HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-12-03, Page 1444,4" OL LIJOKNOW• ONTAR10,_TRURSDAY. DECEMBER 3 .1.9021 Local and Person Airy -and Mrs. Wm, Armstrong- Sundayed in Godericli. • Farmers wantinfi sheep' on shaies call and see Alex 13.08s, .JUrneSSOaditer. • Now is the tithe to bh3r a good mileh 'nOw from Win. Armitrong. Lucknow. J'Itr. Dave Thompson is again clerk mg at AV. W. Hill"s giocerystore. Th3 Taylor Anderson -Co. *have se- cured a number of, new• hands and are doing a hustlina business. pure Bred Fowl for„ssle,Barred Packs,„-.;_llogliorns,,o•••MettdanSr 'ePg for quick sale.,H. ROGUES. BIDE RENT-Clood livingrooms over tlie Sentinel Bee. -Possession -Dee; Ifith„-J.. L. Normen. Dr. Ovens, Specialist, -will be at „ Cain }Ions% Sept. 22, -Oct .10, Nov. 37, Dec. 15. Hours 2 to.,9, • Hear. the 'discussion of Local oPtion -b br."-Shearer and RWl3iiii�r ti morrow night-at,the Town, Hall. • . FOR SALE -A quantity of Lumber. Also a quantity of first class Shingles. - C. TAYLOR. McDonagh, Of Russell, Man., - °ae- or=asrort,_vasit-wl.t brother Charles, of Ashfield, and other relatives. s Rev:- D. Walter C_ollins of Exeter , • will :preach in St. Peters Church on '13iniclay morning next. • .There will be no Service in the evening as Mr. Collins precteli-Ot-thinr- liversarytervices in St. llelens;, Your business is solicited by the Molsonie.Bank. Savings Bank clepo--. siti bearinterest frOin date of deposit ed,as matters of interest .will be broil- 'former lies coneiderahle power of e4t- te date of withdrawal,. Interest paid ght before the meetinfr. Visitors wel- pension; the -latter:more unrehOng*able. _four\tinues DJ year. Alesolete security J. G. Gordon has resigned the , Fran cipalship of the public-. sehools,and will fro to Toront,o. Fhe.Hacketts congregation is rire- paring for their tea meeting to be held•ori Christintie night. - Rev, W. Snlith 3Dungannon will assist in the, special Meetings at Zion WedneWlay, Thur.sday and Fri- day night of this week. See th Cycle and Automobiloskates tit Mardie Sutherlancls. They are from Six to -ten: ounces- lighter than any other, skate and every skate is/ guaranteed. - NOTICE,- -"Airy person oilers° •Ithig4sand,Vavel:orzfillinefr'orilitir • lot No.38. in the Village of Lnels w Avithout-my .be.proseented. Raw Furs Wanted Highest cash ices paid for raw furs: mink, racoon, muskrat, weasel, fox _ _ No muskrat_taken until after Dec. 1st. -.JOHN W. HEN- nonsori. •• • • ‘ • . Debentures For .Sa1e• • The Village of •Liiclmovi -offers, for arQ,PIliOrt'aIlci :17$,II.e.:.$ • -snle42-59eLef--5_%----Debeivtairno--pa_ P . .. ' ' . It •li__11__aW • and argued tliii,t,thie , . . --itt--20-Yeara:' Tendelf---fi-n---Debefftirreir --kdoption-rof7Lecol-----,Qptitinby-L the .. . will be received. by t4p; -Undersigned Mnirimpality, of Lucknew would . „ • up to Saturday December the: 12th, :greatly increase the taxes, owing Istr: The lowest, Or any tnider not Amebas:- , tke great decrees the value o arily aCceptedL J. E: AGNRW Clerk. :hotel:propert37;' 2iid;,the cutting off of :•. ' . the revenue derived from licenses: _W_it, T-70.1V.teetifig ' .• Tina matter .81intild be decided on the ,. • ' ---''. lacts--of-T-ther-casiskere-are-alweis' The•rOgular 'PleSting. of the W -0-T- tWo values • attached to property in •I.T.Will be h :hi at the home.of lIrs.J:. „,,„ „iii,,m „;.i.. i 4. - Fergusonn Wed... Dec., 9th. at . 0 o' `''''Y '''''''''''sY ' .