Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-10, Page 3.1.
est •E•:
-14V44 gay -e him .•, earictett(I great PK-
sestrione to beme at, the donors
death.' Theriethere.-weaTthe
tc"him Earonese
013Pertheim'-Cohn,' and the $2,000,-
000 placed at his 'disp sal by Herr
_ -Henelcet tr'orteDonn-erniarel..10
ieree darting Pains.- Paths Keg'“Tei,t-hinialiat ..hettir shalEhh.giVen.P1
needles drivene th,r,01.1.10- reference :107-Ilie-°-,K01;selrti
the thigh,. perhaps demand for: inereased PaYt it '4.437
owti the lOgS to the ankieS.,,-,e_tb4tk'es -he; EdwardXencre hnt the Vletlin:/"..gete .$2,350;000 fen' his own ; use,
realize the 'tortnre ef -this trorible. et, .:
" wenn epee .paeMbert of -'the British,
Bat. the...sufferer --need ''n°t-':g.r4)-**110V 1'•• Family ,receiYiee .variotue
,diseoirraged' for, there, ellen in'
D. willia;ta's Pjrik Pjfls. Theegrants
ides his offivial 4141
grants ,whipli exceed 1500, . per
'Pills enrieh the: bleed „feeettthe.- nnu-m' -
starVedSciatiq- ' nerve '?and '' Iias
driVeS orit Phine .MrSe Joseph -A LARGE 'PRIVATE °PURSE..
ere '131.'9*--nr eV1b 1.
nf,'sciatiea and teund,:a eitte • The 'ICit'xsel*is by no'"Lrazis 'the
in:De. :Williams?, pink:pine. --.. she:: liestpaid ,Meaial•eh iii Etirene. The
says :-,eiFor.' a '3iear. I-Viraif, laidnp Lrp..i.'ar: ef:utt 11 eilitdist1n45‘ei
with_ sciaticaee . ero.side 65.,‘ thy, .11i111 BalitrSi '$4;7(i0;00P.?
Ejf.'What Suffereel:VaSat,tiMes .Whieh -SUM is derived from.1 hc twe
awful;I cerild. het, touch fijt vottic.ns: 'lin:anarchy. ,
.o the bier .. arid ',had to hobbleThe best-paict nionarele_11-1 EffrOpti,
it'hout With a nate. --le is 'the eTheeStith
:di awn .up, and 1 fiever-'eXPeet-. ':Tre4P103':. PaYS;7eet ''$7,500k°00 per
of I.,annum for 'the needs Of the, IrePere
"St -o -fir fa-rely"cro-cT6i;-'r ifousp:. . In addition tlie .rcign;
eptlier-eitemedieee ....iegeHinpreetsearirt-theqletvager11
:at. with no heeefit; and 1 feltvery press each '.have tun alliewaftee of
much_ cliscburagecl. Ope .day -l' react $100,000--6. y -ear. ' Every child born
of the' cure or... a,'Sineilar'stifferer to:the Czar "receives ,.from; birth to'
t4rough 'Dr. the age Of tWentYLeee nearlY $20,000
and' L 'decided - to try thein.get: :i. year. while the heir to the, throne
ehe. time I:had. receiNen ,:annually, • in addition: to
aiten therhiewaS'eoratiletelY,etited,- neainionanee ee: palaces, '$50,e0o.'
and' hav6 3143i. sightest- Da,u liters eeive dowr of $506 -
twinge of. the. troithle''since.::- I 'AM g . . Y
000 -when they• marry..
therefore a very-enthimiastie friend - • .'
• .Contrasted generous
rominend' then:I-to till Whir:are sin&gr int.
.of Dr- Williams"-Pink-Pilli,- e :of
amaller, countries seem
Manitoba Mari Tells 19rnw Ins Uli"'
„nary Troubles Va,nislied Befor
the Great Canadian Kidney Re!
