HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-08-19, Page 3 (2)•-•
Tiei- "iketialeasli. 4 HEAVTipRie- -- ---sztoolem.fai--oei 7elafi Iteleveg.
. . , r .... . . .
eirs.'iLrineeeri Pailinw-The*ew Vaieerlic.. A,: Novel' telature introii ced at Wien-
., .
r • r _ . -
. Isaw Mrs. • Langtry, -says a London
..- respon.dent, -thu. otherevening at the opera - A: London- cerreePendent writes: A net -
on the o,Ocasion-of the drat performance of: feature ha this yearTheen,:introdUcekte
Rubensteia's oPerit of "Il Derooni6." She the Wimbledon .shooting, alcoinpetition in
. sat vvithher hack to the:stage dnriag the which the-Canadian:.TearnS were net. per.
- entire evening,haVing evidently come there -ratted to enter .the lists.. All through the
to be seen, and ,taot to :see. The Jassy Transvaal war, and espipBoers showed -at the con-
. .
' ."1411Y-looks,viorii -and. laded, and -ler pale- test: oe -24rainba 4iiii, t
. grey .toiletladkecl the showy splendor that their superiority over °lir troops as naarks•
• used to eharacterize her co.st4rees in former Men- -- This ear -officers thought to bo due
. 'days.% -.I never adnaired: her, even" when I In th9aefiPiPn9Y in Practi9s 91 our shooting
'first 'ea ' her iu the VerY height of her at".n1-97.ing Objects . at various :-ranges:' "It
renown. HOW" auy face could be Considered was this consideration.which this. year
1iandsonje with'that broad, heavy`jair was- the Nabienal Rifle Association, aided by
- to .inc a
'lacked Mystery., And thsh
en e always munifwent gift -ciiiv"i5(1° by Mr' Milli
he , supreine .6harni of ' beauty;to found ''prizes for ." &Wilting " im
,.• nareely, uncouseiousn.ess, Whether real' 9°11cliti9ns as ehieelY -nee/0;411V thee
or feigia d; She is always attitudiniZing, -actual warfare. as P(244?le'.. ' In - -t
and aiw ys 0h. the inoh..Qui for admirer. which was named . :the Vulletis . C
- The prinee-Of Wales 'dropped in to ' eieji :petition,. fife flat Pieces of board, to rep
-.-bixiiii _ozi!e_ of tee entr,a-etes, -but . His. 1-tigh:. sent the head and breast. 01:a. mida, w
' ny-tad a...Coll:lin his. head; apparently:, as Substituted for.the ordinary targets.,
la ti-iSecl nearly the Whole of his peried. -1.11. itytaa-ncidli'leigrt7p /'ir.i.jagYhstimr:mVinjo,11-ftrirt ttirighit
it,sories of Vehement - anal . most.-- unroyal
:le.:Itte:te% siaiieiptetot.i.lbteyao!t.rh:4 Present London let,
Simpsen., , any noticeable
a4t oatitcoelaelb11:-,Eisuloswe..: plohe4Iii4t wi .wh
' with hei - ' a a one a yar s ro thetarge s,.a
_ uSband, has.,,just returned froth- t ti d t4.00 d f Pa 1
a five Ive rs4.'residence.in China.' .There is. at the word of command 'advanced. at
•' also a- Mi •s- Graham., who has. a moat lovely_ -double untilitlalted by, the bugle _call'
• face, but wile spoils her very undeniable an -unknown:. distance frord the dinunii
. -, charms by. the too free use of eosin ' -
eties; _VrOul tb-is-P,ohiteach squad -fired- ea -ma
2 ' HOwever, I -think the epoeli of professional shag aepossible:andat.the r word of co
' -beauty i London society is prett tau
- . . _ y . c a •
h. t, mend they again, ,adyaneed,.* repeating
an end, ich is fortunate:for Society:- ,,..,samc. procesaat a-secenk encl.-then - a
• • „ • _third mikhawn.:range: .-Althdugh this co
-: .stiTurtrp, uria..L.- -: •- ._71,A1a. V - WAVILHIN_ UT. • - ..
. .. . . ... .
uket by Inheritiance as Well-as:by: Deeds! The .80pply . Almost Eikaueted, 'al* No
,ot-sra. ese.e,. . . - - - , . substitute: leeteFelund-A Gkienie,Onte.
:W. ith. • Sittiag_Bull at At. Yates, , Diii ..._ e, 4 few years ago black Walnut Was‘aT.drfig -
loOltifor Irnriiitaire.Men. -- -. -
-says he was born near 41. .d01, -ort George Oa on the market, ,and.- was not at. all popular
-the-.Willow Creek,:.belOWthe Mouth of the with furniture: manufacturer and dealers,-
, .. . , .
._Cli-eyeinie-River,...and believes. that he is but recently it bas been- so : iiniVersally.-
about .44. _years old.: Ilia.' f - er' was: the, sought 4.6t :. and - used-. so',?_extensively- - for.
