HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-10-14, Page 7..........
(Continued from fourth page)
have of ten thoud
ht. -Of tea wan Nra G TORY.
here- t0gethei, but -as boy and girl, brothe Oil TO.
r - I T �Ouv*
Uot as now -1 wilt -one id�y teft
her, alt here. where We.. b An Anklibin Clerdn STI. Neereil" At' . � . an is Abd $Ve�,passed wljoI6. 'Pried
..ucted on the- Asfi�jm
M4 with a
kn -Th Beautiful - 0111din.- -UNED.
Ummer'days, and she -has geeu me at iny, Eve, of �u M. er TW61vip'Pay4 Ift-a Ti be ardap., omendous
and marriesi (If, indeed, bave ion I I
gew i6ther e-stro,
_0V Scams the
er marry -fi ib,
ar to me- as Wd�)'degp4tch ated
.seE4, nor Stream can ever 156 so & 14 HELD IN "PUDON AS *A - -LUNAT-16. - *ox 4th
- 'N E__ 'A- Hdkerst ttest Place.- ed says Uisa 0 XTREAL Oct. 'S
Moat AN AND CljILD RILLE year-old da Milton the' k"
lighter of Governor W for hours the croak 6f the g7 adp�e in
aoI hay.e listened 4 hefe.. .5tia, egram fro ro Orr -
0] in St: 1iDhAS (Nedo s, t e he ine- of. a, the _,dormit of. Ste.�
arunaway Marriage a. st d
captain as just com 0 -ing d
_o' �,.-and- the. cO&--0r0r1' half- Dorsetshire rectorof"Na"n"U"' Itfbd) says - Ulf -
I% obeAi billice-Kengard, Hamilton-- I - h
Red, Th%jBritish stearnihip j, which. b ege.
light in -this -t'
11�; Ing Br6,th( V1 - -
ozr�, Jor'. se'verat.
r, from, ug, age 57;, arrived in on' Williaffis niast6r, owned -b B - ') .- a has b hd
the distant ili6t u 611ts; number-.
-and! � farm,- don, to- be In own -inner at the- -
net'vef wished -for -better: rried to -M -Sax -m- J�ada- t XiSWH_ami ton- as -1 t in e, -a
MUSia.- -But- -d ZY Merchant, residing at -POO as Just arrived cniofrom 461in S
tha_f aar9b-ter-of -1 b-..-'- months receiving- - attefiti s which followed th6.1
Wqpd- at this port, describable The ]Ads rus
age V Off fil ail -direct-
pe,- a� YdUng! nia hed
tabho ' ' ' �' , '
was7 be. ore I heard Your voice, sweet. foi Wh T6 Juliet w
oser a -is'. on . a voy
Hhe piuged ge The i3 :from Dundqe,'�Scotlj�ld, t -yearB old�atid_i Own. in -goclbty theircl6th in a
- & -moment -parents bacl conseat- of th long
-then resumed re u New York I it was weltkil h _Zdirt -to at
flee een, granted and. all �was aden: th-t
tively, luou- glowl� for the, wedd tv'th iron and W ieneral 6 4 rong atta0hMetit -had'
watar;�- creep, as, fi arg* of bale goods., -.Pprubg- Oil the-d6rmi A
theigh they loved �t ngi'w �c was to take pl�cd in She has � on board fifty ialibell up . betwiien vv�y -wir]I 8
o the parish church, Woodford. � the-- t' ited Sfates . -.It -waB.- Moke; and save a
-about this aiiaient Place,, and -were' Afhe hour tI D gerb for. the Well we -1 quMly, ofth. more d
16t4h to" e, it 8�PPO!ixted all, -were The. passage.. qwn �hat the wn- - a verdurous s�irij r for the h from D _Hmmilto
U -the church but th to -St. Tobb uitd us fib a afeW arifel saved
rryinLjiver; h
est LIELd uarro
see, they are -�ridekroom.. 8 occupied twQlyd d4ya, aid Out a-- courtshipi firSt;. because ..w eacapes.wijljAUmeoftJ).b
at thotiali- he had 'ordered, Pkonounced.by Captai 19 sideked -Clata jhby CQ AlibieliVeigiaild*ere 'beaten bable, leavih� hhng�lfS
aen secondly,
all, t
bis�erous_ beyond because of --St h' -o thed&bdy frien
'with- trai -e a- -him- from the. hotel -b -'thb-- W I -too Young -tO--_MaI7kY aud,- their Person"
,be d. -illialho to have
thabottord'i'se kip -4a, .16 tai
-So, baqAt been wjth� the Clyf ling w-eeds. wh re; h-6 lodged ?to -the. - churcb� �On -his ormer an ope 8 infeiioi ipg`-Oleml 'wafits
fard y experie
-W 8'them- inquiring - it,- Wa _nce on. the Atlantic. F soc;a standi The fire quickl ng-aud -lack o
f eBUP- gi
Over- -the--- buildin Y 8t it may
port 8; Wife.- -T%d � I , ' and" -,by the - 116
sel�es 'fouu& thetithe of leaving Dundee until. last night Hfimil-ton hi ON4 was forM -the have kep B- that 'he -had _rom
igo ion f urselves been. Aakezi awp;. r
en'thb -at t -o y
fh& great tide of life, -vibus, bylthree mieu'onthe pre� the: wind, blew a tj�mi§hddus gale, aha.ion aboAt th. 1 6 had
ha,)�re grown stagnaiftf. appare�utly- the- � -do a- St of -gust, th- P. reir 0
1 auvd,�--aud�wha� is -ei6r of �a from varying 33 - - -e- -Scene- it wag ev t
sta�na;f is lun west-BOUthw6stto northwest b - t ab- 'it tHe Ybu g People fisi -- , I .. I . id
asylum _- and two u quen.. PU lethat
t h ailed R)
met 4t 8 orb -of n a- perg,. gatheringss- -it -Wag, -lear -a- 'Couple nothi Y. Where there: is-;Xennard' e Ing not one' jot' in. Vi0i6lide. In fact ti'a 'of -g
for haste th pU186. to, subsequentlY esmp -day COU save ely, apd'in' co 109.
