Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-24, Page 7N,
'D W
N, DOW mWer who liff A
At, r �o-nxg I'll, L":
kwWRI'thoy b.�, "'f"i
t -out.
04 0_4 7pewP id JR011-1 I
h as M,
has '"'W I
paoily', di
gested f6Od '-patitre 0,1, what ;6d mi 0_ ot Valxpz.,�
�dver-wi*k—Dr- mmi. 7" - "k,
Not "'Iess, they h4vp
.eir S br
he_ wwas
-v qr�mzqe, _eat, Thiz ia j#�4 fio,= at
*oiah .. _U YO, r al4a
the 'V-f,01e, J'VJ
'eylmn, s; _Wn'tta -Org
ii;JOIA *6ir � .1 � 11 k . "', hly aw- z4arrie,
F111715 HER: stwr��%nua ys�, t4t�iw�ug
T 2i
Z t.o C&ko"4, and luix
my �,O� *4 A�iv
mor R
Badi ran,dowJim:,is, tborqn4i R�;NEW 7-7
000 th, K KID 1,
Ir I I �*7777
�0 ge, Neitt �Servecl i�ith Mdk
e, t �tc y 'Never, � rA his t
,�t Canada wbelh his jn
through e v or
of. vlous&Os P n1r( '4, efo he,
U , -h,1W
ss� been
0M., social. and commercial SuCce
Yo A 'to ]Tim
. g_ _._ - — - — _ still
%--are-e'na,- _ _ j- b
UR ! T
-so. keen, as, -n day, -,audt
-er, wtfaAg ;�b, ��&.as to v,praire 'A in ov
wben. �k'l'
-Vy, s , IpTenta
J *roe -V'he hi for
out 0 safts-0206 and ,
hou ra Afir" 1.9�lv ains and the victor alldthe vanqidsfied alike,
Weakness , - , T � - hip at Onto,
h* M.,
rs W06, 'es �nd body,
Sall$Iw�"PleAse, ma"am 1 can't comes,a ti Christmas trade.
w en�mery
room., Shi nd 'science' -6 prompt v�turns_
Poo rs,
pshap 'a' )W-lor Nathrg�� ick'
OU oft6n�L �od
a —Haven'tj told y h baye�cpmbined io nee after 'i
y find the, Ali 'this b* 6 10
s an persqn lioug, kv r�
for board
d thin his ejacti�
ue6d- ��y h.&A 6iced MA., 40 9 M D I't to have for evPrAhinj and vximeAt r6d men* --d
a the valet endured. an 'p
where ti
ial)", op ever p &Ce?l' llyr men,mAy re
e YqA- we' ping to, save her sis-1 I &
ne*v.,their outh. 11
can make ,in- t4e 'the West from4p,:1Ills m;e I did� t, A- Ji PAT
DMn- oft bis, m;p er,, wpmq.n M ve the main, line of :the Grand Trunk
who, t
t te the bu, P TO IDNA ,00
t4JS; ;0;St 3TREET,
y1i P 35
id �w m, yearp� Tlw4y ,
hi como at the 33,
pal Sstem, at St. "The
dia in WGMAn S, On rio','7 is si uated;. Wpl- for- $P.Ae �v 51 Su
Of, this plac6,ha en, -transition frolp a hot th land," where the I I
die& intezfit Lor would il s f life are al
f6udw� 'at for pub- a c d pexAturel Xpoauro to
td 16-viated
en, a 9 by, bathing iFfIL,'il-16 Saliae-
."'Ab jilt
Sprj�ngs 'of the �'St. ':C,
Suh5t_JtUtio. . of to 'Well d
o was ave brop Lrgefird' lk nablo,
n r un er proper medical
P4, pery
ways enipy ay—Y, Islon
'of pive'ri-*ork. 'fruitful caus and. att6nda.
EC.'aM%'�;TPJ AXL. e L 'go* clothink, are
or or he, last two year�§.� IrloU colds an.jhe� L -tough td, J. D. McD t 4, d- t ti* ISE ut onald,, DiArict P
r,- years, 0- a k 1UP,9s.' Seng er" e'nt.,. Toronto.
that. b; I y'',
�V -7' Amonif y
'My "does e eff _h LOA
ry, E 141- 7rLV
,the ��,very 1, appid not:
d, there Is none6 et 'r t an -
6V Ti Aff( Ct
certaln', suills are eexete& .,d fect
i7y* 7 :it, frank aCa'll i6es!'I�ask_ed the
JIM 'ease wag le- er-m, t4e �xreatest ag becom
my -xria
'Sage -
onfor their- own n nuisterta
'he doesu�
e is an opei
1110 an OnZ 0 �e=Tkeep, --Whe ce, these wiitdfafts -'lug as Ail L, V t care'whet
n the. poets, 7, h
W e- #ece 4 1 .
