HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-10-07, Page 3A Petere et /Jove and Bering.
zee -' ..e.,.•„;
I1O'3r o-, even 0 ii -.: .i .15 •:. ft : ...:: . :Os ••1 •II :Wit bell .
CIyffe ; yen will be so- after I am gone-
thata .m4-41 71 -n. -1_,
. , .
Ladies Will Hera Find Seasonable
Topics Discussed. .
- •compiled by Aunt Kate.:
Eggs vs, Meat.•
• Would it not bewell to eubstitute more
eggs for meat in - our daily. diet? About
• oile-third of the weight -of an egg is solid
nutriment.- Thisee more than can be said
' of meat. There are no bowie, no tough
• pieces thatahave to be laid aside. A_ good
cover carefully a 1 d let stand- for a month
before using. '
• Pickled Bed C bbage.-Slice the cabbage'
cover with sale and let it stand two days:
Then drein and put it in aapan ; cover with
vinegar and Bpi- to .your -taste.. Give -it a
scald and when Void pat it in jars and tie
up eloss..
The leaves of
he geranium ere an i'sxcele
lent applieation , or eats, whenthe akin is.
kind; eke or twe leaves. Must be liruised
rubbed. off, and thee wounds of -the same
aridepplied on - Mee to the part, and the
wound will be nie . Cicatrized ilea. very
sheet time, ' .- .- a. , s ' ., . . .
-Rusty.Nail undue -It . you. hate the.
•misfortahe to " owl. Youefoot oil- hand
hail, you -have a- only;
oloth. Fifteen or. twenty
i'-neke will- remove . alf the
rst class ,of -inflammation.
es fioni -Moiildinga--Pul-
verisie leafsugar and .cover the setface �f
die jelly teethe depth -of a qtiarterof'an
facile"- This will prevent mould even if the
Seth& be kept foe years: • '
- To Preserve T1un2s.-Look them: over
and pick out -all that -ate- imperfaot or-
unsoende Make. a syrup of cleat, brown.
aigar add clarify it, . When perfectly clear
.ercia,ke- them hard to digest. An , egg ie and boiling 'hot, .pouf it .over the plums.
.0eoked very" hard is diffieult of eigeestion Tet, them remain in the. asyrup wo days,
-exeett by those ,"of stout- etemaehaa such then drainie off, make it- boiling hot, Skim -
eggs shouldbe eaten with bread- aria 2/2..7, --it 813:11 PWr it; ver 'again ; let it- remain"
*Med very finelY. An eggspread. on toaef another -day of to, Wen put over the fire
egg le made up of ..teti. Parts shell, sixty w411 :a rust'
Parts whiteaand-thiety Parts -yolk. Thu tP. ain-°1t€L-Ith,
• white of an egg contains sixty-six .Per cent. w°.°1vf.°°11en
- Water, the yolk fifty-two per cent.' Pease -nn!nitee in- the 8
°Melly an egg is animal:140d, and yet there Pam from the w-
e ie none of the disagreeable 'work .61 T, xeeP Jell
the butcher necessary to obtain, it. The
, vegetarians of England use eggs freery,
and many of these Men 'are 80 and
90 • years • old, and have been - re-
markably healthy. Eggs are. best when
- cooked4adr minutes. -.This takes awaY the
mal taste that is offensive to some-, but
'30 .-not harden the white or -yolk se as to
is food fit for a king, if kings deserve- aby
better food than anybody dee,. Which is
doubtful.- Fried . eggs are less wholesome
. than belled -ones. An egg droppedi into hot
water is not onlyclean and handsome, but
a delieioes _morsel: Most people spoil the
taste of their eggs-hy adding pepper -and.
salt. A_ little -sweet butter is the beat
dressing. Eggs.contain much phosphorus,
which issupposedto be useful to those who
use their brains- much.
Dressing infante.