Stir fhe it pe be said -to have that'6n-Au�� -.to I -the building The priesti-
er to� Pell Mar, 1 barge "of if the dbai-r arl,
water for ten do YS A resort ont in - c
Or private. sitting rooW in On Thu -d -summit of -the�. Blue Ridge- st0hiloug _e th6-bliildi
m:ind, itself wiA Boone rVa Was- Ushered,lifto big --und
ed:'His story - aliet, M4 - Ded la
been SUM tbeywent,
-eri She re ay 116unt'�ilis and were naar fforts jo-S&VO the libra -
was looking mplete da he ng I,
at 11112, at about
1elt, sO':Rxed!I,Y that shef dared" in.) repregenting1hi Storm mai abits heighti the fied- ou th� to -h the'
sea crashed hi-th 'MOB peak OT the' ReV. -,In.tbis, we�d
n m9elf rin neye§ to7 m et his Ot raise her. ging a
Message -from rough.o urray, P_ 88 d part.i6l.., r . w. Qra
a gAze—,, Will' relative in the neighbor� IightEf and carri ne of the port -side W X Of ce fUls -The - b
0off—lethar- hood Rskinci bi t est X - iusteri' The re high Wi ii-addresa_ -94
therqat once. Mr. Poor lady pass A he-cerein6ty-t6ok place i -whei - Owing to fhe' ud _p , revalght
ad Ovelytbing'beifo�b it' Widing *ai do
in to romantic spot owed,%
r 'theAev61 of above. _800 o'Odent- that ifid -in dangey
P! -thiB highest- was-. built
Bruce-Eennard I -went off in a had her skull'fractured.. the sea, tind e'rs
inqdiately enger waa dashed to lee'vis d s, 2,500 fiiet
said lie -was
u`Ot lethargig, uPor carriage: which wai 6d at t a
"I trust notet.,, he. do6r, and lal!d )int, in M -aryl
'there was. a p 'th gavo directiofi& to, ad this Morning i4 a dying a Stone, a`,flsicordl td
a os, in big riven tAte with i Mr. and -After thd%marriage. Stcr03r,'8'bigIi had -an obt&gO six IV
earnes, house,
zouo- th'al�� 1"Isut, low t 'to his�x:Qlutiva'g cOffided child. that�' Sta4hope returned to thei igb-a
e�sen Iasi high III jldr-_*�L
and--anoth( t io -I
slig tod! _respeetiv6 n( is
a, haviyg enters t of )r 1411 its�8114ering.':The -Julfefi leaves thi -families and id-hiodern $tyle, - The -
tk port- n Of mah
aad- an sta es
pierc what they haddons, w4s- received until -last the wings W�re correspondini t
at!, Mil re re ere' d S&w hb� NO nd for"'Newmork. 6-1�ulldf�g was
d d's beaxt. bY 77166t.vvidis
00 _harp. -
Dear Rue" 'she murmured; Iit is. not. tion to at a, a orlerel�tW%dl,, p
am ROY large.-.-- As
w. *London. All hs -s at - getting IMLY ALN was at the "t
all to Speak �1 such things� as these ftt6D, discovered - a vernor -span as
mpt ce se. OT tb apparent -th own M
to Itm Worst 6 �ln - uge�r Wntreaf was. asked- to But how inuch worse," sighed hel to out of the carriage ire in; vain.; hswaa coup ei fiffle-in the Clait,k,s
cr Cent—reop!d IV -Stricken. of Carroll is" of them =4_n6. to. - p'eak. Oh-, do forcibly held dow- n. 0 Shoui9d, but was th - am. Re fire en-gin'abd reel from'
ywasc a, Od with -Stidion tibe.
