HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-19, Page 8ail ' 'vercoI ExcellentValue Large As- sA°treat—Some C1earil� Lines ?t. Very • ..aw Prices. i•tirr,,•. ;ergs; e.:stlaWLfl alar excellent we , Suits- -GoodQuality t See our hang. S e epare .for c3lt rod•. ••Cif: er it r Te r meat stra�c F ri�i �taterhne ecial Price .2c 1; thatw we;r liase and pass`' 1 ar,�. on. e' els �oaaava +e nshrinkable and lues ate �ccell Weare show j1 a n ing one line at soc of regular 75c underwear, ,-.which ' we = purchased away below regular prices, r It Will be to your interest to this line. stir call Cosi antic xu`. adies Coats and ' jaclhets we have doze an excellent ' trade this season, as our goods in ;this line have • Style, Quality and Price to nn ui egad ehelrl: See our styles in Ladies' Fur seined Coats: our Neck Ftirs Owing to "the'niild weather we Have not sold so many Neck Furs this season'' as we ,'expected.' For thi�7reasPn We Yl7i tS�ier �p th1 Prices in` these lines. Sup h as Dress goods, Ladies' : Skirts, T imrnin Gloves,. les � � s � � , • G� �, Ties, iy� xG Y f Uri 1J, ViiU:T �ICUSf s, Underwear; Hosiery,' &c, You'll li Cl, cf,'oar stock well assqrte d these -lines,: and -values unexcelled.' is 1 `J F , a discount Ili give o e :will• t =tw weeks eP, ex o w +F Y`il Mf.d r. < in . �off`follow t'the' �.,• of per cent 25 •ll��� �.AM�'u�y. ,H1�a .� 1 ass, s Fancy /Chinas in� a f S�,Ive... rw a r.. et leFSa.�n. ' e Y s��00Cs��totlO\eand Fa . Making room 'for Christmas Goods • will account .for the the above: sale.. 'grins 'Strictly Cash. C ..NO K• _ C A H GROCE S � • • J,YJldi�Kl�� . 441 e guest of het, sister .Mrs. Bert Reid',' Mrs. Fred Anderson of Zion 'pis' spending • few days among relatives this vicinity. Quite'a number of BUT, young peoples; attende the Box Social at, Belfast on -Friday last and;had a very .good time considering their anxiety. We are glad " to Say that Stephen Stothers is fradually recovering from. his illness. A Fowl Supper is to .be. given 84 Lanes on Nov. 18th by the losing side. `, of the Rifle 'Ma-Lek:op Thanksgiving Day. Steve: Stothers •lost a line' three year olcl colt on Sunday last. vehalsh: Mrs.: Tennant of Buffalo rsvisiting 'herparents, M'r. and Mrs, A C. MF- Kenzie. -- Mr. Alex McLennan and Donald, McKenzie Sundc ed at Point Clark. •.t. : '--M,r..lahtg K. �'l7.aclsElizie...Pa_� the gueat of'D. J. S1acCharles last. week: Mr. Duncan Stewart'vited friends here last weetr. Mr. Roly Grant bad the.,misfortune., f lzstrtirg his 2iarieD <tigliie drilli�; an artesian well in Kincardine Twp •We are.glad' to', hear that Alex McKensie Who went under an oper- ,ation for appendicitis is improving rapidly. Mr. T. F. Henderson is organizing a Pi.'le-Club in Lochalsh, Johnny get your guns: Manager Cameron is talking of hav- ing an open',air Hockey Rink. -Cap: ,Dan says ' he is, s expecting a player„ some of these days from the West. Lanes The sleigh bells are -again ringing in our vicinity which heralds the'approach __of the merriest, time' Of the.. year; "our Canadian winter" 1VIr 1'nniel Alton visited friendsStanley 'the past Fon SALE Ox R1nnT—The undersign - has for sale or would . rent, a good 50 -acre Parch of clay loam' being south half;of eastshalf of lot 9 concession 13, E. D. Ashfield. The farm is in o od 'condition, .'weiI feneedand,.`dralned,ann' has a good spring well as well asa tern.- The buildings s are ggood consist, .. ing' of a good concrete house and a barn with stone.fouidation (36x56). 3t is only' a few rods from church and school house, and 3 miles from Lucknow For. -further particulars apply by -letter-or or xn.person:to:2ames„ U. --Gardiner, Box 102, T;,ucknow Ont. THE .i' (SEAT .a i// SCHOOL STRATFOR°D. ONT. Our past . record and -our present grade of work stamps'us as the great. practical training 'school of Western. Ontario. , Ve have three departments :--= • Commercial, Shorthand, - • . Telegraphic. Our graduates are • in demand as ,Business College teachers.as -well as office assistants. Individual instruc- tion Enter Now. • Large catalouge - free Write for••it: Elliott & McLachlan,, Principals. - This is one of the best shops in town for; o Y you t :- your Stock Food from, for the simple reason we h three different- kinds' Dr. Hess', Dr. Scott's, Worthington s. . buys •• anile and Our prices are the lowest'alnd we can isell you 'as' ackage as.you wish,' ot, bZ. w faxztio c+ whoa -it, : G rot 4 b�° {' 41t, liu 5.