HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-10-28, Page 1„
- I -
.• 7111MR- 7
141* Titv1u, •
.ttit ,rtuy-a.t. Law -T. Selicitornr-ehan-
gzery, Convevar.cer Office nest door to
kire Rest (gifice, Lack -now, Ont. 318
LFRIDAY,'001. OBER:28,
Al: 140P ItS 0 NT, A'rTORN -
• tor, (tc.., f,tueere Street, Kines,rcline. 1
ttnrrigters, &c., Goderrch
• ' ” 71'' r r0:-ZiT GA11116W i-Wg.... raetiriroar.
n IS Isoli kit.; trt tA,Itt,
CONVIT4tg(Itifi.k. .,...
•,Ntilyt.6, t bum (A e'asitettlIF(II1 Real EState.
Val:ma-ton f x. 'llcust: and floan Oo. - ltt-
l-11-.XT-0-X-. Conicyancer, Courmis
t iorier,itv -11 tg-.4. etc-, --Money to-
Lt (if per cent: straigett interest., a1L1J. foe Thelanded Bardr.-ftur
•• ' • ICINI,OITGli P. O. -
- FEtt DAR TO K ROCIElitai
i (Late a &es -water -4 •
irlarrh,ter:att LAW, - Attorney, Solicitor' ' in
, k:',,t4ancery, ItToiiveyarteer, Ete:,. Etc:,
orricE:: - -."
Atasoit's I0oeli;„ ' . - WING11.4114. 0,,,,
.oi,•:(' Scot„%j;tank1_ , • . . .. .
•,- -
Any intouat ot hiudg to loan.
. .
E-I.iv:: MI,:YRIt, itxtutiST
. will 1 at.1_,ac1now an every Wedueti-
Ly in each Week until the Itraacti. Office i
•1. 44E04_014A..
Ptrii'VE r,f the 1.1riiversityofToronto-,
• /1.1y -4 -0i -wt., Surgeon, Office Orintp
,noitrst..oppei4ite the Irank: • In case the- Dr. is
-uut IL era:co.-rag at t de Ino.• -know Rank:
..------„,--•-.4.----,- , .
' -.• . t• GENERAL
,. . .-_ •.... -4- ,... •._
1.,E.N1.), on easy ternili.it
priVinent. - Apply to
' 'COOKB. 21:gent, Dungannon,-
irlktr.i. Ls, •
ertiVirtalLt Sui'veyor, Valuator Ile
L..c1-4--Vg4Akt Office:over Eadie's I/rug St(Iztt.
%Viaettliant,SIPt.:. All orklecre by mail
prompt attention.
• . SI/1'd lice Agent;
, R() Ntf , I rtate ot
".RentaI Surgery.. has re-
4-1.4veTt-fs to, ‘Vie?!..hairk, whore he will carry -on
t the dentfstry ;, hat he would_ begt. to-
lils: pat rtnis- that visit hucknow
.nt-the ar--gt-• Nt;od-lryrunt-Tuesday and also on
the ZitOrtdo,v, auft-Ttiesday- each nontit
Oidioe Paso:Ws Iitrtel.. • • 1.5., .
- . . ,
. • .
..c... . ....44-4.1.1„.".:,
meets the Thrzrsiltry
3n orbefOrafidtmoon
if each roonth at g,..
p. El. Visiting breth-'
ren cordially irtvited,
iirUNT.E.R :
KINN ON. AY. AL. SeareterY .
t a
- lg.
.. 0j.
teet e .ery Erttlav eveziii,it_,. at a 0;•-doeir, in
her KA,. 1%0111/ell-at. ' All brethren cAr-
rlii y iavttea. t - . - _ ,
- - ,TA:s., kolq BR NiirttAtil, Secretary,-
aliqrvit6ocl:-. Got*.
Fri!, KLe- 5
. oounr i-S,t BETS
Aat the list and Third Mondays- •inteverY
in Temperance Kali,
Brethren /vitt please. atte
(NTritE,. R
'ler lay aihoete.
pl es sent fro. .A'Adress
r1'I & , l'urtland, Maine; ,
- -
1-.). •
'Alr-iti•-tbe: pad, ,lceepki hand* fargentid.
sn2Pernor stoeLe of
ricTudeverythfrng+frand in tbe larder of a
Aod housekeepet, Ire would alsoinform the
node., inore papticuIarly the farming comman
that he bart etizaged: seryices of a.
and will rry on the Milling buNiness with
rammed Vigor, and "by taming ant good grids
• quick arue. gabi increi4ed patronage from
the public. At/kinds of
• GRA IN AN cv.saao
. .
constantly on jui9id'.., ,-
.0tvgro re a, Part if 01_
- -
cAmEapti & tvo1.p6LLL-:
LuchNow and RiPLET, ONT.
