HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-17, Page 2I 0 . r,
udiVicluel - '
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r_ 4 jp.s. . . colii,,,,,,,..,,:ii.4,10.1ity Humornri:i tc.b.4.6d,r,,,11)%li.!ir ry. td 0 biith, :43.1 4141:':C71:aiiT144tat.:12s'ii:efk;8_",",:v.t:C".7._4_*.,
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A Soup..,, -Four ItItT.' i ; ..t,,,..,.._1 ollt_t tct,.#1 . -'
at4' rn,..,tillm- iTb41:4.,:in4' 'Palt1:44:-.ipTI:10::::1-th(1,1t.::. ,I1A:e : .1,4:1a.:::, -I: li ..c.'llx:11:41n:re : ' .-Ii"-11';4i411:7‘";21 "'ki7r7*7:4**1.- T‘'''' rti '484't i'T4's a'' 1 It'l as Ilis lial'a'6°
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. cr, re 0 ..,,4: ' t'll.; 0'17 ''''',9,fi:;.---;.:-•b'tsui e7 . 'ttic -sprAy..‘ ..-- . . °brio., , ', mthonand, .44 ,,.......711,,,,,,- be ,,a41;03-.
" ;445• ' °.,,.-,..:7-•::::•„:4•,:',', 'itti.•„:,, ,c1,..6, P00Ps .19111:::°' I" . ' ili4-1' Un'Y :---13-rseY
'-•' npriia •.F.toas-...tions. Salto:,
-4Dakun.W1*.i., .' white'-.: - iiii-eie ,_ * ,
..,7,,thchv,...,..1;„ ...,,,,,s, ,;:17,iitob;;6:4„iitilt.,:water,t tiooric4,71,1;,.tor:;.7121. ,ej.;_r.,,:a::iept,i4z1a,tt.e:a:teir..7r.18;eeitiTiztii:1„.'•thAN:efi:0,ctiai,:i.:mtitoialotlinS,fetl. 'w,e, ec- a•••Pie.,,,„:7'.721.t..,",tho .b::: .'ctl:g: untiogh:7 0-0.11:13:6,-.Perettesi;'a':41:7,oiri4e4eci:':•••)4454a4v4LIresi4t,l'th:fie::4; e ,7......lisaigi'31:"-ed:kse:t, ::::04-'iliiiir!:•-•Artif;I:b-490P.y1.4*:':on7am.,,.:76';__,- aotp:vro:eil:'44'tsi.otCei-hrei, 11:43Adef7thttpao:l'eii.ari:ir:e01:i%;47:0,,.4t10:°01:n:g.:!ixaratin:./ti4git,'isg:1):fil-xalrt:Jooh:P7'epitre'174aYes"-
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,je Opt-
"; thi3 , butter,
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teeii et
Peek '','."'•'i,'•• 4, ,•,,,,.aitilitlx.p,a, a gs r,,,,,,j1,a1..c,,,•1,-,,_„;•-se 3.-ro., ,,,-..gg,,:*. ,..e,.. A., gas' , W,14."..-Nia-_,*th, . 1 ,00.0.,i- . ,.,4;Yy-11-1;'''n:1„an(intail.:°*'3,wIn',' j:t6,sifni:lasdivetlrire_tiei:ae6;..:,:::4:thbliotte:o_nti:rin:dTioi_o:ge*li;'"i'dYth*d;1'tnglftsatt,Pet,Y'm,"sFi.'8:'*A;1't4,e.*ril:ir' seiwt,:ii,ne6.:117ilYreav,:t6Pst'ale'eav7Goic:14:d.eInb_63',V-7,11:4inr,,..E9nlY3r,,t,..iihit'illin_itiga.raf°s:::_tt°431ey°.ar,gler°'ulluil'iennt.iiy.,.-, ‘, ,
4o--m,p00.;:rtiladh,.. :poohiluveriag-" "': -
whitefisb 'will.
id Garnxsh eaih dish
4 .10,,lie,,‘eito.,4a--h, for .,,,,10 ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ti.O..it'•their- oscillations,:. - the :. P061010 ',.:Tbere :are inunierable thilliiS Pliiit•
to the flnb Season.