� le Instant Louse KillersHeave Cure, •, ` ..eve rythitlg that is"manufactured - • oils', ucknow JOHN SUTHERLAND INSURANC:� 'FIRE & MARINE T GURLPH N..... �. O "week.-'-11.r..Will Lane and niece Miss Tillie Hackett are spending a fewv. days 1 T .FIL:=1-tirSiMi or .. Lothian is busy;- erecting ' a closed in; '.shed for the Lanes �'resbyterian eon -r 'gregation,.Eyhich wi._lll't a morn comfort "able during' the coaling winter Mr: -las: -Richie is- busy chopping 'grain "foe' thefarriers-=atpresent Mn--lleriry Mullan ha rented his farm toMr Dan;_ Alton for the coming suinmer. Tle rifle shoot held among the members of the Lane's club was very closely con tested. The..captains_ were ':Jas. ' Gil- more and Jas. Rose, the:former former w'in' ;'ning.by'a small margin, 6 points. - On • Wednesday evening the -losers provide a supper at the home ° of Mr. 'Joseph. Sweltzer. Lurk next time 'J'im.-On. Thursday eveningof ` last ;Week the -young men ,of ckett's_League _con- ducted:theF League accompanied,_ by :their'pastor. The evening's program consisted of .instrumental -music by, :the .orchestrar'" . sin recitations and singing, . s a arches. At a later' date e young pth ladles will have ano - pportnnity of ex , ereisf"sin g--their-.talents... LUCKHOW 'ROLL 'R MILLS f are `Buying WHEAT AND. Y%'1~ D' GRAIN $2• Se'I�y a : Flou:� • , A blended . taptry noir, • %Ia►velock Brand :$300 �r, from'all Menitbba wheat;' . Pastry Flouts"'$2.SO ff�om Ontatia Winter Wheat. • Get ttxem £torn yoiir grocer • ' • or 116 the xni11.. • •• '. . TreIea en &hos The time fortheNew. Overcoat has ;come and we have the;•rt; kltld for:Men'.in Mekoi2: and' Seaver, Prices' from $8,00ightoy.$ I soo Sizes • 36 . to 44: Our :' range of sizes in Youths'aid-Boys' will be complete ' this week. Men's Odd, Pants inood ualit 2; . g q Y$00 to air, - Odd Vests :$ILoo.each, 'all :sizes. " „ per Ladies' Coats are selling -but we have still. some very desirable styles in tight .fitting from $ro 00 to $13.00 ` each, Also extra good value in the loose fitting 'styles: In buying .Furs .always get the best of kind. - Our selections.are•„ade_onAbi i ,1 1e. , henwyo�u_:hal, Jiorla p �c� � � you get the best that is going. - The best Sable, large pillow Muff, with tails only $15.00 ;A ruff tomatch at $15.o0•.... Round Muffs and ruffs at lower: prices. I% In the Millinery' Department they are still busy turnincr out ` orders: The stock : is well assorted. • Remember- all millinery must be paid before the close of the season. ers1 Brie - d Horse Jho w . The next t Horse': Show' -u' pier the auspices, the sp Of Ontario .Horse Breed- ers' Association, will bei .held,at the Union Stock-• Vards,West_ Toronto (Toronto Junction), on Wednesday, .Thursday and i?riday, January 13Th, 14th arta 1 5th; 1909:: During the' time of. the Show a good street .car. -service willbe-given.from the. City' of Toronto to. the Union .Stock Yard's: The building in f which Attie Shove specially fitted with a show rung and will be ' well lighted and `heated.. All the horses on .exhibition will be stabled': at the Stock -Yards and every opportunitywill. be given visit- ors to view the: exhibits. Both the CPR and, .the G.T.R. have'sidinigs in the Yards : and .there is every con- L.nience'for the easy, loading and un= ading of the horses. The :different classes of the Show With -the -prize money for each are 'as follows : 'Clydesdales, $820 , -Canadian Bred Clydesdales and Shires, -$440 •;, Shires, $305,: Hackneys, . $sf 20, Stan- dard Breda', .:$57$.; 1.7ioroughbreds, $275,. Ponies, $130; Heavyi .Draught, Horses $305'; .. • Championships, $245;; Total prize money, $3215., The judge's. -of -heavy horses•will :Hon." Robert •Beith;' .Bowmativill'e ; James Torrance, Markha'>n; Job White Ashburn ; with Al. McLaren,. Chicago, as ' reserve '' judge. • . • The judges for, Hackneys Will be Dr. 'Campbell, Ber- lid; W. H. Gibson, .Beaconsfield, Que'; B. Rothwell, Ottawa ; with L. Mere dith 'London, .' a s reserve judge. ' The list of ptizes offered is practit Cally the , same' as of • the last Show-,' copies may he procured on application`: to the .Secretary, Ontario Horse Breed, els' 'Exhibition, Parliament. Buildings, Parliament i3uildings, Toro:-1to.. " ' - a..