HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-09-23, Page 4-Y. • - A.VENGED A'T A: Story of: iDeve read 11Daring theanti* of "[ hnt Rh E` "-'. C ,v.: ..•.--tel :•.::k .... -T-.. l :. S' waters uncle • eath us on their way to Hells I ibbleside.Pit (which you should seer 1 Oates." = the bye,or with ' Heaven forgive me, the angy one �� Wells,'. all. aCountm Dail " taunt iie�it9M r ., av Zito Act -knew $tntinet, '.L`iIF.LIREitTY TO UTTERAND TO ARGUE FREELY A-CCU-DENG TO TI Y DIt3TATEa OF CONSCIENCE WE PI ZE-Si, XALLOTSERL3BEIt'1`IES. . Lucicnov, -Septo ber.23; 1351., fT costs twenty cents t•) collect'a dollar of -custom chities_in Canada,, while -With. oar: American -friends the same amount is''collected for less than two cel;ts.l:at makes: file difference T • — A good deal of dissatisfaction is r. uis of te felt with h _ Ma tt. q: • Lorne for taking so, much liquor intn- the North Westin spite of' all regula- -` Peo -le. are in. dinedtions, to _ the contrary.. _ pin dined to. think that he has broken both the letter and the spirit •tsf the i tiV.. s• - Tim . deliberate attempt mad9 by ona of the goads to shoots Giuteau, irr^ his cell the other day,- shows the temper -.of a_ certain ' class of the people in an unmistakeable *ay. It will be a' iron der to maty ifth t poor. wretched- Ifacl 'man even sees the faces.of Ms earthly judges„ :.If he is not, sat' 'front his very- •guards,. what. 'chance mild he have if the snob got hold of him ` Tit& destruction of life and property by - the 'forest fires iu certain districts of-..N.1i.efa gan,: -. is; almost without parallel iu :the history . cf human ,suffering. - EU- heti have been Burned- to -death or suffocated by the smoke. Thousands arc row homeless and destitute, who co-mfOrtably off a few dii .Ys ago., were ,, •Not,' .that the i tdikidual cases of.snffer iiig from the . same cause, are less die- o tresstna than.. in IIlany 'parts • _ f our - o -wit Province, but the terrible ravages del .s ' �af' :Are are. much more widely y p ;re tid`iri • ltil#t unhappy state. • -The two men listened 11 RN. -gorTEE-.=-INAsheld,.on: the 15th inst.,; the wife of -Mr. DuncaaT legeee, of a sore., hTAltt IED. Rio ns—CoNLY> err= -13Y ; the- 'Rev. J: Caswell at -I1° ngannon• September 19th, Mr. Isaa Charles Richards, of Man.chester,. to Miss'. Alice Jane Canlyson,, of t` is sauce place. T EAOHE WANT T E. FOR SCHooL FIELD, m Second or • Third cert to JACOB : C•1f:WZI Dutiesto commence SECTION 16, ASH, le- -teacher . preferred ficate. Apply by letter R, Dungannon. P. 0. in October 1st. COW AMZE.TO THE undersigned. nosh; on: or about th Cow; The owner is *'perty;. pay ei�tsense away.-.. AR.CIIIIB- STRAY.. REMISES •01? TER. %lot 19; Con. 13, Wawa- Ilst of September, a Red tegaestedto prove pro<- and take the animal' D ANDD Rs.ON, - St.. Helens, P. 0. NOT w0 PRO MISS to the order drawn by -Donald M by danies.Buie, for months after date,:S public -are cautioned ns they.are io egot Dungannon,, Sept.. LOST. IRL RYNOTES;DRAWN.1 rif the "undersigned, one heson, for $38,the other 8,57,-- both payable 12 tember 12th 1881. The tot to receiyetthe same, able. B. ROSI\1•T R;._ -d, 1881. ' AND O WONDER 4 PRIDES 1 A . $E UNG Goods all over -the: House are MOVING 'as STIR IX and STEADILY: ams the S RISES - AND. - .SETS: Talk. about TRILL- SEASONS and SLACK : TRADE; UNKNOWN TO. ME 1 - KEEP -THf s- LIVELY - : _, _ t.. _ and •pee pie_will buy them. as NATURALLY_ AS THEY WILL EAT:` Hence my CONSTANT . ACTIV] TY .: I shall" continue to Blear, out : all SUMMER GOODS at -UNHEARD OF PRICES • '-I'4Vo• SER1rAN GIRLS. WANTED, TO DO G1 NE AL HOUSEWORK: Apply at this CM e. = o aid /.CcLean ish toinfo thei .. 