The Sentinel, 1881-09-16, Page 8./3 Ya
-A VENGED AT LAST. btaters underra' aath nit en_thegrowesatolil
Ribbleside Pit
the bye, or
which you ehould see; by 1 The two nien 11stee
ithgal Wells, all` country au-seeer. _
wish to inttm%to to the people of Lticknew
• and.surroun tin country, that I um now
ready to do. all kinds ef work la my
line at lowest prices consistent;
-With good work., •
. ,aes-Popying and. Enlarging
.*Senicialty;•Frarnes and Stereo-
scopes always on hand, •
iekeow, Sept. 9th. s
Grand Suopess.
:,.L4rgest:-_---qathetipg of
. .
TheC:Lai,s in- America.
• s In and -lent days -fame tells the fact
That. Scsotlaturs heroes Werna slack -
The Ilea& e stubborn foes to creek
4intmak' the feckless flee.
trurrah for Scotland's worth and fame
A health to a' that love theamme -
11urr2h for Scoiland's'darling game
The pastime ethe free_
- Another CaledonianDay and a grand.-
lyeariccesful one -has 'passed, and the
• ferment of sxciteinent and b.usY
isequeit theteonnitunder whieh oar
s viilag.e hats: tabour d d. tiring the. last
few- days ieenow ju t•baginattig- to sub-
•. ,Fide- althouglir the look of -grattfica:
tien and fly diusnina ing the facesof
the .(..elfie-rs and. Mem ers of . the
- esiety; under, tvhose patio -nage these
mes aA) held,. ea well es the Villagers
.1!1 general, seein .to shine with lustreas
yet- tuidim med. Luck no w Caleden-
Ian Day has now •become a household
word . in Canada and its fame has even.
spread across the- •border into Uncle
- Sam's domaihs. It is now lOoked upon _
. . . . . _
as aneramnent institution, and if its ins .
: ‘ ersesints success in the pastlre three
cuantreee for a. eontinuance of like. ,S11Q--„
n 4
(TS.% m the future, it is as vethut imits- _
, , . ,
finc r,and may yet be a worthy-lit-4ot
ita grand .old prof °type, the Olympic
. (lame& It las indeed met with weirder;
Ifal-auccess sin,* its eommencernent,and
• although now but seen yeera old. has
. • got, a nameirand faMe_through the eoun-
, , . . ..
4, tcv,i'inteltas.i-c enjoyed;laysactdike occas'.. .
sign on- this Continent, Our beledonraa •
. .
-$Sele-t-vein:iti not be--. the -Wealthiest On -
.r. •f- . . I .
. t/t6 Csarreertente--Pitliet'; ' Uttnierically Or-
pecet*ell,y-Init certain. it is that., its
....s garees- - se-.Fraci all others,- - Othere, as
a rale are for tita mOt. Part local ; in
ours itr.l.ngers from. a, dist:a:tree ontntun b.-
.- er =Arise front fatal:new- and. "viciriiiv.
. . -
' •It- is infi)atientli! looked forward to not
in TAtal.:noftsiSleneyelett-Vin.itlitmet ' eYery
..— . . .. :
Oft:47,;tair rt ancievrliatte in' Weetern On-
tario. e -.The rerharkahle. sueeess which:
thfs ay has attained ma,y- be. attributed
to mativ The cit,ieerts .of the
• .,--
evilittee in which' the So.ciety hag its • es-
ganizition for.the moet part hail front -ea
. 'or trace their atieeetryto-e-" The Land• '
, , of! :13 town. 'leather and Shaggy WOod„,"
-while -in the einintry around the ma-
• . jerily of.t,he inhabitants-clitimea siniiler
origin. The -Society is composed of 1
men of energy and- enterprise -atiet is
teippY in the `pogsps....ieli ef Officers .who
. avi eminently fitted for their- nosition:
-Especielly is -this saef -tbe Chief,. D. A.
,Igacpriaine-1-1, Nr.- i.., - who his tilind
that inirt!irtant aty.; iiftentitnes aieltretts
. _position with eretit to.himeelt and tlie
Soeietya ever:sinee its organization ---in
. -
witiola-lis too .K VA; Iltr.rirs park If& ifr•-
etninen,!li. the right .nian in the -tight
. a is ce„-a'nd, in t In'ediseliit-sge .o.t: liis duties
rorribmes a rate degree ot dv,aity. anti ,4
gracet el t ecairtesy ee Witle satinct Sircifi,--
meat and:g.00d coin -mon sans ADA it
_ . .
