The Sentinel, 1881-09-16, Page 4«tt `neknazt, ,eM ndd> , 'TRE IiiitrRTY TO UTTER AND TO -ARGUE: rBEELY, A.coon `3i,;G.TO'Tbt'E.DILTATESor'COI SCIENCE t: Rrzi Anovi LIIIERTua. - uelmow„, September le; 13Cla t Throwing - Light Hammer, $3, $2, $1---- lst 1- lst prize,: D.Smith,104ft ; A.. Scott,; 94 ft: 6 in ; Morrison, x'.6 ft. 3 in, _ .7 1ligh1.and'Fling,.:memhers of -Ty. 0, S. only, 1st prize,Silver It ectal, 885,$4 1st,prize, T. -'McDonald, I). McKenzie; A, Finlayson, 8-Uld Men's Dice, over 50 years ; no en- Lrz nee fee ; 1st prize, a Tam G'Shanter Pion` net, presented by Messrs. Gowanlo:k c Mar- -shalt,. Loudon, $2 $1 - lst prize John Adams, R. Frazer, G. 1)tt,yis.- . . =-Pibroch and March, $10,.- $6, $4 -1st prize, l�rci Melsaac, G. Smilie, Jas. Reilly. 10 - Bucket of Water -Race, lst prize, Tam WI -Than -ter 33, nneit rrseited h Messrs, Lar shalt& Uawardock,Lou.don, L 1, -:let -prize, Jae. Hunter, r1 hn Adams. -- 11-Higltl:iad Fling, $10, 8,5, $3 1st prize, G. Mathieson, H. kienderson, J. L. Jin- der:um. : - 1'2--tlatf Milo Race amateurs only ; 1st; G.,,d Medal,'; rd'and .,rd Silver Medals lst• prize, 3i; �Maciutyre, C. D. U. f stvilxe'i tr � �, 13 Best I>' eised Boy, under 12 years, in Highland C sy •or i;, $4, $3, $2' --• 1st :prize.. Har.ry.M.tcl`riu anon • C. St. Clair ; H. Mac- ei itamun. I4 1. l.ery, for-Ladiesonly ; 1st •Mink MUT, by .ears, McPhee, Lind .& Co.:, Lon- don , 2nd,'0itinaa i'taset, Thistle -Pattern; by W. J. Itred .v'C o.,I ondc:u , 3r'd„Uolc Ding,; jsc prize, Mrs A. Maelntyre,14liss.I . Her 1rell, Miss 11,_ Murray. 15--i e 1 rissec[ Highlander, -at iris; own ei-pense,- 8, $5, :a3 ---1st. prize, Ian McKenzie, .Col. Ii gtis,G. A. Ma.,hieson. 115=' Eine' Mile Race, $10, $6, $4 -1st prize,.. �. let Topsy i`. Nicholson, D. Ferguson.. I7--Cummereial Traveller's: Race,150ryar s, handsome 'liver Oup, presented by Commercial' Traveller, London -1st prize, 1 aha: • - 18=Oommercial= Traveller's Race.150 yards; winner of (.up debarred ; 1st, Gold'.ltiledal .'.trd, Silver Medal ; 3rdPro-. , Leather Medal. feSslouals debarred from No -.'s 17 -and 18 ;1st” prize, 0. ;1.. Gu.'rLaiali, T. A. Anderson, S.` Munro. .19---S*ord-Urarce, •$8, i;5, -$4- 1:4C. prize, - G.. A �I'athieseu, G. rieuderson, 11, [Header - • $011, - 20 Sward Dance, Boys undelr 18 years, $1,- $3, 8? lstpr=_ze, T _.L cMillan;. J. M. Fatter= sou, LI- :Kaetntyxe .- 24,-Quartei .Mile' Race -Ix amateurs only; lst,; God • ttitethl;-`2rirl; Silver -Medal ;, 3rd, Silver hte.i [=1st prize, D t I.: Cameron, 13 - `ergrsc.n-,. i . 1)4alntyre. 211 1$est:Piper;Strathspey and 1' -eel,' $le,. --lst r.ze: G. Smith Jas. Henry _ 23-Best:I'iper' - amateurs only'; with or without costume41st, Silver Medal; $3, $2- lst -int l,rxzc , . Finlay ion, A. Currie. 24 -One Hundred yards race, best .two in three, .115; $14, $:3-1-t prize, T, Arthur, M. t:l i to utings; - AI b ert: It ob . n s'An :.