The Sentinel, 1881-10-21, Page 3E.
recon';. for it -4's at night,- like a baleftil
figmer, that • madness . grow S.: AU . what -
nights I:gassed:I: -.Alone- in the- latge • hed-,
eh -ambit above the hall '1 used to lie—a
ghastlYnursery, Mildied;_fer a child like.
ins. The woman that. Wpa %Mei instead
• .of talegof fairies-- and magicians-, told- me_
of Gu_y . and of that dread shape—thastatue
•. yoricler-----which- I had .seen & thousand
=ass- before- I beheld it her.e, every ;night
. she promised to Sit beside Me and keep off
the dreadful things, and evety night- she -
:would put the candle to my fane,-Und see-
• - iugittat,; as, she thought-, asleep, would leave
mein-the:dark; then came- the whispering
Voices„ the soft =Wing sounds; the stealthy
footsteps round my Iittie• bedfAhl-,what
misery. Mildred, from the time of closing
doors- 'arid loud good nights,.when my
•-father and the. tett retired, until the blessed. , •morning:Asti/n.1 . Above my room as one
• 'Which was not occupied-, as we% 'thought;
• hut I knew better. AIL night one gibbeted
and moaned there, warming himself_ brthe
mo.tatheapagas beet he ' could, and shaking
- his chain far ,nemparty.• Ouee in the dap:
'-‘ Iimelventured thither, and though hewas
•e.-,.. not thete,'I saw his chain fastened to. the
- Wall tvla atropg_etaple., as madmen- always
are hrtheit- sane, brethren. This made
• inavety cunning froin the firet. Chary my
•later knew,. and \ *1st he knew- I think he
'has now forgotten: On a, • day when i
thought- myself unwatched, I had candied
,- .. up the windingstair of the West:Tower—a
• ' we.ary.way for lily young. limbs. te go—and
...- • peering _ above the battlement, was about to
, eXectitelaplan,-Icaig_ andfondly cherished,
. 91 leaping_oftlitto_ the Pitt when a___strong
arta • W&B .suadenly put round ray: waist
- - and: 1- hard . my father's vnicet- Ha Was
•. net angry, ' an feared he might- be; -lie
speke to me fair- and kindly, aila -carried
iner down -stairs to -saveloy little limbs; and
..,while. he did- so, upon ray face I. felt- - his-
:, iburning tearsfall fast which frightened„,
- Me, not knowingwhy- he wept. -But I 'hitowt
.., . .. .
- . now --P , • • - .
-.4- Alasl poor. Child,:" Murmured Mildred•-
'. tenderly-. : "My • heart I bleeds for' thee,•"
eit," - - -.. ---; .. ' •
, '.Shd pities Me, and dees not fearr be
Ma.- "-There is is hope. yet,' then. The:
•hot paia'areaay huts lesa keenly. r
thank thee,.blessed:balm. Mildreclil have
Mayan - the night: is terrible to: su.eli as I
• . ant; hottlierac...rnis-very sweet,ay: cern-
the -first gray light that
,. stcalg into my chamber,. --at which the
, phantoms_ vanish,. and the mocking faces
•• . cease their .gihes: ,• A. birct t4it--leves..,the
tree- beneath my: Window, presently begins-
• - to Sing—,at-rain of tasiodY upon ray parched,
np Soul. Then, at the open window do" I
• Bit for hours,. . qaite happy. -The morning -
winds are • 43ver blithe and joyout ; out from.
. : the: purple light they tome: that crowne, this
Very Anil. . Theine-groves'heekon them
• towards ma ;, the corn -field, with ten
thousand tossing ears, motions thein on;
an on theY. drive in 'Music,and the& by
my hair, . and calm, my 'throbbing pnise,
. , . .
ant .pool -my .fevered brain, ,Tliem -mine 1 wrangle withii.,:: fellow -member. - Itnette _
eyes,' -looking on, • the (10,4 lields,, them- 1 the fortunate publishers several thotisand
selves have .dew, in, . thew—a, "Something i. clollara. " Old Prlks at Roble " was Written.