- -1-3 Vitt asmidltribirte to him to say 'that
the' unprecederiteil -stiocess winch lias
, . . ,
e,ttended thf.,..,' game& of tlie Society,. and. c
. .
,randered good e'ervice to the Socifity.
the offibera it is neetelesii to
sp .ak soearto1y,.as'it would be a .suc
ce sion repitions. Alt have proved
niselvei worthy of the.hono.reconfer.
oti anciNischarge their duties
to lthe crdiL of the Society and
he Society has also. been -ex-
eeedinaly1 fortunate iri _ enlisting _ the
services.o.. the Commercial, Travellers.
oThie _fret ,rnitye hatrei _ during, _ theheist
three or, out years con tributed 7 Mater-
ially to t Success of the gatties. :The
prizAist ears testimony to -their hand
some libe dity,-;especially in the La, ies'
ArCliery I ,st, wuleli their gallaittrY-
pro alp ts in. -They form neMean factor
in the ttendance, souleeseventy
.eighty et lleni generally making it .
point to be the -genres'. I.)tt tires
*setvides roe instgethcant when c,ompired
theSer :ice they -do to the Society in
spreading the Janie of the games through
the cOunet . Tneir occupetion giyee tl tern
eacelleat 'pthirtrinities for this. -IVIak-
ing-tt a p !int to eAol:tlie Merits cl;f the
game a in vhaver town .91' villace they
may eete they 40 in incal'eida.ble
• amonnt qgood for the, Society, and the -
Wide brityof the games may be
largely teed to their services. chief
moms ti. ,tu is J. DoStewarte-ot Ham-
elton, • B ef the -Society, Whose en-
teusi -news no hounds; and wise
efforts- a untiring . to- - promote the
good Of be Seciety. • A poet cif no
'nein at he has several timed( ren-
dered: .e11;-,Intssservtp.e to -the Semety„
Ista the tar ofhis gifted pen. 1.1f., is a
" tower otstreigtli to the Societet.P'
.NTednesday last, 14th inst.,-was the
,occasion -f the seventh annual glirenes.
1.d. the Li Pkelow Calederhaii ;Society,
whiell w e heideiretheir new grolluds,
Caledoni. I Park and were In all re
_spects the flies -St siiefteisafelyet held. For
d-ty-s. prey. ,ens the village had been mak-
ing main oth preparations for the P n-
teitain t end'. provision 'of tits
monster owd" tbet throrgs: the tilage
on this - Our usually -quiet streets
presented pleasine scene of busy iaCti-
vity,, bei el beautifully decosatlect with
evergreen etc. The arziva,1 of.' -the
late train tithe eve of the (runes
Fay's. an e ent looked •forwerd_ towith
glad anti issitiete, .CAledoniae. Day is
regar,lett y absent LuctienoWitess
„ „ .
day of ri'4iton with Old friends} 'and
iternY Of t
train, as ell as the majority, ofe the
athletes, aye a, great crowd .of visitors.
As is- the cistotn a procession- wee ferni-
At ten o'clock the Officers, IVIerabers
and invited guests of the Society as:
- serabled at the Caledonian Hall where
a procession. was 'formed •and paraded
Carntibell atreet inthe folloiFing order
CH4F MAOCArikatoic."
The plocession as it wencied its way
to -she Caledonien Park presented ,s.,a
truly iespiring appeatence.. Tee glitter-
' -ing oenanients of the: pfettireseue High:
• _land _ Garb, the forest of foallierS, -e:.c.,
made a brilliant spectacle, and one* not
• soon to befergetteu.
edett the aledoinan Hall by the "inem-
bers lof th, • Society, who marched 'inea
bedyi to a e -station, headed by piper
Finlayson;!*. The station platforrerliland
grouads , Sere literally. packed wit(1i an
,e.iar expeller.; and therongliltattfende
humored e owd,and'as the train steam
ed -in /bug -4,..g__ Cheers were :give.6. •It
really se -el Pd wonderful where :aCcom-
,_ ... . -
modatien as lettna for the crowds that
Penred ouiof the c;iiriages.' Many old -
fathiliar fa es were to -be seen,end hand=
shaking -a d*.cordiel P,eeetiegs- were all
the :Circle t Thu . • procession ' was
reforrned,t is time the ranks swelled by
the arriv ls, the pipers strultic 'up - insPiriteriganc` and a movement was all
made: t ir t 'A e centre of the village'.[Then
an indiScri nhatte raCh 'was niadn for
moths; an ithe obliot-, incr landlerdS were
, . .