.-Aafriend; in a priyateletter, thee ex-
presses her conaietion's on eel* subject, of
deiteeeing infants, to all of. Welch we utter a
• heerey- Amen a "-I want to see -mothers
brave enough. to lay. Beside the long toggerY
with which theyfetter little_ -in-fants; see
them -clothe them healthfully_ in an elastic
fabric frotheneck te.ankles, and theo treat
: them so they .will heve as, goodchance
tor development'. as our, little:lambs and
-calves.. belieVegre.at-mischief is- resulting
frota the dragging effeetof fashionably long
-clothing -upon infants; also';.frone its having
• no eeppotti exeept as the bands are pinned
tight roiled the body of the child. If eur
little colts -were treated thus, • how :Ioug
Would it beere men would cepaprehend-the
.faet thatthe geed peints pf • horse fief&
• sod trotting wer -being depleted e
and simmer gent y till the - syrup- isethiek
.. , .: _
-poundo . . , .
f fruit '
and rich. Use oie pound of sugar. to each
- ,
Stewed Peareee-To. she large pear es .add
half -a -pound of w ite iaigar, half the rind
of a lemon cut th n, five cloves, and aeittle
• preparedeochiue to -calor them-. Get the
peers in halves, Ii
‘d- core them. - Put thein
Mien enamelled paucepaa ; water enough
to cover them.. -et themstewgently till
quite- soft withot .breaking them. - When
doee,..pleee--them cirefelly on a dish suffi:-
ciently deep tali Id the: juke. Strain the
syrup, and reduge. it _weer the fire;- then
peurit over the -P areaa.. .
. eaemon Llande. Grate 'the- yellowpeel
float one lemma- Tear out the ,pulp con-
taining the juice, and 'gut into bits. . The
thick White poeti n. is of no Use. - Soak a
heaping teacupf *. of bread crumlee„, or -a
long thick slice of bread in hot- Wetef„
rubbing it fine nd smooth. e Add More
water, patting lenon, crurabs and water
together, so that here shallbe about a pint
and, a half in all.. Add a, Braille teeouphil of
Stigar,aand let 6,111 boil - together for a few
minutes. Then add a level teaspoonful of
‘hette..r and one eg$ well beaten. To peevent
the -egg from cooking -unevenly, stir pee
fully a Iittle elf the boiling mixture into th
egg,-athus thiinfree it before yea turn i
into the inixtuee _always stirring fast a
you gredually mi the egg with the ',Tres
- The pie question.. ,
When -cool thismakes an excellent -sem
. ii Bet he has always been hrought up- to. and eeten witleb ead is better for childte
have such things, :and likes them."- That - (or Any one else) hen --the gammon lento
Settles the question. Certainly,- people r., pie. - It " gpeafur her,'" too.a• -: ,
mast elwayeberve whet they like a,nd what , - . . .
they have been ,used to' But wouldn't it e--. is: the Ran ,i4 linen
be well for theCbildren te, haye & differeet - -
. • .
..- , ,,
diet? What sort of stomachs: will they i . -Sir Sauna Lubook, in the- -opaline
heeee if they eat sueli things `e.' Por. eat there 'address to the Beetish Association at York
they will, Yoe May be sre, if tbey. are on ea -August 30th startled. the scientific werld
the table,: even if ether food ia prepareei with -anew 'theory! Of the physical chafa.c-
for them, which few mothers will take the ter ot the 'globe. •Scientists have almost
- trouble to do. Besides, they will be (xrown ueiversalle held he view that the intexiar-
afar some. day, andathen they, Meae eaaee of theeepth is a uici -Mass inteesely bot,'
: thew •-thinga - because they have 'but. the. President Of the association
* "- been brought up to havothena,' etc:, Per-
haps if any 'one artielee could stand RS a
tepeeeentative of all th.ose things which Itis
..elifficult to make_well and- which are goad
, .
for - nothing, phytnologically, when they. added, alma bee
- a a : ! are -Made, it wouldle- that -curious Arriert---_- Professor Le' Co
a- -Caniena-- pie.. -Iatieveracould- undVistand, - wholeaeheorr of -i
the peculiar fascination which these gas- . ls 'little less than t
- troxiomicei compounds have for the inasen- .theoretic geology'
. -palate, but the man or boy who can on the basis of - a olid earth.", This • will
resist the blandislimeats of a- piece of pie be news tramartyable'physicistsaeut it Wile
would be &nature' curiosity. The under-. - strike unSoPhistiOted minds with no little-
. egiest Etiay be "soggy," that's- no .matter, -force that 11 as Professor Le Conte says,
there the top,crust and the "Slinger the old. theory mut be kecoiastructed, then
The ene may be. leathery,theethee fun of • the preteutionsfab ieof ateteoretic_geology"
all th6" untold indigestible horrors of, folirided- uPO4 it Eina, :the inferences: .ef
... inolassesandminceeneat,-citron and cinna- -which many polo 'ate heve'not scrupled to
. mon., cloves and eider, apples and allspice, , put- before the termites - 9f -revelation
butter &aid brandy, sugar = and suet, wine itse0 - Mlist- ' he ..disearded as baseless
. - and raisies-but it's .pie,- and. -that's .conceits ; Sir. J. hie Lubbock. certainly
enough. For the sake of the neXt, gettera. :fieetas to exageerete-theicientific sentiment
' tionl. of wives, mothers. ef- ' grOwilig Which reeeetetheold theory of the eartlali
. boys .ought • to educate them, into internal filaidity. -IBut thee sentiment ap..
