HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-17, Page 1L
ski 1 ` and;:: ;Person.
Ileo.' )..T.:L. Mc Kerroll.condueted
services-inAvalton-on -Su nda .
Fountain Pens from $1.00 to $10.00
'at J. Garnet Armstrong's,
1enani-On Caniphell St.', A team,-
• stets Euq uueat.RSentiiielOfl%ce.
?da's,t ree lbs. for lOcaA
Anderson's 'Store. -
Mr. Levinne of the Taylor -Anders;
son travellinl;staff was ;in town; on
Ltwyar C. j..i ickfe of_.G`uesley:'has
been appointed Ceunty.Jndge'0.f -83.56.3-C
1Ie-will ,re i ie r,1 'Windsor;
• Fouad-On.Ross St. a small eros
cent brooch. . Enquire .at Sentinel
Rev. A McNabb .of 'Walton prech-
ed two interesting and: instructive
--sermons in the . Presbyterian ' Church
on Sunday ,
WVaterman's Ideaal Fountain 1'en is
always considered the ;best pen on the
mar, et." -For sale by J. \Garnet
Arinsron g.
� -olt .S..i . -A pair- o Carling atone$
114\V, w i . 4 8p1'¢, to'
l�rlc1•,g d
Fon REsr-Good hving rooms over
tile Sentinel office. Possession Dee.
15th. -J. NAYLOR.
1Three cheers for Longboat.
Fox SALE -Six barrels good apples
W. S.:110110" eS 4 Son.
A son was born to 11r, and Mrs.
the '12's
12th., hist. • .
�Pl9n _,I!� er ou
, The • Wingliam ` :Salvation Army
Band will make their annual visit to
'Lucknow on ;New Years day..
nice e{chanlcal top goes
willl? lease and instruct a )oy and.
kaaniise others. A lot to pick",froin ;;at
;3r.1S1e..Hoe's-D.., Store
See. our line' Stationery,.thea, best
Writing material, 'papetries 'from '15c
to,$1.50;, each. Fancy Pen Holders,
Fountain Pens, .,Blotters ete $t Dr„
Spenee's; 3 ;;,Stone
' An interesting; wedding was solem-
nixed at Ethel on Wednesday Nov..
25th;•in the presence of about silty.
guests at-the_;homo . oh :f;. and Mrs.
Rraynard, 'when their youngest , lough-
ter, Miss Olive, was married to A.
`Ernest . Aehert, ,;of ,golyrood, Ont.
Rev.; John. Henderson of ieiated; :To
the: strains of Mendelshion's 'Wedding--
nnarch; played by Miss Eenuui .Ackert .
-.sister . of the :gym, the bridal :ma
took their places under an evergreen ;
arch and white wedding bells ;in /rent;
of ureeta foliage' and' white
Chrysanthemums. ; 'rhe Abride looked
-chaa� ming -indeed s_ihe onter+ ,th '
Gr.Assas=Eyes tested and ` glasses er: Before rhe cenetniony Mies 11.
fitted.Sadvt. net week Nigox
A team belonging: to , Archie- was • assisted by her cousin,
parlor letanixag: on ea - of 'hes Atli
See x , Spence sang very sweetly the wedding,
%VEre�il,. at F. Grundy s. h O heart of Love The blade
John- Miss L.
sten of Ashfield
ran away nn town" Armstrong, of Hanover, and the groom
YesterdaY but were before by his brother Abner Ached, of
doing any serious damage.
A number.from here among, whom
were Mrs. J G. Anderson, M iSS Mary
Anderson, Miss Bertha Treleaven and
Mr. Jas. .Arnlersen,assisted'in-the pro-
eram of ittea meetine held at Crewe
new shipment Of Christmas and NeW-
Fon SALE -A quantity .of. Lumber.
Also a quantity of first class,Shingles..,
•' The moSt useful eift would be a
Year's Novelties, -Dr. Spence's Drug
-We ask our ,reaclers to 'send in the
names of their holiday visitors. 'NV hen
d:oing so, give us any other news items
You may know:TA:7-We need your co-
eperation seeurin,g all the news.
litee HAZY BOx sold by j. Garnet :been eneap„ed by .the Public School,
.Armstrong. Board as principal of the. schoels here.