Money to Loan .atReduced 'Rates to
Buit the Times.
Loans on Mortgages as kw as 6 Per e!.111..
• rCh
afts and eques �11 :di points cashed.
. •
Special: and Prompt Attention paid to the
Collection. of Notes, Accounts, Rents'," &e.
IThRAFTS P.4YA114E AT PAR, issued
on theptincipal cities- and towns of Cann-
. a. ":and_ on the 'United- ,States and- Great.
.Partteg l!etraitting-
Will find this the cheanest. sktest, wadi:nog
colivident method: - •
• / a per .c.lt; allowed •on Deposita in th...
SaYiugst Bank Department.
• Funds. inverited for Private parties..
are prepared -to offer to 'eustOmers every
•" facility affprdeddrya `jhartered Bank• -
arid on equally favorable terzns
COEIVeYalleftlg in all its Branches:
Fire .ezitel Life 1116upa.pce.
OFFICE_ 11,010,us—FROU 9A. N. TO 4 O. BI
" Tir.e1C14011r AND .0.IPLEt,
Ggo. A. gib -DILL,
• ! • .(,, p-46.T.ELL)
,-(loramission.er. in B. R., Conviqiincer,
LATVItr*O.It• • . ONTAlitiO.
Conveyancing in all its Branches.
-tDeeds,- „ Mortgages, Bonds, Argeements, •
eases. &c., promptly and carefully prepar
ed. aid correctness iivararteed. •- .
Special -Nand prompt attention paid to the
searching of Titles, and. to all matters *eon,
ueofed -wart the transfer of Real Estate. '
Etc., Etc.
Barrister, atnd Attorney a Law.
ctOLICiTOR for Bank Ot Ifamitton., and
Oarninissioner for taking affidavits. for
4-riittrirtnoth,aiow;lt alui Vilhtge p
y bough_t_
aid sold,
triney (private. funds) loaned on Mortgage
ecurity at 64 and at per cent. •- 1 .
.11'ml** invested fOr private nenona uPon-
the best.Mortgag.e-ieetriitieswithout uy
irense-t-o Lender. . • -Lands for ae L -
in Manitoba, and the North
N FIttST GLASS MOR GEti; .at_ 7 to
. per cent interest pa eLle .yearly;
charges. very moderate.- A pp to •
EasERT MURRAY, 8t. Hetemi.,
Secretary of the West - Wawanosh' Matual
Fire- Insurance Campany,nothing biit farm
. .
property insured. ' Parties i-ishing to insure
irz this, pannier farineracorripair4 in the town
ship's of Colburne„ .E.tahfiekl. _East and, West
Wawanosli, Eiriloss,. and Huron by sending al•
Past Card to Lae wilite.called-rui and ewer
information given. • -
BOBEBT -1113-1-1-BA HATA P 0
ONEY TO LOAN at 7 cent., fron/
20 years, Iista of **inns for sale
in Ontario as well ar`r.'-Alanitoba. Parties de-
alma. to sell farms, will consult their interests
by inspecting flak advertising farAllties td sub--
serihcr 111 rea, Braga and 4e.t. Id 'and con_.
anent. of lands for Kele. ' •
Laud italustt)r, Lpeknow P Ont,t
ONET 17.0. LOA.
At Greatly Reduced Rates
Timms ZEP.A.Y1tiElkeT TO SITIT
1 borrower. See myrateabefore borrowing:
eAsewhere. Age4t. fox ret -class
Tr. anar,ok, tla.ritic_ 1:4'irill;-;:et.erimers, ,-• Tickets- _f_n, r_
tiv,erxriioi, London,;41Irggow„, and all parts
,of Europe: air Iow.ar!_atty.otber- first-class
. . . .. .
ST Alp Agent Mr ,lientty Ltpkpf Steamers
Tielretger Winiditego,anci ell, penult west, .it ,.
lomtsiksaktet. , - •- : 2 . -...J..- •
. . _ ,_.
- Oftteirroiltskjel, glittl_-4,11b.,___f ..,
thp- failowifigis.an extended 'repertr
of Sir Richard 'Cartwright's speech' at -
the :great Reform dentoriatration- held in
-Lacknow on Thurs.day, _October 13th..
