HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 6feu realize: that total asses.
er ' thirty million dollars are
to the custody ` o the:
amilton,you will recti
nine ifs. position in t h nbl;c
confidence: a q
�,3 art
ou know ,that :this :vast .sum
ed ,from, a small',, beginning,
tin will recognize ' that; back.:.' €i
Lltad, co ,s aoelnent
as. hien_ gradually
over r thirty . years
t,, tl;ere mllnr..
to 9cornrnand, '
chin a
_ eater proportion of this money:
far -
r, system tic savings' of the far
understand: why this advertise- .,.
dour S;3.vings Account , and cont
feu �13ai ��f o iHami1ton silauld be
rus l lth yt
at -111102.m
... .�.!�,...',.�-tit,.:...... ..
ay renders. the. Bank of Hamilton
nd ` stability -rather ' than
t. e , :Lust -any Ox tneir,
tilts cltazacterlstie the absence of•
in, the opening, of Savings, peccants,
v thdrawal• ,of money, makes tram
�eciaily pleasant to . the majority
es ancl s+
.:(;arrow, 14.14.B..
w';on Friday and.
cera:' every, first .Monday of
moria,: Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting
en intiliall
fit'`' CRD
R. GitAaiOs; iR S:'"
J I$ AGxtaiv IIN.-Sr,,C.
I1. R':'Mc1g4O, SH,. Treasurer,-
A.; -M.,' G.'R C.,
eta every'_,Thursday
Plight on or before the 'i�"
t moonin the Masonic
X11, Hvveteek 'Street;
,l nclenoar. ,•
8; 1a. MweLEon, A. B. MAcl.k%o .
„'. W.M. Secy.
our Savings
�cKNO a
11 Otitarlo "wl1ieli
roLntbe stand i,nt
dt elleL$d9;miahti
will ,bQgi.ven wth at
illusraiing tri3: weed'
in_their zataral color
ortWindelday an
live• stock will eommei
on Tuesday • and will 1
. fiinsbed..
Roiind trip -
fxnelph ftom'1 aceznba
bar •lOih bOad to rettir .3-
,. ger 15th Co npiete,-
be `praeu eel .'3 „by '.app
Secretaryt A ' ?e
7n..,ntB'uildings, 'heron,
f yid '.spa,
A Bylaw to raise the
'for building certtiin,
„,, _ 'ampr.• yem, n s
WHET l iS it is necesSa
that Certain, b._,Jl = s o.e
•certain of the -public, Str
saki Village of.:I,uckii
jurisdiction of the C i a'e
4?7k .,L,titlt �Ul4,tt
.lrsmpbell St: i. in .said
bridge on Gough Street,
era in}provelneuts on:1 -
also tregnired: s� 1'
And whereas it will bF.
the purposes aforesaid too
loan tlia Sulu -of $2,500.Od •
eurity of debentures oA
Corpore iv 1 .o the Viii
ANra Wn.ereas the anio
of the ra eabbe: property'
icipality -according 'to ::t
ani•equali e,d assessm.eiit
of x$330 308.00
AND Whereas the amoe�
isting :debenture debt of
1pal:t. is- th 3,...t
•Dart .of which>is, in arrea
AND Whereas the total
debt intended to be creat
for the purposes' aforesai
AA�500.n Whereasthe total 'a
:ta,ba raised iannuallyby.
on .the taxable; property„
Municipality for paying
"and interest, :are the seve
inafter specified and dire
annually during the 'jell
years .next after the passim
f r t e r payment =of ''tb.e t.
interest which amounts, R
ated interest. ori the inves
will be sufficient to clinch'
when. clue.