Highest: priCea paid for kinds of Mr. Ewers' reCord lae.xcellent and' the
dieSsed poultry delivered every board .thiak they .have. Secured -the,
nesday w. J. Taylers or rright :man for the place. :
____:L_Cluarlea' store's': Oet Our- Prices before- Crokinole ,Boards, . Table Tennis
We needn't ennumerate eVerything
We have:to shoi!` you. Tem have Ot en
yonegbifti.frem, and bettert an
ever too. 'Call and see oar selctions.
Oheekers, ->Detninoes, Lest heir, Pitt,
games to 'seleot from' for the , Winter
• :been ill. our store. More than eVei,to „evenings at Dr. Spenee's Drag Store..
STRAY STEsa-.Canie into the prem-
ises el the underSigned ,Lot 1, 'con. 9
:E. D. Ashfield abont November 1,5th'
Your business is Solicited by the The owner is ,requested to prove prop-
to,date of Withdrawal. IntereSt Paid This year we have. added a 'fine- se-:
fear tirtres a year. Absolute seeurity lectien. of books, of all priceS and
offered. Read advertisement. kinds from the hook fen the Child te,
15.r• 9vetia, D.; dth Tiondon, 'the latest books from, th,'S'presS.Dr-
,Spence's Drug Store.
MCKenile; McLean ;'
Malloueb• Treas.-A. Ross.
Dr. Geddes\ has 'been; in 'Essex
of AgriOuittirelto'Preveet the 'Tread'
• tli-a-TO-of- aii,T-116-* disease into;
•• :Nose, Threat, will • be at the Cain
Ig'ime On Tuesdays,'Jan.' )26 Feb. 23
March .23, April 20i May 18, Jiine
15. GlaSser-properV4tted,
eyesight, Catarrh and "dednese treated.
: Loots -ow Saw' Mir4s-All kinds of
"be paid. Chepping dene. daily.' 'with
This. °Mee win be' husY
'for the 'balance okuiis Merck-
' ants desiring their advertiseinents
cannot be made later. -than tiesday,
.during this peried. '
We will, pay cash or trade every
Wednesday for 'any qUantitY of hens
Iteeneme,-- Watches,' Clocks and'
'fattier) gearanteed,,, 'See advt. next-.
Geeie '8c., terkeys 124c., Chickens
9c.; Hens 6c., at Rose Anderson's
'chickens, dicks, geese., Land tarkeys, fat *le, LueknOre and J. Walkom's
call and We'll nae you'd. .K. We else -Fle.-lens 'every -Tuesday and. Wednes-,
de,. Ail low]. inusi he starved 24
hours,: With no Mod in crep. Hirst
be' dry picked with heads 'off. Muat
net be allowed to freeze. Deformed
arid thin birds not .taken -11...; J.
.pay top prices for bitter, eggs and,
The first. Curling ,O the 'season in
Lucknow'was done on goiday fore-
' neon...when two teams 'Were, Made up
aS follows:
Ina: Bryan • R.; johnSten
J. 6. Anderson Rev. C. W. Sanders
),1/,, Alba . skip J. 6. Alurdeek. ,slap
" The Score it the close* stead 45-3/4O 14
ef' Heieloek cut ste order; in any
lengths of from icy to 20 ft Let ais
611 your 1)111 for 'that. horiSeer, barn.
, Prices reasonable; Also 125 corcla
aeocr stove Weed lg-in."..Iong; will he
Deposit your saving* With the Bank
of Hamilton. Suths et one dollar and
• from date'. ',of deposit to date Of With-
drawal 'and added to pyincipal
tithes a'year. All business Arial"'
ed has for sale or would rent„
half of Oat half of let '9„ concestiOn13,
E. I). Aslitield. The farm IS in :trood
'condition, well feneed and arained,and
, has a good spring Veil as *ea as
tern. The huildintit are good COnSist-
Now is tir) 'time- when .the • doctor
• Itttep th; 1.60b chi:, This is. the
advice. of 'ma old, enrinoit. atitnoritY,
who iz#ya,theit iiheunittism and' Kid-.
net tronhle weather .hcre, avid also
tells What to du in etoe attack.
