HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 4v' em you realize that _total assets over thirty million dollars arc eu rusted to the custody ` `of . the ask of ilamilton, you will reedg= nine its positing in the ..public A Y. -confidence his "vast -sum has "been gradually v.,.yo�a know_ thatt g y.,. hexed flciln .a small' beginning'.` over thirty years:, A r back of it, _the -re i11tiS ,: +a€ola will ,-ect) 31ize t.hxat,r.. _ sound,conservative ''management, to: command nfldetice. know..that the greater proportion ' of . this money small,, regular, systematic savings of'.'the, far ns -=you irr ll tincierstand ' why ..this advertise sclicitlig your Savings Account ; , and cora- ason ; why ; 'the Bank ("?.f ._ Hamilton ,. shculd be bank to entrust with yoa!r n'loney. f display renders' the Bank ofHamilton Co* .hose wllo dell and, stability ' rattler; ahan. iciitaj+_ •9eiG�L Lek. 61YG, ...u".�,iistli ..:cis snieaa " Ttrl tf s t,;nat' t;i`erLSL1c 1. il•,e�c[bse11L.° "- o a ity in the„ opening' of ,Savings . ALcounts, withdrawal ``of - money, makes Iran yank especially ' ,pleasant to the : majority avaro "haElz ' 'gra f rem the ataltdpoiittof boththe gru mer 'and the se SM8.4,;. ,A1. f terwn,1 ds an daea t}t"ti ami tt•Weed. wilt be givei withi' stereopticon illustrating the Weed plants and seeds in their natural colors. - I ectures-jill —commence- at 9.30 a, iiiaoat Wednesday -. :and ' Will continue Antir T Y wsday '-night. " !fudging' on live Stock.--w/"Lol"jl .11ii'S' i e at 2.. 'p, an oa Tuesday and will continue until binished. R gid trip tickets wwill be sold5to Guelph from Dece ber .5th to Decem-; beg loth good to return up to Decem ber 15th., Cohplete'piogrammea'ntay be praeu ed .: by 'application to the 4' Sec tart' A P__ . Wes er pelt, Merit 13uildiugs, Toronto. Bylaw Nq. 9.1908 ' A Bylaw to raise the sum, of $2,5QO;OO for . building. ceratin bridges °and for generaliinprovenients xn elle Village of r-- WxRr 4s it is necessary and expedient that"certP '!I I 's:;,ver streams crossing 'certaC: in et streets"of -roads-•in SaidViilage of 3.,ucyn-ow and under the yuristlit.tion of the Council of said Village sho, llbe°rebiiilt, to it; oto bridges ou Ca.inpbell St. in said Village and one. bridge on Gough, Street, andcertain:gen- eral improvements on said streets are also ;regnired And whereas it will be necessary for the purposes aforesaid to raise by way of '1oanthe sting of $2 .S00-.00. upon :the se- curity of dee ntnres of the said The' Corporait i of the Village of Lucknow. AN W.iereas theamount- of the_ whole Of the rateable property of. the said icipaiity according t`b they last -revised an equalized assessnnent roltis. the. sung of,$330,308.00 ARr'.Whereas the 'amount of the e— isting debenture debt of the said .pn14Y part o#•.which is, in arrear. —�iwn Whereas the-tbtai-axnomit orlire debt intended to be` created by this bylaw : for -the purposes• aforesaid is the 'slim of 32, 500. AND Whereas the total amount required to be. raised annually,, by special rate up- on the taxable ,property within the: said.: Miinicipai>ty, for paying --such new d 1 t 'and interest, are the, severall. sums "Here- inafter specified and directed to .belevied ann:aly . ,during the period ' of twenty years nest after the passing of,thisbylaw for the repaymeut of the; .principal and interestivhieh atuounts, with the estim-" ,yv PYF yd' •�! � 1; ,;,;i! 1t. btu e.scn adage.•' 3 +i ivriF'ar y � 41 1 ;� rOW,illarnsters,`.{ }�_ �q� i`5r .B °8arrisf er, 011,--;=.,' , in k r n' VIETIES if 0' F COVier Stn kwooD No 50, i, meets every .first :Monday -of mantis in Oddfellows' Hall. Visiting etbren, we t ordially` avited.: PrD' SPiii1C8C. R. J. E. AGNnw Pity -Sic.` J s D.. R. MCTt'NTo3S,.:Treasurer. t. O Noor Loiter A M. G.RC., -. eets >'every „Thursday; e. €eht. on or before the ± o n'lii the Maxon- iU. Havelock Street, fis=know. 8. R. M*CLBoiD, Aa. B. Maci.Ilon, W.M. Secy. ell Int P10111, SHED WEE*T.N. JAMES L. NA.YI:OR, Porausun cR�raox --- yl Q0 Per annum a - able in advance ; , 51.50 at end of year. 'All iJ S Subscriptions 51.50 per annum strictly in advance. CCMMBNICA'CIONS --= Letters "dealing lied with live topics of the day, are solicited, but the names of the egntributors must in every case accompany the .communica tion. If -desired, the 'writer`s nano ;will' -not =be pubished. ---' - - ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1908 winter :Fair .. __.