The Sentinel, 1881-10-21, Page 5nds .enc Ends of Tweeds. Ends of Dicks. Ends Denims. .Ends" of i tek ng, • Ends: of. Tablings Ends of flollands Ends -of Linens::.. Ends of Carpets. ns; of the Latest it l;%Tisiie& to infioro .'.�b constmitlyan j18ld F .ST Li Wcnneil'S-, Misses' and Children's en's Boot -A, arasols. ?a r Glc Odd.: -'airs:-. Ends of Skirtings. Ends of Gottons� :Q Ends) of Prints. Eads of Dress Goods: Ends of Cashmeres Ends of- Silks Ends of Satins. 'as of Velvets._ yes an cella .oset Lib ifit.55 airiVi rd., .141w ri itaving bought out Mr. L": Dore' the -stand, ' Ross Str=eet, intends carrying arr` aid :1�:a�a- akar TJSINESS;.' in lennectien . with n hich -.be tioi seshoeing & Ceme al smtY�Ili And will guarantee satisfaction _ in both • lines; of.the trade: • i10 ed and First-class W.orkmeri only eTnt)l y d_ - a d the work superintended ;by Myself. -years of experience is sufficient ::tvarrait cf the stye of my workmanship. Parties requiring' anything in the above linen will do- "well- to - GIVE ME A CALL: 1 _hope .hy strict attention to -business to _merit a Liberal Share of'.. the public, patron ago; 1 lock for a return. of my old cum tonners, and a continuation of :patronage.: Re•Painting and Trimming. Done with neatness and,despat�eii tickno1 r, Ifareh• 4, ,1881 Is recei�*ing Fresh Fall ..'and _winter Goods;,_ daily, and will se11 the same lines of goods at -cheap -aa any hctise this Side et • - Too-ronto FINE. LIES OF • ur. A ssorf Il~�ent of ._ • scut' is 4 Ftr MEDICINE, .� .1 TRADE MAR Kir H1:GREAT I;' -TRADE MARK.. • At. ... �riwi liEir>:r». - unfailing Ltit lG tliathe Ylil� •�l, t w> sure for Seittin a STOCK JF ir.l« eaknesg, permatorrhea, Im_po:teticy, ,nd•alll)iseases i13atiutio« ass • efoeT %setl�lenceofselfgfe zi Use;: aslos4 of Ntetnory, Universal Las tulle,:Pain iit.-the back, • Dilntsss; of :Vision, Premature old age. 'and many other .1)iser+.ses_ that lead to Iusanity•t)r Oolisiunption and a Premature G`rravp. Full particitlars t:ur pamphlet, which we .desire to : seixd free ail to-evtrry- one, , s ' 1'he Sltecifi Med- mri�t$'at , i i)or paek- • ' n+ 41111-er°tr t sold by a11`i)eti • Go' iitl(1 exRmirie tis: re:► '} • ' cine- s a his r six packages for :-3,5 of will- be 'sent cot in cacti e1issss, egc stalls. Ong ni `Pi lf�l s - is a1e-Stoek BOOt6 ifr fztt piirehctgiiig elnc s lei's. lac-tui;ing. a : Specialty. . ;ear's stock' ' o? -at aili - under a-ear.frfa RtIc Rutter tfik • colt JAMES GORDON i}x spli,'6 of fr T osition; is deternttned tri'it lie:. mer• rice `that; ttrt e1one in toren. free bymailbn.receipt of the money' by ad - Toronto. 0 ut:,10anada eff-Sol in TineknoW by all tlruggis ev nnd hy where in Canada and the Unitedtates y vall wholea1e- and , etaidrur(!ctta. a vecl. inyo it own town. Terns orial 55 outfit • Tree. Acid eas,'-H; HALLIi.T'r. Portland, Maine: . 