Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-17, Page 6`t Y small iav'in .s .CCOIil' our children, a1 :of Make h re ulee allowance efail :DCIIyour children to sav rather than spend, gds the amount grows. they becorn b ®yrbecl' in making t0 those who nave nothing tp Stillt11late ani „ A Savings°Account forms character, and the parent : who ewes the child to save, develops a,. valuable . educative bit duringthe character -forming period in a hie. lie Bank of Hamilton espe: sally; invites Savings Accounts o this nature; which may be , opened directly in the child's til fer in thin parents' names --in ` trust.` Highest current terest is added, to : the total sum on deposit, and . looney - so t . ca -- -, —•- thetrawn,._ of --required, Ivitflo del 'v :aaenlification, or any'' other formalities, are „unnece. sar.y when oder ing a Savil gs .Account Thar is a 1.rmwled ' of 'banking ,routine necessary. Sirialy call at the Bank, entl�tire `for the a ag r.1and all atte(LLlO t'':il? I: givefl yo=ur reeiuirements. .tams fioan ;one dollar upwa... S -'are accepted for deposit, further deposits or withdrawal of money _may be made as 1 a MacLEOD, LUCKNI _, Fire '—ataltidetitysznantanze. The `°Mei'Aiso Real' descriplaon bow, =owe -7' hroued. Z , *er 34,;Eiincardine- } .- �iCB *3:s &via Gw;-�sanisters S• �ohcitocsa.etc.; G ' Ont. r" O.IwDicktnaoe. Chas., Ganow,14.L.B. 1'. A. NALCOMSON, Banister, Soli- citor, etc... at I;ncknow on Friday Saturday of each w�. ' iQCIR?I7 S liChnOW Nadine/ PUBLISHED WERE:14Y. &MES L. N`A' LoR, Peam9ma Okra Ile 'Western iuvemn t1y reorganized; and ontrol_oaf a Board and of a Senate appoin municipalities:of'tftis part -and-3/4y :the -Ontario -Oover A has the fullest UTniver and is undenomin Situated at London, it to all thsinhabitan►ts of So ern Ontarir, The opportunity advantage of a Uniiversity: maid degree{, a and gtly cost of obt rung them, ; a giving the additional gnat of--iicquating 'theta "xis utas arahysiea11V : healthful ''sumo Bylaw No.. 9 19 A Bylaw to raise the sum of, for bnildieag ce mein- bridge :geueaal iampr ventents acs t3se ` lancknow.. ' \VnrsasAs it isneteS4l ,nod µ certain of the pnblcstreets said Village of 1.ncluaow' -and jurisdiction of the 'Councii of sal shotdd be rebuijt,'to wit, two la Campbell St. in. said Village bridge on Gough Street, and eral: improvements on said S also required. • And whereas it will be nese the ;imposes aforesaid to raise t loan the sum of `?.,500,(JO : riper• cnrity of debentures of the Corporation of.the Village' .f l ANaa Whereas the. amountoft of the rateable property of the aeaakality' according to the las.• and equalized assessment roll is o£ X30,305;00 , Aire "Whereas' the amount of { • 'istru,g dehentnaredeba apt €s;le, ipality as inow:the sum of $21,1 part' of which is` 1L• arrear: • ANT! Whereas the tete]: anion@ debt intended to be created by t for -the purposes aforesaid is th Alen Whereas the total anioun to be raised annual} by sspecie: -- on the ,on:;the taxable proper wat''xn; Municipality for paw sac° a t arid -interest, are the several sir •1 inafter specified and directed to annually during the' period: years next after the passing oft forthe repayment of the' :print interest which amounts, with d ated interest on the investnre will be sufficient to discharge when due:,..:: ' Brelt-Thereff,+re-Suact cal. low e;eaea ' by the ,,+ unicipal Q e d the Villof IiuckuoU• --1 ' - it. ..1 lawful:;for 1 and for +; e time bein Said =_to. ,:a from an or. , =��or , .