HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-17, Page 97777 7 TL A P.Av I-, Ily ia, drch0d o'beAay­in..walt-��e hedge 1 d, who- is-ing.- 0., azy P14 P, Fit 'KI -13 ivill U -6r�v I as Wir axpog I kuraly. BP bro P walting some-tinte, it boy 6 Two OX" d- for t hl s,, 'be4 tayippar JR ihe Mirac o0 th�. boy, Creeping a-Ang ta, f One" bw "WITHOUT c6ourage;,'. ''YOU' one, Ounce. jine whispers, -began, t �h� J" b"ut ay9,-,t6om�u1qe I f - is �Powdered 'Wherd are '3 -need A fear. - anno. goi� h said the farmer, who, 0 FURS, N Ey JJL ove you �.YOU are W. rts� of ain. Caught, the nS Cot) g w MEN'S to t,--,cgusing me:great p WrIte forrats ed-. try ariv, tbe'rqPIY,' . , a un M1DliOj r0tgraed Twbl�voli poffeecupfuls granu a, rcmedie4 I &PPli jx�stantly.came heaping Cup uls'(A' alud. Ma#o in appgare onepo e�quaione to' d d, ura-ing open th' f iesif them, an ;emaiiied.'supp ti again j. misier,!,.and tory. -wC4 boy, dis d ical man p4ftq an,6th�r gave Cannot -live sive�, I vqu4ls my, pint" of, granulated I had,'consulted five ,b. 117, King ST. Ef 11 ­ il VO-Q� PROSTRAT pase, up;, �ont NER ION. foitune..Har 391d", Dec. I;P�- freedoln. were ;Ill bAffied,by" iff,erent doctors, and they Thenj 0 of, - age 'but' a quA, s� one, e. n 'we Iiew ()no quart ca�e ' ii, fbwrtoe I � d' A- J. PATTISO Lib , erality. is: th, Sav &-gr we t into hospital andas a C f­ner�ou $TREEIri 10111 0j. fruga IV un, A76 iiV*10 mQnthj, and car�ieialvay ve;y littl, s prpst�atiq d hearty, and with apo DiT us 'tb e so,exteii�ive and I much it i young I quart "0 d b tier. The soreo, Ric lt� is tte er eqxialgJour, L qg,. ere,. are.,pacps, S't01A _,CUP UJB. y-condition- Veakjginell� that l­hiadL. to' walk wi ne f d h a 8 first 1:6 Zan to�e am owllereA eqii I Z Bil -the i6dit ylW- cap kett ik., I applied SPecidIly 'equipped arid mat 40 .()no rn Id giiod .,health ttb: tl�� li.eUl.ts: ioj nces,� with 01a nYL M! k of criticism, 6iunsfiils 6f,BP St. Uath� i*ufs3W good �:takers.therodf. i ff ory shortVJb!e, ay System,, a 'suffered, for, over twenty:�y cut a long st Trunk RailwL, 9'4;tors had-, t one.,C.6 eesr-c, bill all t ro d ])is- b' ho,, tv he d one ai�jubs� , . I 1 � : d jg6t V Ontario, are Coate . aftoj� fajj�d joldo-beal�A my, ulcers. lh�kvenow, t* �o, Saiinie Springs known - as, b !aA i I , aL� sp9on.,ji, s, �pqu 'trios to Con-' be," put away my stick,tand r, te 'ill ulcers,an cura F 4 in A r -,and or, nitt -the e dash ''ind *,as E,9 es thio U d" w 0 ThOSOL Wr for inost unsifted flour, u celrs,,Qjr' "Pen,V9 -invest- bl Una und YIA V J ble.,to wr pg it Toraiskarnins� m4do wicir,every VL f' E, wo. ..cup He- counts T' Pdw proper in 6uB, Prostration qow bive auotherigo'O,"d,thing,'An(l.oi3ly apt' In 'n give It -by d -Uo .,VK"A5tLpersU&de& to b Do,ddla Ki(b r, Men _P 5,esl:�bli.hed its *�Ad ngrdat aA appy 21�FIPPI Itieii, �,;quai �one poun & -WIARO��-)p jit. AA en.Ij�jfa'b ofit has been introduc�dit has 6�come,i:6 ox ��henj e�cperieyic- They'who ac ton a e , 0", 34' sici;in. . e