nonked, Mildred,,, grabbed by the t4 ts from W''Ife--bult-Wit 4dak t�79 odwis
I am he at, and chok6d into A. London despaitch says, the iepor
lice t amd''hosk,
by oUght th'at inem, can, say or leave, unsaid siened., He 'a k rom 6 '2 S AtIO12; and -�i .. P
xobbery.'thigir t4im. Orel, a, province-- of 'Central, Russisi -'slidw- secluded i re. an -
S . ad in her 10 qr X Me about,, p n werij- -
aa no robbers, that dis endent,- 9 to* oor me�. 1. know the. of They answered that y iver that diphtheria prevaR6 in - hope is the son of 'a �aa' a Buperint 9. !1 tired: and.hiirkt&
-now Whehever'he trasNed communit'Y, Nooutbreak. d4hich._ -quite boyi� h in appeara 6e` -atho -men reaolied- th f
their k the r asen but -a- ne-7 eXplan
is andr -goo th . 6 Scene ey ou.j. my .1-ee
Oftheir silenrce—their lluish Bsymond Shouted, he'-%Va%_tei porarily, gag", th� history of the'place has-aqy -record his. - looking. . His wife II0, -that all-!- ey cou d do would be to save tW,
ged and " 05,000 in- ber own. . - I
Int the village.
seized by order to leave bekui�orse than this. -it,ig tictuaii stated, right;iand-, is 'the -.' favorit6 er rest 6r' Th iccee es.r. itt.. - - -
Y daghtar.0f -h is � they_ si
doitiglafter- &-hard: Struggle, a very-wea th
Ptue, dear; sobb�d Idrecl somer traces of his. ro a he.' threw h 4'- hat On': the a7uthority of -io'- 61'doct6rs that in 77 father" , who 'is:: frac tendewlyj this is the�-Y.ervthiucr,you. should out 9f th6;kindo'w an exideAvoredt.o.do the cases out of tt hundred the persons attacked 5-6'cloo� the fire- was Unde ntrol.61hire.,persoina
r co
saipe-with-his distriotiburned,,repiesents d'o, tba very was7 prevented-, -Ha- by: the diseas6i dile.' It 'attacks' all clasgeg�
;41L HRl[r401V", VR11i!11E. 'He re it
�c Red'
restilt f th c
ad bear me out.. 'Oh, (To- not, was: driv i ss 'a f b Id th9s, -and bes the�
art on th-. the -forest aoro i bafiles the skil. Of -the old ides'
- ------ be mu( 'Oh, diy iict� London TheepidienAd go far hits, fact to t 6 dc hemin the ctick6onote. paat-tifis 'An a Isl1i g, on, IV ere h e nil
12 An'01d �11�"Btutally�ijluidercd -in -His St his; shout� to the poli attracted - o atteii� seriously -affec ad: any of the- a* in i you*.turxi again rqe� -my one U d Th' 4go, -W
n t a joining pro -o adjArl Wite, th Guilty�,04e_
e f6llowi]jg,, ilea -
you,, Raert 9, Wheu 'tion" Bud at la st I nde_d,'iii frwit91, a. vinces, a-adas the b_U'11darieB - Orel are tfiose Whose prop
o of exty.wag trane 1nt
deatra� a P_U A despatch in Coral. Mch., RV6 not- a--
ce 0 -- make lecl ' ith-
di, 0 PUS." M 'Was, come B"udhaiiip,
you?,! pe ny 0 Insurius. 'lot* t
lthefq' not a; cg�oom in Clyffe, doe,% 'hovel on E[uufej!J s't at. nr4ii I ex edindly irregular -many of -the outlying f - _-
all , , �� :. - -, strie s axe yet unattacked. Th6,province 1h rribI6 - and in says &' Who 11 -and outhor
Inlot, al� Vsteri baih
but- not as, I wo'6I'cThmVd pa !'Ove-� VtLin crie� - Po i hel u -t.,20,000 sauaremifeg, a ifted,at Colwell lastgiglit.. _-A4inan ii am' cT tt,
-P cw�erB abo iid is*one a. .. L-�.igogbsj.]*rnitnd.,auth.oiigbs"j.oi; a
nost barn ap outhou'ses- -Joseph ort time.
hey had o" ��e, i - v was this sh
Aat(4� if 7you turn not; to nae,,, Mil6ed, �o.T,Ru6wng that aI. an, -whoih t thichly'-populabad in Central Qw'en-6arrett', e4ubout; 9- -ears, -,_d
t morning found. de d- in his beO, hayi n -g- been -
more againk me thai� it all 'the: i)assed A 'few. before,:,cou o, ning no less than' 1,566�60 chainp- dwelling!,bouse'..
kissia, CQUW 0 a' -Degjasj howeiver,_) to
-world begi lirut�!I� mu'r M A
des bad swora my, -ruin. .0h;. b.Lv fitr of-,,. he. dered some ti Wjduking Ahe hbu
railing I people- "The soil is productiVe, _i6nd- there t ubinvillel�� st9figinal-way otang. o the. gs an�c vMllin .
