HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-10-14, Page 63
1 V
Latestftotflsk N THE. END� OF A ROMAN E.
Hand J
J"61'41 9b that Bents TheAte
(St. �TieholoA�) iRJ�Vliuppoxed to 16�ve a
ntif :eepor of 'N o.
Yboy AL i[Jen al �Wqie _ _ -
_Itan%Ls�cWbat rbab Is'dood for, anyway Reports' received' in D111 Idde show 7that Wagner, staloon. b
ou 166,
He -don't know how to*alk'Or talk,-he-dOu t knOw the, Davis Straits whalei f a1iing has. this, An EioV .7, -80 Ri6_6 Ateitv was cha�rgabefore Jus
Glish zNabl man's DIVOreed Wife -Murdeied
says'that. on -.,Sun-, .0, Market-
howto�play,; e of a 14helkh. A R06 k0 d t
'o Ing Waa�
ingleL zing heL'p L.
9da$OI1 sea Very UnB400 9 -Dies-m-The Mai JammOr yester ay� Essex. -his -
tears upr'aytty s ties OUit, L g' assaulted
a With h
the body. of a human bei'
'seei3 par Al ion a_
day j.i The construction. -ha at floating in 4thagri6 Caualoi -fe-afid upon ler_ Th
An.' even tried ta br.044;-, b Wy i aninia'a at
6n finished 1, MVIng
be b -
of a residence 'Which the en -hag bu--
1L. be tbSt fait- b W11iiij -to -p -s-the dharge,--'
JEe!$L Arays tuinbliW 'bout ;�a floori VW gives -us- C6NDL-ADY-IIESTER-STANHOPE- '21:milpsfrona thatcity,__ y &"_bQ%tMSn'. Hei, u
woma,41 Was. av reS
lor John 'Brown. withl ier- 05 and -hel , a
awtul scares., Oral ground of -the bo. I iitice- fined- _Wagii
noti ed James -Lewis, -who Pulled
f -but thd ..f
en r oc,-�
Y aim An exci ng -an r, to a Cor -000 to keep. t e-pe%ca-,or a
I night, lig. tiever B omanfk . life-. o
An" When: he goes to bec at sa s -ti a
ar- nockhas ugast
to the 0ora. And w t for _e him -i h
--On Sunday- tooi lt(rintnses'up
The coal., tradd about 01 thd 12t1i of A Iscovere to giv.
Qve nionth'§6:
iny ga-to tin ea are working Wheii the wih that.ihel��rp a i3litted for thre months.'
]m p f d M j -of the "Sheikh Uqdj-jdel adner_ &ileol
oge at Damascus on'', L (if - Albion. -the w
rane; soon,
considerably 'and �W&9_ com
clothes, . - I I I ., - . il . all I Be, Whic' was,t 4t I . - - 0 .. -
me 0 isX, scarcity of tiiiell t
An'lonce -1 iNund� )�Iifa hard- at worl� aq)i c'in' full ti inc th re x er a' 'I ers
tifUlgirl,20iyearb ofage iinde ft -World repor er J
celebrity known . o ii had',b6en,wo Idatefday a ter� a
Dolly'snosep men. passed away at: the riP6 aje of '75. Thi
h :St t _The
d .-boy (hovr whdt you- as t pr6 sevetiti. severg 6 went 0, No. ree
I 'a, * P.,tg,4bout`t e at.
�zo: uzzer ay zat naughty 'r—,. . ., , -
T -11d c I
Vei K -is LOW _TOOM In sement'of -a
S"Pos6ytouzink>)L Business itribe Imen tr e of FIM keeps DamasceneL a y Once, an -English-
the leftpy
-,* the ba
J room.,
Jen t
V"P$QtL a dreat-big boi dly improved.' Lspict. and' a coronet, and, bhp'&.niouii tuglish, &36%g _'jj�"ant,neigh'-_-
;4e4of niypapa'swn up a, decide -came, of 'I � I '��Iy i phien ouse-In-A
bits r- Keielm, Digby, a 80ion 0 w
r�sen rs e Df SiI *iWif
-hyin'doo1and hard;_.qg pourse-hojinclin hi6lj I � .-I-b. " od
t #rrange i
An"istead of 4tion. to ddmiore ess at f A bLi �' _o
oke, thd'atoeliffigs--w
ht t& done, put on back side.L re -d. :--Behind:the r B�
� I ' *� - -. - - arried ifie au borhool
'MoStL Off, as not, -g agQ in h ors
RelaiigUed, ani -heaa'*; )ric�s-is expetieiiiced. ghter Of Xr.�
i: i&kod big Only pkrtia� L pulled gart portiobeid woman about -35 years -old.
