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The Sentinel, 1881-10-14, Page 3
Zits cki ow. iienthtei 'fn. LIBERTY To- UTTER ANTI TO ARGUE .FREELY .1.,gOORDING TO THE BIIITATES'Ok OONSOIENOE AVE. FBIZE .ABOVE ALL•QTHER LIBERTIES. . ;unknow, October 34, 1881. !A correspondent to the Mitchell Ad ttaeatethinks it very strange that pro- - fessing Christians and also. churcheei,are : offering up so 'many .prayers to . the Ti rone; of Grace for the Garfield family, wt i1e not a word. is- .said about poen; • G 'iteau, who has got --a soul to be saved as Well as the -rest: of humanity. = tis to: be TT iA° asid that a Caaa�ian. aptlointed.as- successor to Major General. Lu+ rd as: Commander of the Canadian 1OT•ces 1V ajor General Ta1Vi& is, of a • well-known Toronto family, and has an excellent. Military reputation in connec- �tion. with, the British army. According; to the Army List of this year, . f3amuel 'titer Jarvisrecelved his: commission.the 4tjh. J=une,. 1848 ; `promoted_ lieutenant,_ 15:ai -January, -1847: ; captain, - 21st Seteaiber, 1.852 ; major; 26th 18401 lieutenant, colonel,• 4th Jung 1870 ; colonel;; 7tti June, •1875• .the (lits of his promotion; -to major -general:. is not given. -- Major • General Jarvis: served with=the: 82ud-regime:it through= out the Indian campaigns of '.57 '60 ,- waa in temporary command -of, three:- coi parries during. thereliefofLucknow by` Lord. Clyde ; was .at the defeat of G.evalior contingent -at Cawnpore; was a is the action of K.hodagunge®, and at • - the :`'.occupation, of Fut enghur_,. was pre- ent at_ the capture of Baseill t; relief of Sha ijahalipoie ail, -and took part in the, action of.:$hankur. In 1870- he emu; marded:a.battalion"ot-,Ca= diesrifle- w. in. diet Red River`, Exile on. Camier J3FA,T.a: 07 Sih'4TOR PE11417. iTo Edward. Goff` Pinny, Senator anal ehietedite of*the Montreal-He1- add , died !oat 'Tuesday: night about 64l0ek . at :hie ---reilidenee in Montreal:. - The• " diseased, - who -R411- *introit `yearn; of age,, has been t11 for a tong tine- "past, but the end came a?= euddd=niy, a though • it was knOwfa that he co d net live -for :Suddany [length of `time. A ditional en --see was imparted to 'he event (*bleb within 'itself, will ar use a Teri general leeiug of "regret am ngat all classes) by the f f,ct that M . Penny ie-- herself` 80` seriously ill as : o rondo;, it nevedarYen keep the rote ligence a sec'" from• her present , e atoc yvcrng was born gat -i ornsey;. Loud,', England,_ Ont. May s was educated in that 13.t,. 182iL t` e catne:to Canada in 1&44• cuuiatr . - �s called t<i the -`.Bar of Lower ,�.aa -a six, years later. In 1857. he nlarr:ied_El'ettor Elizabeth,• dsughtorr of hir4 OItter Smith, of Montreal. I- -e; ht•canye 91*of the . ptoprietora of, -and ch:iet ivo ittcal writer tor; the- Montreal }d -d, and took an aettvo part in the c,. ua its of the Liberal artY� :hot only: in the ri -v n4Ce:-of Quebec, but: in those of dirt in- old Canada, .and' later the l)uininiou. -, in 1867 he puhlisbed a, pamphlet agiinst Confederation; but nub.-equent1y. accepting _ the popular verdict he gaveit a.:loyal.and`liearty , supp: itf. He wes called to the- Sen ate on.tit'rch• 13th, 18./4, `under the Mac- Ieuziej: AtIrtiiuistration,; • and: wies a I)omtritwn Commissioner. . to the, Centen- rti.d. Exhibition at ' Philadelphia, front, I day ` u November, 1876. He : wan -also , a du ctor -of the Montreal Teleg' apli: Ccn part' . Besides. inflicting ..another loss: on the • Liberal party of Queb3e, " the political effect: of -M8 decease will -be - to farther increase the Conservative, .niajo ity in the Upper Chamber.; I1; O— . fait fir.find 1?• t , ,art &.Coreipat, s.. neve:•b©.ot and shoe- atore ;.nexh erinor • to { ` Tennarit'a Drug Storer` warn do intorni the citizens of Lucknow an `surrounding . country , that :I - . have --openea u a NEW BUTCH R SHOP,' In II.G,.Greenivill's;Ola tand. I will keep on handeat a 1 times Ara. KINDS OF RESH "MEAT. Give me a call. JAN ES LINDSAY, Lucknow, Sept. 9th. : O stere --I .aria Iter iving 'P'RESE :OYSTERS :DAILY Which I wiIlseirvo either .. RAW ate:. COOKED AT ANY _OUR. - Iso Fruit - 6U -any- llascriptron, Farmers will save,money by calling at :My EATIN -HOuSEms.. MEALS :AT.. All HOURS- Also Bread, Cakes and - Confeetionery at lowest fi#urea. .MRS. MOONEY. HISF?E-R HARD: _T�MES Has reduced the price of REAL -. J T Now is_ the tinie purchase Vitfage and P:rk Lots, (With: or without. titildings)- at.terms WHICH WILL OMIT: '4I PI 0R `P001 by a p!yii JAS -.._ , • Sf -•_7 7 Whowill b found as e I Bridle, -Ready -alb: - i1Miig- to accommodate silk nom ons 'pebeis is ANY 'OF TSE}.W..'"