Ile Are rich-ines of ii.onand Garr, joseph Chitrtr ril J,
-how! to tell you,�Iibw- to -let you know - cri -wife bi
what � ad the, louder, but no higlit. att and is we no eon
V io Nvas in- �V frolit, -als. The pe t, he h
-h' lads, U�oji, your answer, Ali jile;
, purpose... copper ore end' and,. ba s.:and- Stab,
Ck ye I th on good 'termsIoi-so.me ti.m6�. paa as, Deal6tiek,- outhouse
ermin o er miner, opler : -are pamc� Q -.-w
''. I . Adze, 0*11C
�6u died
re(If Nay, tiemble not wbence-the. fire irons vere removed, and -he In, I�eea 'liviug"with another woman _namiad *�jg.
stricken 9nd all who cin: do so- - are fly* PAquetij th' Nat
ouse,-; Joseph OUI:4,e*A` every- Qarkett'g wife is.suspeot�d.of kn -1i u 6- -The Nodel -Farm- �w
sweetest; y6ii baveought, to fear, whether waa told a, ge;itlemad for gifety id other pairti of e: COUAiw oua,- canoluslo
Ow Ing some. ing- aboUt who did
your ryosr'sball blAtho, my life in su* shine thinM As -he b4d, h the- despat6li-es te 'no d"in h
diu&-r he was cei'ved ate by, -no means- destrbyed, ah - t is-thernhabitan'tasq -rietly. tbe
severel as, their-'suppl.
';r j4ur no-' provoke ther U 01A D ineou givew some amd, f 11, but the so how � befu -t: he ooionipr's. ; dead AlaterLdesjmtchsays _T
w4w then U! qwwa
t ,iuce -must be�diitress_in_ -bame d I -d-
_g p4qted'in - - - _y y- lof :seed by b
vei -'big di h �torek:i he buildiDgs. The 19 bp:
dvis -a d id -go 61_ t
fed a &Voted pfbv -didt fidrithAhat -be
in oublq�bedded th g beyond de�cri ti oi upon bi Aw wp e
His tones� werd epwiiest-, ub,not le lay down ii his Oothes, but did p,i n. a head �1.8 set own sirab6ut $2,00,0001 insured ---i-te by
-instrument, suppot-w b ' 11
a( ROjal o$310 -a ei?e
and1though far-froin- naysteribus c6nmftb�, shaip Wort- dons iii other pl�rta e a 'hands 'of his, wife,
I Mr+ 6te Whoc has welt courXea the house. It Pity UL th Lmvina Garrett. 13 7' �6h fo . r-4 . 10,000. 0, and i t e�Xor�WO
arly 'J'alie.a. Newspaper, riti - n--th library',were. ied tbit.��-
h�tvl th6i sub�faiice of- what he haa to, -say. morning th� MeMS61 -On this finding. she I W'hK a sted-- -and 10 bog 9*" who summoned Bdiixb papers- are. not Of accQua t a- Umes. ind--the Yol
taken to 8:1
�Qry. youn,,�, e..
w a v snid;4 AW-dred hart -fro&, -th I never- took one hkV ton
at Peared a 11r4w
d un 6 bu so dontained a I arge number 4
first gave. herself away` ygoing,-to. a 6 curiosities
C a earne
(I telingi thut her -there -we e I
I_Vlotlr heiatur - So- far as -cotild b 4
-hiniq fontharbed,&I on. pay me'; in,sozA-'e way,. more than I
EL little, Vet life el if 11 -a.
here %mid tfic alderictir rust, tL&r' frQJLJ1' b06�6,L
uestioned the and biiiiff lie was Daid lor it. One ii e an old frien r
M d started eriou
caguahi&- The. V4
all thtb befit tbe� youijg� -Yotir-eb ld&t I was- deiLd, ind- m6nii6g t
Au -at' ipg' lie hour at -Pr is_ Abe Faithe ante
actdi- 416--Vaper7in-Bra -County-and-, sent it
jtoo(t� Foo_a h lace- poll YA ri,�ed of �t 'r!% 0. NVQUI(I' Soon -1 a ej and*I subscribed just t� encourage. whic hisdeat took p the iisai�tznt eing -Rev. _Mr.� harlebuis
dL L- _b.
