HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-10-14, Page 8a
-whars-19 temoved Is
-v 'the Virtue of Jibst of the Atilt.
IG is four
Rs next Whioh t y
has reqel another w
(J10thing, -eom- their boot -door to Tan: _*1th e
ad 1 1 there... V.
--Dr' Ca v uex bt a& onwi,
Ady bi but tile. ts
-ri ister, Yery nanihi v tor one
es atho POOP14 or Imoknow &Ud BOY
jpiiiities�,a d au. Won -*%t
now In
nhIV, ten W
of work UL 14y'
ki n4j roF-0
--at, witnied to Q1.109", Lucknowi
Wittj�goc,.4-work� go,
old 403�3if-
:throughl- -A..D.
rk., Apply o
exist jS the vlaifi6s, sidewils Vo -d-thq
AtOd iog The- riziedy that'1198 1�ps
'W�jehLl needs oij%ld or At SVNTi1-111L Office..
a IF' - i: of Wfld sfraberisl.,
opyto - - � I I I.. . Dr; Fowler 9 j)UAW*N .
: 01ty.
Fr :.14iijet, for beirig- rbdi d of he
40A S itter bef6te t le -8110W coWeS tol.�qre
f f-1 tersigned,
4Ud- -,all, o to the or
-Therhils 3119- cholera forzdof, -thi othQr
on P.
gld ,A-athesonLj U.
'REMO Aia�j&er1y:MAn- Gr4mr, -by D 6va e
Pearl, & 'Zan- j; j
Pat alwky shoe store-. drunk and' acting in a drawn, bo
toot, ana asi jh�--`
P�r . () - by -Jam.
bdil 09 lit) f9r418 57,
have- r waj placid in. the mber i2tbl 11
to I Y net OU C Itlis-atei di
MOP il Uot-to r.erWl.
by Constable -ione I
�-he shop latel the i -5evt�
lr6yn holera �j6 calit T LT-,
a 'book mblic.
ept. 9tti. ciendennitigi.as. cells Wedne &Y I - - Bi'
ie . t mong.ohildren may
�j terrible sourge e
r be --not Tic
.................. a
ed y DUUctsubus,
Us -Wild-- a'"I'ev Sept. 29,ndl
-------- F,6�rlees-iElltr Ot Of
be oUl
n (if complaints
C szrawberjry�. J .Vanden *
ir f I&RU d013 vowiting, om
i 9001d P Yin -W
the ook and.,,stat oneTY Tnr,- diatih6es to. tbj most severe' U
Fho esirried e rule(i for farm. produce all can � -be istibdiled by its'prcimpt �2 boN."12,
BIN( 07 d
av kz6v
It is the best, rem;kY goo,
4 6*4- -in llboomilig;" �,ld '0
iFt Vil ]ff. DOW Ora- B
67 -V iju . iinj� thO Past rices 'h heat s from SUMMer 0 W4 jummer; w
dime bisi stock to d rozi�or �idulti' 048ring lotilh ehCt,%L solt aeame
that at One h dw-; -90(
8-1, 15. and potab plaintis. - and- driving
4— 2�, price Owing- to,� ill, kinds.,df'-f 3,44 likely - to be- -61 111 es: ku
2 ir
HEIFER' -schools ban
his bams It 1i - Verms 17040511
Vhj,- -very-JUg ='V�,roder 0
4��44 1OF e ---cropi
V -HF, ]VF'EM the premise -B
a .%im hDr 0ripert, t., - OF
f sought 3LE'TO
of Lot 10 C' uitdersigned, gouth half 6ts 37
10, 1,0 t,
r., -are glore th remullera 'vt:' 794
riay) -au
Pe about -the
n, Of
It, 38 Von. 1, K
Ahe LUB.— TO P of Ru esda (;URLJ�G -meeting -f the A, red one� year ol
W�dn A &gust Jut, a dark
------ I of a -C�Urlijjg--C1Ub, T -he owner Is reque4ed to prove P10
-the Luekn!Dw
�,ect Ott wd tako.-,
oh- . Members of M
n. T the aflim.al.WwAY-
harctwiTe.sto KOR]RISOX.
Luokn6w Sept, 30t
aheld-in t6f ..........
-X ay eV last, when -the d euln
;0 aL believe it is for the co'm I _�
OTS ere
to Owl
-OF V -60A "D 114TR
n1 ing,offid
-he ano
iiz itineial 6f 010 E t -village CI yeak . . : I . *
n'G4ddis! bililding An heiL
�11& Caluph-all 'Was �Chaplaixi
Doti - - - , : - b
et 00imer1r 00
wed """y bel V-16-Piesident—,G
CamV. "I Ao
C$ for
est: if I iisk -SacTreas'-a-�. Ce, McIntyre.
_11EIFE EgT..XAy
'to I
A v. oTI 0 szx-7 Il :A+ I R
y riblic aubtiol CORR MAN it g Iling a
of the fire L ompany -have
aut held a oof', -an D TO THE BRA
rstockoUb ts'* dihossid
nX om t, 6ut we jVjjJ MCKinZie, lot 3, j6fi.
ineetl for, IL
qsV Remember the Place neiLt and—
i8els oii FrAity.14st to play a, ocure -tile new fit IN last, 0, mie. ei er.
ld.coi to Tennantis Mug Store.i. is- requeg**
d to call, prove -pit
P will be, re-urgauize
sa awayt,
!G_rfj#3 Well
kept, in w rkirg ord0r.!. list- Jock
S'ts, with R.. Peiey o! that hall the c,)inpa 0
IDT spenews, alid Uke the Anim
AmriTtEn,"Ort. Mondiiy '1311ADE
O_ Ada a,% 61. this. village, apo"red
'At thi annual in GALED
re W., a a
4C gallie th
Mayor '-Wrton,' of Goderlch,' -,chib"
:—T he
SALE. Thom --Galedonian
of at Jam n, s%g6 drivigr f6r Mr.: 411TRAIT FIELD I SON
it 3r. -Y -EDL
-,o eta., da'
oo' on Thur B
-delaying the -Made.
?oltyj with AT
DI as rXL HUgh a;U(j l9z24
of A9b gh' SIZE #Ir SH
appears rUia' ud
the. Proort-Y bf Dr;I AlacCrimmon, ihat Ida'
Oct 1801F
ns wknaw!Odged- by hith.,`
wean., Lucknow jtfid Wfth ble A6to
patrick stage. bet gimph.
ade4-first and P1 self t� mt-likifien existence
14t vi age were wt
be the be
the -latter -9
see, rites r 9118c as tho -best starte4 'for ne Thu Ming, the Sth inst.;' bi F
�:OstumC- 'ling Ste -of -West'-
-Mr. .,TGbn,% d, ad a n- Highlan4 Sir. W -Au
..w an!- near
tile 'pvfan� W wanosh and
mill bik* i
lVe, 'Part the an.- acl* D
thejj�iwy a
aL otia, day as Mullini drove -,up and tried given - wiik th -
havd, 'all, 'Ped, and i@kitig- boult:a intfid Judgp� ef the various riad siot - wide opi .1 iA. . L I . -
the col J iek thinking 1he In ure. �'Addt
,a in th 0
inIt e
tl-4 saw, -he rea es -iud re��had
enough., rged hii hors
oft the -thu III ing by te ueit of His 1101ift; the 51141111 CA 11;16Z LITHO. O�, . . . . . . . . . . . . .
nab tr. of -the, evon t4e village of some UQUzV
laime I that bf�-, 6w LIJR PaGised-
Lhint tant- rhor, X" e#b IWO at h ter�' Belfast E-
and.� It will ego re
-ahead 14ullj6. f
-;to- �Xesllme h w" delayed
iiii- but,' eHacklei.
C 'All Of Etei
the Closest -B yer; dan the Ottehti'011 0
which was. groaOY hearing. one m i n
by all p esent.
adinted During in i -oing so.
il tite i d After
-he- eLViden 0 smi 1.
t �e the Magistrat, 1' s�ed
ga; e. of quoit� terniission. the e 6n -Govearnori as' is 8-� s
Ut. Wit UVir,
T the, ease,, Mollin havillt to Poy". U1111
oe. r
;ctl.tu was th
GVUi6aAaff Ifi-thrs villag", on $atarday, tizes Vf6n �m titols in t _ _d
�haar. . . . . - - IMLL Al
U ga . - . I --- I .
P1 .
al -.!.TH
t�e Of X.
