The Sentinel, 1881-09-16, Page 4«tt `neknazt, ,eM ndd>
t: Rrzi Anovi LIIIERTua.
- uelmow„, September le; 13Cla
t Throwing - Light Hammer, $3, $2, $1----
lst prize,: D.Smith,104ft ; A.. Scott,; 94 ft:
6 in ; Morrison, x'.6 ft. 3 in, _
.7 1ligh1.and'Fling,.:memhers of -Ty. 0, S.
only, 1st prize,Silver It ectal, 885,$4 1st,prize,
T. -'McDonald, I). McKenzie; A, Finlayson,
8-Uld Men's Dice, over 50 years ; no en-
Lrz nee fee ; 1st prize, a Tam G'Shanter Pion`
net, presented by Messrs. Gowanlo:k c Mar-
-shalt,. Loudon, $2 $1 - lst prize John Adams,
R. Frazer, G. 1)tt,yis.- . .
=-Pibroch and March, $10,.- $6, $4 -1st
prize, l�rci Melsaac, G. Smilie, Jas. Reilly.
10 -
Bucket of Water -Race, lst prize, Tam
WI -Than -ter
33, nneit rrseited h Messrs, Lar
shalt& Uawardock,Lou.don, L 1, -:let -prize,
Jae. Hunter, r1 hn Adams. --
11-Higltl:iad Fling, $10, 8,5, $3 1st prize,
G. Mathieson, H. kienderson, J. L. Jin-
der:um. : -
1'2--tlatf Milo Race amateurs only ; 1st;
G.,,d Medal,'; rd'and .,rd Silver Medals lst•
prize, 3i; �Maciutyre, C.
D. U. f stvilxe'i tr � �,
13 Best I>' eised Boy, under 12 years, in
Highland C sy •or i;, $4, $3, $2' --• 1st :prize..
Har.ry.M.tcl`riu anon • C. St. Clair ; H. Mac-
ei itamun.
I4 1. l.ery, for-Ladiesonly ; 1st •Mink
MUT, by .ears, McPhee, Lind .& Co.:, Lon-
don , 2nd,'0itinaa i'taset, Thistle -Pattern; by
W. J. Itred .v'C o.,I ondc:u , 3r'd„Uolc Ding,;
jsc prize, Mrs A. Maelntyre,14liss.I . Her
1rell, Miss 11,_ Murray.
e 1 rissec[ Highlander, -at iris; own
ei-pense,- 8, $5, :a3 ---1st. prize, Ian McKenzie,
.Col. Ii gtis,G. A. Ma.,hieson.
115=' Eine' Mile Race, $10, $6, $4 -1st prize,..
�. let Topsy i`. Nicholson, D. Ferguson..
I7--Cummereial Traveller's: Race,150ryar s,
handsome 'liver Oup, presented by
Commercial' Traveller, London -1st prize,
1 aha: •
18=Oommercial= Traveller's Race.150 yards;
winner of (.up debarred ; 1st, Gold'.ltiledal
.'.trd, Silver Medal ; 3rdPro-.
, Leather Medal.
feSslouals debarred from No -.'s 17 -and 18 ;1st”
prize, 0. ;1.. Gu.'rLaiali, T. A. Anderson, S.`
.19---S*ord-Urarce, •$8, i;5, -$4- 1:4C. prize,
- G.. A �I'athieseu, G. rieuderson, 11, [Header -
$011, -
20 Sward Dance, Boys undelr 18 years, $1,-
$3, 8? lstpr=_ze, T _.L cMillan;. J. M. Fatter=
sou, LI- :Kaetntyxe .-
24,-Quartei .Mile' Race -Ix amateurs only;
lst,; God • ttitethl;-`2rirl; Silver -Medal ;, 3rd,
Silver hte.i [=1st prize, D t I.: Cameron, 13
- `ergrsc.n-,. i . 1)4alntyre.
211 1$est:Piper;Strathspey and 1' -eel,' $le,.
