HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 10►se ott� i�u to 1 Sl e s :u v �aitc � f e best .. Q t eles�te. Vit. �r� often see�lre �pe�Xa !ices is b i., goads belo regular prices and these we: y ured that the : are better is a�f acted ru,» the .re ular wa . thes ' we re ' Iso offertn t ed�eed prices c . Eolme lregutar way Raaf ui wineb, ; we ware overstocked. each . ns 'these will be <',sure to interest ' ytatt.' se, es. in black an i 0 Ten's : Pants, at $1.50 and ?oo, worth 2.00 and 2.50. Men's Ties, a clearing lot it .dine quality silk at 25c, regular 50c: Men's Fancy Shirts at 75c worth XcQ are aexcellent- values xcellent values in Men''s Suits, Overcoats and Fur Coats, and " in Ladies' Jackets and` Fur " Lined Coats. iu ur rano-e, of :Furs tin. Scarfs; Stoles i well assorted and ' values equal. !� to any in the trade. r the --next fwo,-weeks-we will give a, discount. of 25- per cent off the 'following FineyY -�Cluna, Siilverware, _ Fancy Boils,” Stationery a.nd L Papetries. Ulaking room for Christmas Goods will account 'the ,..abo've ' sale. . Terris Strictly Cash. i A is _is h'the season of the ear ou will re trite a lame: .a• mount of fancy, groceries and fruits and if .you give us,, -a, :Tart'of .your trade we Can. save you some rnoney also guarantee you satisfaction. Remember we are clearing out our entire, -stock of Fancy China; 'and for Christmas season we are reducing . ` the puce 50% on all lines, Our stock is principally - Fancy ncy China. V iy.nbt feed Dry' Hess' !'cs iltry° ' Pana=eea, • and' have your hens lay while the price is at its highest titarlt.', 4 . We have a to, range Of Hess' Foods: `: These `wishin :. to buy a Faris: Box of .''b Bons • �wishing y B zx i *al ma rio, mistake_ by looking, over our assortmetlt as .i i. .etp=t®-chile, and will stand n$ p:: ectlotii. • JMcCH 131 MS CASH. V'ER` LOCK. 'PHONE. r n $in Say • neritAi nivorss y°mak^ Viogi will be ,held in.Christ Church,:' St Ileleris. `` Rev. 1).2 Walter Co4lins, ; teeter; will preach' spec a1 sermons: on dais occasion; ' ,Services 'y�llx be held sn the afteriaotia at 3 o'clock and in the evening Mr Collin _- fa orably known to St Helenspeople au"d tt�l alrill"bq `hrd to' lie'ar Inin: again." will be welcome at these -services. 'I`lie tithe fol xe New7Overcoat ltas"come and we have Lothian 14iss,.Jean, Gilmoteis hm oefrom,$t.. Joseph's Hospital,, Gbtathani, • eopval eseing after an attack of pheld Fever. the right kind ;for Merl 'In eIton and Beaver. 'rices `front $8.00 .to $> 5.oa.' Sizes 36 to ` 44. Qur range of sizes in'. Youths' and Boys's'. will' be coria. Tete this week, .�, Y P ' Miss:, Bessie'.Batnby spent a few days withfriend: in "I uekn,ow 1Vliss M ry Bienderson of 'R,inloss and -Miss: Lizzie Stuart of •Lueknow ,spent•Sunday, the'guests'of Miss Mary 'McLean. . Jas, Barnby purchased the ninety-, acre'farm:: of John. Griffin ort 'the' 12th, Toe Hf l.n s `� �^h is :now tbe-sceno of a rushing business,as`tliere•`are-sevg• eral 'gangs Of : wood cutters' there at ;present: ` •.,- Billie 'Bowler :was laid up for a few days from a vigorous kickfrom a gun. There's' a lot of limbs falling from the trees now Billie. Lochalsh 2[,.. Jztrnes Cameron'' and;Dan Rose will ni .ke- a special' trip to their new homes in'Bervie.the latter' part/of the `week.. Mr. Neil MclenziOpf Laurier Sun- dayed with 'friends in Lochalsh. A number of the young people took in,the .etertainnient at Laurier school Mondav ewenini Miss Arciabelt- wLY iienzie and--Y�-' it 1; games -tang ron visited Ml,:,^ 1`rtos Sandy one eyening last week. Mr. D. A. MacDonald has sold his colt to Mr. Peter McIntyre Pete says he will be ready for worl.. in the Spring. -The young _nen_ ofoehalsh-. are anxiously waiting; on the organizer of the, Rifle 'Club as he is at present busy at the wood work of Mr. Mc:- 1 Leans new hoose: Mr. F :I' says � they can't take up arms against me anyway. The little white fox terrier -who- broke his:; chain.