II?' °M,'-,-,.!111,1.k-s'-:rc-,I1-;' t-. .gai'ic4u-Saet- r eggs -t-. Pue• ,Sar'..te-ge..:..bnek,,tp.Ltilepoji*stair 2ClrsiAdt.: 'Olt e00etrles nn!te '
,ryi la:„,poii ad ,,-wiPtp'Ped. cre,,,r-,' ,4''''''aild• P., ,r.F0:-.g?li,'-'' trau.„,,,'"Od:, ••,' _They. 'tleiired' tli' eir 'n-torna CHRISPIAS' It4;:iklE.IIBBLAI'T:-C-e."6-. T• hen -he .harnesikl! his little rein- Ing. Wire Ifrathes eletAY: wlith im--
r Make
a, --• - 'gUruisidog.the ttz'iltif thehriek with; '''Pegitn deities' ieirered end' gar-,-.__ .....,-.. ----: -.-..'
. 1: . , , , ot 0 on,. , : . ,e, he -It :.4, 21di ,,!1-611111:i-t,14,11.!sk_IO,r- ' :.1.- :43,:..n.e.:.; ie,,p..-Li,i..;t,' 'iferilY:3'"O Ofhiltt'..eiLiiTat,C77,e1.,-4:,:,,i, st ,,*:40,,,, ,ii.t:H,0,••,..:;tittioligAnci .,,,,.sof„i.,:izi,:!:16.111,r4ig9:::irtt,,,erst:,:.ag.LetT•Ti2.1,..701,,,::: ,,, ,oeigt. , ,,, , : !,- -,,_,--, - -, , : fiviri‘r4 :o.r • ooy kit:01; of .*:ei.rgreerts-•
•*4-inients, to . cream. •houra. • • ervc . on: a arge platter, '
in tt
, Op' ate 'Very •tle--.,:
ooked Rub
' r . d',.tialie it -
w ite':slia.i..i.tt. ta .oie i.,,,.'00: '''''';',;!'0.-tf.GVI.);1.: .1 ,,,,A,Pl'usuag.,64-AT:',0411t-li-sitii:60'lleir,'.j..6.,"tiiilltleb-fy:WO'r';;Z::,:grOeti:ngs-•-• ,,•,.."-',"::-',.: ' . ' •'•-•,„...! .;,...; ! .i :
rk, being
T•netittful to 'have
ect.7f,:, 'Prepare!
dlong,•: un. 411•011, , '
1 , rie_liiilciiiiii!:;11::,'''64., , _
Ilattoon :, 'JO! ,, •thioir.oro.-",*' ••••.,
bread: , !rite, °L7.11.slowly
1141 .5#
. , „..., aPti:&°:13.N64:1::' all'Ic't' strl-*r•:' F7;i471;:nsei:Alt;t1:1;66*(h,,a9ZVeLY.fo'cilit' .777777.,--- -- ':- • 1
A Oh
pare,,, toorl
unil well brown-
6 130* -:,00.'
6#141' .
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1 1 FOP isr
\t hen
,..„,,,t.„0,,, t ,,,,,„1,01.ild ,,e,istonis w, ittx.ifil_e.174,.:LA_s_. a reSUltlej _aewin_ _ g chair.' traYS. ,fer :" the, tenie- ,' .' and:' hill r , .., ' dividinaLthe_Places; ,._/.tf.itliP_ candle:at .
e-•,,''‘' t....7'"thL7a7t.--y7Oue',.;en'-'-1:i; 'BrutuS,'',. brokellongli7th;taViliati .t -diet) • light: 'at •• Oliee . eiliige:u;;em, s.;
, ,' ‘ •,; exertion liries, ' they ' 'Tearried..their 'telvea, To theSe ', 'inaY"'" he -a.dd..ed.; Then' onward:13e sped Over' valleY: eov.fetrteresee:ani*::'eo.71'wqd-h:301,4',,r,*thile:sePiTotts;'!'