no quart, sif reeoed fed, flouit equa s one rei b' leiding-jarnily balm and emb,-cl�aiion. This Catliannes is oild st only .excusing thointelves. �ptiontdmierit I ,, aWas in� i9ob and I Canada du'ring,the,wiker Ic -than the POUA roof of exc ani No b irt.js: more sic] rouic y 15 F �0 Out- tab�espoonful soft 'buAter herbal in nature, it supplies th point in u I would rlot,bc� without rurely mon rther a, nurses.itse hs. For ofie'that 91w housewife with,& handy avid',effective cure for J. D.. P �[A ounce. d all'particularg N "Strength,' may be th'which she,or n ills foi'any� mo appl�. to d I ney e soft I;Ut� er than the hundred-and-oneinjuriii to Two , acupfuls-packi64 -8 ongpoils our ri aid, D,Bt Pas�enger Ili t*6rity years 'young word Etrugg, e- d the�hildren6rthehusban4sim.!iAble- McDori ter 6�ual 6ne'' re 1 took them-)'- N6,man can . pout, am live a 'ith- -;Buk, is a6o.iaori cure for, eczema,. Age whol6:Jife w Uls firm Z nt, Toronto. al One. an 4 es ''the I e Be Pf cur. t d Dlie-hAlf clPf� Ili -sores, c6ld-sor happed Xi6dd'�;. Kidb e: he - if 'of 1 ringworm.. sea! some ser d I N e(luals one poun 4s; sores doe. to blood-poisoningi'li"les, neys. Health Kidneys, strain �Pli butter hin, CA, DA S', RIGHT. en, es andall skin injuries, and. - to EighV oin�, bruts have time ggiStS grid *.hat", ihips� imiiuritio.� out, (& the: 6 1 xrge %bii ton' medium sized neve 'diseasesi. All dru Osiend BEST. --The-arigels stores sel,l,at 50C. --------- py, c ro - oun a, 8 t who leavesis-work one P -free rom Zam, Co ips AND EVERVEODY h tablegPbonfillB soft, boi,. or post f C i:� uirtshi other �diseases�� caused, talk to Four, h are. r �Torontoi for, iceFieware, of ch TO ut Cis �oqubd one Cupful. -.Soft ships, my. son. KNOW5 lir FA T4 r ic b 't Lrinfulimitations som eitimO Qfterc 'ju. �66 to listen, fo -:them piegenCe4 of, u ic 'acid He wh e efore -0 t And w -kind of, WpB� o thinks ' tW .0 t C�x S. BUY hat W thr r his� e,pint.we packed soft: but ai go9d; Speaks inereases he or d ds t, -q a pit y wor. wenty o u is7one oun BEST, te. ship son. s -*hi -Qf-,�eg ­­eg. 7 e scia for ne e colb Ce or OUDC One y6i o egg equa. s Q h k S -CUR9k) A -T ROX an To eU fjy!Uj., Some men are preparing or in fr f a have - een. subjeced to pr By iii, knorpt '09 Bell Pion LIL "t % u".Gormany.. It was fo'u�^ t niliancal; �Nldl 0 A r by IAy]ng Upr A REA PROP te rxmiiia allid prosperou6, eterity if you stiffer; ftoni b -ef. rey was ONE ZV A RO that light go r in he�xen ' - j.,ulfing piII6s,. send _,g tho: fir; P�oWl"Imrcs- at the rate ofa g, blind.,or,pro The manufaAwre 's of Oral% ht then mogi- uniexpec-.