HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-10-14, Page 4TM A (8 temVer' 19ti op Tf.r 6defdO Utic T an st hin V r The -8dd 19z)perience -of �iGul k- . 4 1 _401k. _- ­ A - - 11 - , J- Wishermen. An lifipecunious StudeatCommits 1@ . Ir Olf God; Tholl live' whoso lives or dies, 0] A _4 rulers Ull - �M*SYIN 4ey�_ e V6 iO 1. God. Telegrap g: this (Mond�y) Afternoon, 'b3� 4*�rOwlug,U6g ore it. Zo.co. Bef -V � 0 n� om A�biind Thee d darkmesilies,_' our Ottawa Correspondent SayE: cloade - . . . . . I . . - . . - - - .- I L:., �hard case-�-_tho' O�sterls. vices motive. from !To* Yor f-Yet-Th6a art in the. darkaQs i and NKa call r'eceivea in this city state Ad A teldgrarn says i shing: an. h blood _-Wil& turkey and ­_ �Ail L in Londoni Out., dated al eged lot Of a madman'� t eyeng qu r, To Thee, ign f -ahl dot 'OU Most Part& of the coaksf A- dsbatch,'fio our Rovera that, the fi abrador o.r e th can now beshot. lEr's bf`eo�,-ii shed, Satfirday-j- says About. 5.30AW6 L 6v nd of PlUokiS I guiltW out fated one. �arid-.Anticosti has been above thea -ening deafli Garfield by Murdering -00' it, -POU -worth a ton -of luck. Vorag an 12121MOW11 Man,. All goodly, gifts, Tbougivest to. th I but in. soxne� pla(-es.* i who- was walking. Along has ---been disco- -red. ' The plotte A vhere.the -catch ve -is man seldom mends:his 6#4nel-ly r er POM6 grautest in- -its- borders h t t ahe Great Western Railwaj track. towards -son: residi -in Utim where -10 Ong the'odds - 'owing to the. want of''bait, great one arve a 'Ved, hbrt,', EarlVagoltfe _fth;�, rig, e �ivaud ruit hand- the dity, suddenly thiew,himself bbfore',the buin mor �11 )lenty c nec more especially" ess. for,fift rmant ;��Uofre:squiakthsiipoetiyln nine--teniffis With �ds, an a prevails, eenL years. The info =sp u� desti�utio L in some �engi4e -of No. 7 -express. 10i. -the west. A of,- the oliceAw Mr. Jackson, L S frelief -part r Yoko Wcws. OWingL outwltha� hand-ckr- ichant' oing usinesa in the'Ea4t River-, You 'th low fever; parts, of Anticosti. In these Places many' hipping of Ou Last Thoti sititten wh 7 was -sent . troug;, a- most of t people a�re ill vd. Western T40W haSt rebUlfe& U15', 'show ug now o,ur tok the want, of proper nourishment. Some and bviought the bodytd the Great' Jackson received last Wedrioid ay �a _�_The matriculation 6xaniln�tidni-of th depot, in- - a - horribly, marigled' c on, the inbabifantsi rnostly.� biter -Postmarked 1 twenty-five of fh ondition are in e -p f Uinity College 6pened -our greAt sorrow Mount children, have -'already diodirom, this c _S&tUrd UhlVersity. o -ki t fxom. the dust could Se h th ocketi revealed- that the .27th, written by a man he hid k6ownigzid- oil ase� Twelybi paudidat ;hit did�paisoul thiS true life, d o(lw a e name was' 'Hugo'.-Schliefer; orked for fifte ' -years tis.vcuom from the, -fount rawberry C -en ago. emessage- -At EnglishBay And,St Fte eastudent Admitted: at 0�3&ode the strifei- tbo� w lf -the, island, many of the w , Llotli. o letter.:�,atirtled, _8 -to hatred, ti -by 'Battleford, N.- -W T., salt -is- quoted teL6 b At -are utterly d6stiti -At Thunder ;envelope a _6 a ro-k common -good, le -An mb6h 'That is mireasoi, sav 'Hall on the f I ruaryi. -1877. D�comds a of tight withstood. ago to__ ddrdss�d to J� -P.