Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 8I -]den, "froin tho IiiglI t, W111, worlx ita ++++++++++ ++++ ++ al- 10 ." Ab ta,izv it* it do it k.iray, into 140 heArt; 4proa.d, Alld e grow ' MIR ehe d ): oId Aliier6t,- tb o u+ 014' 1181110ry.0 et r e� OLDEST, LO$])'
1�abk oor.' ++++++ 7- ck -LTR- tAga sho 'M- or c sbe6n� �tol The ot Ing,,, nowA,,:& e ter than 11close M' build" k' Ord theyseomed t dBtepuidy" WJfJ , "7, 'Passe s; -the�- 610eat or doe�4- Ji4TU id o�, h� ,what,' hat4 it d 6 e,But he felt er,thea, J, 4- way elie d t t b W6 1c ol % Ve to be A lspl�y e N wer, near y., a :to, -turn-, oinew 'CT. have 16d'to 'the' :f6 p.uItry,.,,.drased Ive', k inile, d f 'trnmping�, or A miaers, was, a s s, lv� ata pays herd T 14 �doss �Of hsbeginneres- eup gainat is 49W th; 'k heoa,, garrulous,, Ig Add at, ------ oY� noWn lt ` f III ---------- bl I7� k tb'his hoaltb,4ould:.0rovA�
a-ritating,,t an or 'h' y dIaIappear%.,,Qa�' m� the-� High d' enewall give, ry grain., Td e"6ver, mu, years he
t , , I t1h I . , . .
gua At- 66m ICU t V, lic 113' SUPPOSO, o -',,b' t he ,I n1wal Ouse 1:3 io*' the -40 not th!ak season', d bi d ind. (in th6 IVI looked; determine .o, r ld. 1ho,� 11, I- - 11-- � twelve, to fBeni, d 01 mplicity, ur -Io rr u f f. 04kT on�;Y,Xrqm his Ard; �con ro. di r
Y� thp, fiqp h Lch hb,Ars�4befo �seu lug� on a Jourriey;,,-
p it rtmei ut, i d '�j 'h
a or, d that, Will tak t
the lst;4ibn 0 4, d f lie 6 out ro On 6 ;T br �"Aqccob ion er.
id' t -ia e C '00 roixg it to rpssing,) 6t to� M �64r;, of 106 hto 6. stA, bhe hand- bhe irs sstary birds �d, hasthe - steps d' �� M # �Ve. an eas one s'Ji to ioracle,: ,d every."'bird t k 4e ith: tAun
f Ji old th ji�'�hlheremem The' th "' clL �+' - 3 16i the theb6 d' sebe
Val JJJM� ."'he 'good' fi bedhe price' m
I,�Ye more likely t w it
t e, ayem th, 'th hE5 old stlff _the, ,won g 'd nto� ar Ijg d d kness. In Boiling li prid plun 6 , i vIa poultry all tl' 't L at haM the. floor 'd At c. trrh, to� s h d h .1 filled-bl d-_', ceted tuy ear ng. gwq h tl at 6A I � t� tey"T1 y �,purgpqd: Attached U �iv sot h- Y k. rhains'� wit b
crowd the dressed stu . I so t ago 'Ba Ve y gh t, no Movea by Ulp PP,Y� a A A�l it.""paper, or b6 is, a sitry pack M_ U, APTIM ave cou un( exec Be an'4�, have Any dam6�; in 't ibl ,the :stiff canvas, � with th' b Jer, tht,
-operation ',In _e
Thu b�ft' 16..* fu1,dxgbv';,one on, *hich beJ isten nt of specia
can -Iled iwifily., V1 �6q, poultry no r, ave ne p1ur drop inany
U ��o::cldudg';,tr ' ' -h head, and 't, tho ver- t res are, car vate cus-, ' -uJ - , * . d best thing is th� hive a pri ficgt for .:catarrh in i.0 have 'a momen ved ,7
if youl,know,, AnY4 tbro�t—&Il 0" no .p:`urposeii 4e nex �.cuiupara, ve r Ing MCJO11 i th' t" h d, tor tyo., au, y 'About -three jearg ago 1, was, in- 7'rihon the eitinguisheis of idwdr Burk, W to '.the city, qu can I -111b.-- ---f d k": 'd �h dresseid a d r 'Was, eClosq by. is c rve w f d'" al� 6'qier see j&- 0 Iza � at 11, yqii� ca e In well-to�& city: people doubts' as after so r.-xany inscrip, iow ri d, i nalticient lightfor them Many f- 'Pr I Perura tria an 27-1 r ile: to get Me a SUPP Y..: ak-Uresi iid hA would bezg e tars.. �ii nce h' Lit stubabling. m- to S t t., am --fter nsing