The'memberg -of the- v)her�ble Pothtb Groesbeck, of Cincinnati. She was the only arm Was,:, oun
xoug4-'heFsought!twas ffifi.- -on and were upon one IiiEb, and a 10]2'gLheaVv'. t*,n6- Arouid a.,
mn. tries. to xeac4 tip -high, aw Pull.Zings b
aad'p�rrin - met: daugghtef o �attachedtotlie othe� cloth.1
He. �ev f dmi-ria air Henry Digby, -In- the'p66w
g-Incorporatiol of Paidoy qWaSL two b the was� evideutly-lfesh.,L. rau
-when -17 1 . adr-neck, just- under the She
L recently in. the h6stelryat-. -by Vals.01derth.8111her. rother,' . -dreas were two .1e;, 'which'esta�-
AU1 he's allays tmntin� V�16, Of 0413xise, jus! dnfreNftept (if the
YOU Wall, S�.You S ndon -the*. "nual preient Lo igb - Wh IS-_ identify ened th along!
id en a- gi"* lished thb -girl
d that she, had
s -M. t46cond was kii.magner. -She spoke -with wstrong,
t g dined fastd W_
1xither dess, I re doflom how, is..6f potatoid Recoil ---her-piobabile mur er UPOna-Young GernA'a acce�i She ggid
-1 as, his
6nd heiring.
man- he 16tteig 'been mourrie 0 . ew months�
ely far roug ard's kt�pwr� oirim� of Hopkina� T or to, �Jby contest for Lord ElIbnbQ h,.. aftbrw
e named. Fre1� agner
P dirls were. more, a- e wn
Zay�.. all waspade &,pUrp0S6 r US litaa There is 11 �Ehglish' politics-' as-- f'.the Wila- elb 4 at
gen. --University aadr�gaed to Sa ies Wkighi ad Sara"� -the Stoe she
--Ai: hLdn - ad"A %jI 11enborou On his.
n -yo—e supnor my
daghty nwhow -.father and -mother- -band.' -Wright.respectivelyi-the . . . t -hus
babybqysw�L of 7
0 or -Ge ralshi. of deceased, whose. namewas'Nellie Wright. Ycomes horne- at -night
as � an
Why—why, ZELVS hiML now,, lidinakes:9, -will be the,clioiceof the beraas. and Lord �etii n in: the'Govern
drink§ a do
ut upige,. ieg arrae-lea- th� coroner -to money
Cranbrook of the. Consery �Pict: V UUk4
dreff This e Spendi all� d that
first.: One -child my
Mugley to make -a 'makegLj�fteinad.: edidnotknow
I des& 1, better rup.- an- see, or -9-he.has—hao- one. from. the,, e- summoned Dr. 9
C Unhappy, and -h what he.
1100, tth6Aberdeen Circii ourt recently - s born tothe-ill-mo�ichiSd palr�4 ion- --r
Wa autob# T and
stairdabd killeahig, qalf, Ch =fle w a -s` V. , b "., I I -night.-;- he-,:0as -too. drun
-tuhatomr, fidy renfbvea the somac k
Felled dawn'ze C Aen- h;"is dhi�khl� ciiizY the jury before whom' n 30?
w n Id to 6
tried fqr the murder :of hi W S
that gain& he'ad- J%2-11
L naon society irleq D who.diea aiB 6IdI 1 18 hen but .9 �b h s61
frifie'd by -t i elopement P b6batfim she a big- bloodhound. Ile was
Elizabeth Stott, returned aL.Verdiatto the of E116 1- 9 09 get f
b U� too take poison had-
-prisoner wi :at -the., PriiieeTelix 8chwsrzei1b6rgI
0 -with -wall, and
- ul�e Is- to. Sail- by: the effect that the borough
been:'betrayed aba--then-L deserted- ----by Ained to, the
The 'Princess L tted. Dinme bad t e 6Lb
ndsome and dashin AU&4,
time- the �rime, was.commi en. rove& ed P�risi , an- o .a 20th'October.. a ned during Her _.th ha g, Young 6d. - Hopkins; - The -.'autopsy
S an t ned out the --gas and set
I to be deti h '-t - �y - yeats ten
th Was orderec Weni r
of -r r The
-ha -ent ty pleasure. Q. �e�both a Idie that t -InAde"1im. bite- me.
ArWn diplohiati W _fhe f lact he. - lungs. contained
ered Arta, in Maies , i
Ki _e ce . a waidi ptibil himself- t no water-.. whatever 'an , impossibility dog I -didn!b think -he-
�.,thp�ceded, tekritory!� amid. unboundoil -ladstohe' isit* Scotland., and:.ieicuedthei. Use of In t
won . i� 1h
G -and s-statesinan, d-"th-resialtglro;� &W-inini, &ISO' thid -did ehero,
During X
Hapsbuirg so of he
enthusiasmi, -about the. vild of October is expeated-that.
from. the revo utionary y the..girl was enainte.- The o'oroner empan,�
omain, pullin down the
1 that -Sir Leonard Tilley -in' Mid it e
u6nts' 1 - Isis" [)ugli obt n6d, 'a, nelled Ajur d h th
t is expe he- will addresa, his con 11illeubor.. _vi- but'swore only -two
hold by special 0880s" ban ing. -.our eep,gaF . 3. es at
0 '116 sa�vher hii�e the.pqisOUA1U1t4t9 i6ld- 4 fStir long _te6. 4.