a better taste, a lest leY lina: by -" a nears to be gaining ground. - At theaesalan
- . . - , -
piece of ',. pie like that my mother. of the Paris Acad. my: 01.Sciences _on the
Used to make" be the. dreadful wilt -0'411e- 22ndUlt. g:Roch read a. pa,per arguing in.
- _ avisp to_ lure the poor Wife into a Slough a .favgi of aselid_glo ,andeoncluding-mathe-
• asspoha. Aha- yen,. tired houeewne, by matically that its interior mass is two and.
occasional desserts of fruit and, padeiees, on third times as dense-- as -its mist, the
introduce. your husband, into the bhundIesa nuelets„aa tospecifieWeight, bei g analo-
supply of wholesome and toothsome things. gotig to meteoric ion,. while the. terior
that we neglect for the Sake of pie: -:•--He coating is -corapa able to aeaolite of a
. may 'speak scornfully of your 'beam mangeg. :stody dempoeitiop.
. and custards' or, as the:dessert comes' on
twee his eyebrows and say .signiftcantly,,
"Nothitg but apples?" or- "Oh i its. rice
..„, again. ' But do not. press -your. "reform"
unreasonably; remena.ber the defects of
:his early education,. and if yoecan convince.
hirer that it really saves your :time- and
strength,, email yoUr puddings aild custard's
are good, he will soon be Willing to accept
• . the substitute for's, part of they time at
. least . • .
now to-.11/eitt*Ithigats::
. - -
TICADIATta Nmattitow.
The 'Craze to Mahe Blaney. Exhibited
'Even in -the:President's-Death. - ▪ a --No true woman Will use her h ba d's
There is a melancholy, satisfaction in slippers to keep tacks m'
remembering that the mourning • fOrthe -About t.irn io gather and peess
dead President was- so uhivetsa.1, and that tinted a,utunin leaves. ea.
the funeral services were coaducted in -a - --e2-Now is the 'time for farmers to t
insmier e '
very Way worthy of the occasion about ploughing matchee.,
and of --the nation's grief. The only break
in the -train of settefied thought is
oeeasioned he the refleetion that a few ger-
did soul* Saw nothing „in the Occasion but
• an, opportunity to make money:. The
individuals who gee ap a "corner "
black goods ane profited, by theedesire 61
the nation for hedges of sorrow, were
engage din a legitimate bileinese tianeaction;
initeitie_not pleisantte. think efthe in. The
.sanie inay be said of these -NOW peddled
Garfield' badges and: pictures within the
funeral inclosure at -Cleveland; and et their
neighbors .Who made the -presence .
mourning tlicsesands an that city a pretext
for patting up the pricesofthe necessaries
Of life. Among the meanest of the litieinese
ghouls Was the -firth that eca;ttered Cleve-
land, ahreadcast with a blaek-bordered,
dodger, purporting to be " Gittfield's' Last
Lettere- which turned- out,- on etenainaa-
tion„ to .be a. letter from- t niece.of the
elder lire. Garfield, thanking -the -firm, in
herneene,-for a lithograph of the President,.
The'firth, probably regardedathie.- as an
unterprisifigivay of advertising.; but those
who were deluded by the :heeding into
reading the' , advertisement intet have
very diffeeetit .4inion on the eubjectee-
Detreit Free Press.. 9,- '
- now They !gait _a claitit.