°'•r'ation willii the same, i said 'wain of • Try and: Five..Hundr Dollars,,( •:ate fin. . a eee-s' for Eu of said bridges and isr saidget proveinents, and to issne` the debentiires et the said Corporat • Village of,Lacknow of scans of 'than One hnndred_;dollars.: (Saf1 with coupons attached far ; the ` +, or interest,,, tvbieh ; .sa d, debeat; coupons'shall be signed b Nthe1 The first part of the evening was occupied by a program of music arid speeches to cable,,vocal solos werecointribute;d by Mrs_. Yo „� Dgngla% 31 r. 'Hairy' Armitage and T'O.S. t'.a sun SSL'.45r9. uuta y'3 and Watson sato-a'duet and Rev'.. 0. W. Sanders gave a reading. Miss rea-Lees-aactec a-accoai ii pa7ttst. 1.2 Ssis> woon No. 50, , meets . every brat Mouday of e mouth, inOdclMlows' all_•; V ng brethren are invited. w. . Dour as, C. It. R. Gel D. R. A nw; ..tea<-; . _ R.1feI Tusu, Treasurer, o LOrtc3 , • A. F. A. M. . G 13 C. sleets a Thursday night on or -before the hal is ==-at. sr"vr t, ''-�3Tw o V...00 per annum -pay— able ' - able;in advance; $1,50 at end of year_ All. U.S. subscriptions $1.50 per annum a1^nr: adys^_y„a •Ctimareartcaito Ns Letters dealing' with live topics of the day, are solicited, haat the - names of the'contribntors• must m every ease accompany the communis` tion., If desired,' the writer's name will not bepubished. 'il tUSRDAZ', DECEMBER 17,1008 C 1O J]F t Horne Court' Sherwood, '0.O. F., held their Anauat At Horne ate , the Town, Hall on,Thursday evening last; which proved enjolable afiaur Tlie hall taste nllyr leeer'in ated keeping .with the nature of the event. Treasurer' of said Village and se the Corporate seal,: and the len pay the sum so loaned into the ' a enaey of tine Bank of Hamilton -now to.the s credit of Sar uu .,�G- , pedal ofIucknow and the same shall: _trteeveaud-Treasurer and eh et cinsivelyappliedbythem for the r aforesaid. --':s d -f •,,the re ,i. en' of-said•s-aria- • sr Mr. Harris of!Wroxeter, ori niter for the society _ ;ave an address ex planatory' of the order and its work and Dr. Spence, who was the ehair- man, made a neat speech . The Luck i1uw Orehestra, a new musical organ ization of five' pieces, furnished several excellent numbers. Atter the programa splen' supl r was provided after which! dancing' -brass indulged in by those who' wished. to remain:' Music for . the dance was furnished by the orchestral. Mr.Harris;: i cell ..return shortly—,—ti do organization worrk. •. R. R. MaC an% A: B. MM% I.uon, LlitennowLonen No.112, *meta :es•- my Friday evening' at So'dock All bretbredK• undiailjt' invited. , :. j AtacGxsroR, D. Mau.ouoa;•Fin-Sec. R. V. tai, R. S. A.` Ross, in their ball, CampbellSt. Ideal' zow Luh, ;Independent Order of Paecesters meets in. the Oddfellow•a' Halt on the /sit Tatesday, , +ot cath ntonthat 7.30 +clack: V* ` them are iiivited to attend. , Mc.Doer T.S. Rani, F.Sec:. itAwniacce Reea. Sec. '• GEO.. A. 84.131)A 1i0NE L!' *t.OiAII$R, 'RriAli T$TA ANDD" COAD D L R icone� `to loan on notes, entitle or don- ' Mie, at froaaat ouernonthtetweire menta* aid on Pint and second nnittgageSoil ik at .tete and .first zoo ages halite Stack, if rte rates". Pse w. NEW TOO* Ir" . DENTIST- p oe••, ui* c%, Litckaiest w. L111 nmodern methods used. Best ihhterite1 'furnished. crown and brings: it ct . P role .eztmctiug by tine useeif' t latest, est and safest;remedy,' nasal tiling in Srti$dal u Nauta stt a,sy.aon teakafale. FfelT d ;would soon get rid ; of a servant who did oral half Elie work in doubt* the Arne f a capable . a o, Cog e one. Then E l tzrinue•--using---t ;, dour that gives half the nourishment art double the works to digest? 0 Se of, 500.00 and interest thereon at, the rateof five' per cent per, annum there t. n ssot mem.ar- ctroice, . neW, up to -Glace shall be assessed and levied : over and 'above all other rates and taxes upon the s whole taxable property` within the.said, Municipality .during each and every year for the said period of twenty . years nest t` . after the passing of this.bylaw the sum of Two hundred and eigh teen.