-T8"--111P.ograginalrY. LS*674tend'eriee Yalu° "'sting- la. th!..n?ina. of " the . . • OviinFeaT2nclThe .asscs..';'' ..vahli -.OP' BOY$ Ell Ao 'enthusiastic meetisg was held in the Band Room Dec. ,-.2st. when a •nevr band waS organised, to be knon by the above title. - The following of - °eon were elf3cted :-Hon. President, J.. G. Anderson; ,Hon. Vice -President, J. G. Murdoch ; President, E. lilac- ' Quaig ; Vice -President, W Antler:km; • Secretary, 4. Gordon; Treasurer, ,Geo .Bondmafiter, D. MacMorran.; • Managing- Committee -1, J. Hender- son. 2,D. MacCharles • 3 Wm. Dail ;son and ,Rob.Johnston. pr,44,141,1. Wheat" • :90 Peas.,.. -0-,3-.1; • 0,1-.0 - .Barley,. ., • • •a, o • • .50 . to 53, Butter .. 21 to 22 • 01.6 •••••• ••••••• Eggs* • • • • • • • • a... 21 to 22 Hay . . .......8.00 to 8.50 Dried A.pples.. .4i to 5 Ygeod. . • . 2.50 offered. 'Read advertisement.. - SinAx-.EwE-Ca,me-to-the-premises_�f • the undersigned Lot 3 Con...5 Kinloss - • one.ewe. Owner prove property, - .pay •-expeuses---and . take, the.._animal, • SAvay--1,913-BA* & SONS,. LUOKNOW.SAW kindeof. --1-167gO *ant ed-for-Whieh beat prices wi I be paid. • ChOppingdene:_daily_ oar improved ,caitirt; Satisfaction o ivea in, both. departments.,T. H. Treleaven. C. Y; 'Sanders goes to -Exeter •_next Suirday to exchange with Rev. •D. Walter Collins, rector of the Angli- can church there, who •is to c,onduct -services here and at St. Ilelens that -'.'--The- effiee-andntire-.bnilding--of-tlre, .rc,,tjj.i,u_ r*o. •is•jews -wan .. destreyed • by fire. ii,S; the;.reSuilt of an explosion : Of. &solute .used to opera . tne plant• , '-'ti\ Mr....jelin:FergirSOn4ece.' et1-2•Vr7Ord • 'lest :Week that his brether..44 ea died that day in VanconVef, E.C. .. He is an old resident of this. dietriet,bilt.lias• ..„ been.-nta-_Yirnm,1_10.0.0%ds'ki-94-.-eArS;',•: Litinsii Fort akin -100 000 • 'feet -,--- Of-' IliiitilOck eut--td-erderi_m_Lan . • lengthaof from lil t�' 20 'ft. 'Let. Ira fill your 'hill for that '21iouSe or:Lbarn. Tileeli4iiienable;:' AIse-12-Veordi:lif soldelieap ' or ofish.,j.i. W7lIsn,risit- Mrs:: W.111...toiing,':411SS Rehert- . . . Mr: . no..trr .A.:poroittig:and -Mr. . Tlios...WittSein are, engaged to sing at• 'at attertainnienratRrikimieliurCh' . . bunbannon, ..on ,the 8th , brat „ . The •entetairiment, also eompries'. a hot .. fovil'suPPOr- ' • - . ''" '. . . • . . . . •POUA.TRy W ANTED.---DUCIES Geese Sc.:, Turkeys 12e.,- Chickens' -11ens 6c., 7 at , Rime 'Andersen's store, .Liteknovir, 'every Tuesday: and 'Wednesday., • All fowl:mast., be star- ved 24 -hours,. with no food in crop. Must be dry picked4ith' heads .off. • . Must not be allowed to,freeze: befor- ,Med and thin birds not taken -R.3'. .• Fir.-Wro,,t1g; Dungannon, ' DepoSit your savings with the 13an1c of Hamilton: , Sums of One dollar and -upwards -received. Interest • received from date .of deposit to date of With- drawal and added 'to principal !thin .8,,year. All ,business strictly 'confidential:. • We will pay cash 'or trade every •,_,-,-Wedneitlay for any ginuitity of hens, . ducks, ,geese and turkeys; ,1 it dry picked ili14 starved. Give us • a call and We'll ise you 0.