--lst r.ze: G. Smith
Jas. Henry
_ 23-Best:I'iper' - amateurs only'; with or
without costume41st, Silver Medal; $3, $2-
-int l,rxzc , . Finlay ion, A. Currie.
24 -One Hundred yards race, best .two in
three, .115; $14, $:3-1-t prize, T, Arthur, M.
t:l i to utings; - AI b ert: It ob . n s'An
:.}a Best 7 r ,sed Boy. between 12 and 18.
years, in 'Highland Costume ; 1.t, Silver
ni:ecl �I, .,3, n2—lst prize, D �Iae1ntytre,J. 1i,
11 u erso= , J M, Patterson
2a Kigh liar Fling, Boys under 18 vear•s
1st, Medal; $3, $2-1st-prrize,Thos: 12c_,lillan,
H,. •' i sc [ r1, y e, Li'. M. fatftersoa.
1 B st .D1es ed highla!tder, at his own
e_ tpease. ;I-7. 0. S'.; ht, Silver 1Itdal, $4,.
-1st priie '.1. ZUicx'tcerson;A. I inlaysou, T.
?3;- Reel Of Tu l_och,1st prize, by Jas. Mc.:
Fh 'sun, Esq., Mayor of Kincardine, $5, $3,
$'3 --1st ;,raze, G. A,. lvlathieson,; J. Q. Ander-
soiT, IV. Campbell.
.341 Sailors' Hornpipe, in c6sttime: let
Silver Medal, $3„ $2 - lst prize,G.. A. Mathie-
stint D.. A. Maclutyre,_ Jos. Graham.
32-A Ctiamplan Mx dal by J. D. Stewart,
Esq., to the best Boy Dancer under 18 years=
ri h. s.� c: uila,n.
33: -Throwing Heavy Hammer, $6, $1, $3'
lst prize, M. ?Te Dona1J,,109 ft. in. ; E. W,
uohnstoa, 59 ft. lin..; D. Sinith, 85 tc. 9 in.
34 Tarciwing Light Hammer, $6, 4. $3-
1st. Priz;
3-_1st.priz::, i1 Ala onald, 1119 ft.. 7 in. ; E. W.,
Johnston, 107 It. ;, D; Sii.itts.,100 ft. 10 in,
3-5 Pxut'sing Heavy Stone;. $6, $! $ 3 -List
prize, rte. Sa,st` t_i+, xi u. , tS. N. Hai•i°iE;on,.
iitc. n. ; E. fir. Johneton,33ft 3u..• .
353P Ittire 3.i; ht Stone, :'±6, $1, $.3-'1--1,t
prize, }•t:. N 1 -fa rison, 43ft. 9 in A. Scott„,'
41 is 7 i.;.. ; t.. W.Tioloastoni 41 ft. 11 iii
37 !'brow ng ' -awe;' by ring:- $`i, :�I ;3 -
ys..' p r E, W. Johnston,, 23 ft. , i0.
Tanis ,n, 22 ft, 7 it,. ; 1)- Smith', 21f t.
33 i'o .i±1tl. to tb r, dab,E•ARD Oi. s 1). ire,
t \W;. -i ren. 'I, +--; 1 in D... Srni.f 11, J4 ft.,
iri:--:te2..naiJ, 21 ft. 6-11-1,
.['4 Traveller?. . o:
Lzf, , m:o.`ei.€Y'n:rls'e cif $20
c. `red?f,e) - the ime t points. in +1re�•c .LfSreti".e ;1,
c`s.I`itet ons .t e w n o , ... . [ri2., wi�ji1, ,,L,
21.1\,1•tet:-un, S. \io<1rt-:. _
-,'r St n.i1`Ig Long,Wim,.. -; 4: --'.tit
I rit,t! i,ans:; 1n 1:1 ft.1 in 1; A. D.
a(e; k I t.. ,} in, ;; �,C..,C-.4)ruJd, ly,ft. 6. in.