.-Says, 4 t ant- ehief - by iimeritance as well .it has -.. bee-mile:very scaree;:i and .; now it is
famous-Iadian..Chief,... Jiiiiip g' 13u4....: He - almost every of farniturt(that latterly
as by _ deeds , of bravery."' Hehie Withhinti. found - next to i linapossible to obtaina :.:Furf::
two :wives and itine..i:Children,-1,inOluding cleat. stipplyto Paget the inoreasing.dernank-
twing.::: I 4.fter ,. himself he _regards--; 'Tour at almost any Cost. - : ' An Idea of. - its • searoity.
iod. -.Horne as the greatest of 'hying- chiefs:- :_itrid., value. may be- .gaiined-When..§100 per
the 'When - asked ---,why, .ihe . sigrendered,... he thOnsand-feet-has beenpaid :this year for
ens, denied that he had done so. He - says that the same quality . and. quantitY'of _black
. . . . . -
der when he *mit to. Fort Burford .--he- did so vothmt- de-could:be pitrehaSedjast,' year 'for. -
e of v.rlth the intention of .reniainingenly a-feW 470. , The_ rapidity., at which the supply
his, i -days, and -did not.utideratand, that he had haedecreasedieewingto: the. impel -ids the
ota, given hitias_elf UP,. • !ft.0-.vviii.new denaindof, _tridehlis receivedthrongh.the organization'
re, the G-oVerrunent that it shall Set- hint" -free,. -of a large . inunber ,.of -extensive..furnitiare
ere. ,Ile Was asked in what '. way he, considered lbeimpanies '. in .44e - United:'-8tates- . Thel
a,nd tile GOVernineat Wronged him, but gave an .irorderuie.onmher'of.seWing.,MaChinee the -
t- tof -evasive. _reply;. :saying . that ' he 'had never :wood -work of whiCh has beenineimfaCtured
at,. ha - either.: a. misundersta,nding -.7.0k".. an 'front black Waliiiit) that have been ;annti-:,
mit 'ogre eat With the.Government.: . He had tat turned out bothinthe r'StfaeS and in
the . war - Upon: :the:- United- States. Without dealer :in . -the city.-Statcd to; a '01-ob.e reporter.
ere' -neyer mile any - treaties with .the_Whites, 10a adatiOne ..of the-Princip4.-catised. of
Pcl. never sold thein any land,- and never, Made the - I. pid . consumption. ' A Prominent
At's .:ever: having -conimieted; any depredations that there are now ten anxious ,:buyerfi
es. iiponthe white- Man:- or the white in - 's.- diStributed throughout the States e
rtY :country; behadlieeia driven by force - . m one there was two:years, ago, and
TA-- lands 'Whose -. possession :-.--he ' -had neve f -there 'le fiabiedifficillty in procuring a
he . yielded, and-hadbeeniplaced in -a, position -thensand.-feet - of ,..theprecioue-.:-1.t.
V. -a-- - where his acts iverOdietated-"by_.neCOS- noW:- .-.. than - there .' Was ...ifi"-:!, seen
In7 ' eity-and,.not.b us, deeireen -his :part for ,half it.Million ,feet three. years ago. .'. W
An extended inter 'ew has d
ytl.,`' ut de, endin' up of " de Warli;:,-Oah:
,-g°t "InD:naall4fbrrojekaenusP11,P” dsaairid' in.thKe-aoillldtunickafiliaass- '.aettial-Warfre' -
4- ha s the trouble ?" ' - ' ' . .• - .
would be.artarget.o,n tramway,' _moving
For then it is seldom th
troops arocalled upon to 'fire at any ene
he. food_ Tliehinsh hp on - end end leaned -
• ag. -i-• crossingtheir line of fire as theSe:dunim
e nst t_ e rear wall of the naarket.. • . . ,
take- pine -las' week, an, some of 161:a say it I be.li-T9ei -Would: better _fulfil, t...he:desir
• 1
i do.- -What I think would be more, practi
the direction a the lifie Of tress Would
- SAO of 'sem--; 'said - de .:gran' ePtash. would the cay-withaiadvaneing en0hat., -T4
has been put. ,Off till ,the . twentieth, an' object. , . - ' 1 • -
; . ,.
- some- of -'cin ata 'wino to prepar' to go up 1 .-r_. -
=flex' Sattirdsy, When ',Jeff de ,house dis P'ea.",int-I.Inc.e ijOr Petielang• .
