HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 3fl*ARIf,E art ecor.Being. aliwavo Thi .Made:t rear ) AedeePateh from 'Winnipeg.- 'n'y's lIttlier tlian 1owr Taking the ay- . -Up to, date t.,hei.."e'hti.e..pes,eriel- erg e of wheat 'paated inspeetecier efien at $ e»te t 010..faroa.Or•'...thexe'ickoO: fels o nihmit ot..theerop of 1903, or. been .;:."paid to thOta -on-Vie wheat neerly 2,020,06 Thualiels .x.pore ;than crop of I$O", $374,0,0,00g. It is in' '.h.e"d•:•been iospeeted, up to. the end 'teeesting to note thetrecord of -the •'et. leneeMberleet'yeale -,Puttiiigthe.7*:arione reads---in-the-moveiainak-of exportable surpluse ef 'Crop at.,80,7- thecrop e the 4141.73 cars :inspe4- ,bnaliela, more than haif o! ted tho 0 P Raharidled 27,845, the `that surplus has niready becn.41147: 0 N hte 12,821eeed the neteG.",•T: ' erieeted; end.-.befeereeievigation'oa:P.:: Medi) 'the'spleadid ''.reecordi-abw1;; a on thea. 5th. ofe,Teieenibee ,.ehe, - and geee3.-. eve,nt,„' over. - the. .'Geerit • mount.wifl have. run over -Noithern'tei 4)00 hirthellee. In , Spite' the.: kielte'r The Osinatiian:::•Paieifie. hOlda. the that continue o come fiom the•palna:for the largest nui.Uher, Of. Cere ..-rerienterne'te.Oeri,eheetege,..-the,-WeSk niovor ou Sneli long hank • has alreedrregot out More- 'Wheat, teri'od ,:of two Oed- a half entionthee coneiderieg the distance it has :.tct eieid eeidenee of the.: advantage ' of ,ereVelleethea,:opyr,emintry has ever. oolibletraiiking is fairly• t rus, p..te:tlieeenel',Of. 'September .)the -Feerege.'peieleetet.,the•-..-fax-Mer.'hiia 'enn jastabout"83--elentS per bushel for grads. The raVeregeehas not been made up sinee that tam but italiaseeeetainlY:eheen•ebiglior, • , • THE GLOBE. TnADE CENTRES. elegraphie Briefs From Oar owe PCicee ef Cattle, Grain; Chee•• and and Other -otnitelies •Other" Dairy Trod ubeeat - Relioiet, Events. Moine and Abroad. CANADA.. , BREADSTUFFS. The situation in India, has not Europeans the carriage et the A despatch from Calcutta Elva: Agurpara. There were three other • shown- such a menace of serious Op- same time-, None Was injured Last Gaanhling saidtro- he 'Oiliest 14, vsferolito, Dec. 1.--tantario Wheat risings as it does to day for Mane -Monday -nighf DistriEf• SelPte;'ef Mania at WinniPeg. - Noa white or red, oliteidei' 93e years plst. .Attacks and attemPts lice Clough was murdcred bY P? The tax -rate for Niagara Falls to,9-=c-4 ; No. 2,mieed, 93e to 93:40. ' on the lives of Englishmen, officials tive at LeallPur. The native wiU be 21 or 22 nulis MenitOba Wheat -Noel -northern, and civilians are of almost daily oe- Preached, the suPoiintendent -111Ei% Jitilei It. 'McNeil of Ottawa $1.07% to $1.08; Nog northern, currence. Lord Minto the Vice- he was •:-sleeii and et epee &ea bas left $20,996 to charities in that $1.04% to $1.05 ,lake portsroy of India, returned here on Wed- head with a spade.' citY• - • Oats --Ontario No. 2 white, 390 _nesday from the north, cutting the, native, named , -ChownhaeYt , Immigratioe to Canada from to 40Ne outside; No. 2 mixed, 37e shert,„Ws excursion in this territm.y wbe orA Nov he (Made an elei April, to Oct -oboe ,deereesed 48 per to 38e, outside 433e otraok, lake for the purpose of cm onsideiing-ee-. tempthereapontlielife of Sir Are- ... cent,. ' • Ports; extra Islw No 1 feed, -413/2e ; eke sures to cope withthe ea,eeee dis- drew Henderson 'Fraserr, the Lieut.