40-!: T- zing Lit
Lon,- jump, `83, $t •v'%�.t,.L.,
p•iza :
x Illi:,.0 , 2in, ; :.Scout, 2U ft. i -
V W. J.:ia-'t•-�u,, 1'#3' ft.. 1:Z ill..
.. - 41- Stau•img t_fi,11 Turnpr $5,. -$t, $3--14t
irtize, b,. W., J .:::,s,nn, -ft. A.S&•,tt, 4 ft:
40 in., ; Vii: McDttna=Jt, 4 -it. b iu. .-
42'- Ilea iir1L, Kig 0111p $5_, $1, $ }�-•frit
p ze S5:-' ,t, ,5 ft. 11 in ; -E. %V Ja i t::t;ii ,
u ft. 10 in ; ..',.(d. l cDonald a ft, 6 ill.
43 V an1tiog• with I'oIe $5.' $4,'»,- lilt
p iz ,. ; Sc ,tt, 9 ft in. ; D ii<I,.Kaxlzie, -9
ft.., 3 .1n.; G -c). Gilts, 9 it .
44 -i -I- p_ .Step and Jump, a65, $s,- $-i list.
vizi:. vt. .-Ad)•,u.LIcl, 41 -lit. 1 _in. •;. ',T: Blair,
-.6- €t:3 .n ;:;G Gibb.40 tt.
- x.
45--1Tureele It ce `;?, 84, $3-1.s; prize,'
x, W.JOhnsto x, ASeott,- A Robinson:.
Hotel Kfreper's Purse, of Sitc off.'red-for th
0044 AI ,Torontin-41:-McFaLlane,.
Hamilton R. Halliday, Thos. Lary
ranee', Geo. Douglas, Robt. Graham, F
Gauntly, :Lucknow.”
WAR-- .T..D. -Stewart am lion; D.
M cEacizran, Clifford; SV% i. erscn, len:
don;, R•.. Carter, Southampton.
Kenzie, P. AfeGregor,H-aniilton; Jos,
Henry, Renfrew; J. J., ilia, Brant::
ford;4 M. .Caulpbeli,. K. - J. 1-IcLeod,
hu elinow,
;Q. grand concert- was - old in the
RLorrte Gynuasiutn in tile: vening,:and;
eve .are .safe in -saying th t it. was the
fintestboth financially- alit otherwise,
ever field in Lucknaw, ove : 1200 peo;
pie being pre sex_t. Tint and space
will' s
not permit us to, the details,
)c lY@ cls tl
l a •.x
but sufilca it to say tart the singing
talent- was the best. that c Tula pe pro:
duced:. itte. °plat attrat tion of ;the
evening was the celebrat ail Scotti;! i
humorist 'Finally -Ale reser, . who'
kept the audience ln. h..001•ti113t rotor of
laughter. Tim s nein o - Messrs, J.
Drolitgole, D. E_.-Ctunereir, D:.'Dunoon,
Miss: E1'la Cole,. and: Mt: s Delmont
'vire-well recurved, ,recti v 1g -'encores.-
Tile Instrumental selectit lis given by
-itLiss K, G. Strong, were, ail o of a. high
order. _ A.• Iver, •_iiite e' ti lr ;ir-t__of • :the
prorra-time. %Nits Ilia preet3titation to Mr,
J. Drvnruele, of `London,- h the tile:
dcxniau Soeietvoft :liree:pie es'of:silver.•
ware, a cake basket, anda fruit _dial,
both beautifully finished1;-, Iso .a- vase,'
nicely; -Mounted, and .the fol owing lad:.
dot sem,-read izy D =A. ;1 aeC imniiun,_IL
.D,, Chief of the- Society ;- -. .