t:men-A at ray, and then the dew—the I by Stephen C. Fetter thirty -years ago i who
•sleeping: fatmg„ the river"Erstately Bow, the- i solcl :it to Christy, Of minstrgb fame, for
- • wonder "-and the giotY-ot the - earth, -ainki fl,,. a.o,a reaeived a bonus 't4 more Or the
deep.inta ray soul.". . • ,•:‘ . ' ' I grivilige Of 'having hie (Christy s) name
.` .."-It Cannot be," 8aid maroa,.i. scarce v,ait the. title page as anther„, and aftef the
• knowing that she: .spoke idowl„." tilt such : piece' had-, made 'lithn rich he generously
a toincl:a.s,-this has buffered total wreek." gave roster $50 meter- which vat' •all he
."Ay„ bit it hath it halls,' returned he, . ever reCeived ter the tong.. But .-it served
earnestly., "1 have only told you What I make . the author lemons and to Belt all• :
: Suffered:as, a boy—eitongh, as I see, fpr ' -.-his other songs, yet he died, a poor mao."
eonvietion, and ye•t•not too ranch, as Ilope : For & whilethepiece waned in publie flavor;
•- for loving pity. _ Lot it. suffice. to tay,.that notir ft iveo sig Mlle,' lillssan at her
with every year the evil spirit has grown cotteerts;;! when', it took a- new start, ana at
:'..within me, sad mut one day gain the this present:lime it is one of the -best 1_ Sell -
mastery. altogether,. if you wilt not cast it: ing Rouge ia the Market. - The nuitterous
.9114 ' T here. is but -one physician in ali this • teanscriptierts fican its:Melody, by up#ard,
., World_ with power to heal me, Mildred. t'Tis , or twenty different cortiposers, serve
'You who are even 'ea. the morohig dawn to to • keep it porailar, ' It hi really a:worthy
ree;. and it you: Will-A:tut ignite.- a -little on -companion:- to: '," Sweet Horne,..- and will
inet„ the clarknesa will presently diseoIVe„ ' probably he ening for & hundred years or
and all will be: yet day. li feel, I know it. more, Miring ,the war several:songSpub,
- See, 'I kneel - before you, and entreat you— lished it • the ',i., time had a remarkable
have:, kind-heart—to ''give nie your true stiecess.," "-Weeping,'Sed-ima tonelYX had-
' leVet Men often boast -snob love is life to. at sale :-of upward: of 300,000.- "Then
. theta ;-. butte me, more- thanhl'e; and if 3chunyComes ;:31-arehing- Honiei",. ,.':-Tent.:-
. ranged, a thing more hitter far than death ing on the CCId:Canag Ground'(eunglikthe
await g tae•." • - - . ' .- ' .- - '' . IllitelAinSOli fgaiiii.* -" aOhrt Brown's Body
• Ile knelt before her on the silver sand, ' Lies _a the Grave," each had
his fair face- gentle and: sad ' as the dewy a very _large :sale and. enriched the ipub-
- eve, his thin white_ hands clasped as close fishers, and 'in: - one or' -twb _cases %heir
anehorite'S, his .eyes fixed hungrily 'on. anthem- RUC only one of these - has
_heris. What could- • she tell_ hina—fer the rernainedfram"-ebliVion—"" Tenting o , the
trUth-she date not tell—What answer &mid °Id. -Camp- Gronnd '"—which is being :isung
' she ' give hini that neither Would :by the daughters of those Whose menicties
deceive him with: false- hopes; nor. smite -g9 back to the tadsceneswhen they " tEMted
. . ._ _ _ . _ _ ..._ . _ _
' - him Whete a, Mew weuld wotse than slay•7 con the taid campground." '-•• • -
• fitir,atidthetein, as I believe, yoli. tell ine - • • --G ' hihmt. '-i . . -ar ' tudi -
. am , _.a . or At ea 13. _10.? • ,
. .-tttitli.- A warriari love's: her loveliness- vert .... ' ,; .- • .- ._.. - , - - . .
- • . - ..
- de.i.trbr. ;; ea, yet 1 gwear- to you . that . t Last- merithl a_ man by tne. nam,e ot.
Ed.munds waaeonvietecl_ of -the-raurder,pf
.-- Would etralehtWay becom.e- inisshapen and
•e:t it,bli. _Er.- young lady irl Arkans&s. - The murderer
unca 1Y itea yonder seeming statu 0 • ' 3111 111- 10
was fereibly talmn out f the ' 1. Whf h
heves Corifioef..-by & party of lynchers, for -
the avowed purpose of hanging him; 14 the
midet. of the cererno'niea one of the gang
roore. tender heitated.than the others Said:
"I think. wed better give the hound a:
.chance. , Itadve we play even -.-up for it.