4� is es : am ttbl c,of the, fact that notwithstanding•th ; great demand for his WACOZS CARRIAG S5 P t AETOi0T4t: Iz� is. questionable - whether the far ria€ as of this; county ,will be, gratified to learn f rein: the Toronto organ :of :the D,niinion - Government,; that it -"be_ hooves them. do submit:leheerfuliy to btbeenorirdus duty on blankets, because -the ininufacture of blankets gives. them . tit - ittoreassd market for their wool: They Must patriotically shut t ieir eyes . -to the .fact that the price- of wool- is-low-er since- the:. days of the N . P. than its los. been ,before fur . years, and wool • g owrna'.has ceased to be profitable to: their. .; The Tess the, Mat says about wool the, better be -'for the popu< lathy of the INT: . among the clas•- who.raise it:. _ INI_t y.are askipg vltstf has become of all chi'-, serve n•t-. girls just- now. Tire° 'answers' •are various. - Some say :that' .the giris are°taking a summer's. hioli d_ay. ._ _ ,A1.14_ sliQUkTii`t:. they if they He still has a splendi They are all uianuf competent workm timber, and int fashionab and- IIB GRAS. assortment remaining: dared by thoroughly n, of well -seasoned= e latest and most e designs. • He also desires to:'call that he has .secure village:Jf Luckno attention to the fact Sole Right, of the to manufacture • An inspection of w i ch -will :convince the • roast sceptical of its uperior-merits, being' - . Lighter, Sirpler nd more durable -than than the o eincommon use, And which Wo derfulto relate will e sold 't the uupre ceente-p rice of 860. RgE And (Yenerall3Iacksml ret€rimminii will ,he ness, cheapi ea :u Lucknaw,• .Iuly 1:4. HOEING thiol,% . Repairing and executed with neat - and despatch . , NAL L) McLEAN. ca it tzt%rI tt T`uru about: surely fix enough 'play. Otliers are -equally. c _mail filar. - air the'. best. grid a t f5 : r good imy . -of -`.ho . icoratf are` drifti,ig :-r tat the 'States, where they have rt+trtr:lbt�ily hi her 'w:ages, and tlheoreti- :call} ; Mere liberty. A ge od many- are g_}ins into-- shops and, other sintiiaf_ ..east tblislltneuts,- -thinking. this a More respce able. Mode of Life-tfian-dornestic • service. A --gooca Many,, doubtless, are it ta4•ating toward 1fanitoba and the -. South; West, tempted -by the-ehaaees o£ - Dutch rug .a husband in those great ]ane • l:+lists=-.4here women are said to be . tht< g Vote. . at eI's vita and of course-curres 1 r ' itaiXdinly.. appreciated --or at a,�n.vrlte• :. of . ettin g : some, Alare in the hi tgh; wages that. are �"*+Dina.. But don't let: -- awes dIs arr. Matters n t heti e p 1 1 #►t themselves• very soon,- Knd they vii ,ia::vee tis the.`tI1e1p! they need.' , it evils not do Many of the-- •xrle�zitiine. y thein one " i•ota of T arrng tut rather tia_e-. r_e=vcrrKe;_ to_ 1* force [ to do,nnieh £chair_ ` o:wn vrcrlt: They look iia e+sili iter ayl, �r.tayt.' Let tit fin bucks to. r. -Year_ �v�: ¢ i 'Cl-' J OH ,TON'S 4V SARSAMR:I1LA ,0._ liv R Co el, ;NT - a7SPEllia1 And -for. ' ting• the stood. .- It Lias: peen in us for 20 years, and has proved to be the b 'et preparation in the market for SICK gADACHE,"PAIN IN THE :SIDE' Olt CK: LIVER COM- PLAINT, PIMPL .S. ON THE PACE, DYSPEPSIA,: PI . S. and ail Diseases that arises front a isordered f:,keror an impure blood. Tit usanilsof our beat people tako-it ah give it -to their chit• dret3.Ph-X sicialla ribe_it daily. d .'1'hose who use it.once. mmend itt to others. Itis made from ello-w Dock. Honda - Pas Sarsaparilla; W d Cherry. Stillin a. Dandelion. Sassaf Wintergreen, and -other well-known : valuable Roots and Herbs. ,' It is strict vegetable, and can- not hurt the most .!delicate constitution. Itis one