n ail
-that Garrett -1a as upon t!eg�ou'
it wa
hous� sJound
like vine, It bas beext. pa�sed vunong Inion, �ele a Bishop Bourget wL
and, af ter' while it pub
hih 4, lighed a notice e. 1h h
Ideb, was: In S- an, ai�drhixdstrator hid ah brdeif to. sell been-foullv,m�Lr�aeiecl-iii.iii*s:bod, hial ei_&,
8 o-wa - .19, -held after the -fire had-
ivoidAbly aetaine 'but at e would saverallots at public oliter plit by-ki blow1row SUItihL
Jett, having evidently been s
9 - a, few 'hours. In Sincia go- on virith- the. educatioii of tho
own- vul� UU, yj and one of the -do4trbIled; re .9. in the A-ete
been r
Ar natures im Aq
1T , --gaia, hill 11
by feedin a Lt . ap exAs4ix evdrytl . V despatcli aboat the�
o .- inquired
hunary' as. flaine, Q'U'r, accordance w ot, 6n -.a upon temporary- buildings,, such as.' -
w, I toriesv, ith a, 'in 'ved by the aou"'J'the liu 'doeuiltey' to tr search has been mad the 'Stuabnt§L
Ss9ge iecei, wrot 10 my
premises and
-atedJalge a a- 11 -messenger, be s, d&tainkd,.:tiI1 12 atted,- the. sal up -the ,
exa",-er 61 . un . 'to 9 � D can be -procured. Ste. !Fhefesels- a village.-
ud- mo a it - Smight
wken aUoth apartitibn 'etWbenAbe-upiig . par oil- I
lice 1 Y, w6re gai ed.'Lhidl,�
4 ht- t
str -hid -III
.4wbstorie�, but��hich, si He did soi 4,abid me.off-1h6 lot is hoUge North-.Sh�re.R_ bIway,1wenty. miles
"Out tl a i -a ffm -thirty dollars; 'an J soldit iu'a, uth, t6�'Clyffards; Be of th and ai
-me-cl i sort his -Iibakty., -He- -D "is- the alrha m&6 * f
MO .,P from KLOntre&I
-garm Ma,-- L , er 0
_&-hundred,:aud. sQ I Ch
Mi6y sowed an eil.qeefd in a, 1 soft drove to the. th a mvi It -joined for L' ant was-- uubed-With blood-anahair,
real; -ation, p,4- 0
a&' und.the axe with which
h iii fancieg of I 'oodf ord -1 o @son apleau. and Others
Own, z but V -eight d w aifid 'was foulidedfort
r too ibade Sixty b1larg clear by taking ve year§. ago..:
fertild, eu64 and II It- Garretts were-
iich.'an�l read -Y. to the hand _-f this tr for the: �C'
.0 da- later legally, pQi; thatpaper. My father told when, the ee was' ddne., bia.
H( be6m e -in A. kr1t1j&IiSjg'L and .-G
ba.uill;m b I 5uch ther'e' 4ormed. He statement- oii oath hd w both � spi llu$ .
as, wyoung ma W a,! ndtice -arrat is 53
would yen er'N�ell tiim g
-Mod- garden, lef to, there, and then,� and n -8 papee that 'a. ichool.teach6r was.:wanteA years of a is, nry s
I Iva Wha and w4rebouges ;�ill
ex, morning at abecome - mere WifdLerness. 'and how''eclock W&SL Marrie �be commence. Victoria
�.Caiion' -&-way Q
ri by the .-Re. a- in distant county, � Anil hp] want _C�).habor in
muc plante(i it With docka Duckworth He c not give'lwy reason there- and got the -dit ation,and, &little girl - ed; -11app-
4 sooner i you a� few days..
-ut had was So&
au& darde for his abduction,� -no imijedime to, him,: And -after a while, sh;B'
G-oou;S7eet Mildred; thekip are picide i ' on in tne present
CUItL to
beeii��tut in ihe- of his marri.aga b grew up- mighty sweet'and tt d 110, day, and Xis dijd reWd the evid e-nce .
