HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-26, Page 8Avisasse
xcellent Value =-- Large As-
merit—Some Clearing- Lines at
Low -Prices.
Ill excellent
ar Suits,=
ualtfy Lin
See our
• er by
ion Coat.
�d out'
oat in
Lined ..
eci Regular
ing one line at 50e of regular 75c:
underwear, which we : purchased:
away below regular prices. It will
lie to your int res see _.� _ r . u.. _.. e t .to . this line... �.•.
Y ,
In Ladies' Coats and jackets
we have done -an excellent trade
this season, as 'our goods iii:.thisl
line have Style, Quality and Price
See our styles in Ladies'M Fur
dined Coats.
Your Neck Furs
Owing to the mild weather we
have not sold so' many' Neck 'Furs
this season as we 'expected. For
this reason we now offer; Special
Prices in these lines.
your Other Wants.
Such as Dress Goods, Ladies'
;..skirts: Triita mini s , Gloves 'ies-
felts, H'dk'fs, Wove . Blouses,
Underwear, Hosiery, &c.
findour stock well • assorted in -
these lines and values unexcelled.
L i
or .the
next, two weeks :w will give a; discount
of -25.` per cent y off the following g
Glass Fancy China Silverware Fancy
soorols, Books, Stationery. and: Papetries.
Making` room for Christmas. Goods will account
for the ;the above sale.
Terms Strictly Cash..
Fon SALE OR RENT—The undersign.
ed has forsale or would rent, a good
50 -acre Farm of clay loam' being south
half of east half of lot 9 concession 13,
E. D. Ashfield. ` The faros is'. in good
condition, well fenced and drained,and
has a good spring well as well as a,cis-
teen. The buildings are good consist-
ing, of a good, concrete Immo and :a -barn
with stone; foundation (36x58). It .is
only a few rods from church and,school.
house, and 3 miles from Lueknow; For/
further particulars apply by letter or
in person to James H., Gardiner, Box
102,-Lueknow.O t..
We have come to . the 'conclusion that -we ` are -
handling too many kinds of flour — so, in order :to'
reduce our stock and get down to a few lines,, we are
offering great bargains for the balance of this Month.
We have blended and pure Manitoba flours to choose
from, and all first-class quality.
We have our supply of "Christmas Trait on the
Market •
now ana. are in a position --.to, fill your 'orders with
the very choicest • goods and reasonable ,prices..
' Remember this is :the shop -where theyall- buy
Chocolates for the 'sittfple reaion e have the bst display
P Y.
in 'town- with over forty varieties to choose frotri#' -
:We are having ,a, large varier of fancy 'bon bon
boxes to arrive for Christma,.. so. don'tyour
c�eiayy, get ouir l
orders in early and get first choice
Remeaitber the.:...lace--- Beaver El
l� ocl�.
21700 Lira .addled In
b 4 ire r of the rapidly , inching.
:the Grand Trunk is doing
pan t its via l stay be mined f om
t1Aavd€tti44t ley 0410 ,
month, slightly more than 26,100 ears:.
were! 1landled iii London Yards • This
is nail 4,000 inore'than were hand
led iia the n rue period last year, when
arse cress WaS '.Co siuereaa Veryi good ,
'Olt an ,average, 3,000 cars par °dray
were handl on ties `iniildla3 diiaiion
last .month
` Cey
There, was a large attendanee' and
: nneli--enthua3ia n -at the meeting:, held
as announced lash Week, on ' Monday
evening: at :tile. tcGari'y Howse . It
was uiianinioue y ldecided . to 'enter' :
Leone: in the Northern lloeka;y League,
this, season• and the club was organized
:with the following officers
`,HonoraryPresident;':: R R.1llacLeod..
ri 'Viee'President J,'(T, Andersen
President .John McGarry
yiee President' (leo: H. Smith
lis . alar er � �P; �=-`
a g . •J. D'av�gou. I
•• .'• ., ., n- buying Furs a'1 a s
Y g ,w et lle..best
;...Secretory TressLrer... �. li,..J'ohnst®'an . . ; ,. y;. g - ,.