d good honest f�PCL
-or ten
e Poo: ri�pa I am', 'h' b h-" of On 1he floor ;of the.,firstL eel don't send'. egpite- earing a i ic!.:� ouhh- e dI ho-,-Bq.0 VV 'the, mo , on, h* iyes saw diinly.! Wit t arcs of 6m.that. advertises.- Take,an hrough t b' :d or a ig't')r,,"hrd,�knuck-��'c'heisaboard, kut� R th f breat.h ingl liAost f, 'old' establiA6ol'busidess i led, he dim cuirsing� hi Isb6r Ab 'rs- 6' 'vee DW JnD in �betrac I k ea unt, -own irrespre, -Ifl a'. 'The, iula proMptjy. e Wllllng,�'to. Lta e sug- to �h' digestible ration 'to' CO 3age 'hind �hE Paw, ':r: -1`H � , � gestions , re the, �Vicking, sheirt4�-Bdul-waa u the puse is al,,ga onr"V, The b o `ilh')dctt§-&in b' rating-puin -If.-,he.:cOUd onl only,t6o willi -Y)
1, st dea 6ks ar produce. 'the -bey3t results, in, I Arr6,�tlXj I CXPLer- .o a U And butter. adolwiII4 lagt onger an,�, Wh nse,, gred came, id'Apri aIjed-,th
:laugh' he Viought .1 I,y . gAV, Id 'hiv Buin (if their,
oui ail oidio So are- in + the city- 'Olt -b ;q ,-,q you will t ose cowr,1,at are�,sc
f "t ouro e in `P Ar d zee,'him. ',It!s o re 'im Ins, f ays spring po( 4 I 19,�� To 4e � � w 'an t4ey are ki as the thus7-�', 'h k." �bll �,Wlking,�srftart.yal ng 'to do business with a in ory an_ Ovcifepdihg� Add IIauti Thb'� 134 niean the same
ws vu L o All: Aresse L Grad d 'poultry, and f d' th ID t Lit in Anything, that, h 'InAl all, the food it can piofitab kitd", at, ti d6B!1sbe d h 'b t � . k. I n -'d h digest and as"ii --fiflod-to�m ooks�doubtful, bt - - id
h uld- walk -Be bCep;OU -and itt v�zorriblq sw -fell f In good �enough to, t Successf of, th It 'a en� birds. 8 h idg, you, Of e, inei, en I escaped, �,% 'in practice. I evil igned' timself d end 'not I
the rd ouldhav er� prisoner E -sorale anin,thl 41ame6 Caot..relish yofirself, tibil. Rest Jor smuggler, �11�7." The: "bei;adigesd e,oue it
�Tniiht be rationLmus.,
-est at -au UeL L '�bre d- that tumultuous tide o re( -iriel.ude Id: do at Y, !orts &� that,wou h b.th6pIur oseiiAprided., The Not ay t d to. ill lac el or 'I ol f bi the, mment simpty in:his bmin. crU40 representation of the, Towei better 'to,, be ftoijeed the
jetL�'o er-or v ilqtelligefit farmer will d Ing;, as Man.� Had� M3 His: avger directed agginBtl-of Londorr, an, anchor iind ihe4riple i Can t- to. a growi�g � anMal incapable -If . I�.iiW63h 'Of the rose, sh at aning,,', _Jim amrock and d o one he is I t She exis ence ep e 0 'a, cow her,is, or the butcher or tro the of lAing, gone N ES keeph t,:.,, DL ill W'W�I'llid''havuliddea tj6dir the,fact tha he had "en'such" thistle., a little S ePi U 6 Ql, Running- Under the- oadway, bf, OT other name, iq� 1is'list.' a-,fOol such ol I' to ig for mi. t fill 'd with'the co V fai;�ye e con. awav a r"S 11119 n ru� ' ' A - in _S(io, ftwavT04