,40,facilt,:pzi:i'l you train _Paitil the holidiaeygi,,Camas e agimai•ndat".• frOlargs11,1nr., eiaanetaanidee'.,4„(12,,operapearile!:. eed ,Ha ; 'And,hialeftd th....• e,,... cold north 'land he--.; iii4dcer.th°.1:4trtsioate'l.):7110:epos''acar-°1:ettia'.'enliaedirieareine'ildl„aWiliutout:, :
cnntil, taick_104,J., 'ideiiti:ed "Witk;the 7 eninbEati41.1:::4i.' i'll4CI''':':'':Itiilte4 .*afil'''''11:1"‘I '''''''''s ''''444::iilea'cl'14''' w41: l'av'itil:*' -
, c,° ... , .•'.''''t '',.h6.4euttl.-&ii-TirgiVrs,"Sl'''.'4O-OltlMeer;: )Allelitir.)'•ie•Yr'ePtl,then-"'"g•i*Vieg '''' ' ThaUgh
e..----wg'-s'',:alaW. it-- aro.. ---o.,!greThell-fir!7'-'-ir7eil 1-7.- --w494.7,070a111-:17- '--:,' '.. ',._•,...-',.-.,....F,:-:16'.7 '1,*10;asH,-_ttell'Ol' d: vt!iall' , , ,kpozt:tia'-ve:htlliemi:::::e.oit,"'.1-1,:o.1, , It., t.,,ofest7,:i'i.6,:rue:elatil,,,illser, j3,:•014,1y.cdrialiafte,assinthi.oLed:bt!ciat.,:spe:irtkadr,t(!f.,
wad aad one C
eream ten
''.- ' F..!:',/*; Iteratin,-helidays., Referenee teltIS" thOM'eXteia a, -i4 -radte,'-'Pea".0:alatl-
''-':'!' '.prospetity . weidd ' , folloir". in .. , th0ir '''riceable gift.' r and . ' -I'SweNs! ,-a?rfs'; O• 'er the •snow„: ' ! ' - ,
0 wardS 'their homes, happiness and Eme lace, makes -a eau, y , ,
helleving. that; if they oscillated er nble- 'an, d • acc,ental3le. te_r_..thei., 7077
has been
sWaY0,01:m,-their,`elirettlort, '",er.to'• VettO'keePs "house. h'Tebl„,..e .Init erit shheli.... His. lieart , was,: azie*. es „le pata4o4, trouble tia' an. bu,yin" g, the. tead:Y-Made•;!,
- -'.'visit7thoni. all,' r ' r'''''".'.'. ''.7"....'" ".''• , : i:iiiiig tiom•zajairly large C.Pri'untt:-'77 , '
And 'a present rill giv6.4clit'on6,.• .er t.lie gaselier, 'to,' quit tinY':O.Ues.:
..711"c_, rl.peeera'"anwidti'iawta -!i,ings.. of :s.1.1111,n,i MbuOti,,e_thisile7.07.30iuthr:ef'S-Isearitnettl-behlosinsoo'nire:
, , Iwirt ,..
-,, done,' :: ,-- '. . ' .„,„ ,witli wreaths.,'ef-holly. Among. the. ..,_
boys' and,.u.ly._„illiaS :ba'17 ueen or Atte 'tables to .tha..Cornera: ol,
, , Floral bells can be made' bY. cever- '
. _ L •that,can le -twined froM •tlie•VOLier
_ . . .
one i$ the ,statiotier's, ,,, "1 11'
, .
,. ii '.. • -, . _tather-keep_r_on _o„,mtit.1
, 1__einvasic01, , . , ,r as ,, ,
al =:Scjifti :7Chafina-Z,%11.-fer,-v"'"'""e' Ilse :(1.rough -•;ci--__,_, - 7.m-11:12giiii-. ..,...016m.,..11,6W7=-746"S-:-.777.7.7777.
.•••et of Bee[ 4 77"--1:;,,,"•-q.--01.*-nwP.1----••,. -.7- - .-• , 1, , ristnias.. roe of , r, n ,- -, - - -- ...,:- „
t'lleceire -and ' ritirecate- i. :. I ts",,hung.. _ e..• . that eerz, P', see eelleSrl'Itiiil' altf .ddiler:ter.•16Pru:suht's,71e11;:eu„ Th*t.hWeaa,Sr6t1'ilee,t4-. aehetug'11-; i Iti '''il- ICi.. iv• 7 -sheuiti m-oeh the bells''
:0 *ell:he ' labeled!' :. at •". once R. .----
. T.0:"reilderabbr,:-:...;1_1r,ieMory--, of'...,•,Pd: a gift and,,ent,:•glas„, a piece ef.„tlie nev; ,vt.ii"enr InOrtkinTtlqi' silo:ilia .nrip„a ,o'n ' The: d i ' of a 'star ,is• a good .