- `he-Oritario'Provineial Wihter-Fair `takes place at Guelph •December 7•th to l,fth. It ;will bee the. advantage 'of those interested in agriculture to' attnd -the 'iliow,see the best types of .best .eat-', tle,dairy.___oattlesheei . _a d, swine,and 1� Phone No. and :see` our grand display of D,ittner. Sets, Toilet Sets, China and. Glassware, going :` at:: reduced prices while they last. We Must make room for nevi goods, All 'kinds: of Fruits; always : all Stock. Special Valuev25c'.Te8a�: ft hest -price for produce. ated interest on the investment, thereof, will':be sufficient to;; discharge said .debt ": wlten due:: ... Bi It Therefore Enacted and a t.ishere- :by:enacted-by the -Municipal • Council of, the'said'the Village. of I,uckitow:- ` 1:—That t'shallb'e lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer for.the time' being of the said Village to borrow froint any 'person of :persons ,or- Corporation willing -to lend the same,:; the said sum of,: Two -Thous- and. Pive.Hundred Dollars (52504) • for the purpose of Raying for. the building: of said bridges' and for said general provements, and ''to Tissue therefor, -,tale;' debentures of-the-'said-2erpbration eklie:' Village -of'f:Lncknow of `sums of not "less' than Onelnundred dollars, (1COE) _each with coupons'attached for the payment' Ofinterest, which said' debentures and.. coupons shall be signed by the Reeve and :; Treasurer of said.Village and sealed with the. Corporate seal,, and the lender shall' pay' the. -sum so loaned into they branch or agency_of the.Bank of Haaiuilton, at Luck now, to. the special. credit. of said Village of Iuclnow and the same -';shall" be:.pay-i, • able cut. only. upon. the_ joint check of the Reeve.and-.Ireasurer_,_,sud shall be.-,,„.Hex,,.'t -chisiv:elyappiiedby jithennforthe...putpoaes.• aforesaid.: • for t, And. the re a�nniett of saidaum 2p-. of; 52, •500;00 aiid interest thereon: at the r.: annu rate of five per cent'p . m,.there shall be assessed and levied over•_:and. e a11: other.rates,and 'taxes upone ..abov •. whole taxable pro erty Within . the said j) Niunicipahty 'luring each and -'every-year.: for the said period'of twenty years,,,,:- next .after the passing, of this' bylaw,: .the dr of Two .huned and °, eighteen .the and 2 cents_($218.02)' for'the_;purpose_of.. repaying: ", `tile said' Principal',.' sum . of - 2;500:00 --and --interest=- thereon, at the. i anount-the sum ;rate aforesa d, of which of $93.02': shall be deposited aiinually;iii the Savings Branch of the'Bank'of Ilam= titan in Lucknow at interest during said term of twenty years, and• the balance shall be payable, as interest annually on said debentures: • 3.—This Bylaw shall:. come into, full'' force `and effect •iminediately -upon the - passing thereof.' 4 The votes of the electors ciffthesaid Municipality enti led: to vote for or. against this bylaw, shall be taken on' Friday, the .20th day of Nove her, A.D. 1908; commencing. at the hour of nine of:'the clock in the forenoon and "closing .;;at,the hour.of five of. the •clock in the afternoon and such poll; shall be taken in the various polling places 'hereinafter set out namely: ' • • . ' For. the North Polling subdivision' at Robert Grahm's vacant store, Campbell St. Harvey. J.Lindsay� Deputy Returns- ing Officer. . 'Por the South Polling subdivision at the -tout -1,61 Chamber, in the Town Hall'. Joseph- .E Agnew,..Deputy Returning Officer. ' : • 5,—'rhe: Clerk of said::Corporation shall • attend ,at the 'Town `,all ' in the said. Village of Luekriow on Saturday,• the, 21st day of Noveinber,,.1908, :at eleven 'o'clock' in the forenoon to shit: lip, the :number of vote's ' giveri - for , or . against ,this bylaw and -the Reeve will attend at' • the said 'Town Ilan on 'Wednesday, the - 18th day of November, 190 , at the hour of eleven o'clock iii tlie'fo euoo n for, the - -appointment of persons to attend , at the various polling places and at, the final 'stunning tip , of the votes , by' the said .• Clerk• .on behalf of ' persons iiitereted p g app e- s rest tel, or • o" osni this `'b' law re pp > ! y Provisionally pa§sed this . 24th day O:ctober,, A D: 1908. (Sd) J; G. Andersons, Reexre (Sol) J. A. Agiieivl .Ci`lerk (Seal) ' TAKu•Nleric -that, the,:foiregenig is a true copy of a pr �pesed bylaw Windt has been taken into consideration. anti which will be finally passed by the 'CSttt�t,idl in' the event of the assent of the ` electors being obtained, thereto after brie month froin the first•pnblitatibii thereofits the Lucknow, Sentinel newspapeiii Which said. • first publication teok' place bii tli 9tli • day' tit October,.1908 and,' at the iota•, 'day.and places. therein . fi'^eel for taking the yotes ofthe-. l to rs; the, •polls' wil1 h be`ldr ' (Sd) 1..