a,,��,Lgu er he all Ie Orchard. I ON the - tL dgid�, walked aid's that Adger vith a foot'thick, weed3 �ihe'i mu- ch, honey, or- if he finds, that;Ii�. CeS�_ s natures --is ru Uc ul f %ii- - t6t "b B` ause, - hi,&� bees are ac m. any c cats a, behaVibU fro� r U �ath ed Ztr4ight�,Iroim�46 door a`ga'in-ot-. her, would. -be un -gh6uldn: t e any urn. All 'rub
h had, been in the� hall ty then,, owj�� d bih. -Ing ,pl*oper,stotes -aud'he, has n
t ..o r catch ney, 't HAP hellwornan'6 'arm A el 'and' Igive TEIA' X-� ItsI 84��o - -- -readily Pe crows 6�an inbs of, ho with his er 'Ing, around ihe man'.. --There The' closi ifoor 'behind'. 11 . I ng of the -Asi 40man It.. eJ nothingL, says an I& landlady w� xii W. II6 sodin. the a fi", ro b old as -heard by -MA4- t 1 Wau,�,Woll ha. writteii4gaf A 6 rule', th 6an Who succeeds well' that, thby at last reviewers ha; sp is And" '11 d it true;, eop.. d ;, --An0.-A!3n8iVe-' "fartner, - must, 'k --h Jded' tcr3i 11e, did not. move ftoiii, the O an-�- square ea --Ik -work- -as 'being -�tbat-of 4--man-may-b --- li' b ck e sbg6r. -v�oinan-� -had- -w ere,so occup 1, stock, to Consumer t e U GrApe,sugar i
Mob the, � - III icing n.i .�i. oa as An:d h4 &'bl Lh ad, -t' in�haiv,f Ilon�such an e f"t' not- imi" Perhaps,, 11`� ater oo ducts of the, farin; And no 'do warm many, very many tim to pro 't :aM 'right, for., reeding -in im, or V7 t nto, hi soul tra, spread -partment, tr]Alfa�be siren WhOL' h buId" intelligence and skill than the aswer-for.winter -rose, liftftig,:, -hiS4 ace. Th& C T :,Utg� I I A I The' thought, was
%NThen �At�, last 0- his won ooL,�, o it.: fuel to the m' -h an'.A . t 'count to seared i -id caught;, sight.,6f t 01 t f, bees, not, b( ring �va er th-e- t r milk, the great testily irro fforont f iM er ke -.Ing able ace-, Pt or moa
S. different Ali o� d Ac 0 cried out. Then came be oro�h grea Merift ofyoUrl�r'JUJ W. to msom wit w Ach t est profit. Ill always,, ritul it will
b k Alin st had he thou 'ger -Had linked those sweet,- el starve�. even, d atlilj� pallor -on b4i face. especkilly Ln ll full, ifeedink. if every comb, in he sucil � a , e 0 cold ort ,6J,on, 2j4, PUJ' with g r ap in his rniad, the, riiy f. tk!e Well, he end"v6reU, to'.'. f His mouth, felt as parched �,Ei Sa. up) A,, herd of cowB, p,rop6rIy,,,fcd, and
'the'thought that' a should, be ecilid he� mixed a or -w. a the wo, w e g hara, 'Mechanically in'cofin6tion with her- This� himself with. by -dikase monary hive,, , ,
ShOW Ill turn oat first-class � White' guer can be m do 'fallen I a. . Victim as . i�r -!' - - int,6 a:-gyru -one-qua
--whisky and s6da� d pictur�d;'man na I idan he, bad, ould hav ia., salved, in�oy rankit off."I'lien. h- - 'h d'. d vciu f d ' f w. o mas---eve p e,-- a . one, 6as improperly fed an, of, *a IOU A s-fo sugar, pnt re, d te Is pen,geem anima e hi t d whc� lie jt,.though,would-h&*6 found but, if,they a th 011o.of. -those 6�lit up on, a Bob. have- idded-46 co bringifig . it to a I (I L ' describe'lier. P, e llery:': tbe, reason, tion respondirigly r bEinaled it tq� oiting-place on a needle, oint. Y nSUMP- car- d for,,- the bitter will be cor- boil And.