DISTRUCTIVE —Duriig e mpbel') 's6n,
W 9A fil pissed over. this. Campbeh �Esq., is'at."pieset- in the
tile- Sel)r t6.5
Ug to ..A W� -U. Vittle and fa ily,
es "belongi I and fttern: hasy %r
61,6,* not ijished, thul 5
11090 6. in f ev lag the, R
Avor f section n
-,NV gave Gre Jr. ral uraid
from Lumbetbil where
uroni wure,'Ar 'dk DU 16 wee avismug.:
Wa T $2-25-' T
Peter Murr&y of thd first 6Deessioli t?f last
20 puild W-.- on Tp�sday by liglxt� they were spendi a, 7w k
has been vi
'tih r LU ery 'H
FaR Btalakets- Fla -mals r th thetr f� - - .. . . I i- I n �. . � -!- - .. - -, -
Avi riends..
a- sti couterita. The -
010 pfsplen(4 F,
t -a the resitience of
ionic time p"
D V.Uj18HfP,, 4 Jamt-s Som`erv;illv,, lef L on 11-
f 'die buil4--
-the- -ur "'UcK,a�, wlo�
to e4 6onsistt;d ok %,h, ee arge rd, TROW
60 Wa 4 at.- tbe- time- 33 acre
-e-bave. ma e arrange
q& 0.
Weekly V jo pit - rtivivil. Qf NY.: F., Pea it & Co* day last for her hy im.at �tdn,. ia
te crei!of peas, I I . I : .: : I
West I
vet ar SL ertise
in Ldndatt—a large g8Taq%-
ra- orn &d- 0, fall Lo aer6
o ell 9-0 bailey, and t cill, e s.46- 6pejj�.d ot hismew&6p, iie)tt &(jr
Mr. Ja. Cbritie of t plaliler,,With ihis jourp6l for.the coming year:;
t bri A block-, is determined t, liew TORP L
be ides Christw, Robuitaon 14 t oil Wed 0-14 wiekik-& Grabam-IR
nes-- and uoW offer NTLINE-L �-an& -the h t --d - 6
-,Qulkv�- bav ra P, _k h
t to
i ers,
day.1"t ityr Q� "Adver r6m- thii;.date uittil the
i hz lo e i, f,turh 3, to new' subser. h or,�the
ifta -ex�
'lilt' r gular-,pri
--are ialll.er 'iiding-a d a iTii. of $12.25 in Laiaiioe. Th saeX
A tb 50 !.'In -ad-
Call, ind e'�� Advertise
Mr. D.L 0. C' f the Rev� '004 to this"
son any
t t ily destraye(j,. N11T. aule Accep one iting--thi
--.Vedft.eaJaIy last. 6rder any one 4A the 1ollowing H M.0
ore 'I
tj�jk; SL�U Alf (it' 'hic4i W, e off --
e xturnq ba"o ar! ilit c,� 00 i D. C inpron I ATS
--ite, firm ate ium engravngs on-payt
loss is ea. LA 1ty, !Tit of. er'nis addi�
t4,o London Mu i 1, b)w'his for, tho"ToroiKo IT dver
�L�-r�b� iviforip t- 111 t t I inu,'f settle 'ti(iiial W- be paid at sime - -time as subtrip�
v r th�ee th�u,;�an
timat a and at low es
t a
d Find on
iiair. of �Joii- 22 quality, gT�#Vllxltty e� 10A, P -F -A oicest
IF yOU -1440k` tint,
1jave jilet esf one in ea
ae6 N. &OINTYUea $t0eL boot, lloyt:buots-
P1 -t, businei
aerton elation:
Tlie'llattle of Waterloo rp sea tel)
-v's boats, or any o U stock
ini Vi h 't UlieV -kiiid 'of boots,. '90. 2.
X a re !a
'M t f wellipgtoii
ar&l ftont. t a World P%-blialtihg' call ii -f- Peart- & Cor sonting � tule ve ing --o
'jina.1 jtt
Bltxe�' Br6wlr,, vew boot
af G d, 01-6� old of 18X40luch p�
1Pf eQnt S -Olffidb. -GtiA I I t ain BlqQbt
6t� Nel
if M- the' 1i TEGATAMM,
pages, bip"tif lly priio-ed- Wy ood-
Bmtle-ot "TrifalgLar, -a coi toLthez
w, ea.
h' of all their propi t h�
REr,�U CNEF heI -celebrat4d Waterloo late, 844 IWO
pr 'Thesa lengr 'are copied -froip th
PM p4per I -pr s Y, Mn tratiA w -i
-(xroat -We ra at steel, 4V aviligs e plate
Patrons, iy-,
oon' e.