�d lile,. to'L try Di. iczort my ileal.'
601im m� secret;, the -se'r- th time, it would '6�urnjng L ynge as. any, friends or not..
e stelt-to-ae Cep
�did SO and E00111 My 0 ,
e bat A what's the us6?�, A nve f Iffi Purely'Vegetablo, 'Pill -�-Par_;;
proved, mt- e6l6r
"d' . I W, whAe� a delnmnd foi conlplain6d�66 ex -pick -pocket- Vegetable Pills are COM_
of L
my rem- U,r
able to 16;jVe� wpges� or a mean could, t lief till reading' of -arched: a Poe f I got.. pq'4pided :'from roots, herbs, and
ge'.7 re
maAer's, board C :
t once, and, al
eCQnoW In'
ill f, ?I -ases o my:6v0h by'
or- �u�qbffier I ari wuz a pawn-tickfi.-L"
e proMptL , tr I SO , :
en�uk id' of known 'vi ue in
-4 o r
M4- Pdd'S' ki ney, PT led. me t I
th. bst, 6f ma ample- 4H6wance of, the. treatment o iver and kidney
e to' With L th3r_
pfloh-s Cure W- I co m6pi'laints.,2nd ing, on- rnart,-,ags 4�11 ea, Want All' WOMe]M Thek &d a
am now in -e ncs them. ers for tfor. their own use tt_ J 11 at it you. long my C and colds.09'
.0, OW Wh -e work vnitliont f th whether 606 ble b VIr the -Street
abl ADi46my ,
I" AJL,�jho areL,We0&L .1 1 11 y
D_dd'_ Kidne Pills �aid,for me." t�lw ,
Aduld to,
StDree Overwork or. der h ex -
you desire anged:-"_r4u& RAUWAY :In Canaga (wentrin
e to a Ju M My DQdd'
rukd Aeftevw6d. I healtffi and s, Kidney, Pills, eur!el the PAY the lnteres4., pay
in Di WiffiaIu V., ' , Kidne'ys Th6 Miss Oldgir
. M_ , H! futafe'li e g'.
Fie � e, York W1 to you -think M -r- cqss They r
'Ekqul:re n
k smeere when -he rites testihionial Their � excellent e�;ta Pin w6mazC.. who has w much agiffn 82,lalny Bank �in
Thus s rik,& me more,f sfthat, h- 'I t -in tongiviiiiies, ai_677�k owl! to -a tho alnauntg o '�S
rtaM a: Leedg s46,tind_ Kidnel-S, guard d
anft whO nide-tenths of the suffering Ee f _flave_
'they Volu=_ 0 n i MP 6116 -EffeE_ -1 i FV ffE71 6.
U e D, e: wo- J
M _ , . 6,
mi Dr 6 a
daxe� rf
T6 of them-Uft ierf-i. And fhe� _e
, �0,11 t M_*
know peptic'S d, ne.SS, Who
N those subjeA to bilious SIPPMEY PORTOUS.'
root and whoi ewdes -4eIr �GF fWty -are a a quest of a neficial 'Med! I lild madest. 6", be.
her own, Th" ir—enthlor COW that ravu yonsviret �111!!1
Se. Vitus; daffee, ki& akecat rwiiw�y 6,Crg,:M0ntr6aI,�P.'Q.'
QTur:: POSTM". ic�ne
yeLars�siha wwerwill, �t Como baCk-if you
Ir m er, er-, is ft-rf Ed
-_�Md 60kmchel aha th6ie:;seqret AH- i�elf is'T'kL W _V_L I mmeo'Is -6;i S
a oil Elie 'I&E, 7 y hemug usit e t �misfortaae
#0 v6niasft of '760 vissdt� h e -
F JEu at" 5ft. a,� 6X: or RID�WIS To Lh '45 b6 -
lkw Sakes, for V21 EL 11�e b PAR A"d "I'll do it with If no.. buy stoct,in:
%Tit ta getri
inch. Wg S. am oats.
D �,Lultouvf oil'Co
employed theM.- p �aLCP]tJ=ncd.
