HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-17, Page 10he- -11 EITt°s cluestian -4n-- Many,- minds- these'''. days -is- " at -to buy -for --
err- DairAter
ne pretty picture
8 reit at 3c and 5c.
tin: ge in Silk andLeather
TIES—No yoang man ever '1)&1 tol many Ties.
is large and c ,rrect in latest styles, and
prices very reasona,i: Je.
HE ADWEAll -See our assortment of Toques -
Caps, Hoods and Tams for young aud old:
nicely made .and ,teautifully trimmed; -bt --
FURS --=-Whas could lie nicer or better or more
are selling these lines at very close prices.
We will be pleased to show them and quote
special Christmas Prices. Also, ,sret our
special prices in Mpn's Far Coats.
ropriate and. suitable are Wool Blankets, Cotton Blankets,
rtalillS, Tapestry Curtains, Tapestry Table Covers, underskirts
n ays before 'Xmas.
prir,buying until the last moment
and satisfaction to offer
Tow-, ,04.itii". ALBUMS -FANCY CLOCKS
e quicker you make your Selections the better your
-ance of geuing what you want. We. do the best we can to
ect everTrequirement and urge shoppers in their own in-
t to btry early.
are buying
The se111014n - Church... sit:
6.1P1410.31)- $xtQnded a alt to Rev
NoaViof-Tor nt€a .The ordiriatiou;l
and i ndhetioa will likely 'to"take place
alwtit-the-New' Year if l e accepts. -.
Rev. CI asf Ruther;�ford .occupied the
pulpit last, Sabbath «:.` , .
Miss •Baz,ma e- leas---gone-on
an extended visit to friends at Lorne.
Mir. and -Mrs. L, G. 'Weatherhead.:
also MissEnaily! visitedWinghani last
Mrs. D. Thurlow is visiting friends
in Ashfield.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Grant are com-
fortably settled in Miss J. McDonald's
Tom Sandy has bought the: thresh- •
Mrs.' DAMeLennan-and-Misx-Jessie-
Of-LochalsheNisite at- MeLean: -on-
Saturday '
were muclfaripreciated • A fact: in be
regretted l'IraS.theAtUrbalaCe; a few
te- the ,by.Iaw Made in the porch
in,rs„ held here in times past, . but 3113iy--
when they, are men lane
expeated, of them.
Mr. -Albert Johnston aria family -of
frawanese spent crafiday among, re-
latives in this vicinity.
The services in Blake's Church
on Sunday evening ,were conducted
by Rev. T. E. Sawyer, his text being
,"Is the young inan.AbsalDm sple " as
„perance sermon. It was -highly
appreciated by a, large a,udience.
Quite a number from Mafekiiai at-
tended the funeral of the late Mr.
W. 11._Iteed o9, Thursday afternoon
of last week to Dungannon Cemetery.
A sleighloacl of young people from
Crewe attended services on Sunday
Preparatmns are now -under head -
School House on Monday evenityr
Dec. 31st. The...,programme will con-
sist of addresses, recitations; solos,
ditets and dialoaues by talent from
Lucknow and elsewhere. Everybody
'welcome; -come and eriioy so -elk!
f:roin all ifigriitoba Wheat,
Pastry 'flour $2,50
from Ontario Winter Wheat:
-Treleaven Bros.
It Wonly a tnatter of a few weeks till *the dose ,of
'this year, and for the balance of the Old Year we are
going to make it interesting for the public—we mean in
the way of birgains and cut.prices. zWe are bound to
.ts one onlir way to do this and that is td 'CUT! the "prices to •
, suit the purchaser, so.rdotet fail to call and see us. We
also have the‘usual good,prices in the gtocery lines.
Nutt and Candy iGaloit' .for Christina&
Wishing you all thecompliments of the Season.
This sehool is one of the largest in
the province: It is, noted for the
thorouglines5 of -its wOrk' and the
success of its students. Three de-
copintercial, Shorthand,
. OW -graduates are , in demand "ii*
buiiness college teachers ajs-weWas
Cent catalogue, it is,free:
8/ McLachlan,
, Principals.
Coat. ,We :have the -right kind, ,the rigfit'qu4ity, at
the -right \pried.' The:man who wants a- medium priced
Coat with. 'excellent 'wearing qualities cannot do better°
Price special at $25.00. -
-.For -a- higher priced Coat,- the natural Coon is
dautiful.heavy fur, with no defects. These are wcrth.
hp, and (excellent value at tliat price early buyers get
the best at $52.50.