driVen al u pst, to. distraction to • provi-de
aecominoel ticht for the setiger scores of
. .
applipaats i ,At - la.atrafter• midnight,
partial ord r .was reitored and the mere
quietly -di.) osed sought -their couches, -
and What rest could be obtained, .• in -
• preparatio • f6 -r. file eventful morrows
a .
Morning rolce, 'ans.. many were the
anxious Llancesast at the Sky to se.e
. .
whatthe. ndications for the weather
were. T the intense joy of all, eveey-
thirind cated a tine 'day. , The sun
ShOke o Itrightund clear; with just
entiUgh •,reze, t6-'tenfpef the. - heat Of
his rays n Cely. It was a beautiful fall
d *yr, the r Ati .on ' Monday effectually •
laying th dust, and preventing any in-
conviienie that might arise in :that
way, and verybody was' jithilante The
village a voke. from its slumbers at- an: -
. ,
early I a e and son the streets , -were
• netts., 'Th morning -trues brought it
large . nuMber ...- of . viCiters,, -
ate*" hero the village was well -aroused,:
vehicles- b gin ;peening in, :flitted with
Iripp,y ex- octant erowds.ofeett n try folk,
sand until Yell en in. the day, an almost
. . ..
steadY st eatn.-of .wagong, and vehicles
of all disc ,tptions kept pbtuing into the
village to lischarge their loads int) the:
crowded si.sets„ An unusual rumba! ,.
1 bonnet and feathersswere noticeable
TheCalede ia Park proved admirably
adepted ter the eecasion.• . -.A neat. bOant
fence enclosed it on all sides'. The
-seuthern.pertion cf the -Parkes 0.- dech:
vtty, aleple• ettotigh afford' seating
room for thousands.and in. such
a,nratuter to -give arand epportunities
for alito witness thegamesinthe. arena
bpeath,.• while -on the *est and 'north
side8. Was ereo(ed a 'large. grand -stand,
of eeormous seating tapaeity4e both
ferteine a grand arripnithitat e. The
arena tot sports could -not be surpassed
ter the • purpose.: Perfectly flat and
ample in dimentions, it made a_ grand
field for the races, etc:, and pronOuoced
by Mr. E. Juhnstone to be the finest
grounds in s Anierisse A largo' plat:
• form had been- erected in the c3ntrer of
. .
tbe field -far the dancing j edging, ete.
Before Jong thegroneets Were well filled
by en eroamorts.-crowd; estimated by
seine at 10,0Q-0. It was grand sight .
to lyitness thee Surging :thousands
when meved excitein ent by -Petite
usually interesting .atefrt. ••
W.- K. Atkiescoe,Lonclon. Alertiser;
.L Goss, London:Free Press; Mc-
. Goderidlis &Jed!. ; _H.
Preston, Walkerton- •Te/sseapda: C.
Wingham; Times H.
Kerr, Brags -els Post. And the.- repro:
Sentativei of the ,See'llIshe.
E. W. Johnston, New York;-M.
,Nifellonahla Toronto ; Woods„
(1.111' ; N. -T(.'ironto , D.
•Al_eKeresierLetales ; Je•BlairS_Gleticos;
IZolyert illeItityie.s- Glencoe; Gep,-
;: J.- Q. cRae,;:
A. ,Morrison en.d Scott, Brcsels ;
111-c-Deugall, • 1.Ackitow.;- G.Aunt-,--
Leektiow G. TeeSwater R.
• i\lePhersoil; 0.--.CanyerOT,p
, • . . 2',
W. Canieroe, Luck no w;
TeeStviter a G. J. Nettle A. Robineon
A. K.:Gout-intact, Parkhill •• T. Arthurs,
- .
Teronto-- Nieholson, London eChas.
Tindall, Chicago; W. R. Riley: and -J.'