• Thenoieltrof the stiggestionniptured.the
croWd. - A 'halt called, several- deck*
:of , cards :proffered, 'one "selected:- and two:
men were cho en -to . represent - Edmonds
-and two to, pl
pened. that the
They -.7played
The -crowd go
siderabiy ' mot
had been -at th
The, genie* ettu
•EXCitement at its Beginning n
W shingten
• • ;• •
of etiriosity to
There- is no
force; althcing
titres( are pres
At 11.15,
prisoner, came
the doer of the,
and Marshal II
marshals' '
the boWed
Of the assess
counsel:- The -
the handcuffs,
of -his' hands,
ever, to hold.c
Usual posithm.
his Whiskers -
His . dark "rue
-person epresen
• appearance:
Scoville has- received a statement from
the assassin, in. which lie said : , •-‘‘ D ' not
waste any eff
actual insarat
:court and. •fur
:claim -rand -that
Citvli -in a Clothing Store fortve Years ivith NO
Suspicion of Iler Sex,
SS it may seem, even to mernbere of the
RDERER. •A despatch from Cleveland says Strange
ct. 14, 2 pm.—The • Court Order of Knights or Pythias elsewhere, a.
. There is. an intense feeling lodge in - BO: City! NiolL,•- has had the
inducting a feinale into the
'see Guitteau, the e,seassin.• experierde. of
usual display of the.Polide MYsteties-uf two degrees of the grain', and
partially through that of the third-degree,
' a_ large -number of detec-
t before her sex Was discovered. •It . seeing
sent, but, not in. uniform.
that about two years ago a yonsig:man of
ooVille; counsel Jeri. the
Nypsd., -Prepossessing. appearance, tall and hand -
it: " Immediately after
Ineesestroom was cipened some, With a athoOth face, _dark h4irl- and:
nty iiird the two, .de--taity.. bluish -gray: eyes, -who::-gave his -ziaine as
eked, '.hustling , ' idol* F.rank ChainberS and his ItitinS Of nativity
and ' cowering - AgurEi as Cleveland. -applied. at a large -919thing
n f to . a -seat - betide" his. store • on - :Centre 'Street, Bay City,
for' a. situation- -as a. - .clerk, and his
one of.- the guards unkteked
wing:Abel:meaner •thoi use appearance .made such 4 faverableinipres-
ma_ he . continuo,. .how. simi upon :the younger of the three
owed as if: that was their bothers. who kept. the stere, that -being in
unittean.lo4ed bxnkiln in. want. of a clerk ha engaged' the services of
iris :closely • cropped,Land. 'tile new -4htast, 414 aid ' not .even ask f;*
ern, thick but net ,c,ng, references. r FiOra. _ the -.staff, : being- -ig.-.
y clothes and his -Whole 114;entlY at:int the same age,: the Younger:
ea a..raieereihiy peihietea Members of . the firm. aud, the new • clerk
. • • • .- became on very .anaicahle terms, auci :were
inseparable ' companions :ivith-` the excep,
tiOnthatthe new clerk.'toOk 'a room and.
board ata private house, and would not
listen' tothe proposal, Often made, to occupy
a teem and board. with hi -UL Matters ran
aiOntsmocithly in this -way for nearly two
years, when the'young rnerchant,.after re-.
peatedsolicitatione,greVailedngentlie -clerk
to.jpin- the -;Order -of Knights. of Pythias.
Thereupon -his_ application was pkesentecl-
• tO the ledge _appreyed-, and the. candidate
elected. ' , *lien,' however.„ ' at :the . next
meeting the clerk Was requested - t� . be in
readiness for initiation, lie .did net put 'An
an appearance, and gavee-as an eX011130 that
he. -felt timid &bent:the Matter ;;.but;at'the
/wit ineetingthereafter he -Was promptly -
on. -hand, andindnated, into the rnytteries
of the Page's, or -first degree of the - Order;
At _the nextineetingthenewly-inade Page',
was reluctant t� take' -the . Esquire's; or
second degree but was after a . tithe pre-
vailed g- . _ -
upon. to do:to and that night became
an Esquire. When the ,time :arrived, til•
receive the third degree .-the ,oandidate hesi-
tated still more than. before, butnot mie of:
the . brethren • suspected the true- cause
thereof—they attributed • it to his. usual.
timidity!, and. after . several -of .thein
had; talked with the , yOung. ..clerk;-
`- I horn they all had Come to admir
-IPtoPlair sting*. , - -wand respect, lie 'entered' - the lodge -rem:
. , ,.