-Thei old, oldl we ki tr infe 'ior, and dcf,qctive An und6rlyin ,bet . co His tboug �s 'edged with 'keen There.was �0 e -his Ethuhiia e lar. -,These+. failitigs - are con- IIr�r sough� usel'sii salve., "What a inin use A self-,codienipt��wedt for�'tbe failure. . Granted that In, CO to an d the re I I h red he still loved ly,. e�16d.� I' gui a egg erf,ine ideal was shatter the, tiMe 4and all the' c t,to R Tust as he had always �ijjl, TtF F -SE MONS. A'womau! ,. , its , ' her6in'lay the hope- h th": iiitdri'r u, r SEN, NC pictured them—alv�ays till tbd! b66k in his book. 1136t&'he Ime'n 1) T I uselt."-t4ffli. C. J. BUD-,, �congi-'Imer as 15 , " , 'L f *r., it. e.ssness* o t ll�and he 6 1. ' half of V 14t himself, for being' I kn LONGI,. BOX impoBe'd. upon lk
of, laughter, I' itJs far' he wa3L.DoW engaged oA. ',When he is. d, Olin 4m e from it; an o-1 his' mirth, 'would avbeen Striding on, I t'f d' -'b thought how cbaste� and -good and a, foo Q his Way,, now' 'in the Y tei4� licartiress just t en, n ;0�, ao -Irom pure heroid6'was, on paper he, couple� At the gate Poor rt of r4j6f,, again. ic .on y t ie '61 1,of t or. ones reflu I-V he laughed ag 'rite, he coast jY Ia11�pocrit6 is h. le watch fi butt, r just , I tiT er 3 Ot Art ,,clear hem, The don guratf ad& ii�althful qualities of first-class nwith the game choking. little.eate Sy -What f6llowo 9 in ti) an ab thing sh' iflot b sold to be" M� reason .of' lino'brou ht lil 0 -- -is in-the4hroat in'it too. - , �, , I I ; .. 4 vacred 'r wist tandstill. cliff, Jutting on -ve;I The ii- U -he, had lost'his ideals a sort of indi i A le artificia 8er'vice.. , glit al- 'war, I 'Met, by a bai I
shelter' which enVelij; eA, im�-bli' rrier, of high rocks. you have, Tio suitable,
long.-ag6, we are aptJo flatf&� ourii as T669'e�- latter Wer I e With for the, sheepI; constiict om, That is the best, interpreter t into t e e as �6giz- seaweec on e, way to pu .money con is
koknown even to c 11 s our own wound.3 hey live. 6n��u ig.Na6re'i sudden in-[ on XIothing heal 'slit' their dea1h.. is 4 d most, hidderli': !r' of e'st sort de- of a�y theol'09Y. t his t i'o it
ic� road�, ance biddir npos8ibld to
that the,,A-ad �rossedth If,it is, t oarn that cAn be, qnicker than helping other� ie new �i once an past lip t Pat, way to the kta� in, a sheep- J
str--ot *hose exis sp tidn' doea.ALL Par4lysi, of conienc� is often duced a cotre' c�nding interrup it does by creating- t'Our tion. -Then ;%me "the sound c a, T ltej�- wh.en,.that is de -
comp cace' of God.'
we "OW DOW d, strength, so� i J she er. Ing I construct a simp, er in his "thought �gh an �b 6, inist 'ken for the pi a:re, ` bbn it whistle, f i. . -ad we —w e'd by 'the4 iurii;yl 4% '' t objec . t to r
guiding �siar;i a gress of Ithan the, h6t ect ot. that, the pro, �Vhy� should II6. think about' thiiI, R b ' th t 'th certaiiiginiie�s to make a salint-!' Ing triiii. em or� a , ogrea
below the horizoii of, f t I-1 el� �, r� ootst6pB �1 He ktiew- thein—sh"rt. woman -any ion1g,or'l ,She was no disj�ase is retaided`and often be "aphievibol is %not, Wa. 'but pro- eryinj in ihe rmth,
its �ed. t is wl Sheep Are AM a�te from storrhfj� ll�n . . * " ., Ies' had b6ed! 11B.' ice N,; f h worth wastingithouglit over. 116, stop . I setdn nough yvithout.heTl' 6m U6 cold, but on i1i, PoAs�, 011��t t (bat J, As therh—along� lie gr�vel path ; t had, tdexi ilappy c fl8h uilder, ana; so'iasy to Nil 110i