0: is: Iiiiall: an4' 't'r:.6:' 1°4°411-e.. ii''''aS 'tb''Tr*'. . ':' .. ' : : 1:! R ''''hili:-'''PZ-o7t?-'*Zili,e14..w/3°7olv):r:loslir ''' the r'view- . . °T!elelri'ettipeega'canehl3setia'pti'!,:lleea -tilt
' 'To chi your s: OPPing as ear - - CURIOUS REVRRRN_, .9E,, !-.0. F:12:- bith:°::ritcl7dac'‘ oaaep:his 0; : rkiLZt,-tro:::,,,,,:i,;161„.. ,,,,i0.:t 01' it
r. at_the'dot-ror- ', • . ' - g'- -lin. - Tatnd' ' ieev,e,ayr'ed. vitlit : .4.ch°1-1Y. ".
s E.,.‘4, P,..i.;haVX,s'af -christ.--1,-w, itt7-1-th,,, e , hea.--den , 11,13,0,, es: oi.Garl; or' a :1170o-.strv6-1-at-r- t,-so-j:'d'e: Then 'Ightleialcdy: 1;-'-'---d-g-a-elPlf-g. Un abtag the. ' 0 0° rrl In'
To-sho i When the trish priests , strove - taking care to keep the eutlip&
es yen irau,t be .tinst tired thr(!anatixha a:, lard Stwiretse elvralealehtizidthm.eY'r:n7_,! d-sirewn'ab--1-e on the thcoevereineugehwhefhonter°2.:pferiirty: I kn„edvic bus b-1:7.111, it ani,milt:yriseot! kerhegutThIsrotrsirtranam.seolbretartiggilee:
colaude! cer Gar- to death1ed
,w at 3 0waot buy, and t4.she •vvo.rship ,aiof .t.tiatecthrees iate pre_christmas gift in, , , , * 11-reo,,tionaln:*-:gere,01.iteto101earrtsoattpeeoralat.TL. •
el:73111d4: :71ed
e aup your oliad az far „ss ions reverence. Despairing of sup- wham," A mother img „ And wanthd a peep a
abefo:ite ',You ,ean:sPend, 7A11,11"IY ldef seed tor.te: ahaPe of 00e of the Pateilt Pans m peepol through_ the door tiiat was
ni it
la ATwo table-
valleTiaLwiataysiiiity tott,allh_ecceYhilarFel:seoe:r_i:e:71.tireshanin;_e_eSt. Exp- ,setce°tindgietgh:lsaniar'? t I sheald see, fielelF,::erliedaan" •sileeafdsetedhree' !-Eltaair:-Y- •
ons �hoPP
gifts • to the horne that- are of
on a suitani color tome is,
One- in giving eso.ota; w y sena tho htie, ev. rog_p •wrire .ast- But th... Isear,ehstat:od papa, with presents, gr wants.a. , _tr. d alrt
e Yolks o eggs , tablespooneup of bu One pon ,eosr:nstt Oaf eiYoiairar /6rirtill:elakfifytesiri-creeellut rimeYe ssrthei;euw) :Toe InwotnnefrProeeera thur phot
• -tbarlereofal-Ithife Pfzurriersielyn)ala gilt'.
res;) Andrawa,sa my stocking for rikedbig--angalaslibte:xd°rofwp-hinitee-a7clegdr,keeitnit:
Add the
ditg as msany 'dollars for a idolatrY to d0sPose the fir tree and pattern, silk petticoat, silk waist
41 nntd nearly all the Y sli:rn the woman /dies° life to aecept the. Christ. pattern, fanc3. apron, fine staebinffs, whit,e chrysanthemums piakes
lovely centre -pieces the graiceful
ue , rer4emp, elf trehe, Per:lsef etesZala wvfl*fu-, 1:7„ 10°1:lieges' rowr 0arabaitulf„ retw:Itr37,re-e'tF431ar, '821•14.'"rA CLAUS' `'
Add ear -4. exe-reised in 'the choice E- ecau-e 0 ffreena_ °grams for shoppuig nag, a . of white roses or carnations,
well with the feathery mums. A
clusters of pule needles grouping
of butter, let
at !wait ef lamuriesi Prior to tne seventh century the
•„. 11104gS e e ei er hot or gift is an \ _evidence of love' en the ?II other trees- areya..r., ,z111 leaf,; e; box of fur soap,toilet water, "Wmnie Ives nee" serel-Y PeriPl-exett. set In' the midst of a bowl of Pain-- ,'
.1.. T.