}a Best 7 r ,sed Boy. between 12 and 18. years, in 'Highland Costume ; 1.t, Silver ni:ecl �I, .,3, n2—lst prize, D �Iae1ntytre,J. 1i, 11 u erso= , J M, Patterson 2a Kigh liar Fling, Boys under 18 vear•s 1st, Medal; $3, $2-1st-prrize,Thos: 12c_,lillan, H,. •' i sc [ r1, y e, Li'. M. fatftersoa. 1 B st .D1es ed highla!tder, at his own e_ tpease. ;I-7. 0. S'.; ht, Silver 1Itdal, $4,. -1st priie '.1. ZUicx'tcerson;A. I inlaysou, T. '[eI)onal'r. ?3;- Reel Of Tu l_och,1st prize, by Jas. Mc.: Fh 'sun, Esq., Mayor of Kincardine, $5, $3, $'3 --1st ;,raze, G. A,. lvlathieson,; J. Q. Ander- soiT, IV. Campbell. .341 Sailors' Hornpipe, in c6sttime: let Silver Medal, $3„ $2 - lst prize,G.. A. Mathie- stint D.. A. Maclutyre,_ Jos. Graham. 32-A Ctiamplan Mx dal by J. D. Stewart, Esq., to the best Boy Dancer under 18 years= ri h. s.� c: uila,n. 33: -Throwing Heavy Hammer, $6, $1, $3' lst prize, M. ?Te Dona1J,,109 ft. in. ; E. W, uohnstoa, 59 ft. lin..; D. Sinith, 85 tc. 9 in. 34 Tarciwing Light Hammer, $6, 4. $3- 1st. Priz; 3-_1st.priz::, i1 Ala onald, 1119 ft.. 7 in. ; E. W., Johnston, 107 It. ;, D; Sii.itts.,100 ft. 10 in, 3-5 Pxut'sing Heavy Stone;. $6, $! $ 3 -List prize, rte. Sa,st` t_i+, xi u. , tS. N. Hai•i°iE;on,. iitc. n. ; E. fir. Johneton,33ft 3u..• . 353P Ittire 3.i; ht Stone, :'±6, $1, $.3-'1--1,t prize, }•t:. N 1 -fa rison, 43ft. 9 in A. Scott„,' 41 is 7 i.;.. ; t.. W.Tioloastoni 41 ft. 11 iii 37 !'brow ng ' -awe;' by ring:- $`i, :�I ;3 - ys..' p r E, W. Johnston,, 23 ft. , i0. Tanis ,n, 22 ft, 7 it,. ; 1)- Smith', 21f t. 33 i'o .i±1tl. to tb r, dab,E•ARD Oi. s 1). ire, t \W;. -i ren. 'I, +--; 1 in D... Srni.f 11, J4 ft., iri:--:te2..naiJ, 21 ft. 6-11-1, .['4 Traveller?. . o: Lzf, , m:o.`ei.€Y'n:rls'e cif $20 c. `red?f,e) - the ime t points. in +1re�•c .LfSreti".e ;1, c`s.I`itet ons .t e w n o , ... . [ri2., wi�ji1, ,,L, 21.1\,1•tet:-un, S. \io<1rt-:. _ -,'r St n.i1`Ig Long JU.ril,Wim,.. -; 4: --'.tit I rit,t! i,ans:; 1n 1:1 ft.1 in 1; A. D. a(e; k I t.. ,} in, ;; �,C..,C-.4)ruJd, ly,ft. 6. in. 40-!: T- zing Lit Lon,- jump, `83, $t •v'%�.t,.L., p•iza : x Illi:,.0 , 2in, ; :.Scout, 2U ft. i - V W. J.:ia-'t•-�u,, 1'#3' ft.. 1:Z ill.. .. - 41- Stau•img t_fi,11 Turnpr $5,. -$t, $3--14t irtize, b,. W., J .:::,s,nn, -ft. A.S&•,tt, 4 ft: 40 in., ; Vii: McDttna=Jt, 4 -it. b iu. .- 42' 42'- Ilea iir1L, Kig 0111p $5_, $1, $ }�-•frit p ze S5:-' ,t, ,5 ft. 11 in ; -E. %V Ja i t::t;ii , u ft. 10 in ; ..',.(d. l cDonald a ft, 6 ill. 43 V an1tiog• with I'oIe $5.' $4,'»,- lilt p iz ,. ; Sc ,tt, 9 ft in. ; D ii<I,.Kaxlzie, -9 ft.., 3 .1n.; G -c). Gilts, 9 it . 44 -i -I- p_ .Step and Jump, a65, $s,- $-i list. vizi:. vt. .