30 CAMPflkLL;I,-11l Lucknow` on Monda tl Asoited in-Vigland, at tbe-4at6
Y,, fth Piiblic:is r I
PLI&tf. gap ue return tackets, to parties d 'Lld,.Arthur IR -byt tbe"jew- -salbe copies Uoi%ed
-0-c�c�berlOth,--1881'31alo6l'tn-Lorhe,L guinea
d�ctions in -iov . ery
jalt� of I walk �ub is the only at3t
aof M, D Campbell,-. ag b le k
aed are ex"',
-the -c arge ne
stoa. at U, nton, on Wedotoda -thp� �be f; il� and relatives of rate
f L L �J� , it 13 mouthgdud 15 iibould ese ensraw-
f, wtd, it. third- 01U -1d Gatfi( Ro & t to fo owl
all atatiqii.4 011: rod. Thege ale
TUE #in mber �Q his par-er, The
0 18th, to
legt-10h o, tlyo lnog"t'rl'll'te We6tern.4
iinj- that Gon'Air-a'GarfiQU had I aw : one engraving I or
iieighboit, now- -about this
Val NN heat -k
ft a S2.95.., Let your
2 - rnlisi will
t t very liberal cffer.
to atttid t1 great. sale- e, 6,,ar tbiso 81,
UP .,mind Ila rAbit, v W rt iy W, Spring V eat
t�) 1 1: Mi. 1 25. ALL
-seen the-
(Aiptott 411 V11 wo A90'8ample of "Advertiser,
engrav, be' olffice, of AV4
60 'Paper.:
j-uichase- good- t,�ckrtho d' t, fait
This w. rk ia beiria b�y'tbe W661
s0 7
Publishinz Coift .9. TO plio' -has juA.' open
patty i n connection wi t
� t . . . '. L � I ed
I all Ouse
-30 0:33
W.—� 0 the largest h h the --U Dist ltediilneiseiXado.:
zi 0 imd
tat -suchu an-
m- n W '!0 63 -0-74 ut,his'Now-ilklipo taflon of
been spar -A to thake the ork-. Ull TV Turoitt6l assiated by' ;,id Dandelion
woodii a ,
84v4ai e ea . P im I all6lis 1!`6tatoes�per 0 7a .'-0 80 1116
it r1fle IV r
are on
r4e - .
the mt:trket-,4)esur,, you,- see.-th C
Hay�j�er t
nited V rk Life of Garfi,�td. tha, yoll- buy is Airitten't 14
ftempoe an PORdbly IM8 oldd whelte Hop
'rh .1 - - .1 4 O \TG.S
nis R. 0 22
tat. 0-22
by- ja 0V
thoL 22.
were ele
d for
Cut ftistbript; aa hor - of Viet, il
to' S W
�-Ristork of ifie.-Wor aj Pathwavk.-Wthe �uQvi000 46 M11110 NV -A-. S,,
- urinW-o ;or Who
ttlra A
Tordo audwild8timulm%
tin! 0 4pe
W yon !iy. is �idne
AlAd be sure thia Icatl 415111,An or- FLAN
inchea lciltg aud ' CT'es %vide. Ab6ut-
4' ft U" U00 Bit- 1`6 Idl -btit It �roii
46 00.
700 Paes fin
od b#4 at **M
Th ---peii y. ed ition that 'are.
ter a che&p cai4h
00 75 th�r WM
F ifiUc ppies, w%be
being .oteouipar w,44. t hig _6
be*;- 64-nop. got" tile,it a- y bt y nl�i, thit b -e-.!. OP
t ' t be" xce
foi t1qs 'seb, a wit 13eat pahtip 0 ed
80 sha ri
Ruirdock 4
G o-
et�y uv SAle,.Bi AS- Ztdb "crd MA T' ia rvr$ in- Care4.all-dfseaseirofth bleod, liverand kid-' �4 - MIA namde Bad- ;k, Brovit fexulki� d
-bit 111v t
�the S yllsgb Mo..
z4fat brokon dow me
-9lu 4nd- Dr -rfiereg.,
fiddtl d
Buffiock 13
eanou th
Irt iD th
thg h
'ails re dy it off
Price 61 giving
ter dl of
wn It d He efo
sale I RS