-dollars, and 2 centsC S.0.) fer, thepurposeof repayingtne"maiitf"ppri ti" $2,500 e00 °.and interest thereon at •the rate aforesaid, of which amount the suns of $3.02 shall be deposited annually in the Savings Branch of the Bank of Ilam - 'Mon in Luicknow at interest during said term of twenty ,years, : and the ''balance foods •for CHRISTMAS & A;EW-NEAR, GIFTS SSS;. CLASSES, ' TEACHERS, ETC., xvhtch will please, may y be seen as usual in .- • . ,our-istfDle . �•�t1L1i-13 tAalE =-va..... . • � - . . 'mader select spring eat is from n �, s°p ng wh awheat 'that is rich in nutriment It is the whitest' and finest dour made •, .• nk,. -•; y "it • makes %,�$�� .lyric ttigrci morel) trithe ti gund than any soft wheat tl.ytr alai is: mote dependahleIneVerit respect.' shallhe payable as interest annually on said debentures. S.—This Bylaw shall, come into full foree and. effect. immediately npon the passangthereof. 4.e—The votes of the of the said, biunichagitr entitled to vote, .ffor or against this bylaw; shall; be taken on Friday, tlie'2Oth; day of Noveinbeer, •A.ii . 190S, commencing at the hour of anise of the clock in the forenoon and closnxfg at the hour of five of the clock in the- afternoon heafternoon and such poll shall be taken'I in the various polling places hereinafter' set out namely: . Fore' worth Polling snbdh-isioar at Robert Grahm's vacant , store, Campbell St. Harvey .T. Lindsay, Deputy Return-; ing Officer. • Forhe Scnth':Polling.'snbdivision at the Council, Chamfer, in the Town Hail j'oseph B.: Agnew, Deputy Returning S The,Clerk af'said Corporation shad attend, at the Town ';Hallin the .said Village of Lucknow on Sgtnrclail, the 2Ist day of November, 190S,, t eleven o'clock in the forenoon to sunt• up the number. of Votes given+.i for or :against this bylaw and the Reeve , will attend at the sand Town Hall' on nesday,. the ISth day of Nober, 1908, at the hour of: eleven o'clockjin the forenoon for the appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places and at Ate final summing apwof sinevotes;lay:-the s.ii.l Clerk on behalf of persons interested in promoting ot° opposing 'this bylaw re-' specti .ely. , Provisionally pied• this 34th day of. October. A.D.190 (Set) ,l. '0 Anderson,. 'Reeve, (Sd.) 3. 1s. Agnew, Clerk, (Seal), Tam Norio that the foregoit' g is a true co of a • ro': law "Iiia hs►s py . 'd I?. 'been taken into consideration anti which t be finally, passed by the Council in the -event of the assent of the eleetMs being obtained thereto after one from the,firstpublication .'thereof' 'an the Lncknow Sentinel newspaper, which said first publication took place on the 29th clay of October, .1911 anti,. at the our, day and places 6/040 • fa for 'thu.a bethe held., votes of the' eleetr ta,. the pi„Will ' ' , Ate; ri 'past years ; you will find` them 'hetttr than BARbA;�bASBIAixL' ' O, of Scr� of Uri!lla, end. the The TUDifars CARR1AG1 Co., C C , tford, . manufacture standard high_ grace Cutters,: and Standhope styles as follows;– W )OXWORI'1—XXX Shafts, Pilule* bea111,s, bOvt.. • knees and fenders.: .. ; DriC@5 tbrl gh It 'and flanged steel.shoein . on 7..8 inch runners. P NTINt Bodies -=-blank, nicely sero:le1 acne' su tied with, colored panels ; G- Lv. -urine or, re'n, . handsotnely striped and' finishel TE IDTGS--Trimuaed with solid sprint back, spring, oushious and padded quarters in plush,' earpitill, ' bottom shifts trilonned`• rith leather &:silver tip., -'OItNTI�CSSll�e� dash�, dash seat, • handles n►nd illi l C14,4 AND EXAiiiINE BEFORE: BUY! P