-Ad)•,u.LIcl, 41 -lit. 1 _in. •;. ',T: Blair, -.6- €t:3 .n ;:;G Gibb.40 tt. - x. 45--1Tureele It ce `;?, 84, $3-1.s; prize,' x, W.JOhnsto x, ASeott,- A Robinson:. Hotel Kfreper's Purse, of Sitc off.'red-for th 0044 AI ,Torontin-41:-McFaLlane,. r. Hamilton R. Halliday, Thos. Lary ranee', Geo. Douglas, Robt. Graham, F Gauntly, :Lucknow.” RUNNING, ARCHERY, ND TUG_OF WAR-- .T..D. -Stewart am lion; D. M cEacizran, Clifford; SV% i. erscn, len: don;, R•.. Carter, Southampton. PIPING AND - DalloIN Kenzie, P. AfeGregor,H-aniilton; Jos, Henry, Renfrew; J. J., ilia, Brant:: ford;4 M. .Caulpbeli,. K. - J. 1-IcLeod, hu elinow, . TUE; °OINCERT• ;Q. grand concert- was - old in the RLorrte Gynuasiutn in tile: vening,:and; eve .are .safe in -saying th t it. was the fintestboth financially- alit otherwise, ever field in Lucknaw, ove : 1200 peo; pie being pre sex_t. Tint and space will' s not permit us to, the details, 4 )c lY@ cls tl l a •.x but sufilca it to say tart the singing talent- was the best. that c Tula pe pro: duced:. itte. °plat attrat tion of ;the evening was the celebrat ail Scotti;! i humorist 'Finally -Ale reser, . who' kept the audience ln. h..001•ti113t rotor of laughter. Tim s nein o - Messrs, J. Drolitgole, D. E_.-Ctunereir, D:.'Dunoon, Miss: E1'la Cole,. and: Mt: s Delmont , 'vire-well recurved, ,recti v 1g -'encores.- Tile Instrumental selectit lis given by -itLiss K, G. Strong, were, ail o of a. high order. _ A.• Iver, •_iiite e' ti lr ;ir-t__of • :the prorra-time. %Nits Ilia preet3titation to Mr, J. Drvnruele, of `London,- h the tile: dcxniau Soeietvoft :liree:pie es'of:silver.• ware, a cake basket, anda fruit _dial, both beautifully finished1;-, Iso .a- vase,' nicely; -Mounted, and .the fol owing lad:. dot sem,-read izy D =A. ;1 aeC imniiun,_IL .D,, Chief of the- Society ;- -. . To Joilli` DRUMsoLE,EsQ., . DEAR Sia, -The. O-ledonia - Society of Lucknow, deeply impressed' v th� a sense of - their oblzsaxtic:ns to you for. e many vaalu able and varied services that ou have ren - dared them year after' year i the manage- ment "ot� their public c and 1?rtt to entertain, meats, the n-nseltish ii terest tat .you have taken in eyerytning-than con ucee to their ` wetf are; the valnable_>}nd unsolicited assist- :-at4eeyou have -ie kindly and ch crful y rend.": ert,d at their r'emonstratioris`aind-entertain-- - menti; the enthusiasm- which-you::infuse in ethers and with -which •you=en;ter yourself. into -a11-. their. sports and national pastimes, the substantial pecuniary aid -which .you hive - been the_ mediumthrough your commercial friends, of rendering: them at their -annual= tournaments; but above all thefr tmdlyand. pateruaffeeling Which you have been so°large- ly in:3tr nnental in establishing; and -sustain-. lag between them and the other great. branch of the Celtic raee, their:isle n tion.. Those and nanny otter srvices which you have sd kindly rendered to`iuipress- the society- with a sense of their obligations to you, that they feel they would be lacking. . in'that spirit of paternal feeling that: is so essential an ele- ment in their organization andconstitution, did they. fail to :recognize in seine tangible' form