Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-26, Page 71 17' I'A + we U. an Jae i . pse ri -it biQ4 ei it failed to lift h' 'of ur bo; and telling. ree rantili JA ff out (if news when �011�tftlqtion to hip, ssounded,' attracted !univers&L.4#6n "U. is V,Wning the pe I 6)�le -that qu v ra ing e ' " i - E'ARS- OF ­8VFVVR0'G jur. iar LESRM -A Hom 'y if U ""ll lactoky Are.was on, A 4P,URED HER I they. are made in should Thi§- is dpjq�ly� n6e�s- Mo., th��,Blnnfl, i- ' - '' , - 'palace,itself. So Ilie, t6rin Abo ti ip the Royal,. hbik from 'the: sai!y b h. a, Ozen wor inell, th6, most skilI�' d a wo so is uscd 30% constru P164sant, XoIn- Nation Tells'He' ed to be foui� ,� are daily ongagedt w was: ormerly the' equir, of, eingthe a t ­ r ­ ` 4jht,­.airy' fashion for ladie�'hat- Umatiern is that -h jou. '�suffer from blia,6d; room-; It 0, very rap-, Ing, 9 blind th� e rrelB, A �aste­y;tluable ime in 'tr and, nd'flies get feiax- qte rs. IV nle of hand-clitting machines'd Terrible Pain -the complaint a, iyhey patt 'they, Ow t Cleanse the '8�steiU. h ha 'me the simpl6s' way. Tl, 'Ving a your addmts, d ern, and here O'l f I 4 � OW 1, q I cul d'h' j -1f:-Prote6tioh, h t enough the f riction Ut&c � LUd Burden. 'the bales 4rme will'Adil Yo urki8b o PUMP an o§e - or E( -in the, adlected p 'at, �fid 16", by''th-6 �:ab, result of scientific study of h' y relieve�a th6:.rpain,, �E:Ome IM450 go o-, jq resi Nv ere— 9 on Point, ont., Ndv. i6—� t -b- I h ielf !own t4acco - raised ��for' alit" W 110h ti t sorpjj Pleasant� 9 he 'S'ul� an- s use... The., best. 'crops ,in ­ e(AS of ucab,'be-of help,,. also Spnd:,00m`p6 (6eelal)­That xii 't ts of certain'root$ treatme ost of he' f he ills A e, aches and I 4hatthe suff f lb * 'd' coulury, are marked for� III '-an& herbs upon the d! ------ n this, case ..breakfa�t' was koj.- s. special ges ive'. oir-, :Your e -are e e;r-ipg womeA o ana a benefit dlid.,wilat, ls'�iiot actually. lga;is. Their,- u re -as a as eve.r. 711 ai due t6disord . . . . . . . zZlected for np,kin into and,aR the llnmienti�­,and hose, got .i.0a DU'll OCality cigarette A I o trial, with, references rio 'bave�to bear t6 gotten,'by every one., the pump. 'and is anthat. the a;tu rl'cure. -and y'. this mme S, instances',that tqq 4PPM& d­;Jate--the� - ti d�r 011ro, A'S� fortheni ig,Dodd's,,14dpe * Pillp 1W Ion, 0 o'-IN�r and the tio4s in-, ,the world must,"be destroyed. :'A huh7dre so�rle one said it',Was-tiliethiidge-th. 1"te tu s hbwii filthe.ej kid e Send no moneybut:, tell P' n c' o r e s 131DYSI, pur,ifY t6'blo6d id i*eight, of le,�ves-, may' -:be tu'rned' e �it was. on fire.' �being­nea:r' that' ;urbid., cure e - ri 4, Mmoribi& ace I -e Otbe,� blood 'Rubbing 0. C'Idrke,,a w011-kliowh re- I , , '' . � 118 9-1 9r... -0 a' -Pound.,suffi6iOntIyijY''off' all t remove"th Per'sonal effepts,of th;� writ Uinu, ationa, -po, ' i'solaous. a6i�d urrie sum M-ers, d� -for the R�yal lips fi (im. the