ill visit St
an Sir Charlea - Tupper Jt. is believed--' at he- will divorce- Jrot his : wife ne-w
St 3pheii, X.B., sbraej,�in�d in Octoer. arliavient; g1loWing her a, a
ithre-4 m:eetins—one i -a -E, itburgh,'afiothe Act. f_p m
in eldtteiand the other -that fie' *41 i4r -a Rbin-id.youget4id of the dog
Same. ea a -will thaL.third piobably at -West income. -slye 'coiitin�hed,. to live o�er r�pialns were t '-d RroOfiistick in, JJXYL hand
The, fhonament'to� Dean Stanley in Dalkeith anLd
e was. - 4 -remar ff hus 'pulled him o
y-Afer" bro S - kably- ribbably ta,6-thef, forni of an siltar-tOmb,,- Caildm after her elopbnient -with: b her.
aQed near A review of thp, past a igling- season On- Prince - s -she -inkiried in -and as. -the
with'a, reciwmben st�;tuo, toL be PIL Schwar�enbqxk
as -go a, me
which closel on the 316t,_ Ba�aria the A , - , * - N-. th�r Deanis gra*eL in Wstminster Abbey;- Lochleven, 13mon'-von Nenniageu. Aui be-au,tdu1-a;tA W611 formed girl, w bit and tied hi to the;
-th a ts�b thw m daughter �-df a I moderal e y prosperous I the back'ro'onj�"
'The German papergL atogether WI ular Otatemen hen: 16(1-L S attan ueh 6,
too e- Aerted, and t farmer," The prisoner, 6 . j, a
hot se a. -t -,e
' ' : ere you oing*ith the broom'
-have tAeh lifb )n ihe'-AIps`and- the t..
:en'cragea to- of - the rich6st and hand- various club competitionq that
one of 'it 61.betwef ers a a e, is a Son of very-re9pectable
-yr�the e-d-
ck-heireBses,% Others say place during onI i beon-publish -V L Many, times she M I YL_ US ad
Mediterranean.�i * H6N H airs
somest Ainerican� t and very- wo,,gtIt�y ��arants.- e -is 3__ ye - _- 4
t L 'so' to ca, d. in urope is seer,-,, 0 athat for b The otal number o Ught is stated well a orceit.
-hag been inan , - - Wanthat he is already mar wo�g marrie old and ii6d, but wakd i e f licks. He-
-iied. �CLL -16,399i wji iing 17,124 1 -him.apouple-o,
e - it an
Uge b r d -I waTs in front, and
tained,-butabOut the year,1850gheLWent'to
the exwEmpress:Eug!3nie, -to have bee: -th :beck her vms': irregular b2411A
i�- stated, that, L 9(;5 few ' , 11 which ii2 er in. the previous g' t - There ibetiaelld-from Palmyra—
ecell hit him w d -
Damascus und _y -&iikl looF
tlieid a 'the - escort of 'the was- arrested L b wgi g6i a6g
habits. Fr�d L H6p I y- I was nk to hen. 1;*
r visit to Paris, =ade a. will leav f king pe
aa& Season. to., or- Ddput hdriff, apineil
'il er fortune; to. Prince Vic 'ih
down ieiied-
ikh-Kedj-joelTwho f6z.many years has o"k Shal
d e-'couh
deplaxingL him- head of 'the, BOXIMPAitifft, Woiaien_ unconcerne an
o icipg. ao crack in ter, ebeat travel ts etween in USt ay�a 3 6 ter-�
mollopor tli6�
zbd ihe w - y - e was -kirested. L :iew oun
of'& bler�' on.
Itis. absolutely unirue thtit under t oty. _ M window in amou f 315"Fith- him on 1U�tanil- broke th e- axe.. Oh
he pection emor he sadd 1hat: Nellie sh MY
abl -their mus ith the in or- clock in
y fair -conditiong,.P. w Man is (If WeL Tlxura Ay,iiight but left At,
Dunfermliub AbboSr 'd an axe. or $nythind *heu h610
-the-- late,' Dean PIC that7sh iniendea -to
t 'that crude phr e) 6yed_oui!71I him. he'll tol P
i - Sqotla;nd matioll e L marry
ey.has b I � �il morn -in gc,,. and- said ifie was goingii5- Albion, Arihkibg. Me, broke' iflat door,: too, vi
ebn mooted -and made for tile
all - goes The Sheikh, ight claimed that fhat was
todk to fl-
oposal. h -as.. received the support, -W86V. -6 papdrd3ithewall. -Heciosts-me-,
she has seen forty-five. - If He oi�_ �h
-no r'y ill, a woman. lhe' d -
an& the pr determined six miles t
_o her.- He'
P well, or. even t ve more detiert -but lady. follbw6 the last lidm ever, saw.0 1s.now moire fnonby than hels*orth.
ty ly
-ot'tak 'a new
;a ok him aA
kc depaiture arried him du
of frequentIv hini, overto _d ni autity jail, Where
states that the, Duke coufifi6d in- the Genesee Q theli 4hy �vbuld-'��iinot.-ap-pear.againfjt-.
Urd Desart,
rep eious to assume. in rites, there being noat 0,out- Rfii. Itlis 13 at' aco . eabu -ed-baii aild is charged 1h dour aing.