.- Get 'from: any eiroci preteriPtion phar-.
ounae.. race
iron thrte Ceutpourel Sirup
. Sarsaparilla, is by 'shaking lea
tOtij tersp at. Or
isea or if yeur haeltiahes et Von feel
kidney regulator and alinost certain
remedy all •fee'ree of Rhenmati•nia•
.which is •Caumett by .urie. kith' in the'
"bleed, 'rihieh'Ali",-,kiiineys th filter
with .stone foundatien :!it is; Druqgilti in this tOyri and v:einitt
a few cods from' oton-ch ancl,lielinol,, • 4,hort the.' pt8saiptie stated
Holyrood. Bride was daintily dreamed
in cream voile trimmed with fillet net
lace and satin belie ribbon, wearing
the bridal veileiiiglifiP ivith-LilY of
quet of white carnations. After the
dainty luncheon served in Mrs. Ray -
a black taffeia gown, The aliening
-was spent in social chat and an im-
p.rompti. prOgram in which the bride
sang very nicely "It is not the house
that makes the home?
x.inas Bells are ringing.
Mr. Clarkson -and Mr. 111urdoch
spent a day in Wingham last week.
Sleighing is good along the sides of
the the road, but upsets are frequent.
Miss Belle -MeLanes is spending a
few days at Kintail.
Miss Mamie Ritchie of Zion spent'
the weekend With Paramount friends.
A merry sleighload of young people
' passed through this burg last Wed-
nesday night, ;
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
P. It. McNay is on the sick list:.
Mr. Archie MacKenzie is laid up
with an attack of rheuriatism.
Miss Maggie Murray of the corner
visited friends here this weelr.
Nomination Meeting.
A meetinig of the rate payersef the
Township of Ashfield will be held , in
Finlay'a School House; (No. '9), on
Monday, Dec. 28th, 1908, at'.12 o'clock
noon tonominate candidates for the
offices Of 'Reeve, Deputy Reeve, mad
three Councillor's for the year 1909.
place on Monday, Jan. 4th., 1909, from
Warn. tO 5 V. -M., in the several polling
places fixed by bYlaw for the polling
of tne votes on the Local Option by-
-Clair of Aslffield Twp.
.Norther Hockey ,League
ineeting of the, executive Committee
-week. whore the scheiiiile of games
was arranged. The follewingmatehes
will be played here: -Jan. 7 Palmer-.
of town the following mafehes
Jan. 15 at Listowel Jan.: 29 at
.2 at Mount Forest ; Feb..16 at Wing,
Music 4essOns
.61), Violin, Mandolin*, Banjo. and
Guitar* also all tiaiida, instrunienta.
All parties wishing to take adVantage
of this, nix' laSt term of [-O.:aching
1.4uoinoW, can lave this opportnnity
work a specialty ---D.. .0.;" 11iglionitart
Havelock -St. Loeknovr.
Highest cash prices paid for ra*
firs: mink, /racoon', nans)krat, weasel;
felt and skink. NO Muskrat taken
til. after Dee. .1St. -JOHN HEN-
Why Not, " The Best
When the best can be had at the
game pni as the inferior article, why
not have the best , There is absolute
.l y. .no doubt4,hat the Family Herald
and kl � "W eStar of Montreal e yt is the
'best dollar's worth in the line of news-
papers. It' is an 'educator for the
whole family. It• has. more features.
than any, other half dozen' big' 'city
papeits, or ma�,azmes. Give it � a trial
for 1.09 and von will be•. ,tel; d of your
!Election with the Guelph '1,Vieter ' Fair
Mr. John Mcplarmid carried .off the
3rd prize and James Ba.ii•d the 5th
prim. There were 76 entrieS ,an all..
We are pleased to see tlaat Mit of a.
ProYinceit'two were 'carried off lay far-
mers from this district: It is a record
it-ny,taw to prohibit the -s-are--Of Minor
1,-- That. the Sale by retail of spiritrious,
fermenteu,.Or other manufactured liquors
is and shall be prohibited in every tavern,
inn ors -utile; house or plaie of puhlic en
tertainment in the Said mimicipality;* and'
the sale thereof, exCept.1* wholesale,..is
,plate,.othei- than a house -cif public enter-
tainment in the Said
.---.•That the vote of the electors- of the
said Village of Luckumv will be taken on• •
the by-law. by thei-deputy=retuining' off.- .
kers hereina.fter named On .1ilcinilak the
Fourth day ',of jannarY One.. Thousand
Nine gundred and Nine cOmmenCing at t
nine 0:chick ,the .mOrning mid
For the Nord.; stib7.division at .
the Cotincil"Chamber,.inthe tOWn Hall;
3.-That,on the Mecond day. Of January
O'clock. in the forenomi the. reeve shall
Appoint in . writing, signed by..liiniself,
two: persons to attend at the .final
'Ming Up Of the votes by the clerk?! and
on • behalf of the'i•perSons .interested . in
80, desikons Of woniotin* the passing of
this by4a*, and like 'number on behalf
of the persons interested in and desirous
'of opposing the paising•of this by-law,..:
icipal Connell of the Village ot buck/low:.