.Man., Nov. 30 -(Special)
-ProbablyAbete.is_noedisease -to
lifela-Ciiran is heir that causes,.such
a general dread as Grayel, or 'Stone
is ad er. The frightful pain
it rings an e terrible operation
it necessitates cahlges a shudder
apprehension whenever_ it. Is 'men-
tioned. But there is really no rea-
son -why -any leareer womari-should
ear-e-Gravele----e---It--ees -purely and
simply a Kidney disease, and as
such-een-be- either- eared Or guerel,
ed against -ley -the _ -use
Kidney the case of•
Mr. Calvin R. Snyder, well known
here. He says
In the spring .of' 1907 I was al
most laid up from a lame back and
was also: troubled with excessive
urination. I got a box of Dodd's
Kiditey ,pille and used them with
satisfactory results. Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills are the best Kidney'me-
din Levee heard of." -
If you follow Mr. Snyder's ex-
amPle and use Dodd's Kidne Pill
. . or s urinary isor ers, you
There is no mYsterY' about the ProPortion. The King of ItalY has
tOillett; ctia,F,S
Mak!..13g,$.400 P•tiltY. Write 0.15
Ce for Poll partleulara to the
, SilfTkir. xtox,3;2, TOrOnto,
_ -
CHARGE oir Tilf4 JAC4RT,
e •
,`Ton. .givh- me a: pane," said the
window Oash to the, glazier. :
-• "That's alleright, -rejoined the
rilen. with the putty knife, "knit it,
will be charged- up to your boss
JUst, the ' •
:. Never liefere has-theestriiggle for.
Sopial ,and corninereiel..suceess been:
6 SO' keen as .in .daye and to
1: :tile ;victor 'aid ,tbe;variquisheet ,like
A COrites'a tinae. whet i• nerves arid 'b d
:cry for , rest. - -Netere and :Setenee
inen---inay relieve their . yen th. ;." On
the Cit the Grand_iTnk_
Railway ,Systein; at "St. OatherineS,
Ontarier.'-eia.4;:eituatedee"The Wel=
land; ., where the ills orlife, are al-
leviatedeby: bathing in the' Saline
Springs the St. Catharines
- :Welk," under .proper medical .su-
pervsiOn and -`.a,tteridarice. Apply
to:: 3. R. tMeDenalel, District Pas-
senger Agent, Toronto.
larly'trotibled,". - . : .beggarly f 1 ht
d d
will e! be troubled witlieGiretvel.:
-Ore-se-.Dri.'::..Williams?.. pink .,....piejs...$.3,200;000. Pe;, 7..eati...)apt...,,:,th.1],i4g, -of, -,
::."-Iket., '. -They'ac:k. upelerethe h10-0-cr--' '-'-efee'"^e'-ee-,----.-0--.."1:r--- ' reoeiyee* ' : $20',000 !1_,-37p°1;14.-..,..;1?•a'v.";-.-cG-La.:-..:Iie4i; )5-aldlif`'q kid'-'
mitiehing_aralpu-riltyi,g,i'iti„ .:k.n.t_ei:11,, !nit eentneureseee.riedequatereteekeep.- ett--e-Ye.-..--t--'-7"-- -"4-7 -4"--"..---e---------------
iiii ,Way: feect the. neivel• an.'" reaell, tnP, his. Position ihat Great Britain,• _•+
the root_of the disease. That is why Fra,nce and Russia ea,ch pay hi • m THE CHART DIDN'T SHOW. IT.
There is no occasion which pre-
sents such terrible advantage to
they cure such common ailments as $20,000 a year. The French Presi:
anaemia, pimples and ,eczema, i17. dent has a salary and allowance of
igestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, $240,000, whilst the President, of
St : dance, paralysis and the the United States has to make
irregularities in health el growing ends -meet on -$50,000 —And
glf1S---a7nd women. Sold by all Me-
dtcine dealers orby mail at 50 cents
a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from
'the Dr. ViTilliams' Medicine. Co.,
Brockville, Ont."
• The Parson -"Ah, Pat, wasting
your money in tnere_Lagain ou
otuffit to put by for a rainy; day."
Pat --"Sure, then Oi'd never spend
tut at all. 4's laid up wid rheuma-
tism Oi am when ttie weather's wet,
and can't go out o' the hOrise." F
7sy9,r3, A.:XO°'POINT
Pnuetnation Origlr_iatedintirellbf.