B6dford is living at Norris Castle., Eat he rejufj Im t is
:th6,- . eqremony: e.
-that. 4 woman, Of Ed tur ae -is likely to ber no . witnesss 'of -a when I .Went - tberd-
seclusion, . k� -, - d wartiantfo his rrest-with-Wilfully and
Cbw e , -in eitrict tempered by t -1 *ofild
behind her growin sia ers, or her grow� e puro asp
two. housemaids and -a. cook, by -reason of his, Arab- companions. Sh h d ght.:. 111- spoke tome Iould -not help
but,whon, he
Ing sons, in., effbetivehe s of intellect, I . his hame a splendid house�:�ild, -garden- in 'lici6tiBly iiiurdering-Nellie-Wrl
b� th�politics-, ud -feeling- pity' for, him. A &!ways thin -k � he
sub!"'; iew or old, !a gen- dignatiou oVer the. case
is disgust *i aptitude fok 64 5 id IT
Damascus, Where she ha eVet since r.esi qd
Bernhafdt has h6ral-y khovis.auy'b6unds I had, will Ad:'betfer but- lie :zlelier; does:; d
It is report6d that Saralk oral brightness and gusce ptihi!ity. In What In I Laig� several. all e�..�
r ng part" of he year;_-spbjo
en reaerved'i. -n6v
a6reed ta Oreote -in the winter of 188%83 before -glib -knew Ropkins,. be y rrc
'y," in t4e-Fiench mon - - : .. , ; , .0
mi-Irt, be called "quali, thk Annually in -the desettiiibethuw� .. I , .1
-Thecoroner. iury i.
in, 6- tragedy call ane modest, and well liked
U iny aF� her ealier life flad
and's tent., tor wll'coutinue the-.Iinvestigp�#onon,
Gre�y,":-by�Xlle, Simoner-Anaud, author or sense oftb. word, she is ponthesupposi
tions we have. jut, made so much the;ij pei- been, her latter days. were cibif and October.13h.
obon Tribu
ita:Cgrinagnolai. m6st eit-raoidinary yet ne.
TThe Berlin, Panddok says. it- h od mr.bing, that if the i aughteig, and the tented. Her lait and
sons', too, do poe feel. Aj her6'is somethi one 'In D antic marriajE a B6aion couple
stAtiiig� that as 90 139 m6wriacre,proved a hapy ama. - Va a the7- -4beciouse hq,
'P' rsia.will arrive i Russia in April next,, anderbilt are elititled �tolhe,'-Arst-: rize.
authority -for' the� S�ah_ Of y
wrong -with theih It must,. in"ed,, be -eus idol of th6- poor
e 4cam 1�9'been criticiz Abou -ten
-0 found in her Angrawkil'as a'Prblimifi4r � that therais love gdhominedan� residenis, h 'Went to� Europe with- Hertex.-to .-order- all, days Qo Mr. C. A Dutt;n, -MiSEZfellie-
the Czar personally. It is not
t6r greet- chusband a 2d the wife, d destubf frie-nas'-wid. counsellors 9 in on, both of this
betwegn the ail the e1h the J. Th-fdd oft
mttlod. whether h6. will Visit other;cou,rts. 'h ydinig peoold' a good -i mid thernihe hag.di h bf' thei n6v an
thatthe- :1 afliess." 9, ed -at last, ings, -marble-work and ch� rmaiv A. 'Throci�ott6n
panied by
ing. has receied, it ynAnd above all in- -'the aelves but with 'and beloved Unlik. b r Turniture,- Having made big R1 .. Tiiioczj�6rton -appeared at the
Mr.- 111 xy Iry ,Qm the
money in Colorado, Rprings, - an
ing agke of Saxe-Atem, enl: M. recogultion'of
Anc Ldy Digby -'.':-,-so, she Aaierf6a, he 6ught to spend -it here -it has
thef* inlusi6s,- littlie-:1 d 1 1 HeAei: Stanh6pe d,
pbro is -nee. ei
e ad herself�ne, r o ne in', I in& e ilaqu
'his Kery art, the ve ' -becam'6-16- M-ahom- be6ii 'The on ly srt-* iry -concerning the.-4iffibultieg of'
cos to dramatic We, is to. �-te a- along th
thb�battl Q, do. this. of the Ducal SaxErnes:- a.. croVv' t,,wa of late -year - -a,-' r fo
of the linight-Cross, A gray hair is 'a f ray 8-- niedan', bu 8 9 regu at rihe"h6�86.are-thebkonierai- ascending Pike's Peak and- in the course Of
.,coun y
tin -4 Houad order. these- rarel3K-come- -at W� as, file At the ten "ing,,,
A. pbtitian: for- liquidation 34 4hqqe
on crestl�g'; arou -d-t 5 r66t. Edwar - a- Smith tb-td wit
to. t4# youixg but c qrtsinly," :as' Lord Dinia-s' a misgionf, or. e conversion 0 h tli6m. to the sum-
ykw-. P h a
U fAk or sco says, e - rform�
-I-iudla-y-Coiinty0o.urt,.inEngliindfecentI -arvel though- j6 jew Y, B it jg ioc. -1h bsit
b� general dealer �p
bearing 'the extraor-
orns. insa ..times in n
ars se ,y
-bit ihdrnini,a
perso a in ye unr
Mus F�24. -,O]p Ms. OWN SHA.66w..- bronchos Stood in front bf.'the
D;'o thany ASOM par on
d;uary ame of West Angel. 1�ono Able ami�Q1e,pzt1chr&r4?4 r'
e t
be 6�nte '29 T no, y0iith an 8 1PX
!C9,40b it t Aaiid6iii MauitatiMouspi And ftra- few4ai ute he -
in Washington keei�� an .16 What "the Wa of
ing, the ymith as to make Giatt ltding
As, - he0bli4id6l f, were in e sai
e 4�apher' and, conal ei 11ilifed �ths. T n irq�par
ight. men- employed. c6ilsiantly'in, printing lip 1.