- " I wish- you; would explain to -rae
about this salting -of define that hear se
much about," said. a nieelVeyed tenderkot
to a grizzly old miner who wail' pe,nnieg
about six eunces of pelveeieed quartz:. "
'don't pee whet they meet to ealt a claim
'for; and I don't anderetand how they do it.?
aVell; you see, _a- hot ..setteoie like this
they•have.to salt lots of times to
keep it. A,ffesh cleitia is geed enough fora
freeh t eia &do et, bet old-tii2a ere were tiook at
anything but a pickled claire.- *Xeu know
what quartz is; probably ? "
' 64 No./2 •
"Well, everYclaim has quartz: Some
-more and-someleas., Tee 'tied -out-how
• many, quartz there are, and then Pitt in SO
•Many.poun:ds of salt te tile quart. - Wild
cat chains require more silt, because the
wild cat spoils- quicker than- anything else.
Soneetim.ee you. catch a sucker, tow. end
.you have to put hint in behie pretty plenty,
or yeti vvill lois him., Thatai one rea,son
6. why .they salt a claim:- There.. again; you
e oftengrutestake a man -e:" : . -
t it Bet what is a grub stake?" •• a a
s " Welka grub stake ie a stake that the:
t. boys -hang their grub on -so they eau cerey
e, it. Lota of mining wee havebeenkneeked
n cold by: a bloeefrore "grieb stake. Whet .1 •
n wanted, to Say, though, was this: Yen
. will probably: ,a -t first etrike
'poVerty, with indicetions oftoniethieg else.
Then yoa will doubt sink till you .strike -
bed -rook; or' a true fissure gepheieholeovitli
traces of diseppoiatinent. That's the time
toepat en 'year fialt.. You canasheotitinto.
the'shaft with a deuhlgeberreled shot guii,
.er -wet it and. applyat with a whitewash
beuele If 'people turn Up their. nosee at
your claim -teen, and say -it isa Snide, and
that theke is something rottert_in Denmark, -
you, can tell them- that they are clear off;
and. that you know it is -all' right." : •
The -last seen, of .the tenderfoot, he Was
buying -sr double-barrelled. shot giin and ten
poenesotreck- salt. • . • , '
Teethei no doubt- but a. inining-caniii
theplace-to-sene-aayOupgnianawhae wants.
tOE aequife knowledge and Bystein
fnIl Ofiefortnation . that will beaseful to
-him So - long as: he liveii..-Larantie boome.
. . - .
asserted that tb 8 theory " is now very
(I generally adalitte „both by ,astronobiers
and geologists, t be unteeable." - The
Prevailing . feeli g - of geolegists, he
well : expreseed -4
e, Who saya : - aeThe
e whole foundation of
-must be reconstructed
Maly people Vi handle wood do- not
knew that if they . iSh. the bark to Come
Off they should pil it harka down.; if they
Wisleto retain the ark the opposite should
be done. A.. eorr:- :pendent. writes to the
Detroit Post -Tribe eegieing his experienhe,
as fellows. I It Vie sold Weed. for aver
forty -years 'gem; and I find -that
when split wood * corded lip -the bark
reniains on until -1 sell and measure up
' The premises indY be- kept Clear of this -the wood,- and• all t atis piled bafk down
- vermin by making whitewash yellow. with the bark falls Of measures nothing;
copperas and covering the stones -and .besides; there . is. more 'mat -in the bark
a ratters in the cellar - with a thick coat. of it. thaeintie sap of tile log. The •most- and
In May crevice where: a rat Might- tread put beet ashes are,also 4 the bark. I have on
the crystals, of the coppers. and scatter the nly puce /lbw Boni` maple wood the.t was
Ranee ia the cornera the_ fioor. Thexesult Chopped nin-e ye ago- and corded: bark
Will be. a perfect stampede of the rats and- up, and the bark* uld_hoId. on -if I would
Mice. Glee the ea.nie PlaCe a coat of the draw theavood to aginaw -(18. mike) and.
same yellow wash every spring, fei ••7'n' puri% cord. up and inelAAIT ; besides the baak-is-
fier as well as a rat exterminator, and no
typhoid, dysentery or fever will attack the
family. Many -persons deliberately attract
all the rats io the aeighborhood-byaleaving
fruits.: and vegetables uncoVered. in tha.
oellar„ancl sometimes even the soap is Open
.for their regalement Cover up everything
eatable in.the pantrY or cellar and you will
-soon starve thein out. Thee° precaution,
joined to. the service- of a good cat,: Will
prove as gool. a. rat exterminator, as. the
cat can pro"vide. Never allow rats to be
ipoisoned in the &Veiling; they are liable to
"Ole between the. Walls and produce nuich
annOyarietu-- , -
1.1senee leeenteee Wee,
lighter to draw., .
down the water fu
and makes it dozy,
your neighbors to.
panieS will save t
piling their -wood --
here the bark is piled
s in around, the wood
wet and heavy. Tell
it. Railroad 00113-
ousands of dollars by
rk up.