Th Special, -tiltei-est, now, 'a b ox:' 103 p ace" an, J�ne, and' flaWlen R is __: 'found. t the,;.p6.in-, vi it- Wind' -It in Or And , lavor lake h- ... - di I I 4� an t " Dr., Williams, ink 'pills i wa i ou of ihe� 'S Sor, Ont the' is unde- was mace 1 n t re, f c a U I . I. Io)1 WAys.ready o- Departmp ;pel tis, al n nial)ly, superb. e efic �C, give th' blood medicine and sure �enojlg.h; -POOR, MED100 t her, experience fQr,,,Lhe be" ey, are'a s- X P n b '!that is Ny I , 0 I I * 11 - BRUDDAH BtNI 8 PHItOSO h Pl1y -i:her, guffer iUM6S ,iii he9 r YOU11SM - 17. b be I e hy gieat �cr6 e ridge a mass -c es, an p, eye, e points" of, rh,� ath � I -,. a, queiei.'inStitu�� FARE haokn'!' -ed twenty. .16n amatishr disa ­�- Pre 6very cajo. 20 years- ex�, dl t, ppear Years ago with the change flife tions,,'�. -1d' been'thi t can les ha -ets - iii `fr6n a hose pills d d n- iam 000 in Y' 111111 ay"'Wb d -,w ,w Id mace e 1,000i but take Will '6I y head ich- -ou rU Me S a, or - I Hickey. n Ontario. Water Wpul the 100 odd sbopS bad� tate 'ness faint, I e out' 6j -the- d e, e �RIW rU 'THE P P AND Ro9E, Tb When cam y aim ism- come -bn; andthese e, consunilitioli 'of Dr. Th-( in-. yo fadn'ting spe . .. I Tslr fs 1 took"fits. 1, was neck, an' afta' KIN6 1. I li�' de wedding cere-, prices P Ecleqtrid­��O'l h Arive �ih on '96' to w'oxi',c and did 1., as to great bloated -till was clumsy.� The' P"4in Mony,r dey -am always -ready to fall write for price li e trouble out . of were so, plic Mr. Jbbn "Vans IZ splendid wor]Cr for' their size, A kP61-tions -`NOiNvitbst4hdI-T1g-th­ WfUl, I suffered was a It We to h6WL.6e fact that it uld go on yo' ijocket� book." has en on, the fc hx, N.� Si, -says.: manage my feet and then to my hea'd. ere three, Me there, 'thdt, ind the ri er,' 0 thad'an 'Many.-doctoi -tehded t seemed t be: market for; over thirty-6ne tj --- il I_th, -al an no 90. 4&Illig a . .e: sien is -as grea 'a iii Which SO e for it inr S' Many inedicinesi but nothing book -keep tac t e r i4n, jr-­�:-fig­ht I 'gLr and the demand e Ue ke otur, books., years years, EN: is prosperity' And -ankle A% hich Mandarin, Who �shoUrja come, to'Lsubh' that peri-, Pt used Dodd" E; for many. years came;� very, muc ' fires an supervise r, m6 e#ec atyr 0 6d his very great y increased. It e d an, exeinpI 13 34 $I Cly tive e I Sw 'Acial in Kdney Pills. The -first. box-. stopped. V� dy. 1--shou-I& -have kep In i -a t him --at -4 a ea 'ot 1 line trying 0 get ri e country,, I- , It., -boxes ri.end—"Wbat did -,YO1 ma'sted... measur and ille fits n'd seven cured F wa;S :ai�ak-,nt -Oit -'busiiiias a;nd that "the two lilt a oset 011L Ciands., -%�bcrever 'fresh W4 d L� WAMER. MED Co.. Lond c & -7t VU6 trouble by�rubbing W other pumps natie,owne 4: are constantly asked, f ompletely. Merchant itb thMa. a.i, rien en 8 HO, a -,of (;I y were, n man s Use n is new, but i . t Ir. Aid not do illbit - O cominj�, Ey6ry suffering wo h F' A w -did