_ Sir .Citiewriat .ceioing.
forward- teceiVed an -ovation of applause.He .
corninencird his speech %rib 'a tew.
words Of greeting to audienee. He
expressed a desire to-:.disarth ihndvanc '
y nvourabla. einintie.ritl on the -
nu In ber of dry deltiEs:*hich he -would
Of necessity havelo present to them,. by
savi that, having long had*- public
matters diOtissed to -them by Hon
Blake in order to, satisfy them he
would bate to go -.Marc exhaustively_
than usivil'into his -subjecL their,
proceeded r. Want to do. it -to
Toview in 'part the-hitt:ivy of -the: Mac-;
kenzie,Goverrinienkand in part to show •
-ypti that, the Prophesies Made hy them
loth I-oth before arid atter.' they took 'Office
have been.. fulfilled., and to .-show - you
that. e Vent! since .they left -'office. have
billy justified, have fully and -amply
viiiiicated the •con roe . which.; was then-
adopied_by the liforth pa.zty.
: TILE ARGE OF ExTsiviao.a.NosJo .--
tiine nett a great- Many 'charges.
were wont to be made.-against7 Mr: Nan
kenzie's 4dMilistration. Who Itai,e.
pa.sed tlirOngh thecontfrit are perfecily
faultier witth the, tact that our
iits -Wet'e never' tired of ringfng. the
banges upon thee charges. The .peo-.
Ole.tve.ie :told fr.Ani Offe end of the cnarir:
ry to the other. by Rene tits That
f were restored to:power they
vould pat a check on that. terribis,ex,-
wont to say, was tlringin
nouutly down 're rinu St fast a.s • it
mild go. Sir,Leonardirilley dee1are64
hat.___.twenty-ttvo and i% 1)4If millions of
oilers-77E0W :he spoke -With .the.
y of (It 'who been a Minister --of.
he .Crownwas:-till this cotrary re-
hired -to:meet iti- annum Ordinary ex-
endit ure. He sail- lie was prepared :to.
rove- by example, if he Were restored
that we had grosily --exceeded:
proper limas in -our' adr.ninstr3tion.
desire to call your attention to the
cts, not ITS reiOrded b al '••
is reg-ird.ed by- the Finaticth
e,Minister in,
e -last -isSuo- 'ofilie-PutilleAccowits
Melt-he-11as liridTiipon the table.of the
pose so that you may see how.totally.
. .
.just and. unfounded were the:chargbil
velled against...Mr. Mackenzie. and his
r want to show bythe Same
eans how the•gentletnen now in power
-valept, thnpledges w h lell they made
that time to the people of _Canada.
)w it might have been enough for us.
rci4t• ease linen the • broad.
a id
nple fat pointed out by Mr. Wells,
o preceded • me,- .that Whereas Sir
hn lliaedointld's Adininstiation, dur-•
the seven years front 1861- tif,1873;*
I added it least terimillt n •
andin him aiteW mornents had disposcd- d.'09i64-±-4111:1611411-..-h!-4fitr:
and-,hi8 interruptions, 11431._ pre* '1-Abere--,0110111i-elde - .
_ ••tunes :Were. likely to be
.40•.Linhitai11 l:bseA8111,1ails‘b1:.;i4111060,_:. toth, s.gr._i:lteti.= -.Oat:Ter-7)118; *01044: in Spiterof tlittitigOtie
tin largelyi r...cr6sing :the public •feht.'---.
.-teliveer'Ytiuetitteril-ty.91:IC4hrlii4Vdea.**feer!eajet-i'll7iiSriebsileI •
it is
- -
. . "
, 14.4E. irl.n3r4o. ACCOUNTS, OF -CI:NADA.
is sighed." S. Minister of
fOr :the:Year ending -30th Of 1880; .11,41-ei'liraleiiilly_wail,;(1q-ohit:;:;:706:1,,.11.P6Ib4.0eieodeizoll..-€.4':
..Finattee"......(c.heers)77.--and in- thit' grcat
;would have -have said-th esecharg-es_ were jiisc:,
3ut-wlutt sky,: and _What.:1 - Shell .pro..:*
&fed. te.pro.ie,frecii• Sir LeOnardTillye'S-
. - .
Vie lips, that :of -thci,s.eipenditnrk
-iipon:Capital...account and theaddition
o the public -:iebt • '
- .„ „
4.0irel he had inherited:from
essors. In,.:1873: Leonard Till ey,in •
Slt.ing,hia: usual budget speech, 'Went
nr -to: !. entunerate the various ;public'
erke which: were required' -:.to engage
on, and .and:he. made an_estiniate:-of .the
ill -US -required for their Completion..