Y 6 y, an
a aken that paper,- at do' -hat in nine cases,ou 0
reckon would. 'hav6 beco e -of -
mismanagement some-- - -ftR BEST_
Ealling summer -rafix- upda tlxe� 6f say. -the lidast,'been' t' f.ten-thdrehm'
hle—welcoma�ag; th diwu�welconia aa tbbse'wh6m,_beSUSP ts. to'be the iuthoks iflibadn.1 t ipque is w
iftaelwords, but'in. youg, in how wiat, the bride"s frier4i
S.- c intands Vmsf outing f6lHir a with herand, marpr dher:�-now,� given -at coroners' st ith,64. feelin A
the -soft,,f
an, inque -Atance
1369,y be not tit al
afthoughhe1TIi�ew� Of there.' -AtL �t` for in
aching head and stietchad. ou h4ud% T Wpulafeb,I'fiave- beau Some other fej�w
kayinond is�wise,: Rupert
'Atte be e �-Ventii tor
erhAm a few d on the body C h rfext Year. ofls� girl, aged I L 6, the -d ffugliter of a labqrer,
know it, girl,r yet he, cannot. comfort
(Yromadv;auced:syeots emloeLS-AlMano'd forT Corn Cforni.re who hangbid'herself :in , ird. father',, h
-of V_ r Cornered Ong
a- can, The ULn6JLgy_ P e wont-` D
iIIOW Of t14E1 . ei
by I ermissfor gorde really ble e� :too w
.-Sick;m& rosuixot, be Soothed - bby- A:.-desp�tch, -from I BuffaI6 Says: A-
046 __ 1 : 1S mail
and e L Winter, of ufaqturedy
it[g,11med; androyalEilwardLB wound, d1and is reporter the leadihg'gr.kip_. the statement
b wOU L no a
bad I
I kely.to: beextremel severe a d stormy. th of % i mother"1, suffe,�eiq from�� a
t b4vp,bea1ed So Swiftly -1 men and shippers upon - a probable effects
A- warm w -Shepplied MOOOLL BROS,& CO.P TOR To
ov;r a of the J to the doctor I at ON. S
had any lips sitkoked- forth theL i's hel y- to ocduz .-B-Lion. failure at- Chi8ago'learn Y
n%!OrLSa y dealers.- Ask *qbr'm_erchan for.
op*- Gr for adAce,`614 w -as' told' [by him thaithe Andt ale b
hen p- au!�ihg for uring, the ain men ' t
big true Wife.-'- T large porCion of America d that 9, divided I1JIOnL.exI d tak
6fith of November 861; afid agai- are of; t1ib ide� that'the sYiidicate h6lding in�st.-have herleg cut off. It The doctor," said ar ne-aij
a m4i4ihi he-. adaed. in. an earnest whisper, In nAU171130
Th' oill,upder. the se*ere'
at the witness; il�,iold'hbrj t tst..�nd -niost. �Thbr.e Is poiso-n.in my blood,. Alildred'axA- rum -y, 1882.. the -vast body of grain. -now -'stored-, -con!ipetition was'at Tordn
T -uuary and,
ft tL , witness).tbatmom. to i ViLdus,
'ay 0 A -'trial Exhibitioni-aw6rdied the hi h
a Xilwkukee who are known- o 'ing thh age active Ig est_p
a expected towards Chicago an dead nZe; So
he- aid s t6 cheer
you must be ljny'E t I
fai- Eih
woman w h e -rovine
'Tay, Ru�ert the close df and entry 6f Decem4. be back o t.b. Ouse wbef'. 4he GOLD MEDAL at tb ibi.
owasioalledin h
k r- ad by Ni6w'yokk C&Pital 'almoBt
there gn-apoison in your
Do iii, an the highest- award at the
the' deoevme1 was found h -d that ti6n, Hemilto d
Wed,, but, as-. you it, flows antirely,fiiive entered into -their. specu i�poingstate - Exhibition, Ottawa, the silver-ni6daJ.
as soon m F
is 'she saw. the dkeased she.
to -W
o *oili.nee& Vniployment, The and,.atoFms, of Marchwill pro� ii with the'l�iiention of akirying the and-all.wbo use Airiculturalmachin
a, bably wholeamount until -an ac adiesBed - 41 %riai if you er - M save nioney, 'and -
ave -ho -ma bil 71 'Xi I w machinery b Using
&Gti(R�YOU.Shbuld le arrive alie6d time, and render: the' 1vance is forded 'in - 0
ne bat
-the pys. and if... ou.cannot.spe A
a ar exceedingly dis- and that failure Of
"Whatlhe.brbk� forth, Ct-fthout.yulF Olosiig, days: of :�ew York, a e questibn,
- ----------
-Saidi-beei go' With, -yau you arketi: she -�a
IS I a Were =t oug t upon ih dee ined -in i 40
igr hugth-- look,frO open Your igy,� at
Mildred- I B eable. III -ti(e f act-.. tbat - hit; shi&iti.
e. !,u -n d'
w I, - - _16experieneeLinarej,
Y.- 4dt L --e SUbS6
in -at over it- b 11 wIu?rY` -fib egV gin Q_
r many neigh�,Qring being m- -or e __f tom effeef tban in nee
dDy§ur bidd sith I h eather
ea. -.cut, h, - &4 A
That a general tumble. fit not likely uentl a er owni,
will "never leave., you, be sure of that, my sictions. oty..
