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Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-26, Page 4
--. d i e!, e an evelllearnec • yor'self an; crease ovi em to save, youwould not .event k> tter off; if 'yC ur inCoine ;e• tai ei ri�oney difficult w 2►t oaf wayto cr Y_ save, you in a year: coney - -if once, MENCE rS to OPEN at. ,Air •re cor, petenl. Custodian: o Paying special iatte tk in its rise . to .n, a e P tis of our ; , country,' O .stable and • convenient r saving al ,money, than to 'Savings a�snongst the e' to be re - ace for the, owner the courtesy of: Hamilton has mar deposits.. - o: int w ""civ,--.40.4t•Ms d,'" -' -:- h;. 411#ri3NV L. sfv -,er, . Soli- ' day - and ?. Cour Snsawoon No. S0,' .meets',every-first Monday of ohthin oddfellows'. Hall. Visiting efluen ar�e cordially invited. C R., f aanaM, R. S. j...33.: AG*IEW, Farr -Sac. D. R.'McIN1'osg, Treasurer.' O n L ortr . LODGE, A. F. A, int., G. R C., ,meets every. Thursday, w°gtit on or before the hill moon,in the Masonic Acriall,. Havelock Street, rueknow. ..` 12. MACLEOD A. $ MACLEOD, Secy. Luc rrrowLonGs . No. 112, ' meets;ev- = fiery' Friday •evening • at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell St: All brethren cordially invited. W. J. MacGruscoR, N. G. D. Mir onoEt, Fin -Sec. R. V. McKuwzxra, R. S. •')A.' Ross, Treasnrer. •-I.'uesrrow ioDGn; Independent Order of Foresters meets in the Oddfellows' Hall on' the last Tuesday ,of each month at 7.30 o'clock. Visiting bre- >ienJ are cordially twit to attend. ` ..McDorratti, C.R. T. S. Rum, F Sec. T. E LawREJ. rt,` Rec: Sec; GE O.. A. SIDD.AT L, MONEY LOANER, REAL ESTATE• AND COAL. DEALER: ' Money, to loan on.ahotes; single or don- , ble, at from one month to twelve months„ and on first and d ,second m or tgag es'on real estate and first mortgages on lie_ stock at reasonable rates.. • _Novi G . A. NEWTON L. D. 'S. ;DENTIST, Oficer..Ailin BBtoddC, Lndita w': • All Modern methods used. $est, *`vterial furnished. Crown and bridge Painless. extracting by the use of `s simplest ,and safest remedy, Newest 'thitig in artificial r plates non -`breakable. ursday ms ars' Are Cast -Iron Ranges Bunt Like S.eE _ Ranges !Qv erles. peLinsular" Ranges- iiav -the .. op Oven . and .Low . Closet, which .,have .. heretofore been exclusive : features of the lost expensive steel ranges. They are also the only ranges made with Fire -Box on right or . left side, as may letter fit the kitchen in which the range is to he placed. "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid cookers, are very economical_ inregard .to;fuel,-ares strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service.': Let us show . you their niany features of PIXIFLDIE!$1.,S ti` Zii LAND, hi I' I,ISHI # J MEs L. 1Nb; R,!togor5 T?8is. e` t7a.i"x}Pi =- . 1 per anntieu pay able in.,advance, .$1. SO at>end of yea', A i1.S,. subscriptions 50 per stinum strictly iu affirtince - �y CCBfAiRNxpCA-IIo1�rS tern ,deahng.P nth liv Mics, of the dad* are solicited; but the names of contributors must in every case accoutpatheny the coinbutsaner tign - If desired, the writer's name will not be pubished., - "TIIIIRSI).Ay,,NOV'EMB'R 26 1908. il11 Hill Gn Fee Trade James J Hill aa 4, greatraliroad: ", 1, One Of Op greatest the vlce,,h1 ; bas .ever seen.' „When `'he,. speaks on railroad/matters he commands;;instant attention. Quite "frequently in• the past year: he has;given out very:decid e.l , gv reat nanquens �!? thiuvies ay:forgtnigght•he,ti®'l t al , spokenstioat• Portland''O.egon, before the Commer, ciiil Club;. and at'.the New York Mate ;havabes--of deSoa) raaer70e7, ariquet Oaf bethoccasions h3deelar-ed•verystrongiy in'; favor' .of -free': trade between the: .N.Aited. States' ,and: -Canada. • . Congmenting .= vponPie :speach nt Portland,:the .:Saturday Sunset 'very; :aptly reanarks'"that. Mr. Hill is about' the, last roan. on the continent. whose Advice in tariff ratters "'should be co*: sidered by Canada. fir. Hill's greatest financial interests are'in the' Great` Northern Railway.' That t road' runs. just a, little .south , of the International Boundary 'All the, wawyfrom `'Duluth to Everett Wash ington- and, 'limey branch _ lines. -have been built northward._ .some of: _thean;: *•opp'ng.attheTrternez...tie .lBau daryy and others creseiing into Canada.If free trade were established'' between'. -the two Countries, every one of these feeders :would be"at once proJected in to Canadian territory and the advant- age to the Creat . Northern Railway .oaa1d be;:- very; -,,great: It -would- he thegreaat carrier of Americans merch=< �ndise ' =_anported ,into :the Canadian'• West and no one;doubts-that -the vol'_ fume of this business would be veru rear. �an�i$ :wq carr a great•part' of the wheat to lake ports. As the' :SuniseEsays="Fcee trade ,for Canada would mean .unlimited ! tonnage .:for: iiill railways.. - Free trade advice from' Jim Hill is a gratuitous•insnit to Can adran intelligence:. /Htalk of termi- nals and' British rebaisterfor "his 'lone' Pacific freighter is little better.:: ;When;; JiM HiB comes. to: this:city, with ,..sue Cheap . palaver it is; well to- watch him .,,,u, freer too on, ms program': -for any plans which he may have in mind -it-must he remembered ,that the inter.