-, The smelter at Chippewa is work- 'feed," 41c, on track, lake portsaffection, which the authorities hal-e Governor of Bengal, on Wedieesdey ing day and night on Cobalt Orea, Aarley-:-No. 2, 55%c to 56c; Nobeen forced to r000gnize as alarm- pleaded guilty and was sentencedCapt Maitland was kiUei at 3 .extra, Mc to c; No. 53c to ingly on the increase ,- to imprisonment for ife. ,Xiegsten frmallia 4esa°1' ' Wednesday ht a Bengali The 'Pollee are taking remark - on ThersdaYe .7434e to -75c, Toronto - made - an-unsuecessful attempt to able precautionstos eg era Lord _The St: Cathailniee: gea-r-dr Ofefieights, for No. 2 or 3 yellow, new kill Public Prosecutor Hume, with Minto, and this is regarded as me Trade ,is ifritatingto atop the .e'zt- -710-4043%e; Toronte hemlein'-o-iaileoad-eaeriage•i,near esigniflea, nt. - the 'race- e-eivele7 de Petteee "era freights , e ere, _ The record of the G. T. P. for & The..O. P. R. isireparing to erect Ayeaneo. 2, :75c to 76c, outside. , • ttenvt 011 tile Lives o n /8 Me, OS of Oeourrence • new road is magnilleerk for it a mammoth 'coal andling Plant at Peas --No -• 2, 85c to 86e- outside. be remembered, that not a car mo Fort Buckwheat_No. 2, 55c to 56o, oat - ed on that road in September- The Hindus at Vancouver have enter- side. recoid of nearly a thousand cats ed a strong protest against being Flour -Manitoba, first patents, Eo r October and November alone' sent to Eritish*Hondinrasne.so; seconds, $5-30; strong ha, - - For the nine irontheending Sep - rot Parker, • anitoba Universi urse-T u, na a tem,ber 30,Outario's mines produc- ed mineral worth $12,205,7-95: Alberta is to bullet her' own rail- ways, and Premier Rutherford will pre&de-over the neW •department. A four-year-old bey named An- derson fell and struck his head on a table at Calgary, and was/atally -injured. •- A despatch from Winnipeg says: been suggested. I tried it for s "That oil, poured on a living fire, I eine ,gravity, for flash point, - and -would be more dangerous than dy- 1 distilledit fraetl'aita'llY- „ •• that it contained a heavy ,percent- nemite ornetro-glycerme.,used age of naphtha, of ;low grade per_ _ baes.__Gasohne would_diatill off be - Such was the startling statement low 90 degrees or even 70 degrees. .Professor Parker et Manitoba and only. 2 or 3 per cent.. of this oil University,' on Thursday, on the distilled off below 90 degrees. The completion of tests of samples of portion ,of 47 per centdistilled at oil obtained from the same source between 90 and 130 -degrees. There - as that which resulted in fifteen fore I think it contained, not gaso- -deaths within 'a fortnight in the line, but naphtha. The flash point 'Province. was below what my rnachine will "Thiol,” said Prefesser_Parle. register. Investiga.tiofi shows that exteaordinary in some re- the company Charged, with who1e- PIPeCt3; I do not think that it as saleing this oil has been importing - adulterated -withegasolinee as has oeplitha largely." • W.1I. MORTON STABBED. was $51,083. The net profit for the eight years was $9,977. italitu Lah,:teer".114...0..be-ralfe.."1.1140 ' • elliatereirst. • A despatch feOM Niagara tails• : te teye: • Following a dispute .over, 'wages, Jae -Freed, On-eltaali,areela- • -beret., coinmitted . a murderous as:- • -Fault on W. H. Morton at 'Stain- • crifel--6-16--11hurSda,y afteineotto Mor" --ton is foremen of 'a gang of labor= :ers who week on the' reads,ie Stam- ford townshin,- and was paying the' ------reeneeffen-thacenchnionet thejehe • Fiead demanded • Mere than he •';'," teen aeleneertipoie,eenti