- VcGuiu,'-pub 16- Wir tilsl� 6'. - - L - - -Bayrl�abx-ador��&fis'hii3g-vflI of-. Me stify _jh�_asgagsinatiou_ -of �ID as _k011ini-ai _�.75_peibbL orosone oil pa On BE --never 36 Kijagd stiebb of f Parkhill 0A ihin -And' someti -is high' -Bo.4tollier Bros. was 4estroyed fire. ist '1T6rOnio,,-'a;-d a. the' writer alleged the -dirgeti mes 6 - 610va. - -an sugar 0. per Poun EG -25 eroic-'purpo§e ste4df4stly otte ad a 0 H *ecl - t o �-Y r diesse au�e _ftith d Of po gallon �wero-LaJSO ._ found bi h 14 ell, in upon imv The I�tfer -ti6.n -of Arthur' wh the writer. said was', on jo na thinks that -when. d? written Upon: tho office. paper -of not. hg;lf asiie� w6nibfi bekin'to"V6rk they will sruo' �f)f Hen r t rather boV, the head and b6id, tha. knear, n As Garfield.' In th reign papers dOiing -the past. few Woe erwMcDougall -and, G e8Land, 6, b -Of L n-6te argued Come accounts of 6ppara-- ing M*rt Wa 6�-toil" or- good or illiAt is-, of-T-hee- 1 ordon,lbarristors and soli- pAg ad-thit doubtless 6 iths have containe�d. d paei,he -tus des et e ri _ W4 Conklibi deserve -to� wheir 'Worth -will a&d to !I"-- ott��Q� io� evil Tbott dobt�_6tjJLL6(mjrol� itora,,'gsk da 4 death and- ought gave, OL 'S c Sl this blood upoii the nation's soul -it.may'L be transporte4 a a made ai arii A tobac 0 pouch or akiii g its ending 11011), to- moul(I TI -&-f6r, Btor,4. ave, the, Ma be shot. - -Xr.-Jackson- the 16tt6r__ t dainty f�ne electricity, so that - L �18 ressed Ge ri n school certificates from hi�hiartyr lodrt4 ji -order to -enable , him - to earn Po -^lice' Commission' ae his trunk, in' ft, pocket 'AL('aJ.1J&V, Q�Q p A ea in et.. Mason, w] o, a er. -of bomIn6reaL It is SUI�gested that batteri D Pay what he owed'Mr. Wade'.', It" stiidyingthe letter-careflillywas-donvind nief- - d eg, Subgcriber2'-��It_ Wo I ar difficult- iVill he serve i OQPJQ"_'thO y ber chaite& with ;electribity.ge ate -ift -`We6yi2d7 h'un u A. b ughL his -place, MYOU- to- se'cure� . a g I enuino Egyptian OaX - wi �by the pow f _tL(L i10 njore-sh er 0 a 0i" falling water, gr�'Rfi 04 U, tliit is6assinatioiivia�,.inte'lid'Od. totil6rigtramp.on th6��ac �Uuable shrdu'ded,. face,' Yo SafQ-y- L cdljve�ea ion distances And em- to 4mmy unl enormous CoEt..L The._'Exc 'U got Work ulsed on 6,11 sides whe' �ess at An n he hunge at Courtesies- semi A SE A ii A M tm� surgical-pu It . se6ure g- inColn" Neb. Ployed for oses,prOducinglight appli tute, ed for work the po6r Etude elded -modern. A §toryls told -of -tin exch,�n& of courtesy tb n _6e, 4116f6irumllihga. SM&I madbiner3�. 'Some to 9, SOAP IMPulsd to Put aif e4,d to his ca Y be- dei6otA so'perfeat :is. between -a- Scotch -.�Minigtdb and his narish- th-6 ini app yang to the Board of' _n in this w miseribi ou'eattfii I tblinkthat electricity �'stored ay r.. Flo�i vM1,61d, An io' er which is.-.6haraot of botl� Old L4 LL ?r eristic may b, used'fe ligh Wbilki. railway cars and It' uquest on -Monday. eet 1G�Bui cas e -minister was- but -lately hiducted.- 0 ids tl a and divolts. `on fi blie build gs .,or I minating pa si PU into, a e, in cottacro.,,­" a n 7 country living, andin his -round of-par6chial YEW �helli, 6, Paris paper sayff� are and Private house ocial'occasi Ons. !V]M,&T Njk)KT to,­p6i�d6r. and Used i� the., Ing, t at an-- archery- club 1wects It is &-ISO sugoste ts call6d, at C6 ��ott�g6 bf a tailor. fadt nu d I charged nTaik are or arti.ficil'selt rop�s.ts, '911611 -as "-Reading -with oibdtridity� w)e fViriiihed private Ing A -sea uhintitedi be prdeee e tor, the zor w&ter, so. . that .7same shell may appear twice on -the CLIbs.11 Dances, -eve n9Q bf Postn 6 Stainp talk, butfound ithard work as he indwith ry set and rejects All families fbr�ruiming s ):W�ing Mach .a laye: propo-Sal;3 abeOf, no respo: a. restaurant'L.Lfirst in i that th6y will be to b �gbd Us OeCasi6n SoM0- ingenious per ons,. have. given a. use.' Me'tail zi sat Upon the' table, aurastat e,, -next As pattof the dontents. love, ilk- �,4. cottage And thin, meaning to the Iodation of a.postage.stamp stitching 'in' nof 9, -sipho' Its rVires' it small Cost L Of- r. For dul y that spoke. a braa -stona Or pres rick.froat.,' Andelm" of Fra;ce,;-41so brings o . ut On a 16tte mple',', they' Is inverted on the right hand --As one, time. of,:... odestj begins to, take. its f �ihen a -st unwarrantable intrusion y t an. ingenious a;ai� Oi storih heat amp. our en ering my the year for, de arture; Abb, d' ark simplicity. uppqr. corner it me"% the" person w house,-a-nd Ask oA in what ca OU iefurnishibg -an is �that is adilited to a great number'ofprac- rittetv -.y Pacity Y lefitting important and wishesitatuarry- to - is to nozzzmoi�., - -If t6 stamj-'be ome? My good Man, Was the r;b to.