• e rilSo pay top prices for .butter, eggs and dried • applesWe *Ant .your D. NY0qPS) :8t; 11e1o148.. • FOR SALE Oii RENt,The undersign. . ed has for sale or would rent; "a geed 502.acre Farm of clay loarebeing 'South half of east half of lot 0 concession E. D.Ashaeld. • The farni is in good Condition, well' fermed and drained,and ' ffeett spring we 1 as well as a ci tern. -Ifebuildltiga are good consist - o a good conerete heuSe and a barn, stonefoundetion (36k56)., It. is ,„. a few reds from ellureh mid school house, and 3 Miles from Limlitio*, l'er .tirther particulars apply by letter Or, in person to James IL Gardiner,. liOx .4.o$; utabiow oa, • corned.. Mrs,-JELP- .SeP.retarY... j. is however upon this latt,er value that the taxes are ba0d. How then • . por •• Lsvolid_thialie_riffeitid-by local Op - Room III --Sen IV -W Anderson tin? The following ceinparison Of ast406#1310 will show: .nett (ties), A Webster, E A'Asst.leil property Year 1909 Whiles' mitt 0 Treleaven (ties) : McGarry House • • .• • • • .$3000 00 Jun:;TVE_Greer, Aimse 61,0,0, 00 „ MacMorran, L E .Whiles, McDonald House 3400 00 R Alexander. =T. kApuip.a!irs , Mao- .1 lgurdOck'g oldstgre. • 4500. 00 'sane ;Teacher. Allin's empty. :stere- 2200, 00 ' flh Deptciazs_E,•F, The two last nagied.. Were assessed in. i9o51, When oeMipied. for: 'exactly the same as teday when unoccupied, • showing (that occepatiOn lien-own- patienT-have mint vaine.. - If the asseesMent value depended on the husine.as transacted.; otka•prOPertY, why hie the asiesernent ..of-these-eitipty--stores-nob-decreasedr Will the closing of the hai-thende_ -crease• the assessed Value of the real 1*.opertr-kit.1hoteiii No l'Therefore the taxes of the teWn.sicarmot be in,- creaseditnni-7-this Bet there is a buaine4ess_essinent of 2.5".per cent On. Mid property of the --'3 hotela, amounting t,o $3125, The taxes on Vila -amount are today$7L8.7. That much the:teivn sappoffirg. the hotels were absoliiy-free•froin business tax 'under LoCal. Option. ,TherevroulcLifatittally : but surely not t,i.,stat.-exeraption ander .lier;a1Option.' Again:that-i wouldbc gloss omual to 'the yearly ainaant of limit:is $3.27.94; which, together with the $71-87) if the hotels under Local Option were exempt (hilt the fact is tliere_i0 only a -reduction In the. asses:: ment), • bat. to be absolutely within the mark the ••greittest Pcnisidile 'Would, he the license revenue and the $7-1,87, • which Woeld. be. 9,.3.09.81.. ow suppasing this were, .**!,iiiiiest ty.a direct levy on the Wel* aitinii4eent Of the Village, it Woul, d mean 'an" pi' crease' -iii. the rte �f soMething -1-1 mills, Or to the person whose 'Property is assessed for $500 00 an increase of in ',taxes of 62k dents; and others in proportion:. that is the most it Mad" c nnes,• nrith, G Bagley, St C W •Habick. 'I' • • • Intermediate Class ,A Cameron, - G Agnew,. 0 Reid. • Junior ClasaHA Nayor, C Trelea- C(4,: Ci- Naylor, E'•Geddes, (J Spence, tieS)-F:Wribiter, 11 AltO NV Kirkpatrick. No. on, register '36; averagenttendatiee, 30".-SA Boozing Rtaini 11'1,--H.: Blake, H. Blake; 11 Fitieli,-.:NVIVICDOinild, 1)' Cooke, L Smith, E Stauffer. 'Sr :F Ferguson, 'N Patt,erson„7.D Mangles, A 'Huston, Xf.”Tohnston, A Campbell, Whiles H kerns, •Z Elliott r1.1 Jehn- ,ston.-•_-_,E._ConratioN,,_Teacher • 6th Dept -Sr Pt II -LS Henderson; AgneW;_lk illiacGreger,_ R., MacLeod, Raelmen, A Button:: Jr rit _Steele,TreleaVen_Murdie, 3. Douglass, M' Connell, G Webster. Sr Pt,I,G Huston W. Andrews, C no Bogues, J Ar;trook; ".0 Blake, Macdonald:: Ciass-R 'Mitchell. d' Douglass,,rAg ,TroleavOi,, L.' Morrisen, -14.-13e-g1eyni Webster. ' A:.Class,A- liaccorvie turgeis, J Naylor, g 'Anittifssob,' T -Smith, 3 Fbin.