HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-09-23, Page 5Al ENGED AT LAST. A -Story of tore annd']Daiing.; tile- . author et "int - i rss .ti • waters mid� Oates." ' "Beavon tr eath- us on their wary to Hall Hibbleside Pit which you should see- by- The two men 'listened for #orgive ma the man's o the bye , or ithgill Wells, all couxilan�A#b� R; 104+.7 tL8 • • Cr. (Zuality. We have=just received -and opened, Including, one case of Novelties InoBi1rI 'nt•art :aan .(coRT) ,A..3 .TASSELS;) In Seal Brow, F-awn,•`Drab, Navy and Black, also repeats o our: Celebrated Having bought. out Mr. E. Dore's ..Stand, Ross Street, intends' carrying on the Carriae aid �Ia on-MaaIn BUSINESS, in connection with which he will do or$eshoeing & General Blacia sniithing . Ana will guarantee satisfaction in both'. lines of the trade. First-class Work teen only. .employed and. the work superintended' by myself: Fifteen. - years .of. experience is sufficient warrant of • the style of my .workmanship. Parties requiring anything in the above linea will do well : to , GIVE ME A CALL. I hope by strict attention :to_-business•to merit a Liberal Share -of the public patron- age. I loek for a return of - my old cus=: towers,. and a continuation of patronage. These Goods are 'Head. and Shoulders:- above anything in IOWA for Value.:. , Special attentionl-is= directed to • our: ling; _ Of • FINS AT Remember we are .always to the Front with Novelties, as soon as they are produced. Jatest41/EMBER THE CHEAPEST. SPOT Wish s to Worm the tbtttlie'haaf ansivatl « i�ai�cl Alan LASS 4iE'1�;8t; Messesand Children's- Boot -R. (Go and ellunine his rely superict coek in. ea ii class; especially Itis` llefore r1�i�f�c, Last yeix s Wilirga4 for goods.. 1 &.,Wl ole-Stock=Bo pirehasing elsewhere... tiring. a Specialty. stock .sola -„at. ard- under -Rutter kelt t,t 9za ha,uge ' an spite of 01200 and to, tit tiny xs:kdeteru ned- that he UNUEflSOIDi . rnees ar anyone -in- towns • 611: UV'';. PtI1 FW M>su><cat>s TRADE L4attatK.`. 'rlikG EAz'' -TRADE M G1.IIa11 t E-.1( F) An infai)iing tui•e ft r Seulin.� alW ;akn1.ss, atorrira, ten y; lliSe Sea= 3 e flow saelf . A�Br gee of or ,.TYriiVersal strip-• ek, imites o€ isibtir nalm ny other Diseases or onsumption and a " 'rill particulars In wed sire to send free *.;gg he Specific Med- rni s.at 51 per pack- er • pr will be sett i t: of the mosey by ad,, TETE AirAirJERK.' it CO., _Tor rite:. Out., Canada itqrSold � •vr a,Ilrlruggiss ev and by where in Caned and he IinitedStates yyI, wholeale :in seta drtiag.tts.: a` meek in h tr wr town. Terms.. t l Ji end :So o tIit i ee.. - :&ddress," Td� HALT SPE,, .Port utd,1 aine. Ser Imp arida Bef 8 tb a tf EIT C .P �eGu� A t~e=: as I s�o t, c e, Pain iii the ' Preniature old ;ages that lead.tc� izlsan�t Premature Grace. rrir pamphiet, whi 1: layr.inailto every o it ail, cine by awe, eiNpack free by mail on rete dressing - many. p atrsns may , rely urn «it that wiale, there welt be a lowering rn, - prices,. there will ha, - o L, veering in- Quality 1 saw his -engthy experience hey has found that it fa3s keep: nothing but good meat::..• N TOWN' +anerber that Gordon keeps. the' _and 1t apt !*z0 .. deaf Defrvered t®; 00. Pans o£ the 'Otago, onv.,aliprtcit.hiottCe. r . to.,4400_4 aveleek`_fisaata. pe ti '5 o it totdm as m to'd t4 bg4 0 L21 PI 0.4 ►3 go • o -d o CD• tS . p. so 0 si c0r �cet it 'K3 r m. 0 000 CO, GLOB Real rates, on t oar It Y suit .- R OFFICE. wINLSOR. Orm Loan. . ALM -C." atchm:aker Has just 'received: `a large :aid varied stock: of:. CLOCKS, WATCHES,. :TE w ELLE' Y ancl- PLAD W , cosi: rising'tlie iITEewest-st alesil of CLOCR8 GOLD ant 'STLVER \\r;TCHLS•.. B1t00CIIES; EAR -RINGS,(( Tr�- c G1 and'WED17Ii� i,I?v=GS` i STUDS:Iaid CUFI UTTONS, BUTr•E1 COOLERS, BE r` T• • • - TEA SETS, . CRUET and FICKLE STANDS FRUIT and PUTTER KNIVES, NAPKIN RINGS, CARD iCAStS., 4c Notwitbstanding' the recent . advance of 30 per centnin the wholesale. E ' "market,1 am :prepared to sell at - kiritla3 of repairing;neatly and ;rot►ii by executed -a'id satisfactiel) _ warranted.: Solicit• a call from inteicling •pui'chaseta before buying elsewvhere. Remember the Stand t ro c;oors:.East of JOHN .11IcHARDY'S; Campbell Str©et, Lucknor`. -• IC-tiPnrnting and Re -Trimming Done with neatness and despatch. Lucl now, 111areh 4, 1881: Is receiving Fresh Fall and Winter Goods daily, and will sell:the sane -lines -of goods as -cheap, as any house this side Or - Toronto. - FINE LINES: 0 AND GENS E3BERS4 ur Assortment of state:at reasonable Yrmslof paynte4t:.to rs ve _ Li- t a' BETTER RUNNING ORDER £ ever it was before We have put in a new• Engine and a new Planer and ha; _overhauled all the -rest of the Macshinery,: and are now prepared to .do e T , TRAVER t to Post 01..ce Co. S of WOR the BVILIJINO L all, branches-,_ will be co - Eplete few- days. CAI, A= S� V� a will £n avour g -o` r o value �.t to 'reai- sonable p iCes SpeoihlLines will be Sold. Close; on Cost: _Lt',E1UL DISCOUNT :FOR .CASH:' - Pent .& Corrmcaa a •We have also on hand a large Stock :of . SEaSonedLumber. Doors, Blind s, .Mou; ld- • -in `Moue d �Barn Eave Troughing, Etc, a aNG' L N A SPECIALTY GIve .us a call before .purchasing elsewhere,, ':4 1$T(E ROBERTSC 44. What is , it?. The be4t Machine Oil; in the world, is manufactured. )3r, COI Pros.. Tosca t: Tia on, under the evei' - Ht .• and.tbe most - as w.a. :- t thie.e`of th •. active competition, -Was Urines iii 1880`,„- n e13.7, - .onto Iu- dustria. •xhibitio.i,. 'irst %xlniUitipn, }[nin twns (sulci ? eci31; avd Ijoa.iiniott E, h i�id(Irl, t:t - . - _; `�rl�er `"ate Farmers a id. tithe s? : ',ltir l ag.-- aclr tier in s.b a ei-- - ,.us salve wpney and,m fi Y � i.7oF, rpercha�foiak: