Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-26, Page 51":;_.r0.;...... -e..;.
The follOwilig lines of seasonable
Knitted Goodi are now in stock
Wo‘.4 Ocarfs, Prices 50e and
, Ice Woel -Cream and Black, •
Honey Comb- sha-vh-pi ices $1, $1.50,
*fool Fasenietors 50c ond 1.5c.
.Knitted MniOeiri,- $2.25.
-on thoShouldeik-Creain•with-vaticus
colors of trimming, price ,$2 each. '
Ladies' Knitted Under Jackets, no
range of *colore, pritea:$1,25 lip to
Tmunt is nothing tett--r•to
guard or 'pi otect the the body •
again , "the` effect of ' " sudden
;changes in, the atmosphere than
and there is no. Underwear that '
gives more .satisfaction to msn•'in
genuine a onafor or in hard ear
Y meq of `pure Nova Scotia wool
• and is absolutely uushrinkeble..
We ' guaren, tes every •piece of it.
Three different weights are car-
ried in sto.k=Red 1pel, Bine
Lahey and Black bel:; prices,
• $.1..2;5, ' 3:5 ,and '$1 751_per_ gar-
me>t large rings of other
makes of.U. derweer in stock.
Ladi e' .Rlogwood Gl1ovev Cr sin,_'
B1dck, Cardu;al and Navy, at 2��c,•. ,, •.
35eand 500. x<'
'CF ildrrna Bina woiad''.Glovers; Cardin-
al, Navy and Creasn e t 20c and. 25c _
--and 'promptly---dcn-erirrisnr-Sh-00--Dis7--
, pertinent.
the lkst Rubbers on the market. If th4re Were
any better we WOUld hakre them. L
*3,435;elet, double sole and 'shank, solid heel, fusion
'MEN'S 3 -eyelet, ralIerl edge, rolled. heel, fusion lined. :$2.76, •
MEN'S •2-btickle, high tut, rolled edge, rolled heel, 'fitsion
MEN'S, 1,1iiickle, rolled edge, rolled' heel,. fusien lined . .$2.00
BOYS' and YOUTHS in all sizes..
Repairing' N eatly and Promptly Done,.
for Winter Tertn—no batter • dine.
We (der etmoial, advantages 'and pri-
:Write for particulars.
,British 'American
.Business College
YMCA Bundling. Toronto
Most modern end flepular /jusi-,
reits School in Western Ontario.
Widely experioneedi broadly'
educated, sYnitSAthetio, attentive
."ahltie education has been tief4hoted
Indiyidual instruction ' tater
anY Wilte. for handsome,
4, n$WV series of short cfofi$g xs i tut.
to commence -in The Family )B'er 1d
wiId lei ly-,gtur:efr-Montreal htt7dre
,said to be the best eve, offered to rieWs
paper readers. A cone; etc story. will,'
aappear Duh week. ' TI: seriea alone
is worth more than 'tlse whole year's:
subscriptioi price,. one dollar;: and when
one thinks' of all the other good things
that appear in that great weekly, . he,
can readily understand why the pu` l
:ushers so earnestly urge present sub:
scribers to renewearly' end give them
a chance to enter the thousands of
new applications in December . and
!tawdry. It is safe to say that` no
person remitting a dollar for the Fain-
. ily He c,1d and Weekly Star for 1909
will regret it. ' Anyfarmer, particularly
who is not a regular reader, as missing
enmething'he cannot :afford,. to.
A Happy M seting
Two Friends again Renew days r,o
Fore after Forty six Years
Separation -
Conflrted to His TMHome
`423eavy work, Gevere strafn[ng and evil habif8 in youtla 6xo c t. o„+.g
dopble vardcocele whe l i worked hard "thn•achitig would become:
eeve!e said I'wsg o®tt lard up for & cfs?k ata Heuer. inv iamii
:416t,ysician to11 me an,o1 ration was my aaly ho hilt % dreaded its• ,
. .' ..m ried;4everal apscca]Ists, butFool fou out alatheytivauted u' myoney:, Icomrizdc.d't.ooupon a1` doctors` as little better than
gues. One daymypboas askei c�why.1 was o ? work so iuieh and
told himmy condition . l3e ad sKenaiednnedy, she laid takeia tr a�ment from em ,IInseif. anti knew
tI ry were square and ;ki11ftiI I wrote theme dgotTa NEwMa J no y6,
Taatsmx�T• 'fly progree was somewhat ,slow and iduring t o.Hrst
month's treatment I wk�t's soanewhnt di$eoutaged. Howevgr, I eon
tamed treatment for tifree mpnths longer and was rewardedwiih a'.
Conaplete.eure. I cpdid Only earn;$12a week in a inaehine�aTaog `be
Yore treatment, naw 1 am earnangi$..1'au tiever•lose'.a day. I wteia
all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. '
$LOO]) POISONS aro,theamost prevalent and most serious Iliseasesm `,Theysaptbevary
lIte.bloodof the victimayaand unless entire, y, eradicated frgm the system; will cause ,sertous •
cone licat'tons. Bewara of iMIercury. It onlyy, suppresses the: symptoins4,- our NEW
• a ®YOUNOOR DLE • GEDMN:—Imprudent acts or -lister excesses have u1iy i n
down your 1ay� m. You feel the: symptoms • ntealing"'bver . you.;'lfentallyy, physi-
cally; anrd vitaily'you are not the magi you used to be or should' be will you diced the
ito Yon a*letim? ,Lave wooloathope? .Areyou5intendingtomarryf Has
�1 LII your blood been diseased?• have you any weakness? Our New Msrson
+a Tatars will cure you. 'what „it has donefor others it wall ;do for you; Consnllatwn
FFres No_matter_;: who. bus, treated .you,. write for,,a>3'•-honest>.opinion-TF.rao-of4Cbairio.+
s...bilrz o the,Cioiden4onitur,-.=(IJlustr tedpon iseasesorlilen.