-H. c. .Aleilp3Aix, Teacher; • . . Make." Yourself. • • • Says Many Persona Here Can Be, Made Happy Again'ISY Using It. --There ins() mired -illierimatisin Imre. its our neighborhood now fl the•fol- lovvieg advice will. be highly Opp* eistet by tho je who suffer , Getfrom any good 'PharmiteY, ottetg half. • outice.Fluid . EXtractDandelion; otai onnee impound' XargOnl three outio03 of Comp'mad SyrUp Sarsripa- title:: -Shake-thee well in a.' bottle end take in• •epoenfel doges after • each meal and at bedtime ; also drink plenty of g.:3,..rfwAter. '•• . • It is Claimed that there are few vic-i tims.of his 'dread and torturous dil- ease Who WI 1 fail to fi' AI ready relief. in, 01 -is' simpbi homWinade Mixture; and in nioat ,casei a permanent Cgre: Is the result. ' - • Tht tairnple recipe is said • to strengthen and cleanoe the • iii-feAi4nas Of the 'SI that they caii, filter „ and iitritia. froth this wed and: system tha poisons, seithi, and WaStei matter, which only Ithemnalism,' but niiiiieroini othi er, diseases."Every Man or'. woman here. who frill 'hat thei: kidneys' are - not healthy and active, or, Who sof- 'tit a fr .m 'any urinary, t.:dable 'WV -St- ever, should not hesitate to make up this mixture, as it is 4s,rtato to do much good; and may save you flora 'noel] miieTv and suffering after While. Our bothe druggistS say' they •either 'supply the ingtedieri.t.9 O in& the presceiption ready to tike if our reader* ask them. PssailY ., - Again ,it is estimated that there is paid over the bare of this town snMe- where between $15,000 and 920;000 yearly. Close the bars and this moneY will go to increase the ,business of every Other man in the village. A. ,portion also will be invetted in feat estate, increasing the • assessment and, • therehy lowering the taxes • 'What' • are the facts of experience', Take, fer example, 'Grand Forks, ' This is pine- tlally one city divided into tWo Sec- tions by the .Red, RiVer, leaving part in '•Minnesota. and part North Dakota: / Population:of-whole -city • 20,-000:---- geAt Grand Forks- has 42, salciona West Grand Forks has none. •East Graud'Forks has' $10.000 ' re e- . nue from licences. ' West Grand Forks has none. East Grand Forks has $3$4,000 :assist West Grand Forks has '$3,500,000' Ea ss Grand Forks' has a bonded debt. of 25%, •West Grand Forks haat bonded debt '• of L8,1% ' East Grand Forks has toor hotels. West Grand Forks has eicellent hotels • , The taxes in West: Grand Forks nude'. Local '•Option are ••• 20. lower '644, than in Past Grind Forks.; in'spiteef theafaxt that' the latter gets sio 000 annually from its • The -same law governs the progress of communities' on this Side of the; line. Westmount, On the _boundary of Montreal has advanced with great ,strides' and its tow,th is dim .in no. • 1---/34Stre" to :its prohibitive 14 law. West Toronto has- doubled its' population since. Closing-. its -bars in .1904, and has grown proportionately in wealth and all that makes for -pro- gress. . Many' other, instances might be .given from the 1012 municipalities in Ontario,. 'and', Quebec dow under Prohibitnri la* lo:.-840.7i,the Innnefts closing The following letter front the mayor o.,,,tiess and. taxes-: • ' ' , • H 6.; 1908 Rev. D. T. L.1VIcKerrell, LacknOw, Ont. • Dear Sir : " INCciRP014TEO 1854 'Capital, .• 'S3,574,000 Rest. fnnd„ - $3 574 0' 0 Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspond 'in, all the P•rincipal Cities -in•. the WOrld. • i-aEmert,A4.. SUSINSS TiiANSATien. SAVINGS IANKDEPARTMENT‘ at alt Branches :14t.r.t...rallo WO :at highet,cuireilt.fai,P..„,,„.,„ LUCBNOW BRANCH. GEO..11.,S1dITR„' g -.