Ca rain; . , .pit McCm selections are made :on this. principle.; When you .buy from us
s' � �.,, lr 1.11 fit i,� . min 4444. �,,.wTlie oes°t wSable la's ; -e _-i71aiy •
g g g i'a
. Watson, R. 'Johnston.; Subserip-
tion Committee:•George H.. with, .I
Johnston.; Delegate *do La aaigue . -
P. J..Davison. • The mepnbership fee::
was fixedat '$1.O0.The following
teams comprised the. league last season
lElarriston, , Mount . Forest, Palmerson,
Listowel,”,, Wiigham Lothian,
The -.weather of' the. past week :'hies
enabled` most of the, <farmers here • to
complete their fall plowing.
John McKeith ' 'and family moved
Mrs Jno. ;McKenzie and:/ family
left for`Toronto last�week where 4hey
intend residing for'some time:
Mrs. T. A. McKeith left . ;last • Sat
The , ime for the New Overcoat had eom and Nye harte-
theright kind for,l en ,it:. -tko and Deaver. ` Price.- from
oo to $z5 ao Sizes 36 to 44 Our rage of sizes' iia.
'ourhs' and YBoyswll be cortlplete `this' week,
Men's Odd Pants :in .good qualit $2.00 to
Odd Vests $a.00 each, all sizes. ;
oo per,
Ladies' Coats are. selling but we have still . some very
desirable styles in tight fitting from $10.0.0 to $i 5.00 ' each.
Also extra good value an -the .loose ;fitting styles;
Muff, with tails only $i5eoo. A ruff to `match at $15400®
Round Muffs and ruffs at,,lower prices.
In the ],Millinery Department they:: are still busy: turning.
out orders. The ;:stock ' is well assorted.; -.,Remember all
millinery: must ebe paidbefore the c ose of the_season;
urdayfor Belmont to see . her ' father.
who we are sorry -to learn is seriously.
Mrs. Kane of Detroit visited friends
Negro last week: '
: A number of hunters from Lncknow( . ,- ent..._11 5 nday--r iv ming- ahe`VJiio&-,, an
swamp of this .place.
Joe England' of Ripley is assisting
Rory G. McKenzie at fallplowing: '-
Since the ,failure to get oil in Loch
A1ghr liewn„anypeople you' Meet who}
will say "I told you so."
cENTRai. j
Our . past. record and our present ,-
.grade of work stamps us as the great
practical training school` of Western
We have three departments,'
Commercial, Shorthand '
. Our graduates are in demand'.as
Business College teachers•as well as
office assistants. Individual' instruc-
tion, . anter row:: Large catalouge
free.' Write for it.
Elliott '& .114c!Achtan,
• . Principa�lal.
aro buying
S,eprot.Flour 2;60
A. blended familytliiur.• •
Havelock i3►r►�nd $6.Ga
from all k aittObai . G'heat
Pli►stry:: ,'lou; $2:30
froth Ontario *triter Wheat:: •
filet them froiri, ya3tYi ;grocer',
or at the mill:.
Treleaven Bros.
• Miss 11 inns Nixon' is spending; some
tirne-with her -sister, --Mrs. JTas'�Stotli-
ers, Nile.
Ails . Fowler ' 'r • I _
.no - of riip1Cy, Who has
been visiting Mrs: J. P. Campbell re-
turned some on Tuesday. - '
Miss Edna Bennet of Shephardton
is still with her sister.
Mr, and Mrs' I. Henry of Crewe
spent Sunday with friends here...
Miss Annie Sherwood is spending a
few weeks with her: parents here.
Mr. Roger Wor8i ,` whospent,the
simmer in the West, has returned .to
his old home with Mr. Jos. Alton.
Mrs.:. John,:,.A,_: Catinpbell
has_.been, ex :
visiting friends at Brantford; s
pected home this week.
Mrs.�Jas. Barrk,Well` of ,Lochalsh is
at present the, guest of her sister Mrs.
Win. Stothers.' •
Bert Finnigan is engaged' to do fall
work with Anson!slay,who is suff-
ering with- a feio /on his thumb: -
- Stephen .Stot,l ,, -continues to.
be bed -fast. -
Robert Blake is not improving as`
fast as his iniuy friends would wish.
A few from. here attended the -fowl.-
suppler given at .Lanes on = Wednesday,
ohmng w.hieh proved. a .success
Mr and Mrs. Jas. Stothers. and
family;called on relatives here On Sun-,'
day }worth Logue wa's'held in Blake's
h On
'Tp!` „The Lords-
evening. " The
rds • Prayer" was ably
despatched .by Miss Lizzie Blake. ,,. w.