` and jumped :throw the wino -fear : liberty -is -still -at -large: A reward will be ofiered for his mediate return. Wedding Bells will ' lig here soon. LUCKB4OW ROLLER. MILLS are buying WHEATFEED GRAIN Se/lacy ,Flour ..8: blended fainly ''fi Havelock Bran item :all. T anitoba Wheat,. • $2.60 our. Pastry Flour - 42.50 50 frons Ontario 'Winter.' Wheat: Get them ,tom your grocer ., or at the releaven ' Bros. Men's Odd Yams tin gaod quality $t:oo to `' • pair„-. Odd Nests $I,,.00 each,'n sues. L' idles Coats; are selling but w e have still ll sone ve desirable -Styles in..ti,rht fittingfrom ri.00 to $15.00 each. Also extra good value ,in the loose fitting styles Paramount Mrs. J. Spindler of . Lucktow, and Sampson and'faniily Of',7 hon - do bo ougb `aro visttin iet`tdsin '.Pira- inouni Mrs. R. D:• Mckenzie of -Ripley was the- guest of 4118 .sAlex M teJ)iarm d last week. lkiisses. Mary. Clarkson and•' Smith visited Miss Mamie.Ritchie of Lothian last 'Wednesday.. Misses. Maclnnis are visiting Para- mount 'friends: Mr. Chester Richie's familiar face lis: seen . in Paramount' occasionally. "Mins. A-. acDiaiii id spent last•; week in Winbliam. - Miss Gladys Macintosh spent 'day night at her home.. ' - iS.ir.'HarryYuon our famous cheesei ::maker. is busily -=engaged putting,- uli cord wood, • ' • Paramountlsy-quiet t present 'the young *en. being 'away`' to• the' woods. . Wi1lieIacGi3l is advertising fora. driver. • Some i P nount.:found; walking gootiTast Saturday night, ' We aro pleased to see;that Jim' Murray. iia out and around again We are sorry to hear that 'Mrs: J. Pickering Sen. is-.,riot--recover><ng -i& %' ;r�tpicily ua her) many:,friends would WIN fER TERN' ,Opens JAN. 4. ritpi . , ' LosT-Between . 1Parainocnt and Lochalsh a' copy of a. dialogue, finder, • please return the saline to Willie 'Clark- a .buying .. '�:ar _always- get :tie r?a et of kind, Oaliw; ., selections are made on this principle. When you buy .• from us you get the best thatp g s.going. The best Sable, large pillow Muff, wit •tails�onl_y' h $ r S.00: A • ruff � to match at $15,00. Round Muffs and ruffs at lower prices. In the ,Millinery Department they are still busy turtling out `:orders. The stock is well assorted::' P.Pemember all millinery trustsbe paid before the close of the season. v e heater t at..wanni s ponies bbecause . it radiates more heat into the house. RR you paying good money for fuel and then burning it in a•;stove that forces most of the heat tip the chimney?' All direct draft heaters waaste heat -they can't hold it long enough to radiate the heat into yoa'r;home. sure tease :urn- has the Iargest,du-ect radiating surface Call` in and we will deinonstr ite -ofu:n} Irentair-an-tliemarncet. That' s---- you-bovrthe-Gurney-Qxfotrd"Art-L-anrrei--► why it wili._keep a house warmer than. Base_Burner_wi1L_heat-your. _house^ a heater twice its size. It. will require better, more "economically , than it.: less fuel, too, for eve article of coal . has ever been' ' done before by any4f gip..:: •�. will: be burnt.to a fine white ash: heater.' Licit us place an Imperial Oxford- Range in _.your kit .. , . -..: then arid. end your cooking; es t vii 1 o .lt:' .F you are not satisfied with your baking- ' if.ou:`find , you are burning too much fuel—stop wasting money,_ spoiling_. food, worrying— and : investigate the -.,.Imperial Oxford Range: Let us -show you thepoints that make. this range the most satisfactory range you can possibly have in your kitchen. Let us prove to you how the centre flue strip must evenly heat the oven -making it'as•hot in the front as at -the. back .- --. Let.us prove of o you how the,'Gurney-Oitford reversible grate saves fuel—gives you fire and a baking oven heart in a few minutes even though the fire: has been kept going a week:' Call in and; let us prove thesetacts,to you. i1tu aI .c,.',y f ISTRRATFO D ..Ot v / Thus school is one of the largest in L the province It is noted tor. the thoroughness. of its -work and the success of its students, Three de - y partluents Commercial, Shorthand,'. fir elograpliy. Our graduates are in demand `'as . business college teachers as well "as 'office -assistanim.' (let :our n agh fi= cent cata•logiie, it is:freet : lrto4t ''&1-McLachlany" • son Pii •amount. • ...Clubbing Rates.: -The Sentinel and Weekly 0 -lobe 1 year .''• .........1.6d: The Sentinel and Weekly Nail & Ftupire, 1 year ' 1.60 The Sentinel anti! Patnily Herald and Wieldy Star, 1 'year+ 1tl.7$ The Sentinel and Weekly Sun, . , 1 ' year .. r".. ....... 1.75 The Sentinel "anti b arnier's Ad - vocate,-1 year.......,. .. -2.35 The Sentinel and Thome journal, 1 year .' .i,35 The Sentit.el: and Toronto Daily, Star,.... 1 year". ' t 2.25 The Sentinel and "Toronto Daily' •'World, ' 1;ye'ar 3.35 E4$y • , ' It is tnuch more convenient to .do .our broiling :b, '.lifting tlfisl ',Rey Plate, than to lift`the cover or Use the broiler door. You have more room ,aid get t'he' -neat directly over the coals Notice the Low inti tig,Cltlset, aspecial feature of this year's "Peerless Peninstilftr Ranges. Daylight C •Veti Adjustable', Damper, Refnovahie.. Grate- Bars, rate`Bars, Therntonieter hi oven,- only n fbty of the cern- v'eirericcs.yoti should ask about. 5idpinrtriup'titncaiitl Pea;n it it It -,, keg. Glad tiiiptotitatuts to'you, The Gurney Fottndry.Co.. Liiniied, Toronto, MURDIE :SUTIIE[ LAND, LIJCK'NOW '. . i (.J roSpective never reqlires 'blackhead; Ifyou want a cheapSteel ange call and. sr `• what. we • � � n' can offer you_ for $ E 9.goo—a' Steel Range wit. copier reser that will take 20 inch wood.:voir, large sized oven full set of woa�trim,at gs andaRange: ' Y require i y` . If you re ulra a heater, we can.Suit ola. 'We have :ther[t in all sizes and styles. See our leader-th_eAlberta, which is the strongest "double.. heater irlanufactured.� A.notice' a cut. of ' the "Im `.. Above you will � . erlal Oxford'p with full description of this elegant • Range,, the; '-most up -to dare on the Canadian, market: 1V�U l®1E "e3lU`l° 1 irA►PTB, LUCItNOW Notice ;the ,accompanying cut of , the most ' up-to-date Steel Range on the_h arket ,the Oxford O*I{.:a range that stands pre-eminent. It is fitted with ;interlocking grates;: ' which Means a fuel saver, it has the drop oven door, a large warming closet, a reservoir that will hold six pails of water, it is fitted' with a Duplex: draft, which 'insures •:a'it. "even' fire, bit, above all it is a range that