I tole de .ole wtan I war' gwin e • The,' San"- Franciseo Ca -11 Flays : Arch
to ex. a h e.- White Man- , 1 'bout it an' git -XfcCeenle, the Sah Francisedspritit-runn
right do n t " _de dead -level.. New, Sale recently came to- grief . in Denver, • Go
: What a a; a e_e_ d facks in de ease?. Ain de • viliete; with the., assistance Of IlionaPso
world -_,..., . 7 e .. o liersplash dis summer:or he had 44 , a great -_ ea of. "Abney. --
.not 2", - 1 11--, : .. . : _ . - • - ascertained that 'Thdnapas4- :-Ired_swindl
Of co fee htl". , . . , him _hut of - about, 111,-ectoti . ' twki. match
•. ,, -pare e'llettly what I tele -'em hp: der. and resolved -to. get..;even bYri.. -Owing t
She ca u do it .1 She can't afford it. Why, _next, . match. i . thatch . was - li ado wi
sale if de world' should- beist hp, whatwould Quirk, of -Canada, who was run 0 ing nini
- become of all de folks -2" . - . • . an _assumed Paine, and Thompson, belie
•" That'e truer," . , . - ,,... - .- - /Pg. thatthe race was fixed for McComb'
" Yes, sah:..ao whar' would .de- i)ieee.s. go win it, induced all hi S intinaate, friends
o? Why, ,dar :wouldn't be room fur de bet- their r Money . on the lifornia
andlfeon bet all the money he odUld:raiS
splinters,ie't alone de big chunks. De ole aloComb had meantime fold hue - im. MOo
the:the intended to "threw T' 'hompso
.ofi Quirk: The 'result of the - race• Wa
that -the Quirk partycarried off about -'56,00,
from Denver, - and Jim Moot .pecketed a
.mtich more; Thomnsbna,nd his Confidant
lost heavily, and, knowing that McCom
had run to loge, resolved Oprvengeanc.
-XeComb,,having 'reason to believe that hi
life was in d am ger, - weht-to *eon an d aske
him to divide tho-winningst, ed that h
astonishineet and dismay, then cpolI
could leave -Denver. and 1st. . To -hi
• TEA TABLE .164:issim.
_tackle them.. '
--;-Exehail4e, And the small is akin to
-:Gre .7 cora and green apples are akin.
-- -A Wed endyoung.man tills .his SWeetz-, ..'
heart .".Silence,' beeline& When he wants .
to kiss herghe " gives -can -sent." - -1-
. ----.sitys --- U. A. Sala: -"The - object' 'of•• all
`. devils!iin .cookery 18-16 provoke thirst and
to incite the gneStS to drink heavily;' -. .
..- ----The .eiti.iiii is the nairte. of a new - -
temperance .paper. published -in Torento.
„It is edited Mr: William Burgess. "
- . .---.1tecent tests -show . no perceptible
change in ' the Strength and' elasticity of -
iron - after -fifty years .9f 'bridge service::: .
r -
-A Buffalo will not have her weddmg
'dress Made ii4; that- cit,Y for fear seniebody '
will Say She Was inarried4a.a buffalo -robe..
_ _- . . = _ .
..-L.Pin.e-appleishortcako is one of the
departuresincooking: But the hid veter ii, ;
huckleberrypiiddini; Still'hOldSlitarbwn ,
--The polo 'quadrille, jus introduced at .7
.. , ,
the watering places, isMuch like thei.'nld
baiket quadrille, and the feature is a. very
. . , .
rapid all .hands rohnd.
a - rule-- girl's; rather like nailitary
:men, but,. they universally,...complam..- of
very mo era to help wash thErilphes;.
,Gefifi ir,;r.I. asducti s. Smith,
ohs; i father
.e whensw6u lads klei:: -eb y.6 -I:theirbot.,
, _ .... _. ... _ , ..,
rare; row --your, paper; - heonly wantstoread it";T: -
.."! .„ "-Well, -go back and tell . your father to -
r1136. send die hi supper. 'tell-hirni only Want
heu '
to eat it'''- -
-..i--,A.-.strange astr000mica p enom :
ecu in the fact that When the irate father
ekes down his trunk strap there is liable
- obe _spots.en the. Se . :
?nes up toihiS rciout 4 it takes him lialf -:t.i.
- . . . . . ,
-HThe ,giralle is a - Y.er , timid: animal.
is neck .iS so. long at when laiS heart
ay to get it back w. ere it belongs. - - -‘
,---Sounds near ' pyramids ',.,-- " My donk
denk!7; . _" ii y dor& he speck Inglees /.
e- tier • -ii, ..i -..." - r" My -donk panne Yank'
°Odle l 'ilfave,rOy.--donk?".... • -
' -24 weMan.mitY offer In -excuse for :her *
ed nese that she :lanes ;too tightly, but -;
hat shalliainaii-saY?..?qcheit0 , Expreso,--
ell; Oldfellow, what - would you say-yonr.'
if?- . _
-:---Tiiis is .the latest Western /form_ or
yiag a man, was 'hanged-: .. -" ,He Was
aninionely oh-osen by; 4, conveption of Six:
reperty-holdera tejunap from a new pirie:.
atforna inte'the aweet Stilisequentiy," -
--We Shali,.1,j'.- laVe a, new tOraet on. exItibi
. •. . _., . • ;
- ••• - petition is an improvement, it is open
Eudla' nib- de Wor.ad• .question if it would be . of inuch
11;11 .... '‘ - i -.., ... ..,_ itia, ' ... '' , , - . . , • . 'obtained in large quantities- from Port
: 4 . ck . t_story. - Stabley, the counties of Kent, Essex and 's
it's steartest >farmer I ever Met 'is old Saha d_anceethe hanks of the Thames River, t
nnY The smartest T4an, and, in fact, the .South Xiddlesexi and also grew &Dun- t
'LI -Gravest who lives ' n 'a 100 -acre -farm. west: .Ont, ; ' but now the Canadian: - :sp-PPlY • ,
' of Waxshatehl ' C ' t AIT ' Aft:
be - - e, ep. r .exas.! - er -
exhausted, and lately it.haebeen-Obtained H
--,i cottOp,-'he took nie-over tosee his woods. b - d of -
; - Or. Graves had h-owo Me -his cattle and far.gorn.4.6atthamStittarei,toyf Inedwiaenea_n•i-ITEehe.tvrooWa - Ilhobe de
-" Weil, what of it ?" I asked, as he. -.3thriwoic_Cee,,ithTh.tdrie;titdhz;i-,eiteem.saamnnef_.apertiucorefroer heV- ;eta.: --,.