-14E1a3Wkg010-41! YA:4_:will„.444S0=4ardOn.:_ixte. for my apparent indifference to your oom- munication .210t.ult, the ;.'facts are that .between elirn •bnsineSs. • attention to, •municipal • affairs 'also • having taken an active ' part in the re-: :•eent . electiOn contest,....pay time -has- , .,to hear that younronialtingstratthipt to SeCUre Local;Option there ,• aid' On the strengthth.e.kre.at ti,eiffehts ae-, ruing tothis tont, Wn 1 sincerely wish you SUccess, Replying to yourinciaitY: I may Isay.that it 18 the general .opia-. --'ion-here--that- Local Option-has-pieved,- deeided success to Micilau4,... Our NOW IS THE TIME Hotel' aeeohimodation is y-astly better: • . • . . • than it Was.klutieglicenspdays; •Y.0.0. MAY _NEEP do,; net thihhthat the proprietors of H.0 •W E ROTTLE "the Hotels " are making . the: 'large ' • - .• • _ • • . • ,profiti that:they . OR SYRINGE. • •,ense, . believe... they are inakin4:a • .; lt willpay you to. see Our. full. as : it fair legitimate profit on. money • rai,•::.soiitii-terit of 'Rubber. Goods , just fresh iyeatisX lrhelaNtrilis been. Well7eaf*" cecthere, • the . conSumptiOn.,:. of , -aow being .•practically . reduced to . a mizmum It is very. seldolin that: a, drunk Man is .seeiron °O.:Streets; even. then the majority secure their .1ignor •elseVihere.:,' AIMS been highly beriir," • .• fictal to b 'oenera.l. interests of - the • • - town and do net think there; isene employer of Of labor in.thisfeeinizinnity who would .not..eacrifice• Considerable to prevent liedise again being e�iiri for --the sale.ef liquor. • For .inata4ce; 'in. _..ConitersatiOn..• with ,,Mr. • Drt.loca*904:14.: ;general :Superintendent .of the 'Canada Iron Furnace Co, he 'Made the state- Y ttlin!ci.ng ,a+,13Ont ,thent.that he considered ..that..:•Loaat your Christmas Cake and' when worth:thonianda:Of_dou.n:ii tothr bisineso ThiS. CoraPartY . you • are: readi,rfto .'13akg ...it • Itt piers between two 8,nd .tliree I undier us hav- youroider for Fruits frieli-ef-the-tawn. : who:is:very ..•.extensiVely; interested in . the nranefiteture of linnber here,,alscr in -ii, large .deparimputil steite,• and also large Marine ..-interests,,made the Statement reCentlythatlie.would Make an -effort to .Sefl .out. his iiiteiests ii= .tiroiy rather than 'reatain-herciaaka: .,optiOn.'byLlaW, be repealed, fin fact this •iathegeneral sentinfentofall-the4arge employers'of•labor, .• streets are: Our display of. "Fa'—.1Cy C•• • ..hina 4a6.1v-practically-atalt-titoesqUiet-and .orderly, those parts oxi ..whieh the hot-, .now d more comni hels-are situated .beinir, just as orderly andfree from roivelyisti as /any other .place in -the town. •SinCe LOcal •Option' 'mine into force. here there has been a, vetdonitie-inereagelirth*--ifienitiershiP. ' and revenue Of .our ;young • Alen's, .Christian Associatien, 'indicating. that those who forinerly were'. frequenters of 'the. licensed' 'bar -rooms. and 'Spent ,. their nioney.there, are now members of-Our'Voung;illen's-ChristianAsiocia-' tiOnand subject to its better influences. -geniSfai:as.seatrisenC_ofL. boteL property has not been reduced outside. of it sinall• reduction in' the business itssmsnient, there. • hAsi ,been, a ., sub- stantial inerease..in. the town's assess-, ment,undee, LoCal Option; which, in my opinion' is 'due itt 'n large measure to litany citizeos in-VC:ding their money •.litear iiState rather than " .Locid Option has not increased, our. tat rate, any inCreases that have been made in this felpect .ettai plainly be shown to be due'to 'other onuses. Again wishing you.gueoess, 1 am, . • Yonrs sineerely, • . *, .