiselletw Uf tl ei.attatkl it is allollyniqlAts- W Th Liberal.-, )to 'P. kv �n d�, 1) ubr thle a4hor tiad Atended the Riliforni - ut no I -0 at IiI alio off4red thera'a lut for t ztiurcb.. his. ideatiiy. is Den. nl,��riitidn kul- in ra 'Btake' and ei tpleted in, a whca ut: edwtris- beA -Y 000D all 8 bc raised agAiust b,uj DR he I eys, tare. (ii-redinga-wagro-sh(p I I ex-cee(iiii W'til 61 - lurks was- e"rs 11q1i, & ITIQ Luckhow- :on Thurl t-0, of, Wfacollsili, awale tnall the 13tlt'fimt� art tile +41te of title 8tretit. froin.- it ib�.-qtiestions of - a Ay- '.to dor-h-la-duty, brise1f afid 1'1'I*s C01111-- iOf luou,61V P to 41! tew'11pleraiii h, suffilclen4y lu-%v w �ile with to mtasur�-ttltt the da'Y.; I i S. __prineiPlv� of a; perst ii wh� wouid.thus andi f. lric,4iQnv ta, -us ng,one.o.f s -ate, faw lit"t Stich a t 17, an do -lis best to ret 13 .1 urn the Lib-, : .1 Y, pesnin the vi il �Y, of 1janit, I Ural pati 'to, Ie Sallie: 0, intoxic!tting H 1jawerat tht next er- -qq( gell doem i* ti However i t1lat-Ulle'prod uti reform I V� as Ish- III Et Si 54' VVin is liadel locality) - l;t1t: -sue"ll "is tile' C�we ec lou. Al el d -0 N' S161&ck�ullitfl': e1,�Oled -'rhea reflct tliat Ilia Sta not, b 'for . lial every reasoo to, �.Y !N111 AT121: C t�s: tfd fli tftt� quilt of 6 canteuiptibi irliplit.all -at� buit i j: le te(L will eitilito (jite I , ' 6% pre, WINCEYS mito a up tl a i if the affil 'REST VA LUE - IY did Wit, or; ow -N. inate wi �h IiiiijitI he- has bi fivd- or -tilirty,111411ittil. mal tilte--i p y AiiAtter -who werlibi- -basjust -grit in one. 0 Whith, be but, after at,. rsI loul and %vil wolks_ar� equal. c0ltexhlit with himself.- Tilis ci r ver -c' anie inio byT 'John who pvty not id an : faied to tilid anvil I shaped .1 lie, sold E -too rent, Per Or. Mr. R�illdpat4, Ii C` al'i th�i th.. would.fit so well. Ife kl�i. 1. � Cal vIl -0ta tteinan,_ and fill the siti by a w'd d nFULL.-rtANGE Of -,PRICES. 9 PO ad.. ffu ion� i tv, sprea sileer-al-thesuusof ;4riii, -itit.irlilngWigo and k`R G h CHEAP C le partionla.rly eude-iiii CA rize. Thw -TEA.: %Jtj w fif 11.% to data of -a-11 , heat �* t I B mi -a I n—s'l n 'reat not.- Yqt,., b Liviv inlarks� were never at W used. by: father WI the MII stai iwxt, tree, TZ -75- G cation, may"ba frettl his. lati-lua go rout a it has faiie, t t', ppl 0 --ti stefdug q iality- �o L Y hilin with B E 1) 110, _N Or AIR -110W et I KEL-we CK �JiL r _seatativej.. tj ill oi iii6 falsril with -7--7 wblaktthe Artic.�m i.; States (11, to t ttliudoorol et(%,,frer,_-fYr a I thill 'of three No. 1"', li'lle axisk aiid ap or' ManuWtul of kinds �of Y plielit y vf- to to be by f t Ill r in 1 9, first lor ters, LT H.: A wl �10- ei�� This. C ;1y bralld ai: al lisi. -Ttfia I -DDL SA 41 abo-ati. $1 000 MaY be Auxisidered -tr T IT ong And eviIi R _N riniture"' W ife- a. kelp. Tfi"- q�i t it always 1,en, wy custom tkill- call.. a. VALTSES, &I Fu arerooius,.t, V. Will; %;ase are, Sir hoe, a DU ERS 'BUB. FRES.H OYSTERS` AILY.. eet t io (if the trnsil� G8 i-01 fe� vttiblon