-,..,,..„......1 ,._,,,f .., ef t .„ d nor i-ess, Deeeme asseelateu lit sn Blum fine shppers, silk japunese kimono, she had seen a 'w-e...11tiaderfifi hiPl:titureb_ set"bia, is "li-- er'''.'4'3:ce arre"--s'"---er'''''
...,, `..0 e - eesibten7f47 ". Pori- - ill* ' I. of the people as a symbol of etern - se f side e bs fancy purse -Rim of Santa a0S.L.,,S11' , ja scarlet and -white.
,,. •••,,, --,,' a s• ----Fill the PrePared ethers as'ii PPY as Y°1-1. elm- , sY In the beginning et the sev- --'! tb° 11 rt iire.ss "or wrap'ran' at home- The rOOM was Oleo ' -when ebadren are a the,„ c -hiFis-t_
1 To be hup y as you can and
*ales- °peek abant °n° h°11r. Serve eenditlen v irgill:prill!eng ethen , 13,, 7Y- _FER,ST CHRIS. TAUS TREE DT 18, 10 lin% 'oaurt,; hreidingr sculkoalbitemourlem, s" „Iona's, -, twhheomnamheews pen% dibbererng1P'/pr7send'tsb.7.Ssaht4e _bgrlock of pwood, cover th,e block. wirth
than for fowl., Baste -every ten min- •t,o faFe the i ew ear In a kill 4... .
Sli,CeS of orange,' maraschino c er. your °Tiny Bus it• is only in modern_ tams teeilerttu,chieer_eernah,rotit.rs;_, -,t4f-rn7.reititgi--.... thauodugvhast -tfluanseyainig_hneao:tiraipialcatuv..__Ifeor_rm:v_a.dpkimot:osetidne,,ryari:dithetrsporrintgek:lettheenthl:I.Y,roit44-_obi
I e latter---Gatnish- with- ..o -try, eten .
0 -11 arg P ' ' -' • ' h 41 -r1 to et one that
ries and Endine leaves. 1 some poor, c,bile-gid 'can g hug to its that the Christmas tree has won a
ant icHtt4e1,. *OW decks 'vtith 'a 'Sttiffing TO reniein er 5011r: SI S °nth eenterY Sante Clans' made bill: rt resilrla I one made 'from with. large'bool Oneackside; frer- &nue,. party, they will take de_
° eareneearr ing'tnthe' rich alid‘ ew printed chiffon's. ' • - • tca and on the •dre*boolnk light in 'a cantre-pleke in. the
11:112:4T;41:7741:fir4lia ,'.ie-IN.44,thatittliiuseleastoei-, Poor. able gifts '.at,the loyons
n. ChristmaStide- and . most :fitting, visiting de; shoe trees; 'a ceak-, 'which he,seemed-tO re:a!`Tg with in place •in. different ways.
For the yOnuger_:' girl, engraved lu'ronb' 1"1"' -55'" a -of a .110matare Thu • can be
!,reinutea' Maintain•'• hotter tre -Oct a merr
YElancial tributing them from a'llt tree. , soi.eonsisting 4f apron, sleeves great delight. In these books 'were One way is to nail: it fin:illy-to a
Br wri Sauce -Prepare a' brown warm little heart. Permanent Iliac, inTh th.a hearts, '1.1 coat,' knitted or crocheted lace to fieka,:ungthisa. Listtwthin.anift rraned-,sataii--euthrriet whic.h have . been ,touch:d
use_one _pint_ of ,hrown meat stock For a ukaid or man beside per e
tame fine toilet seari, bath, hair rible idea cane to her. 'The new z,r:aee7whl reatshteyeaaseli eartistsff sup_
from fat• in the pan and four T member that c ren never the people as being indispensab e trim a' slart ran. faucY corset coy- Bobbie • , with „, photographer a. P-sl,z an
tablespoons of flour. Saviour er and hair ribbons..