mounte -uponaP& cu.
Ah 6 elindss." It is the -mistake, -xvawuressors Iii nord.1' Silver, eig ing
e r. Smith was
Guiteaus�-�hot6graphsj. inil Veri ttLe.*,
ys'Guittbauls -after waltzing on
JVIL - t Fl - 1 ,, . ly adolescence, 0 sand-blinil conceit' i broota "or 6 fe* I'
Of C ashinitim1etter b * te, *hichi
Ivey ru
1pesuppos" 'idn .
e no el
becromes clai y more:gd&-more a Jec
LOt7 tu mthem- -off -fast-enougkto, keep- ha hN hu
Race- Nc J6 by�Bajrbediehn gap
0 Comm it .1 1
exqju 'tg'at the least' sound,, 'even, tflat of, Xgt6der-b t - f Rd e'- r.,_ -over the dufftiWii not -4b'his
.b ueer:ta:at some 0eopla _e an a t's_ if u e ridge Ou
omand., 9 1 . " at Ah WO 0
4ve, - , -! . ., .' I B_ At
mail a crbW
he- -fdriiitur naturef-, cauiiof tgke-u &I watching- -their. chance t- th to! 4
guard" and I V'cik lmagifliug d y bucking the c ergyman,
throughout- -the )Ie. of hi g e ing Europ ivhate rform,ance
i GroViL Prince. iR-udolph and, Printess I-ihe gladnes -of break into i 6f iao'.irqtor-_ i)vi ling into' the--'strek Mt.
0 W.
the 79miW 'Was
't n ---'rese-d ed h gh- not
eater go ti -during -the The'more and-'. Alt ou.
make- a - long stsYat. -life aud-beatdifulI� -ra ate I - aiiii
ing,to n1i it
r1don... The- oth6f day
t an e are, -inj6idd4 the, accident" efauged
Castle of Meran. in the Tyrol.-. It, is: anc! foi others. I is, w of courSpi d'
d o that ie coits hp -better," Vauderbilt-ii e seric
noon'bis cell oor was opeae a
disposed 4q, -h
er& nt no lesink out- With E�e- leart-the miserable ' I , , , for hewhispere&- that th -is A -t pre'se �a at libeipy -to. exercise in the corridor, 'iremarked.�16-.an,.�O a,--#f6iU1 th6lplahs- 'of t e. weddinf
of- thio� very-,paor. 'B
ang-- - - - Ut', -but h6ject u-r'e hi I` u -tr A I` d _1 A hig� health,*
"er of th-6 Austria dynasty becoming life ut even whh-the 'wo x avaganceA e ergy4lan - 0
Ind four-0rfiV6 times. ho'came of e eu Me
d among,
an con nuina. pq -in
Xtiuct, poor the general rule holds' evfdQutly was not 'in. a -cmidition of mindFrora" careful:. estimates JtJalthought-that� by -the: tri spite
;-on that bne-plot�wofgj 11- persuasion And the -6ffer of
to the -Gair- them some, Of -'the - pli iasaniest-, brightest, wn Hawkes, fdrinerly tutor b m6its the"threi1ouilbi, ,,round. Of
to exercise, anq spent.- ut: 9 'mO
hbue;66 'After';
fle'l -boys, has: eba Actibg�, handsomestrwomenar� 'While fearin' hsi�e ort, r -Idi 9� e animal.'
_d b appointed. *6men of advanced, and-. qui
at 6, time in -the . corridor. g :will,� aally'ifraid g6n
but- r6leas6d Irgin the pr the young leman
Assistant e8sure--
cord- -matu 6, --be is I twarming: gbdiiV,'$4,,'d00, 6ich consultation,
_�eon'in.-the.%krznyj in, a Y, yOUUq Sonj,6 outside partie q.qu
est of the late Pros t 6 -'dares- 'and 9 �Vh 144bili Who th should come, to.::
;�itii thd ident of -ft of the. sbldlersi and. indeed -he does not.likq offib.6f th&o)k 4 Billy T-itni mi
�Aih is stpreient-canfiii ears'aao-i 'hardpr o - pkingg an
Aeath� 'd in United
time -Wo a -his, phildren-bring.' Such-.. m6iLmay. evenbe to -see one. - e --Qa,:he- 25,.y vE:s esse(l.i6-.pELytax-:,e,s--ColijtW' S' froi-i-Ahe%
ghich is conn6c tea
h nle
b d 'to, take- a, Ii Uariia m6lita fa�rl, and -,pe re�d',why States tele'graph�'
Ld.ado - seeLoutsidpoft asho tands -on rhop
says it, tiudqro 9 serve cannot
,-Inixin m_h� ild- t -With ther sgnastation onthe peak, perfori.
