HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 9Taiom 9r, V. EGETAIII.Ete. mast 'hotels. the 'mealeare _settled" , . . oT at nee, no :put dowe in the ,..W.Iteeerte..liteey.eif_T_Ise, .e.e..1.4,..„_Et0,,y,-1 hotel bill. ` '' If nut. ; down: in 'the vtlec,;ta.Ttio-T.'llThicil.,_ ',•Ny'rits 4.ireiloy ,illmL' ?1-04,..1-,g' Iggi&V'-", ' .itili:---....:-ftlifit---ite: sa trA Vow. Inrat CrOWlit. ' tiSt -. 0'1. tIN ave. = . , ."Sponia,rdsis and alinostat ' the ea,ree.lUg.ga,ke*:-•aiid--,:iii- .-Stit-ii-ding77-atrtlin Enr-Opes-inelKI0-'-and,e-15lil'el-iiethe- btiern4.-,i3.-.8 Avhn ha' -e-tcheCI dc'''" "ux l'aterl:e.14.:4:ie*Gns-Eg, ti-lifET;v1ii8obt"..kit;.----e00:1....w6,16ifilermiNper: _ r 1,, • % $iiiiiiiiiiii'ehimiti 1. ls.,U.e.e.._na.7'.. :a's_ liusi.ieli-'44t;.,;*-..Qtea.si:odiiserev..ewt":t voitroatil'eueeefad°,.;e•pfennigEi t00,.• - Then' 'the,Te Cs the , e ' B se, Ilifib."-fi.:. II 0 .00- ': • estfaillo•p .i.t. . . . caltivated ill Anieriea when the'con- te. 4.'1.170ucill.nitbi:d7otamido'-wah7Ci..'91,11cveed. It; , . , .. • _ , • e_deerseeHe gets 50eptennige. . 'Given et ),I. elboaree. , eseon . . . ' „........ . • 1 , ' sg.h.thet I' had WI:nee, Elie - a' dove, ° *au" exPe.et. the hcmr. °I' 'de- ittl'ill''ar°- el1711r.illerg4F4leis'-°":1';stihin;w"higt;71111'artAu'agPlit: , -4--,---614--,-- \ .7 1/14-7Hp:v.V.i104,;(7:!.0t, '... ' fOrethill'YOUldilfly awey'and. be a reesing-.1-11Pod; wnene we Will . long Peared ' 0014 15597' ' : : \ . Living pictures -of 'the, Work ef _ reeteserseeepee.4e, .0., - - to -eseepe.. froni the :moreitonire the ' The ',I3We'et Potato and the Jeru" , it WIFVS OBEDIENCE., . , . . _ - . .,... , . . , .. ,... . - k • :' ThP".*fit-fAr ef.thetext -ego a- poet.: ..ee're; the task.- . . . - , . - e . -salent 'artishOe r'are•:also SUPPOS6d Prent ProPosed. to Itemare\lteee. Women. in the .home, the werkehee, VerSe tl. 'OilseeneeIdentified ' by . _____ . , . . . and the.ttate Were, given as an eir- .sehelare with the.Mederit 7itiage of ' tend we knee, '. the poet to he', Oven:, ,-' 13iiit he*,-eften wP-are' disapPoilit- te cenee•IrOni-Ainel'ica• , : riaee Ceremoney' I led,se.. - goment. for Tote4, tor womee at en eleTilie which 1-iee 'five'l•ors. tsii;:inilen-"±t7 4-107kigt,c44: •es. el speed, eaehes ,;ss ed when ..elreumstaneen .peerinit 'if 3 .Salsify .it lOinid in a . wild -tate , ,• 1 , , i4..d.roece.eeeepa. atie, ietab„ end .ede, . A prieate bill hes been introdne- entertainnieet in Kelboueee. , Tee northwest Of Jerusaleni, ft) Par- . . To , exr w4ihe would_es.,,,reppeueibility oe with' pe ',1'see esse.: yes it ems been enitieated iet the- ke,erptineesheetivalsialcioslide.A, rwtifeilfoef4.2.1r3e,aOcifst.,:he Porters; Veried 'the' evening's PTS- kiii.,..oth • tee. ,J.4. The eitee..,04: eueden and ..eense la 00.,,,.,.. eeeeeresisig esi.-disseese-Ae •ser. ed into-thOeVreneh-Chambei Of 'DS-: large niudiences-includieesmaleeeepe -lier tin it waS one of ;the IsTincis ... . . . , • . - - . , . . . , . . ef er tinge sgamesm. and Opt 1)11 -Slier teeing tO,..e.scapS ' tn._ ny aware e e. frOnee e.lenieden of ',life: : • _ .. rest......get.awaye from .:ourie'lves. And soab of France Since the siiiteenth gramine with:suffrage songs. 'Vice- grj'ra.°IngiPtillith.ctilitirts4ha."1.P'.°6•Plei°31''illfada , •. • 4see;t,..t.lueopittati).,!t,r,7;.e, ,szsip.7...4. is ,.. ,,,, ,.,--,uis-: r,- th- ,,,.,s,,,,saaiii:stha,c,_,Ii7.. c; .c,,nt:rriii,, s'' :tind' ' e'ree'es'hee ' . - • . '1,a"naT,ndlide.i,hhue2.1.iFfecdi,i'93;m:11118firttr.!ii!„orgb9e!ficitnliiileFris'rhy:Iliefsi4e.-• .tf903;jaetnhewaSakteetne.areeienetiotept7ealinthe,ie°geeCI '''''tff.f e•311,tlie7.d.,a;nrfrtdilieearegilerb.'eyh'-wi'es!e'al:,:ti'titgb.litalie!"asteh.,. eameeori., ... . , -. - •••-• : . ' 'often .the setieree '''ef dr - 'VI - t. . ' utigrilw\Iso, they :have. a 'vote for., the Federal 4.,zpoet;:liAllinic upon -oce'atiion .,it ,.cuintteneeas•Of peirsteerk 70:liven: ... 7. ' ' - 1lY• from. Central: .Eiiieilie. The Onies,,:,tb.,,evepy.,.006., of ii,„ it, 113,,ha,11.6 Irk: 901".4'St.4.'01!