pointed out a ten-acre-foreat. . ' ,
, . _ ., . *•-_-, . , - g
. - Mita,- sir. Ten acres ne . -Plan Venn immense- dream- on the forests of -, . e tate. I)
eir'. inches throtigh. - - Good trePs, ell 'eut- therei-ali-d:i1Q17--t129 wa - ( -11.- 'is °I r
.1., -And sure enough' there:Were-ten -e. es, pf 'a .lighter shade . and _eons clue not So
3' luind-plented- -walnut trees; They ii odd good) i'obtain-ecIft-o-ni-tb,e. B ate . of A-rhan-. wvi
tie !aboht 260 feet apart; ' 200_ •te_ the acre 'hi_ 'Sas,. Kentticky, Kansas -a d .. Cuth--,Ten- "
ed 111 2M00 trees,- - ' - , - •,,, --- neesee. --. .1 , .. -, - - .• . -_. , se
he 4" - - • • Ga -da " • -- - -,
,..„ back?" -raskeo. he first came to -n walnut waS-1 lieea a
"BlaCkwalfintsare wortlf$2;60 a bushel, for rail fence. - - - - ..-
eF 'ain't they?: -I'II .get 400 bushels this yeare ..- . The principal Vahie Of -walnu : is: 'that it 11_
That -'s $400,0. , A. hundred dolra,ra'a year ig is an-excelletit Wood for larni tire . and- is •PI
'9 'good rent for lansI 'weith 0.5 an aerie, '. handsome in appearance. --It- s, a lelose -
• J
What of it ?' Why thern's bla k wale .§0?ce. the PEnadiart supPlY Pan- H
10. myself,.ten years ago.- Seeetligy re ten' -",of Indiana -has caueed. the shpp y t give - s
"Well, heW did you get your . y Xt..17,raYyi-?f s ate § - hat .-Wheh .
to airft it ?,, grain; ie -not th be affected y changes
- woman mey sot up all night waitin" to h'ar
de f:ust - crash, bu ' she'll be disappointed.-
. 31' -oh h:ZI-en't(s-z t brimstun, "haye ye?"
• k'N(-T,,,.." '.' ' • •- • , '-• ' ,
'Nor , eith et e: but eclem Kaintfick
lunatics -i:.ine Ran:Ohl atik' Sunken' ief,cryin'
1 out. dat e World. am all on. fiah. How
, , , : •:_t . '
1011,1 ' f.111.1 - do ` yoa ',,,--ect dis world will
' staff'? '' „,,..
•" • Oh, abput ten million veara Mere.'
''llones, ...
"Yes" :
_ !" Tien I gess I'll walk up home and tell
'de ole we; an. One reason 'why he feels
=is. ekase - she was gwyne down to
' 1 to see her sister, an' she
thought' d endue up of de world might
stop de railroad kyers' from runidia,',e Ten
millyon y'ars.me'.! Why, she'd have time
, to finish dat •-•log Cabin bedquilt aft& visit
2 her sister, too!" -Detroit Free Press. . -
. ,..
.: wel4e..ebat else" . I _.inquired, grOWing, 'of te-,i,#P.e-ratn're, and at th-e, 'fia ON : line
n iiitereeted; : •-. - :':'..,,' , e . , . '.._ - ;are: .v.ubFeitt-ibabafiell totinriwborekr.!--.Weclictifieoh jniie6naleire'itzia:,-
-" The _trees,'!' b"oiciiiid•31.1r. Graves, ""
e `growiei„., 'an inch a year... When- they are.. reason why it is-.SoeXpensive isY•thatlt?-
s 20 years old they Will be 19 inchea-threngh-. /6.bo-heuledl a . g -re -at- distanne by tea
0 , A black Walnut ', tree 19 • ifiehea :through is before a:railroad can be reaChed.
: wortk$1.5.: -My - 2;000 ' trees .41' years from ' '-- . r• , ' - : -; :1'. •:- - : - ,,----: - ..
cpsi,....:caT... .