their anpreciati ep, of, and gratitude to one who., although nidi oneo€ them has done ` so •muco f- l- • tbeni. • They the efore gladly avail themselves of this halpyloccaaion, the inauguration= of their new Caledonian 'Park, to present th'tough von toF yqur esteemed partner inlife, these articles ,of plate, as a slight token- of their esteertri4 jou person-: ally, and of their appreciation of the many;•. yaivable 'services that you hate rendered_ them. `Trusting that, you and your amiable wife may. long be.spercci to be useful mem- bers of society, a : credit' and honor to your many friends,,anda joy andcoufort to each - 'trier, is the earnest wish.'of the Caledonia Society of Luckuow.. . - -__ Da. MACCRIMIrO.i, • GEO. #INH any. _ `chief. . Treasurer.. asurer.. , -L. C. �IA.CI TvziE - Sec rtary.. ,Tire presentatitie. was,rnade-. byi11Ir . ''llac>C rituitiorn, w.fe:of the ().iief.- In -replying to -.the address_ 1T . - Dromgole- said. The grand reception you ha a giver' me • this evening in the, eloquent addr ss just read; utl athe beautiful presentation w 'ch, -through ire you. have given Mrs. Dromgolf, is so much b.t:er:than I deserie,thatT.cannot find woris sc.tfit ier_tly- strong to exp>ressthe `eep sreuse of pleasure I feel -Act being the recap ei,t of such au honour. Yon spealk of the• obligations y rSociety is under tor the services -rendered a your _ cele-•. bra.tlous,andlissistancegivenat ;tour gatnes.: 3111_ have tusar, Sir Glxlef,.o i t is pou. t iR:- if I have been of any service to . u, the work has-been a labor, of love without he desire of see ar reward, The motive :Pli ch actuated Me to work for your Society, and the history '..1 the interest taken in your games is 401117111 a few words. Six years ago Ir arrivFd in Lucknow on business; and seeing the town in ,I h .d3y attire awl lame crowds rix the streets, I e Y t"tci.t�-the annoall games Pof the Luck- n*ter Criledtenian`-jeciety.}ooibe- :field That; el.iv. In the evening 1 was 1:-nite moil -bye; deputation inviting ting lyre `o a E.u pe -t..lxe zivc:n: 1. , tilt S eeiet.it a rid I <.va "led inis•etf • .of the madiy� offer, and I was so struck Jyathe kind attention displayed to the gucata • present by the, iienxli r Li:your Society, rat a -warm teeliu, sxn ung up in my [ r east % •aich- has in. - cre t eel y r<cr }iy_ye.ar until I av to ask n.v ERY EA' ANIS NO.WON-PER AT.`.THE.`P UCES `-SgtA -Sgt : G GOOD,' !ERY DEPT ALIVE . Gvacis -ll � :e � . 1 T - a ov Ii the' - otlse _: _ H ar a .1V�O�'I1'�TG as ,�T7�i�,�TlY :anc�� - STEADILY as.. the SL N RISES AN D SETS. Talk about D. Li LL SEASONS �� r , . L • 1�r: . S ��L�NS a �L(.K i.P�,A� ��, it UNKNOWN TO - MME. r KEEP THINGS IIVELY Kill AP r ,� f�rL eo l :� - _ e .will. bu .them p as .