-thatls. need-- .i.oefr t'.and: II: .6 t• ' lif 'h" h -'• 'the ''..MaY,Ois reads 00 04.3 4a1rtiol to .Siestinns• 7. . • ., se ' ..: . . 'Ward.' alltl'°d. t°- Benjamin s sorii.o4iiiio. hay, f ft ti. 1 _ ........ ,...„ ,ed rather than . ellen' ii i -. ' 1.-. • •- ' ''' e ' ' °.• '' 7°*''' '' "a%"e the .couPles' about. to be Married. . :Miss Vida pal 'speak 1' " d ' ' .' - ' . ' '. ' , .. . • ,. es- 0 - , le onging to 1 -,(1 .... , ..... - .- .g . .,..11. .c,ur. - work.. .. .eeti .- greatlY, improved- by. tultiva- exe. exp wine thet the see._ :the tabernacle had. rested here and e. Goldstein, ethe prfuei- made a Levitie.al -towns. For ,e, tiee .• C1. to fly, weeny and ' 4e' at- .ee t• 1., -an ' environment" • Ws' think that ,ticin,; ire' .'Cons• idere-ii an . 'the e-artie Lt. T.. licIeeeeiseters of. - the hill : assert . ethiet, ki...t...s.i: f,le,epie.,a, :titra.4..e.s.,hoile7de .4sseltafse_i_f___We_SeeHeollisde‘ finelt-g-et jilt° P -'P' N'F''' Seen'eB IT-e-eies hY botanists, .. The . beet, that,. this .( rold.fashioned and i.o_u..t..„ te.rnag:rta,talnb,ineinii,„.odfi,resizu,kinEticiterilii.evAT'r_ent ftoni. jee, 41: 16 it ''Seents,•th 't 'f' - e ter theuestructiee' ' •.T ' 0 ' • b ' • . . ..„ ., , ... . e .......m.e.... „.a..„,,,,te.e..1„.1., ..;e_ecitse,nase_oha:ovey.e..3i,e;v,;3e.tcii'-iird•-• -v:ect:_ jecilen''Pee:::::'' h.- ,-'-':11.' ''. ';')g111:.6:::il'11:;:ndit:,-4:13.11-b:yfle;i4aei.4,:i2f-r2. '.it'4••'ae.'11-aett.,a.:Ii1:1'"..- ,4,iu•te.78rdil..ai°7e'ra. nileilveepl°:tmi:e‘PLtsilii:nUidtc115.78.-d:TO:es'a1:4:Tiort:' 'ilis'etetto' -;;.se-is\ ev:1,0n1-.111:,e'reil.r.b''elwle.ae.:'::54e"let'li'''e22:ycl...ealv."'eeie'is "I'S.;:i,-;'1111:e' 7'..thh;e-',...:,11.8.-e6.ez''.1alf,.eto-s.1.--e:.: €th' 'e°i-;?fs-,g-n-seen-tevnere-u-ell.a'mal-1:-641-:thaei alneeronneteot str_u_dgery_e_that .there "`"- -. • : jecnelene. eseeloteeeneee.e.et.s- • editecide :With .the preeeiii equalitY • isle '''..'..)11:iessi.e: g. ordin-ery.,,gp.o.thes., eee „geeee.t.. 1714411' ,.T-i'12AH' p_LOne o' 1116 p:t-hviealis'iesa.4e-64.tkiiSkIsiem:ru-sYtetist.ik:e7i(13' '''rtie ' 'Issv•ee' ewet3did.. onlfirlydeXel?ae-n:ge;fi.tioe4s7,1-in.wItthe. ree-e-or"tisa,ns I in ----M dite • • :'' ' '-' d -- h -• " ' ' ' . [ic, - ' .., Letel.F...o.n.•"'-_Wheense7.....spieeli-,;Ili;r5ite".:F•efileSe.; Yn7est*,..-,\''BuISIA".: .. ., ,, ange,-,-havesiong.been .eultivated m.'elinost of7the-sexese The ;•Promosers..are..• -ep- ' etesenesete. to ep•etereie-ii-ig pie. nese -prineltpal-eenfieesseeeeessee.hipeseeethe'„,____:. xesistentlyseor :some, chaute, .. tome eee 71,,,w,,,i,,,.e.iles-ri-i,,,,,ttttzgi4A;TA.,esee-slees,:tes.n.,y-ee.usse.:-.;le,s-i,nea.s-"F;)-1.7ecereittso.o,sif, ‘'re.,,.e.Teipe../..:wne,o-eo:r. o prepar:ed to. ,.0;. De ii.tee - h."" : ' t.' 4-'n,,,.”-ses------ -ten *.kte.Oes,' '''.00i hs'" ' -4 ' 11 ' -'' • - - (Ter.:rose-later' 4.7iivih .i.8 oldi. (3:irti,. po,ssit,.... -.of f -of• aOfaot.oh;e'tgb,r;tit,tnhdoletserso'nuateloio.Sioul;y,grwie471; .;:slipoonno:itin. ob:4ttselyr iii)cloillTr.,ia„. oon.egartwd as. Pose' the, bill point out that; hi' 'Onn t IA' ' -- ''''''''Jf.''ll'a 3L65748411 -P Vrance at . all events, the feareilies P‘rPirinterMl:Pitistteheree.,0Pf, uEbinigela7nola's,Wo.niblde '''j.. VBr'uesssaititenlOkee'r.i'ags.---..-Th.e.::•1):nrrits-ei e'r'' eeee,...„,.eonie i,eset. •_, , _, . , , , of the envied on only feenviiiee. us "eee n rtatThat... t th '1' ' ' ' ' at, ..; .ux "0738 a new form of :worship '..ef, ---Iseaelsettenteglieed eir.'7: lin ..O.hIgher :sPhere of -living, 'we • I-• think. ,t.liere-qt.s,-"but -one 'earO.'“ an.: ---Tite...easesh,segie*tly •_...13160ified..)3i.teimily, censtitate. at least half the EllOWED•W011t ' OF WOMEN ' ' eet '' '.. . ' ' ' the Northern. Hemi -sphere. , .. . - .s., ,ecret influence -the head of the saY4' -...' ' .•:- . • e . . . ,11Ig 'Was bne- in. ; ,s,likh. the, entireeeie. ', 1 s • Syitbelized the- entire' - . " '' - ' es.net„ 'in..fisigh.t,„•„'..ff.