ell proteoit6d fr puls" less..- ewas,811ilt. --before . he� know.: her. He would e .1 digest that the y thild ought, to have oor OV oungest , 'i ibr 1 'h i -he, The, Ma who brags �ol' hi self- 1. ' 'Iby dra*n to'W' fact 1hA ik I , Against stoidis'they black r stil),, ry mp -pa hour.. -d---- de s 'of -the* uigA t dauld be hppy, Wit on 6ut! 'and mostMit�it'e' adtlit tali gooaL A ve As half A thai to 9 T6 P, pect is, often not� I�av'o 6ii- . bea�ier 4 han, the Cut the"thotight of her Cleau 'flesh ar . 'open. ion one, res ywithout a is i-thiad clocks te I not osing t 'a mighty small
thoughts ha'� n -, out of his heart. ThM3 take it 1. ay tbbi ffi6 fulfill am- ny side w a�O rwfast. 66,hin'd ed as aliono,with, Ideas of his niii d
r peo5ifli e, corrdct fr&a'� consumption or; a ith a yard in, front, It m n sins
of t ings se� aed to gto* 4iorb ed- Aold 'himself was th ur ow bitioh of this jartic�illtf one W",to be u e 0 h�nq- time. ttangled and Dnfuaiid -every instant. thing to 'do. -Life hould'b r b4m' other cause take 'ScItITT's.'. be covered, with straw or a backs while we, are gazing + at h half4d4iour,' bi, the' a, better root than that And a more,, _kh noy 04- Euuisio:L4. it Will itp of. nei �hbort __;�t.ho hho perth on one, is es d It'' pr faith t "its mters star the unfathomable WX t ng., -And strengthen a i values I 17 ; . to . O.Ud' .6 -Add do1ipAt6hbd'J j� patcel 'he hid bodu looked Id eyes.� all' around the shed. big, ilegl creed,by its viinlent,power to hurt '�ftse - of follY depths OfAlload for&-menot vlidl SYS e . M, e 0 ng, 'on, his m�htilly hbi isiiig hi vo�rk w6h Lyi clask - ]Old to whilst, ft.wouiol b d -little of- th
a quitfs 'easy, a sheep Of some other told. d6sk was a bundle of 60krbeted I," of, thol; high LIVE 8 CK X It i� bett,
or do a -been and on the h t. Sure, to get, -S Wff way fojrt� �of Will' Was. needed k% Be TO ley Proofs, h1i1ch should have: lightifig"I I — I iik to cold- —With r ro foolish Act Of charity th Food. the ho, se f M'S'10 igh. ov6z posted: to publisher. No, 40 fiord 3king wOt oAix Drive bag' would be, i bokk Of ivy ottage, trorLtirig vn Alt.thit he meant, 6v6r from:: a hi -helid, tdii the folly of an u'dch
belleveid those d I mud yotts 00YVt Mr, liudiomee rack, It is not,nattiral for A' horse ch.,
wag too tIi, wfiRohed, it. ' Fr6me'd a resolution that he or � Add not e inan''who call inako+' ilifen d tber,� looked on. osio made g6tsipg" w 0 as Adamantine.' But he byed�hit 6'hAd to g rations in that w�ay.; smile does not nded -to Worry Ovbt Hd Was, Arlin, eYeg-�-�f ignored An'- aportantfactor inAde h 14r-� W& a the fad& solful 06MO later"Una lltmw" reastalue a" aturally, he cats from the gibund. his, ibability to i6a0l teklnons.' iow,�d the 6 was JAA-SMA Mi a 0"4 %us*. pr '16self to 19,6k int6? ri - allbaco. for the strange v 0 Ably failing in trying' to!"Jabe! it the wbrff%,b,fi A lot, of, Aust rattles, down hy 616 "I'liat h A to ad&qjues� ity f that pure- While flower: LoVo, till to AWI%d M6thod gold" a Wien, out everything off
Ova tide of his Work, Ano6or g1l W, tioned, his ;�As tin inIiixlt The axe .of comrAbn senad- MAY I SCOTT A Down Iiwhoi d. is, l4rgely t�o.mri,6
with the exot'Ption, �01' .r. Ott ill
krid*. 6,w, tboso cut th6r olo'ek and lie* kitked off his whom ,his �i'AJ be, laid to the toot otthe,troo;mAy' $1, Will 6e, lik t b Adtbly towdai colloeip�84 �nd 64 VA en atid horned On there. it! t "drils, nble s, blU6 oy0i of It e, Aplw �s 0 'fa II