� lni t lost .to Big NXTCH a high,'class h6l. Me your address and I will e ckel, a wdek; I r I -t , grey,:bliie, 'Meat xl(Wfiich is saikrIet. Dark if' t ho edly 4me -;I - ­ -1 O1W to'.cure yourser a me flakel being ou�h flaked foLqd v C& -101 DWe lln,Wiget , pra Me in r ric, ions alner us Th will also sen& e t Is, ese, r1elieve- Th'at Girl' ILL% the most, difficult to .hit.,: c a_Mo Withr refer ndred f re -e- f or tria n' to isthus Pr. a bIur ow�n: 16 ality if tt6r Deaa 4h HOW TO CURE THEN, ift' ot ol r8 life a 'is found. uytijex ences from. yi el Uel, of the 6 ec be Unma . rrie I tric light reque.sto a In: hlousand'si of honl6s Ba f ef: dol:7 fly ediato relief and t 'the' violet Iin d Send no ts'. is the �only- medicine the opermanent cure ssure lar wOwn Table e Will -0.een is',the best color to,.e ot 'hinese along with the Turks, whew childtbji ar6 ailing,..,and he.pri e, c" money, but t, hers of 'thi*,piffer. used 1 winner which. gives a. suftpLstlon va e p- �rite. �to-day, to Airs.' M.' S rs o b-Heve, t 'at' or who kee n a Um h a gir far.better off. th mojh -ps, this,medidinie full. partic for nivalmen, whote.,ships.ar�tote A 9 ery nmarried. Though th feei: is, safe as'tli6ugh Wixidi6jr,.,O. Y'�,`,dead'than' PY onhand may card to be B' sedrohlightS (l the O .6 d t th as .1. 0, ' doctrorl �O�rangeL anKiou So g --to:-- have 4Ihore w Wh, hmo­'" a Y Sr W, enem i"The r e in B 6 0 Tablets f d ghi�rs, arried, they. be bfjwf4l ;oti did not, -thoii' dignity diire' all 6 oLU'&fjh 11,13 "1. Suppose y ion of 16Ve to 'ine said E66 the beneAth Fritild,.-The dliixari old for�children� 'the P�rm6r!-s said It ij� Thomas' i 4i& ribVinary Iii&t-he 'would shoot the'se,,negotiations 'them-- t, Id e��Vd lovely sjjuriBe this morning In tilt QU roubles', breal Up covs, M.r'. NightO*I-- wl find,' �Dr. B f 1, io c oil r'MY' very -I. eye� 11 b t loave thia'work to'a ,worms,: and, �.'mAke� teething, easy. Mr., Earlybiid., was;jho, tii nedy himself" before -a P.46nt has the guarantee kif .."Of course not, �s Moe SLI 'The g #t4 'I i"Good heave I the' m'anmust have —good- forr, the! lh-�ajidii wounds or ains in the- b6dy -Of for me ;that th re uk�ug t0re, w4b Why --did, you,no ave tw en visits th diffeioiIt ho yBt ig rePlyr, befb t6 -that. You should s1f edtiong of the respirato ry. organs been crazy. wb r 0 th,� medi'' C( "I did.. I, and use h "';'geneftIly. e e'Sh6 takes note' cine onkaini!�,�no opiate orr abed long a WatWpUt over I - - ' 4--- ' - - h Ad )PI. . - - .! - bettor- h for rood for 0XIB;1P 0, e vehient du�itionV socaanUU wialso tk to he H..Bonnymaq,� e, palth. of the different girls. �8 x S � g, in ured.JLOrses 1 ate r in,treating here n, bette- r, 7 16, otc�,;Ot ug elm! CaItt. d an t M Was- a ut U 3 or any ing d s eqp. to the girils,� family. One.. is little jirl 'while 'It iyiixIir b6lielt that' I n. an Ole are". Mother.Giaves' -num er, tind: if fff,C6vs . tip t.. ll'thinl� oinQ'ns moved, invisibly,.. thrbugh� attac Co. b" r ; ailineiltS to '7t Racked, by col tonic an f6d t lets 'Odr a 10 in -an tojen er y- toVis, pltasa. P t -a if OUbj,e t both me idine can us, ;am ion t, kin� arties. are. �satidfib t g re is the .,Z I in iure-.stnd effe afarhe su�� no e a hern Iid iy the emon, procum. or pedjejn6 e er ind, st his- rioneI banded-oveit- to the mancei., ith S61d. by s -into. men. a If *our dr lig in., e stars, say