Fercuson-Listo;l Galt;
iNL• Cummings, :Paris J. Murray,
'Luckrio W.
, , •
Ian McKenzie, Findlay MeC-regor,
&nab .M. Patterson, Geo. _ Mathison;
Hamillon ; T".:11.1cDonali14, Finlayson,
A. IqePherSon.,11); 4. Ma,crotyre1.
•MeKay4 *R. Kerr, -1,itc'tnaw -; J. L.'
HeirderSon, Toronto. ;-- H. lienderSon,
Alliston ; • W. 0in-11Pb:elle Dandas ; _A.
Cut rieeltipley ; J. Jalpgas,.B'rantlerd;
jrjJ IVIcIsaac,,B14116 ;: -T. MoMillan,J
ronto ; Jos. Henry, Renfrew:- •
G. Sthith, Hamilton.; Neil McIseac,
Buffalos Finlayson, LudknOw s J.
Henry RetifretV • 1)-. K. aitidereen
Tcronto ;- Thos. Ballentyne,: •:Brussel§
Capt. Cusrie, Luekno 1)r. MeR ay
the wide ce:ebrity they have attained is
a the dro sd, bespeaking thepopularity
everyth trig _Scottish r‘ftir that -day. -
There' .zwi.'e als6 a". good besprinkling of
kilts, tilos' 'of reativ Of the 'athletes dnd
encers s endidly-decorated with Men)
a - wen -e rried inedel...----not won by
deeds of ,ga,llarit. daring on bloody.
attle fie de,* • but iu baore--;lerreeful
ivalry o .manly fields ofspert;
'as a sight -only seen- on. Caledonian
ay, and Scene not ecitt411d.. ot;t@ide...
)1°- ';wail -of '
(118 larcoly dal iriderati•tab1e ex -0
elkiona of ate ;worth y. Chip, f. Long may
Among -the - girects present were,
Iiemee1t. M. . • Welts, Toronto; 'A.
Shaw; -.11.1. P., Walkerton; Mr..Cassey,
M.P., • West Elgin ; S. H. Marshall,
A.- Campbell, R. Baird, John Smith, J.
A. Ali:Pherson, Alex. (Jauipbell, Jas.-
lierny, • J. P.. w4.ight- ,c6-. Son,' Jas:
Ctozier, D. McInnis, Ross, .los..
Ifockio, J. 'W. Ward, W. J. Carver;,11.*
Collins, Jas. Martine We Boyd,. --kin:
eardinee. Wm. Merser, . :Patterson,
.01tver, F. Patterson,
vale; W. '11, Kerr,. 'Jno..- Alexander;
.1). Scott, F. S.. ;Simple': R.: Laidlaw, -
A. -Marriect it, Ai Roe„,•13rusels:; W. G.
l4lohnes, P- Go.rrie, •McCallum;
W. --Gabel,John Hevvitt,Ias. Thing, .R
_ . .
E. latr,-jas. Ferrier,' West, James
McGregor, lier.Vie-; Dion C. Suilivntie
Times, J. 4eal.iierstore4as. KeGuire,E;
A. Talbot, 0 Tait: Seott,Dixie Watson,
1.1. W. 01 Meyer, John Patterson, A.
Anderson . -4. : J. Anderson John
Dodds; A. S. It'llateav; Robert
Youtige-E.,.'Gralidy, T. *A.. Mills,
Ww.'Smvtle-Jas. Halliday, Jae, Bark:
fey, C.. floie_Sou, 6 Flyty, Adance,
Wingbant 1L -.4. - 'O'Connor, ;John
Marshall, W. Reevei
Drina, .
H. :McKibben, TeesWatea ; Belle
1-1. P. titittprnan, Ripley r K. :McLeod,
K. AleKenete, A.. p, 31e:
„stst,,trul1 tong spay the Society be favor -
d 'with
his. wise 06-nntrels- ti good
trianagerner to -L. 0; Maelettyre, Seore-
- tarp,' has- also teemropiaione. Ifs- b
d sehaeged t,he deliPate andl some- r
times exedee I i egly (Mekong. d u t iee of his v,
office -in a andbighly actory D
leatanse for it memberot yeses, rie.l. has t
Hariston fl. ..11enderion7r:ReeVe .o
Ruler.) --Stovart, -Lorideshuto-;
yru. -
Lender) -; %I-nth:4A ;
•Montreal; -Ay1:-
Iner Jas !MetDoletld 'Robert liallidae
tint?, deO°n);;-):\CI. • 6P1 a siPt1P-31Pg:). W.
