HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-17, Page 7• • This Store has the largest stockand the greatest variety 'o goods suitable for Xmas Presents we have ' ever shown. For ah conventen .e of our customers we make a lest: an part of articles suitable for ..adies, Gentlemen and Children. Plaid • and Fancy Salk Waist Lebgtlns at 50e to $1 per yard. . -French 'Flannel Flannel Waist Lengths, 50c ;per yard Ladies' Unibrellas•at $1 to $3.50 each. , yof Neck Frill' • at 35e' ler boa.; Needle' Book with large °assortment of various kinds of needles,25c each Handkerchiefs; very large :assortment of Plain and Fancy Embroidered, ander Hemstitched,, latest styles, range of ,prices 40 up to t1. Fancy Collars, 'great range '25c to :` ra,eaeh. Fancy Collars in fancy boxes, at 75o , $7 and $1:25, . , Belts, in . Elastic, Leather' and Silk,' some linendone up in fancy boxes, at 25c, 35e,, 50e„ 75c, $1, . $L25... Fancy . Belting ,done up belt, length m neat box, each 50e. Back : Combs, Plain: and Fancy, a 425:e, :35; 50cand 75e each. Leuiher Babas ab .50% 15o, $1 au $1.25 each., Fine Wool and Silk: Shawls at $1, $1 -'Ser $1-50, $2, $3.25 ;Ice Wool Scarfs at 75c, e1 $L25. Fine Foot Scurfs at "25e, 35; 50e, 75e limit' Ties and Mufders.4.50a &t 75e Mocha : Gauntlets, .fringed at' . $2.00. per paair Kid GauntletsLat $1.50 : Kid'Gloires, short �.-lengths, fine french. Ina : es, at.: , ,a•2i5 a -107$1:5(11)4.)r Kid' (xloves, • elbow , lengths, extra. quality French makes,at p 25',ai4 _." $150 per . pail ' • Large range of , Linen 'Goods: in Drawn Work and Batts envie tyles, in Doylies, ; Gent Pieces,.: Drapes, Pillow •Shams, and • Five':O'Clock• so.l uie: ill$ ,�l..:JSI Black r;ilk nderakir , ;- mei y -hand 1, Linen, ssrvith' worked iniitial. en#lemen Ties, a;!aery' large range of the latest styles, shades. 'and patterns_of Silk,. . fcoo .sena the tastes of all; -prices sea 2 .... 50e and 75e ,:. .• Suspenders, special lines done up in pretty boxes. at 50e, 75c, $1:and $1.25; otherlines at 25c and 354 Silk Mufflers at 50e,' 7.5e, ' $1,A $1.25 Made-up: lines at 25e, 50e, 75e and 1. 'Handkerchiefs,' Silk; Linen, and 'Ex- -. tads great rangy.. of • lids 'and` `. grit; including linea -7m -Silk -hand; ora-Felin-gtll- Black . Embroidered. ' Heatheibloom r arae of prices: tsa into rest%-at-i$1.50,-t�'•175 a . $2.25, $3 50, and $3 each, Knitted Coats for driving` or curling at $1 to'S2 - 1oves, Bid:lined_and_unlined, variety. of _ -kiinds' and prices. ; •• . Fur :Collars:. for :• Overcoats, various` kinds of. Fnr,•piices e4 .up to $9. - -eaeliwdd2 box neu ' in' rest at$3, $3.50, • $4 cal Option •Capafgri We; dra'W, -dour :attention to the following important announcement; ; *re gra to bo favcrSd with a visit from Pidgeon, of West Toronto, who is possibly the best posted man in the province on the question, at issue`' before the electors. He willspeak the -Town .?Ia1Lon_Saturday_J 9th_ nit at 8 p, in. also on Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. to men only: He also preaches in the Methodist Church Sunday at 11 a. m. and the Presbyterian Church at. 7.p>in. We also draw the attention of the electors to the following genuine testi- monies concerning the actual wvorhing of Local Option in Norwood •(an nicer porate$i- pa1lage in_the_coun y__of Pete borough, about the size . of Lucknow, also in Hensall, an- in•porated„ •ti illage surrounded by places: nn which Local Qption is not in: force affording the :: people,. many ' oppoi tti pities of withirlrawutg their support :if they so Write!, as follows ©alul,Opt%og nS- a .„,in Norwood dureng 'the campaign here it Was especially .predicted- that Local Option would. kill , our big`. Norwood Fair and many :even.. ottlie temperance Ines were £earful ___ Pellour._fa i avis held en the 13th'and' 14tli.:of. October with :the result that ' We had- the largest number of .entries, -.the -bibgest gate.i!eceipts, and the greatest .crowd in the whole history of the • Agricult Society tend:moreorver not • a .drunken man' was to be seen, . nor was • an:.oath • to be?heard and,at�wl0;o'elovk at'niglt the people' had gone boric alio the' streets: were as quiet as _on -any--ordra a r evenin6 A 'wonderful • conti•ast; to 'former years when, drunkenness and brawlinas .:g wthe, order •: of the , day .