The -British Con
says. thatthe Chin
to their wadded -9
their country a gb
wboliens.. But t
recognized the des'
in g for the troops,
where coarse blue
lower than it could
riekred Terciatoes.-Let the tomatoes be a, A. neesseeger Was pent from Muakegori to
Maclugan lumber amp to inform a man
_of the. death of bis ; but he -need the
. .
-money given lona getting drunk; and did
not perforin the nand, He never got
sobercforlumberni n hanged him before
he had. -time,'
at Itiukiang; China,
e are too mach wedded
tton dresses to make
market for imported
e Government have
ability of woollen cloth -
fid have started a mill
lOth is -made at- a rate
e iniported.
thoroughly ripe and let them. -Iia in strong
salt and water for three or four days; then
put them down in layers in jars, mixing
with., them small 9nleas and -pieces- of
"hpeeeradiatta their pour on vinegar, cold,
after having spiced it, " Use pletitrOf spiee,
Remarhablo Highland . Sermon.
8cofichinen are! intensely. patriotic,.and
. take -great pride in old.Scotia and eVery-
thing associated with her. Somel one • has
reported a 'Highland -preacher whose Bei,
mon shows his loyalty to Scotland,:
ply freends; what causes -have we far graati:
tide 1 Qh, yes,- for the deepeat'graatitUde!
Lok at- the place of our habitation !
't How gtaateful•should WO be that we.
do not leeve- in the la,t North 1 Oh, 'no 1-
Amithit the frost, and . -the Ana*, and the
cauld, and the Weet.` Oh, no 1 - .-
" Where's a-lang day in the taelhalf_
the year. " 0.4, -yes! And slang nicht the
tither. • Oh; yes I That. We do not depend'
team the aurawry boreawlie. (1h, - no
That we .d6 not gang. shivering' -shoot. in
skins. Oh, no! Smoking atnaeg the, 'maw ‘I,
like modiwarts Oh, no, no! b
-" And haw' graideful should we be that W
we -do not leeveaiii the fee South, beneath t
the enuavitor, -and. a sun. aye. burnine •la
burnina* and *here the Sky'es iiwfu- het. w
Ah, yes I . And the yearth's het, and -the _st
water's het, and. ye"re -taunt bleak eas, e th
emiddy: -Ah, yes - .
"Where there's teegars. ..9hayeas And
lions. Oh, yes • And crocodiles. Oh, e
yes And fearsome .beasts, growlin' and
grinin' at ye areang the Wooda. a
• "Where the Very air is a. feVer, the th
burnin'.breith a fiery .drawgon< That a
are do not -Want to leeve in. those places. H
_Qh, no,. nO, no, na I. • .. . w
But that we leeve in this blessit island in
of °ors, -C4reat Breetin. Oh, yes, yes! - an
"And in that part orit named Scotland, do
and in that bit te Mild Scotland that belie d
. It:is again rumored that Lotta will soon
be Married,. : • -
- dee Jeffeesen bas .hoefed it across -the
histrionic boards for forty-six years and is •
geed fora long siege yet: . •
Mme. Christine Nilssonis going to Stook;
holm by express invitationof -the King of
Svveden to Sieg - at -the Veit% therein:the
ion Of the
marriage of . the Crown Pri with the
Peincess .-Victoria .of Baden. Nothing is
dedided es to Nihisen's projected expeditein
-to Am -erica. .• '
_ - .
