HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-19, Page 7anted for
obbing a Bank a
deeleatelh trete Netr York says t
en ,eeveral Central Office doted-
tives at once were strolling through
hinatown the other night looking
tor suspicious characters they took -
to enateoly a party of four men
poetise they had recognized two
of' them , as safe-blowers.- One of
the strangers, who described 1,
ie1,f as G.eorgo W M�nroo of C e-
berlande Maine, intidea plea for
•eedetn, saying he knew nothing
the'mon in Whose company he
been found. -
Wednesday Montroe,-ortas the
6 8•a7 he is better known as
"Portland _Fatty," was in a cell
awaitingthe call of Canadian .offi-
cials, who wish to take hita across
the border to tell what he knows
ef the robbeett of a bank in Quebec.
In the pockets of t e prisoner he
police found a number ,of certifi-
cates marked "La Banque Provin-
cial, St. Raphael, Quebec, Can-
aria?' "agility showed gm
bank was robbed on October 23,
The Canadian authorities were no-
tified of the. arrest of "Portland
Fatty," and twe• officers are here
•to atteraPtetta, TIN; a out his 671.• ra
ditioe' to &nada.
Ric. wily iniPsThil IN WATER
rge,,Allaliti,,t57,.0. rie ,A9,,.!?.P..-111,
- °overlaid From Rideau Lakestee
•eittespaeca from Kingston Baia: A ' deal -retell from TOrDnt0 says": way employes.
A. eat quantity of sunken pine At a meeting of the Fruit Growers' A true bill has been returned
in the Rideau Lake section has been Association, held last week, a de- against the corporation of Guellth BarittY-No 3, 56to570,,, and Noname
Pulp Company, and will he yoked an interesting discussion. sewage disposal plana - ,
raised by means of dredges and Mr. Ehner Lick, „of Oshawa, af- The Grand Trunk Railway has Peas -No. 2 85,4 to 861/50 out
ef3cured by the, Ogdensburg, N. ir., bate, on packing and_packages pro- for maintaining a nuisance at the 3sidialAtuerkiva laitiar_15t7:t":10,44%.:cut.olrtsei.de. '
aken to Ogdensburg for use in the firmed that a man must have botn been indicted by the Grand Jury
lls The nine though under skill and character to be a good an- at Guelph for maintaining a Pith- in -No, 2 American yellow
water.' for some- eighty years, pie Packer. An apple should 'be lie nuisance, referring to the- Etat trs-aw: Nei'. 3t y50:110*: quoted Tat elet,c
,notanna • a an - ran ,., oron c
ittitinil, and it is thought ,some 5 ,- handled like an egg, and not as it
Toronto. '
000 cords can he recovered. The ft were a stone Or a turnip, as watt .
timber Was left while lumbering the custom with the average pack- Bran -Cars are quoted at $18 to
onerateo" na were undertaken in theet, With regard to character, he $19 in bulk ontside. Shorts quoted
at -$22 in: .bullt-ofitside. ,
. .
;"•-detan... .F.,-,T,m-q-,-
Telegeapide Briefs Frain Our
and Other Toiletries nti
Recent Events,
Assessment Counnissioner For-
man places Toronto's population at
287,201. ,
Fernow saws that Canada's
tihaber wealth is not nearly so great
as is generally supposed.
A mulatto nanaed Robert Collins
as arrested at St. Catharines for
passing forged cheeks.
A rich find of iron in Rainy River
country Is repor ed. by Messrs. G.
Francis and D. Matheson of Mont -
Ten charges of violating -the li-
auor aet by selling on election dai
DISMONESTY IN PACKING. he,n„Yrehnenents laid against - one hotel
Anple-Pielters not of Snificietit High b
raonths for selling liquor, to a rail --
Frank Arkles of Owen Sound has treek
een_ sentenced.-- to jail 'for three , Terento e•Ne. 2 Wettern Cat is said that in the pockets of .One- of seat repeated signals to ;the life -
nada oats quoted at 42c,- Gad- Cr- the drowned 'men were found the saving--statittnennottboatt'-was sent::•:-'
ich. ' aflame_ ..andeaddeese ,of -Marks ,.',Cp...e out till tinnaa
Rye -No 2 '77e out,side. - . 6n8a7meYirionfg oth isst ki,eieett,ini_ isToronto.not k 40 Tyhao. the gasoline launch and rowboat
,atrIti.0 _heats, in _ which the
ten in which the-Chinamere had crossed'
Chinamen had crossed frothe Ca, from
the Canadian shore had been
m d
naditte share .waratetresked against eeah
asceodtosplinters.ela-aonotwhen e 'they -a, ar:
the .-brea,kwall, half .a mile east of rived, but attemped to extricate
Michigan avenue, .atintearly'heur the six bodies, which had been tlea-
.017, Thursday., morning, . vrob4bly ton in _ among . the _rocks , Of the
tabont 1.30. . The sea was- running breakwall, and were showing 'here
Blgles..and the men were thrown in- a bare stiff • arm, with clenehed fish
to the water- and dashed again and thrust up; there a frozea' yellow
.again against tbe.reeke. How the leg, and again u, bundle of ,sodden
survivors came through the -terrible rags and flesh tightly .wedged in ;
., ...r.,..w,_ earee.a. re -ay -nee leateettetectietateetettiett _ .