*e are In ;ed- LUT 01'U and not..with our work chives in ,,a • 'wild' state' throughobt in whi.ch• the wife is reallY---. hY her, . ' .. . .a e,:::.lee.,..iite; it we are to develop and envirorim tini consumed uPon.tlie altar: '• It ''''' ri 'et meets). of 'adivities, whatever it . .hiive. Coine really' i'.: know ' :Ch.' is. phrase a s t 43, 't h e . w if e ' s ph edienee e'dr;iiir..v'ee:wl.filsilore '11i5gn-f-tiirot,tbailkin7traifif.ti: --sgtill.: 6. 'e -.3 -v'1 -17a9" rfed. eet--nah.l''j:e-ie;: ke'11-1. n911 ..;g -,i, '; 'igTPrlit edg'-'-alin if ci-innth':11-°s7 i'lLd.*.p.irivle.91 :i4"elii-h.e''''odr"--ra• rs-e''' III i7cifi ee- errihtucliPs-41::: - , i ie4 vnt Increase,. that: ans*Sk' ii.' Cnrist. : When We' gin in eie.4 ninerate•zone, but froin, , '..The ...propOsal ,to ,. sup- vres.,... tee,,, ei *ome in e . e 1 iii:irest.and' Cultivation ' 'Probably had 'its 'Oki- naerried-Pojiiilitiiiii-ottli- :1- ' d e an , . 'i A.4,:i that '.'.hi it we Call burd ' ' . e_ . , ,ert!Ey SWer to this. longing:and andsteaponeiblie ' ' li , aY:-..he'.'leill'eVidene will make more ,we ivill'ha*e-c rnitea.,' iditcea"'iai;irit ;hilt' t, bit it. .i S. ' de'riire.4: ... ' t;('' lick hushand ia net neW' 'f°r az a0.7 mloni6orthTIere sacri-fice' were ' a Youlig' Indlock, clemaeds ;Ourinfluenee willhe more ,Will .inalte 'sue% ' The 'lettuce appears . to be steely-. f,ar heels ii -s 1848 a. French ,Feirtin-, cacnc-u-ipna• ttoenisitial now ..,beno.n.. tagei. ire44..eosr:gc,fat.;11;g:tairt:ntipal.ed)o,•;ero ."., -. IPetent;,' our li.fe 'fuller and ' it we: 'ciir way of: thinking: oicergvesrlr ' oment• en . that, itaisl .. or- yOung ..: pigeong ,(Lev. I. :, 10, 1,1YePtilDititein°t,n; to the. aWay 'from 'iv ' ' 'd h °1:c!:° be 'brave and" faithfill. we our life our respoesibilit , that°. - el.4-fr::fli.1.7' 9:1° endiv!' y'hieh is 'feilad .p1'6sets,ColineheisePnr:reeern"G"10 eretPensibilitiese - We . will 'have to .-Et `-'1 -----' ----- - eeereleLe' L.elld in :temPerate and- southern Eis_ reps), in. the - Canaries, Algeria,- sitting 'at the Paris Cityllall; . de- t .___..41...t.21_.4..,17...ei_e,4,,i_iftt.s746:11,:i,. ..at,cie 4.:_.;_,_ _.:.,!, _a_ re • .Fa.,...n,, _,' 9flef,-, e If, :we. have Abyseinia, and - temPcrato West_e_r.n, Manding thet -the-article-in_ the code 't7i.e.......rh.yk,eth.:'.e. ye' :Ty:a, 'enentoe„;...e.gr..-t.:.:,,fwetn.1,11„:„.tv-e'rinie,lt:a...".„.„(...aimm2ii.o,..r131,8ed:.1Lititi..p...a.a.t. ;,>.,!...it ',1.,i8,.'v......ae, •ri.r't. e:,•i'ia..,' pen:mot -Jappeeeo_eseepe„ s_4nd, wilt' Com' e into that"_yeYere_ :burden • d.,:,,,..t ...„. :k tio _ -c-io,.---corae,4?-....im-----....00mnc.r.T.inl.--..oka ------•.. ..,-.--L--,-.., Quid be abolished. M. Paul 'Her.: the ,esoile t us ' -- i• • . 7-1'- z t b • ' 1.23 n y ,an ' unappreciatea. effort: ' : ' .. R. ev. ;.Guy.Arthiir „Jeamieson. ' etlitir,ei-ung.AlleguitimEluntirP,e1.yeer'sala- :tha; e:o_ e:;en: 'vy.. 1. A --t't*-42aetn.' i.r"-e,°e_. a21--17:911nesee in41:th7,d-15;oeli';:: triold :b. k••• 13:1:1 mt. li..'6:---''''A''',ith:,t,:ditn..,u'd.o:t.'iPiaFli°-'t:1:;'-"':'i4t;ir:u:.,s::. (7---i'tthe p64-6-r010.s..- - . -, „ • . ' • • - - C' tl to thange Article i2 - '/If • . eien in ,SWed- trie 12 renco II e -a4 -4e MY, Wantsa. re- 1414.4 41 of a' cOnii...or'inadee, 'With', ' - "----*""47:>:" "''......1". ' .......- ...' '.. ..'' ' ''' . . . , , . , .... h ,-1 l"Thi ' Wild Rut( .--B' H-- 11 lit re' us:1r -le-c-tf.-:-Wg-Iligih- -4 - --- ii- ...- f * ' ' e .9, G Many 1.,...,' amaaM.ICGO 't c.,' r,..''''., ' ' e, our tireen see ... _ AN EMPEBOR. PEN.GUIN ' 'the crew' stoodUbOut and nes' ' 1 d eases' 'A'fha'niBtan .' and iheria' lied 'e0 11P1 Ie' 8 °we to each • 134her mu- 'wet es and "uroes and' cognsel ; 3 g i p rity Of his .father; Da,vid, to the.