Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-10, Page 4e:p ccO avin a Stfill as one ()liar, riortnilities 'a . I1OK O er emelt is ' remarkable.' how .'s airings grow- slowly rog slowly -at first, then; more rapidly astc, principal Soon the : coveted home pt�t 1; or the mortgagecan be paid ; or : some - sire ut ome-sired;".butnow unattainable, becomes possible. se Nvc est ah • tte.o.a o ness— „in-telr-pora:t y ad el sity; .. _: d ye been spent in, passing ; fancies e e ; availalble- <friend. enjoys --the'; full . confidence , of all election of a Bank" : for the safe ith Capital .arid Reserve of $5,- 9 r Thirty I Zillion Dollars, and lain, -r- -- x.Y p. and . business mer,, it forms the Z r �kaS. T ne_sae sen �e d ' disp ay or:• for-; 4El i co�ai 1 sirrlpie inquiry: requisi explariatton and attention,; small savings of workmen 'receive ` courteous 'attention:-. sir fi aweat�ates a' sol W6 *stere, - a 1.L.B. k r:Yo, 4 1, K y ��tee and 'Monday itelgnow. meets ev first.Mon > er9 day of 'ege11,•month•iit o fellows' hall. Visiting 'brethren ars. .00zll y <intnted. A'i Dx SriNCn, C R':• R.''Gitiiituitt, .R. S. J . ;Acwi w, •Fsrr -Sic. D R MCI gTosR, Treasurer x. t.'. OL..D.. !. GHx- -.,�DCE, . . AI F. A. M , - " G. R C. meets' every Thursday fight on or before 'the otll nioon,in the Masonic Ball►:.Hnvelos:ke Street iucknow. R. R. MncLioD, A. B' MAcI,ioD,, k W.M.. Secy. Lucie vow loon E 1/2, meets'ex- ;cry Fridy ening at 8 o'clock in their . hall, ,Campbell St. All brethren Cordially invited. *WI'. J. MACGnicon, N. G. D,''MA.itoiiei, Pin -Sec. R. 'V. McKirrzij, R. S. A. Ross, Treasurer. ' Iiucztz7ow 'Amon, Independent Order of'Foresters meets in, •. the oddfellows',I#all on the last Tie a�y (if each month at' 7.30 o'clock. Visitingbre- thren are ' Cory invited to attend. F.' MCDONA%D,C.R. T'S. Riiip, F.S T. Si •19A' Ward, Roc. Sec. GE(); �!!>. (SIDDALL,,• MONEY LOANER,. RRAL '] ST.�,TE AND •COAL DEALER. &lone to leaia,c n notes, single or don ble, at from ontmmonth ter twelve months; + ' ' .-said. oan- €rat- atps1, seeond1•rc�rtgages`oar real estate .and"(`fitst mortgages on live stock, at reasonable rates. ,, , G. A. NEWTON, La D. S. DE:TTISTi_... itlice.`�.$llliaa,,:�lock Ludt aovii.' • .All modern' anethotls used. zy,Best male/dal- furnished C,rc wa ata ryitridgc work Tainleas'e+attiiCting byy the "use of e latest' rind lest and ''safest remedy, oario0ORI 4 N rest thing in artificial ' ,tt . Altimi lit pines lion -breakable; 'v t Rirlee%:erwt •Thnreday; (; >QBI4SHIwD WFFKI,Y:; Canadian 'Exhibition Commissioner; who is nowin.Londoii, has:been noti- fied by the Canadian government .to leave for Seattle as. soon as possible to mus' 7,. NAyz ox, P'us�isHER Select -tl� site-: inti-make,a,r an terden ice for the construction. off the building. Suascxlr'rioN---$1,00 per annum pay= able in' advance ; $1.50 -at end of year. All 11 S'` subscriptions $1.50 per' annum` ,strictl ! in adVa,,ice CcnaurrCamoiys ___Fetters . "dealing, with live topics of the day are' solicited;.,' but: the names of the contributors must to very-ease4accompagy-th ;commumca JJ tion. If desaredr the writer's-nanre-will-1 not`: bepubished. y 1gtrSRD � A•Y, DECEMBER 10;1908 Canada i._:', .hada. Will Exhibit government o yarn • went of .'� b Canada will construct co ct a building at at the ,.Alaska= Yukon Pacific Exposition to be held= in .Seattle;; June I""to October 16,1909„ inclusive, covering a ground'space of 4.00,bq 1fi. _feet....- �?m ,, ;mnutchinsoni- A New Breeders' ° Direr tory We : have received from the Live Stock Commissioie , . Ottawa, a copy of *of, •:dam. o • ll prodirt Ul Moat' 'lab* ,hordax°itirc s:: u4 Qck iwici 6 . - "rho Db e ory hg' L• u'li1i h d for tho purposo of en f€4(40.a 4(.334* anip ave.