for it was not till *quite 3.30 that acre recovered ' theothersremain-
:Ralph White,a watchman on the ing tightly fastened in the .; racket:. •
.. .
REPORT.S ' FROM- ifitE 14,FeA,1ING
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and
-Other Dairy Produce, at
Home and ,Ahread.
Toronto, Nov. 17. -Flour -1 On-
tario wheat' 90 per. • cent. patents
quoted at $3.60 to $3.65 buyers'
sacks outside for export. Manito-
ba flour, first patents, $5.80 on
track, Toronto, second patents,
.and strong bakers', $5.10 to
Wheate-Manitoba, wheat $1.08%
for •No-. 1 Northern and at $1.054
for No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winte ia
quoted at 2cnutsid; 2 red
Wintar, 92e, and :No 2
Oats-Ontarite. NO. 2 wiute..lquoted_
Six Orientals Los
A desPetch ' from, Buffalo paya:
Several suseeete have 'been arrest-
ed here in conueetion with the in-
veatigation being ma.de by the Buf-
falo, police veith vie* to finding
out what White men smuggled from
Canada to this port the ten China
mon, six ef whom were drowned
and four rescued at the Govern -
went breekwall hero early, on
Thursday morning. So far none of
tho suspects arrested bee been Wen,.
ttfied by the four survivors. Chief
0 Police Taylor of Buffalo said he
did net believe any .white Men lest
their Kees. in coniaection with the
case. The bodiee Of- .the laatt two
ef the Six' Chinese 'vie'finie Were re-
SintC:180:"tt: '-'br'ea- hea
in the darkness. Ile landed to,
vestigate and met a bruised and
bedraggled Chinaman crawling to-
ward the boat. White helped the
ehattering man aboard and then
roused - the crew to bell) him look
for others. In a short time three
more Chinamen had been pulled
ever the rocks and set down to dry
and toast beside the engine. The
four men said they had come from
Toronto, and gave their names OA
Meek Quong, aged 42; Peng Sin,
25; Ching Jing, 22, 'and -Chin Joni,
19. • •
The crew of the Atlas could fintt.
at 39 to 40a outside; and at, -42c ou covered on Thursday afternoon. it no more ma -visors, and theug thei
. • • 0
Both the Dominion and Pio*,
cial Coveenments have -instituted.