• ests_of Jun HiLrailways-come=-first;:: those of the, United Mates second and those of Canada a had third." The Old Sentinel Building Old L`uek?io res mho ti rn to .^: the holiday season will_ miss an old landmark. The unaightlycornerwhere.: stood the '"Sentinel'`` Buildin; and the old Oddfetlows_Hail hr's' been en'•tirely transformed. The latter building ,has been entirely torn down and the: former has been moved back and so completely transformed that ;those most .familiar with the old building can seenothing to identify it " It now stands as a. handsome double, residence of white brick.: The a*terior-design-presents a pleasing; . architectural a pearance. A handsome rch has licca buil . Po . t and cement walks laid." Each house contains about ten rooms T/U C =lOiw 1 including a fully appointed bathe room with sewers laid. -to .large septic . tank - constructed in, the rear of ,the lot. Twenty-five year-ago it was difficult•' to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any. price. People didn't want it -they were rising Soft, winter wheat. flog, and saw . no reason' for I LI . changing -J.,:_ _• But ' hard . wheat "' $dtir was.'persistently •pushed. The *omen tr%ed it andsucceeded 'with lt,-to-day hard wheat flour is the favorite' for Past , tY as well: as for Bl`ead. sbyal llousehold is hard wheat `:flout 'at its best --milled by modern ' methods; retaining all of the good of the iwheat. • 1t is without an equal for every kind of 'baking in 'which flour is: used. • ` .16 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Witted,. Month.: . gratifying to all citizens Who .is tvake a, thetown is the who o a This. transformation .w P result of the - 'enterprise of Wm.. Allis the present' owner of the yroperty., Milking Ma cines • Giving Satisfaction Although there are no'signs that the milking machine *likely to come• into 'general use in Canada 'at an early date 1,hose•farmera who use these machines appear to be well satisfied with the re- _sults that they are 'get'ting. Desiring to rigid what.satisfaction. thesemach-. rues' are giving, ,The ,Canadian .Dairy merrand Farming World, wrote recent ly to: a number of farmers who, have been, using these machines for a1 year or more and asked them how the were satisfied with their machines, •The following is. asample of • the letters,. received in reply.' • '. • oWe. have used eight ' milking machines: since September •1st, - 1907. We milk eighty cows with them. ; Our, machines are pun by Means! of a three .iieteecigtiadine engine.. It takes three •me%' operate ,the eight machines: • We can observe no difference. in the yeild ofmilk when the cows are milked' regularly. ` We always •try each! Coir by hand stripping after the machines' and We are always, sure haat each Eo�v is milked clein every. time.' We' have been abl 'to:redace-ourhelp from soy., Civ to three menby making use of the milkers. The milk is ithiAitinuch clean', er than when We practised hand milk ing. W e are much pleased with the than ng h, e, as they 7 i;lk cleaner milk awe can get it clone by halp espec frilly when the machines are 'properly 1lmdled." • Rae BrOs tWiItehester 01}t, 'Phone No. 2 and see our grand 'display of Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, China and Glassware, going 'at reduced prices while they last, `K We mast' male ToO01 ler new goods, ' .MI'.kinds of Fruits, always in :Stock: special Value in 25c Tea. Highest pace for produce. r THE= 'PL CE T+O PURCHASE . .-• PARLOR, SU ITS 'PARLOR ;STANDS. PARLOR714(,),()-__ERS =PI?H ;RLOC_IRS �. LADIES' WRITING DESKS. EXTENSION TABLES AND SIDEBOA1DS '-BEDROOM' - FURNITURE: HALL RACKS. MIRRORS. STANDS. COUCHES -C'URTAIN ..-.PGDESE, T eT Gall and see our Sham Holders for fronnand Wood Beds .•, w �IZT ] I1 G Undertakiac receives our best= care and "attentio t. Picture .-Framing A Specialty. • F dice� s Dry customers—arid- this - season's. selections have been no exception to the rule.. ; We do not think there ;has been a seasonwithin- our re— collection when Wall Papers, were produced in artistic de- signs quite equal :to the new:...�� papers offered this fall. It has` been -our arm in past seasons to to stock papers that "that are really ne It, and at the same ` time in keeping with .correct ideas= --we have learn- ed; well the needs of our • • Papers aers suitable for every Purpose, from the•drawing. roomto the-la-throom and.from 5c per No trouble to show tern. hr ..": ° S,ee'this 'BEAVER''.GANG'j;before baying. y �. The best riding plow rade in Lan iq.• • We also prepared to supply, you with the most, up-to-date Single Farrow Walking, ; 2 horse twins, ne;; h horse twll.s arid Sulky,.:Rifling Ploughs, mauiifacturet `Ily the following firms • " TRE •WILKINSON ':PLOUGH THE COOIKSHIn'T' -X LOI7GH • ST RO M'E 3RCM., TEESWATEi. THE FROST A good stock of Pld w R© airs .,` always F on' :acid. •