, I ochaish
' Mr. Donald F. McKenzie is' at pre-
sent drilling wells . with • John. Camli
Mr."Don.,B, and Don: L•:hioKenzie
attended the • Prohibition services 'in
Lueknow on Sunday. . • .
Miss Lillian Clark visited Missjessiei
MacLennan Tuesday last. ;
Miss Glib!' of Bervie is at present
1*isiting.her sister • Mrs. Thos.- Saikdy.
Mr. John Maclay of Lochalsh wl10
leas been in Manitoba• arrived home
last week.
g • .'A C.
We are lad- to Learn thta
MacKenzie, who recently went ander
:an operation in the Wingham Hospital
will be home the ,latter part of the
week. '
11dr. Thoiinas Pletcher, formerly of.
Lochalsh, died in Rainy giver last
The oil; well has proved a failure, ,
Clubbing. Rates, •
The Sentinel dud, weekly Globe A
1 year t...... a .a..:
The Sentinel and Weekly Mail & 7rA
Em.:pire, 1"year. ... .+.:.i 1 6V'
The. Sentinel and Family Herald
and Weekly Star, '1 year...... • Z«/$.
The Sentinel and Weekly Sun, 'Fy
Th'1 year . . .. •., 4 lil•3'
Sentinel a._d l'aser's A4
Vocate, 1 ye8 ..:.ru. .446.4; •2.33' I,
The 'Sentinel' and Hosie Jourtia4 j
lyear.... 6 .........b.. 4.Y....Y 1.3S
at :di ,Et,3w, re •Nr'VANl,+5a.9(�J,t!
et#er ba
you can,: anti save
wor and fuel;' too, ,
with=} this ran
REbaking? you having badfuck with Alr.
Most likely it's, the fault ::of. Your
No matter
perfect they recipe,
eessfrom wig
how good the cook, how
you rani expect suc
unevenly heated oven.
imperial vxtorcd- Range . voe
makes experts.out of the most mexper- Then the Gurney -Oxford reversible
ienced cooks. ' : grate saves fuel and gives yoo 'a quick
bi t, ;fire, Nothing but fine whale,
heated Land Perfect*,the mein is• The thorougtaly-burnt ashes get throw hit.'
ventilated. ' The f:
Gurney -Oxford divided flue keeps the Call in and see the 'Imperial Ciaford
oven just as hot in the front as' at the Range -let us explain llrese and'othRt
back -that. means- perfectly even baking impog nt ,features of, :its construction
and', roasting. ' which : make it . the ops best range for
ur kitchen. '
realwarm: Norrie all:
winter with this heater
If you hada cold house last,' winter -lama up too much coal --
found that the most' of the heat was going • up the chimney jus, call
Art Laurel Base Burner.
it conserves the heat generated radiates it into the roam—drain
the cold air from the floor and thoroughly heats it.
• ,No other:heater wih. get -so mach hear€out'of the coal it 6'urns +will
keep so much of that heat in thgroom The Art Laurel will do this_
•beceatse-it his the largest and-..raost Bisset r -dialing -surface of any,
heater on the market. ,
We.want to tell you all about this heater -will yon call in soon.
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited ,Iroronto`'
Prospective Buyres.
never revues ores; blacklead.
If you want a cheap Steel :.'
. Range call and see what.,we
an offer you for 1 :oo—a '•copper_:. ...
Steel Range with reser-
voir large g sited oven, full set of 'Mood trimmings and a Range
that will take• 20 inch wood.
If you require a heater, we°can suit vV�
you. Wehave the
in all sizes and';stY fres. See our leader—the
--the Alberta, which m
the atrongest. double heater manufactured.
Above you Will notice a cut of the "Imperial-, Oxford'
with fol) description of this elegant Range, the most up -to-
date on :the Canadian market.
Notice' the accompanying''
tut of the most up-to-date
Steel Range on the market
the Oxford O.K.. a range that
stands. pre-eminent. It • It '.is
fitted with interlocking grates.
which means a fuel saver, it
has the drop ovendoor, a large
- - - warming closet, a • resery r
that will hold sixails of via
it is 'fitted with a Duplex draft
•..which insures • an even. fire, ,
but, above all it is a range, that