-fetnembet.that the wails and-darp ry tidal purtosei. Ii is ba§6d oir the -princi. rawlng-�rooru must have t et of a col�ued, Congresqmaj� pla4d on the lefjLh"4�� come As 'your . parish dle , or Seum- pie thst-niet6llio ilts,-especially- tho ppe corner'. and gyman� - a proper contras se 'it is -know all my �a 0 W -dirk t . he'earpet nivat invetted,� L then thei.. wri tei db6larbs 'his" my duty to are that ar6 alkaline, absurba large &Mount rihioners. be blit thaj ligh iCe.Ve1j8 L i —As I know you. don't, atteudchudh ai Why A -litigation ft on thils aftection for receiver-' of the. letter' is nd v 24, 25, 26 tonislied not- little at heat. wjien.' they ar6, dissolved pr melted, e-. IVA'dOix't the melipio' 'retain itwhile. 66y ire kept-. in'L a -fluid t'stamp is in.the contra at t66 top, rien. s. aino 0 we should not- be f 11int of the salts, pass aques- Is -very light t' e - `Ie,.judges,_ro4, _47. 28 29—Takea� the' lead in des 111to a s tion, or the question.. as". the *case-. Ina er a rors- -to--- o U the i . . 4 -ata* and evolve it when answer o _: I d ` s - eop Dole, 9, it siguiSes affirmatie To wbich the tailor res ponded -regard ye �as a minis' of Christi -but t chara olid Xorni Tke subita=6 he y As. W And ju, th 9 Begins to, tease servant of satan%, if 'ye . come as a geitib-, yers are -grumb I au X. het -pa, �erdfo�s, for; storing ankI giving out best is e staguationj ji be and When' it is' -at . the -bott6m Opposite rncr Ab6ui, the sp i ,a,. Subscribes to Home acetate 6f & The or this'. it is -mail well ind. -good,. but" Ro. .4bernical lieater c a -negative. as a -minister for.s , i0tY news.. Uses. cosmetics -'sisg Of on-* Should -the stamp�.. be o right refuse to recei�6 joll,,,' which c oc a..' metallic 'fl I,. 'the ould hardl girl - who has' dneoukaged a �sk filled 'with. the ba: a-!a=Wberf, the..' in T -it !asks, flai gly Ud, -at . be 6al -corner right afigle, 9'. above -n -led _QOUrteoug,.biA-iho_ p6li yottrag ma I n -dr about two years s &Me t fEu d soldered airtight. his -minis' te, f 31, W—Woul the - bestion if- the - receiver of the letteir. pess waEr. _uddenly mind- a, w -or brass., dn't _id ow- 6 r The flask in copper )utiivaled by torls, who terl EJ him that slip can- more than a loves -the nuder; While in the'left hand "My good. fellow, be pleased never be r ot tob old-.� Willing to r4nage-chamdes. It his a loop -pending it in said- sist6p- -to himi- he -can for the first time;, if' or handlelfor sus aji� I tableaux, but Won't' take prominent &vqsse19f h- cornermeans -that tfi-e. w to undbrat -and that i'- otw&tdr, ftoin whichtliesu riter hafes,. -the t is only as your parish the- fitekles O� her nose. -plgt, Begivato turn ch -air other. 61 tjYman *that itable. fan There, is a shade of 'difforence I ever- dreamt f'� hunt ply of heat is obtain4d. If th ng e aontemporary.asks--:_ 11 Wh -out,the pbor. Tains, theF chuch. beat" 113 between doBiri�,, one's acquaintaince And You when I Visit as'-- a- g at does njured*one. charge acetate of -soda is 6titlemn 1 on't jhE(se - Of SL-A� a general thing. d6spises. friendsbip,.for e2' visit persons' in your _enc&�3 -mean -is-on Y -on 0' --i P` S -cidlit for alltinre. ample - The stamp at the socie- y They are. asosiII5 ; but,. of The, time required r with whichm-he'departed. uppe corner on the ethiVOrsal- desireatriong the'so of right expresses the ns men. former, and *on the. loweir'led t hand -something -for nothing,. and the avparatus to o g6t e e t eie� are exceptions. to --all rules-.,, store tip. all the theat i s bapable of -will corner to get t e cc -at. 0 h 0- e., pe it . 