_ . . •
One -of the greatest , ti-ttractiang of
the_:_day',-:wa's :the - ei piper, 4,..!seph
w -,tlitort_4.11"..,;ith-es:47-:rtionf
It: A. i'lace;iinntion,
had-. been seettred int'the. day. -Beetle
ittterVieweele ;Mr, Henry'iaterteed Our
• reportei 'that...he e.vas bon in Stirling,
Scotlainl, ,1830.; and yen- February
9h, -1853,-1 he:: joined -the* -7 8t:esifteslie
leeders. ".. About - three aftee
joieings'' the- 0g:ire-Set was rerneveilte
Chatham, when .it entbaiked-Aer. ladle
where' Ii4,-ienta.ned• nye var. .:In _the
yar 187he was selected -,?.S piper to
the regitneet thee the yoarreest
• . - .
on draft .. Shortly After-
app6itatirient, t-lto regiisn'elr:t 'iv:sass sent to
the 1.9.,A!sian caenpaigheewlireh ;tasted si
Months having :been- in three'engage:
inents,- esooahabi and- Man.-
omeria :On --the river Lepnratese in
• . - . _ „
eirgagements unded :the- -paysiett cani
Pugn Thit..:regj ent thens -e'n barked
'fijr• Bombay 'they
,ders pi•oceedeto the Bengel Resttlene
ecy* to epreittlie General lialiee
leek -.- ttetog ()la Shipboard - tepk, • cope: -
_inane]; rand -formed arr. asinv eoMposed
. times round. -Wben NichOlson,of Len:.
, don, showed to-- the fiont, which •positi:
f tion hiheld till the sixth round was
. _ _ _ .
coniplebed, when be stopped„ t tug
the race was finished and- before he'
settled to ins work :team A Woods -
went the load winch‘he eel,' to the end,
Nietadso c'eod secoud while D. Per:
guson a (;. liatigle tied for third
of the -78-11,---64th, 'and- two companies
ot 'the :6 ti .Fesjeers. A few ptropeins.
jeined and formed a company efeaval:
ey; and marched for Allabatic.
-way -to Cawapore 'we foughtstonr:
gagements, with forced. -marches- to re
Hoye General: :Wheeler end:- Jiis little
army' that. a as Seiged at - 0awupere,..-
bet to :our -great surprise, on. arriving
there we 'found . the:in all shwelitered
at the _order of _Nap- Saib, •the tebel
elnerCemniander at. CaOpoie, sthe
bodies _being- _cut no ..-ainj-threwa iuto
the wells. : -.Ne4 moi nipg 1.116.'enetlq;-
cro.ised the riVer Ganges;cutting away.'
the. bridges . §o.: that sse aould.not fel;
leui _their ietreat., We -immediately;
• constructed a bridge Pliable& us
_to- ere -8s after'whiele-eyeahad several
-euceessful erigagements with them-- On
the kAber 'side of -the rivet Havelock's
_artily had to fall hack to -the_ river. to
term; b., -rear gitayds ethe e river being
ciossect to. :reinforce CitntaMatices Bate
-eery; a: siege train drawn t}yeelepherly
-Atter mach fighting andiMeed Marches:.
We aruveri itt tuckhow,
four- suceesSful. ,etigagerrients wi1h th.e,
enemy: Allanbeg. wns the last entiage:
• Meet at the siege of Lucknewawluch
was :ioneht on the 23rd of Sept, .when
Jessie Brownmust have herd the
- -•
slogan - . of thee°pipeS., _ when eheexo
„claimed,' "'Arum ye heat it -t Dintia,,yo
hear -la It is the slogan -•cd the
:laudei Oh ! Diana yehear it!" The
tune that we played was thfi."Carr-pbells
- -
are comire, - -and we lot ght ourwa
that day ih!in the Resideney, Where we
j.eitied: the seige-pattv, alter which We
kept -position uiitil SirCampbell
came to re:Loire-us:: On; the 12th Oct.