--• M.' bewortlx.$30,000.- ' if I don't Wants - ' ' ' - '.- :. .
h :to . 'thein. all I can ent half Of ,:thenteand ' •-•-:-
b P9 Butteriiiii, has beea.ebasidered an -Ax
u•-- then aisea _bushel:Of Wel/nits to tree: Ei .146rid bcii,.. 0131;0404, withoilp ...tiovic.i. it vii
,1, -that is, get .42,00 a --Year:. for the araie.' lent ,.etibetittite.' for Walnut,- bfit:a0:ileca
' T.Wo'huUdred'and -2fifty dollars an.aocriteialisei,ai.6. Nv1:1: 'Yie.4.b. . Besid.613.„this it is .4-1.0_ vr_.3i :Bo
e 111i -the. place Of theAima-honore.
fairbruenen! for,I.:.l.4...--land,: ain't..it.?"-:. ' .. , ,Ii ,
s • Tf a d is gradually jnereash* in a r ce
: a
on in -eh° ten.: days,• wtfert. the fierY-
is visitor new being examined by the astiOno-ery ,
i_i_slfiets _will be visible - to the naked eye eyein the '
t et nOrthern-sky:. -
has --'"*Tommy, cyon: - not hear your
ins' Mother. call?" " Corse I did !" "Then
• why . don't you g� to her et once ".Well, ;
• , ,
,yor. se -e, she s nervous, ana it d shook her
' awful-'fi shonld. go toe sUddeoly -".- ' . - ------='
eel:. - - -. - . .-. - . - -, - -
t ja
n. e: -Itis esa &the children are "dying _like
1 'flies" in o yif, and the cause is a mye7 -
d . tery.. Itis suggested that •badmilk maybe : •
; _ a --.fertile-..Canie, or', too'. ranch. ice-- water.
They die frenn. similar rcaieses itetliiaheigh...
s. hothead-. . , -- . - - - --- .,-: . --.- - - - • - - -
. ,
_--A " sad " Yarnieg to bibulous folks. is-.
4-ia -telegraPhed- from NeW 73rungicli- N.J. as -
. ,
.poisonipg:freni _ " lereonede,'-'..of. -which she
tbie drank-efiftgeh. .glassee - it ae. ,dietirfile#
., .
. :
refused to divide one centrand furl:led-him
_ . _
out of his house.. McComb had barely got '
into the street when Thonapion's friends- ,
opened- fire on him, ad he had to run fo
his.life. His pedestrian Wailit es Stood him
in good stead, ancl he esca ed. 't withou
injury. " By running and war ing All nigh
he managed_ to reach a point safety, and .I
boardedeate east -bound train, never stope, ho
' • * CherrYwood, Whi_ch %as enduring
- • - - - - walnut, and which has been rapidly gr
HOW 711.CY Purled." j in i ith f r it r d I
_ g n favor w ue. ett ers,
A new song is -entitled Ho - They doubled in price, Within the last two ye
r Parted."' We have not -read it, but no on account of itS' scarcity. _
ubt they parted in the usual 'way ---about
t 2 a. m., after. kissing eaeh other "good TEE REMEDY.
t " at least 37 times, "Well I guefis If Walnut is not 'replanted at once,
' '
must go," Jae says, with a sigh, about two outlook for good furniture in the future
ere before hq. dbes go. Then, after be very dreary., If t were planted alo
s another half-hour's convereat,ten about one the shores of Lake rie or in the -count
thing and another, he presses hiai'hand with before mentioned or in any part of t
,• ping until -he reached Illinoi . He stat
eer_ -- -, - , , • thatrthe da ft hi -h t a e r fr m
. A Millionaire's Requests.
- The will of qamee.Stokes ,wits -admitted ,Denver Moon- was shot by t evnitiplized
in the Probate: Oanit New.York on Swear- gang, -and died almost instant y - - :
, , • , • ;
day.: The estate is valued at 47,000 000 ' ' - - - 'ea. ' .• '
t T • i
and -is diVided equally among. his • childra '.?' A , conductor's ' iiirtatinl- Ohice
with the felloWnia hequesta : 'eAenerioan ,,, it.: appear,s, -that German railiteY. con -
3. k
Bible Society, 41U00 ; Amerieen .Holna- [ducters are Made- happy- by the addition to
Missionary Society,- 4'5,000; 'Union -Theo- [their equipment Of a paper mill and print
logical Seininary, §2,f;100-1 _American _Tract, ifng office, the invention cfre,,Beciin.engineer,
'ffeeletY:,. 2.-000 ; Home for . in°nraPles, to be Jiang round the neck, - which, pecord-
$1,000.;, Society. of Ruptured: and- CriPpled
.ing to an exCliange, ie. to .co letely manu-
facture passenger tickets befo e the .eyes of
the Wondering -public. The ,apparatus is
said to be somewhat cc.,repli ated in cOn-r-
structikii,bnt its manipulation is *as 'simple
as its working is correct,' for; should the
operator not proceed in the . ay -required
",Fais-ch" (wrong) in the pIabe where.the
by the mechanisra, it will not pririt all the
figures and -words wanted, -bit the word
fault was committed. - At the..saine time
the money , in :the hands of thecenductoi
this portableprinter checks the number of
ticketaiseued,SO.ihat at any,gi en Morgent
can be conapared. with- the " eine of the
tiekets printed and taken. e '
. -' -
. .
• .