Merton- I- -efused-to-paY--binaeo---Ereitelawalke away, but in a 'few: minutes.: mine -back, and; without ' warning,. stil- led Morton twice in the hreas near :the heart with a dirk knife,' d ran a Practically definite eonclusion off into the Woods. The •po tee, af- may be based, by e en of Febru- ,, ter-aalong eheeee_captered hi/fa ary, for presentation to ParliaMent. • -Morton is in a very critical eendi, - . t4en-, --;-.1slitAumox NEARrBROCRVILLE • . ive . , pkildren stricken ,Thought • • • -A-despateh-Brockville-Brockville sayse- .Plant ShOWs a Profit.- inethe village Of Lyn, mules . • A despatch from Brockyille' says: fiore 33rockville, five cases of small - The report on the operation ofthe -,Pox were diagetIsed on Wednesday • BreOtville ieunicifial-aemed light Brockeille'a Medical. Health Tee. • andepower plant to the past ycar, ficer. The: patient..:-. 'Were -Children eimade ,pebbie -on ThursdaY, shows a in four different .'-houses, sonde' of - net profit of $1;525. Besides' the whoni. had almost recovered, while Working expenses, which amounted ethers were in the worst stages It to $32,267, .there waa paid Out; of was generally, believed e that the the revenue, interest to the, sem of children were suffering from chick - $5,056 and the debenture cleht re- en-pok, therefore no precautionary duced $7,014. The total reideme•aileasnies were taken. 'HUDSON'S BAY R.A.ILWAL Rapid Progress is Being Made iVith the Survey. ' • A despatch from Ottawa says:. Reports received, by the _Railway Department are that rapid progress it-• being. Made with the survey of the propodecl route of the Hudson Bay Railway. There are at present four -parties in the field, consisting •Illadame St. Andre wasesentence 1 Northern, $1.0734to $1.07%; No. 2 Northern, $1.0534 to $1.0534; NO. 4 Northern, $1.01% to $1.04. Bran 7418-25 to $18.50. 'Moue patents, -$5.40 to $5_65; second pa- eprastent8s5,.1f0or; eOxliptcatrrti,o $‘73.i7nOtetrO wheat '$1.°470tos, to. $430; second efil-erasrs'eo 1;a37'76 eutsicle. •to $3.30. • tonineillfebeadis-Boruatnsidgee.oshtoorthee:22eetor Buffalo, Dec. 1. -Wheat, --Spring $23,bags, ,outside. Steady'; No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, $1.09%, ; Winter,- higher; No. I le - red, $1.0834; No. 3 extra red, • pies_ nter, 3.-tobar- _•. • 2 mixed $1.07. Corn -Easier; No. COUNTRY PRODUCE.. $1.07%; No. 2 white„ $1.04-; No. 3 yellow 67e • No. 4 yellow, 661/...c, - rel for oriel smajitiese_an. .79 RESULTED. FATALLY,: 241 Emploees Victims. Of ,Aecide • „ • • atoms dietalty,----- despatoh from, Oft,awa• seys._ Industrial accidents occurring ; 241 individual work people in nada during the month of OctoWer, 1908 were reported to the Deparee anent of Labor. Of these, -79 wlitrut: fatal and 162 resulted in seri() cidinjuries:entsw a did.eiptioornt; dt-"asfatal v-p".. taken place prior to -the elregnim'ag the monthnferesat4n-lito$2- 50. -11.1; ki''$-;1:"7-007o1Plelt$1.8.5, and ---1114:11•7white 6716:-1Thiato r• Ylr-Nr-i-2 cir-.2e2 inmegntlbelnorr:caOriv-et7h-ebrY,190he-i.dePjail for attempting to poisou lre"-- horie of a saloon -keeper. haecl-pielied,- $1.90 to $1.95 per Canada. has been divided into in- bushel. spection districts by the Railway Honey -Combs, $2 to $2.75 per Cornmiselon and the work ap70r- doze, and strained 10 to Ile per taoned among a staff.pound. .Ifangston Board of 'Edveati.on has _,...rfa.YeneNloce_l_tireo_thYmetteterl-at-$11- Loon ordered by Chancellor Boydto , admit children who are not vaecin- No. 