• ., . . ., . . .0tr " hieh is thought. to anee." Ifervieu wished to add in the dock tried by women judges faithful serv,ant of Jehovab. fact that the latter had been a, at him, but he took me notice of ICultivated succoret iS Probably a tual fide.ity„. succor,- and assist,- then the same interior with a man ICFns, o ---1ive w th d "1 ve " but his proposal, and jei....ors and counsel.. The jujus- A eon' to sit on his thr-one-The " the-seconotencture-anPealed perpetuation_of theeDavidie dyeeas- einarkable - Strength' of the ,Grea• t , them. Fanny, the shin's -clog, ,teied have had its origin in . n, ia,z ..... :_wa.;s_ro_ilohLxidicattod_ 4,10..e_o _ . Eir-deseseeesee--------1-to"--play with-liims--.and-deneed-about n . -11. deeeille Pelktan, the ex -lila -Ito all,. but to the converted in .the ty was ecconn _ Corn saliagefaiindewild-throug 1 les fir. st the Penguin Paid n° cut E ' W Burn Murdock gives him' urope, Asia Minor and J . ted the grFesest - - irk -cams- .estee ._sa all a .gu.ention ot .theetieg its re_veepeeivea'ese..UPinSte. all:bleseingse . 'in. his ',hook entitled .`.,`Feom ,. • , e pan.' -.. • • --- , Y _ • . , ou wi a as . wen army, t 'th fl h Off t F • 11. Lehr ' 11: h character It the huaband deman ,: i2 , .7. ri ut .a•• little .oung ande . burgh to the Antarctic," an es ing account of the capturing of , n° end (-74 a hurry, at•cl never came. h been cultivated from remote of strong ena,r_acses • , e an emperor -penguin. 'rhat great near again • r t be of European al.wavs be prepared to follow him,- Miss Goldstein- explained that t in in' on st. earep himself as a rrere Cabbage, like a, vege es w ie • se - e WOMEN JURORS. • - ' nem erienced in statecraft, Solo- bircl of the cold regions showed its royal blood in its quiet liut firm re- sistance to deposition. The-desel'iP- 1411141A-14. • tic"°res--cele-fe'el-that-litairis-tee --C'----lur ons 'Clistomr-Vibielle Prevails 'petty and trifling a being to inter • - Some Countries. fere with the monarchy of nature, Or to- overthrow the throne and'blot In several of the more remote ou_t the reign of such .a sovereign.- Swiss Cantons there is held what I was on deck-enjeying the quiet is known as the Feast of the Gar- • and _beauty of the white night when lands. 'The marriageable maidens .assemble a sunset, sing, dance, and I saw an emperor -penguin on a t' d dia, that of the broad bets,W is un- not eonfess it. ,• • _, e 0114r soon Pe_rielics where:men piece of snow not two hundred yards make merry. Each wears a chaplet known, as also of the. lentil th - K ---' - - a aind haricot. The strugg1•3 for homers. 7 ' from the ship. Anxious to make of flowers on her forehead, and careserensat' sicialmece"ed- appears to jhave come ries a nosegay, tied .ivith len 7:1,, . g When love ;works. it-wasites tol'el ni geisis n' -. • - • . ' • - . •::: : .Mahn is th.e stronger; . Chicago'• there werenaen and women, . foini.:of the w..c.-141: eel...sloop, indigens'. but the reflection of ins. wife ' • e women. . At present a :marreea .we tithe. as e rider .leizeo:etponeletp, ries., foT_easeeesee.,eielly „ass., eetmg_ chil.,1 i7'Vie4:, •o,f 'the- va.. ri.ed greats...... - -The ,articlieke. isethe-MiltivatedY.e.ven. the. most. • latent.. linehand. i6. ju responsibilities which his. new pose. ' .S.ENTENCH„.•.SEB.MONS::. • ' ' • - ' ''"; . 77.'': ,"'"- ..-Oinn.:40,.:•ViStSria'hae, no legal : rgight . kiniater of Lande.(Me. llacitaYYhand" ';0me"91-77'oeteej-desitte-- ' --h IS -if e see - -1' - Go .out or :come iiteeThe...lieheew itetieMaderia, .tlie Canariess:ele, ..- s, ..• Fractions always ignore.the fads. stated .the • 'Cate thune •The lathet • , . .. . e a ores) a per, ,,. • Son. '• ' • ' - 'r' ' , '''IY ''5lands '''k' 'At4P.aragMit, had ' its origin:in. En- eYou le*. hire hands,''' •hut • 'not. has absolutecontrol-e;-..er his ,.Childe : e - • '' ' '''''' '' 4. 1.3n 2. b. Ao rgrede_LeNt PoCacoPaluei'ttlii.Ati:4-.,knrneitlisltiee , , ..„„ . .. ,. e • ,• and cantake it away. freni thee rap- -.ie. -rope ..tind, teselierate 'Western....Asia. .' • at- :his seleatle ..lie can wilt the 'Mei- °Pie° 1°f -the 41e*ish-1214ti'n at' th:114'•'' - The. origila. of thSlOggi' Plant; I.S. In. 7 He cannot Pontfeer, ,sineWehe ii.fil. elliPtliffei'C'etie-teeee- es -a,.