-this' he never does now: -a P br maii rik, Iffill ren o
read. mo ch
-a that -Lord - t6 visit I
st-Lorne, intends growth.; they onlis bed, and
Up gge ri The guirds- I charge.of im are stipport,-�700K
Engja4d on, thq completion of his- tour; and v riage ceieni6ny by telegraph. The.
fith b' roy Tbn the.mar
A --men, pie A*3iowledge, and
6 dompanions, than m- become thr6e of ile strong4it-menin t4
-b- aareea aoct6i-donsented- to. thi's arrangemen ana,
prjbabl returii� Wi -mox
th hi force, and
ever. These e;i�iid become more SM- r mentw of
-of them is. somewhit, ov6i six feet-- in BoADeubtjfu1-JJlHk.4�-': d ixothe ele
Y. 4cei enti a
c Our
Ing o-, B -Already,
ly true asvie iwara ii ond -seems o.bel.alaorite It is with a Dr.., -romance add6d- _t' 1,
Princess of'B64n and height- This one s,thit
- �..Th- a mit- was
Sophie Victoria culture. Rahel,
romantic affair. e
ith Guitfb bi king that the stronger p
the scale 'd one W h qJ ke on clsew his� a6cognt. of the, Z 0
the� guardhe more secure he will'be, some cea6hecl abQ noon. ergeary-
br,1416'of the- CrOZn Prince. 01,8*ibn And Who -was al at 50 year
Nortva�%. is a tall young lady,blohdp',16yely, of MOM M at 'ielded.-by- cattle
wisef, a -14, the qual ity. of the ani y 011 _h -his
particulars just as: t d -that this:'one be ie-efe --was- oun. - in- ge of
ag6 that sh f I d
itteoMplisbed. The, bridegkoom days JSince._ he reques e
nd [te- -haa,'oii- the dbt T-1 r8with. his.-�
slid did. at orhisespe -of pi� icg*, it is station. received Ig'_7 619, clever- aaa juridl -during I
y Olea hb.'p'Walenca. zoot
28 tall and! dark -,,-and. 'a i ns atol Inclingiions
..whol Ae. op' i
he- �Ieer%w -nee - has. not Ot- SIIP7�
ell,'the sound made in.relieving and, when their inten...
of Adi
m dl6i: its coiA celebrating we ---w
h �jbackground of her possible t)iat ekeri6 Y_
-at 30j-O41Jtb&tt n
r -W expere , guya alwaysviake g'hi -plie& sAd" t groun io Ing
N -'b' #b d get, about-
karlboroiigh. is. hf6.ww tieb overi-pyea, an
-..I)uke Pf Me* 1A
A�a du1tf,4%u1wAefenee4iII: jrbba;bly. e' tion jjl4it- hf& that'While 9, di 1 n a u ced, was
tion - i _�us uil y
F underland Lit , 11 co"Q0 laid, an ear y -room
S )rary j_ if it b r -,j4ci w_hgfiJngto1i,�Dj4ft ot- ttbrney o -.in, -s�� 11
iel ingatahkembirts..'The instrument
�. I � .1 1 is
Vani strestg- on tha-donfie ess, meaningi -no -as-dec
A f mak
is onfetrin symptont-, III. with
ty--. Atir - issertsi, that. he- has 61 th sign VAidn w
q;l St
--gI Oat all diseases flowers 's- ad flags and then'the Sergeant
a o bird Qyq�viewei
riq f6wer than 5 'tf4t�shb coulcl. g omplete.suppresgion.6f
co bel - for delayj,-the Cd will retion
"'07' , c - - iines- any aggravation -or-. prdlonga-- seated'himself-at- the. tel9gk6 nstruthent
ores- land on his doubt,,! lir thit:se'
one sh-d a4ds, tile DQric h
h6ndg� Thisr is - nearly _-quad4r- Of -his. bettekhaii 4rrizeabli e; anx
P. V -4 -ole laalded, -property. hat at. her ripe. age Jovful.ye�ining th�n. �tdthb Spr
'dis' The'souroiQ of'olanger.-ig ings�, office
At�orney be] tion .-of, ease'.
d,&d sprang up in, 'Count' Waldburg, the Arctia. explorer- lenaengy to look forw kaiijed: IiAg,4, thou thug - rm -10.,-066 - feet - below. - 'Officei Jones -
h* estion- of :natural who
we6k will oved: to, t e qp
d' qde :oadges, an4 the �v dto -was in -e arge, -replif4d and informed
frora of o of � feel' fitioh 6
lio-hasJust-.return -toHammerfeat er, jhfoli "was 2, , . I �,:t vf el h
th f he jurisaialtott ion- is Alarro.--d.