11 of -the. Children'§ Ai4 q?peud, on its siz Vi means: the latter. The learned 'in.' this ting wivii.awd.G I e and! the, fid. Soc ietY5, ItLuguage request their coXreop6nents to b., tice. --issue M-eyers hiw a had-, voice, but is continue to Ukahargd- e- in -pro-- Th . following no -hasjuFA-b6en Me umming c boys f IS, or- 20.' t�-th-eir.;f6v-e-*-b-y'-p-lacing the- staiiip on t6 the Inspe -to - from'the df�c d snatch e at will- _b i to' portion to e qua tity �of, 116 salt some song. c rs e of Mr*: F. take. her, to praver meetind,; as, intellect' with the surname, aidd the e9ppitse Witcher, ComMi"ion e Tha)bther day be wa�g to Gilkerso L employed. uffici6atly large' t' of Fisheries Ua1#y_d6h:es all considerati heater 0 is made, if the�party addressed be enga d-, Pickerel.: lit self, s�aying :, that bo� would cul. ous a -age. keep� the handa warm f r;,an h ur or more LIP. Nonge and bass cannot be 0 him 0 mask by �lating the. tivailb.his- cept a pTea6her 6� can be charged -by i --gh -1 Ap -16th -said h P in the same pl That's ri mersing it in hot- ace bdt caug t . ron! 15th ril to ght, denomina without riesponsibilitY. waterfor fiy�'minutes. - A reversing it. The'writer may w ay foot-warmerli ish to s. V "spbckied trout, brook or ri trout -cannot s � large interest i "the Sabbath however, intended to be farewell to.his sweetheart,' 'or V1 . U8_VerSa.,,, - caughl ver to u 'Irom 15th September z - �4k�ver let'& child- bank a -p put in a sleigh, be. 14tMay ia 6. The -plao- -the instrument and in- cat'- and canary birda. - ;nipst be. i Ad b r an water. f6i an oes,EO y f4g,the- stamp. straight saluI6 trout,laket Out A whitefish from And 1 tio-10th 14.6ve dr. Netbi seihe-fishing amagd- td: later - Do --Sees no harm, 4111 a� little e bO t, t -w' ty minutes. A foot -warmer P and mmersed in boiling !I, of treating i to; mor 40WA in tile 1: oft hand corner.� mb as 9,,,r,6,y may do lasting d -rou 1 Must at uic so :on to the end df 'the-obapt _11i - ' - U31th Instruc 0 �ht.* scraggy� that on rem&vilfro�a thewatei-bathindi.-i er.' -.There witbout licenses is pro ibitbd; nets ti 't4l ful �nd'-desperat&." A 153 degrees of t age -in �,bV- 6 varle, Anperature, at the -from Saturday until* Mon- s 0 156 all that al a, d6zen re! predclicir with- -cated tbe world. 00 ti�s of be rais6d a--_not�_ at. a ti , me in touch - eleven hours, reNst6red-411 d6greek -­A�'Ymorningo eachweek'; nets cannot be' %t children - ill boys—she erid"of ight 1h �popsibilities— h, uld f, alloo-dd, even to'the younge. w- not object- to. T4q=oit sudden fall. was al the eild,' of sdtor--seines. us man in - 1 �Iv res re bip; Ihdian L -to f&h- 'friu� bantly7poilfts:ou,fth�t Higli -Iwo cie�reer to� 55—Th&nk h hg It then ros( 17fichlan F6 t --s- never. tw rs.� emp_-eiatur- gra Uall' U a-reL- _b utb& ` -Nore- -which the- t. e(I TO, the rditor o6hoWontreal.Witizem. tBe F;an�e as white -J h me y 11 r yaubsid men eac pekson-gui. ty 181 until it became as- cold as,�hcr surroundiug� -seeing, thd article in' last Satur. ImIkied ft6 T a remark--froin ot viokting'th' - 1 eseFega a ions is liable - to fine'. M. orouto and -its n6igh a fe - it f" ut is ub- hdodg-. First- �boi 'owed, pastor -tha;t 41 the Auty- of atmosphere. an c hot all h �ded," A to dQA pon - Pa a to forest f res, 0 perpon M. Geddes _(Ilamiltoh)i the ome Pkdl at naid " MiE 'Snips, who is 4A`Whitakeria�n'd now the-4ery d�y, I -W hear, .,of -the good- fortune 6 -'already been through expecting to find s _r, hfbif iristians to. maq-y— More. -siartled -8orue: jidi to''i�;,iis,0Z all An 's issue on 41 Immediate Action Ne A osts or in all ry w -o -,pa�- all yme IMer h appgratus. may be put- I I searched it during slich P ed times; fish f-6 of- 1h:6 uses to m hich this -Piece of And n6tibing-that-it referred Dea orrid Old .