- eyee---en---a-even., , _. tedsr Of the child to,a. third eerson, .z...,..tniee,.is available. Selonion's state.: is,getnhtlitilciencritailit*P'e4Mindirolits ile tull; -41e?tTaaeulk'i'ehiia9Wedav- 6.#-*.tielit.'"witto4.4'' tWPoufida7It' eilli;'H orieinallyfrom-eAmerica. . _ • time 'watching tlie de , . .. stustiremeCourt:. ..-- - e. ' • - - entsell--eama-gere.testee.. .exteetepe. .., , . Another-' tableae showed tbe nine- • s e. - : .. - '... et'. i - - •teees . : 71, ..." -.A-The-Cirri:4.e groWees.ponterieen ...".e.Vie loftieet.worshm.:is--ofteneeeene :tole0-womte_n. ..e:aroi. .13,:.g. •.th.eir. ..0-:wte..-yeetseneoueresi.e_e_..• . ... I). .. . . , , . . . . theoughout • EuroPee. ASis.,:gins.r,. in .thp lowliest Work. • .. . . • ... . . .: ..... . - , , .•,'I.J.,,ridersta-na, in.A*, -, ..'ii:e rew,.• . , .. living 1.11, ...in. chistria4y, pro teria:'areedoirig. s_o„,.145.000.in all.. .r4tetih,..,, . : .. . . ..... :„• ly. One-thirerefi 6i.sionally; ,..4" diio_oniestioally.. NI:: isle, ,,,Airegt;inTp;,hseg ,ino.eighseae or,!_ctolif4.1.14uilstegie , . ilia wiedoin to .jitdge t. e' people - .' Siberia,. northern 'China; 414°Oin-il 'Yon.; censgiVO: nothing ' ta •niOn. ,PO\ 4, To,*NvA. . *. Great . pee•Ple,--Literele. "heavy,7:, , .geeno .to :greatness. in our rooserr; o'b.peotnetdciftgiritit:M4heearisiti,bi4tnexdoeleo-inogr It' is the. F....isrn! .71-743„Ansind'.1itill'arS.::"/": , e".i:n,a.'s 7-77-!. .. .1. ,,10-,--Tpe ...ire-w-riltitwct--ettee, . ',.`The ?thing that tounts,!!.. said ''a lee:The . element in S oloreen'sSelioiee man Of independently large Means'. .w.hieli OialKeS it pleasing te. Goa is aemineulatett ley . heed -work .fessi„te Ins- p.ereeptien...of . OP.:supreme Sm.:Se portance of wisdom. .and ' disetetion • whickshaselengeben. celtivated in ,erid wise inveSttnerita, `"lia.'the',fiTet .China and -"epee, ' in-Frail:WY' hie -rat:slitt Illt..4ttlerill.?•1:ez., it!., PI .g.00.-riimPt as tientrestea, with ' digenons, to :eastern Asiae: : s, • .. S. ' ld external, - greatness .oif military . . . 7" -Whatever etrengthens• claw ftelsersentesee Put: downesineyouressaein 0°'"Y= In 1461...YSP,TS, hoWever, the cucumber seem'eneia. and the lieMpe ; tiebitinfittledrinois.an- old dodge. ginning te get .eomewliere, .and With , Theetemato cotnes froni Peens tue Of ' the 'devil 07 aVoid the doing. of : that .start..yeu eviltwant.to keep On. king' loet. his esimplieiti .of purrone.. .anaptirites Of aspiration, beceining kin froni • Guinea. • ... . . •:. '. some anty., . .. . . ':". - ' ."' . • The ,red ink'ineerPst entries ;that enamored with the- glory of outward TIP SYSTEM nt.GEtailegY-i-- TIng ...1e4gthexis: the day : of . waiting, 'hal*, boektwiee_st. 'year• Will Strike.; .-fila ''"----'' • '' ''',' - --' for the kingdoin. :.-e. ---.- e, ...e. ' ' • you very e3leasintlysindeeds . AS. else lrit.;6A.onicounitlee,f7iiitaanvitonigiiiii-beagreft-i,iiPd14,- . ...7..... 'COndnetiire in Berlin Street Carte . -Ile who linkita his knowledge by ,:terest on ' your :. 'thousand . dollars ileiteilt 14 "Virg, ' • , .._ his understanding ..dies . of '. eXperi- 'you'll get tbir.0..pi . forty dollare in .p. There shall not he-Hehrews. . heigne "There 'bath not hewn"' as'', in the: mental igneran, en .'.. ''.'. ' • a: year; Your -' ragney - has .. One .of the strangest .phen omena of preceding Verse.. Theesentie of . the, - You cannot. make a text of ScriP-• ,earning money for you. ' . .'• . . tipping in ,Gerlaiany is that. it is Com- ClatiSe :than • beeoniee; "There has tare _bore .anY 4.:esPOlt..h.Y. twieting. "You'Ve gOt an inconie neweand: notebeeneany eimongstne kings as__... 7-iiien.:iires-Ber4iitetreseteniiirrieee:-Tliettara ii-ati a cerkscreiv. • ' '' you'it swantt &add 'ttr'it.' •A'On-Will • 'elle. More ii• man • vogiferates leave that. interest in the hank to be. petisperoue as thou -Shalt be fer all is almotit inVariably. two t cents ,(10.: m • for lib:elicit:an nearly eiery.,viell. pends on .the. promise you' :can. see right on itdaing to our principal statutes Iv.. ,s,.. c' om'm'and' M. en'ts. ee' t..;onipare. ‘the Similar :. bliarge...in.., .1 14. 