1: V R O O rs I$ IIOW 121: I G ORDER. aET► TEt Rv � l in a ueiv 'Ti►gine and a ne�v Planer, anti hie. s -before. We have put and- tire -now . ela Pia , :l than e:.er a ha of the' Machinery, an . • •.° •,- overLauled' all the rest 'ALL KINDS .of YORK In..theBCTLDINt L Itis m }ny p:t+l fns 1 tf Prely ttlicm, it• t. tha . while tlltxe trF tf Ilea lclwerin in ; .. . prices' there will he• isto-9 oweri to n, Quality, i in lii4 len;thy experlenee he.has found that it pays. to ket:p nothiatig but. guod meat.. Remember that onrdon i€sere the Mean Supply fin ` `lllz, --and Via rat 113 17/16.0016.1 tlteat Det vered to all. Parts of the Vit age,. on Shortest .Mottos. S Hol' cor. (tllp},11t111, and Ilayeloek. streets! t>i O 0!- tQ ar �`e air : � 1:14 et ph car, \-<4 t'Vpi 1.4 flo m Hm : Q8 is 0 r- ev c, O � ry N 0 i • 0n �1 ►,- Cr w IDI. Z(re.haye also on hand a large Stook of` •Aci Blinds,. iviOU L ' b er Doors, ,,Sash, l S d �irr� eing, asone.. 'Barn ::(Eaves Troughing, 1 .. - ouse:and ..::... _ E SCROLL AND. BAN,® SA' 'PIGI" . • �R S�,i GLOBE TOBACCO CO., DETROIT, iCa., and - - WINLSCR Otrr Money to -.:.ban: reasonable On meal. Estate; at re�ls c, rates, on terms of payment to suit Borrow -el s. ELLIOT 'Ti ■% .v fl OEF CE---N'Xt' to Post O1..cF ' 11 t �c�'i t1 C.ackr�o��t �� �.. {: t1 [mall branches , "�;Till b:e com piete iii a•fe v ,days, AND e will en :eaVour togive e . you cosi value•: i1 t rea sonable "prices. eciali.lrres wi;l -_be Sold. Close en Cot. ,Sp _ IgA H DING A 'SPECIALTY., L` ` t•is.11:ca11before 1. urchasing elselc 11ere,' STtE;' . f,'i► � 'T T0R:'CAC11: 1:IBT'F.:_1T� DISC• Z • .; 411:Si1bscriDtio . Sent us betwi'ea 1st Oct'r a & 31s' eco l3er,1391;,mill e .tit10 S1,.bscri C From -date - of Subscription` to end of 10 2 #close �1�v ,now GLOBS. PRINTING M, Toronto • ell m o 2 a . 2o...et ' lz ? 04 ,400 d m.o aA g ti.y.dco« 'fes g,tu«a¢qq. eip nt a aHA ij a ccmO70 al co cD. yaO..moO I. 0 SI .4p .d -"oh � 44-•-s•-• a 'S Gq: • 02124°4c) Too • critic.? r "�Ob+tti QA ;3. A_'G Is 00 g o.al- EsticinSfsta • �▪ c.v a is•• o• c..) U- ot• �.: 1=1:4a�gF cop ¢ e Deo a▪ �. A. N f=i 1?�wgmmn t ,dU -tsi b u.4t 2loua�:.o 1.IJ . - - -- -. SSSS .. i-.•.... .. •SSSS What is it?! 1 he 11e4 ii' flehrre ()11 in tl'• world ,: is. titan c)1.4,st.ared b).• 2dtcCc1i E.4:0.4-. & e'., . 5U.+ ex it0i -9big Oil, un-oller the se\e-sest test -till the in;Ist _ :t(UVt• e4 t t€it3,41', w.;awarrled.h1t e tftl1v •- - - hight4t•rii:is: -ii) lite-, namely, Toronto 1 n ttt4tNal ,yy}7111t1v)., rlFt 1? Le ,1 rOviiii li II 11kM1lJ1il.t, �� n113un, jnlit 1e(ial , oit{t t .q , )t Iuii)n F):11311t ion, Otto'.' a, - i tr Me' 11 ' �- rutiniitg ii ael,ibe2 y v i -•rmt•r 'buil (lit - usini;l»ti;inivl� 1 moues ants'ipeohi :ery 1)y : �e d� ani . `- y oor. werciAa.:t f )i itraUid tall. it 1 z::