• E. LETISEBY.'" ' At -nue, time, not mere than 25, years age,there 'were 6 hotel lieerices and.. one.. Abp.. lieensa Tineknow... 'During that tinio.4 have been eat; .No dry of tartes,.. coinpensatioii,stor. . ai.d. Overcoats of'- raised on that account. Does 'anyone • today re04„, the foe that they are ' • gone „ 'Does any 06:recollect • any appreciable increase in their :takes. 'on • that, adeouritl. 'We: think not It IS therefore theduty .4vbry Actor of the,liatinieipality nowto consider all. the. foots • regardi tio• , this great' onestiori. '. to iillow the oigignifiearit and,•' lvir'6eiab'k, increage in taxes to ,prevent tlwtn trona net .only , casting .their • vote' but , als6 ming: their infltionee for the 're: tcrinatiOni. of present eVii.ceniitionS. T. • L. gatRROILI, . • • tY17'">: 1,TAT c -0\ guar,,ntee. perfect satisfaction because wp know thefmods to beper- feet. • ' . • APISTO RN DI4JGGIST. • Grocer and . deliVer to you- " •pleasure, We have • all,. ,,our _ 'Peels SpkeS. etc.. • in and ready -for -rhe-Xulas Ca e. • always hav• a supply' of ur-and..-gW :Barrel • Salt, Stock "Foods, Etc. • Reen.4-ther e Hub, The Horne of. the 28c Tea Winctelson- & Blitistelois' Store 'Fancy ,Ladies' Coats For Whiter: and ,bress. Goods. • For Opitlemen, Latest Make ..Underwear, ,Itt Wool and Vireo° tinied. •We want to get ,your Raw ruts, -,-Mink,. Vo4 .Conn, ,payingfull • rues, 'Mendelson & Blitzstein 'Every'Man' , ---Nts- to Ifii.VA-=rthe "tiiire- man, can afford to be without a • timepiece. Among the wattehes, we sell are the Hamilton, Ramp- 0 den; Illinois,- Regina; 'Waltham; and other makes, • A 14;,ge..Stonk- of Altarin .and. • Pay„ClOc'ks "alWays on 'hand. Dont buy, from peddlers before :geffingi -nur_prices„Ave • rmstrong & Hildred Jewelers & Optielans• ?-00,s>o0f000Cecksoceo-onceo•ootie.o.1., . WINCIIA* • • • BUSINESS COLLEGE Most .caridern and popular Busi-.. • nem • Scheel iri,L,WesteruAntario Widely experienced; •broadly' "-ucatedv-sympethetic. -attentive' • staff: The sy.tioifyin Of success. raduates.—eminently..,successful. •very essence •- Of, modern, L zliVitylnieirieSa-isyetdins— • — Stoicieriphy, Te'ogkgmhy A, .Commoreig- Cougars • P-reparatorf-Lcourees—for—those- = • whose education has been neglected Mail Courses, irratTreubja-t.T.— •those who--wish-to-sttalkita heme. Individual instruction, Enter any day.. ' Write for' hal:Wm:jam Geo. SpottOn. Principal YOUflCOURSE hi Shorthand' Or Businegs will ,., :bring you hest . result's ittaken at 6 our old established and. thOrthigh- ly reliablesehool. Winter term. -b-egi)rajamAth,-,--C-atalog-ti free. . _ • BRITISH. ANitRlidAN • BUSINESS C014.1pG4. Central B'ld'g, l'OnoNT0'. cioo•ciiiolxt000eioon000043 • Luckito*',.-s Pioneer, .Boot:0'.5.1i:OeStOre: . , ESTA.BLISUEL 1869.. , , Its a good idea, when you get a pair of shoes; that els'Actly' please you, --to remember the makers name; -the size: and width. • Get te sa•ine shoes when you buy again, and Yon will find that the new pair will • feel as easy as the old, •,They will be as comfortable,' more so. -Wp can dupliente your last pai of •slate,s • with a' pair of . Geo. A. Slater's or we -win _fit you perfectly at almost' any price Yon care to payl .Pest rubbers on the market% Repairing neatly and prompt- ly•done. ' W. 3.14 T T 004,000.096c4)00004;r0a0o000004