2 at $7 to $8. . ated to the schools. Straw -$6.50 to 41,8 tenat-famc• . A number of vessel -owners have Potatoes: -Delawares, 75 to 80c raised the rate for •'carrying. -grain -per bag on track: the -lakes from the head of to Geor- gian Bay ports from -two to three cents a bushel. • Four thousand men and -large nantitieseerfema.teriere fee--thle-Niee tionarTraeir,contineettal vitt be,fient in over the new Lake Superior kranch Ironireit--Williame- -- • A bull driven by -Th Plaa.tit, at Midale, Sask., suddenly ,attacked bine The animal bad him don• and was attempting to gore him, when a cellie dog attacked the -hi -ill ann Kept at it untie kr. Flaata was able td -make his escape. I/ Judge -2tIonet_bas ..gramt-ect-the plication for a change yenee, and Hon..P. H. Roy will he tried •a.t T to $11.50 a to on track here and Poultry, -=Chickens, dressed, 9 to. 10c per pound; fowl, 7 to 8c; ducks, 9 to 10e; geese,j8 to 9c per -pound; turkeys, 12. to 4234cper pound. • -THE DAIRY Butter -Pound 'pricit.s,_-24..to-26e • tubs, 23 to 24e; inferior; 20 te.9.1c. Creamery ',rolls,. 2734 t� -28e,- ' and surds 25% to 26c. track, 81e. • • MICHIGAN QUARANTIN.,2ED.' Canada Takes Further Action • Cattle -Disease. ere-- --- fr-sent,',...., namely,' New York, A despatch from Beefolo-, N. y, ISIctlAeantledti;isoypul4::theh:c1INlit:,tr:lrga'0" jeii3)r.if7:*thset1:0:::1)1"eds1:_atileylir:st!' To ho sli) e:T:e: 0EPa .se at. 7.4 lief o Pei: , s_ec.,s' t oli 0 :Iir a' of quarantine, making ,four up to the • Steck to Slaughter. The outbreak of the foot and mouth disease in the, .Stato , of_ M.ichigan '. EAST BIJ.EFALO-YARDS.--,-- 1. , a :6s het rot aethe i n'tirt• boundary transit Canada. i s' 7,f,larsaoniituraiiteei'e:: ttriieo:,:nnop.oefnTribd,iresonw stockao decided Monday of do; .all:ehoeall' 1 c§i al le ;.. erk7•P; barred. The regulatecinsp hsasvaegepuotf nig a Ste t I tothe . Steck Association ' - of the Live eumber of fatal accidents reported • in , October, 1903, was 23 less than, in the previous month and 61 less than in October, 1907. The rium- 13er of non-fatal accidents repoited in_October, 1903,_was__eight more than in the preceding month end 144 less than in Oct,ober, ' p. no on e a with State and eral euaran,A. e •,.cEtpgesreeedoazseelowtsi_ijoL:sittoerwargrta2-3arte,to, „ii,ivn76.v.totiFrairetkstsrionar through Canada from Gifi6ers on wednesdeee cattleiand the United States,but'Slieep_for Slaughter only will he - Cheese -Large cheese, eavee per .Lfirra-trd Shtc'ea°1i4-76httaCtolbensalit-Ve4hta°;h:ellebielpede'rLiitrihnie a°i1P11-1!"wiul e 1-a:16:avec-is to set-oiltimuleahltetd.Q3'tliaht-' emoted at 40. teezeceper. dozen_ ceived. No "shippers". or "feeders" var Pound, and twins, 10Xo. ' .1.3,oaed of the live stock must in _ TRoyisiolcs: Trade-eatoeanada.-s-aettenee--- fo-qted cars; eeed,mes-te7eeeaeeeelsered Montreal fini a charge ofernaking ___RerkeeShort cut, $22.50 'to $23 ,falso returns to he Government in eoimection 'with' the Si. John's in all of from -seventy to-one-hune ----Thfeese-seie!fene were tufa in a. elred_men engaged in _eurYeeY141-g -fightewith'Austeiatis-on the -frontier. ternate routes: Iteia:aritieipated of .Herzegovina. • o that the •engineers will be in a. pa- Twenty men were killed in a fight. sition to make a report, on which between Austrians and Servians on MUNICI AL 'ENTERPRISE: Ilrockeile's Light and • Power • r . , • ' • Trouble s 130,:ved. sare • despatch from London says: •Friday has been e day of uneasi- • , nose