- '. Shea FIY`,"un' g tenyeara. ego from one witnessed the first degree conferred Upon a
end of ths continent to the -Other, had anew .ciaididate, and had nearly :passed.:
sale of b1,000 copies, and is now forgotten . tbrough.the._ thirddegree -before the sex was
It was eertainlY the most worthless musi- discovered: The members. Were striick.
cat absurdity .ever _written, and its snecesi ;with consternation, and then and there all
was • largely owing to its being alluded to by fUrther prodeedings were suspended The
General Botier in the course Of a political- ,c).03g lady'hadlainted --epon, finding out
- that her ' sex was_-cliscpvered, and upon.
regaining nanscionsness., Was -thrown I to',
hysterics; and • no coherent story mill be
wrung from ' her "either. by the ' ntle
pleading of her employer or the - threats of
inembere, .tind, her hysteria ,inereasing,.
the •. was conveyed to •.'her • boarding-.
• houSe in . a close _carriage, -and a' .doefor,
called to 'attend the case: • 'The - above
incident occurred about five weeks ago, iod-
ate now made ptiblic -for the first ' time.
- Me Young ih4y. had a trunk full of female
wEiaring apparel, and in a day or two, after
the dootor,: had, quieted' her nerves; i4die
donned her natural. garments; sent for.her
employer' 'friend, .and . te him the inadett
clean `breast of who .she was -and *here her
parentgiesided, but he refused to •dtsClose
-any of the facts '-aboti.t. her, . - She itiii
reinatas in '''Ray City, and. rrunor is busy
with the report that the ' 'younger' meniber
of, -therfirm. for whEtna . she worked -Will
:Marry her,. and thin; make a -stronger bar
to-secteey. on the part .of --the ybUng lady.
.Rumor also late it that the young lady met
-the Yining man on a nertain . occasion, -fell'at first •sight, but not -being able to
'Make hie asquaintanee took thatiriethocl to
. do t10." ' . - • ..' • •
•Every Han HO- Own Policeman.
-(Chicago Times;)
The feet' be that Mayor sop -
ten ,and Superintendent -McGarigle.. are
now taking.stepa to ,dretingoish _their art -
ministration -by introducing s. systeth
Whereby_ a "poliesprean can•-always'hawithih
a reasonable distance, ,and; d of a
in - disturbed to .go to their doily avocations.
leaSt: equal inAgortanCe; a spot
known, so that he -neednever .searched The cause the ' stir is nothing ilesw thanfor invain.-. '
policeman each of 'these blnObtagatikt sd'aialstahding,'Mrk-..Grantni*ifir7Of Major"-
AO:dep.-4A a, 84 einPernent in a circle of a Iiiiorethiinfair..
- The soberne
-b.Oxes which are reiilaning the eld,:filsItioned-- Grant, the Duke a • OcrOv011's
lainplposts. teputable. _citigena -1•11f•ikutrY-, having 'left -her' liege spouse for
-4119seed ea.try. .keys -. ---to .realins-Unknown, cOmpany of her,hue- •
Matter 'interesting.' to, yob. is- the,faot that
Maly! ltaZ,..4.M-JE. MS! ••• 41.,4.- ALL 1I.M.I•al. 1,71 a. •
A Lady of Style Hum. „off With Her
Coachman.• -
• A lkohdon correspondent writes Corn- ,
wall 011ie present moment is in a terrible
state of excitement. The quiet -fishers of
those villages which contain " Tre," "Po,"
-and "Pen" in their names, bywhich. you -
know_ the Cornish Men," are almost too
be szieae • boxesWhenever 1. reputable, - citfge-if: ociachrean: _ What may _ make the
has oegasion to use a policeman; be _will
have only to go to the nearest police b� lis-Jer Grant, fig some time past, has spent
oPen_the door, take out _the.,Qffieeff and 1213-40idily4.# Partada;: tit* 11°'
bum- When 'he_ is thtongh with hiin he. aft:. rtle, hPen !IcsumPaliied;- by
has only to put back and 149)..the deee 'wife, but this - summer, .unfor- :
again,And the officer is ready for the next 1*.unatOY for his 9ww- peace o roma, he
reputable citizen who needs in aPPEOsntlY:' wet. alone.. • `riS must have
a- house' is broken into, the ,boriseholder been tile Pukio.d during -which the as•hu'':
Lothatio pressed his spit,. althOugh Major .
if,.9.-.exeuse-hirnself to the burglars, assize,'
nig Akan- 15olitely: that . it is :absolutely -sPuryalitzWiffheeinenhcbe_reitnurnileisd hwitimfee,:sd ab behavior .