of the best 'medicines in use for Regulating-tha Bowels. Itis solbyall- sibie.dru sts at onedollar l for3,qu bottle, or cis. bottles, for five `do rs. Those who CS,D1140 obtain - a bottleof this medicine front� their druggist syy, send us one dollapi and wew-send.it- O tbe$Y ' 3fit tf . -Y3L Q 0 r- 4lMi4lllfr t AilssnsrauRa• ONT.,' • o neatest, most fancy ,red. best. cede shoe. the ection. _ • • • Silk Handkerchiefs, -New Shades in Ombra Stripes. - -env Plants. I`ancy:>Emhroidery, ° ver; a � e.. Llan and Fancy'- Tartan s - Fanc +angels . Cashreres i -n all° Cheap; . meal. L , c .. � y y �l - the New -Shades; Velvet Patterns to;match T In O'ahan:ters. t.: Fancy Shela -Shawls." To*els, 3 for '25 cents. Tinder Skirts: -."Ladies' FancySilk Ties. Girdles.. Corsets : Biocade Velvets acid ,Fancy Ombra Stripes. Pillow =Cottons in- all Widths._ • .Bleached and Grey. Twilled Sheeting; Clan Tartan -,Shaws ,and a great vatietr'Of'.others, at �C--. 1HT`:YURNITI3P,E WARE ROOMS in Luc now, : three_ doors east of J. 11. Mcllardy's Block, formerly Fun by Act{tar & Hon will in -future be carried on by , ACK R -Where he is now prepared to show one of the FINEST STOCKS OF FURNITURE!`.`- -, r-' .HVEr. SHOWN IN :LUCXNOW. ;His tock of Furniture will always•lie; found complete;in every department, .and in large. assortment: - - ' . i.TS from 815 00 to :880 00,- B BEDROOM SITITS PARLOR, -SUITS from 830 00 to $12 00 -CHAIRS fiom 32 50 to 830 00 per -Dozen. - SIDEBOARDS .from: 35. 00 . to $50 o0. BEDSTEADS (from 82 50-tn 830 00. _Also every thing. else -usually :kept in a First Class Furnitine Shop .such as _ Centre ¶ abies,-2.eal.m csi Bureaus Ct.pbeNtrds, Vf 81'Ei1 obi';, 'iSnftrn ss 4�3 in s I� a in Stannds, Lte. : Also one of ilia- hiest S -tock of- 04 -1 -net 1f ame and Mouldings ever 'altered `-for sale lathe village, all of uhie.h will'be suId; cheap;, Parties -intending to purchase Ftunitnre should call and_ examine ,my. LICEI Sidi➢ A C�'1ONE R. • .. Partieshrtving sales wffl. do well to give him:a ctti, Highest. -Cash.. Price • Paid for Bit ter. residence=-WilIntajliliy Street,, opposite the 1i2ethodist Church: -1101l TRELEA>VEN: #6,004N.stiigust h,18$1 x •S. ath oto 0116t PL-griDID'1:-"-' -YALU anufacturer of all mils of HARNESS,. SADDLES, _Tli;i:TN.KS, DJSTERS, dttTI1II HAV JUST RECEIVE THE LAR- 't?'-'u8I, Cheapest, and beat>"sekectE:d- tock of.11tKS=that has even been bronght-to -- this town.. Gall -early anal. -.see titch Prices ranging from 7a'ceintsupwards TE- pe Cent; G8. fol: Ctih.: _ . ll,:lt'G�9• A; • �`. vivM. G�iICe a.K ek. 12 a aa- y r.•t. home easily.. naf-made. Costly, outfit free.. Address' `1'PIZ : * 00 .-2Curusta Maine - tats - .b - -PEST VALUE `IN TO1fM. ,a, aII Colored C:hther:: ro FULL RANGE OF PRICES. e- only Medicine _that successfully :;purifies - Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and while at the same: tuneit allaysNervou' ` a : - . �rritation� and strengthens the Debilitated System . Perfectly and speedily cunng;Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,_Consti- pation, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,N ervous and Ge eral Debility, female Complaints, • Scrofula, E - - Salt Rheum, and every species of Chronici - `.: 1 P.. Disease arisen from Disordered -Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels: or Blood. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYINGDI T NI- 0 CINT NEWORLD sample Bettie;,. it8c. ' . T. MILBURN & GO SOLE AGENTS, TORONTO. Regular list, !11.01 a o -_ P -- -• Mrs. Fre�tn .�► res Powder �s.s-safe snre .. _- _ sadelf'gctuaI datroxer_of_worwta 'children w_ adults. Price 2s ants o.� r s f� $1 s •t,. _- .4117. larSO SO