fied eieee alarm: *Various re - pelts, all Seeming to harmonize, with each ether, created a belief that the Balkan trouble had 'comes to a head, and that war was Very near, The general interpretation of the withdrawaVof Alarquis Pal- • lamina' the. Aus man A bass dor at Consinutirmipla, ni.Ln disguised ultimatum to Tarkey, Russia's une faviika.ble reply to the Austrian nete conterning a coefereitee, the ere-. kish boycott caused declines a.t the bourses of Vienria and Budapest, which were Partly checked by a. hasty official' antiounceinent deny- ing some of the rumors,especially the fight between Austrians and Serv:;a.ns. , The 'position was in no Wise bet-. tered when it was, learned that the Governinent had • Confiscated four Vienna, newspopers for ,reporting the movements of 'troOfiapartieular- ly Setalin. • ' • It is impossible to:"say how tar the Bosnian frontier. per barrel; 'mess, $19 to $19.50. • Lard -Tierces, 12%e; tubs, 12Kie; pails, ..136. Sneaked and Dry Salted Meats - 'Long clear becon; 1134c to 11%c, tons and •cares.; hants, large 123.4e t� 13e, small 14c to 1,434e; backs 17c to 17;fe; shoulders, 16;1; 1012e; • Ile,eo-13%eerbeezikfaet bacon; roc to 46c; green meats out of pickle' le lees' than smoked. ' UNITEDeSTATES. - ' _ _BUSINESS AT M_ONTRE4L-,__ to: death by a e mouse 'Which ran, diet .Weftern No. 2. white olite-are ial dip of the• H monic as ., New Jerse -garl-was-frigh d: Mo treed Dec le ram C ene _ ,_ .._. -_e_e . ee.. anae - . • -.across the floor in her home , • selling at 46Mc - N" 3 451 ' , o. , /ea: ex ra - .,- - -, h greetedly theitumelteoue. eleeeereeg , Four piniona. were drowned when No. 1 feedoats tit 45%c; .NO,- 1 feed t of fullY 10 030 people while the --whistles of the several: steaMers in' ,seeoe Hookeeneeenneieneweee ehe _451.e/ec; No: 3 44 to 44Xe; • the harbor added .their, welcome. to - the -steamer Finance --veas- sunkteff at: 45ceeChitario . Noeg white,- 45 fa- ' ' ' "-- --------b- --- --7---b7tittle-of-wine-washrokert-upon.the 2 per us e ex , s re. the new reerine. The -eitseeinary, FloutereMenitolia:Spring wheat pat- ents, first, $6; , seconds, $5:50; • Winter wheateiatentie $5: to $5.25; • straight rollers, $4.0 to $4:70 ;' do., has beenfound geliltn,of arson etnel . in tags; $2.15 -ea $2.2e; extra, $1., given an indeterminate teem in the 75. t° $1.85. reed-Onterio herin, Stote prisoei . - • $21.50 to 2$2P.. - middlings e25 to • 996, .sherte; $24:5,0 to -$gb per ton, . 3 3 ea . 'GREAT BRITAIN.. including bags, peregrain nieuille, -.-Otittieio, • . Coln bia and - British. m • - i• e le t le Mre. Genidy and .Granildaughter _grades, Sea to :. Noire Stotiti,e-oere awarded :goldme- $28 per ton. , Ceeese-- ee, • o 12ek . 'SeriOnsly 'Ilijoriia. . dais at the,,COloniall P. nit Show i and easter-us at 113/4 te 12e. Better A des:patch from Welland saYs: London. ,I. . - • - r --- -11 -27c in roind tots and 2734 to 28c Mr. Birrell has -introdueeel e bill hi tejahhing *eye Eggs -New laid,- Orl. Thursday afternoon 'Mrs. Wil-, into the British House of Cain/none 29 to 30e - selected stock 25 to 25%e ; liam :Gordy of Buffalo, "'neceinpani- NO. 1 stock, 22 to, 23c, and No. 8 nett, *six'years,old, w-nre run. down ed hy her grandadughter, Merlon tO facilitate the eaurehase, Of land for the.fielitints in Irelaed. stock, i13,4c.per &sari., .. by a Grand Trunk frieight, train . • nAnome LAUNCHED: at aWnfc.gted .