_ .
Idatters went srneethly on fora, fewweeka,•_.
when Major _ and Mrs Grant, taking,the -
coachinan-with them started to pay a visit
at Mrs:- Grant's brotherlaplace at Trewin
Tbelllajor,,Who was an ardent. ,._.
-sportsman! went out with his ..hrother-in,
•la,vir for .a day's •cub -hunting, and -Mrs.
Granteeenie sta.-have lost no time in- coni,
munieating _the fact that 'the coast was
clearto .. her- -admirer. - Anyivity the,pair-
t on trying •to prove myg
. ' It would. disgust! the.
. Legal -insanity is - all -I
is -'ustrats reaLas-actual. -1
,•want to, use the le 'lig StaIwarts'I met in
New York York lag fall in ray defence. This
and my own stimony is about all. the
defenced have, as -the la* is With net,- the:
laWof insanity a the law Of jurisdiction."
• Hisstatemen. iaits fellows : . . ' .,
• To-runkomat.-2.-I wish to-viarry BE per -
SODS "t0 atterap no vielenee on me, asthey.
will probably be -shot dead if they
the officials. having me in custody,. ,,',- The
United States deVc3rnment is :bound- to
protect me and•give me &fair -trial, ahdthe
honor of the -.-A-inerican people is at, Stake
for my personal protection. I ...ulicier.7,
stand'. this. bitterness - is kept alive
by certain friends of the late Pre dent
who expected office -from hilin. The . are
mad -about his tenioval, . audit is irreponsi,.'
Ns characters Of this- kind that are sending'
silly and imperitinent letters, anonymensly
• to my attorney!, , These people, had better
'drop politics and "go iota other business..
With greatresect, • CHARLES GuiTT*17.
neoessary . for . • him to go. out for-, jEt
,Morgent- init, , be -directly;
get the "polieeman, froin the :..nearest boa
bring him over.- to• the houS
• . - - -
ard , have him • arrest the iotrtid
era.- When „a rePutable. .:citiZett
'stopped on the street andasked_to give iip
siinplyaek the- high.,
•Wayteen to step'. over -a to the "• corner'
piement ._so that 'he can tee by --the strettf
lamp what ha is giving them 'and -then he
can uniock- the box=and---Ilave'- the: wh616-- left the house58=s°°h las the two gentle'
gang arrested. without any trouble. dmreensshedad inoruiteuraeortat of sight, Stihgeht,coMaerhain-Gattrani4t,
plan iFi one of the most ingenions things in
• .1
the world, and it reflects great credit on the
inventor.- After it has been in use le*
weeks, all. the criminala nov. in the citY
.will be either ja-il or in. dities that ate
without this beautiful device."The Titiog
would suggest that the public convenience -
would, be consulted ,hy painting the he:A. ee, lip to the time I write no news has been
private clothes. A. great deal of sympathy-
.. .
is expressed for -the onfortunate -husband, .
_forAfre. Grant has -left two little children
behind her. She was married when she
was 18, some fiVe years ago, and the coach=
man is close upon 40, so the gossips say.
tt-darker blue and ornernenting one elaz
-with aro* ot -brass "Datong and a salver
star. - The nature of -the boxwould thenhe;
apparent t� every one,. an d the police bp -4
would never he mistaken: for a depositary_
of etteetTaVing tools, _or a new style , of
theatrioal,bilt-hoard. -:With a key to these
*Valuable -boxes every citizen indeed
be his own policeithan, and .if wears
key on the-.Mittide of his coat or luta hi4
possession si key indicated. oil his rroilii chair, and so. touches &spring, which dis-
door, he may go bus bed or walk the c.hOgee', eight- revolvers ennultaneoubly =
greets• without: the 'el.ightest 1. danger --a iuto
obtained of the runaways.
A-" suicidal machine isasbeeninvetited
by an ingenious- Englishman, at least -So
says the Brustele National. The:woulilbe-
suicide bits. doWn. quietly in a -softly: '
cushioried arm chair,. and by leaning hig
head hank opens entail. reservoir -Contain.?
fog a- powerful nercotie. Overpowered by
'the 'fumes he .sinks further demi.' in , the
• • • tta k in an form.: - At the meetina of the Die hodis`t Co • nfer.