We are however, " entering s- upon
-#0* and increased' engagenients-inliolv:
ing'a" brae sum Of 'theney lire are
lifftering upon Works----46-haire atreadyi
. .
*00 so---whieh _will reqiiiiew:lar
efeniSe:efiiiir.debt.• - ;There be
.taiIvviiy-,:thirti the -Canada
Lve. book purports to be 4iiicrea8e the public debt and had lie or. 's
h" -1 '
is eaguPs, under the. eircum:
I find .it statetl clearly that i 18
John .11,acdonald'sAdiniiistratioti 'began=
syitli an aninittlexpendititie-of $23,t 00,-
000 in round nuntbers,:ind that in the
sewn year3 of his rule theli
ex lendit
a increased.to: 823,31 0,000. . That, -
on the other -hand, .Mr. :Mackenzie - be:.
gan. with the. expenditure- at the'last,
named figure - and that e five years:
of his idirtinspatiorr it:Increased to only
...$23;5(13,000, "or lesti that]; the:$200,QQ0.
increase Which- claimed •ft. thorneht.
agoand.- this, as r raid . beforeiceuil ter-
baltineed hy ,aciditionai receipts : from
mir inVestments. •Purther, I find that
nu.r. oppotiEntsresumcd office with
the etperiditure last-- given they:had
slwollen the:figures. Whicb- they Claimed.
shoujd not exeePd•$2.2„40.9,00-0;to $24,
809,000: :'..(4pplause.) '• Atio
that I de not- know bow for'
the Gazette.returns show -aectiratelv the
preseut expenditure, but sa they.are
. „ .
'e-pnblished--,under the authority of-- tbe.
Fthatice, theY may tie talt.en
asLapproxinititely accurate. oaz:
ege keturtis s)iotv an extienditure up
June Of about "S2-,•5.09,00-0,(r.enelv-r
• c•itclieering),- oha these es:
tintatee.I. have** my land fortiYear:
ending SOth 1882, eho 'that the
. . .
..clueive of his eiipplenientert estimates
abect '$i),6,500"0000,. 7being just four
-:-.14illicins.ndoltire mere than be
'-wos_neee-ssavy, .and :1119rc.. thalij- threeinifliorth:
- Wore 'than. lia.ekensie
• found:It neceisary ts_-.eXpeia •(1,40101:
and prolonged applanse4 • ,Andlest'.inyi
_Acylio was:anxious to bo'shre.:thas
. wore- h t, ori .1018 t any
Others L-ehould think -these qucitione of:
.he.ju-ggled With r lake
few i instatiee.t for his and their special
benefit•:. I had not intended:.to give thein,
hut i this gentleman asks for information
Finane Mini -ter eipectg to require, ex -
an ,-., I trust, that itritity -never, be: - sank
i; h*-j:i M480_ Abit ta,any :One. ,.(laugli-,-.
ler "apsPsOphitise4-: .1._find that -the cost
•of el -4: ,. erninentif.) 1-8_78_, :Under tht
:-.14aCken. . 7!...:114driiinistiation, was .4823,-,
PO4.).,- 4hili#enater,XicPberson and .- :his
tisa4and friendabiamed Us for shah
a healiy:28-xpetiditoreand said:tie, were
'ruining - the -:-Oitil try... ,..„ These I_Siiike: '
, W4061.611, *: J;oWeirer.,- Wlio T.-. declared -
$823,000 such an ;OlVragotra price;Caine'
do Wn ilnit _seSzliOn.and derhainlei.foi the
.satt e serliee:$960,000, b -dog -0 7;000.
. - - .
More.: - (Laughter :atid applause.) 1 Xt.:.
..maepberson; whit•appeari .to have-: been
their financial oracle,.vice '.S.ir ...Leonard
Ti y„at thattiine engaged in governing
ivi-"BrunsWiak found fault- wlth• °lir
enditure upon pansions ,..aiid. `allow=.