.Punctuation by ni,eaes' of Etp.ris
and peints;'-ect lididicatETAke- sentences and
.roador- a.0°P.P.,94.4.3444.ati-onreine-
itieri/reir.originelY Ite Ar'' tophanea,
rid fa? Egypt,
Who. lived, in the third aw.ghraatine In:e 4-1. 2'1 ahni s°, ;3A:se e pAt 11, ryy:ai..74: .ta,01.1:::-
been,' it :was tsribse 11 11 ogled-.
ecl an&forgetten,'.hut
duped by Charlemane
P t
stoles.- 'end nYmbole-,-,b in
by 'Warnefried .andr A c in... .'
..,, The .resentee*teMof, tin thatien-
-WaS-retreditee in e la-. ter pat of
Manutins, 'a Venetian p inter, who
p." --
the fifteenth ne tee* - ye , Aldus
interragatipe:and .eicelainatioe, par -
was responSible "-for Ort full "stop;
colon, sernicolon,. ceenm e marks' of-
entlii& and ' ' daSh, . hyphen,- ---apose
-troplie-----and--L'10.00.1511- ---- Marks.,,
-ether °:;printers, Untiletheir riSei''h,e'
notrent .of :any system. Of ell:nettle-
tiOe. In " many earlY manuscripts.
the:letters are 'placed at equal dis-:
tances . 'apart, with. ..n9 Connecting
link but (1'l, even' in the matter of
spacing, an: arrangement whiCh '..
Mast haVe eendered reading at Sight
soniewliat ,difficult.
A Caro-for-Cestiveneese-Costree--
ness coines, from the refusal of the
excretory organs to perform their
duties regularly from ,contributing
causes 'usually disordered digestion. ;
"For three weeks 1 actuldlY
had -10- be -fed- like'nne7feeda- a
arms 'we're , ao covered with
be_ Tuh.ralt ,11:-.attlie,thse.lepleilitlie:;:: of Miss
Violet M. McSorley, of ys, Gore Street,
Sault Ste. Marie. She adds: "1
could ri01 'hold spoon nor fork. From
finger tips to elbows the dreaded disease
spread, my finger nails came off and my
flesh .as one raw. mass: The itching
and the pain were almost excruciating.
I had three months,of this torture and
, at one time amputation was discussed
" Zam-Buk alone saved my hands
and;anus. I-perievered with it and in
the end had my reward. To -day, I am
cured t.ompletely of every trace of the
dreaded eczema, and I fervently hope
that sufferers from skin disease ma
know -of my • ease and the mi a 1
f Zam k rce
arinelee_s Veee h
ta---47/1 .-Setentikk. ..H -j' - 1 ' ' r' . ' creel:ea
shown conclusively ,that there are mach and act tzpon'threeebg tl e stip- '
C es-- e lea exPerinients.have ents la .thein. pass' tb . h hgre 1-, nanngzonn,1 ulcers, abscesseg, piles,
ox7 s so as
mledicinal_virtnes ,in even ordinary., to remove their torpor an aronse and stores at so cents:aistesi,prpri; gist
1111'skiXn'durise°sreancicidli"ed Plac"agag' amn
free from Zarn-Buk CO:„ Toronto forat
P.ahte-growing up around us .which them to proper actio: any thou- i same price. You are tranree' ' '
the practicateoker as that of 'a sea • t•
give them a value- that cannot' be sands are prepared to bear testi- dangerous substitutes '. '
td It' hldh ,
voyage, and there is none _on ..wleteb-kleature-provides a-nure for every • . . . e--- ,
, his jectisitiei hiCCO-in-e",more unbear- disease which neglect and ignorance
. Gueste-"Waitere take 'back this .
• •
pee • ere, ere. comptiencled that. Certain in °
eeusit for eczeina,
es e e y some that moray to.their power in this reEr(Set aS lust 2"11-7-
yet,_ with all their enormous able. The folloWing incidene-em- have visited upon man. However, beef -steak. It isn't cookeel enough ''
e°rnes, s°rne of these great "'13°ten- bodies one of Iris most l). •
Aiarie• s of the earth are not half so efforts.
, this may be, it is well known that
Parthelee's •Vegetable
ed-froin roots and herbs, are a sov-
ereign remedy in curingetill disor-
ciere of _theedigestion.