To Joilli` DRUMsoLE,EsQ.,
. DEAR Sia, -The. O-ledonia - Society of
Lucknow, deeply impressed' v th� a sense of -
their oblzsaxtic:ns to you for. e many vaalu
able and varied services that ou have ren -
dared them year after' year i the manage-
ment "ot� their public c and 1?rtt to entertain,
meats, the n-nseltish ii terest tat .you have
taken in eyerytning-than con ucee to their
` wetf are; the valnable_>}nd unsolicited assist-
:-at4eeyou have -ie kindly and ch crful y rend.":
ert,d at their r'emonstratioris`aind-entertain--
- menti; the enthusiasm- which-you::infuse in
ethers and with -which •you=en;ter yourself.
into -a11-. their. sports and national pastimes,
the substantial pecuniary aid -which .you hive -
been the_ mediumthrough your commercial
friends, of rendering: them at their -annual=
tournaments; but above all thefr tmdlyand.
pateruaffeeling Which you have been so°large-
ly in:3tr nnental in establishing; and -sustain-.
lag between them and the other great. branch
of the Celtic raee, their:isle n tion.. Those
and nanny otter srvices which you have sd
kindly rendered to`iuipress- the society- with
a sense of their obligations to you, that they
feel they would be lacking. . in'that spirit of
paternal feeling that: is so essential an ele-
ment in their organization andconstitution,
did they. fail to :recognize in seine tangible'
form their anpreciati ep, of, and gratitude to
one who., although nidi oneo€ them has done `
so •muco f- l- • tbeni. • They the efore gladly
avail themselves of this halpyloccaaion, the
inauguration= of their new Caledonian 'Park,
to present th'tough von toF yqur esteemed
partner inlife, these articles ,of plate, as a
slight token- of their esteertri4 jou person-:
ally, and of their appreciation of the many;•.
yaivable 'services that you hate rendered_
them. `Trusting that, you and your amiable
wife may. long be.spercci to be useful mem-
bers of society, a : credit' and honor to your
many friends,,anda joy andcoufort to each -
'trier, is the earnest wish.'of the Caledonia
Society of Luckuow.. . - -__
Da. MACCRIMIrO.i, • GEO. #INH any.
_ `chief. . Treasurer..
, -L. C. �IA.CI TvziE - Sec rtary..
,Tire presentatitie. was,rnade-. byi11Ir .
''llac>C rituitiorn, w.fe:of the ().iief.-
In -replying to -.the address_ 1T . - Dromgole-
said. The grand reception you ha a giver' me
• this evening in the, eloquent addr ss just read;
athe beautiful presentation w 'ch, -through
ire you. have given Mrs. Dromgolf, is so much
b.t:er:than I deserie,thatT.cannot find woris
sc.tfit ier_tly- strong to exp>ressthe `eep sreuse of
pleasure I feel -Act being the recap ei,t of such
au honour.
Yon spealk of the• obligations y rSociety is
under tor the services -rendered a your _ cele-•.
bra.tlous,andlissistancegivenat ;tour gatnes.:
3111_ have tusar, Sir Glxlef,.o i t is pou. t iR:-
if I have been of any service to . u, the work
has-been a labor, of love without he desire of
see ar reward, The motive :Pli ch actuated
Me to work for your Society, and the history
'..1 the interest taken in your games is 401117111
a few words. Six years ago Ir arrivFd in
Lucknow on business; and seeing the town in
h .d3y attire awl lame crowds rix the streets,
I e Y t"tci.t�-the annoall games Pof the Luck-
n*ter Criledtenian`-jeciety.}ooibe- :field That;
el.iv. In the evening 1 was 1:-nite moil -bye;
deputation inviting ting lyre `o a E.u pe -t..lxe zivc:n:
1. , tilt S a rid I <.va "led inis•etf • .of the
madiy� offer, and I was so struck Jyathe kind
attention displayed to the gucata • present
by the, iienxli r Li:your Society, rat a -warm
teeliu, sxn ung up in my [ r east % •aich- has in.
cre t eel y r<cr } until I av to ask n.v
Gvacis -ll � :e � .
T -
a ov Ii the' - otlse
_: _ H ar a .1V�O�'I1'�TG as ,�T7�i�,�TlY :anc�� - STEADILY as.. the SL N
RISES AN D SETS. Talk about D. Li LL SEASONS �� r , . L • 1�r: .