"Rupett,!' said she, "you say that tam • -• •
mice hi London 'James Calvert of Fiji
How to ittake:Nbipey. - that the. :greatest blot of the Fijians
One of the:natives'.
Most people_ are aware of the fainetki wati their cannibahsm
stated that he had feasted on 872 different
advice given by " the thrifty Laird :ref
Dinnbiedykes; on . his deathbed, t� his 'dein persons, and or eatren of the miesien.
and heir : Plant -trees; Jobk-tthey'll grOw'rei sleePire 1,1 : - - vs.!
"-: The saying .may be, • modernized
Insert advertisements, ye meo of buSi
eiese-"-they Will: work while you are sleet',
.. •
•eo- do g confd lift the burden which you
ape of fre114_ your ttouhledmind", or help
•,- th grievous, LOSS -.:54i0/1 tt110L0 and laving
h rte._ may _ still, through. Go_cra sweet
erey„ remedy.- You are, yet very yOung.
.4it present,: be conteot. with my beat synx.
rathy; having confided to- me: this• great
"grief, let me bear something of it: mike•
me your priest, and I Will do My best to
shrive you,, keeping your secret- safe-.
.Beware ot evil coutate-IS, ind- all evil.; _the-
Clyffards- . are not. born mad more than
• ether' folks,. but unbridled- vice ,andYwicked.
was made therd. what. they are. Be good,
ere tent:potato, be lionest—ferby
• it is that -men keep sane."
And, this: is allthe comfort you can.erve
• ma new,!' said; Rupert, sighing and ming
from his seat, •I` Gad bless you, Mildred, for
that Much., Let us go- home., are fat
better for. this talk; your veryvoice, though
Speakiitg not the words which I ...Would
bear, is soothing as the harp -which David.
played. to pacify rasa seol.”
As they moved slewly homeward,. and
before the glirtirner of. their torches- had
quite left the- Vaulted chamber, Raynioncl
• emerged dripping from the, `subterranean
streatct..• - • • .••
•"What eenid Rnpert have had to tell
• lier„" rourrotired he, "that he should foIlOW.-
her . to .ftibble Cave, and keep me dripping
in the dark so lone' A. Ma fess sans-
• ;totted to otter -hunting and fishinga mid,
treardwotild haveron the titk of—taking
- beeoothiti- ed.r
Brigadier-deneral T. G. Her-m*0y, 9,13.;
hasbee.n selected to, oonimand the expedi-
tionary forces to be employed' during the
Winter on the _ Indian. frontier for the
pu-nishnamit ofthe border tribes whq have
riaittoeryly.been making r • a.icie ritith ter-
. for the mob. It so,hap-
two men who were playing
were -experts at. seven-up;
long `very evenlygatlAttit.
pad. all around them, !con-
-IImteretted now than they
prospect of mere lime ing.
blued even, for some: time
until thanewepaper,man made three points
and: won- the inah'e life and the game.
The crowd :ins ' considerably disgusted, but
they consoled em,selves with the thought
thatthey had een. a. goodgame of seven -Up.
- • _ •
Pirbf.-*Hell's Invention Pronounced- .a
_ .
Succeaa--HO* she shot 'are FOund. :
DUringlhe illness of the late .President
Garfield rrof. • A. Graham Bell, of Brant-
ford, hiVented a machine by -means Of which
the locationof a bullet in a -man Who had
been-- shot cotild be- 'discovered. The
machine -is £1/1 electrical Machine, and it is
se arranged -tbat when: placed Over the
exact spot in which the bullet is inibedded.
it Will ring. Last Fridaythe machine Was
tested M New York, and the 'result-of:the
•trial is thin; commonioateil by. Prof- Bell:
"My reputation is . now thoroughly
tziiried. 1 located' a buliet t� -day- to the
entire satisfaction of thirteen surgeons as
Witnettes. • -The bullet was frniud in vita
an unexpected place, but• the - --sounds were.
so loud and definite tha lio difference of
opinion was peaklike." Prof. Bell, with his
wife and fan:illy, will spend- the ensuing
-winterirt England 'having sailed on SatUr.:
They- act in thonsand.ways-,-...-the_y--
will. go. whero.yeii can't
good wordforyou in-glaces Yeu,leaSt.stig,
gected. - • - • .
What Plicisphatet 'ire to soil adVettigel
Monts aretebusinees:"
gural:notificaticin;. while -inditpeosahl
in some cases; ieLefielie of :ancient. day
When the 'bill -Sticker and bell man reigne
Supenie; and-. la beet but rough:44,
ready compared to the neat 'ad" catching
the -public eye along : the •1.mill comes one universal -cty, " Carbohne
"leader" or the lateet local news..