tho the, Rev ml,
sr- a -this question or
Journeytoth-elow Yenil , I . I . - r-ried. k-- --youth. Of course,- -every - & q� 6 ij11 ng of early tq� -
ieii`nL, a Bremen if iest h the' -86rgei�t:
Qaj � _. ready' to may nt: ave acquired -hurtful
p. 21 A�clsr anlernot RaheLbut it was certainly w'l� be r ise ..h Wis pro4
hers. to, e .01111g:11 -
merchant iteamer;,istreport a ing wom t very onse had e
The :y
X proper ieE of: -Un rtainty,
suoli navigation. possible every- year, despite no fauh'of ec��too much of the illia -state �cbremouy.
ceed. Ulth
d han, - Saud stood'.before he".
'hol d
-the difficulties. vihich have hitherto been young; why, she ask s Ula they believe
4_111ing Illinjelf Tb e re p y any- peop q oine,
I III , In , h1ut ]me I which ;-bas iiot b n j q. ea, b
the old. -Wrinkle 'are no-testi - 1, rgeaht, the�.fatl�ei_"d-_.motber of the.-
mony. - . i U -i- �� 4 - -oii�hygi' ' th utioli of Se
, --\ - - autho nip e�
-to g�urround. i Guitteii jj_� e
preca -si n
a �- be adopt "a d the S.er
No ; b4t one WayAdd at they cau blfeb, -ding on either e
-fi lk Ekd - -
Dr, James, Luke,1LB., died recently 4& fo;jvA:�C4 _WS �s as 'ibi's ing, the mi shoul
I T, - '- I ff -the
0 -of ayes, bt Clifton, :strbetj'w� ues�
a kiid,'i Wyl Bo geantat.thb.instrument
in, England at the age of 82. Rewas twice dAo attend J. oiling dogtroys any ififec ie 3rmB tlikt _q
morning 9,4mmoue t
prejudice- of nearnes tic gyman as. they came thri
in� crait '11 imself it in
ttre of the
the av contain."
_P siden-t--of -Roya College of Sun
ling -o -the
of-whikt-Rahel-meant �-aud�*hsitis-axem�
a, studied under- Abernethy and-Astle : hq iibitilt
1edn y 6, while'suffeiin Jrome� delirtumi-i
JL-Afte COC Xron Wheels.-, clicking for a;.th nto d t en �:Serge t
lives. sa I letters of number h'- plifleil ia the ome I an
ote 6f.,h long an pontinuo
Cooper and placed ihe world under notab' us 6baxich.. jUil
olemn Volep,. repeated: the
to qu I�teiy ad e, In- a -S ripe tge.. Not Three fly
els h n cast at
he -0 Of
�ihe ave b�p`
bligdtions� to. him, for; itention' Of W , 04 aSO"UtIl'T.rancisc
r ladies of 'great ability, And. cultu me
othe re, critine s9age -10 arles
devate& to hernia. and is. a p9inter and frescoer.l�y.-qccu�,ation. �ri. - hyeetVs -6undry-, '-Wolverhampton, hi A�'D-uttoii, do you take
-1 Nellie J-7-- Thro:9mort6ii to:'be- your .1
take's, very ij�norairi old dame, - pli �,Yihebl -,imi h ts He -is about 4.2' yeirw is kngl nd-- Xng1&nd,., 6a, g ing- 40.1oris n
A. aespaitch from at& tea that She pu 1 -win's- I other
William- Qc I do "�-respondedth6
'the in"on piem _-Th e� diat&- wife Kajor-Gan�rAl' Sir- Henry 4nd had -on the, tot -a long time pasthas be�n'�ros�iy n in. i6L. 'the ser
pth. mchea; with-evidentemot.
41 suedAges. forr. scamsis es,. t Iter is 26 J e an d me'�I% bridegroom,
qa axi n.4�p g �4�q
-face, Ind X son 6f the, Indian here Sir Henry Havelock, intellect; but perM64 His contWu im. gean:t tapped the ieleg"ra h instrument and*.
-bound ort'of, 0a, an acwhole, a hide P
- hewtv..1'
lanf6r'many years m0mbef Qf-F hard t if- � +" t- on� a of ilaiiid.- d
wha*isei heaxty PerietratitIg'le !will:bgve Qbi Air' m -E;-. affi' nmc;xnent anbther -ria
�pssagel cam6 and
of �_ Sund'erland,,-is.-reportea: to this morning -.he labred und the ht'llu- aJL
f tersolie-writesit Th qold..GOJd-*in,him- .95' weigh ab6ut:24- tqnsi, tdt kiteaabya;h:
it eau
deranged fro b;-
13 ewai'-*.Gu' lie eff 7ectft 91. U11- cinatiori-that �h
s he had; 'iaht -.of- esch -�,6 Flywheels- toii, *do'- you take Charles Utton (to, e
self sayi at her d.. ath- that. he felt as if 5
we the- late'Fj ?7 .41
-strak e- cesident. A couegelw him, andiake deter of he hid now no -0he -cast this yout. law u sbad
-Is bosc;nti 3 could. not b�h6:xg13Q."but 4eighing+60 tong have been 10- w' t h a do gaid -the b
the� It Zfit, to go to a foe, And somd. f them - i ridc� in a -low voice. The,
outookwell Lte, President coji-cluclea that li(
h ]Us
wever, i e'd
friend 42 0 euraen. w4s
30',fee't; but -it is -believed that Serdbant eard it, ho
enoilga., S.