Buffalo -Bill iiitrodueei real Indians
his plays, and -they are expected. to let him:.
heroically Venqiii-sli them, but in -a Chicago
performanceone of athena-Wileadrattleaend
refused to fell when the scout struck him -a '-
shame:dove. Instead, he tried to use hie ,
tomahawk, and hetet° be d.ragged off the
There are no less than four new ilieatres
inpregress M London lisew. The lieeeeye
M. d'Oyley Caitiesawileseen. be finished,:
so Will the.Avenue, a 'very" ha-ndsonielittle
structure ; builealtegether-of Caen stone, at .
the -back -of the -Grand Hotel. --A third .-
1 -
in ceerse of erectien somewhere off Oxford
street, and the projected new opera house •
steeds half finished .as it has been for the
last two years, with no sign adyencing
further. ; --
4 new Chicagothestrehai two "fashion
boxes," bexes;" twenty chairs, eagle s
-directly in front of the customary :pro -
scent= -boxes, atalfso arranged, With the s
rails onlyslightly above the fiber- and the
'seats -rieine sharply, that a .clea,r View of a
the 660u:feints caul* had :froth' the ether
parts of the -heasee. The idea is to. let
handsomely dressed,women exhibit them-
selyes, • and the astonishing fact -in . .
the -
matter ' is that they embrace the .,op,
portunity. -
e -Have the .motha been in- Yoae ulette state performance on the occa
durilag the -suminet?
• ---The hop crop in New -York state is ee
per ;cent. below. lest Year's yield.
- -Mrs. . _ wife. of the ToiontO
clothier, will, it is believed, recover. '
Man with an impediment
speeeli never:speaks well of anybody. _ _
To a man whe his no money to sp 'hd
it makes but little -difference. where he
spends his time. a. • , • --
- enterPrising book -publisher is abkt
to issue the Comet Seriel.: It will be
devoted to tales.
--eVennor admits that the weather OS-
beCominga-conundruin to him He He heal
better give it up. -
-Strange as it May -sewn, 'there
plenty of tipOple V7/30 are h&ppy only wit
My re --specks to you, as the fly pat
to the druggist who lied just coenpleted
Cleansing his show -window.. .
LoixIon papee says that Ashmegd
:Bartlett -Coutts is gro*ingOld-veryrapidfy:
_Neveithelesseheeen't overtake his wife.a-
-e-TheaFeench troopS had better make
the -North African =nada no maddk."
They are already getting thrashed badly
enough: , - - • -a-,
-Weather augurieapoiat td opeti
-fall and green grass again, Further, an
old Indian says : "No Snow deep this witi
ter." " •
Weees-his hair very lotig:
The trouble Wati that he weaktaiever per.
the Whits eseple of his vicinity to wear.
• In. WO peisesession of Meniber of the.. -
mit -B.eakeleyfereily of Englan.d, is aring-coni- :
posed 6f a large, emerald, earkeiteded --bae
their heir Verylong.. ' „ • This: epee belonged a to the
,a4-Frenehmen has discovered that the famous Admiral Sir .-:-QloudeSley: Shovel, -.
tiriii0iple Of the revolver was put intii:prae=. drowned off"the:Seillyr Islands. ie. - his war
tiealaapplieetion: . bye a .-.giiiiineker: ,et„ -sluo in 1707. -On her deathbed an old, -
Enatuioehnntec.)inartitshweeetiegf6hrt,eothoiontu.oyi Weenen- emit for the parent; evhOna she
revealed, that she had murdered the-
. a _ . ,
0: W.. -R. from Clinton: to Godetiele It
:'There-ja 'an -P2e.- talk .:of a brallPh'4°e. e4adhrlintittlioWe40127 th.she'-gehofPieu,ff'f%41thea state of
Oeinaima to be seen : 'Whether: -Goderieh and The -.11:t'rs°13:P've-.04e -ring teShovelenough friend,.Lord Berkeley, who was on-'ei:great
_t904.113. jerajelapteap,saiho!eeceoenveteali-ii.hheakeiaectaone o
-.--------- the ships oL the fleet when the wreok
-• ,
• llothe,-pistriat Mutual Fre Tese
eaenee4e9 elicittle3;4180e:161.,.iynegael7e6:17adta.-: 11136:dfiitf'-areet... pCiWol-htht.':oththee7lidatly°, a0f:.zWeaalolenss-viiishi..ot.epdmrjaniV...eor4 .
tete were . - Termite, and eaihn: the way- put over tlaof large, red
Meelearich itaPreeiKdetinplf,96ri..).ltieWge.en;taTril-Vteo.anrt§sei ,i°thtbe:e:14pridcled-boarvout:die bearing tathrhei idea words to Tobserveh‘e‘ Mp n .1 • ti YE
. . - .