•pi,riE3-• This me' ni171a, • restamptioe of the bulk of the teelr TLC FinCet Product of Canadian eards business, for transactie .4;in • • ' stock for s•leughte• r usually foinis about two-thirds of-theetlh - A---"des,pateh-.-efronGollingweod--eess-there:ee-e----. '---e.e.-erer says : ,Shortly after 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon:the ropes hold- the-sellendid-steelesteaniereRae 1LIGRA•T/O-N-PROMaERANGEene, menie Were Severeclesikeilltaneonsa 3y on0. the tremendous tonnage of Me. J. E.- CynAakes Feertle-Canae • steel 'elid gracefully down the weye • • dian Agent in That -Cellatnee--; into the 'nater and another addi-.. ,despeteh` from obttnecn. sa;i4: was onade to the fleet Of the NortherneNarigaitienVoinpane. The .%31:erar, :ghtEse. Migration agent :.fek -Qanad?fin Feance. Mie -Cyr will .Se'elt. to Piel- mote, eepecially, . the, eeelkiation.of French'agriculturists tathe'Peairia Previnces. The. intingenteien • do.,01=-'• e a _partmenteis &lee encouragingnu- ration from the •eurel" districts ot France and•Belgium'hY..a. cenapaien of edvertitifir the reiminces :at Ca- nada- through nio.ving pieture..exhi.o bitions.-..ble. °Ye's aointinentin creases' thanninher 'of Canedian ime Migrationagents in France 40 four. e K- . BACTO INDIA.- TWithuiitesdaSyta. e steamer Georgie, on Ray. Lamphere, accused-. of the murder of Mrs..Gunness, the owner of the murder farm at Laporte;.Ind., prow Of the- boat by .Mrs. H. •Gildersleeve, •wife of Ow general manager of the company, who Per- formed her task jest as the eteateer started on the way for liar first Sub- mersion. ' • • ' Ring, DOWN BT TRAIN. LEAPED INTO *C.l..N:AL. st IVE -STOCK MAI1NET. - - Both received serioet injuries. Tyi'o. • ' backing on -thee/eat the depot here. •Terento, Dee. 1.-A 'seaidtv • of 'ft.4ettrient mar takethe extre e ste „-. _ -. , dieter's are in attendiieme. lt, is • P . Brautford Man Caught by ti.ai . choice ce e. as reported.• . A.. , P mc. J . .. tti .cc: .'• he. ed the in'ueies ma. not .., Tepee elf.:deporting. them• to. Indite the ...11,,,,,,,e Toott clorees. - . • i,Ioad 'of t jam t.ne-tii.ce, :cosi aud.Lespy narrow' esea. pee he.le AO.' '10;‘N -iltogether unsuitable %for . beyee..said that_he,*as .iviiiine to , fatal. ene ero,ssing is very oariger- thridu4. e itratte o ribs , o. mit la i! ie • f I3 - - h e 1 le' • . l' rd ' . „ , n on 'A cleSPatch' front lirantford .saYs•i' . butchers° cattlee 'bet he ;e0uld' net , . , trestle bridge 'ever :the canal on sreellud $4•410 Per cwt. Straight Oteurred. s SteOrge- IStariteombee . in 'crossing th 6 flail them. , The best prices, rifled 'Thursday niiorning,, Isde . (taught he loads `of .good eeittles were told et the T: If. 4nd .D.gravel. train. 1{,t_ .$4. to $4,-25 per ewt.: The prices 'ther•then he run down lie plunged et lue"lium catt:1 variel ' trcth. $3 into ;the cane', /tom) Which 'lie -ivet ;later, rescued without injury. ' Goferuntent May Deport, Hind:1U Now in British Columhia. • A despatch from .Ottawa says: • As there de S nOt seem:to he any likelihood Of the Iiinctus in tritish Gciltunbia acceptilig the" proposal ' to he transferred to Beifis.h leis, it is saiel that tho 1)e, - JUDGE MACCA'LLUM DEAD. • , • • . Passed' Away at Gore , • 'tonna Island. ' • A 'de,spa' teh front Gore „Bay • Mani- . , pOrted-,definite conclusion of an al- the day's. alarm wag jnetified, but toulin-; soya: Judge Archibald:ktte liatiee!.between Tum hey VO -liter* nothing Can be degnitely 'Mee:gain- Celluiti, Toi•onto' nrsa- gro and SerVia, the alleged dash ed to ..shoW that the. Situation is paper. man and a prominent politi- of an Austrian eirdurein with aeSet- :Teeny woree than it has been tot cal worker, died' here on Thursday •le $4 por cwt. • Choice ..tows were sOld Up to $375 Por cut. COMMOD and medium eoies brought $2 to $5. Ta' ilor per cwt.. Fe* heavy, feedere,of good' quality. Werc offered.. A demand from the country perzieted for them at cureent prices. Sheep and lamb0 were in better deinaiid: ' &lea hog,i continued to sell et $e.:e5 per ewe, fed and Watered; Toronto. ' , . ..