hi�do-i' Ili Dodd? ­K-Wney�­Pills APPET 0 V PilIS'r, official quell the fire abd"[401jeAh countries' 'in:- d .......... at the timiy ash. d,-,, fina ly p has. gobid. I id YSL) e *he Ci n-4 - _S . rded against'tbo I se. -terrible Mail b brsuaded me -to, try being 4.0:divorces for ov,ery I j, . -Give� a s ""Oman only about twenty -ilk Lisi&� Of a week, the ers;, the writer hurried o tbern, 000 MaIrriages, Fiancej with 91 per safe�gua ace of'6b ry, � 'T 0 pil, X gan t h` i ' r . I . t,-- Of coming neond ma a me, and r te, sna��ed two more it many Pains that ke niis6rahI6 the. lives -6nd he keyhis Mark iji hef af e hd,Ger women.., wo To e ew. i,iteeks. longer bridge, biiiininL9, sentibe!goods and E i ibil"d,with 17�p'r �1,600., c r so many,; rld d 0 the c oli,9 info,t�e .and. himsei comp e I tely N!appea�l,crd.;i. E',E e in aNi 'as not, 9 r. . r I . Tearhas' Diwn signaio does not,delj*, ito,.. HOW TO'HANDLE' 1011.&D bother d M appeared on the seene4fi stk dig, sorcl. OTi . was,a so fa Ing t e III Xclarge all- at- the', S16i ahi isixforloc forl3i*'r 7 d D not3ritle; - when P I r . niads"' h 'P* ea, an wi but'the cold la 1W -AXon's Lurfisf-llabaiji -free fro so cougntake 'at the time f�r weakness' and ana67 We I Owe wc inppiuln, full of'.h Ary 1 stalL with dislUfOcted and .?31iugpQ*er.. : , , I uii6d by, IM held Lee. �by ile s . . r 11 I '' t .1. r 1. . .. �n" and, "I -quou& P ell Y �=,id add,-, ul t - f. -14ding, lacl�, qunlib14 theM'QZ10C Q m -We a frie�n'd, of this, maidi, A great firp br.", ' de- rel. , 81nd, us our si.tq In, .c6ld: weather rIL-1ve 1u t the. UlealleST, VhingL I 'e Vt r �W 4-rCl'r ot e. ed1r Id of the troubles.'tha't'a;fflidt WdRings we havi q me r 'b aring Y, IT, I iag e d ;ire,'AU6 to ]poor, wa,tej Ag�]; again 'm'ad' ..Came 'to my bt I .... .. 1. I foQ libi, house nj d' d ki e� on, the bra d.lny,;, n Mag es, e 6f li see tea oth r oc- tually Make new red blood' t e a Tha the basement 'a 't',V and' h n, *6nfto' P aki, g ..Shh�id-�be­p e an& cle44, po Or coal u Co.,; plo t 6 r t_oi, b and, dir� es all, mand6ered.. a smill:j�W f It is sthe �Ird lady'.' The S ys nocessa-f -or new 'haiess d Xhd cheapb;t tea to user "t t 'e S ice ou ca j U Kixen Wa tin. water. -umatism -sharp, ..sm all b OWS )i - ifie _d Y 0C Pound,c paper -that per re aA' PJAIN and lonesome 'but ;A,,b c ater e llu.uje Was 'b Ad' s' d jLnCe, ill, a a drink, but if YOU St., Vitu �Iado r on � -the r li-6t woodwork­�f, the want jthose Para Animals Opting afflicted is, and ;,th t '(two r on 'each sid6) e a S, ex( e ,ailmets of You booths a olutely pur ealthful, -,h I R E women t6anly-Prepa a,use ��'Salad . . .... oseness, of the b ''aild bf* -mature -W��-e trying,t&�gdt-�out- -and the tiles, c age� -isAlie-s'ecret- i)f dod blood- 'flew aS-­-�Vd.11 lend poker infinitely healt IT T J ILLE r 7t h P, cret p 10�-filie decideffly, - ti- s' Pi lik P Ul S S e aU' Be gQe's,faii;pher. A Geizinian �i mi&rr Iillg.