The! lafter'part f Apri JB proven bv t1i.' fact hat aidis-
girl, Bb -it 0, a �� a had-
ou shall -escape, we never,,, no, not. in I -and entry of Sen.
tr�ihed, her about theUck "-head_'91nd f
ging, -the do rQner,
V and
eli b up after 'you to the higheat Js (fuoted
ad' the ..inquest; and. - the age is,
it, were. f ih 6 Journe
qe Itself;' f6r if you die, May, 188%. 1 Mini] Lid one of winter again, aSked froul Chicago banks, - and. that, the. then I will die, beoi6 she' was found. -hap
nd tuaspringla likc lyto. be cold and back!-� n4mrkethasad'anced to-dk�
rom the.aby4s of ward generally rs view advance inral i a
a Pe further, -is -likelyto b - per but -one. that s mi-to-cillior
The whater of 1-8 32 not aby- luke. to this, p certainly
spirit ort from ja ihel as surely, being a blessedL'
dair L' -day. indiba a ha-
rownedaiii1pFlImed, you-w-ould reac4out -by heavy anqw0alls, 6 -this —St. Td
ame& Gaetti.
characterized 3c t6 an t t. Inquiry..
side of 'the -Alantio..� is' 66ommence moVing --to N ST1111"
alutly-hand to- lift me into bliss, 'aact, C
a. R, ow
anad% d Sections- south ore the usual fall rise in prices by- a-yann ooU HOOPING-COUGH
savel bif soul; Bud therefore no being. an t., ". 9� I,
Wes*ih- C an oik bef A Counnon.
V the; likes-navagati )n in open the railroad 6nth. Aiioth At the in 6
�o_ Me ihat Of a later in the. in er U.;
angel, W-111, you not �6 By- remain the Netho4isti Me CROUP.
f close -btie theo�y.,_ 4L lj%nd, gave My'r all tbayeari but for -very f is th, thhee �a.alvinab:iu.lrigightg ig7to ' hical- C ' OIL Mr. jbh' On&
Me ouh Mica Id of f
Will L d,
This.ol establiahod.rb�iedy csn be
With CO
Tor " to,inoved a f Solution -- bearing' upon 'denoe iecorhm
d6*19-6f torror: Stood- upoa Mildre(I'S perio& get, canalers n N67,y -York-, where' they on e )nded-for the above coni lant
o'T L eili - _P _S_ wi -d U'r -ni h has nOV. jgat#� -his
-1 ar will. bq a, ra sed fort xpan T It Y IT. If yo
br for d 'vehement I as � was December...' ISM,% ba. P he- puiposei Qf-.Storing 'in- a inattere that has'lohg received his att6n ore t
r( gio ere.
13upert'S 'speech, his ayes ape" thing, 8tOrMS.'h2the..Iake-- �" il._ conjunction.witli the el6at ra th Aame Y.
The., summer of
-AI of asuddeh she kuew of
at the, ap IF A§jckle Elon),
brotherly 16ve ormeily T.
that- thiN which the had been baidng 0Wing_'tOL 'Id --P'Asha, Stone, the 16 de L f �t is revolt-, in- whid "las beeii -mnifested W�ilton -Pr -to
terrible. 1, Itesoleds Th'
unfavorable- io, - agri lulture, -Vi'r.-' a r
Pne r.
my, is an.:
for his sAk& 9S' a xher6 shado*, a:sub Americ' -He ious Indett. nail., vi-
com and wet- -an or ngs'of this Me
was e -FAgypti an. UrbLi6nicea Can'
dencedf-thefeell .1 -all br - a C
-Western sections will probaly, r duated at West -Point In ngso unitywhon all br 4� a
all 1845 He le 'l --and 'vi a viq'w of
- 'of' theL' 10athol. f
ong b;eix -nor' Us guished himself in theMe#Ican_w strengthening this 'froin, fl;oa&.tha stin
him� 1oor Rupert. 'hac! all at 1rom be d -and ilr
awing it'still
ot'h ultl
visit t6 d
jiLob't; she was talking -with a ma thuffder stormk or ey clone dA 1856 he resigned hi .4rat nioreclokelk.together-this Conferene'e'
S dman t gt is.posiion. ag im 'the Methodist
'tenant 'in -th
n yet she Pitied- him far n�ora than mer of 1,892., e army, and went --to San orinion -that" the. Adoption'py The ]London institute tor the Vure ot
fearedf-_ him 6Vc �0 he Volanic- disti�rb pes are. likely. to b6- - rancisc6,'. Where he - be bhuker' Church throughout the world. of. a men Aluip.fdIntept. In, 1�peech
Ix _ r .W-. Ilynin 13ook-woulcv- gr0aily -t-endL-to SeeUr4 this
T - asgionate, exceedingly a Amefican. c6n.. hen1he. r6bellio'n broh� a 1� most desirable end,-andlyhat t)ifis iesoltition'be has k"p-ined for the Fall and -Winter. For eir�
yearn-i-oa of 'his, I Wt he eiiteiei
otive On the
ag"t, apppsd metted her tinent Will-. -probably -99c a Federal army, and in1 6-1 he N a in AS referred to the Businesh- Committee to- relport .'frb-- -h ...dreds. whom
within her, culars aiid to6tinionials M un
a i�i eiAirel .8
y, apon a es mg blunde t. inethod. ei brifiging it about, in
new sections, rigadier- eral. Havi
red ity (To be coutfaide&y. vingitsub itteato thevarious Chiqrches, and' STAMMERIN
There -will be !_',�eriodg of qPveie-.eoId,, -s ate keferend�e to tj!6 tihib nedled for the dii- �O
brie. king a battle With the rebels. -of 88� atd, lonoer-one s year in which 'the, osal of - 3F -those Churches
books specially
durine'the winter in:OotoLber of th in
A! drink zard-took. his.11-year-old boy with
of warmth.