°' AQI'ZE , VillageC. hear the practical addresses on subjects relating to them The exhibit of poul- try is second to hone'on the ,continent, and -this parralhne- of the .- exhibition will well repay a visit. , Lectures are arranged -to :make; a- special feature of -lite cause,preveii tion 'and -treatment of common ailments of`"horses,eattle, and- sheep,taking :tip not only treat- ment,bnt alsopreventive measures and so as to assist in- a better understand--' ing of the clirease,the causes moat like- ly- to produce fire isease will be expl-• 'ain-ed. ` The speakers will-be-veterina' Hans of prominence, and other well known men who have hadpractical experience in' raising. the different Id- -rids rids tlf`-live 'stock. ultr -depart- ment �-,-Th ~leetureszn $lie- o y e p . include. an -'address : illustiated, with stereopticon.,views, and deinbn- stration showing proper •trussing In the Seed Department, special attent ion is being given to Alfalfa growing IMCZNOW Londa No. 112, meed ev- ;eYy Friday evening ,� - at B oiciocic ist their, hall, Campbell St. :All brethren cordially invited. -i' . W. J.- IACGa»OR, N. G.` ` D. Ms.v.iouon, Pin -Sec. R. V: MclCurs IB, R. S. A. Ross, Treasurer. I.11CZIOW LODGE,. Indeper dent Order -of• Foresters meets in ithe Oddfellowa` Hall on the lest Tuesday ;of each month at 7.30 o'clock. Visiting brei three- 'ere cOrdially' invited to attend. • F.' McDows.uo, C.R. T. S. Rum, P.Sec. T' Ti: LawsAkcn, Rec. Sec. f' ( 16. A..$IDD , • -MON)i LOANER, 'REAL; ESTATE i AND COAL DEALER. Mon to loan on notes, single of Yon tile. pt' .' one monthto twelve months, ',and o first and second mortgages on 'rest and: first mortgages on live 'stock at reasonable sates.' : G. A. NEWTON, 'L. D'r• A DENTIST, ':'.. OffictaAlY'sss ;Block Lucknovr. . 11.11 ,suodein methods used: Best materfal fptnished. Crown. and bridge work. ' Painless extracting by the use of ;latest, ,eiiiiplest and safest remedy, a9mni. Newest thing in artificial teeth. Aluminium plates non -breakable. I , g Ri il every'Thirsday. ID'. -YOU E -VER FI URE THE COST of a single:, day's baking -- the,material, fuel,_ time andabor-and consider that it ; is •all• Wasted if the baking is a failure I .4 s it economy, then, . to use -a flour' of uncertain quality when a few .cents ,more will buy • 4i dour: that ata:. can' de en d y p :..• 'P..ti. P on .• to produce li ght,,'cOsP and . , 'Wholesome 'bread or 'pastry- :`:d'hard. It is. made' from ;set,e etc ,wheat, °milled by s 'most modern '� rocess.which uarari>tees'absoltlte, P g .. purity: Royal Ilousellold•. Elotlr, does' not vary. +q y abes inualit - - ;- cl es' not. dis Opllvie l laur I Is,to., Undtta , L ntreld rnituro tmpOnvffi E -PLACE TO PURCHASE A i OR_ .:..FARLUR _.STTANDS,�_vw_ ROeKERS. }. PARLOR LADIES' WRITING 'DESKS. E :`PENSION TABLES AND SIDEBOARDS. BEDROOM -FURNITURE. HALL Il1�CIS IVIIIIRORS AN COUCHES. flail and 'see our sham olderq for hint all ood: Beds "CT1oTDmP.532•" C 'Uudertaking r?ceiVOs our, best care and Picture Framing A Specialty. attention. .....r,,. ,r .+•••1 ence's We do • not think there has, been a season within our re collection when Wall' Papers were produced in -artistic- "de signs quite equal to the new Ina .ners offereri this fall. • '_... It has been our aim in–pasl seasons to stofck paers' that 1:: , are really new, ra;nl. et the same`'` time inkeeping with . g zoorect, ideas ---w e- have lean, - ~ed -well- -the,-±needs: -of._-,otar, customers—and . `this season's `ce doll; to the rule. - selections have been no ek __p :;�,:: • . • r ur ase . �.fronl_the dxawL _ -:P-alier�,�suttable for..�<e Cper' l - fromroll up. r ` tob throom ' and ro 5 oom the a • No trouble -to show thele; PENCE See this :BEEIVVE11 GANGLbefore bi> ing Y, best riding...0o* imide in, liana:la. We are alai). prepared to supply you with the mo °t up-to-date -Sin le Furrow Vora:ll:icid, 2K horse gins, 3 horse twit's and Sulky Bid Poughs, nun ULs ttte by thefollowing' 'l�119 : THE' WILKINSON. . , PLOUGH CO... TH. r Ci'n'v1.sHU;r$OS.,. TE ES'W A"CET PLOUGH CO. S ,f fl M E I3l� . R THE HOS T & wUrcoI CO.: : good,,stock of • Plow Repairs always Olt hand, 5