hi -going viph a despatchr-toGen. Have:
'lock I Jost nay leot'cannon
1 .soon atter got mydiSeharge and eali:
gratedto Cadada _and Settled in Rep:
Trew: county, ._near Peintiroice, on the
-Ottawa. •-
Ile:nry-i,ina fine speciMen of,
*British sCddier, as stn.ightas a saishe
and tt118 his e-xeloitsite the ermv-With
a 'great -deal- Of, vim _ and pride e of one -
*be " has done- his duty tohis eountry;
and Queen, On his breast he wears
eeVeralmedals for gallant- deeds on
11014 • etbattteS .and else foreifeod:cone
, ; -
dant.: An -hells spent in, hig :Company
is :els .well spent, As he is roost :enter:
tattling. indeed.: . Space Will notTetinit
us to giv further details;
.place., .
.; Psobeblytheanest datigliahle--.featurts.
-.Of -this diry-r-WaS theOld i_laon's ne; I 50.
itaa!iirpii.; --took
Lhe lead -for the -fitet :yards;
minute trot
"-.Joele Aditme -straek-, a tWOo.
and . won the ra i ood:-
vie, Pe,. Fraser .se cc n.d,. D
--Five- oaten to.the _start. - •
• .:eheArchery.teinpetetteraeae
attracted _a-, large-:.- share of-attentiere
-though the:Sheering yea r -
-Se geed as on toixn r da3Th, whieh--
wi1ts.attribitted:1-rio doubt teethe _hist*
WIflfl:Mrs:A MLlntyre,of-LrieknoWe
.1*11-.-eceecte1_ 641 1'M-4
Miss 11 TiorilvJlt Mi M
• Murray third.
In _the different eanies t,he compatis
- -
tiOil was very keency contested Several
amateurs showing up to good advent:
age, notably A. Scott, of Brussels, aid
-1-1.eleinzie • of London. file -
heavywent competition open to, tt&
Counties ot Huron and Bruce, A. Soott,o,
. •
canted °tithe hottorsbeing it,warded
, _
Cee read.i.tic'Eef,
. _
In dancing G. A. 'NI. tbiestie ieade
a clean sweeJ)carzytn all the first:
• -L,' - _
• • The :tut, of warat -the- -close --of the
.gameswasthe great gee t of .flte day,:
_elide created:: considerable exeitemeato
amen:est the spectatars. This tine the ..
tesens were pretty evenlyanittehedabeing
- .
.composecfest .the. -best mem its: either -
ceunty, .49 far. as „could be judged
: -
When the Weida -vas civet) the tt.urees -
gained aslign.teadt an tag& da the ---.starr,
but aftt'r -a. leng-.. and 'Severe
was declared- the Wiener. The -secOnd: '-
tug Was the haMest -• of the: _tlye,' -and:
for some. tireee it was thong,ht,_ Hureiu.
weeld-aviii, but as before; they. -yielded- -
to the superior strength'. -.of 'their- op:
Poneuts, and Bruce, sbnyedher fifth
greatest. vieteryeeef The: 1-lenoe-. team -
worked like- mcniant they lack staying
lewer„ - The tollowirg -MP the names- •
of those who 'took- part _ire the: cOntesti
J -Fletcher, -I' Camphell II Alexander
A MeAlliey, „Tatior, J Alexander,
jolter Ilayei, M Ntchoisone-a-Capts. .
IlantiabrA McRae, Mathison, J =
Mathison, S Kilbeck, A .:Morrisou, W
PieroSts,a-Sitles:MCFeriatteetaiit.. A: -
At precisely 1-1 :o'clock the games
were :opened with a Seoteli*Reel in ale:
. ,
- The finest raee of the day *as- the
"(natter Mile dishe. -nine .-.Competitors
to -ring the scratch. When the signal
was. given they all got off in ...splendid
shape, I). O. teameren, �T Lucknowe
leading a little closely, pushed: Ity 1 1).
Ferguson, of Ktncardine, ivho finally -
passed him ; wbeti About 1111f.the-dis:.
tattee *RS -covered Came:roe agate -spurt:
ecl. to the 'front,' w Weil -position he - held
to the finish.,., -corning -in about live
yards ahead,- amid. the ewildeet excite:-
ment. Cameron. alro Wofithe. half mile
rate in splendid, style..