111 do- hire others sl" BUY
the! iinfoituate. :on&, 1F
A la aTarisiami� d* n -M c
e aid on h J%L�r,*aad A'Tp. Of thasthAt,
jia Y;;w
that hm Ued; tbe gre&tAlport Oil, Bait.; whick i4�cordaiugty
nate, th6 orice of, b6
A, e dino' Chest in Itsolf--,
td�L A, Paww_
t �.t oil, producing ceotre iia _,th15:
'the to,
V I Weft Rep ILC !0� a6t,lan C affoid 1. . eat, in , hi th
possess a, Me& t' JLC
11mmished koam& may b�:. ta 025�CW.por
My Cure b
VM_Vb eperano :-
cute toughs '.and,, WM a' I Ploy, "-, �m
io Jea Thomas' Mectrie Oil 1i h- any' aa'
t � is th tDj ere t .��aae2 C
its. cb-con'taining he st and __OW
Dorothy ould reniedy for rheum
'T eeln-to'mAnag ewits to tt ,each, ana dirisctly t1h I
ba"'slzemy adv�axtced froui f;_T bmed, to, be, on -the jpu�sxte I'I Iibago, y
yco-�M`e youi egg jaoa6hed or boil- s6re throat, 601418 u,
iaah roonIg'bg ta coug s,.catarrh, _p
pl� TIMM K]" .., a �.L I . w.,; &te struck;y6v will h"o tube aTm ona"re'r
' 'y . asthina tumd'4 potent he616 f "in
edi!` Dor6th eig g the well on _T�6ajbous6ke�ping M gas,
(after , b say. b
"Which Js MG rwses, e aV. en t sprains, eS The ra, espeop
setln:their bills e�,t. tbe.Cowpaay kub.- -14
the ach of the, p6o e -blacks of
Aphyd Mg. -at. handL. :Gttardy6ur. payal�la�jz67%
AVELLEWS VALUABLE t always In three motitha. brif
elm 4L
�Lt_ S6. the -me
opar lot tna tLouse
UL has
tw Thek e
10fiN LN -not!
seak .0 an& and, -ad t, .1ha- -s- nit
at fit; tE3tn-t'_So _:t0i HeL b?x= -a' 'for a e Li
A L te;; e e to
&elI emm the' b1i
',d Ct`aCkb_ IR a ox 54 T
-d-u' k, -Ye 01
6�emeed. ae = a ser y faM_ft� um
se, has I s e2t A
Ge6rge� 9�7 ';'You're 5'ucc
11 to is' 00h 00 1-11tr 1.0d
V;Ga&rW hint Ciir�i he 164 saved: &'fair. Ve&
even' in such, My SO]IJ,; YOE
ha;ire be --
g re: har et to, remove
mn& who �3Fur egin, a�, e ax
. b . ' ' same kind. when aur- dtht�r AIWA b t th- -bott6ra to learn, :than'-01�6se 'th.
t Must: 'Are.y6tir doi�
- rl PW), ffi.s_* i6 Ot �erg the
eve hot b oold who - aver -u -se J. Zy
regamea, 23 mmcr '44Nru
Natmes gjemt ft I I . fl. Cure Tr
h dr
hehe &L'K, th I Mpter. It has.
I Me -H j d�,, but thifst ul— y e rl 'non
ak, hi or., a pr ata el
nU be wk, ties,_
that tesb o
. 1. I isi�y A
have im -you
Y a man
COB rmBbted� ur . , 6
Ce bef( reJ&
blo'vt *he r HOSC
t6 A�4* -MARVFJS� OF IWOSC ihaH have t alms, a,,
s a a., -rave eri tchks
are plk Z
661�shi omm A donfal',of AR0.