offers a -scholarship of $100 for the best. -handiwork,: When a; broughamandpair
essay on "Soripturalbyterianism in its .eattliatr'11.°•pritei:fp.olree.T,efe'rit''of horses draven rapidly down the hill
. knocked him down, and the horses trampled
be competed for all avhp.ehall:be- theolpi Over hini„ittlicting The restilt •
:the- Vete:nee .Peesby:terian .091.lege.e..te
the corieht session was that the board and -inscription-were .
rOgli. :4: reinOved-,without delay-- ibefore _ the Prince.
aihng fashion
:0Gar;tiepn: a;irj;tdes::. I. ask1". 0,led 4ape.wl eia!, 0?7" :g„aionkt;e0i.idnlieteit:4- ert.- t i°6.4 46.4,4" livid,:*a! pale face irotiap4einnt „iotes7docoiii,;:wtilwrea„nt.01_6.1 lying become
,bf, reached place,
bonusin if
A Sad incident is mentioned in a. London'
enterptiseethefere likely Sotneday•directlYi 'letter, as .-follows " few weeks ago
from taxation the, ground : that he Itir: eeeeoege. on the :floor; Poor
thmg,' said
:raising a large family who Wile some day be her .,,e-emp-ahiott; as they gathered around
ratellaYete, her, it's her: first day 'back.' I:lig:Wry'. •
. .
4 r-
fi,-:151.iroary School, net veryiengrago; revealed the feee.that the 'f.:.p0or. thing ' had
the teacher undertook tO::-OonVey.-t0. :" 114.: '-j1.i recoyereir.:frota diehtheeia,.. and
pupils an. idea Of the use Of .thea hyphen:: hurried back to her -,work that shemight no
She. wrote - on blackboard - longer be a burden teller --radther.;"
neeteaand; Fen:title te the hyphen, -asked --
the school ;- "What iatliet forl'e Alter One 'Otte ieteedy.foe onedollateatheee is bu
fleet- -Peneei a young eon of the Emeral& • one way to cure baldness, and tlaatipabye, --
-1,-ae.;p4304:9p,t ena.,,.aeMer the bird using-Oarbolinee deodorizeda extract of •
to raidshtnittl":-: petroleum, the-eatural-petroleum 's hair re
-chtirch bells': -" They are an intolerable
- • • .• a • . -aa
newer. It It Will positively do. theworkand '
a'..='The-4?ndeti Laereet. jaye, .speakiag. Of it is the only article that will . •
. . . . -
'andneost reitichief•Wofkiog amieimoe: TO
tip Sick an jangle .ard,4
serious antioyanee,amrwe-do-inet :hesitate.
to say that in rainy cases the loss ' ofeeeet
and the generaladisqiiietude they . produce.
notonly .ieesen the ehaile.e (it recovery, -but.
may --eXpedite . a" fatal imam." The belle
don't affectliamiltoeiaasin that way
• are drawing theeelletigeter
and tighter around the limbs of: their_
unhappy OilliOthert3. That is .to' say, trouser
.:1-egs awillabearnere skimp ;then ever thee.
year. barbarous :Bettee,
fee better, the rotund and _edureepiepeg_tep-
tben the scant measure- which betrays out
feet . their' --hideous enormity, .an
contract Vulgar bulgeg.at the knees
ineide of 48 hours. - -
a_ A correspondent Of ,the>--.Plii_ladelphia
edger: seals that "I'ditetfeireavieliganyfigero
evichilandyessillogogo,"-- of --t.
eleh parish4--iaprOnonnced as if: _written
Inns: "-Thlimairepeoleligwingergobobiehtee*-
ediSiliogegoe! This- timely eaplanetiot
ill proliebly_p_reeentanysekioneeinisunder-
ending, b.utthe Detroit Free Presethiiika
e,majoritee the 'people Will -keep- eight
o .onoinicing itas it is spelled. " .
A 'manufacturer -whose ---business
quires thense of amounts -of emery.
aibeen!'trying _an :ettopriment with -- -:•the
hes of anthracite Peat. -and he 41;i:firms
at he .hae-gOt good results feoni aeliee. are
substitute for the finer grades ol emery
o tOOlt: ashes. and. --saturated. them with
ateri pouring oft. the -liquid after --Stand
g an hour or *two, then: pouring offegain
d so on Until he obtained several grades,-
wirtoTa substitute -for-eiriery flour.-- When
ried the depositfeutareadily,.. and laves a
tiefactery surface;
Arthure father of the Pile
dent; was temarkablefoehiareedihess iti
bite. Some years ewe, at a meeting of
e Old iludson River:Baptist Aesecietiteee
-Whe hadbeen settled
-the-- West, but lact:- -recently taken ft
uicheit Troy, said: “.I,ean-tell.brethren
at if:they think any Sort
'tar the - West ...they :are .Mistekee. It
on't do.te.send Second or:third rate men,
-Arthur was - his:feet -in
cin• ema eaelainiing . "Mr. Moderator, I
Vee knew before _why. Brother ..Weldeie
ree heekaa: • . .