-b statea,_andmarry others: will suggest 46fgliefi eiUmvidi ----gu erWO �citoli'j kill, Na 6' her Ali npastor. k emp sorry to see- that there' was o. thought. or Menti Will ancl selves- to-- persons emp md-in,differo# any of the lands, 0 oned ab&vo. relatives b het avbcations e Ing e pr ssed,�',�Xdevt &k IiI`--referenee --to game :the _y le 4 vi it Will doub '-ssboliouna-4 -Our 1.1 are, Wthe columns, side by entire fortune, to the� heathen. convenient forkeepin g.- 61Ked f ors, T Widthr- en, iu�*hric 4nusually-se*ere, and all. -'who Afaii'd these captiono' gan." Nowi are.lovers of port: s buld Aes' h arried Di somer -beg to submit Mr. E it I -%ep" the rtri fine irony is:this when there is occasion io rem�ave, i a or, that to help ess: In St. :the ist - of f-:'. .-hatbends beneath.one-earnesiggie �1& e-. ichiganders4s. 4A duty 9f.ogrs. shaded with �deiith Sunshfte tor 11then' atism Ldistance from:the fi ' re ' It may.be advan- slialt not le killed bet ' _uj nuptial bl ageo man.provide not 0 for'rlieumatista an4the -.-September.�_ Quail 1-i!k . h . to of- ow u da ._xerne t usly,employbd Fvarming beds and of tw pndro 6 y sleepip(g!-rooma in whidh1here are no stoves. oshall not be kill _410*W UisrVorse than 64 inli ed between.A1 e ist -of hetisH of death, & blushizig bride' - dbI rnjtnotbe.forgotteu� Weall.knO:W that It, be- placed 111, �nd 17df- H Married. bied: call a, ca* riage 1 t DrOV1 e or of any ki n At bf it a 'andthe.-1st of Octobet.� dring ver winter. —A lad a cb,ariga -.from, a, cold., damp, tG 8; warm, -and used d day arm, dry- ing. vellars, in *h A' ays & in 4.f J - _y is to fearn why, it' is dry atmosphere y do] an anxious 6ften, proves Most spr­ -United tate8 - to provii f6r -its own. ts-, ateeableiv., this disease. The w -for war It may be iendereil ver, woful In- be f Sir Hugh-Alla warning, t6 tkilori-,zhas ius t i6htfuii andvegetables are u were to'losd a spar or at i, -E - nglis, judge, t een given eMp _Y. p@wsi and -goatirig I air 6imulides the skin, to grbatefactiVitr, Dy an i�ble, h J " ii�mlf, kept On the ocessidii of 6verely cold- Wea- yardB4O1 ��ble W -M, of his: floatin 16abert Mal�olm Puts hi h f I - 1- 9 is at* in -the, peW in roryt nd.1this.organ t1feni. no doubt, . throws off t to,poot: ]Kerr, to whorn-I f hiza edan, a, �po ao'o'nb would her; and, III c sl_ come U ont usformaiio ieputed fd te di thos.'a polwuous.,produets ifaay be su6pe [try- round 1w ors 'Oviez- -what is i BtA&Of NYiug it;!Iti bia- side' he,f.r 0 tra 6ejsyt e ltiow-�f BI b 11' husevilien the;e is dablier I' nd' t45;beg t�ssiip and' imperfeet. assimilation, and Is wi er. that f6w ack- Pew 61hgas-li6bletobefill6dg�sanydth- 1 or named freezqChicwyv� ssistance - for him,, �6tlhat -would stone.l. A -London. -city tail tbi�ks i,t h, 'h ef from i -be fort e sameireasotv.i- t is very great. JUL aIf thereis o'ne e - vidue f an that, -94 -has - 9, #ecigely �pjkrEj�lq Richter sought to recov r the cases a perf6 ay ee ii -this b -are xesults.' from -this, a1w s b n haticed,whe- er orderba and supplied t� defe - The Dtanpgpment of iSick-Chlidien. lung more -than- another that'Our 11 A eri- 9v coat But-itas not AlWaYg;-contenient to t M. 1. R. -animal bomes out -of a saloon. wiping.- i's 'thi g iu Uth hb� 0 ks An, -was' some The Vicisgitudes ribee4sarili usTind ttoi ers are fod an a r.�. e0d 9 MO ne wa Vloo another. k .-such easesi incident to riddd that thelbb -as Y and tA Us riche'sIn n primit _Th6L Ott�;W" -ree Press. sayff.