'Welkin. my :ways, to keep my pfennigs). ••As 'a Matter ,of eneteni. added to your. 'prineipal, and, new tHtarriistkVVirtictetiete.476seeti4bikitel. I.. 't.i,e Is. your interest Will begin to draw'in- tbh"e '•,peoenrstruiletti° '1' ., (4 Ceevnetr.(5t1.1Prefeeriginivges3 utl -What yoa 'Will make .'ef, a . bay 'ele: terest; and to be sure You will keep dressed - . Winn ttaeselling • 'alone in,. 'hie propensitiete. ' • ' too, • and ' every . eix .monthe. You'll 31Lie- Aegsth2;..?:."-el'ehee., ' 'did -David's life. aties. ., The reason may be that 'street' genie :men. ::seen) 'to think God's see thoee rettfiguree.grewing bigger- ene' riding 'id ;regarded' sis remark- itvd..1144.,ger, i)titey.,figuies to oon: had not been 'faultless, but the gee- , forget to Wind thein ali." ' . template and yoU'll keep right elOng toward .tbe era/ attitnde Of his beast anamind • clocks:W.:Mid all etop if they should Indicting Men dt total ilepiiitity. Saving, Mut the thing thsit reallY hovah ilea been tight, and -eon the 'COMmandmente of•Je- ' IS a poor way of inspiring theni. to counts it‘tbe first 'thousand:dollars. wholael• he had • sought cOnseientie • the divine Charactek. • ' .. • 1.. „ - Get that and you're all eights And otielY to obey the 'statutes mill -coil - When, a /mac gas .t9 eeeeeeng. of youll always .be giedyint etv.cd it. meedeleete ,esetes. cee„ . hiS smart tricks he has one foot ale • "Poi there really is nothing like '15. Behold, it. was a, dreatitt:Vhe.. ready in the dellil's traps.; ' . '. ' financial independence, or' like. have. . dreiiit. IA this Cain,: however.- -had . t• • 1 Some folks never get any dreams beg' it least some 'Mon:0i. laid It3e. the same influence ores! Solomon as htlie-ai,dif.-eileePt e-trlielf-therTgO 't0 'Their it yQu vaiiv nioney-Yo&Ve.got. an 'actual -eXperienee'e'ef the same , hear it sleepy preaehee,„ , 7. • ,. - . it: You don't have to go to friends. iMport would har,, bad, . , . • It. usually is • the Mae Who. cannot •to borrow and take the risk of be . . The Pak of the' pinfinente-T1-1,4 had • ' find God in nature. who triestotell in g refosed, the riak of being coins , been .brought by Davld to terusee the .bill is as golden rele.. . MA all about the nature of Odd, 2 pelled to gees -About what yen heed. lens end 'bad ' 'found , a perinsienerit ' , . -. Take the ordinary well to-do tram- . - • eller 81 a first-class ii°t4 in anY ' Folks who are ckieg' an angel's It you've got Money in the hank eesting :place on Mount Xiofies. -- large; Oeralan town'Berlin• D4es- business' never.need to worry as :te: .You eel) go there eta got 11 there, .0ficrod up burnt. offerings„ 4.4- As.. breakfast 6'Ybeauty '. s ' they .have an angels niight ,conie a tinle when you woidd at Gibeoseeeett4e:lereetile.4 the den; Frankfort, Leipsie, Nurnberg, weeehee, three cloys, taking your , *- ' • • ' ' .peed. money for yes:it:family of sfor, king offers' up Satiates Cologne You .6, e alone and . in the hotel end, Other :Meals ont. 7 yourself veil 'Mtiell..,; . eit'seterantl. sof ;thee eoenetration. of linineelf to m rocco, the .sonth, of Franee, pein, Italy and the Mediterranean Is - a drawing •of the bird, I went aft and let the mate know. Ile ordered out a boat: The penguin was standing on a round piece of ice about fifty -yards- in diameter. We rowed up to a sort of "hummock On one side, put two "reensbehind- the husinmock, and then rowed round to the • other sido! where three o • f us landed.- Then colored• ribbon-, in -her halide. If es - lad is attreited: by a maid hes:ducks' a floWer teem 'her bench. • the pre- tends-q'not to n'Ot*ce; :but,. wheivthe ise, northern ;•AfricasstMaderia-and tileyoUtgrse- them yourself . Merrysinaking breaks .i.p et &Wee the Canary Islands e.