-Mr. William II. Reed, a highlY_ _es-
teeined-resident of Ashfield Township
died at his home on Dec. 7th, after a
short illness of a iveek'S duration.
Deceased, was in his 'sixty-ninth:year.
The funeral On •Thinsday laSt, was
very largely attended to see the. re-
mains laid to re.st. Mr. Reed was a
loving -father and- affectionate hus-
band, and a consistent member of the
Methodist Church,' Haeketts, for a
great many years, being .an official' of
Be3ing-the‘first =removal in the family
.he leaYes eight to mourn his
death. He leaves his wife, three sons
and four_daughters: William P.,. of
Lanes TownShiP; treasurer; Richard,
of Dinigannon; Mrs. Jas. Alton; of
Belfast; Mrs. Thomas Nixon, of, Fort
Albert; MrS. Rev. John Bowering, of
, Man.; Melville and May, residing at
home. The syrupithy of the • entire
eominunity is. extended to our be-
Boar fc?r. Service .
tfhoroughhred Yorkshire Boar, at Lot
79, 'Con: 1, Kinloss, tWo,nailes west of
of service,'.with 'privilege of returning
upping., Rates,
The Sentinel and WeeklY.Plobe,
The Sentinel and Weekly Mail &
The Sentinel and' Vaniily Iferald
and Weeldy Star, 1 year 1.75 '
The Sentinel and Weekly Sun,
The Sentinel and Fartner'S Ad- --
The Sentinel and kome journal, ,
The. Sentinel, and Toronto Dank
The Sentinel and Tcironto Daily
"Ideal Peninsular" is the ideal range for
, It gives the,,:cotilieiiiences of die
ofheing. c.ast4rou arta mei-adze
“tdealo hutti 'either *boa, or coal,
the gyate,%ara tnay 1.4 '0 -hanged in half
atep tkitd. the Drop
Ladies,' Rat -Lined In Black Cloth With Sable :Collar 1570-4
Handkerchiefs, Gloves,- Belts, Fancy Waistings -and
-bbons, just , the -kind you want fcr
The _Ntillitiery 13epartment is still supplied with the
ht -0-oods for the season Miss Pentland;finishes the
season about January rst. Al ccount in her depart
irierit should be Settled by that date.
you can, and save
werrir and fuel, too,
A" you having bad luck with your
Mast likely ies the- fault of your
No Matter 'bow good the cook, how
perfect the recipe, ,you can t expect sac -
cess from, an unevenly heated ovens.
Imperial 0)dord Range sc4les-
vane oks. • grate saves fuel and gives you a quit;i,ick
Gurney -Oxford divided flue keeps the Call in and s6e the Init.-lei-jai Oiford
heated and perfe.cuy ventilated. The
That is becalm the oven ts evenly thoroughly -bun -it ashes get thrc•ug
your kitchen.
ave a rea warm home -all
wintet--with this -heater
If you had a cold hou.se last winter—burnt up too much dial,- ,
found that the most of the heat was going up the chimney—just call
Art Laurel Base Butner
It conserves the heat generated—radiates it into the rootn---draws
-the cold air from the floor and thoroughly heats it.
No other heater will get so much heat out of the coal it burns and
keep so much of that heat in the room. The Art.Laurel will do this
because it has the largest and tnost direct radiating surface -of any
heater on the tnarket. •
We want to tell you all aboid this heater --will you call in soon.
The Gurney Foundry Co: 1,,itnited: Toronto
*.:41tR'--Roget;e 18:t7 'and Wallace BroS:::gitods.
hollow and flatware at: eio*t ,. • r
They are ,Panadian made; froth ebt.sto.ten entices fighter than, '
any other .skate and, abOVe. all, they are abs6hifely, guarant'ea.
fOr:oile winter's skating,: • It anything .goes wtobg,• bang thpie -
CARP,01' SWEEPERS -,The .tssel„ the tr.st on the tnarket and,
fEr A heavy stock of Cross Cub Saws) Axes and Whiter Mitts to
eheese Oehl. - Call and get -4 paelcbge of be,.._Seotee SU)*
Food, the" best en the market.
Rime ec-
s...411%triltIAV RANGES,,