- Wrangel - uto for ai aLlIange' of -of any Ar6.tio.O'c6an,.recentlytikbn,.' aB. al patia. gubstit auses in the df�ease- fa&. t so the suii � -bath -may .be � used ari out-doot- n de of 'life- i* :,V�ryto'd ire con an --was two inches too'low; in the'aallar,.and -IsIb never. - the first t _�4, )fL the yea - r at th6ugh they, eininded bOvr,_Ali6y.are paying off 14eir -in -fact sUchA garment.i that no gentleman P08969'! i ch m�te, claring p t of by -Lie of I the� may so eitinies* atray -its debt. at the rate of $100,00 would cotidescond.to *6 e, Te urned Unit6p, ut-110,0per? ortiall per an H 81 It wayn6t, be generally-knowfl. that rodchiti �P_ 8, %tes on behalt'6f the U presence 0,000 "A the coat to the plaintiff'seve nited',- as B 11 infantile diseasos, pi- rable-sweo'it� IlIemost frequent of iL :1ment, - is really ' rt. of the-.. thenitak wh Govi. a. peg�JOL ay pro uce, a, conside. at is necessary out of their. . ral liniesi who States fondant's -1jqmhnibn__ hS, urplus revenue -aAd -send 'it to Michigan. finibl]Ythr w it in at the'de _9f]keeL is rule; a d2ad -lit b 1',formally_. tfanSe pet are constant y told how'many of- their do The. coait.-was produced, illd His ing ky lying-.witli the' E to, tbe makes, no ex�eptioii to or. skin a g cold air ma-iev &It nt, progress In, 16r an hour, in the month'of -Nove&ber. izi-9 s eckon Ho 6f q ie late Government d the'p . atient should bein a ro.6:rn Aisor­ -th6:merr1Lineuj of thq court- -Mi. - Macken eS Urin 11, r"', heir fortune' zi Of t Of the der,'but its causb is long, con- by millions, t t e -.defendant 'to put do quested: h' he --they, s- end -as Upon ax etficnon, the. body. only from. ent' oA' indeed not take he trouble. '�4-Mecfrioity -is noW .�rejnember­ whether �This w sunlet and overheatedL done, where the hed' ibl6yed L in, *-t Rnern na. vitia a vitiate tbe,'_ eok -down. - It-nitty comb atin6s�here, an em P of to '§o - s us Y: ohol. Th 14rge apen,or- tion -and-- v -or juge aid that.�the defects were obip lectri6i ge b� _J� V e �hrdugh a, dits-&6peir edyventila- ollars'..-let- Me dyfiamowele . battery closed—accoidin�, to the heat -phlezin-16osening .(sac- bf them give-theircheques-and settle- this L. even to orial charine�. diet, warm. sweet ilk, sweet his Unprofessional and'unsar A, t —wii id6w exposed to � the South. The ded, the�_L'defendant rou -th 41 h b6dyniuBt,be &ote6tea from-currentsof Oatmeal porkidg�,, or honey4water, Select matter.at once. We- are often told.low- Iudbe&,'he ad h h 01:so, as 6 -disol4ka e -bec --morn Py up .81 EZ', hmearis- M many times - ;ver.: New Yorlc�cotild b Might asweltbave gohet6 H61lywell'street the ait. �Tbere_iq airF 1 and do' -not. be afraid �perfl rogen, By frb in. e the IE1sdd-".a- sopOnd an oat toot th6 4hol of Canada;, 'let -it buy- uo h! alo6hol hich is Usti in ows Ipong the children illole Verie, aced in taking a sun bath by sunburn- t6 open'the w* d -pure ally very' odi, 'i a w of Michigan and.'pension the dealers. -,He according1 tp -off.* the gave shop Ina tde- skin -is a: dbd �Y'j)iling of the 'Indian -tribes wpo' brave in, o' it e.ta y Id- per- - -pent. of spirits This voi, pen at, 9!2, "d ment for the de;endgnt with-CoBtse suffering brethren." If, however, Caiiam 3 U at tained from t &It - tents the tetKibleyvirIte eqxial 04 best in body f irs -of the Hudson" the irst;and. gradually accustoming dians ate - determined. to .'�quafider -their. di olie,91861f 'to its rays. L Care Bay Territory, bronchitf�i -crouP:`a:ud fai rpst be taken, ph �ITH'.�3 great6si c7riosity -at& cot L s bN - RL'umBER., ther'a savings on- -people - twenty. iftry not- to-oVerdo, th ' bath atift I , are. wholly unk-no-i and what we ti e rst, 'or' * 'y Mostmodest.of mianis.theplu ines richer than. themselves, they- oug4t;_ i4theordtor. - Heds'Ustally in his speec mber,' will.'gesalt. The t6m,peratm call 41taking 0.01d" Mi,lit.-often bemore So L �T6 xivafhas he save the CItumber" thelbodv ' I t 1 .1 ift" view of pastexperi.6nce, o cho6sd s( diRtaut from �nything agricultural,.e en d Wei llibidlis": desciibed, as taki n-gL hot glowing s -the w may be raise(! two'. o -or' three' d &Njn -correftly Tholigh otion wher"6 public fiwds..