•. nd Inereas thehi ll rtf8. to ascertain, lrtei , ana t;ai 2 o ri ? tsa�xi�jc 1Sti?4 t X. pure bred mi les Uand females may.bq purchased, . It will .' be of -great ser- vtee.'to ,rncliyidutils and 'ASsooiatons desirir ; t4 collect e u loaclsin districts where -pure bleed tinimals. re plomtif lL fol""dis r,ibtztionin otfxors inhere. liey' re needed ,. .R A large ;edition of the Directory lige been published. Copies Will be sent free t& -those Elio a: -.151-19i, rein"1 to 'tile, "Live Stock Commissioner"", -Ottawa. cite fill a Eyyaw�toratse Tile sum -of .$2500;00 for building eerthia bridges and ' for general thiprovements;in the Village of I,ucknow Wali), &s rt is necessary expedient ' thafieerizizi.br.itiges over streams crossing. Certain of the p tb is streets or roads in `said Village of Eucknow and under„ the 1a3xscliction;of lie Council of said Village, 5houi.l e rtlsciilr, to evrt; two bridges' on Catnpbeh St.,, •in • said .;Village•; and one' brrd�e_Qn...4~xouglt_Street,-aue3 certain, -gait-;- anal-irnprovemeiits` ori said streets are ltlso .rarified. -r .Aid whereasit will':be necessary the, purpo esaforesaid to raise by way' of; loan the su*n .of $23500.00 upon the. se Curity d b.:Mures of the said The - Corpo_aticn ofthe'Village of-.:14ucknow. ANii WLiseas the aiuount, of the whole gfth ra ablepropertyy=of the=said-IVInw ,. icrpa�:"ty' according to the,' last revised'. and equalized assessment roll is the suni •of $330,308.00. AND Whereas the ani'ourat, of. the ex- isting debenture -debt of 1 -he said Mirr i_--` ipality is now the suirr;of $'27;700,00 no' part of which +is: in arrear. AND Whereasthe total, amount of the debt intended to be created by this bylaw for the purposes: a#litesaul is the sum of .$'2;'5001 A�ti�§Zhe�cas`,#t6i�rl°artaouzitre uirecl to be raised ah.o.tiOhy speOalq on the taxable prkktertywithin the said:° Nluuicipality'for "paying such iie,v 'debt and interest,' are the several swiss, he#e- inafterspecified and directed to%'belevied annually,', during the period of tWenty years:next after: the .passingofthis bylaw Jew the repayment of the principal :-and- iuterestwhich amounts,, with the estiru, ated interest .oti the investment: thereof will be sufficient to discharge said debt when . dile.. ` By It Therefore Enacted and It is here- by enacted by the Mriuicipal " Council' of the said the %illagezof ILucknow: 1,—That it Aliallbe lawfitl for the Reeve' and Treasurer•for the tune being_,:of-the-- said: Village to borrow.£rom any- person ._ or -persons or -c orporat:ion. llin to lend, fhe same, the Saki suru:of T�pb `fhduS. 4 and, Five Hundred Dollars' ($2500) for the urpose of paying for the, :building of said bridges and for said general ,inn - Movements, and to issue=therefor'.the, debentures of the said Ccnrporation of the Village ofzLucknbw of-suxns of: not, less than One'hhundred dollars •($100.) each -with e9u lens -attached-fo - the- :na V,n ant of, interest, which, said debentures and coupons .shall be,signed,bythe peeve and Treasurer'of said'Villageand sealed with the Corporate -seal, and the lender shall pay the suni so loaned into the branch'or' agency of . the Bank ofHamilton, at Luck new, to the special credit of said Village:, of Luckiiow and the same shall be pay- ' able out only -Unto]. the:joint check of the Reeve and Treasurer andshall be ex- clusively applied:by thein: for the purposes aforesaid; 2.—And for the repayment of said suis $2, 500.00 and interest thereon at the ate of five per cent, par annum, there ail he assessed and -levied over and ove-all ;other rates -taxes upon the. whole taxable property within the said Municipality ,luring each and- every year for the said period of twenty years . next fter the -a passing -of flus -bylaw -the sutrl. of Two -hundred' and eighteen dollars and 2 cents ($218:02) for the :purpose of .repayingthe said incl Principal ,; sum of $2,'500.00 and interest thereon at the rate aforesaid, of which :amount the sum -of.$93:02 shall be deposited- the eposited the Savings Branch of the Banit'of Ham- Ilton in Iucknow at interest during said term of twen year$ and them tial. shall be payable as interest. annually on, said debentures. ' 3: This Bylaw. ,shall come into full force and effect immediately upon the'' passing thereof: 4.