�E.... b :i. xan • r.. imim uxraaa toIT'have Put the . est -we -know an. range • W construction>id o the imperial Oxford Range, Se ie• oo.• ,,,We -have left out nothingthat' ono years of„ experience in rangy bu tdr, ghy taught .us would make the roes--rial Oxford'.sace more' fuhis-worrwithel, bake and ttoaotk ;t better— `fat would "do tutthow_ y : and dirt .• cif d` other .Theranges'result is the highest . achievement • ••. •F+ in cast iron cooki ng apparatus. • It is fitted with a g• . Gurne , :O!xtord . rc- Y -veesebl. gvate.. •The `a'� g, L grate with. interlock'nf _e;'i that' cut off all .-..dead ashe,4,;.aly n 1 ;hist to :t -i ght,. ' • quickly responding sire. Von can k •ep your fire in all winter and al. .ys have gDada baking oven as if the 'tire wa nadefresh every rno<nt No other lahke':cf range has sc,.a an evenly. ny ra-'te e it kitchen: roU".'save ue1, oo worry an work heated oven at. the Imperial Oxford This Ili L. due to our special centre flue strip that divides the heat, so that half of it ntyst.pass around , the front of the oven;instead-' of -all the -heat . : -: going to the back of the even as in ordinary ranges: That -is why it Such aa3^rfect bread and cake baker: such a!* even r•,-er. --• 2% y.. cin cu.ck�ly and easily change this f ?wrange from coal to, _ urns ood b a • Tl e- t-' 9k ,. anal grate canes out the front of the range >< s lea- � and the .wind gr,-te • 100' can beput 'in its place. . The lifting hearth ..,. - - r:one,tie-ca eh . a.> shownin the illustration, makes' it easy to remove the ash -pan vtthout spillinganyashes. We want you to call in and, look at the - • e e Imperial C)xford.r3 r� , see . yourse" a high state of perfection has been reached. ted'bookletabout At Least, get our illustr.,the . • • oti>a, W .:ailh that • cod -can give G ra= or A There is no coalwasted in the home that is heated by Gurney=Oxford Art • Laurel Base v. Burner. -' Every piece ofcoal `is burnt to a fine white ash and all the heat generated is. held in the range until it has.raOated into the room, not lost up the chimney., • "- . • This is accomplished .through ouir special system of drafts and circulating dues. The -Art laurel is'the handsom the teret' produced. ' Beautiful in design its easily kept �.8eat -from a rt -Laurel - ' Gibbing' Rates. The Sentineloaiiea Weekly Globe 1 year..... .. .. $1,60 The Sentinel and Weekly Mail & Empire, 1 year ..... . .1.60 The Sentinel and painiiy Herald and Weekly' Star, '1 year 1.75 The , Sentinel and Weekly Sun, ', 1 year:.:..,. 1x/5 The Sentinel and Farmer's Ad- vocate, '1 year......' .....:...s . 2.35 The Sentinel and Houle Journal, 1 year. 1:35' The Sentinel and Toronto' Daily' Star1 veal . F ..,..... The Sentinel and Tomtit() Daily' World, .1 year..," so, becai se there are no recessed places in the niekei parts; to, harbordirtand (lust, where the du.5'ting cloth can't get at. It always 'looks bright•and,new. Call and see .,this he ter=we ' would a : like 'to. tell you. more 'about it.. The Gurney Foundry Co. ',Limited. Toronto; MURDIE & SUTHERLAND,. LUCKNOW.. respective Buyre r............„.,...., t17 -77 ---iia."-- --------,-----.,::: 11, i:: A�.r,+Cly, 7 • Bever req,° Tires blacklead, if:you want a cheap ;Steel Lange, Call and see what we can offer },ou for'$..19.00—a Steel ,Range withwcopj er reser= voir, large sited oven, .full•,set cd.wood trimmings and' a Range that will take -zo inch wood. ; If you equire''a heater, we can suit you. : We have then%. in all sizes rind styles'. Seeour leader—the Alberta, which is 225•: the strongest double heater manufactured. 3435 (. ".MUi Dt ' SUTHERLAND, fLUCKNO 4 • Notice 'the' accolnpat yinc L cut/ of the most up,to-date. , Steel Range on the -market— theO.K., Axford O. K., a rage that .;. stands' pre-eminent.' It 15 fitted` with interlocking grates. which means a 'fuel Saver, it, has t'hedrop p oven door, a' large - warming closet, a • reservoir 'that will hold six pails .of water, it 1,S, fitted: with a Duplex' draft - whtcht..:insures an, even fire, but, above all itis a ranga that • l5