; Mow She Saerifited "ger; Weikiltei .11ing„
-, A. despate-lafrom New- York9imsays. a -Yell-
dressed Wein-are-giving her ri e as Mary
'for swindling.. She repreterit. d bereelf as
White -was arrested in Paterson yesterday.
had sold -everything,, till at - last She was
a -Widow; and said that, She l'as-Imor and
forced to part with her wedding ring. Then
she exhibited what appearedrietiDe a massive
gold ring, reunded at the edgegito look as if
worn, andeagraved on the inside with the
initials '":311:.C.'_' The ring appeared to be
Werth $15. She sacrificed it for tii.- Then
she- wentto- some one else' and told the
sable story and sold •Temother. ring bearing
the same initials, - Pretty soon the pur-
chaser -g went out to make 7 their neig ors
envious with their bargains. ' This tesplted.
in the discovery that the neighborhood Was
ffullef the '.rings, i A jeWeller tested them
and found that they were brass, ana worth'
aborietencents apiece. The 4041,ttp. :Was
arrested Yesterday._ • .
- ' -- --•".e- • .. -
Lord Sandhurst was married -a fortnight
age in St.. James' 'Church, :Piccadilly; to
Lady Victoria Spencer, youngesedaughter. -
'of the 1.6,te Earl Spenoer,. arid half-eistei of
'the'Preeent Earl, by „whom. she .wAS given
away. the -Prince and Prim -seas of .Wales
were present' and. gave'6the.bride- a very,
handsome - Chippendale,writingitable. . An
I a shawl, whielf- appeared, among:the
Presents,' was, of course, 'Course, tretaithe Que '',
wile . Sent; in " addition. :a gold-enatuelle
dianiondpendant, with;befOWn-Miniatiiro
in ;the centre, and 'hiving alarge-Poari drop.
. „ -
- " She got on the bex and I asked her for
. gyraan preached oae, • eyening for a brother ten. cents hcfcke foie but her head in tbs.
NvilO had to be out of town. 1- Pn his kettir& rope. She wouldn't gie!emeetlie ten centS.;
,. --Part h&c' f11164.ae.leeP''l . -.7 - graphic. story of- 'a Cokurabus, Ohio, boy
• • ' Mr: W. G. Kidd, the Kingston Inspector who had agreed to-assia'a Woman- in, mini -
of Public.- Sch.00,tstig .very lit and ' has . -had mitting suieide if she would giyeehim -ten
gation. - "Olit,- Ye -S,7' . said 0, tc about
.hundred brethren -of whom the ' greater then. you men came rhiPing." . This is thp
to give up his duties in 'canseqUenee. . " nente, .- --------- '. - •
he-- asIed:his friend if he had good 'eengre' and,- I, ,. I.:t her go ; - endkshe 'didn't pat her .
.. five head in. She hollered- and fell' dowa and
ars f011ovis:.:.Annie Powers, cif- died
to,dayffrom. the effects of- tartaric -acid
tl •
will recen y.
ng- -A, toreign exchange in an article on
. . .
les „MUSIC says: "As .1n cookery, so in .
lie the questien may -be asked, goes
- Anterican.B:fard of Vareign, Missions,. 4$10,-,
000; Society for the Prevention of cruelty
to Anfinals, 1,00.0; Baptist Home Missien-
ary Society,45,000;- American Baptist Mis7-
sionary Union for Burmah .and Foreign
Blieeipne; .10,001;e; ----.'Baptist Theological
• -Seminary, 42,000, '
; '•
iraShianahle ilat_liage. •
-1.3.1114 :ie -,`Much -worn- -in 'front the
darkeet thethe plainest shades.: -
Skirts are becoming ranch fuller, seas to
• .
give more ease in
- The combination of rose -Color with "Violet
lilac is .eXtremely fashionable. -
• Nearly all dresses for girls. have very
lafge collars -, .either of the costume material,
ornallientaviith lice, or of lace along,: ,
_ Moire antique is -in -great favor, and will
. •
exteneiVelYnsed next winter._ It will be
-made up int& searfe,-cleakse and bonnet-
strings,- as,weil as dresseS.
• A de4:orative and at the same time useful
- • di.sptsition of a painted tile is to insert it
in one of the little wooden brackets --especie
.71 ally Madefor the purpose.,
Flannel = Suits fpr the mountains, etc.,
have ' bketise.or ; pleated - waists; neither
puffitigs `ner shirrings- appear -in these
dressee,but the neWest Show much pleating.
'A Montreal despatch says Adelina Patti,
whoseagent had taken- the Academy of
Music here for. a concert in January next :
, , ,.
,_ hes•deolined.to come, owing to her time
on this:Continent being too limited. Great
-disappointrafent-is felt by theie who were
• .=-aexious to hear- the celebrated .cantatrice„
'but xt is very questionable if her -audience.
--at t21/ -a tia t weuld have °eine up to -, the
expect -Atone f-lier Manager.
. . ,
The bilked 'Richmond had the narrowest'
.. pessiblp .escape front -death the .other eveii-
- . .