- ; ... ' Chatity'-reguireis. no other -letter e will, ifsheeeeiprocatee.hisfeel '' ,i.Chervir comes • iinis: tioVo-rOts' :of introcniatien than al'ealneeil. tie the entire bouquet by the Wetter*. Asia, parsley from the Always. it is better: to get a man ribbon to the handle efethese-door. Scittliettf'EgrepesseseleAlgerias'teer-rel stss-theteehege-ethsee-etiesetive hi • .ef-the eahin Wlieie:in'lle.resideseee; :from: -.EnrOPO' and Northern Asia, thateehee, ; , i s five. advancing dosee se. :op thee-. 7 y, neg e roug ' e P . . : - . ' .any a woru in. oar iaternati el IV ' "7.1 th li tii. --tii ' Mentitaiiis ' of India in Nerth le .... 'se -.sees- ---,see- 1.„6, • „penguin. -open-casement--cf-the-bed-chainb in rica-Spinach is supposed t He got on the mound of snow as The famous Tunis marriage mart come from northern Asia.1 content sorrow etvos-4-4-ia The secret ofconcentration is ann. - we approached, but only, looked . much has been written, For sonte twenty Years past t e slightly anxiona as. we drew near. is held twice a year, in the spring crosnes has. been used. This little T:ien, thinking his position -was and the autumn. The Tunisian girls tubercle with _fine savory flesh, PeleYreekooneentrati`T on some high will do little to reieve this t.birsty • He slid down the snow on his breabt, An analySie of .•the water of life and paddled -awayswith flippees and feet. • --dangerous; he_ttiedetexeget away, :One Of the petty made a 'success; Itil-Erfihetiver-theshard piece -of- enowes and- fell, on the bird; arid embraced: -t--.111-cepengulia looked quiteshock- cd, and threw him off ewith a hitch of the shouldeise Then it. got int, steed ore its 'feet and .looked at us. When we got near it 'again; five of „see_ nsergetle.0 _rush at it.- The beat - ,.with' both. hands retina' its neck. The two rolled over together on the now., , The penguin got its heck free and: began to. peck' With its hede at the boatswaiii's head, hut miesed Its nim,: fortunately fer him. • ItS':Strength astronishen. tia- One man held:its neck, 'got hold 'of its flippers, and two more held its legs. Using all their strength, the men could hardly keep hold, The bird did /14 SSOM the least flurried not 'put ..Vilt; 'merely reeved • its flippers 'slowly, and dress,' Up and extended ita short legs, but that neerly twisted our arms' off. • 'It was too ,difficiilt a task to carry the penguin; to the boat, to We stripped it round the 'Middle,, with. its flippers bound Wits 'sides. We • used the boatswain's belt, which Was a breed' affair with a big brass buckle, and we hauled it until the lomiguin collapsed like a fGledstone bag. With enether helt'We tied the legs, steed theliird up, and dress- a leng sigh, of relief,: 8. • So did the penguin -a fong breath' from the bottom �f hie elidete. The: • buckle burst; arid the bird began to. ' hobble awes, on its 'still tied -legs.' It attually bobbled 'With slignity:: Then We : sat pp it. again 'without cereinonyt fOr erne Were iMg- • ry, and the Penguin remained call& ' ly dignified. We fastened hini with, a whole line from bill to toes; like a roil of beef, and tarried bin!, to the boat. freed one flippet, just le show what he could do, but Made no other effort tn. escape. On'-'deek e pengui preserved a sphinx -like dignity Undee' *ery attend in their hundreds, each with her dowry, in coin• and jewelry, disposed' about her person. The "golden -girdle of-maidenheod" circles her Waist, and in it is an unsbea,thed.dagger. When this is gen-fly7T-cmoved by 'a passing gal- lant, and presently returned;- it means that a prOposal. has "been made. . ' • , A prettier custom prevails amongst the ()onion maidens, who; at stated intervals, assemble in tbe market...place. In front -ors -ends -he a lighted lamp, emblem of conjugal fidelity. A young marl feels . at I He gently blows upon the flame, extinguishing it. The girl re- lights it; it is a rejection. If she leaves it alone, the iinPlie4 offer is ateeptable: • ' • • . Even in 'England • these curious. , . . markets are not unknown, although ahly cheap; though