an inquiry intc,•the quality .of ;coal
keew that young men would,not go (.11 being sold in, Manitoba, in view
with -the average apple ngling or he ce'rentefit accideffer --------- -
associated with • it, and in many The Grand' Trunk took over the COVNTRY PliODUCE. '
cases the men could not. get ...hoard eleetrtc.; siatete 'at the Ste, Clair •'
Thursday,: and the inangeration 1
ee e Apples -Winter stock,•$O.50 to
$3:50, per barrel for good qaalities;
tunnel • from the contractors
° tend. at $1.50. -to $2 for ;cooking. a13- :Store $1 l'W • Winter firm Cern-
the ne* system was duly celebrat- - ekohni:erslaainn,gdairdralliciocl. Id:ItaieTIOn-f
tid: , . ., , . ,.._ _. .,....p,les.._ 'Easier ;No. 31 yellow, 69o; No. 3
, ft_h_reportaiii_A-hirt,.. lit4,h0/ Beans -Prime, •-$1,..ir0 lici-'$.1.85, corn, al in 65e 0 t --_Erihe'r."-7. Nu) ;meet is piongetletoeniatetain„_,Th,
Sand OnettloYeeS of the intercelenial abnu. lir ,T3Lei.leds $1:30 ;t511-; 5. ;Per' 2t;t•-ihtolt5egie !If. : Tete.. 4 5w4eh;iX,°•513 to:7,4152te,. 7e.L.okiie,s,ir.eyr,r.tii.,10..1441"4.1epte.Arrofthtuhri; llecieu,selti
Railwaa:hate seceded' from the.'In- 5 " .. ' . a
ternaii0P31:,Vnion. and formed ail Honey -Combs, $2.25 to 52 Per 'Ifye-No. 2 on track, 80o. that the Governinent 'acCePted' the
teitnott.k.totrztttni i. t Rah- ' dozen, and strained, 16 to al1c per. . • . ,
- wo-pOwer standard as .ineaning ,n •
f Ot,1" I ar 1 Fl """." . a• , .,-
.... ,„,;', 2 .. n -ne
. , . -
Za.10411. 1 '
•fax " Itay-No. 1 .timothy quoted at • " over the combined strength in cape -
ea eaGREATe-BlhITAIX _an to 511.56 a toe. on • track 'here, Toronto, Nov. ,17 --Choice ' hutch- 'tati ships of the two next .streugto .-
spMeark...ipgloein'a...- lienniikete4-'lleatoia,, „and' 2I-Straw°.:,-27$6a:6:"50St7e,:°$3ren•tearek.
men rh-eap peturees__60 ratese per bag . D ei a: , .t -vi 11 i 1 ee changed -'a- st ibgaillit-tts,..il ° a .*.t _d $7.4,,,t; choice65s, r ,,,ecwa t ,,,t - taken to confirm the heliefaheldin
re'-eattle brought -$4 85 .Pe•rl'w-t‘T,cri:717-p-O'wers-'.'" This statement ",,is -
naval 'circles that ableastnitt-at-
ca le and. telegraplierateS as the wares 75 to '80e per, al..,.. kinnd-eattin,we . ..ibt.6' n- - 4.1,,
- - _ - - _ . ,,. . . • 2 ,.. - - , r!' "tn." 'F.* ‘' 7'; ' lti011iir W rahim--f• a th '7-Dt -A `
h.urestameteoet_tofemaintaining. the. ' •sPonitryeatChiekens, dressed, B to. accordingto° weight ancLfinishand. ' e. .a Ps• e - e ,ea. -,
World'a peace. : ' 9c• per pound,'Iewl; 6...tO 7e; du -Oki; *odium weequotedat -6-3.^ lob "4i91464t-tY-Peawill-heLPrtividediPr-ill
, w i'v- ' the next naval eatithatest
. . 9 to 10c; geese, Be ,per pound ;, tur- $4; Few good butchers cows were ...,
keys; 11 to 12.1/..c per Pound. en the market Their sales range ' -----", ''.•
' because. they were :sada rou:gle.
Artlylatt lameal9F Fatal "Wrcon crew'. if packing Was. to 'be
• ' at itrontfolel. gocid grower must employ •Mea
taespe from Brantford says wheintliel'enidd;inlIttinitlYttrnat "'The
OSePli, Maguire,,•late Grinagi Trunk -renirlt--•:-uin-a-case-lieAia2lif.
;-,Yardnagne wile Was held..bt, the coin- mind," 'vlbere inan. brought. in!. 126.
partially"' responsible -fer barrels of .appleS and got leas than
the, treeent •Wteck• 3,11,ich. 'Quo $25 fee .theme '
tttae-e•-•-a -tato Teteteetietts--
were: e , wee, on Wednesday, laltICAL
koinmitted lei trial at the next Iltgle , • tale:a ' • "e;
Court ehhit-670U Mai= Atilr.tiiire*tifirtjli*VoYa,tinfOittp
8141i. khter::. Counsel Made an ef.. . .ust,
to have the charge reduced ' • •
OCileCt; -1047:tbe-TCFaiiiii-fefusisd;:;-ttktdenPateh-troto Melbourne -says ;
atand --will..-PreeSeathetteeasetagainat. :1.4r..,FishOr, one the ,radical Las
hire. -bor wilrform
' ,the • new ittraliaa Cabinet •The
lien • cl
se: efe ed tli •P 'er' Alfred' :
itGEN. LAKE TO STAY. CANADA aaaatart h , Te411 '
• b.. (.5, ei • tt O. divisten... Tbe• Lee
* thdre* their support het
t-T1"arrOMeeelIas-Eatendedettiss-TerM-: 61'4
cause... t ahn7 Government ehas net
tttet „ t„: . for Sevetal. Years'. •1: "pushed labor measures ettnecat-'
A , despatch frern,:. Ottatavateettis enough tie -Snit theni. This Will be
is understood : ' conSe Atte; annend time the- Labor -party -3
-,,quence'nf' a request sent, to tendon :been in power . in. the ,Austrae r
.1,e- the -Canadian:, Geeernreent, •tho Ilan :Federal -Parliament. J. C.