4,-,aaying that it was .,..":simply- lip-
ijig," if reoolled hie Tplirae.-: We.
ei;houtid byanAct Pused by them-
es over Whii.th We had little control
o s dot- II
- ,
lari3 to the annual expenditure of Cana- Ne
da,- besides • incurring, akilis, exp
Atinisterig speech shows", enornrotis. pl.)°,
obhgat ions- - would have Pall
'.inyolved an ' iv -crease of millions of ii-er
dollars that Mr; MaCkenzin, thounli
. .
holt ing.these obligations„thinigh
-ppm. to -meet engagements -for .ivlitch be'
was not responsible, againat.ivbieli -be
and Mr. Blake, as -Well as : anti -
othors. on the. opposition side, had 'pro!
tested in -Parliament.- . YetIt the. cloSe-
of his adminstration -was !able to
show that he had added Only sgob,Okio
to the aimual-pu4lio eipenditaue, every
penny of: which. was made up for.bYthe
aildititmilieceipte from 41y-oil:meats. •
sPerilo..r hers inroduced.a volume
iniioniming 'Ma intention of quoting.
ken) figures to prove the correctness
te his :statements,. when a-gentleinan
4110 Garai-de, who lad •Sitting •
u one of the...font bench:es, vanced
*o the -platform.' dechirino- • that', he
wanted to bh perfectly satisfied of the
tititority-of the.doeument. -The friends
Sir Richard, anxious that he Should
-be interrupted,Criecl "Order," : while
base who were near at handk tried. to
oreaade the -doubter to reenna his seat
id await developments- Inv, patience.ho .
Chairman, -*hp-. ,I,VaEl„..4near Mr,
fatilate, at the • Seine ti*WeVed "tie
Anti in a deprecating Wayt.ga,if.to-say,.
304 is -the good of-ana mgi inter-
wpting- the Vireletalesti4".. Theit-
ewer. weleeme(MapAitothert_. TNT< "'Si* 'terms titter _
, •
dile to the action of the lkistkenzie
4-iiired ten mill lb./le-for the. wiu Interealonial
. - ..
Peeific, at -d the cempletiim Of the canal -,,-
-4Steni, Which -hes hoeir:accepted by thec...7 • • •
GpVernment,.-Willinvivethe expendif:
:tire of at least twenty 'millie.ne,,,.--...Tiii-384--„:
;orb' Seri -pus-. matters,. i.i.aeuatich ,:aa ..• they. : .*
4111. add s.ixty Milliens of dollarato the-
'existing,ilebt; - Let usflowsee.-whis r-
tinIattituat-lebarge•involved in t . .. -mat '.- --,
:tei,,i'. . --For Sin•kirigrithicrat 1..-p,r. cent,-...•
06,000,'..andlorreom '-' -' . . and ihr-:, .
,teriest, -$'2;764,0Q0., • , 'eking - a: • total:.
iiiiinial.cha,rge Wli_": .0661'. :-ti3OrkS . '8re
.S.--eatjtti°:Tittri. t*-e,,,%ct;n:1;n6-cfit!i:e-1.191C 46 ihlh;P::044!" -hil:a- 4.: 'zr: .: : - tead. -. d" ethed:
annual eihenditure in seVeri4ears.-*Iit
S. gi;66' ilYril-.11:1111sl.st :It IC -07:1" II- of
-',°41404c -p" i. tj'ae14- :e-Vii-fatfit -0 e. on'f..-*; -*-
ssraY.tnillionato-be laaed,and ati_ann-Mil
' char-geol. -$3,307,000. ' ...-It is„::irtie that'
hiti'ing:_.Icin_fase-these - .engle,:eM 01 ts ,jvi 1.•,-. ,
Mac.ken.zie.-Wasec triptlled-tO add - tiairty -
4 i.hirty:tw&utilii-o-us-4-&-illora•to:' tlie-
._pktdie debt: 11.6W-iii-4874-?,hefori:kcir_:thii:-. .'.,
charge for debtand:antisidiek:aniOunted
to ten ,and a,cinarter miliiOnsrot dollars,
heir he went out of -of6ce.ini:878,tliat '
cliargehad.1,-increased to -$11;,.6'Bt0.0.0.. :
pint other Words, instead': of .'. the 4: -A:- '
367,o9.9. whih:S:ir ,Leooarci and would
4-4added-tO theannutilekkinchtitreionly:: r *-
-$1,400,000 was so --.4.10.-itow•-• i:''--- -
tikkti:-:te another...page of the t)uli/ic-:--;-
.acOuntS,a-nd I 6nd thatthe-expenditure
on. oipital aceohrit trade by the :Maelten-i"
Gdyerninent_ure Under- three :heads. :.
1 Intercolonial RailwaY" (for which.; -
n. pitman -being everpretendeo to_liold.,.