• You are at liberty to • use 'this state-. :went;if you like, for it canaot be gain- said •. • STATEMENTS 'OF H-ENSALL : ELiSINESS MEN. •i)ec 3.108 °My business- has net • Suffered• tlir- ough Local' Option: ; Fewer people are., asking for credit than ever, before. Furth€ vnore, I cannot see: that `i e, town •liras suffered` commereislly,and it, O. certainly has •gained , morally.” Alea.. cPlierson,1Ierehant••Tanlert • . ''My business' has !largely .inc:ren' ed • snake. Loeai - .O tioonn---4cnrne in • Fewer asking; for credit '1ilore .pay- ing cash. Real-estate has inlcrease•'l in value in the town".. -J.. W. Ortw in, .Dry goods and.Groe.er-ies ' '' ' "Our .business has.increased we fnd •more ready',cash' in :cii i.ulatioit and arty* not asked for so .much credit. From.:•a moral standpoint our to,tn -has .eertainlpy proved —Brown & 'Clark, Blacksinithing, . * arriage shop. My 'business has • increased site Local Option came ,into force Real estate has increased in:. value "Roth as a :business and'• residential i piaee Hensall seemsto he:in demand."—J.C. •.,Styneman, 'Jewtal'er & •Optician: ",I' do not• consider that Local' Op- tiion hasinjured my: b ess -in -tlze • least: ':::In fact my • busi; has been increase ar :ever ---since-- Local •d ption-- -sande 'in--foree.. I 'do--notr-ela;nt-that Local ,,Option is responsible for aallt:.the Boase - -This I will say, however. "that I. find there are fewer of ,.pry cnstonters asking 'for/credit. . Some whom. due always. carried are.. now pay . ing 41ash" I. , Wiesmillei,.. Dry-GG>ods and -Gleocerie_s:: •, We ask the Citi ens .to. , give ..these testsmonies their dire •weight .• lRe- metmber that • an unusual opportunity is �, ;o iered • them of: •; dissoiaang.. .their partnership with the organized • and equalized traffic in . Strong Drink For '30 'years acid more the traffic ' has had an o iliortuinity to show. What it coulddolor .the • village We think it ,onlyfair that • these who, do riot' be-'• Neve that whiskey builds :u a town ' shohld have a- chance: for three years- to show what kind of a 'community' can be pi educed Without the . open bar so, we ask'all who may not . be •so 'en :thusiastic as tri results as 'some others and ,who seen to be''aimiag to observe a neutral attitude, to ;join, their• forces with its, as 'we seem. already..••1argely to have their sympathy • " - Rev. Jas. E. FORD OrNG NAMES ;USED WITH- . UT WRITFEN CONSENT tie' was surprised ,en how the sorbs Imaivd— ,,I ` Wok your New Fid 11t:Tti•i0 TIsi:Ar imer for a .6e11011S blood •disease with which I had Leen inflicted . for tw elve years.. i"had consulted aseore m 9 of 1314,sienins. taken all kinds of ;blood> .mt icine, visited Hot ;Springs and Other Q !�r •�L\ mineral water resorts. but only ,got tem-. . pinery relief. They would help mo for a; time, but. after diseontinuing•the jnedl- ry- a`�y(. L eines the syfnptomwould ould Lreak out Y. again—running sores, :blotches; , rheum- atittpains,loosenessofthehair•sweliingsl. of the:gltands; pahns of the handsscalin T ,. BEFORE TREATME NT itchinessoftheskin,-.dyspeptic- stoma AFTEf T,REATN.ENY etc,—I hail•given udr.-in ddespair� whets �—> i- friend advised me to consult vou, as: you had cured him of a scn,ilar disease 8 years ago -!, ' I had no hope, but took bis advice. • In three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up j 'and 1 'weenie encouraged. ',continued the•NewMETHOD '1w tvampn—for.fourmonthsand at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared., I was cured 7yearsago'and.no,' signs. of any disease since, ,My boy, three years, old,. is sound ,and healthy. 1 certainly can recommend your treatment. with all-rny heart. -You ean.,Tefer,any pers�oon.`to 'nae privately, but you can use, this testimonial as'y ou �s1sh. ' W11. 5• . IVe treat NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOCELEa STRICtURK, VITAL WEAKNESS.:' BLOOD. SKIMend PRIVATE Diseases, URINARY; BLIND*. DWand KIDNEY complaints ofMenaaned Waimea ' -N LR $'9c�xau►° HaeyouJo oda L..:Amyou,intezndir .tewafy? Has your •b"kiod been diced" Havre you any weakness?. Our -NSW- "METnot+ ,! .; Isrwrn1E,aT w in ehire you.