It :short, the pbusiness Man Wh6-doeitfi' grut _improved and perfeeted, is the beat
advertise like' a. fellow Winking- behin hair restOrer ever '_Used." • Sold bYal'
green spectaclet-4e May know what :4ruggi-lits• -
doing,- bit nobody else. ". •• - President ttlitit Mothei'llnd three
•, • .
&ries *eke eaten -when they first - corn.
menced_their labors in Fiji.
„ _ - „
A negro went home-frpin t Gebtgia camp ;
Meeting ina'state Of ecetaEZy, and declared •
that he was going -to 'heaven by the way of
* tall -tree that grew in- the door -yard,
Climbed to a height of seventy- feet, said -
then underteek to -- fly the "rest of the
jonioey. Thir fall killed'him.
The mother Of " Alexander Smith,. _the
writer, lately died in Scotland. She Nyasa. -
woman - of strong character, and slie irs -
described in-. her SOU'S novel of "Alfred
Hagart's•Household." - • '
, _ _
• Thousands upon thousands of betties of
Catbolines'a deodorized extrast of pato,:
knit, have been sold, and ftoM all-over the
.. • .
'• Yew peeple in Port Hopeliadany ide4-
9f. the shocking calamity tbat.':was-,alierted:
on Wednesday last by the presence of mitt
of 24. Jahn Cochrane, one of the engineer,
of -the Midland :Railway. 110 had•beeiin's
to: the. -G. T.-11,. yard with the. locoreotiv.
and carEc-andWhentettitning to
Midland:. yard, dawnthat slieavy
crossed by John street, he observed
run. over Ades& the Street .and • '•right
acrOte the track. The bell was ringing„hat
the little - thing did :not -seem to Mind, the
'noise, ti3Maining there uncootciooti,of den:
get. " Coehrane knew lito Ceold rioestop the
'Ommis.,Speaking -of stiperstitiens-
conneeted.`-with marriage a 'tendon paper
says that in Ireland "it is considered an.
ill oraeifte rise before:the Sun the marriage
morning; ,to dream of :the croaking' of a
raven, orta 3'0f:the-shadow of 'his "Wing -flit
by in the sunshine..: Or to hear the k000kof
an. .however, should
he listenerfor,-or t� note's. Winding Sheet
in the candle:" in Hatailtenitis consid-
ered an ill miner. to receive a letter from
your teetlier-tit Etwv-itating3"that 'she, iff
coming to:Upend' the siiintner, or te Cores
ketae,04 e'cleckktliteEpaorning, and i#nd
your. wifel. - t
At the last :meting of the Canadian
Division Sons of Temperance a Ottavia,
Reit. -Bishop: • Wilson, D. D., of ',the
• Reformed Episcopal Church, was initiated
into the"diiisiqn.- • • •
—A sweet thing in bonnets—your • best
manufs.ctured by
,engine on that grade.- Quick as thought, And for sale by dealers. : Ask -your nterehartt for
• •
Cow -catcher and got there just in time te Lacartidiven: and take au, other.
the GOLD -MEDAL at the Provincial Exhibi-
and mil& inore rapidly than it t•akes to
This oil under the Sie
t, e s rest est and most
give= account of the incident,. he horned °glee At the Toronto Indus
out by the cabin window, ran along to the trial Exhibition a,warded the highest prize; 0.180
11p.tilton, and the highest award at the
snatch the child, from the jaws pf goomn'imon Exhibition, Ottawa, the silver niteaR.-L
Port New
. Farmers an al who u Agricultural machm
d 1 o'
erv, will save money and •machinery by um' g -
none but - • '
Ely tanei•
• * Insurance 'companies are aware of•
'predulowi weakness of those whose . liveg
they assure, and have. 'therefore- Compiled
nuinerous tables -of- expectancy of life for
their own guidance, •which - are carefully
• The Garfield Hoapittil.