-rr'So d hV -MA peddler raped lis EV 8Vf0;)V' 00 �.�W t, 50, of A, _thn ho SUff _7 . ng, &g0jk r !I 11 th r f�OJU4 le ne Aealer'so or' by ni'dil .e" tb� t e en rance. rs. the ox- Th b thgrea ip,propoi in hO� wai�hl :k,,,the suv-- roM e -­D.i-.1V.il4I t rtion to �ij zd ast ung open -th door I crib 'aMS' Medicine Co Brockville t urning, throbbing,­shboti SI 1'.4, -ji sparrdw'-& 161.wo nd-9foweidd'. I hi 113 ljl.'r­ h. tabblng.painswh A onv. sittifig. �'!)iid yorii.-owlS. fiO 'S466 me.1 he e -A eep a;nd tho way it wre66the Suffi�jj6e 77777 life 1.r Send for our Fie d6min&d. in *hkeAtening 6.n6S. ZammRuk � ]A,. blessett .' d Iby thougafi, 13 aialogu6No. 7& SIGILY IM V, rhouseAto7sufferflidnipilei, butirbo; e d a few in a:,INauseilting Pill.— pedd r , �.ba* rool The ex4m . . . Of! 0 -FIRE IN s epS. pe Fill; ot he 'When cipient, Of Pil is the subit, A jrateful)reirso babie's are� ties ess ancQ I2V I L k -L-di U-. Toronto.. She says- "For Aultonola, Piayer FjA'n0Z -aleep ess k pill', mas got in -XIN G ER S HELP 0 QUENCH iiiii of illness. ies ma es. up gini., Y fotii long yeiLrs 1 stif.'ered acuite;y' from Thai of Wltll ail 41)6 Y- ri. Ispent an sdu' Al d ax-meloe's-,;-Vegetable Pills is, S blai5dhig pili4.'-Duribg that time T' . . . . . . . . . . . Sled le'sness on&y on T f-emsdits` lind ,,�,e ip r in 6 -sto' ach nd 00--d n.,b �e era, e t e....car arg- bjat 1 rave ers ipto any latitude without im adring, s�,growing wiser.� ffer- Onto Morning ox bowels :6r'to.tbething�'tk.oubles , 'I -1 I . I 1, 1 - T 11 qP obt to.ev6rythinj Alto I had ii�ie d and. Stringe, 14 ? '. �' fe*&sea of Baby's Own Tablets Bridgi6i and � nd' their.str6ngth. Mapy,pl S, In 0. Iteuredme. I Al'ini griateful-fidtthe cure, der ivill .Put 1he little , one'right to k��p:thom 'from adhering 11A,LKno told. Know,"..will becomea great have�iie;rerlat P and rLArP danzer if it,be k1lbWed,to roach down the throat rall nd I prove to telunigs.. 'sip the efilin'tbe bad -with make� it sl art rolled in powd6]lis which I know -the cure i a &XImalle, t ..0 0 1467ing t eep liatu, y a n -*e. M6th,er�'�n6ed--not.--be.-afia:'id of- jW9 Allen'@;�' TAng Balfiamil a. sure rouletly ontabdus er thankful IP 5=9410 no Opi&tefL - KIDT Vegetable Pills )I C69telina,. Trinit', P Oun :0 ails niedicine 'as', it ar& so prepare A., S -Z- es, n, s iiarar tee -1 . . I I . . . I Y IL. —y-Uendh166.-. —11 , - 4,-,- re-ag 9 ...... d iuseating to: Aastd.�Parmel Anoth b9 A.; the, 11, -the mb -tha*-th6y-'ii;' 0.iit . IiAs I clim gass e' e Sj been trouble spun tif 01 Mr 'or n. is an n 'spite Loll, Ie -7 --�afid Ii the,,days w 6768 . re-that4h A �ioviffifke-nt an& VS jo-,pn- -d ed �d with blind, and i Roville, G&was, Ont., Says Ing plb�s. t"had been u Idprotrud* About' 140.t200, ighted o the too oriporefeet. P . )r d b Y: artist `w. I_X_V I E6- -- - � - I 1. thir 0 v zi"Ii"Sbyi heh deicOrtitipg %gribas kill of at' You were- lnearly­-Troagted� -Tablers in s -doift �i -t- Wcanje� acro�a an Xne nouse. I hv MV4 do tire length of thtre6 Sides also V Uu e to, 'the heat I rig .