-are honestly w-hen'h crops. -and 'FA64, that - -ket he-nev;er repigns, hour andsi, delightful- fe4i t stoves,- and, evefi open l es, in. a hight-nur- ng of bomfok 0 listlen to, him. H patro 1-challen&'you farmers like t thrivOth iii ter and sumber had Man' agi fli, wrong, Eery,^ greatly aggraVat3. the tp give the ng just, rik t., By IOUR n�,amos'of 'a dozen sufferers from the Chi- iZdg the � countryman b ying at t e perni.c 'effectg*ot an-Ampure Amosphere. The y -sa &iVe him but,an �rderto pluibi scomOt majb L � s of the s6il'&-r-e- as g6od7aB dth r peopi e pro- csgo fire, who received' one d-611ar'. of son e! Ahd his bill straightway: reaches a-sumb said- bof e dcetk. Tha ead, a � first p�i�iys n b h, must ba 111 0 croa ca e: promptly Og�adiah. money -, out of the . biany Rev. Mr. -Beedher-used t6talk-abo heif ers That depletes . your.excheoltuer,-w-_- y -ote&led, f-r6ML the- ' sun's. . ray.g.,- In, su fresh d, a in th t Wouldeciuip Pr relieved verL si ple, remedieg. , poars an posies in - anner a a three-deq`uer� ousandg we, sent, nor - 'could a and L me saside _ra forwar fid - makeg you most 4w. -ly ' L r�' [,when on the S,ir and d-and-backwa'td hundred Chicagonians. 0 caused thefirmeirs'- Wives.to.smile when - L, � f rheumatic be- found wh Went& are of t -lyin - inovementofibasr simnibbaecl-int rn ov- bowlittler he k -E _W_ n 'i P1 Wimpraved'by c irgent .. hard of the r th di povered now, L X e the earth, �vhich: a Plant grow ex asea with eL Canadian ' blief . eY -1 applicati -of a. flesh-br Ond. Of course 1� Would, rule. out. of -this Hay warme S wrot MR. Eiye, or -iilbu r ie' 6 cobmionpladbs in Ing &V - . I , 8L ' kissedthe iho -plan *1 �-p in dur )art of c ush- f Prosidd: e. sb66k--hands- is tudoh. - rtl,;�n: the air., -- lie neck and thei the; (or piece.of annel). to- edunt-th6se whoLlIandled the'mon6jaud to bab _d thick; ceases almost altogeth -.y too uppe� part, -of -cbe4l. Pareg6ric, all --Nd. doubt -the L11. V. n4ltur6d orator.' -,an. ornamental ------ i hoightil* and 613LOW d' -is 4h6ie-fingr- _Tbe Ag )py--syrup�sto-�-th-e-cot-ih�bywl-eth�r�l:zijjg re Ad s. of -wit y :Iess�ihe -rs - rifts which make cheraft And maltr herb tr, 6 e�r POE �will be numbers of our people who will tr .%irs, an& the _,ddep--tiansve the firita-bility. - and thus. preventing the t Mont OfEtuppoBed itches -by- the iiii 46 relieveour*wealthy- 11 Am�erican -cousins- knows a -b ings h; ta 8 About he grow. an AMP0738ibility. These Ar 'fi- I I ill itE1 ace terate of freq.u611V diEoh6.rgq of doincr their duty-t6ward. -their -'suffering more he -i o e to know- about every. were pYod uce4 by M. Pkilleuk, who, used - tion - prodi�ea . a ..secorr t. and far_-. more ells us that thing else.' Fortunately,, :in -Canada -the larp dish -,of ea- rih, n, whl�h-be --planted -occurteme6-in-G "Faivy. A recent 1�tethr�n.; . the- go0a. -Boo of. A&'ng0] dc6nd 'rum rous- -Parox-�8111'4 The' k i 4Z 'en ber 0 the. D a" go 8- .11:Theeyes -thefool are.iu the' da.of, scarcely- known, at� out country he 4eeds-, i(qdkept, the L earth 10 deq6es- of tb% kfaa in tha villa of. "a f longer he -re ainsso' ihebettbr. warmekAhan the molst. air of the, chamber. an, of orator 'ds the earth and no doubt -will b r arle-gone the fatal ope Wh ere. ah old 0 woman -will not give he piic e.of lated 6ohc6rning The autu. , inn - leE . Lves we . id fallf4g fas-t fon Ilen the'kiiii(V is� Eon' s�ribe who n amug*.ng story is re, -of, having .boi�.Itched an invalid ood for otr own poor in the, c6mi�g, Agg6vlytdthestables passed, ov was, cuaed -lesclug, lot- hini of flie' Nw Bradie,y, the new Dean, of West, M, Ila beware ot-stimulati6g.fo A d � erhe&ted Am -ani sp-uTs- and top -boots dight hev er -was. driving I who.,Aid not'.. ' on Ah