-.NTS Which he has-iur years pst-served thia: D.REUS F,RH, GAGE$; attended to. ap4 +the! DOCUM E' • xe 1g and Puncta JAS:. SOME YILLE. Donald- ` M Wish; s to infotin_the public notwithstanding • the great WAGONS,' CARRIAGES, - PRAET and Lean, f the fact dist: errand for hia NS, BUGGIES. He still has a splendid aavort ent remaining. They are all manufactured by thoroughly competent workmen, of ' ell -seasoned - timber,. and in the late, tend most -• fashionable :desi foe.. He also desires to call- atten bion -to' the fact that he has second , Sole Right, . of the village ,f .Lucknow, to } anufactuce th. SEAMUIIO PATEN An. inenection of which wi roost sceptical {ff itis-sunerio Lighter, Simpler and m than than the one in co And whichront[eriul • will be sold atthe • cedentep-price o WLG�NI I c»nvince the merits, teing re durable: `lmgn use; - to relate • 860. HORSE '-SHQE1-H� And Ge-netalBlacksinithinr{. Repairing in rtrimming will be executed with' neat- - ness-,. cheapness and despatch. DONAL ` McLEAN. Ltickno.July, IS. NOW= SHOWING ,A LARGE AtV.D WELL Dress- Goods, Cashmeres, Wincies, Flannels, Shirtin s,:'Cot Gloves, Tlosery, &e STED -STOCK: O to A Full. and Complete Line of Fall and Winter Tweeds, Rea Shoes. Groceries Crockery ands Glasswar • la e. . nk is - naw.ls _,. onets a adv Clothing eats aril Every Effort has been made to Satisfythe Wants of the Public a Favorably with any. rices that will CQII pare, -ENDS,. 44 ft 44 CS 44 tf THE CROICEST T/ • N Si. • .. .11 SO if .... ..N. /4. M :4. x OF . COLLARS. _ i4 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS " FI:ANN LS. =- " ,-.. CANTON FLANNELS, . " SHAWLS. .. (. SC READY MADE. CLOTHING. HOSIERY.. THE CELEBRDTED CORSET. NO ENDS- . .t--••- tt _ OF TEAS. _ . - - - THE CHOICEST . ,0 " CANNlsD PEACHES, N - - CANNED- CORN. -: N _ 4_4 - t..:- .. l'nDAr Cim A • tNIJONUIT. EAISONS. .'MACE; N' •,4. .r CC:thIR:11FIT- 1 using ons of J. S. Aokert'e 3PR1IG B:ED -BOTTOM;: which. he has just got in one of the Largest arrivals ever name intoe -- Lot knOw, and will be sold I HEAP FgR CASH —Great Bargains in-- BDROOM SUITS -•:AT-: :• A.CKERT Furniture .Warerooms. Lucknow, Sept. 306. . JNO• TRILEAYEN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Partieehaving salsa will do -well to give him a call. -5 Qig iltest Lash .Price Paid for Rutter. - Residence—Willoughby Street, opposite th , . " Methodist Church: - -JOHN TRELEAVEN. Luck.>i;on, August .2eth,1881.- =not , SC. - 44 - -• s.:. 44 •'t t: SHIRTS OVER ALES '1 -WEEDS".'. WINCIES�.. BLANKETS.. SKIRTS. YARNS. • TOBACCOS:. - CANNED -TOMATOES(. TAPIOCA,.. - EPPS COCO. CHOCIdOLATE,.' ' PEELS SPICES.: MacINTYRI Collar ASSJ Manufacturer. of all kinds o HARNESS, . SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. &c. 11C$TERS - ROMER _ .,RUGS,. T HAVE .TUST RECEIVED THE -LAR _ .GEST, 'Cheapest, and best selected stock of -TRUNKS that has ever been brought to this town.. Call early and see them,- Prices ranging. from 75 cents upwards. TEN -.pe cent. off for Cash. Iviu t,1RASSICK 872 a week:. $12'a day at hone eaRily -made Casty nut.fitfrebe .Actdzese: TRUE & {IO:;Augudta, Maine. ; LEND! - VALUE INS rRY GO+ ANI)----: 14 Cants .ST VALUE IN TO WN; - Colored Cdhmere8,--' RANGE OF PRICES. ON111:: 75. ' ENTS. : acco$ Cheap. _ sr CONNELL. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ERS The. only Medicine lhat eaccessthll Y pm'iflesr Bloci -k acts' upon the Liver, Bowers, .Skin and ".�lneys, while at the same time it allays Nervon' .rritation, and strengthens- hens- the Deb tatcd System perfectly and speedily ung Biliousness; Jaundice,. Dyspepsia, Conit>1- pation,Headache,. Rheumatism, Dropsy,N ervons an. n den, eral Debility,' Female Complaa�te, Scrofula, Ery sipelas,Salt' Rheum,and every Species ,ofihtonic ?sease arising ... from " 'Disordered Liver, Kidneys,. Stomach, Bowels :or Blood- THE'BEST BL000 PIIRIFYINC::TOW. IN THE WORLD. 8uatple Bottle, lee.; T. MILBURN-A BO., SOLE AGENTS. =TORONTO. Reg lar.sire, $iF.00 I'm Freemen s Worm Powder; is a safe,, slut And €iieeteal: dest , - ad.u1ts.• Price 25 cents or 5 for.1. .. ro}rer.of rr ;-gm'in. children or, c ' • Mrs. !'reenian's New Don.estte Dyes are pertFit ever* Qvrali3tty- they lava tto equal Pnce z centscolon.• • for brightness and 9