• ,
Says a despatchirom Washington : The
appeal of a corainittee for aid in :the
erection of a Garfield Illezianrial Hospital
ss.yn: Reflecting on the late • President'e
wishes SS far as they may beinferted fronf
his career and •Iliarenter, the memorial.
designed" is that of a_Natienal ospitaL to
be located -hi the Dietrict 'dolutabia, :to
be known foiever.byhi-aflame.. it will be
provision for the relief of himian suffering;
from the 'cup pf, *Well he '• drank the bit-
terest dregs, and in the breadth -Of. , its
human charity it will -fitly typify the riChle
nature' and -exalted: aims of the here and
martyr. The hospital is designedto be as
wide in its scopeofbeneficenCe as was the
•kindly- heart of the dead 'President in its
outstretch •,�r human sympathies. It
, .
will be open to_ those needmg_its aid-. and
ministration without'regard to class,. caste,
'creed, or color. -To be a sufferer. in need.
of help Will be he only , passport reqiiiked
to enter its doers and secure it aid. - Such
an• institution, founded in ',the ,eause-of
-bearing- the --name ef
-" Garfieldir appeals to the -generosity' of, andto, every one the appeal is
Made.. -Contributions, email and great, are
solicited, and May 'be remitted to James
G ilfdlan „ Treaeurer. - • -
-The New Orleans•Denzocrat lays that the -
Governor of Louisiana, Lewis Alfred Wiltz,
is en his death -bed.
referred to before e. pelicy. is granted, -Over 700 Staminerert-haVe 'been .Onted by
'These tablet have been the'resultOf careftil .dtiriOrthe Paerthr0e-Years. _TeitinioniEde -trona':
arid Canada-, . address
perteorth-re- U. )3,,
didoulatiOn, and sc.:Admix, gime.' sTAMAILESING 11.18TITutE. Tioridon, cot: .
Of :emirse„ ir-dden, and.preniaturadeathe4:
-aswellasiives uniuMally extended,* ocea-
sionally oCenr _but:the average' elPeetatey..
Of life of-an-ordiniry wan.- or woman it as-
if011oWS A.'Pereen 1 year -old May expeoc.
'to live 39..yearslonger ;_ of 10..yeirs;,51;
.20 years, 41; of -40 years, -34; of 40, yea,
28, of 50, 21.; Of .60Iyearsi 1.4; :ef
0; Of7,10.yeat.. s, 4.. H. • .
Falling into it 'Falb Ott Viteioi.
A:deapatoh:from' WilkeSharre,- Pa.„ stgrs•-
,coh Hochberg,: employed at the Hazard,
'wire rope' Works, V4413 dObger011Sly :111.jur
-oii Saturday. -• He was washing"Wi
ari immense tub of het.witter and vitriW.
when, making a. misetep-1 .he fell forviaid-
and plunged - headlong- into- .the
•nunaber of men •came to hia: aSsistanceand
he was drawn from the tub in; 'great- agonl, horribly.- burned.: that ;JAB death
'is hotirlyreargected. •• g.
. -
. .
_ There seems t� be a strain of murder
the biped of theDdcDerinotte, of- Jefferson,
ville Ind. jiria McDettriett :killed a
H' J• •
.in.1816 and ,,-Was • hanged: son o
stabbed his wife to, death in 1874 and Oulu.
'eomiaitted siiicide. THis granason:Eawata
wantonly took: the Ries- of.: two
-ooniponional in a bei,rooto-:aifew daysagth
• - The death is ainiounded of -Lady Flo
ende. Chaplin, Wife of -Alt. Henry Chapliiii
member of 1Pjm0ttt. for Idid-Lincolfit.
shire,: and iiinghter Of • the Duke of
•Sutherland. he died of puerperal 1.
convulsions. .
Oldie's Ant nsnoltive Sym
. _
:This old establiShed remedy oan be with uOltil
dence reeorninended forthe above complaints'
TRY IT, '1.pyour- merchant; has not got it, he
_can get it you.: •
EIT%,134.%01,111; S011)
Harailten *Ontario. • _• Propritar.
. . _ - - . . . ...
-r' -
. . , -. 1
1,--- .
- - ' - -
• - 00,000farm% 6,000,0.00 Acres. ‘ -
Best Wheatland; Ilidilileadmi, Choice Timber,
-- Farming, Steck "liaising Dairying,, .. .
Fsel andWater - in /Anthem. -
: ' - . . ..-
-12:50 per -acre and upward.'One;sinth
caidr;and-ave -annual- payraents. Be-
duCed.--Fare and 'Freight. to -settlers.
for".Publieations No. 6,1.!' ,
Dew Tra,velling Agent- IA Yonge
et., 'Tbronta. R. M. Newport, General
Land- Ageht,.St. Paul, Minn.. •-A-
. . , _ . _
. .
-Special Land Agent for Hamilton Onti-