The CornMereiel Travellers' race, for
Ike- silver -cup presented by the liiiitor
- Of t Cornmercia1 Traveller; •Lopcloii;
was also keenly:contest ede butswas: fin:
ally won by C. Fieb14, of tlarnilton„ -
Flee oreight tiine§ round
the rirti, thTr .wero, ,bve" A.
Woodee- Of Galt, -led the- way • fiir
-; A. Walk round showed:that, --Athongst.
the 10,000 petsons present-the-greatO -.--
ruajority had once eeen "Ileathertlitts.'
Altnos,tsPv..erev. F.ectiori f
so, Seotlan.d.. -was
represented, -from Shet:.
latid,--andfrom the 'wild NV esterfillebri:
des to the shotes ofAngus Ever.y- dia: -,
leee_ot the ceuntry .equlet be heard.. The
Aberdonian was known:. by. .-111S slow- -
catitibus."-A-4-e .ICS0-n".- Ulid '.` EilLa-1-
.e-ye sthe .d,a-y rn-o-n," -. s. The,: Glasee .
.-Chappie betrayed .bit iself iv.ii.lilliSeerial-
qinck " gie ye a clatidoi-Ctlienose, 'an'. . -
• there i...s. -". style would ask:a -friend -,-
_about his health in a twinkling with-
Wir o are ye Jock". The .Paisley . .1J0dieS
'eoUld easy be 4.1isriutpliShed.". I -by theire;
icalitpgOa4ft - other -"lo n neck," "'Raga- -
'wick," ."Jirarnock" and.,..-"..Nennock." ...-
_Paisley folk Are Se Proud Of .thernselvee.. _
-thi.t theyeannoecalt thenisselVes'as.cther -- '
. . ... . , _ . - . . .
folks-- do; Fife WttelreproSented by about .--
„ _ . - „ ., . . - .
rtifty--"..WiluStlets," but as :usual.: they
Were so-, fullof the. dignity-. of..-"1:4
Kinadorn" that they _did -aiit; -or_ opo.i:..- -
sillycuidno, say -lituch.•-oe . ...a '.
Theesseceedinge of.the dear: en.f.s
-livened by the musie•Of.-the-rTeesWatei-
-1_3rass -Band, andtke-various- pipers pre:- -:.
pressf • . :
.0?fc A
sent. - Wherever One t . Ila e -- -
theta - was
not a face 16 be see . 2t out a
and gratified exeThe whole Pro::.happy .
-• , . • .. • .
ceedingS were -reit managed, and p,Ss:. _•
ed °Ver without a hitch, And the Scoteh -
Day' Of 1881 wag Psorionticed by .a11 a .:-•
genuine and .well•therited'euecess. The '-'_.
games.' were -over About six o'cleek_in the. .
evening- and the largegathe;ring. s1:3'w7 _
-ly 1eft the gr_eripds.
- 'Below will be fod-
tin-a .complete list‘..
. . . .
of prize -whiners.. - . - - -,.. -.
. , - . , , -
- 1-Qtreits,opereto all comets1 let prize,Silver .
, ,
Medal, presented: by 'Mani... Brawn, tse:,
lismi1tort-.$5S10, $2.00,= -1st prize, q. -Green-,
well;- Lucknow, ; Joseph _ Thompson,: Harni17
ton ;.Thos..-Kentayi Brusse14,, - - - - -- ' -
. . .
--2nd----IleavyWejght Competition-. betWeen
the Counties nf liuron.-84k.prnee.-?-COMpeti• .
tors Inuit be residents iiitibbve -Gounties---six
mouths prior to ganies.---Arrofess'ionals debar,-
re.3d;d_t-li'.ipr:itt--tpinrigzell, :Aea;vy:Sc;ttio;LI.B_elS.3_sie$1s2.; 41__. is. t
inize; -.A.:P. gew,-,34 ft:.2in.:;4-. -Mc Lek?, .-
33- ft, ; 1,), (faiint,": 31 ft.. -Z -in.• -, ---- - 1
_ 4 -Putting Light Stone $3 -$2' $1 -1st
prize, A. Scott, 41. ft.McLean, 38 it. 11.,
in ; J.,..eataerm, 38 ft. 7 in, - •
5-7'1 hrowing Heavy Hatriner, $3, • $2, $1 -
1st prize, 1). Smith, 87 ft. 11 itt. ; A. Scott,
78 f • M '
(Contin ou fifscolad rage.)