-. Mg: 4, -..lie was re -tossing- the railway line
• ' - from' onle'platform to another at Chichester ,
' station, 'the traink conveying the Prirtpe- and,
Prineeas cl_Walts ran into, the Station, and
the Duke Nvoulek- have been killed had net
. the statien-inaster' used.' Ore presence of
Mind in Pulling hirn-on to Pie platform. '
Not long ago a well-knoWn Boston der-
_ ,
_tielepressivenessesa.ys he rattily rank go,
and-4oVingly lingers another half-hour.
, Then be says he didn't know it was Bolide,
picks up his hat and moves toward the
deer, where be puts his around' her to
prevent her from felling in a:swot:en, and
kisses het five minutes in oneinning
and -
still linders: Then hogivesher one more
-kiss just for luck, and reluctantly:stepe
down and outeinta.e.the blaok,'Llenesoafe,
night, and. calls around .the next bight.,
That is how they parted years ago --if we
have not been misinforined; •'
queer Things About Merges. -
In a meeting at New York the other day,
Dr. Gerrish,:sPealfing- of heroes; said that,
'greater tattention- shoulkbe paid to -their
comfort. - They should get fruit sugar
eccasionally, and,. above_ all thihgs, they,
ought to haveono day's rest out of seven.
Repaid that horses!, then& not so. intellf-
gentos dogs, are very sagactioilS, .and
tioned..an instance of - tv horse . of his that
used tostop of his own accord at tie door
. , .
of a patient Whom he bad:been:treating-for
fever; a year .afterward, .pesaing by; the
horse- aStonished the doctor by -stopping as
before. - Dr. Lambert thought that while a,
horse might not hoSo intelligent as dog, -
he could see further. -- A:long4iVed horse,
he Said, was kiteWn- by the elasticity_ and
firmness of. its ear,. and a -short-liyed one
has a flabby ear. The same rule; he said,
held good with regard to -*OMNI: A. woman.
whaSe -ear was pulled out of shape by, a
heavy ear -ring had -not 'Many, years to live,
While one whose ea,r-fitoodthe Strain would:
attain a good, Old eke... -
, .
. .
. reeett traveller in equatorial" Africa
_ .
nays: "Lions are one of -the.--claugere
between Zanzibar .• and the _ great' lakes:
They Borne- tirne0 hunt'. garne packi_ of
six to eight, Some animals' show' fight
;against them •successfully. f -tions never
ventureto attack the adult elephant, :end:
even. avoid the buffalo; unless they are more;
than two to one. In general: they never
attack caravans, and never in daytinio..
Ait-most alungrytlion ..may spring upon
and and --carry.- Off ' Straggler-, While passing.
through thebrakesand jungles. . I3ut . is.
otherwise night. e When ?lions. scent .the
caravan from afar, -particularly if it con-
; goats.: or I beasts s- Of"- burden, . they
approach and announce- their vicinity: by.
terrific :rears. -.-Xevertheldie - a :
enclosed. camp there is . danger ; the
lions never attempt to -clear the -obstacles
and - marksmen from behind, the
Can pick theta" off- with-falrnest unfailing
aini.- There iadenger only when -the b-8,4
is not 'eonipletely enclosed, -or-,.when these
'inside go -out to attack them."
Iteibert Browhing is pleasantly deseribed
as wandering- through -the, -crowd -4 the.
-Royal -Abaderefy "entertaihnients with " a.
kind wordand warm grasp of the hand for,
all his --friends, and, above . ." a stolen
glance -of 'affection-M.11e.: sores pictures as:
he-quietlypasseS-them by."
Province:west of Toronto, in twenty yea
titue it would pay 5,600 -per. cent., so se
an' Old. arlepriculthriet.. - the theanti
the, prospebt-is gloomy in the extrethe,JA
dealers look -forward -to speedy and ed
'plete eXhainition _of the "
- • - _
re with what? So ar as summer msis
concerned, it mayix- ,;said that the same-
;nightethat produce-. the eats produce the
ud accordeOns.
m --g
-- t,.. -ueer EitorYis told' from Toronto of "
'to' a2---naan. nanied Loudan selling his- wife and. .
children - to a man named Haines. The
. ..
Wife had deserted her'hiniband for Hama.
Failing to induce her to retwn,_Laudan • . .--
'handed her and his ohildrennver torHaitiev .
on the receitit of 45::
. . • - .
- e ---The inightyleave fallen -I Edward
Hanlan, the-ogremin, has been sunamened ,
for selling liquor .n.'aunday on • Torento ,
-relapsed into utilitarianisth, or universal. Island, and his : other-. John- is also sum ,
. ,_ .
moned_. 011 four arges of selling li tv._,o15% .
without alicense. t_: . • . -
, ..fion 'account Of :intuitiOnaliBm_we.have
istiehedoni ru;. • This gratifying statement
s is made on -, he authority of a professor of
se philosophy: at ,Concord. It is too, too -
11 - - • . '
.110tel - HeeperS-..