-its placed his resigaldiba, Pis ana_Rzhel� ts,lia t defrauded -of hei, -due,- he-deciddd4oiake Idia'We
gt two "or w
aor,idk, -6r momen.
n' aut'attendant duiin-4 anxious that tic� sho4r be - -1 ,
0 ometliInk be iiieewbam' ter� of h tiansrilift
ast, illness,, h -4, moth6k of been- cast-da---eitli the -There as a _s
Commi Ul- t1ha_ nF6.1 morellk I t a -S 0 i n they have- all"
Faithful for
negmen s, oi
t the - sc tiding
disposal of' the P_ Sidbat, ar - - - - - a h' -d -to cou� worl .-that ernall. re d it. is under, brought his razor to a fine'ddg6i he slashed lour -,,t yeason fortliig knol'i t en ca;zhe
ver t h ag 'UP f YQU- m er any y in bi3m at.1t wouldbe'duiP66ible roin t4e-val ey to
be replaced. be- more On each �iaja, ��W g th k et abo t
toodth.%it he -will into his ne* twio vey Abond eep,., 14j000 ve
Ordinary. AocieZ7 Wothing-'esix.. e pcean;_
vac tig. two
tifullv wise t 4u.her letters; An m*e age ki h6arth: one:
-two, inches- long in . Instance. such a; ponderous piece of
-it ma e
d� gash, )ad.. batting e- c
ur ilef Conite de, beau lle h
Monaeliggle it malong.& ro:
rench. Legitimis
-who -th' cost.- he operitio C tilla
ih -These gashes were not ve doeb a6d pro
ts7 caIL- Henry true a P Iry � ., no Inc
ni the F Opt writes e� reduces man an Wil.e.;
the flOW-of is. ooa..
not-diffieult to stanch
V_I Kingof France aild Navarre, completed felip&us-things for er, yet Ilie--poet has WAS seven minutes,' --
ulnes w no li
'Sept. 29th. sometbiiIgl- of Rich Ows truthf 10], iy fear df dbath, O0cuP Pd
There is no ibr hf -of_�k -that
year on h9- t6 Dr. H d to b PUP- b is a sensible whim shicit
does-, not: seem nearer t6 the Vosition, of Such q & to� sk, for tole a tham no. e F.Veiy lirge, makes r�ag asi�iO4 s,
t ed -not be" posed at Mylecraine has given, 1UPth -Gui 1 ig,.eery .-do;,.,
or- y 'consists.moil-
ai twelve3nonth tion.fror cle g people mlli �Spc- any. room, and ne
jrq de iWo than was tly- of -Postal cards.: Some
-e a. Guitteiaui—Boieli�s Upion and e.
tMd h
!er�_ . :. -hi -hell; othera vQlu' -a -An cgs .:0
buV-he--belongs, to- a- family that i% Ltottolt� writers-cond6nin m: -to of moving, -from
e hiei�couiise'l for th ', sake of the to-_at@)thbri
-as for longe'vi., so he -
rather f4mor and th a or many yeara W.. Th* ibemor`iq�wiin ows t'(y Lord _eaons- reo. .. .1 1 1 . - One Texas.' man 24 -�'booming
inafir Kin . g de jure -1 =ty. sends him a.- t be,1
yre jilligiiate tj a to'jendi body-tothe, Pelin -printing-business-inus
i-hendeik ur6h are to on
'thA, French Republicans field ht HU Sylvania all
ncips a,t-q annoy _h cu& ftelia appearance for -or idffls'aa to� P J
e, emation. His wife bundle--of"s1witchea-wiih. Whi(ih, t, _Wbip, Manitoba. PmeB
,Orn qrripj
In, these Assassinating times it is but Wr t 6 PrI �mself to.death,; .4 Georgia man, (�Ontsto- R( f-he-He�c�id-�f6r-meilyofLondon)'-
ace or donei wiil
tjoA_ that big, father;,. Z: le D116 Ae recorded in, the, i This, ideaj, it IEV sup h#,ve it �p PI d rd v
sugge -a- -sRQI- Is grave - d -be hangman.- -There ate Pictures ces that he has purchased kborn6r:
to se d b Bea�don d's but his'twq sons Are er I. e,
t to erect
I MO -a- than en pose y ie :lot a ther ndefolaration,
ag, murderec and have 6,gii A Guliteau is not kware hat, these things is going
Be -Oxford- -�he was-alwiya-* taearkY his wish ontainin -t ores.
w. before-- he (X _as- sprin 1�ridk b1b.ckb 9
month periVto him'
spit to get-posseaelori:oLthe re i
I us
at 11 0
a e v,
bf ts the+r
g be
February,, I