War -Office has coesented,th allecte Watson, another' of the Leber lea-,
tug: Major-General Sir 'Perci,,Lake geri..was Premier for a short time '
' • --------------
• . . • • • • : •
ot from. 53 to 54 per cwt. , ;SLIPPED te-Pre
THE -DAIRY MARKETS ' eayy on inue - demand a .Attp. ed* „sly. -nra'ite..: - d • A-
fieures for geed steers: These eY. SWIM
Butter -Pound prints, 23 to Vic;
The United States has n postal
defieit �f -$279 -for the fiscal
year ending ;inane t3Oth last.
In the Year ending June 30th last
,764-. persons were killed in _rail -
pooandvsti:cced7.01;ts. ititt:trd„in • the United
A'teneyear-old negro bey.kas been
ea -t -n ,Ge-enteitt 231:atter dozen, ..4 1. new laid are
o. e, me "
i ' quoted at,28. to 30e -per dozen
and has been sentenced t ' lif
prisonment., ;Cheese -Large cheese, 13%c per
Th t ik ' f the' ' th ' i31141111' and twins,' 13%4' '
- Saskatoon; ;Sesta
tabs, 22 to 23c, inferior, '19:ete--20c.. s'old at $3t8Otto $4. per cwt. Bens
A despatch from Saskatoon,
Cr emery rens,,, 27 to. 28.6i ,en4 eat were sold at •52.eg to $3,10. ' The
id ,s 25% to 26C., •• ''• ° ' -prices Of goodestocketa_weie 'Trot- nask....,;..._*4y,s„: whiletskatingelirthar.iTn.
Eggs -Cate ' lots of ,storage, 22 to edjeraielthei..:3retpeet5t3.810imPieterciewotieib?,gs night on
eont thleriellnudds'lle,ns BWaesitinslesendget .
of-akinger-s-atta-ntilch-Lca--klf.red Wt'-itIaryey felfeheaviti-on
f feHre 79ignsslgos:0 D.Wo'tefiln• seu4e1:notoo7eohaf Phe bulk
yeb7u:r a;oo6fg ,c Ipt oheder , liquality fkleei ng: 0 w. headst ei lip some
. goen tgnthe eas trt, adh:eeepni ice and air
6h,,s. _14b*.cl. r, :pd.el.,at n gekNot.'
cwt. .fed and. watered,' for selects, which.. subsequently:. pre..reat.te be .
only .two feet his: friends feinted •
--"MtliSTIN'TtENTERt-S*LOONS. , ! tasolteenterandaafter-seme-t.
, :. -,- • . utest ,distressing werk 'succeeded in .
KarriMan Itailtyays in getting -the' unfortunate man totthie
Teniperate Einployes.; . - banlr, .b.Y. vihielt timni. hownven, ft
. . wes too late.. . The. deceased was . .
A despatch from Portland, Or about tvientysfour ,ears of age.
gen, says ,Ralph Blaisdell, auditor andteentetherettmue yeaas agetitena
•orofatdhl ,Uivnartrhiine.apnerstyhsi‘te:enit
t.sof bt7h_e_ir,afeil_..1:: Lon on„ England.' . • • ' •.• •
the_ gototi of, theteervicee" issuedean•
to remain in Canada, as Inspector,
General of: the forces for auother
two or 'three years the Imperial
-Goverment pronnsing to safeguard
. . .
Lis rights of ..promoteen and sem-
ority-art -the-array-while_ heis serve_
rag tn Canada t "-
INA -Odious on Oriental Immigrite
, , _
tient Maybe Inereased. • 7
A despatteh..ftom
-ThentlaY nightt".