h1eii troops sverdLdefeatAdj1.e agair6stecl
ic -.:,- avid but recei�tly_ didopted revised-
-M owa. Spree; at Iffaquo a'
hi -keta,L low . aiid.
4hd confined in Fort Lafayett -in 1861. In
- ymnals.
50,000 Farms. -600,000 -Acres.
!test Wlieat Land, Itich Meadow, Choice-3iiAtto,
awv him As much liquQr ag, he� dra, k him-
Self* The -boy died III- t1to stupo
Alexa'n d6i' of si 4�'s th
Rug a I o lemit �happy
69 he went to E gyvb, and,bec me chic
Thera IS Ub probabili f
ty a L this resolution,
being carriedinto Or I acticaleffect, inasmuch
Of Sovereign& He eld bimsblf walking -in,
staff -under.th-a:toL K"hed'�
_111' rio
as -.the British .9 a in and Canadian
ev�5. S. Hunting..appearecl on tho ptagg
the shad6w of d a -in: its mo�t -sinik
form. He looks- 9 onilly into- th,41uG6.
4 Fanny Clow founa the�'ordinary diver -
Oons unsatisfactory, at Little 1W Is- N y
Churches ' ha ve q- ifte" -recently at greaf ak-,
nevi -hymn
duced Fare"And Frelgli to settlers
Write. for "Tublications No.� 69."
6 -Lk�t$xeatre at Des, -Moine s; lowm, at the,
When with- h -i'- 'th�
�u 46 williar�
La n(
-a er
-4d so-_i4e, mused h self ana- grie�ed- her
i issued
pense It&
ion o a rE �gulai perfbrM%U4QeL an
other day,, or �romls I to ie
iends by lying,four.days. 1n a pretended
beautiful praents gi n to Gen.
All,- -the Ve
Itiiarrie(l- an actOr'auA actress, Who Still
. a - , - Play'� L
:�ro�e th costumes of t1w
raefid- his�' e rove frien a the
-a ,
Czarin�6 a ewin: case'of 'hbt�tre-
;ancei 1- watch .Was! Set, hnd .�She Was:
I*Ught.:emin �tq!2the- -sIri--Her pext. fun -1
and 1 a,.. ey - werci
Mrs. Grant whil _'th -Abroad
avejust been sent to New-�Yoik: b� 'Mr.
Germany hag �tho m6st acdo g&i
mmod lig
ature, wido
in much
There:. Was,
as 6bt9ined - hiding beradf, and lehin
by .9
-George W. -Childs, who, has -had.chiirge of
of ;post-offices� -It daily transinitA birds
eisait! b etivis
religiolumms en -the two
_'t"b6_ Supposed �i4 She had drowned h Er .
� the eighty4w6 -casbs containing -them The
beaBts'and fishes, if of a _h - armless sort. �A
This time she was detected.
.-Philadelphia Bicord, ---says-: t Is under-
gpo�e, Unintelligibly directed,' ,at 11
was a y,
Jersey`%tueep, a, amdua-1 ermont cow,
h er o, ivn de�tl�,notioe t6a, new6p
tthe tw" -
stodd 'that ii� 0-- an& 6 half yea L r trip
or au
util ction Ballet when, 076 wag
Owned: Xu , - eacham; ga*eF`4;4W-"T6W"'
', r, coinhi�
'An tit
nie lffullei�'J' ad S' aid' 'i
III a n"
. G i
roinid the *oxla" e&eral ran
a G i received
50,000 Farms. -600,000 -Acres.
!test Wlieat Land, Itich Meadow, Choice-3iiAtto,
Farming,:* Stock, A,-aisml,- balryingi-
Fad an d WAter in. A ditdance.
I '&'n'd'
62.66 pe�r�aore u-pwa, rd'.-O'ne, -sixth
cash And five annual Palments. Re�
duced Fare"And Frelgli to settlers
Write. for "Tublications No.� 69."
-Geo. Dew, Trambiling-Agent, 72 YoniI6
I Tor nto. R. M.. Newport, General
%gent, St. Paul, Mina.
L 29 1�39 2q, H! S _Q rV