• Every-tinie a Man refuses :to he
wile:CT:Tee have, ay'w are. *usu-
ally conceited enbugh to declare
that he '"won't listen to reason."
_ ,
happy as many• a man with $300 a When we were in the middle of
year. --London Tit -Bits. • the Gulf of §t. Lawrence, and the
. , _ .
nearest coast was 200 Mlles away,
DELICATE CIIILDREN a Ya,nkee 'quietly -remarked :-
••• "Wal, I guess we are quite dose
- - to-elanelLiener TI-Ein4-mereLlai -thre
-3. WELL ir-D-InnIn. -quartei-i- ci-a-mife' 'away, nohatv.e"-
The little ones are frail Thesr Personally we took no interest in
hold limn life is slight. At the facts of this nature, and were con
very rs symptoms of trouble tent to sit and beheve, but many ex- r40-Reasoname Man -
•13abY's Own, Tablets should 'be giV- 'cited travellers dashed- out of the , tektie-a dee eat tene:ree-atsetil-cutrrte'ineeagillesteeel
en- This Medicine cures- colic sinoking-room to have a look et the
will overcome the cold and stave off consumption.
Ineeine Of.e.$_43500,0°0 is Not
_ it ' •
CiiiisidirTed Excessive for
• His Illajesty.
,Coughwill cease and lungs be sound ,as a new
our stoma h indigestion -din long -hoped --for , r- - continent. • They dour.
I -
rh +
___eeeeeecteasepationeeteatIriug-.trout--Presehtlet--eaane-Tbaek-irt-the---.Nclerst °
bles and other minor ailments. It gi teelPere, saYing that th\e' charts Our idea of a sane man, is. one
is. equally good for the new born and all other authorities declared who eatl be in love without -acting
ae s e el grown me.. the land to be at least 200 mites 'foolish..
The. German Emperor as King o
russta, wants . to hive. his salar
• raised. At pre ent he receive
• frn. the State 50,000 as derma
• Emperor and ,852,770 as:King o
• Pius,sia. • The last increase, •which
a,naountod to $7a0,900, was ans,de hi
,,1889; -.-in the seoond year 'of his
,. thers have the guarantee of a go v- 1 awal,--and that there was-cerfaiii- ' • . , .-7-e- ' ' .
„...------=.-- -. -
I ernme,nt aiaalyst.thrit this medicine' IY. none in sight. : . There are two kinds of small
_ •
3' contains no opiate or Poisonous e•wo, .didn't say the shore,' boys -bad boys and sick ones. :
n I New lisenburi, Ont., says ;.--Pi guess there's land right under us,
s I sedthine• stuff. Mrs Cressinan returned tAe.champion joker. "I Often what appear to
be the most
have used Baby's Owe, Tablets for not three-quarters, of a mile awaS'''' ht;ivehiaei in°coesttnnireonmetsnkaltd,°"ifeM'parri9yveartoe
etomaCh trouble and constipation ' '2' disposed to regard a co as a slight_
with raarked success. I feel that '
thing, deserving of little consider -
reign. In spithof this, however, he actually getting $1,950,000 less
- titan the 'old -Kings of Prussia :tine
'reeeived. •
• An iiinoMe. exceeding $4;500;000
is melee...despicable:sum even for
, Kaiser , William, but those who
know say it is not Qxcessive, , con-
sidering that there are no allow-
ances te. etl-er' members of the.
• :,Royal Family,. and that very little
. comes from the Royal, domains.
7 -The. Kaiser • has ' several _hundred
uniforms, and his, -taiftr'S hill runs
comPlete Uniforms of all the Prus-
sian regiments -horse, foot, and are
!tillery-besides the regiments of
the lesser States, and those; of
which ha holds .hanorarY. rank in
--foreign conntriest----EVery 'appoint-
ment is perfect, feom the shoulder
knot,. . which cost more than the uni-
'form• itself, to jewelled accoutre=
relents fit'for •
When -he travels it is always'. in
• much pomp: and cereirrony and ac-
companied -bye a - retinue.
Hence 'his official'trevenrie is not
enough to keep himt In addition
to the up -keep of his fifty-two casi.