She thought no ur e
f th r--- a ter- dust,' -eh l
then powdered with 'diamond
b bou lit at.
forret their early -Christmas clays, th•zr celebration o e
or water. • - d d
and it is worth a saerifite to make birth. In 1816 it s m e its ap-
' far t ad
thentrs-6-tall-et-jOy' that,ftin-after earance in Austrierlinnsary naidet
years the Metamry a themahall. be the direction of the Grand .DUChess
precions possession gilding all llennett,a, the German consort, Of
Sir et Potatoes au Gratin ---
ed), two tablesPoons of butter, five confeetionery, limy be suggested; s 0, „t e bee
pair ef, sieves rine -stationery booa, and u she wasn th h fsh ,
know about ter, and uncerem,
Twelve sweet Potatoes (c6/01 boil-
' -lach-alicest-Pati-a-lain-ihe-hrk giving' net getting; that. generesitY daY th° eust°1°' which f°1andlits in„-] To relieve possible e.mbarrass- Oh how -dreadful. She couldn't eaehlreest= -
-tom of the, haling dis.h; sprinkle is false when it is jareed-Ctliat-har-- Paleeeh PerPetnatea relent the thOughtful house -mother think it out alone, so she called • Miniature- trees, Air --
or- tea,
with salt, pepper anti sugar; add ter and exchange are not giving; throughout the lenith hres-adth will have few eiftfa's mid 1.-pbb-..e. • inches high can be made by cutting
and nair-brusties;manicureplet ,-,had never been -name an
an of course, ifihelia-diicany name, -P.--h,es ern- etree with
, corn ch 'sting, and tinsel -balls, fasten.
" d the
manta, fine dressmg comb, and p
h couldn't lie in Santa , aus
a ailt star at'the top an tie on. ,
their childhood. the Archduke Charles. In that
bear.in mind and never lose year she ca,used- to be erected , a
oth fir tree loaded with cost-
• the cold b,oiled Potatoes into hag- That the keynote of Christinisia "117--gifts-for--ker-children;:ii-nd. er en'ta-r- - -she_woutd__antLan_empty stocking. bexes -of assorted bon -bons,
one up_in tmy Powea.-pot .
sp,nen-itriat,-_-SPec-k-of--pepPer-;- cut- sight-*Etl.iesefacts: - piece of good jewelry a, fancy belt he wo n
is `trating-to the-lort th unexpected est eilf heiat, t ou -think\ abeut nt ends -Of ."fir hranch_e0 and--settinff
tablespoons of, sugar, rine-half tea -
in this manner -and on the top elg hamlets th°. -.4"Phrie.-heiguts. ed'traveller, These may- be 1,,tooks, Muriel"?' said wiame, er alL:t °I
"ether laYer,•sPrudde again- Pro- the land, Pene for e exp gu
that dhriatmas he truly happy
to us just in proportion that we
bring happiness to °tilers; that the
very first Christmas gift -s of till
vgere laid at the feet of a child of
the peer.
sprinkle sugar and small pieces of It is a question -11p. any country kerchiefs, a calendar, locate hed a.it idea. of her own; letting he ttle
-butierC--Itak.e in -a -moderate -even- the Tit -to. ra is so religlouslY and en.; seeks , silk scarf or celluloid' soap sister speak first. .
thusmscaeally carried out. as_it is b • ' • Ifink if Senta.,Clites don't brin
Put, baking' diSh' on ..a, plate, Covered, the dual ' empire. 'Varied arid
with a.folded napkin and garnished,: quaint are the uianifeld rites with for her wings, and go straight back
twelityminutes. r Let lirownon top.
Baked cniena_,Tweive large en_ , .... bratien is that performed by Moth,
ers Of daughters who are approach- to heaven.
WI gree . , . . which, the festival is form of eele
ions, (red,' 12 tablespoons bread LEGENDS 9F' Awn pigius•-• ,illit the state of womanhood,. Tluree
, ....
crumbs; salt and Petilier :i° thae", - There'.grew up's, eustoina in,Chrial leradlea are lighted *and. carefully
Parboil the onions tmttl .tende,t.
tian countries of:61ring presents in' conveyed t,o, a lonely meadow,
out the inside, chop fine half the which means *,SitaniSh a shoe, bet as- fine as powder, is gathered and
In ItalY,it Was, called the Zoiasta, ing but the- ashes remain.' The' ash,
'circular piece from the ter. Scoop
onion which liaa .been taken out. Cause the gifts were lint into ,shoes then shaken over the beads of the
Add this to the Meat : Six table--. .
to surprise people When they should
her any flag, her will aend-to
Cornueopias---Paste t,ogetlier feta
inch Squares of -white and colored
,paper, the Whiteextending tett and
lett side and the Colored at ;right.