S ��L�NS a �L(.K i.P�,A� ��, it
r ,�
f�rL eo l :� -
_ e .will. bu .them
p as .-NA.I'1TR�IL• Y A� - T��� �rV�:��. EA:T.
CONST AN • - 1 - .4
T �.GTI`V. TY.: ; "i ._ �.h�tll eoiitnue : `to clear soot. �rll : STJ-21\11'4ER
.Hence ink
GOO -DS at
neatest, eatest, •most . fare: � an baa
. u
S on�
-r: v
Silk handkerchiefs, New e,in - n1JIa Stripes: �ew PiAl s. �
c E b ; oiber
-earLace ap.a .` ,a:;
Cheap; � . Rea-1 and Fang Z qtr �;us`. . Far -
. .- " Y ; ,. . icy. �'lanl els: - L�lshtxrcres; in �,ll
the I\, ew Shacl:es - Velvet Patterns to mateli. --.. -
� - Ta,In (�,Shanters. � fancy Sn�la
►..pawls- w
• Toels 3 for. cents : _T ndei� ''
. ,
>rdies..(orsetsBrocade .
Ye :-lves�,. and. Fa cy Onzbra
Cottons in. all Width Pl'e�i ch a�
:ClanTartanSli�w.�n1.a zreat`aihet.4.ctilrsS
- Yrat,etrritr . .
r VIT-RNTra RP/ WARE Re) QMS- in
IL Liniknaw, three doors east of J,
'Wh-eze he is hOW, prepared to showone_pi the
complete in every depa,rtment and iu laree
assortment.' •
BEDROOM- SIFITS from' $15 00 to $80 00.
PARLOR SITITs from $30 00 to sip co;
CHAIRS from ',!32 50 to" $30 09 per- DOZen-
Also everything else usually kept in a First -
Class Furniture She'', such az •
Centro 'Lounges, piareats
,s print! Wasll strinclq
one Of the lainek- Sti.kiks of Elnbinet
Frame and 11;nilding:i ever offitred sale
in the all et whioli. will be sold &teal).
„, parties rn.,e n ding to purchase Fiji nit ure
should call and. eiamine fry' stools:-
say t:111L the greataberality Y( -'d byr you
intobrt-s, on till roccalit no and _at .
that. feEdiiig which Astilt;iii,Ititi,I.:octrir.air:st.eirjliz.esspo:ier..."
Mind. And -that the boKiling. tip f our grand
Prenlit ate in conciusion to than you 'from
thank you again- for the. noltur ierrecl,iipiin
us both this evening.:
1537 th&tuclubers th
Anthem; "Ind thua t cif the
most enjoyable- daVs ever vet t
=Bay cures eoU diarrhoea,
'gips, adl naaucet of
-N. yr,
Trip -till- 1
Parties having saThs mill do well. to give hini
ilighist Cash Price Paid- for
Residence—WilloughbY Street, oprusite the
Methodist Church.
ucluctir August' 266, 1881. 399.
'GEST; 'Cheapest,' andibestiselecited--Steck
from 75 64.`-eits • lipwardSV TEN :pc
41, week. $124 hOine easily
.)th.anking tire for
eedirigly;(3-p.Od'Iraitie,-- which -•
The only Medicine _that sticcessfully purifies the
Blood; acts upon,the Liver,. Bowels, Skin and "..,theys,c-
while at the same time it allays Nervous' ....rritation,
_and strengthens the, Debilitated Systere perfectiy_ angi
fpeedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti,
eral Debility,,Zemale Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Salt Rheum, and every speoies of Chronic Disease arising from
Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or Blood.
sample Bottle, lee. MILBUAN & 811, SOLE AGENTS, TORONTO. Reguiar size. six°,
Mire. Freeman's Worm Powder is a safe, sure and eiectual destroyer of woern shiltiren et
adults. Price as cents or 5 for $1.
lbw bore so equal. Price sp cease per podcoge. ,