, lin 'boildings : at Ottawa" (-w hiCh had
M.,: Mackenzie: .reepOSilile); :::f.' Ilcitic. -.. • _
Tz- 14;qiy!'--.:(1v.-hicity-ai.,.likewiaea legaCy :-:-. -
lett usLyont-predeeetsOrs) -;'and-.1.asthy ..
0.Canaleaud the ciiinpletioni.Of-the-pub. '•
a -a spent - therefore .$. 1..9b,0.00._ --.._.'.... 7 ., -_'; .. been.. pu-t.ttnder"contract:'airdr:.aetiyolt
This, be fit, recollected,....wei.-..under.-a .19_1*e0Pefl: by. °tr. oppoii -eras- ) . .---.Aft,- t ,
'nrot - extravagant Blintsti,,y_., . siet ISir "calling.your httention to Sir Ieoniirdin .. .•
. Leonard ThIley , hist lyear;•folind. it iie.. owit.,Statement, twd to. the -, public. • A et---..,
'.eesSiarY to I Ask- for:, 815.5;00Q-.. for ._ the Otititii.;-*0 stIST..11.9W-Just wasthecharge '..:.
W -e Were told! vie vNie outrageously ex sanie service*, abOPt-00.-PqrbeAt -increase; hba,roatitigtibitle..aogz24-11;_ar.2ti i awcali:netliotie;thitaard-.16hI..-
tiavaigant,. because, .A0 expc-nded-.$421,-- . tO'-t ,.°21 public 6417-len& - 1. relneln. er
000. in -annuities to .the.Indians, :Whose ::-%,.'hetiAlierewas.tt-difficakr in • Iiia king -, •
. .. .. . . -... -- - . , -
-lansisin_the North West we.':..fieVe . ae-, .revertue;atid experidithre Meet we were -
.qtatiki., Two years:later Sir Jellit),. w.h: sevetelY bOudetone4111. Parli.41413.t---. by -....
. centred of :these :• -affairs.„. :found- iti Ilk, 01800 --.
is at the- iiead- of:.0epe.bartineht having' :it, SJohn IY.I86.6i.aeo..dr.i..otil.-i,t1.hd..0_fseerw-....0:Pirke-Ps,9_,:inti...-k...-,t-,h1Q01-..•:: .,.-
Cessairir to- SS,i for $6.94000, to be. paid. the.0,rotind,-.4W.hich. certainly:had. ilsOnie I. ...
totite.Indiane.. '.E...cpenditurei.whicir iik ..foree-init--7thatiiiitinies of 'distress the---:- .
extravagant with us; mat appareoly:he igOVerignellt- . ought, if postiittb,40- •ex:-.-:-...
Occeiedt.d. by Sir. John with g.roAt ---: eporiz pilnd-iu mitek• itio4Py--txs they'-eould• :ob.::
omy, and cot.tideriO the: ----------1 ich -pit1;1*- Works. 80 as itioive: -ernplOyeleti -
yeara,:iit.. may for: hirn- beEconsidered: the .,aftering: -.-vf hick aecoirpanietS had -...-
be siveit.dithe. -expenditure in fetni oil . to the labetirina-:claSset . aba- ih u '' relieve ' •
er -• $ b
. • - . • - . : z -
eilejnt*iieat. - . -.(Loud laughter r.ointi: .-- tip- :tiniek ..au.d.on the ground that : great.'
Plause)v ne facts I have --quoted, J pubilt:Averkii-Conld beconstrueted more
thitik,-.„wiil show :Clearly that ,we liere. eCoritirnically.idsUch tirees 'titan iri ft.ny- .
no; rkthent-: good - coo,e . when . we other' I think those of yotr-whO ,wiil-- • 4'.-
-Avarned..tha-pnblie- that the setae reiitne.. take - he:trOuble tOl-go-tO tlioie -.....rdeer..4.
of,. rapid*. :expend iture 'Wrhie14',..had pre: Wilt.. 'tee:With the In.. this. . that .:3.10,-tWo.. -, -.Ail, -.
:0 Mod _from 1867- to 1874 yronld:he:.`.-re-i- -ehorg could be.:More. unjust..or -.entail, r",.,,ilut.o,...*
ifilftlii preqect:,:Adpinstration thanthat the late GOvernment- !nit etc-
we restored re@tored„ to Power. .1 .-44 J. reni an: .trava&nt- or:that- it adiledte-khorptihiid.,..y:
her. that gr, lktaekenii. -.1res'aecueed tlebt .Wimecessarily:
• Szij 141) 4-0x.
• „