-. BTj,_'It _Therefoire;Bnactei
by enacted by' the Munich
the said the 'Village, of I4
1.=That, it shall;be lawfi
and Treasurer for: tlie'tim�
'said Village to bor ow,fro:
or -persons or,Corporatio
the same, the said sum,
and. rive hundred Doll
.the-purposeof paying f
of said bridges ,and for ;
provemen,'ts, and to :as
debentures of the said
Village tai-_LucknoW'_of
than Oil hui Bred` dol
with -co 7ons•altached
of interest, 'which -sa*
couponsishall`be sign
Treasurer of said Vill
the Corporate seal, a
pay the/of
so loane
,agencylof the Bauk o
now,;to-the . special
of i ucknow and the;.,
able cut only;upon
Reeve aic Treasure
elusively applied•by.;
2:-Ai{d `for the r
of $2, 500.00 and in
rate of five: tier cent p ar a •
shall be assessed and levies ov,
above;all::other rates a.ud ta`ses ugor,fhe-
whole taxable property within tliei said
Munici alit -. *lurif each an' eve r_year_
P 5 g. r}
for; the said period of twenty yearsi-next -
4fter the passing of this bylaw the •sum;
of Two hundred and eighteen dollars
and 2 cents ($218:02)' for the purpose of
repaying the said principal sum of
$2,00700 and ifferest' 'Hereon .at the
rate aforesaid, • of, which i a
uiount the•siim
_ of $93.02 shall" be' deposited annually in
the Savings Brancli'of the Bank of Ham '
Main iu Lucknow atinterest' during' said
•terin of twenty years, and the 'balance
shall be=.payable. asanterest ..annual on.
said debentures:
3. This' Bylaw
.shall cove into full
force and effect immediately upon the:
glassing thereof. _
4, -The votes of •the electors of the said
Municipality' entitled to " vote for or
;•against this :bylaw, shall be taken on"
Friday; the 26th day of 'November,• A.D.
1908, commencing at t'he'hour- of nine
of the'clock in the forenoon and closing .
at, the •Hour of five of the '..clock' . in the
afternoon•and Stich poll shall be taken'I
in.the,various polling places „hereinafter •
set out namely: , , •
For the North Polling subdivision at
Robert.Grafiiii's vacant store, •Canipbell
St. Earverf I,tntlsa}; : D eputy, Return
ins Officer; '
.'For the South Polling- subdivision ,at
the. Council Chamber, in the 'Town, Hall
Joseph' 4; .Agnew, Deputy Returning
1 t
t it to hear the practical addresses on'subieets
l<l 11LM�nt� relating to them: The exhibit of pail
ry is second tonone on the continent,.
and this part alone` of the: exhibition
wilt well repay a visit..o, Lectures are
arrangecl',to'make a_special.feature of
the cause prevention an treatment of
sheep,taking up not only their treat
ment,but also.preventive measures and
so as to assist' in a better understand
ing of. -tire disease,thecauses- Incise like
ly to produce the disease will be expl-
ained. The speakers will be veterina-
rians oft prominene�.,e, and other"well
known • men who have had, practical,
experience in raising • the different ki-
nds of live:stoilk.
The'lectures in the poultry_ depart
ment include an address illustrated
with stereoviews, and a demon-
stration showing proper trussing. In
the Seed` Department, special attent-
ion is being given to Alfalfa stowing
Surssmu roti .$-1.00 per annum pay-
able. -in advanced.
.; $1,50 at,en.of.year.._
All U.S. subscriptions $1,50 per annum
strictly in advance. ..,
'CcntnniNICaTIONS ---Letters- 'dealing
with live topics of the day are solicited,
but the. names of the contributors must
in every case accompany the-communica-.
tion. If;desired, the: writer's name will
not be pubished.'
The Ontario Provincial Winter Fairr
• ...
takes place at Guelph December 7th to
1 lth. It will be to the advantage of
those interested in'agriculture tco attnd
the show,see the.best types of best cat-
tle,dairy,'-cattle,sheep' and swine and
common ailments of. Horses c att1e an
. - LUCXkroar LODGE
'No, 112,' meets ev-
*.ry Friday evening
;at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell St.
A11 brethren cordially invited.
:t W. J DZAcGxu GoR, N. G.
D. Ile z x oJGH, Fin -Sec.
R. V.' MCKititzlzf, R. S.
A. Ross, Treasurer.'
Luctratoly LonGi ,
Independent, Order
;of Foresters, meets in
Gthe,Oddteltows'. Hall
';.on tlieNl*st Tuesday
?of each month at 7.30.
o'clock. Visiting bre
thren- are cordially
;invited to attend.