-NA.I'1TR�IL• Y A� - T��� �rV�:��. EA:T. CONST AN • - 1 - .4 T �.GTI`V. TY.: ; "i ._ �.h�tll eoiitnue : `to clear soot. �rll : STJ-21\11'4ER UNTIEARI) OF PRICES: .Hence ink GOO -DS at neatest, eatest, •most . fare: � an baa . u heecti S on� -iS -•-- -r: v Silk handkerchiefs, New e,in - n1JIa Stripes: �ew PiAl s. � c E b ; oiber , -earLace ap.a .` ,a:; Cheap; � . Rea-1 and Fang Z qtr �;us`. . Far - the . .- " Y ; ,. . icy. �'lanl els: - L�lshtxrcres; in �,ll the I\, ew Shacl:es - Velvet Patterns to mateli. --.. - � - Ta,In (�,Shanters. � fancy Sn�la ►..pawls- w • Toels 3 for. cents : _T ndei� '' . , >rdies..(orsetsBrocade . Ye :-lves�,. and. Fa cy Onzbra Cottons in. all Width Pl'e�i ch a� :ClanTartanSli�w.�n1.a zreat`aihet.4.ctilrsS - Yrat,etrritr . . r VIT-RNTra RP/ WARE Re) QMS- in IL Liniknaw, three doors east of J, 'Wh-eze he is hOW, prepared to showone_pi the FURN1TU complete in every depa,rtment and iu laree assortment.' • BEDROOM- SIFITS from' $15 00 to $80 00. PARLOR SITITs from $30 00 to sip co; CHAIRS from ',!32 50 to" $30 09 per- DOZen- Also everything else usually kept in a First - Class Furniture She'', such az • Centro 'Lounges, piareats ,s print! Wasll strinclq • one Of the lainek- Sti.kiks of Elnbinet Frame and 11;nilding:i ever offitred sale in the all et whioli. will be sold &teal). „, parties rn.,e n ding to purchase Fiji nit ure should call and. eiamine fry' stools:- tO say t:111L the greataberality Y( -'d byr you intobrt-s, on till roccalit no and _at . that. feEdiiig which Astilt;iii,Ititi,I.:octrir.air:st.eirjliz.esspo:ier..." Mind. And -that the boKiling. tip f our grand Prenlit ate in conciusion to than you 'from thank you again- for the. noltur ierrecl,iipiin us both this evening.: 1537 th&tuclubers th Anthem; "Ind thua t cif the most enjoyable- daVs ever vet t now. =Bay cures eoU diarrhoea, 'gips, adl naaucet of -N. yr, Trip -till- 1 • Parties having saThs mill do well. to give hini • ilighist Cash Price Paid- for Residence—WilloughbY Street, oprusite the Methodist Church. Ions TRELEAVEN. • ucluctir August' 266, 1881. 399. zarao HARNESS; ' • 'GEST; 'Cheapest,' andibestiselecited--Steck from 75 64.`-eits • lipwardSV TEN :pc 41, week. $124 hOine easily .)th.anking tire for eedirigly;(3-p.Od'Iraitie,-- which -• The only Medicine _that sticcessfully purifies the Blood; acts upon,the Liver,. Bowels, Skin and "..,theys,c- while at the same time it allays Nervous' ....rritation, _and strengthens the, Debilitated Systere perfectiy_ angi fpeedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti, eral Debility,,Zemale Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and every speoies of Chronic Disease arising from Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or Blood. - THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WORLD.- • sample Bottle, lee. MILBUAN & 811, SOLE AGENTS, TORONTO. Reguiar size. six°, Mire. Freeman's Worm Powder is a safe, sure and eiectual destroyer of woern shiltiren et adults. Price as cents or 5 for $1. lbw bore so equal. Price sp cease per podcoge. ,