the, I young p . coy) e or by mail'4t %'Cents'& box from the, ��Oresent:Ld gl: I ;. to if �, th it's- 'easy enough' i6 niake way, 'I eted wisely, the.be rothalis The Dr. Williams' s, atIargo'xii the same bi I 4:- are Be e Irs, Aver ; yilia announce a I -hard. to kbep' t em, d- t, s ago ou -or -u ivin-g - -invite nwite, r. y yeai propose o resthi ember hibitatibfi in thos6-w.1 'tt h Do you rem. RUSSIAX IONIAL.. . .... . . C-E� Rr E mters'al man it ropliod Len' I�v.&.g6t-avmumber- bf-friveia& ayl t e �The Russians are another-.Peopr( it me, x T �t '';:, he ..a mark S 'illing to let 'dialodgic�l� K - Oh" :e -W P ''th ing-' -qu'U*e- so. 'that marriage 9. ssessed ',,who believe t �.will. go Straight tht6u h -Awt at h em 'peR6,ctly 0 my atured recollections f finds himself Itre y em� a, V ja knoV.4h, 10 r­&-w9VnaA.- en'ti-th'a" enetiat battle 16 1 xth;. t e unseen toe -P iear, t weak lUngs,, 60y''L og knowit Did'you ever 'Many and' ast� nd errat or. M, T U y, eakest your'WrO&C' Are van &*:a", t disease % Farm 'Sr' sing r' -e qktV u d,. tth est. or air. hole s -e wis suall the I-iriai- .1 pd ou is a foolish, on e etable Month Aft" (;6ld �tkkg, d i'd dau ire testify to tno. I U they, m 6t Be of C.­�- Ali, Lands - xl�.o frien& of Palo oltpbsed. to, attac s �of...co an., ii C91 e -I pay as I. gol" declard the ttilet. il"dreds -of lettf nionary,disturlignbes. 'e ape Y The Lady�',GeMerRIIN. 11 ortant prersbriage, and when h& For "eideats alld'iudden eviiftendes, porapoUS Citiien. "Not while I ili u' Biekle's An 0 n i U. they find it invaluable., . Ptive� -failS 1prisihi,euts and bruises, so The Cyn are is but,ono, "WinklUsIr"'r .,these-.- apa women -are-- judgment, which is ejcr IL,youl SUbStItIllies, To running, Syrup-' will.16 oun a proven e Thii RrMEMB=',!jhat �L4&y� Sick."URd re -what they JU t)nt her- Il,- the , stars,! clarped-the landlord... p -as e ;Gejiqr4l1Y�Bpp4kin m a-,grotection, s eniii th and oth yoj�, Move, nd elubs.4to'lidt aid. in Ekds,. hearts a - . i- a to ra�F'fbrr Treatmeew j'The inkil korn. bxpo Ann6y-ing s leiangemen d �re sure or On', the bprave and dever, S. e. to ythiug mord is Treatp y must be b irgans so4hatliek, n6tso Ii 1bI fford Bilt-t I he matriage. ceremonial are. aid th * sweet 'is ',h6re ari nplicated. hit IB the ory oItortured _even moke. Cox We4Wer "A OGUX O.Bphorir�'6anges. ,votr Corti st Pped ulj,- e out Slil ing, oito toem moray in thatform of itbrupt'Atnic than having the' edcr fia!am, which IsAned *4111 agch 1-.1 y ing,.tho- bri e ir �Uug' -pital r k E-6doring youth, .1 land e, qr�ub. is mis , Co e' ThOre returned the parly sts;gk&. Oftl ls,th,6re- any, ridiMbd to b�ath n in. conaump 6�1 ou..from-.A watery not :ilcical r frionds'spend long hours coni uig Ruddibg �certixinly 1191111" 0 v tutionj but, Pro-, b od; couktL !'than getting rid,of -it 1 13101 set, F.rbA-"Misi will d a"That was,. �brav ing,�Lhei. hair and while away 'the dy talking ab6ut has 'a tal b Um loways'Corn Cilrer' vilociah :'The sick