�!­tired the.,,. ..a. c y as a u. .. �b,cure this; imedicine h6rie-. on 1, looking ,,,or A c, p dZ d for i. as t a, Invall" of. w oreign-, occasion reqi in's I so . i -14i ofte irest w th f600 f �`Th(,Ts A c6ujh is' m-thd fordritnuer' I That, tb- ilifed 'for the, last five clx'has'w me -g some s, 'e .6 hel.�.in iroin ilea io:tl� up -1 -date in�nufactuiin fl t e. years, jand �av�e many a ime Ot. serious y it, supe pulmon�iiy alkict6ni, foundi riot, to ,',tjhD hA, n. cen O; - tral of or ste4lh loundg,reat 1 liter a Cold Orl ke 1,te*gpe6n- -i%, gliwa of h6tater onsump iv& UP, otixod with ZaTh-Duk A a purely, heibal beat, wat6io e o ri, light "�t I . 06, V. r the A the-.r6ach o 4enial includ Little, did we Ar''o a in 6 f gettilig all otbor modic es in uing yet the're is cure withip �'!th6 most urw Apfi- fire eXpefience !]Is childhood'. Sold by medi- im in B I atr I p 0 n or, r should be In e*e'ry homaj qnr�s auto, 'Aiat, we did, ;ays, otr6pndent` or. by MAA -it' 25,6edts burnl%L. tjrnlge% eine dealeis' i. Avoid subA . I . _­fczema. ildleeik; bloo- io er, cent. an ej y ti I i�d widely' irevognized rbiiiedy.4,4, 8 sur, h 'Sban L W- -1i pU the, _gbai t is but o 'IffifieVAell M 'od h dalt', nee ra e,; On And all u 5: P is Ini day, of -thd .thinibse fift a i�d ,�ibettsi etc. Ali ditgs I ta n.) w a. urdM'r .6orning an IW. ich if resorted to iat tb6. �h firsi c' e Co Brockville, inlra6i�ljate, PoSgeisio 10 g is an sto iion'of a coldi wIll inv a a ariably' gite, or from Zam-Buk Co., Oro fo ric -ren, A 99 or W!foL4"DQL eoM6 ..over., to- st I 0, high-class -,tenant'. Moon) .*Iii everybody Must' notes and by overcoming the 6ou- h adeor Ing to a Baik6jr,s!' with me John.' :' She*il bi ti cents, no. 0 e knowg 09 &I, lxomiia,.O� 'Her H"Iiand�'711611 at- all dealerW W 0 if'you ask ilioln Fn ave Out a iihied leabdId. arisin-' Fr6nch n- aid mdj.� ','e Ma'. el You as If you ous.cong . equ( e.sys em, rom%aay serl- fr ki J�us' Of. guAk.d. th conse or some 6b�, tey 10a 'nees. Price 25 �Iftently d ciga�ette­gm6k than -to drinki: LeifidoL -what s' thi, use of join' SON exit custom," alij - vi gI I In A there is,art av ra o one 6 every j,0 Opo�l, ]h 96 8 "me 6f Hollo� den est - -tj the ior a 0 in the ex renio� jiort� 09111 1118t. fiencfft A, d - I ong; IMF -6 eopp een span bridge.,w th c, t on eci U.! om a rail delaid, e str VL�, Witl'i its 6fi§y. 'wester Cure I w 166 Milos fir I ej n - subul7b, I sid Lf its' W day's TP Ric klio ONT. cure 0 melgh- and Street froin. lle" alled. X y' corns by. this reind journey no had' no and- -1 4ish soMQ 0, Y d blazing eandles, one or' Y mor -PLE for �m �Oi. COPY FREE'. friends. ' 96 *t-ite$L Mr. J. 'W� front of each . of: 06 108, shops IWould yqp lik tiowil" C41ca:ko. The J&PS Did IL ihoi'sn�glfsd. the -boot ' I L is brid b6t 6 -to have A saiii- pie .-copy of The armok's Adi.' LK*,D&Y!