. (johnny- Bouquet Y. Tribune.) -
"-•Bline host " •wa's: Once a term of .reearr-
ingyheh tavern ,keepers Were, not abovetheir trade,: and the - guest Ulna,' at. the
door a plain, .Well-fed-- man, with with honest
eyes;\ Who .0* his baggage nr his hand and
sai_ Now, come to inc if :-anything -goes;
,wron In the -se .days sinne.-•bat keeper
greet man. Las •replaeed.--the - est,
whose e ambition _it to aPpear to do
nothing and to look hanibtY: and intellec-
ua • as a- gl0r10013, ancestry -kept .hi
impulsiveness in -. check. --Scene - 'of the
parvenus run font or five hotels and spa
ripest. of their time trate' lling betWeeil them,'
iostead of lepking_after the personal comfort:
-of the bird they have caught. Tliewordtable-
d'hote they are now, affecting- means the
table Of the host's-latriily, at Which he pre-
-sides and carves; but the average host
a-davi is so.asharned Of his guests that he
'hides -his ,family like a.Meilean, or Brazil-
ian grandee from .-thc sight of travellers.
Women have1111 openig in the hotel
business here as in England. They are not
hotel speculators and are willing to
undergo a- host's responsibilities. At
Brighton - :England• -whielels the largest
- • -
watering place z on the globe, with above
100,000:. permanent residents, the . chief
duties of hotelsareperformed 'by _Women
Mainly, the; .porter's excepted. The,
haters :' frequently.- send' the guest Out
to one of the - thousandift...ei .eloan. private
dwellings, -where flei fromi 15 tp 30 shiliiugs
a week rodinend attendancoare furnished.
British extortion, so Celebrated -
Americans, - omits the exasperating:.solidi-
tationhere, but more 'boldly: exPressei.
:itself -1n the tariff:: The British hotel sys-
tem; rapidly intruding tere,is:popillar with
landlords' as -a means of greater revenue
iu general,the same cookingle,serxe - as at
the public table,-bilt-witli.laighettaliffs,- On
-the various dishes.. _Wine, which is -the
initter.-of 'greatest 'profit to the foreign
landlorkis-of -SrealL,relatiVe.censtimptien
'here ;- a profit of -..abdiit lip a easels Made
-upen, champagne.. larct, whieh OOste
-eefits . a quart 'bottle 'from' the grocer,is
charged 41' and UpWar4: at the hotel:
In paesihgthroUgh .G.er any,en her Nay
to Switzerland ,the 'Et napre --Eugenie,
travelsasthe '.•_Countetia, ..•Pierrefonda,"-firet
drove to the nevr,pa;lace .in" order: to„ Viet'
the iroanasiii-Whieli _the late Princess:- Alice :
Iived,ifintl--afterivards. proceeded.to lI
Doyni anspleurn,,where she,Was 4
tlie ''Ii.oreditary: :Grand Duko 0 nd the
-PrineeseIrene- anal_ -Alice. The- :Einprese
thea:_kiieltbeforethetotiabi_of the Prinee-0,
and after passthg some time in sih
'proycr:AS-bed several Wreaths nijOn 51
---LittleA-JnIannY.haa been caught by bus
-aunt telda fly. 1:!‘ Jojannyi'
"!_ euppos ng some great- beast :a thousand _
tithes- bigger than, yourself should leatie
you, and perhaps eat- you all •up ?" '",-1 -
hope," said -Johnny, ." he'd -feel as bad as1
do when -1 swallow a fly."'
Hi ! Where aid you .- get: them
trousers.?" asked an Irishman' of a:niatt.
who happened to be passing with a remark-
ably. short pair of trousers. • '` I got thena--
where they - grew," was the - indignant
reply. "Then, by My conscience,-" said
Pat, "you've ;pilled them a year too soon!"
. 0 come out of it.
Come out of it, my Soul, thouare not fit
t'orthis vilo trafac-house, where day by day
Wisdoni and reverence are gold at-reart,, -
Arld the radepeopie rage Witifignorant pries -
A-,gIatimnsartj;nmbyeeiaitlanige: c)wfli.ceernetfuoi"rieesini'ar8ani-4 of Art'
And loftiest culture 1 Would stand. apakt '
eith-er-lor:God; noffgosicaa.hiswe'hittzenttshe. mks'
, . . .
is a --War -among the - weather,
prophets. e Vennor predicts one sort of
weather for August, De ___yoe, ihe.jersey ;
eteorelogiet,another- and the Weather
epartment a third, And, inthe meana
.tiing, the -average citizen is Made thoroughly' •
aWareof the- fact that it is hot. -7 -
- - _
.;--Aleoholia fermentation generated in.
the roots of apple :trees ,hes-leeen -found - hy
Dr, Van Tieghenkto be often- the ---.cause. of
di -ease in such trees. Ai the recits. do_ no
-sometimes-receive enough of,oxygen
in v -
weather, drainage is theremedY reCom
---A correspondent of he r
lverding Post asks if - any one can gi,Ir
of -'016 foliowing
lines :'
BefeW' tbe.,dark waves, -where the dea
-Thera-are gulfs of inghtinere Oen.
. But „little earetbey__Wboin: the-way-de-
noW:stioc:froni,tbe-,light they elev.'
1211 vti Ditt47 dt t'es 60194 )1r-111 r: 71.6
"hose• ;t0Mest*/