Remove from the fire and cutoff a. secret on. the Vigil of St. NiebolaP. There they are bianeel until neat -
Slip narrow- ribbons between for
At 'this Boblble began to erY, u
Winnie bade him 'be quiet, as this With 'uuts;',eaudies, aud sou7
was a time le' not to ey, :Venirs-soins Of, them amusing --
Cover the little pots -with siker
PaPer- The dor trees can' be used'
decoratirely, one placed at each.
over, with place cards, bon -bens,
antrfaVinatieil with
,hons. Or, as one hostess intends
doing ba.ve, the. individual troes,
think Suddenly bis lace hrightened. ;anions, thebranehea, brought in aft
knows everylitig.' Well not' te. attempt ir,o light trees
he hostessis apt to feel •neeessaryi
'Winnie, ask Maggie Malone; her a last eourse- rerh• aPs it is just as
' "You dear little boy,' said Win- on. the table with taners, otherwise
to keep. ft contiumalw agairmt
aeriden 'La fires.
A greatalierif of 'grain is stink -up -
handles. Gum zolored edge over "vin him a hug- 'you have
white; ornament with picture, °lithought of the very best thing., :My&
Young girls amidst prayers and sup- 'with -candy, and close With extend- Malone is in the basement -wash-
plic.ations. The performance ef this ed white paper. Cut little stars, ing te_day, and Maggie came with
spoons of the hread crumbs, salt put them On in' the inerning.
and pepPer. Fill the onion cup with .-_
in many,„ French convents the
this: mixture. Bake fifteen minutes, boarders useil'to tiltiee each:her sillt
putt,ingti little:water in thelaking stooking at the door Of the reera a
pant Baste once or twice; sprinkle
custom assures immunity from hearts, and fancy shapes fit cox& her. Go and ask her to come here
harm Until the holiday\ spirit is' boincl, give, coat of glee. . ;irk- at once.'
again' abroad- ' metallic flock, Maggie was a bright,,aturily little
the Mother Abbess, recommending Alsace' and Lorraine, described Nests -Gum moss Awes' with -e Irish- girl, --who_colikl tell the most
the top With battered crumbs; re:,
turn to the even. and brown; serve
en' reund. piecea, of toasted bread;
:on smell platea, '
Aittatigus ,Salakt-Purchase one
-.Of 1 -hs largO cans asPare-
gus tips. 'mei COtap about four
inches Jong and one! can contains'
„enough to Make salad ,for twelve.
.Clean and criap twelve pretty letr,
themselves at the same time to St- as being the brightest jewels in the shells; Till with- candy 'eggs- Pep.' thrilling ghost stories, climb the
Nicholas, And in Germany\ a botF 1 crowil °I France* were the first to Permint stick bonbon boxes--WraP tallest trees, and get the best nuts,
dressed as e g°,\IN'iled embrace and moue:sr. within the nerrew striPs- of red 'paper around giving them away, with ri, lavish
in vestments and mitre and 1Fthe
stockings, hung np.,_
This solemnity tit the boy bishop
came. to be kept here- with much
cafe and ceremony on the feast of
St Nichelas to commemorate his
youth and his patironage of children.
empire the erection of the fir' tree cY dere roe eo s w Paper hand.
Maggie came itith her ears, eyest
at Christmas time. Whgn these cut six by two inches. .8.1aSh bot -
two Provinces were wrenched frnin tom end Paste to circular 1Piece of and mouth often to take in the busi-
They all talked at Mice, and
the Possession of France as a re,sult cltrd• board size of cYlinder. Fill ness,
Of the war of 1E00, the Gentians, as with.
did the Romans in their turn; ear- Artificial. sin", na-'ers
red on their swords"' Points., the °I'clitten gl"; tb°R DiaMenla
tuce LaY ° the aslniraglis Salisbtify Cathedral there is, or ancient custims of their country.
• dust. Put on. top branches,
grisses-Wrap .perinuts colored
.paperAtirnO.d at iigth ends. Fes-
tontis--Foldi,- tinfoil over Once,
opposite:. side. Unfold strip and in their .steektfigc, and ,the .hahvt, the .i.ostous .11.1.prite in the Nroftreg.