nk of ster. He as, once y Ahe rooms. Donot. give ap)tibiA me"dicin ter, anc ataybig, ?1th _oUtL -strange.deli- . :_ e ether7s the horse, SU4delil o" giv�ng a cent for Vho shouted with a '-'ht-- ffb6t, out burned -brethren 'Arn Y O'CiatiVeD688f 813 an, af ter Olds in Westmoreland, wheh a icnic H6.1 Te'lly-ho pleuritic ifa Quebec. , Ho,ev* 0 -who- 6amer tb a stop. This, wits asailmed t.q. be w er, if it will'beany con- -was arranged. LAE were drawn as:to vonience tbany on6- I shall be h a - y - to ELt ho and nobAoo fast Old William saidi OWa1L woraaii'a odcult infltiei�ce, �egetalile diet,_R�. pp 'mind fiffections, will sooii yioU to�.frresla should-, stay Dolyt in, ar t prove that- the wido-w-16 J­1IAess;"-ljad _d give you number - of- addr office -fell to -Mrr.'Brkdle t . and & �ace aiid bieakyour bead'� Popular Seteice Mdhthl/ October.' esses,, where house," and the. Y. !the fence 'str�a L e, th' d beer' �c&Lused by ­her. ­Th6,old f6i r he cbIlectors,sliQuid there be.. any, L need not on- the return the pi' Butlbud as ibe cheery(� cnic-. party he f ri -t of her sense for they would not"ket'6 cent if they �rked- -that it was'a very good 4hing 41 ened ou L St was ai4�ged TOME oul sAbjected� L Man traditiongotro ance-hidt t6ae M "dow-'s: bedside. her! into y ilier sh & -ANLTi`H-U BuG. he liad.. stayed behind, as & tiimp had triba 0 stay,", the maddeii�sad, 11"aJid play xA gere of t torments to coer in., the mar Grown rl Prince his best to get ft� thfough the drawing-r6om At.tennisinthe,hall-tQ-day. devil from -her ri e- Ge' town of. 'Hembeim, there ;�iiidow, - - - h --v A .... .. . victim Thia moft S*edbn with thd Prix cess - -V-1ctoria � of n th, rman, an e Hativiriedhis.fair.mousti6hditwMI ced a would a , i one so had- it not I pr Ure failln rOOU AS a great -grand she; was compelled to 'The- briaeg *eire subb- li6rdea 61mic6 tb -at P. reward of b`e 91 on . But still he shouted, with a smile n for hind." The--tramp,'as ost ple- HQ I Tglly�ho v6 cuts- in thee. �o� her -fingers, and 'son of the French soldier of fortune Berna- 4;fourth of a -cent for every one kfli6a_w,as endowed with- imaginatio woul'apphpa 00 0; d po 136ware the horse's ta-e-acherous-Ainch - -thd. widowito sVek her' bl 'Iter dotteL - the::bi emunicip througL bbr.grandmother, c06red by th alauth6rities. Und6v gueEBod-, wag the et.Wordswo'rth.- o egeeii n L .13eware the.: ull-filich terribleb c whi the IMM A Pr furiaished ns w -reco I voting from, a, This wai's -the faithful gr d-ddy - -di 61y- began. t ds fr6n ynas.ty-of! Swed 6of' bag' ee feel b w e 'of the Wilkie Colli oom's-goo e- hp is sed- to. bbno- -called tha-'House of Vasa!' ­As -the child- �ioits ','tiamulorl er� It g th n pr �in sh tim. th of over se viere attack. of. rheumptic, -gout, which -,Par, off a yoice.cried Gone away. e � 0 0 ;11,, _�e WU Ks skound i ss sister of Charles X11 "'Ho -1 Tally -ho V, the witc a, was. the. Isit Of n sit ed nembr4.to._a darkened eces: at hei n, tije - crowd beat, her abot "tat house the, blam mlift reat-oirolitical hisconfi.. An -Indianapolis Man broke. a. -ruatri- room for three weeksi.hiB ejes having been ove-, a- laborer ho eward bound, 'th b 64relat" At in"'the 141 a-daiid--.fac.4-wit]2�stipperi��ud sh 6. ft� �iiecessiou ratbe au� oli-, 1 ion monial engagement-wiffi-a.plain wo,manin seriously a�ffected, has been orered to Bdside a ditch the liuntsmahfound- -Witlfbrokenleg and- injured side, make R" laste. was- finally. rescued, §hili,.- but sufficient�. nq.. doubt,for ry h6r pretty sqrvant girl, and I-absain from for- ixa order to war alan-erou I condi iOn, court genealogist at we ddin cr d slk-fi�jured ti , Who still in faintest a has�been fted by the for on s., month�._�'� ol. Tally-lio, 1. ��!nage S 0 ,e t TX4e ge ext. n No 40 itt t ur' ho' eol or n, ch Ten the n i t I C, U )Ut 8 511 0*