NON MES'.' USE!!wrruotrr WR['I TEN .CONs;ENT. PRIVATE. Nr • nen;*a
as boxes or ene, envelopes. Everytbina confidential. Question •lint ancost.of Treatrnonp
Cor Michigan Ave,. and Griswold.St D•efroit-0 Mich'
"The fo awin artitie *birth will no
.doubt be of interest .to 'some. of our'
readers, is ft.,* The Kincardine .1,
rporter sof :a recent date:—
ate: After nearly half a eentarypff . sep-
'aration two friends- of boyhood days.
renew their friendship in the - town of
Kincardine. The : gen lemen referred
to are Mr, Jesse Pe of 'Brampton;
father --of Mr: S " --Perry, and 'Mr:'
HenryThompse',ef.Holyrood. They
were 'chums younger days; residing
in Bramp Tu, 1860 they .eetit `bn
an axe 'on'to Niagara Falls• to .do
hone o :the - Prince of 'Wales, now
_Ed9ss who stisited-Caned-
a mea --tori le trio- th the00 -af-
Newcastle as. 'his guardilan.; It,was in
18.60 that Blondin performed his won=
derful feat ofwalking' across Niagara.
on • a tight rope -and Mr. Thompson re-
calls the fact with'e good deal of humor
that he•and Mr. Perry "bellied .to; pro
vide 'the pxogrel of"enfertainn est for`
the Prince.. • The -morning before the
erritral'of the•Royal party these two.
youngmen were- .abroad bright and
early and Blondin Was : stretthin, • _ his'
rope or`t•e.,pe • ,Otis; trillhe''. was to
make He pressed Messrs •Thompson
an Perry intoservice,.helpbeing scarce
and they went to work,7with •the wi'tl'
ottrue loyal ''subjects • and :.did their.
'duty in assisting ,the famous rope•
walker4o make his preparations.;
The -P-ranee:`' and=aiiite landed 'at•
Chippewa and several hundred people
had gone.downthere from Niagera.te,
de. honor to their future .king ' A':"
-grand torclits t pros--essiott• iVa arr;'.
and'he was escorted. to• Niagara:
•with the huzzas, of aloving and loyal
Nless�r`s `Perry and 'Thompson have
enjoyed a week together here .and.
was a pleasufe;'tomeet these, two men.
no v grown gray,: but. -well :preserved,
and helm to their memories', of days
gone bye.. Thieir•outing,on.the' occas=
ion o£ prov1chng, entertainment -for Hie"
Royal Highness was not all ;pleasure.
For sortie unaccountable• reason the. G.
R casicellec the-excursio i. •trgizr
It -was -'-necessary that they. `should• be
home on Saturday night and they took
a boat ai>ross to:Toronto.• Fromm. Tor=e
onto to Brampton, 23 miles, they
to• walk, a heavy ram ,storm came on,
and they.: wer@ . thoroughly drenched.
• They ,attempted --to take•shelter 'in onp :
of the stations lbeiweeu: Toroi►to and,
Brampton but' the ' -station. 'master
turned them ont=and- r.__,hoinpson_
naively remarked on recalling. the - in-
cident, "Jesse,I.guess we looked rath-
er suspicious", at which the two burst'
into a peal -of laughter..
is ':seldom' that two :men ,meet.
`cinder Such happy circumstences after
a 'separation of 46 year*, May they
'long be.`spare d to' renew the . days o
their youth • .' •• °' ` •
Mr: whom the: meet
ing with lie: eld-time: friendv►as ifin exp
tr'eme1y happy,., incident• in'his..deelin-
ing,'years, says with a'good. 0041., 'of
: pride that but, few riven can`. be , found.
in a adga-to day who can-- honestly::
boast; as they can, of having helped
to..' prepare : an entertainment': for
His . Royal H'i g l
Edward: VIL 'lie clearly recollects
details of -the wonderful performance
of the famous '"tight°rope walker who
entertained 'the. Prince: The ` rope
used:was about :2%, in.' in diaineter,
and was stretcliod 'across the ' gorge a
few , rods" from. the' old suspension
bridge. ,Having tightened the rope,'
Biondin pulled off has slippers; Stepped,
oat` upon his thread-like brjdge eared'
jumped.upon it, as • en ordinary Man
would testa scaffold that. he. intended -
to --work on, saying to ,his companion
aI -guess •that'sall right." Blondin's'
exhibition ,consisted of,' :first: a walk
on the rope from• the American to the
Canadial'shore;. then he took' his cone-
pinion on his back''aud carried him..
across;l'ettingliiin.:down-for•a'resi when .
way over: It was a slow and difficult ,
task • getting him on .hip back again . •
Having reached the American side' he
putt on stilts three feet'' high and on
these repeated the trip to .Canada.
At tills ge the Prince. Went •to the: .
end -of t e rope, 'shook 'han'ds' with the
,performer, and congratulated hint. '•
S -
gives' you. 'an uplift, *Stott , can , best ,
get it at 6ur large, up -to -Jett school:
Central BuilnessConeitti Toronto:
Has improvenients-all its own.
To -see -it -is -to admire it
C?m(13.titionitatnjdt.,we will .be pleased, to show you all
large and; up-to-date stock of' _Farniture
comprising the best:ma/tea :and latest pat .
terns, which, we are] offerin,g at Rectsnable
.Prices. call arta _inspect 'our stock
We deem it a pleasuiie to show goods,
Picture arming' ata repatrukg done
neatly and promply.
!To Id(
, =
Couch Throws.