- .... Til Instructor '.. Has Been Stispende'd. , Penatng. InVestigazion.... ,.• .,. , A despatelt fleet Kingston says:1 material was coming. ,frem. Teo - The tailor itestetictor of the peniel prisoners under the instructor were' tentisry is tifider susPicion:fending using the drugt and one of them ia'. tie investigation into the Andine in I 1). .W ie -the erisoe hospital, Ave* UNITED' STATES- AT'AttKE'Ts. e. -I 1 : • oue t.#1 ths r4)0in8 in elie institetiem ...the. steR.got int•o the 'stererooin ea Atilweakee, Dec. A -Wheat -No, 1 a quanfit•y of . opium, ,I fob/tee-0,-1-mm eau deele Some years; ego a tian guerilla band; the rumored in,-: elle last few days. Nevertheless the Of plieurnenia . jletee IdatCoilliim li:ortfieru, $1,06:14 t, Nee g Vejaherti, ooitry abet 'two *etches- piireheeed hiege' (leant -4y nt Mellen goods were. : ereaee of troop§ in 130stila, and a eifielisinees If general; and theout leaves a widow'm el . tt . fitUtily of tom re. eeoe, ?See, $1.kg 2.2.keri„ I rtt, !.'i' s in Totnnto; The 'seer.- t12Fithd arider, i be 4' '1 al the iteel-i- froth cotteetiiatiOtt at Selritri, Oppe-,, leolt is yery obscure. It is stated ,young ehildron. ..- • • .1.4-reeene. e :ere. ceene...efee; cg!..gt. .ponclett ofii:zial denies all knowledge , eect s mirth at. the .priSo-iiir hat he hid -331-itley--Stitederd• 't14c ; Mee as te hoe- these InatE4iiiiS, finind.:Aolew 'nothing - altout tee matter. - site Belgrade, where it wet' assert- in tliPlonnttic quarters that tfie —...........1..,..k.............. , id a Plot tO murder an Austrian 0,t.ilv6t6 digeeleee he in the- direr- "Well - "iii r SI' s 1'-m-. d .. 1 ' 57 t et ' j''' -' '3 -7 f el. ti 'r .o.h , 'fit h' - de - etro i t the ' "ii - , -peke Piel m a -ii it. -t -el of • . t'ox g le • k 3C;'1, Ott e p ezt, , . c ,c , ., .3, , . a 0 t t ; -iei ...,). 1 o ..t., ,.pat .. et 1 oatt tit ea.t.4 .ti ••,,,pe( .t. • Ifieistee lied, been..iliseoverecie'weee tioe of ein ' AnStrian-Itee'siair die- - ha meet ', elree,IN., 1ut,,,,4t: . 1it4 l''''. S60'4 e'r& '' ' ' • ' . - eie-eirvery was made by' th,, prit'..iit; Ividing /the stior, 'end thereeis 'net the principal cautes Of the excite- rtgreeMent, end the probeliilite ot -T.,- dia if -1 t i.'• fir.t. ,,,. ,. .witint 66 Ii. • IN- 1 *4,bi . c at•ti • ritirO that ertieitit it oi et bee ‘e ' ' I viiht tho t* --eat .c*IIP. 14 I ` .1 ., '' y %•" ,;, . L , , . 1,-, e. • 1 • . 1- Ito i...„ • .. .--tt ea - . 1, . . • , 1 t„ .. / t , .t.t . N . c _ rileilti. These, •added to the imirer- ea 'allieoee between Turkey, Mot= etetreit Stkoto‘' 'W'ott....'did • he ' 'NI l''' ITIe;,.;., *1.0W : liar ki .04i, s e..1<th , .st ore. beieg 'us,ii, and 4 1- &.r . Or: ,'ePrekt fini,ght-4‘11:14.1(1 '‘Vilrk l'•:.' , , . 4 .,1 • .. • ,z . . - • •. sal'exasperatitiii ceueed by tht Tut, tenegro: and Servia. . - - . coveeeteetee le -tee', • . ' • ' Na..• 1 hard, $1,0'..g..+ to *1,08;.I.StO.... g,q..,-t-.4) itliorniati,n, as • to *Imre the- .:oievioe, theueve rail invesefgeiti. , . e , .