• ties,, palaces; and- country houses,
and innumerable farms and forests,
he is expected to maintain the ,Roy-
al theatres at Berlie, Hanover, and
Cassel, arid must also foot the bills
for the Royal concerts. •
• The -Kaiser is very lucky, hew --
ever in the way of -legacies from
•wealthy subjects. Only a few years,
ago Herr IVilhelin Hildebrand left
him 'an estate worth $375 000 and
$750;000 in ,hard cath; a gift match-'
Requisite fer the Rancher. -
my little ones are safe when have I On the cattle ranges of the West,
a :box of Tablets in the house." -where men and stock a,re fa,r from
Seld by inedinclealeis -0T. by docter-s-Landapotheceries, Dr. Tho -
mail at 25 cents .. a box • from_ The enas:"-Yeelectele.-Oil- ia-kept en hand
MedicinhCo 'Br k by the intelligent a,s a ready made
ation, :and thie neglect often 're-
sults in rnott serious ailments en-
tailin• g years Of stiffering. Drive
• Ville,. Ont,• ' - medicine,. not only for many hunian•
• ills-,--buteas.. a li-o-iStrand cat-fleet:tech-
- . cine. of surpassing:merit A° horse . Colette' Fizzletop wia tinder the: andcattle rancher will, find Matters
• painful, necessity ' . of. administering. greatly simplified:by :titling this Oi1..
a severe : caStiga,tiene -to- his son . '
Jehnny/.; ' After he „had cOnipleted "Yes.? remarked Mrs, Malaprop -
his .
labors,- he said sternly' to 'the Pattingtonel-±tweehad.2-a-leiely-tune-
1 e ; . .-...,..ele-- --- -
%out colds and coughs 'With Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, 'the re-
•etagnized'remedy for al
of the throat and lungs.
Atnanda,--"I wish X kite* how I
• could eriake yeti very very hapPY
dear :jack ?" ;Tacit-. 'Veil, write
su ering victim..- tell -meriii'Vetide__TIrereeirano_cabs-there,
why "punished -rid ?" "Thatii-it,'! I yeti know, .heeause the streets are
s ob edjolenenveefterou nearlyepoundeedlefulleet-watele--Opeeeleire_see-heharr-
the. lifer7Ont -of me, and new - you delier and he rows you about 112 a
don't know why volt tid it." • ilongola."
ki?Itirrienliattutilt lealr)fia Pal-
aill,14er."=---,Pert.T.Dath-254-and 50c.
110110,714.-11ES over .10.000 acres d
voted to the cultivation of bulbs.
Country Doctor's Coachman*
horse that has stopped. at house of
former patient)- Go on, you fool.
Ile'S dead." - •'
Give : the Children a '.Chance.
Spanktng does not cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutionalcause
for this trouble: I% Summers. Bum
ita3,,Windsor, Ont,; Will send free to any
, mother her suceessfill home treatment
• with full instructions. Send' no money, but
Write her to -day if your children trouble
you in this Way. Don't blame the. child,
• the chances are it can't help it. Thle
treatment also Mires adults and aged
,peopletrouliled wlLh urine_diffic attics by
day oraight• '
• Every time some'people' .say mar
things they make others smart.
On a big oak -tree there are,Diore-
thin Ili000,000 leaves. •
• /t is easier fer naest peOpthio
. ,
heave.. a sigh' than -to talee Llatigh.
The tea, you buy 'May be good,
hut you May be quite attie,,„itis if
it is "Salada.." - It is ;infinite]
'rnoee delicious and decidedly more
economical than other teas because
ik goes. farther.
Blinks, after inviting his friend
inks, who -has justreterned froth
broad, to dinner; Is tellieg "hurt
-hat a fine memory' hiS little. son
obiry luta.
"And do, you Suppose lie, "Will re-
pienkher 'Mel" said Jihks„
'`Remember yottie_Whg7he- re
Mein ers-every face that he ever
An hour Tater they • enter the
house, and after Jinks has shaken'
•hands with Mrs.. BlinkS4 he calls
Bobby' over to Mel:
,de you remember me, my
little man
"Cotirse I do. • You're the 'aable
feller that pa brought home last
summer, and ma was so wild about'
it that she: didn't speak to pa for
a whole' week."