Seireral. men were. cing -.y - it - I;e Convinced. time singiiij and: talking (it what' mi.t, but it was not clever.!,, h, and d t6 -maity. o take t boat On Pur- h ow they 'appene -after She. is it' was mpse yes; -she has: even-.,proised t 1e. 0�c Bill,' ',..whispered the, place in Ontario. daily life Will e ie -my wife,' said, 6n�e my OnV who e4n't'p ay.haku - d imirrie." Th6-berem6ny" is P.erform- P05 c use she *as difforent f row any old burglar h in isgust wiW tho_.ritei, of e eastern "Don't -met.". I. t. here. t ther have -him 1' All Women X1169.1 list wasting, time. 4 lie'LIanothat: Oar slat o nt C ure an Ailkes 6ght - da�s Fa some.tak ythink� th's ve !f I yo�-, had eiv6r! b iiughVr - 11C, -PaP&,, '701i Va;s;.,th Floo Is to ithol o'oJo rs will, get �9! - 0 1 .. . . Ho�. lisee before marriage. servibb ' QMajI the-soet Of thoi0o#kL',L:it Willito,more'lia, giva. the now the� only, wr Alling I" others 'She we 'Steps soon queried The Ronpita d" juld Aefiy me jr, . 1 1. . the 4146 h 1� liom!ot�than heati near 1, inbt W' o4olila h give me-.- 1! blirglar' jqr The gal, YOU 'Co hilid last, �e;r in, is I'divided'into three him -ell e, comes as was t ki e 11 beii und ta' to the' gold rm*'. -s-. a' lip- las% I first who . g re ss th ijdLo in* an 16ng 'nothing -k as anyth REAY.'E'THER.�W�&Y"i,)t.,,,.rI 'a of .241 ��Echanged. Then ihe b t 1,245 Pat cuts --Sc h ere fn;m d pis a OrU Vr be an-,b.dur vlaces outside In with ly' e,ma e q t fix a P !Df' A Mal 411§0 ii War y d IL f ridgfiborn ,�rio jo� -with w�ich men ire 6n, :thd, Stock Vichange 1"' To C �roWnS of ler filigi y- grapplin but mg iinclei. 1P 0 6*71 3 C wn6. 11, .-&yip6bran-ces nSIIO;WS ho* V6 likla to have am That one rjady; a a. anothe.r:.Aiiectibli. / in PaT6�' hilrity,op, oorish girls ir6 exboodirigly f6rid U . . p6aranco- n PfUck and Buie. '6. Ad- the digestive aPpitratiis isms proper vats to fathers'aii;wi PIC 'copy of The" Farmer, y SAMPLE COPT FRI it ,,make m6s the dissolution of the, cib -Subdued and to.. a ER. Uished in,dnej S'. sap� imnq wit OIL pretty 'clothes and plonty Co ake advantage, mothers of OutAio" of a od;� if he,will only t Vllcht6* 41id A�nie i9a. kind;f adutate as.. the midhttnism t nities.." handsome jewelry, 94 funds' to'madn' ,But Ir . lo� 'h ot �eientjfiC OF, his, oppor,u 6to Bi Itaih,the indred§oU seaux are' ofteii wonderfully olahtw ORAL, wOh e6,- bii_ath wift. that and several TOE 898r. hor wedding day Aousknd m4iie to�day.'.'. iiek, children that it 6, v&j With sUbli p6r-. f6ssioual w PER hoW. 6 ten bav nurs6s every Yegr� Utak n, fro'In the town' is DoWt, b She AND sesof -the stbm6oh en- YOU that 't. Ism can W cidri6d, bixub- - a t jonip Oyo ch aiisacti�6ns or oil an I' L d 'tb'droBs the'bride, 6 tion the ln�titudnu t V­oomba out her hairi on. -,th6, ontinent. su 'from t e, "Ost, tri�lal citt$eg and told bing linime'd in her f acje� .'in rely gamb.ling'; And that you are - Or 'It �oro spot: The T WiTil Pa s an jLf� T6 , these' -me treated 14,454.