is b4ni e.ut t a i. NT AU -Sl it. -3 th. Y P 0 It i*? meeting,, wik-:6d t4elin'If Y A EJUS-TRECEIVE-D.ilit-H-B], serv'e e i�b er 'ST I chance of the be t-selocted ,ol t it COOK teacher In �1)6� llCXt Ye4ii, L KS that bali-ever be,o- br" ght to -C arly -P a this to'wni "all e. -a 111 Iti, GO, To Pri t uit - A,'�r ot.82,000 lea p6ir ly ar )Uid liot "tallini"', to. whiva -L ran0iig from 75 cents a lj�� T -RN ple AT:A:i 110 ce '�'ht�ru ix. leAuty _N -D -AT -A, P-11 L I 'IOU: CPU give 11 _GR FOR ALL KINDR yet; f v NL I" i hrst�eaancv I al3,1 corre tit' t4l SPOW lire was aftyA `-, WATCHT S Wei ebusilre ill-sx c A N, D- Tiuslte t I W J_EW LF, -Y., t 10. U-allit- F ag W 1 -be ti i1stees of S.'�. _.Ye e pr -p'airi 'g don' - oih DLALT,,F, R E I -w -e I hig f4ls6ol would take it'L -ATINOr- H 0' J, t1I e. suft)ceavi anu ip td sUbscahtl ii, -'tbat tueic is liql A na Jav aii­ ea�il v royt de au co ld I dei -V Ilim- $72 A ALL� _-HOURS, Ill ffild Lets to com so C-oijfe tj C 0 H' G etvol-Liti, Sale 11ills Ittiliml; tty lit' l uf emp )Y, his time at soulethilig urc inaid 'cllaf�Lcter. yo(t r f Lry 'I V , -1 lit I � L of _N 0. w- t ------ Votif's Repectfully C-1YAS: T1 0m, 7; A j'R(Y31A8:l UATHER'S. !!slit k -of-: I Having opened out big ri ew sh'op,,, next door to 0C Y fri U Y_ Pun was. om;eat; beiri, chi -to keep �hc publia-arplilied with- 11 th p c Graha&s brlcic Mel only.� Ale'dicine tiliat Wl cq,. A lit llibek. of L h Ish, block, is -determined 'success.1 From our. 6 'ts upon -Liver, Skift ia�d poindent Ac 44 t 'id's 11100k tfie on"ilruti wirl"llain iiiftl T� Dauqun G. Cam )-bell while.. a ihe as same, time i a j. s the DebRit elr- -,jjer e our t tio Y =01 �Ited Syst `f, ctly wild sp ele( bu&37 (lay FRESH'.WBAT. BflbuiAtss, JaWidice at. Hurl theill o he 17t1i 11 y curilzg tu Was ba-r1i tIlL followiiii—SA i1v spepsiar 06nisi n- -Dropsy Ti%tio n, eadal heumaism, field golua-' orta Alle i 44 of phoicest lity, great variety and at lowesf' eral Debih qu was _Ud tifte '.Misforli t(,.; Ilave- a fleatilb PO4 �0;jbri,olr.). Howl t.b' lamts": Scrol 01 yairld omp. me Is Gov eg Oil 1101 Verly sp cies o ered- w salt - Rb�eull z-nd e Ch" kiuda-,.of vehicles fro 410cidentally .-,run, ill It I cokneetion with flie.meat bl-1-1.41 it 160 in I - asid arisin isor&rbld LiVe Ki itud, fol ta thts jr�sh I h was- WrIsultedb k,�eping ill stock D& vst.01:44ch, BotVPjs.:0r--B1qo& �A l= purr oze of. w-, butr t1le nel hvin .1HE BESTBLOOD P ptis ut co Q1 RIFYIN9 ­ 10NICIN" THE WIl TORO 1tel X1zC% $1�00 - fitish, SRI Bottlelll� I .-T M ketitorz-,aUrry to- say, fro 1-4)" ilitc, tifie _0C ILBURN SOLE A a 4: Wwaw p ected,'- a a 11. it s- t 6, b e ol 4waA t-� to� - le 1: t, t a k le, I ta- adl e- a' nd it A. Tri I sa If r.IC-- 25 -enW Of for $L s I a yer 6f.wi C kiren or bity'- -Jill e44hat.- thel young: nieq. of our teigbi UM' enifile- thri tigii-itself,. jj CW01.1" VGWI is t f d re an �caubizii co.6sidtaii ig, thil6A -Vreemaies New. 06umlij- Dyei 'Tltl� of,the Public "is rwp* Pow* -in P kip 0 110641POW004. NoWn lit of e.!`