—The; votes of the electors of the said Municipal -i -t} -entitled to vote -fa, or against this bylaw, shall be taken V.on .Friday, the 20th day of November, A.D. 1908, cotnniencing at the hour pf nine. of the clock in the forenoon'arid closing. at the hour of five of the' clock in the afternoon and such poll shall be taken in the various polling places hereinafter set out namely: For the North Polling.subdivision at. Robert Gtalrni's vacant store, , Campbell St... Harvey J. Liridsayi.,I eputy Return- ing eturn ing'.Officer. .For the South Polling Subdivision at the Council Chamber,. in the Town I3all'. Joseph 11. Agnew, Deputy Returning S.—Tlae Clerk of said Corporation shall rid at the Town dial' ill the said rage of; Lueknow On Saturday, the l; day of . Novem ler; 1"908,- tt. eleven lock in the forenoon 'to sunt up the nuihaber of votes- given for or against of ra a Directory -of theitlr eaters of pure sh orad live stock -in -71W Dominion: of ff" Canada,. issued by the:Live Stock Branch of the Department of Agri c r�lture This__direotery--has been- eorn iled•a and issued ed as a resin P tofa- c tual` corres ondence between the Liv P e Stock,Cammissioner and the breeders s�nhgse.names,are given through out the 'mord : than • one hundred. ; - pages -gf- which the Directory consist s. While the Diretory does not represent a -complete-tabnlationTof `tis e-sp ife lined — .Calanot btxy,- -flour-as-- fine white, pure : and nutritious as Royal . House- hold under any other name. There'is no other flour in Canada upon which half so much: money is: spent to insure perfect . purity.. just think; for a' nio hent what" ' atte that-rieans' oto' the health of • 21 your household,:.:: henlieW and see .-our .-grand . display of: Dinner Sets " i' Sets,: °China, and Glasswart, going at ;reduced prices:°while-they last. , '' 'ire must make noon far neW..,goods, kinds of Fruitsl r a t!Vays Special in 5c ill Stock. Highest price for produce THE' PLACE TO P. `� A - PARLOR SULTS.. PARLOR STANDS - PARLOR ROCKERS. ,PARLOR.: CI-IAIRS. LADIES'-wVRdTING DESKS. -1 B ED3i.yf)OM F l -J nik 1 1.URE. HALL RACKS:: MIRRORS. CURTAIN POLES ETC: ,iL anclgee-o r -Shard- aideroloi lion and- (iiia Bic s 1TNDER2'.A. IN- - Undertaking -.receives; our best :card and attention. Picture Framing avr. Specialty. , 9 ence T.he' -assortment aof Choice,',. O e,, slew lab to-'datt? \. CH' .`IST,MAS: & "NE: W � .. YEAR GhFTS. S.S. C L A SS E °: ' S.T • F,�,PHE.RS %which _. willale, $„ Ie a e, maybe seen as usual in our store, Xo>:1 know the qualityand seh is the hist -t -most wholeiome—, most carefully milled flour to be had in this' 6-ountry. The ogilvie from the thaker to the ,tonsurrier, . Royal Household,: Cniour 10114:04 Montreal, this bylaw, and the Ree's'e will attend at the' said Towii oft Wednesday; -the 18th 'day of November,' 1908, at the hour of eleven o'clockIin the forethion Or the appbhitnieth ef person's tp' attend at the Varibli§ polling places and • at the final summing ttp of, the . votes. by the Lid' Clerk -On -behalf of persdns interested' in prennoting or,'. opposing. thit bylaw re, l'rpvisionally passed -this 24th day'of true copy of a propoSed WhiCh has. been taken into- Consideration and which -will tinallylis4,ssed by_ the' council, io 'the -event -Pt the "Ii'diViit" ot the electors, being obtainid thereto after. one month froth the firstptiblieation thereof in the' first publication took on the 29th day of 'Octdber, 1108 and; at the hour, day and ,places therein fixed for takiog -.the Votes of the (..:cqtnrs; .thc. polls wilt: 'be held. • past -years -I -y(3, -will-find then' better than ' as been. .standard high- grado utters,- in Piano, PorLlandl and knees and fenders. IRON WORK—Sttiel braces' throaghout and flanged pushirms and padded quarters, in plush, carpat ,; handles lend arinmails " • .14