-� iuch'au erinr -pooner arranges theJ6,wels. Not mu6! Xo progressive farmer. cause n 4�&aoi6annotbqveaehedin ch I 10,81)6,of-RAIPIP PAI&' ar� bound -to Come, to grief withc ter, f yo4 dabble Ore sunset'ddog, the,' biMI6giodm foidto be )ut, ic, PUbli Patnioleo'g, Vogetab e ' hiat viy. it Tnust be. these verp unable to ppy. and wera treateid' ILY., only $1'. d b 'ddv�ek 50 "per year. re oni mild and tukoi 'a rivenlintof the j$eteru" OX c TC. wo in v�hich':tho 6rid,6 Or y filea. gend -free pimple portion t 16 -v 0 h 'be c6ndu�ted'-on Amule-0 his �I)Lrop p6st rd for b 23 &nta at -6u'lie JimmieV d; erser. . C. Will &'Cott 7bronto'. ho s6 e4y.. A6jits, Wauted.-gdaf WNTY "ME' X SRLDOM SM9=, Vnir os to his it est dkon 0111d 3 hijus6, 'B'eforo she go 119ty half'ot it Blind, Men Bmo nose, Youngste WALKING, 0" drives all� about town. Ili SoMe i T E 0 OCATE i seldom� U thank'yout!' &A the' b'rfd6 entoii' e hivetiato in will AMNLG ho. wi p L hit after t 43 ri Mntion4his papo-r.' ondon 'ont thel 'd t LADIES -1 home: h b Ido,006m,walks. r days" fi� kwardg holding 'i dagger in his It6l their­iight� a,plyie or a cigat dam lis done illifectlyt Our 11406A Proo"s. Ta A she' follows hini�, touch� no d,. ttrACtj6n Th 11111H HA as h ith tho, nr 5'1'��iea witch the bbini dfthe blade Mail w 0. o eyes to h, ' , LL COTTA98 �00 AVIIALE BONE f �eiik 06t'tre 'ft 6b6 smoke, Curl and dri lit is heradl Vr l..;rery, long..A . g . o th festhe Lanc-aslitirt to&jt�.a cottage and Sinokini, 6 tho. absolutely blind, borh;,od is aick- or li�s aiv efollia.Ell i I, boathouse that vmkd Made �almogf UU,U 0 min o&jt�ojy.from,thv1reivains of it seote some ing er A from sm�lcing jil e dark., few, persons 4 Ides, M ja�ed :or sdof whales, that hi ad, been driven t ta� �! 141 t smoktl it! total' darkness, XJklallY !a�sh&te ' joind. ytearg befor4.,' The a IjgIjjOr firelighi enough therb is stir All �tkambwbjk ok the. difiCd �cojiglsted . ... ... to. 6nablo -A man to keep track of whaleborib, and the,* dried A *Qly � of the - �m6kie.,, When aoyiii�ed ot that skingr of,the jiUgd'.mreatures-. e fascibAing pa stirno,the cigar loses neatly atid :afftonglyyfaste6ed as Old the man ,who: is blind d 'king it Charm, cove fO'r *9118 and roofs rdsigrig himself to a I Bin )it a no or Ili],' on, M rour t)ollsis , OL, �tr to Ilia lfov pitaf. but, to. *1 ,Children. is no e � k building or ex- ShIO ellrj�'% r Ila Obtain, bighost PT 0 ns n'trial thifilat6lits 'COth cgu* on'"P"CetlOn' -T hat tidon 1�-&uk and ibutfout t The b1i TheM, it j 9,� iimb.- kind in Scotlano blackactly the -he PU Ila Robot a ti�d lbonto plu and, in thii- tit the skulls of � the A, agafic",%' 9 66,gjej,, Cheaper, and. Arid some of tho/.- 'heaviek ge r & 01EIROEA 00" trleta�s, The R68PIt" hale MONTREA ST., got plittAbd t'4 ti tol - fit A�U ou IT 6.0 .0 tobacco,.,. w6d'With great effect as ally 10160iUfdr -to S i0i -5 69. bouts &M I 'Ottiabld it is f6, 10 ubm - t"d JS VE, ..... . ..... ... .. JAIN'. 6-- 'd W !4;1 4, Pj pi 71;" "x" ii,