` Khat it has done for others it will do for yon. Com:Atahpa ,; Free.No matter..41M-hos treated you;;write for an honest opinion :Free of Charge* ,X13.paaail''r.-ys ntllliears.&oot Erse: ghepoideroteritee; oattEtustoi),en.Diseases than NO ,NAMES USED WITHOUT ,wiR1TTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential.,; Qneltion •list and cost of Hosie :Treatment FREE. • Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold' St Detroit; Mich.' c 4.. he SASKA.L,TA .steel and 44450. Silk Y mists, Cream and • Black,''$3, $3:50, .: and $5:. .1<1et ;-Weis$4,50, �t,s,'in $4Ciceam Eein gaud Black` at .$1, ,50, and $5. Eiiib nidered Cashnierae 'Hose at 35e and 50c per pair. 00 i"'= -a 0 arras TQC 5. • A rNT- KRAC.K L �unibermen's - Rubbers are , the,b::st rubbers, on the market.... If th .re 'were aE•ty bettor we vould bav'e0thern'.: E 'S -.a-e lined :elet,.".�dl tt ke,,' sole anii shaank, s id heel; fusion • . i,♦ :.. Y. ..: 4 .. ..4. •- ... •EiWs S=e. flet rolled edge, 'rolled heel, fusion lined. - $2 75 IEl 'S 2 -buckle, high cat, rolled edge, . rolled heel, fusion leered .: ... �,< .4$2•.a0 .:. . _rolledrolled heel firs: �i S , l-bate�leT edge,..., _ . BOYS', and it0VTIIS. in all sizes. Repairing, Neatly and Promptly : Done. N JOYNT.f JOSEPH. 'E. AGNEW, , MAir AG It.. Pl~ o itrOk. • JOHN NSUs RANmIECE RLANa I FIRE & MAR1tE� GIJELPH • . ' 0111T- '" ' PRACTICAL `EDQCATION•- gives you an uplift. Yon can best get it at aur large, up-to-date sclhooi. - Central BesineanContexts, Tc,ronto. Fine catalogue Free Send• postal quest . Write • W. 13. SnAW, ;President i A Good S ci ool Ranked among the beat Commercial Schools of the province; is -the- -Wing- liaui Business Cllege. The success of i� its � duates his not ,7.b :00 excelled: Thenew advertisement of this; excel.= lent school. is to be found on page 1. We understand that any young people - who are laboring .under: the false . int - , pression that they can do better :m a•, city" schttul swill ire 4iven free' trans'= portation to the great. Electric City of Peterboro, which, stands • sixth among the -cities of the Dominion as to man nfaetutring output. While attending. Ale .. Petetboro Business Colfege . 'which was founded o quarter of a century, ago, they will be giiren• free'tiekets to the city" Y.W:C.A., or' T. ,A. Comnittnication. Editor.J.ucknora Sentinel: • DEAR Sze, -7 tiro informed • that' reports• are, being circulated that: I sold ••my brsiness. in ,Ripley because .Local Option, is in force and -that 1 stated . I was going"to a better town' Where there was no Leoal Option. Permit rue to'contnadiet these false .rumors. I am lean ng.Ripley because I desired, to be near'Iny'honne and friends. Everybody knoesT1 hart done More„ business the tasty, avis years than 1'410 the two years •previous., In. the towi of •Itidgetorrn where I have'purehaased a business a Local ' 40 Option'campaign, is on •1 tawe ,been' in this town looking after -My inter ests and -have come out privately and -n publieIy in favor of '�c1a�.fn� the lrtixs ' in. Ridgetown. • I refer you 'to tang st>atemetats iii the Ridgeta�Fi Press. I I onestly Mbe' ieve e: i T.c.Option - is.• good for ftny tow'n And -1 tun doing everything possible:to parry.. the Local. • Option. bylaw; •m Rid& stown,Rid • where I , havee ptirchast+d aHardware stoc l.a ; ':and where 1' will make tnv living and lhoane r` Yours truly. WH. GOQ-1M-Li, F; Ha'rci'iwtare 1►:lerch ant, Ripley. 5 >Las improvements all its own.:' To see it is to admire it Como in and -we will ibepleased- tshow you all about it --5 0000000D6600000000006- • Purnitu We 4eibr ori .:..al• es t larg a and ; u to -date stock of `E irnitwr co»aprisvrz�" tI e- ,st:inahes and latest pat - whuchthe :area:offer nes::'at .,.1easnable Prices. • ,Kindly batt and; inspect 'our .stock ,, We deem it a pleasure to show'.00ds Pic re •. armi and repairii4 done.: neatly and promply. See our , stook of ' newest'do •igosiiiW 'Conch'' Throws'. • •. ?. • MARRIAGE LICENSES, r er , Undertaking raceiVes our p•i•u11Y;it and 03.101'' ..attentions day .: or, nibs. t----- -- - -- - , •,,