' •kl
7:- onions are . and pie es syinpe,
ise..with lemons... The :cucumber erep or.
81 le about loneehelf- the ;ordinary
y-reasOn. of thiefallilegroff piekleainey be
peoted to be raised pride:this, :winter,"
the .p:iokle-: mannfacturerg have- to pay a
ueh.insher. sum tben-. astaie The usual:
°dilation per acre is 40,000 ,ouountbets,
9. itcosts about one -third -of the _.eellitig
ice to pick thee:a.- The farmer nets about
5 per:acre: In:place:4 the 'market price
ing-$1. per I;000:it is -now -11.20 per .1;000,_
d feethee else May be:looked for hefore
up at Ben Nevis. Ph, yes, yesayes I where pa,
there's neither freest, nor canid, nor wend, .
nor weet, nor hail, nor rain, nor teegais, si
tor lions, nor burnite suns, norurriaanes, de
--------- .3 th
Here a tremend6ushlasof winand rain th
from -Ben Nevisblew in tie windowii of the in
kirk and brought the prea'cher's eloquence eh
to an abrupt conclusion. • . - • th
. .
Prince Frederick of :the Netherlands, ee
whose death was lately aiatiouiaced, Wasone th
of the soldieas Of WaterloO,•-. During the m
battle he was stationed With18,000 men to -Es
cover the Duke Of Wellington and protect es,
Brusselgin case any sudden turn that way
should be --made,,by NaPoleon, Thereare
not maay survivors of. those :days :now, ;L:R.
The Emperor Of 'Germany is One. -17
He took_ part in the citatiPaignsaageinst "
- x
France even eaelier than the. Dutch e
Priace a--
who has just died. The: Empezor was in7 "s
the field idisipi and entered Paris in 1814 ra
with the -conquering allies. Ile *a inaiith. PT,
or se plunger than Priude Frederick of the a"
Netherlands Was ; both Were born, in 1707. Pr
Vienna zidvices state that United States be
Minister Phelps has asked to be retired es an
eleason is over.
eboa as his successor drat reach Vienna. th
_ .
Is manufactured by
And for salaby dealeks. Ask your merchant for
Lardine. and take no other. -
This olluuder the:geyekest test and -moat
.aCtive competition WWI at -the Torento- Indus-
trial Exhibition awarded the highest prize; also
the GOLD MEDALat the Provincial Exhibi- --
tion, Hamilton, and the highest award, at the:. :
Dominion -Exhibition, Ottawa; the silver medal.
Farrneratind all who_nse Agricultural machin • • 4
dry, will save . money -and machinery_ by using::
none but :
llickles_ Con;umptive Syro
. rOB.
This-eid.eitielisheeremede can be With _::Oeti
-fleece recommended for the above compl. inhs
TRY IT. If your me hant hes. not got it, he
c. an:get it yon.
. Worzherly T.'Biettle & _
Hamilton Ontario. - Prjoprieteri
The London Institute for the Cure of
Trupedhnent In Speech
has re-o.pened for the Fall and -Winter. For dr-
culars arid- testimonials -from Inindreds whom
we have cured, address
. -
. _ .
T -
A --'
- "
.. - .
_. ' 10,000 Farms.. 6,000,000 Acres.
bent Landfitichlleadow,theice Timber,
- Farming, Stock Raising, Dairying, -
.Fuel, and. -Mater ifiyundant&
. $2.50 per acre and up ard. One-i3ixth
Cashand. five annualpayments. Re-
Fare ,and Freight to settlers.
Write for "Publications No. -63.7
Geo. Dew, Travelling Agent, 7.2•Yonge
Toronto. -- R. M. Newport, General
Land Agent, St. paul, Minn.
. ..
. =
SpiltiaILand4gi3ntifer Hamilton, Ont.-