Salmon, pike, ;end goldfish. tire
stippOsed never to sleep.
Australia's enly..heast of PreYeis
the dingo, a wild dog; ' ' • •
• . "
Are yOn sufferer with Corns ? if
. you are, get a bottle of Holloway's
Corn Cure. It has never been
known "to° fail.
rt.t).-"Miss• Kitty, "heard it
said that a. kiss without a' friou „
teem is like an egg withorit salt'
Is that so ?"
• I don't knew -I Can't" tell-fer in
all My life I never-,-" He -"Now,
now, Miss eKitty I" Sbe--"Never, egg Without Salt."
bleeyour dowry I" ..., .•
_ .
"The 0 iii L" Menthol -Plater; 'For 'rheumatism, .
neuralgia, etc., nothilig is better. Endo, only'lij I
parts a -Lawrence Company: . • • , •,
Waiter"I thought you •said . you •
wanted it underdone, sir ?" Guest ,.
-"Underdone! :Why, it's so raw
you can hear it bellow."
m ea ed onie to th'e
iderair, and the ,change sots us coughingLur-
-neglected cold trOubleSomo
ag-,whiter-colds-is-LVIrard .17.,lezfs
. .
pretty.'importaat. . perso.n.ag_e in
this 'Plate, ,do-egirelie V' asked ;the
Stranger:- -"IMP:Orient exerlahned'•
"That' large mail thinks himself
1 Stook Brokera & Financial Agent*
1 C5C033-dah-r-T°
the native. ./AWhy, if yen hirri
we're having Aim weather 'here, he I
.swells up as if he S • hotight be • made
's •
• • • , . • • . .
. -
75 Yong° Street,' T.OrMito,:canada.. "
ReferenceS 'este En 'ItleTaggart'S profession&
standing.anttpersonal integrity.pernutted by
Sit W. 11. Meredith, Chief. Justice: -
'Eon. G. W. Ross, eis,fthnieret .
'. Rev. NI' Bierivash, E Fraiident Viotoria
College., •'
Fey: Father,Teety, PreSident ot St. '
c6Ilege,'Toronto.. .
ltight nay. A,'Swootman,, EiShop Toronto. :
College, Vorinito.., •
•Dr: , Meriegtart's vegetable liemedies 'ter
hipior and tobacco habits 'are ,heattliful, .sate,
..00;pelieivOionie-trertimentinE6 hypitletntit'f
injections. 'rin,pnblicity, no 'less..Of trona
buisiness. alisti. certain curo.•
noasaltation Ceri,osponderice Iniited.
She -"This dress doesn't beceree Is..what every lady des tit serve
my complexion. I must change it." •, at liee table. '
citeeexpensel I paatt-etand
it;'• you'll ruin erne She -"You
•sillY I • I do.n't ,mean the: deeps
Mean the ,cemplexibe.'"• , '
Tliere'ean be a 'difference ;of 4971111.
ion on most 'subjects, but there: is
'only oneopinion: as to •the relia-
bility of Mother Graves'. .WOrni Ex-
• terminator. It is 'safe.; Sure and
_effeattial; '
- The difference between fame arid
notoriety is that in the ee,sh of: !to,
toriety they natially gAt your name
Is the cOnCentrated' nourishment
of beef.
A little added to anykind ofsoup
makes it more tasty and -greatly
increases- its value as •a food,
• Alittle-BOVRIL in the gravy:le
•an -improvement with roasts Of ale
kinds. •
BOYRJL !S.1..i111111) LIFE
• our ozvons,;:u •
_ --
• anal an tine. ot.hopto,nt!taritoss.:14c.
1101 CURTAINS ,DYie„(41,, vg,?,s:ii -
• writs to us about iteurs.
WANTED I: er;J:';11
- tinned Slam*
's_ tise OtiF—itiods. tack up
h weards in all conspicilous plaCes end
distribute ,stnan advertising. natter. teransission or salary
Es3 per 'month and. expenses Ss' per day. Steady troth
et. yea, round; coo.* nen plan ; oo o.pme.oco required.'
WM. L WARNER /40. CO., Coadr,i,
• • • •
highe3t-pr1ce:-- Make -
_us a trial:dill:merit,- Cataloguwou
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