:Shall attender the Toivii Hall at the
Of eleven o'clock in the forenotin on the
TueSday. the fifth- day. of January. 4. • .1).:
1909, to SIIMUll the„ number of votes.
otion;',nintb-e-trf-fit11--formnand-iffect 64
and after -the first day, of May next'after,
the filial passing thereof.
CouncirChamber; December •ist .1
G. Anderson lt,eev6
3Innicipal CoUncil of "the Village of Luck -
now and whic.h will be.finally passed by
the said Council (in the event of the ,assent
of the electors, being nbtained thereto,
as provided by the Liquor License Act)
date of which first public
Decenth r A, D.
hour; day fp-laces-
ng the Votes of the
Capital, i. ®;
. til, 3,3�'4,0®0'
• ,m
as .65
.ranch s � �ria� a and; '�
5 $ .. e an Ca _ Agents and Cortes :ondents
inP:rinci.. 1,.
all 'the I' a pities i'� ;�,t
. _ rt he.
A EF+ E1 L N�iaYliTG aUS&NESS . Ti M S�ACTEi
GEO. H. SMITII, Manager.
()Ives the
Christmas Problem
fox"' MAN
So simple to use you coal
"make mistakes. •
Prices '41.00 to $25.00.
We invite you to call and
see our stork of XJ..- nas -Presents
guarantee the gOods we sell
and onr prices are moderate.
u Grocery.
to_e-,..Lithinking about'
yOur Christnlis.Cake and when
you. are ready- :to: Bake it' let
us hal.* ydur: order for. ,Fruit
‘day the third day
1908 and that at th
• there in fixed for
electors the polls
We have all our. ,Fruits,
Peels, .Si3iCeS, et,c,„ in and
rea BF -the ?Cmas Cake.
Our diSplay of Fancy China
is7largest ev.er keen in Luck --
now, and more comirik.
of Fionr, and Vied, Barrel •
Salt, Stoek Foods, Ete.
ThetHOtne 'of the :28c Tea
-I Moro Young People
any- other in Ontario. Great de-v,s.
'nand for our graduates as Business
College Teachers, Private Secre,
taries, 'Office Assistants, etc. The
embodiment of the most Hxpert
Modern Systems knOwn in.Busi-
scoca.),..tn 'inTerhreciale-D,eypartm.. setnetsn.0";:maiirapnhy4ed
by ctilled instructors.
. Mail Courses in al113usiness Col-
lege and High Seh\..Ool subjects.
in Shorthand n 43, ."neas
bring 'you: best re ultsif takea at
ow old establish an -thorough:
Central Y. OXIO. 0
'Synopsis of Canadian NorthweSt
ANy Person who is the Sole. head of. a
-or any male over .18" yearscid,
may homestead a quarter sectionef
.Donnnion mad in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan or Alberta, ,The applicant must
appear in person ot the Dominion Lands
Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
agencyr, on 'Certailt.trinditions, by fathers
Mother, Son., daaghter,. brother or sister
inontlies! residence upon
.and cultivation tlke *land in each of
farin of at least '.. 80 acres solely Owned
and occupied by him Or histather, moth,:
er, son; daughter, brother or sister. .
good standing may pre.atupt a quarter-,
AL -erten alonside his 'homestead, Price
0.00 Per acre, Dnties-=.-Must reside sik
month§ in each of Sik years, front date of
hOthettead entry- (incleding tile tithe
required te earn. homestead patent), atui
in certain districts. Price P.® per act.I.
endelsol .01,itzstaih. 'Stem
Ladies :Fancy.. cOatO
: Tight an&Loose Fitting.
Duties ---Must resnie six. months Eft e.4:1 fltgliest CaAlt ,IstiOs for 4ink, kox,
Ofthree years, cuitivate fifty atres, 41.1 Coon,Shunk, ti Muskrat Skins.
Deputy of the Minister c4 taerior.
advertiseinent not be paid for, .
toot At.-Shija-St9te
Its. a goad idett when you get
a pair of, shoes that exactly
?. Width. Get the. same shoes .'"
;•:-Wheli you huy again, and you:
wil, 'fnid that .the now pair will ,
,.v11 be a comfortable, Maybe
test rubbers on tne meirket.