-Tw- -rl-t� Mede&. and: iilore
b2S d
t if: WS a
jA L �,, es than R6 'Me. RL . CCO HABIT
it. fji�.t dj=MM% 'UR boiliAgLr
3F huchcosOS 4nd br CTaigaw red. into M VWqdd 4y, katkg� dff MEL" hacm&t hictc�� tb�c&� 'reratidy.rompres. a
- it ne�r t6ado_- C,:j W0000 Its gol dolnZa-an the, we'ea fix a. few dlys-. e§Ctouic,and
er w en wate'r fiLfhe fin
M�t he &ed h6
Or' G �Cl
ma e &-atar- as OF tX=TAW -A 'E' aftem t4fi WnTriia f:gn& mare thn'tice that, L IQ;JC
jilk, to he
M Traman said to he Ctf UHF�-41
q - - __)4W -i a:1se.1, cur,_-. fer..Iam: it
stones, aka vo
'e.56 en& tb,� fbiou, h a
UAWL Saf-6 atrd Iva pzaa�
rar4, bunin
hta= na ross,of tirib f amd rum
At mas o'j- cot
raa1g.:, rec em, 111"s,#M01 -itt2bre- it LV --M Me -9 Cam- ark MAE�; Ve 'Linn QtLL Fro*, C" T 14Tt M�jlp%i�a fa tbe..Chest,
'iis ttaeft-ed 46 S(X,-- M box ek Vfve the Ch' 000, GO fil 1 -8
; il&eh i Milo&
a1 211, drM "gl a
Mali 'An at& slam Agairs Spankitt- doe� not ctire C'Etildrem ofbe4�. Co'.. for brtco_ -U& aita, T10ab, ft;x&x&_ oZa
�01� free� td, �Lnp not, throw away your iitone-irx qlu M7, we� is�a onskiti,
IC tt� wilf-send
per to mip'the r' her succesr-ra h6ine, tr�a�tnieai,, Rabecaus y
jt6rk� bid. O�6
f�ll iaStrU t
t I'M the ctrdns, and di:P m6
Mk ey'r u Razor Pwito:7 which win keep- �ou
tjbg eext enga&* Fair
fOL: Write hWi io-day Wyour children treable' r Razor I
a&6,ut the
in� this I YoUr 9M. emmn Z i *..On Wkk.'. Don't WArni- - the chHd. 0 brug 06�dor ddeiaot
ihe 'chinces aie' it can'i elp, it. Thig
ran 'Vr WJF% ment�4 Cures t� 1pittent, Catlague 0 &PH ti
etie tilts and'' a Wedi
The s by Me
people.trdu DA' HomE I bled'with And cor&.�! i r
At 'MY 1 n..
Ony LDer&,rMed his. ImLy or ifilih
1p W 00
� � I., . . . . I . I ... I I f , a-
rialcv oSi P1
VMre,iW Orr St. i-.&t;L ST., MADE ALL THE. DIFFERE, -cE -I L . r.
in p6 lffij� ther�
disp Me .0 me' 1alk
at' teso
laejak� the t 6;w ri e. x of' Mku& firArrying -a* duke'r,
er a per- w I ere. at Yell. 4mf, . yo u se . e the ditke Cleanin I
!art wa their., digiu6a�ns rmde.T. didn't, -s anythiin it.
e highted, �0.6jt
Larke'Alan, JL 4du
. fe, many it
we., t1iii fitst, Wffings -t1thy glo �dgipp
tl�e -ser��Mte han town. W so" 41TWL
ala'd then'he M66d d Anj4g and u fieta the, ee an at to, eec Com- st
and a u�.
s; re restle6ite'ss: ni sure,
nd 'foldod fi, i a
th6 Uritish RQ bjo�r6". ett� 5, mp;
estedi- than -that T Ia, , 4� . I V , t
riloer, 'th !4ay a, bota of the VliltL�J'Sth"
1ft ., tG 3�d��_
I gns - shl'—ft b. am �Pmt-_ plcas Rxd�
Qs; e
S&thei G -rxterMl11_'E,
As 1 it an- e ectual 'Et h _d 4me jjtg, h1s xW* for pardc c I ritadi I md.
*AMER M�_D. Co.. L644. O,J�
-A mawe. nd
jit)ry ] L W
eid, to, GATS RV b
A out
i'ted by
AL fg A" -iliug h6at Ito lvitdows;' the ev�
iWon hag
hearchrug whiefi. Is piobabl, three _4C;
=.Voge entj
iiniqu& (I r' �f U10 T'h& d I C-1 IA a 14 Pen, -eased feline the skidsi of ME, crk'
-e pe� s- s, er ca s, 'ec . . . . . . .
a el, 7&_. T= iu&d
gkM of power., S fe-, n,
idn&Ld and Add
I c, t CA ie, an
thLe, lost
S-% the, ski&s.- 6f'furteen dead. c6ritain Lr, t
Ther rug Is. tinti t oflowes. instirinoa ra.e;,
e 19: hIt in
�fitdl to EK N
g A i 1K. afttrmysre
Olt a4
P Ogn
.0 IM ap* of that BUY
the, reverse�' side,'bf each SkiII thefeL hu . its nt
al e lata vMf6r the O)_
6, ZS6M9 for tat
dullmig which -he or she), was the -
t Stf
Ia.. Gen Ora
lady"s oropi.Lrty, Thifts on
TORON 0-.q�r-
S tLilleality TIP,
. Y. y
&Ae od*