­Aiont ol pla;Ater, *hie ;Ktida, Tl offle 14-st a4tor' aid 'i 6- be' N 11 I, 5LL. 0 ed t6 w) bridge'and booths seem 1!06ate and Iff euM t skjbt be A, J, PATT bell ';v�ood, abd -it was, of the -coldest period' -of the�.d Sting of TKE --BEST AGRI ay" .bw� 3.3- 5 flint thj'% looko&aom . ewh�jt 04TURAL ing tcii tho� ev�ap-6 S00TT-.ST11.-7T090!NT.0 3 & o a cold moi-' 66, -that prevailed"* in his nice inn w. H6"Wever, i -istulie froni 'O th 'und AW'HOME , I r tO*W: - Brokers and Ftft;afiwat 1,46" its a er the division. "Why 'he said "Y ad PAPE A'O' r, ts foil s #vst rays. I& watiob-Z Mid tbi�r.Aocks bough.t.and S(djld ob W hT sun hang your go anda. cing. 11 had: 64 'k ..v6r on the American I Progressive ontizient, IaMP_poS In tile et�dn* d A ing, an COM n e inv! Mhg' a !goo&��ieyv or c4n af� OR ALTL� , ssidn..­ - Cidirrespo 'denc t'ss ihe 'river and gi of the'bridge'. Ar . Usual with. Sghts foid -with6ut it. publish Parefits. -buy Xother Graves! it. still there in the morning,' 0 0 e. 6,may'bd wi�ed tobe rM tgterrhinator'. ed rd r' enso Wo -because they do'n,'t mean 'to say nobody, WOU14 -secimillgly worth, it, ike took' a - �d i6bkly.. Only $1�.��O:Oei ioar, know itis % safe medicine 'f�r' the!,, take the, -watch III exclaimed A �SXA118HOt OF TH MUDdt, Drop p6st-crd for' free Sam -1. L m Its- P e. children and arr offie a! I.Mean to st copy, Agent' it , �y nobody 8 . jjiti�d, Address o' -worm" a it,, t e h ehm6ra back Ad' b would take the' -Post; in am sai ON P life and f ' oun our -way to the er so R eant. er 1, on more -presentable for serg ADV ;M it bI Mission ompoilild'i'li,t)-lo 4,pation thi Milor--l- ond ltsPi a c 6n Ont JLhd ei Sli6kjto, Bloisonii I Ie: j,BI6SS M othdii jidb of .�tLho �ber­ ."but we ire:.014 of sirloiji, evthe door op e IM orry� isir ]j" .' h dOA't Your wife otdoi you a dil'as Idphoped th but. 0 O. is. o c is on vAmE*?B,-,E* :,PRE ckploddd` Ile .-v�glks out), ""Thank yoll'. round -I" ' "Whdt's tha�qIl * 11 r SrItaiker, it the other. end f �-tfid B168SOM (:'He ­ I 6 Yj­ ome ba6k " nd t� S 'why �don't your''wifio- close blint. door! Havan't ybtt a ne' ay, 1.1 . L ; Any yoll'a tr - .: 43x56 itich bled, �OSt e2,5'00, 6rder roxifid'i"' Why- doillt doors in -your h6ut61" glick�-"Yes Sir.; but. -they all oiddli me around f 0 in in , orning aye spyings that is Allow mi t Sold f4 all she. does on"em, until night I show you, Smy pate 'tL. $4 TU wiere n 6, r 00. hearer, doubl' S I'd Ibut'tho. startl6d butch6k bck-action-d.obrm§pfing, it closes I jLk to tb fot largai and. r.,k,to�, f in (jedde to 0 rnhc i esi I'S I "goijig, T0906 h&d.:j hung, up th-0 recelIV tfid,46br wkh6t biing, and wil :runnf . r" , d has jUSt,b&on tlide. s6, lifiat Itil ot cr'l as I comfpetel in wn 40' 1 qu ezhialVe§ T 16, 1 --low 'tM f L�' bl' k' -lugi T ea�liliquakes -6�c`qu r-:' big r of.tnege, not M�rdi th heTh Isoh Ptlb nt hough tbi MA ate estimated C 2 damage. mi iIV I-3 W 'T obookS.' 7. A"'