Ifandle tateftillY, wertli'' and she has been cage& by I teas Day, all ever that frozen, bleak,
withaat .00able 'feed they
adrin ela Nta-, a inellurneut 9f14eie: .Thousands Of the piorincials
. fiock-
the tips with 'rounds dt4 from rc. hot- bishops who died during his eaTto Paris as a. resultofthe-Ger-
peppers. If the peppers' are net in term of Office,' ,' The same tUttkail man victory, and it was there that,
Market a toOeli' of red May be abr. was observed in Spain, :and in 'Snit- the' charitable organizations
woad adding two. radishes to
, zeiland until the end of the. eight. ed to give to ,the ill0M6leSS Ott, a
, each plate. the rodlsne8 tecnth . century. At one place • in Ohristnias as 'nearly approaching
thinly from the 'tell,' ee that. the Aghitids the eenrent Of Godetowe, •.their Own as was possible. So
Tillie prayer Were.there was erectcd c t
Slender parings . will 'cur back .and Oxfordshire.
gOe'the aPlrearatice".4 rose. On said ht. a' little gi I dretsed as an- loaded with food and presents. for
the:lettuce' lea, lay one tahlCsticion. abbess. the people, All Paris came to, See,
of 86ive- /Pie tustotti, stopped here first and, as result, the Christraas tree
' with dill andWiches nittle. et Wliel tienry,. and afterward 14. fortis one of the institutions • of the
svldto bvt-,t.d.; e" Ve0 thin an, ilOtietif Elizabeth, iotte different each today.: . . .\
triipmed 'into the .shape; of triangles Iona earried by 'the, Dutch in
• Or eSeeete- • ' '.Atnoier, doti bd6atil6 IA the end the
*CrOtitettes.-tirie goeidarited teremoriy we still use
el'etoe;, whitts- here of Santa Claal,e,. person
I e% of, dat'entie and salt. Peat the dressed in Dutch or German Winter
of the sixteenth century.
'to a 'Stiff 'frothi atit:
atet: .0 , • ,
. .
soon told ber all about,it.
'Shure '-n• I'll tell him abciut her,' constitute a big bustuesa. It is
mid Maggie.: • and pleasant 'Co 'think of the the.
A° queer thia&happened the next ands' of Norwegian., carts, trundi-
day., , Maggie, Winnie, Mariel, in from, the outlying farms tin liar
I3obbie and the baby cacti haa. a cember ?Atli -for, the birds' benefit,
in every ,Norwegian gaiden
Christinas day. It a Christniasgift
for the birds. Norway's streeta,
the day before Chris.traiti,. 611:1
crowded with .carts full of grain
from the country, All grain for
the birds, its buying and selling-
nice letter from Sfifiti-Olaus;tellt- ist-the-hig-grain-market that is tem .
818th each 'side nearly across g o 6 ey won n on e s accent) aloe, a
to in f things Ca Id 't the * tna '
Pull edges Will glisten belMtifull$- letter was directed to 'Edith tan birds' heat S :When on Christsnovt-coveted land, . ey obtam
Fringe -a -Cut tivo inchei "Wide -tin- that name. ever s*rice.
foil in fine fringe Wrap around
oo."-zirle "cord, making ropes of 'sil-
yery fringe. Small Japanese lan-
terns arc safer and Prettier than
unshielded ',candles. Paper flowers
dipped IRA paraffin and sprinkled,
v cTortiA's CONSORT HELPED.] with "diamond dust tidel'•inuch to
Printe Albert, tOtisortt a the be- 'the Christmas, tree. , Also 'Briglish
loved Victoria,. • aided. iik''lle pop- '.walnuts' wraPPed with tinfoil and
ularizing Of the fir tree in\tngland. suspended by a string, add to the
trp "and down the Bri1isbmpire, many ornaments needed, '': , „
Little Fred ; "Mother, aitV father
got a !reef idea of what heaven is
Mother : don't. know,
dear. I "tater heard ,him say any-
thing about it," Little Vied :
"Well. I did. He told the grocery
man that:the week you spent,ii
the country ' WAS like heitieli te•
ean-poSsiblY. tleaire,
tEcNt. intalIGA
. . .
, ''I knot* iiat :riu gait* to get
for Clitiattitia?) ... t,' ,
. •I'lloir 'did you find ,outl" • '
, --"ll
.'a's-one ot thchi. jar lt Cliiiiisd
1oaS,,ahoP14,41A," - ' '