F. MCDoNALD, C.R. T' S„. Ream, F Seca
J(AWRZxea Rec.8ec.
Money to loan on notes, single or don-
hie, at from one month.to twelve months,
'and on 'firat raid -second mortgages on
4611 estate and first mortgages on' li -e
stock, at reasoutble rates tiler*
G. A. HEW'* OH, I.:'O. a.
®ItieeAllin Mogi, latekrroiii
All . fmodern methods Used. • 'Best
Cro n and bridge
�oiaterial tart�i�heth . w n ,g
erork. Pi* ' extracting by the use of
e . Isteat, ',sitf pleat and 'safest remedy,
Almon s. 'Newest thing in artificial
teeth.' Alnmininm plates noii.'breakable y
Alide `every Thursday, .
THE COST. of -•a single day's ---
baking -- the material, fuel,
time and labor—and consider'
that it is all wasted cif the
baking is'.a failure
Iss it ecOXloniy, then, to'ute a.
flour: of uncertain quality when
a few cents more :willl by.
—a 'flour that y ,- oet can dePend
1"1 1�t1.=-
e 1' -lit e s
=u_on��a-o-•-rod3tC 1.
•p p � ,.. ,p
vholesorne'bread "or pastry?.
It is made from selected hand,
Wheat, milled by a most modern
rocess which ttaraiitees absolute,
p g .
House .. „ r' "does* . ,
Royal,. hold Flwit
riot. varya
•iri ualit' does not
dl'sa oil t
• ° .
_. ..., uc.w, ,'.anCr at* t'FL-
same. time 'ii keeping_ wrt:h.
,.._....: _: ee
:orrect ideas --we have . ; learn:
- - -. l ::.W s 'of our.
ed.- wet the• need
customers and 'this season's
fr in�-thn�-•draavQa
g'a e s �uit�ble...,:far-•u�,et- ;; • �r ase €� a
roomto thebarhtoom and' ::from 5cAerroll
No trouble to sh w them:
5.-,--the,•Clerk of said Corporation shall
attend at the Town Ilan, in the said,
Village of Luckaow, on Saturday, the
21st day of. No"vettiler,, ,1408, .at eleve1
o'clock in the forenoon, to sum up the
number' of votes given for . or. against
`this bylaw and the, Reeve will attend at
the said Town. Hall on Wednesday, the.
18th day, of November, 1903, at the hour,
of•eleven o'clockn' the fo¢enoon for the.
• appointment of persons to attend at the
-various polling' places and at the final,.
sari%ming up, of :the votes by the said'
Clerleonn .bettal f •of -persons -interested -in
.promoting, or,,, op osingthis bylaw re
spectiVely. .,.i:•:
Provisionally passed this 24th day of
October, A:D 1968.
(St,) J G. Anderson, Reeve,.
• (S(l.). J h)Agnew, Clerk.
• T itit NOTICE that the 'foregoing is a
of a ro 'osed bylaw which has
true�op� p p }
been taken into•erinsideration and which
• will be , finally passed• by the Cetti'tcil an
the-evetlt of the .assent of ' the electors
''being ol"itained thereto after one .'month
' from the fi'rstpublication thereof 'in'the
I,uckno-w Sentinel newspaper, which said
first publication took plate , on the, 24th
day of October, 1908 and, at 'the hour,;
clay and places therein fi:ecl for taking
the Votes of the ele t ts, . the 'polls 011'
• bei .held: • .
(StL) , . ,AGN1 W,
K.:4 ,'Village Clerk
ilvie Hipp Mills co, ,.'u ignited, Montreal
f.73e6 this 'BEAVER..G- NG' 3be�fvre. baying.' - The
@st ru1ino Iow 111 C�,t)• 111. Vana.ld. 'F
We are' also prepared to supply you with the tno=t
up-to-date Single. Yarrow Walking, 2 horse twins,
3 hor.se.tvvit's and.ull l�ill� Noughermanufactu..et
631 the -following firms
TH CO CRS IItJ: rT . '%OXJG If CO, -
S T R,'o Ivt'It . BROS., `TEES,WATEl:t;
"1' & W:Oo 'CO
gad►d stock of -Plow . Ripair3 always han
• ,V •