another emplane - they are not Openly acknowledged tion . offered' is the • 'desire to ..hrive as such. One has been held On Bt. the Conductor' on. your side in ease llfartha's Hill, Surrey, on each re - of es street ear row. . timing Good Friday, during some The one thing to remember gen centuries And the .statute and crallYris that evedone m• Gerioany mop faire ,that are 'still celebrated dependent en the tOuriet industry in varioets rural localities are mar- riage marts in ill but !lame. , expe , ° cts a tip however small, and that•wheee eating and-drieking in- , .............,-.4-....... • • hotels and restaurants are concern - FOOD. NOTIONS., • ed TO -per cent. on the amount 'of. The Hollander eats decayed shark, but turns with disgust from bread and better. The Chinese are .fond of stewed dog, but .consider...beef _unhealthy.; The Turk deems dried grasshop- pers:a delicacy, but an oyster Os him with abhorrence. The English. eat periwinkles; kind Of sea snail, but Will Alava mine of the Frenth escargot - a land snail fattened on vine leaves and strawberries. , The West iiidian native adores a supper of baked snake and palm - worms fried in their own fat, but the very thought of stewed rabbit Makes bine' shudder. • The African bushman eats cater- pillars, but " seerns limberger ehese. ' Savages eat all eggs, barring none: They eat Hear s' egge, al- ligators' eggs, tnieles' eggs, ants' eggs imakes' eggs. But 'the ,-fiav-• noVel .and tryiug otincliticals• +.1,..ittes confider crab meat unholy, • thing to 'haee.it where 'rod. can .get the high office 2 ot ruler dr the On leaving give the hall porter GENEB,08ITY: e• . who., has kokecl, after your letters ' The only time some iseople nevor people. - . . • , . • Peace offeritage--:.These .diterdae- , discussed he sights, the weatithre nelsi-tertnin pnrtionsef-theettninial.-s. from the betret offeritigesene that ' and with Whorii you have probably the town's amusements and the po- SSCrifiebil WCre )31triked upon the al- litical sitnation, two marks, or sey - • , "There's' nothing mean about b e - Seenis CO. soling • is when the* .giye• , ing saYjng,and atentrinlartmg rribrie$,; you a peek Of trestiOle. • ". oa the eontreieT •it is Pieri, 'Tali% • • '-'"--.-4.---, ' drity to Make iiimeelt financially in- • Inc 'teitat anitiial 'circulation of depetident, I don't Mean • at ell :the . tveture• nOWSPaitOra;ia eatirsate that ,U, Man ivents to set out •to ae- e0 itt. lt666.04:4;060 cOPies• 'emelt:lite a great Wealfh !there's ec• . • ----t'"":. great fete In that ; but wh'st he does . There- is one tieVantage in. &retie want. to do is to ,getesigeilier enough offieg•while.yOu Are paying it at the emenoringe In the. face of the-geatest . daehier'a. desk, should ha'. 'one. ainior. oile ean,ahiaya keep cool.:' t6' li" 9i1 ni6destil"" . ' .. mark. The under -waiters You will . • • : e -e---.. ' ... • . .,, : ., . • . Se. have already. tipped twenty pfent40 "Flo, Saye that Peankeao Lottie VieitOree"Tell the 'master .of the .4 time when you" were itkaying fot have thade. it up agoln. -; Why was tulige ilia. it friend has eilied fo, ,OIe. drink e they brought, . or, 10 per the engagevent..broken off I" "They see hire." . Maid ----You uoist be at I tent, on: your 'hill *lien you. a*e, had a iltiattal SO te:Which loved the the :Wrong ,hetisci. S. ..taktolkttoi .settling for' a, biota in.the hotel:: ',In other the twist," . ' 'live* liere..'" ,' . ' .. • ... ''' tar. - A poition of the rifest was . given to the, officiating priest, while half a dollar, if Only a „day or two. in the hotel, one Mark. Thehead...the oilier portion was retereed to Waiter, who had taken yoor bill to the pereon bringing the :offering, be Paid or else is hovering in tbe and Vas used by him in tile saceis • ficial` feast. whist) ateeeti- s.anitd the cernitiony. eon,. nection With the pestee offering here Mentioned the kiug uatde a feget to t,.-11 his• servants. was woven in 1301gima iu .Le time of Caesar.e • , • .