On: FrankOliver deCiaredthat if
the 'five hundred, dolla:r :head tax
wentilttiet-eXelude the,ChineSe. the•
VbArekaatlerit would •as fast
10 the Chinamen's Wages had- late-
li'been-raised. Simile:4y, Hindobs„
although they wereBritish subject,
. Were .not to he adreitted unlessthea
had two. inincliedtdollars. This
tetteettee-aue Ise - he prohibitive, and
the 'ameetat was ncit suffitient' to
prohibitioie it Would -be 'made so:
: Connell' Chanabee of Dublin, City
Ital. Was, DIfmaged.
A destutteh.' front ' sayse
The Chamber Cif, the„ Dublin City
Halt; NV.IiS gutted by fire on Wed,"
nestlay and the dity
narrow o§..nalte from` destruction.,
All the paintings in the rooms of the
. Council Charnbet many of, Which
were o • histoteennterest, tncludang
'the well-known. pietute of Daniel.
.-0"Connell;--were- destroyed- in- the-
• flames, •
: -
- . • ---- 4--•
OPAN.•CUTS•DOWN EXPENSES. -'' e s r e. o . , men in. e em- , : . ,
Plott-Of 'theeIttiitertiational paper '
. . , . Company, , totieh has heel, on since , g.00 ,--1.11.0Dv-9T§.. „
The Ilndget,sSliotrs a Weeding • Out C ; :
e . e. 6,.. is,..‘ is,‘., • , . August.1, . as been settled..
' h b' . - ' i '
Bacon -Long . clear, .12 to 12/ic
_ aa .....„.„Ite .a.aateeu,ueut , . •• a : Wee Morse•-•thetticeetra. pro_ treaitoundeintease-letareentesaperke
taA despatch frointTokio says t: The ,mater - reexatfy , eeateated; '. has 519' to $19.50; slmet ent,;•$23:•50,
budget for the 'year - 110-946-Wili-Olit Site -in: that headme Matteenoith-qft-Hams-Light eta ••• medium, 14 . to
has • been, nearly, completed, shows his gr6at, fortnne left to pay • his -141X.,,o; do,, • heavy; 12 .to .13e;- rolls,
receipts of 545,650,000. e"ent that fig- honest debts:. t. , • . . ... 11 to, llYte; shoulders, et) to 10%tC t
ure. ieciadieg. a ,surplus of 52,240,- E. II. B: Mackey, an insane Sterne backs,. 16%. to 17e. t'breakfast bacon,
nottayana eeXpeadititree Z43,630;000 grapher„attemptect_onailonday t lb to 1.6c. • • ._- . _...•
yea,...iiiciiidig dislairSeMents: Made assassinate the 'Pestmaster of Ne* Lard, --Tierces, 13c; .....tibs, 1.3Xe ;
on the special tvat aecetint. Of .11,-- 'Valli Cityt'.o.nettlietictimmitte-cl sui- paffit-f3Xe. , ..
.910;0n0---yene Expendit-ures pest- eidt....s.,- a- . • • ea
pened from tthe' previoati year ' BUSINESS AT ,M-ONTREAL. ' .
amount . to 1.4,600,00 yen..Premier GENERAL. Montreal, Nova 17 '-- Canadian
`centa,ge of pestponeinenta belongs ed 'it'panie,-tetattTlinetedaY,ta---$
ear Western Xo. 2 'White'. Oats, are Sela
:a.:,- Ting-0-45-romi5lAb;t1TEI:-.3'-`0-44%"-
Kittsura, States that the larger per- ;ii. 'violent. earthquake shock
to 'the arrei,.and . navy. Perticitlat
atreaS IS lad upon the amount Of
the •:- decrease in expenditures,
amohnting to 37006,0(10 yen ($18,-
009,00ye : . ' t .:
Prominent Methodist Editor and
Author Passes Away. •
.; A despatch from Toronto says:
!Following, an attatk.of par,alysis
-Sust-iiiiedTon Thursday tTici-15th-in-
stint; Re+. Die' William With-
row of the Methodist Publishing
'Hottse, anther, editor and travel -
Jere praised away shortly - before •t2:
o'clock on Thursday .night at his
home,. 244 Jatintietttreet. As a man
high an the -.councils of, the. Metho-
dist 'Church aied.,oee whose kindli-
nags endeared hint to teititileatts
hie • unenpentad- demise coulee as a
en Are Being Traine'd for the Inevitable
War Between the Two Nations.
A ilespatth from ; Philadelphia,
ettys Deelattng that the youth
'Ohiria, the YoUnger and more
•ProgreSsive element the nation,
ivettld -a gte,at efivolutiort veer-
throtv the present dynasty, Rev.
Christio, ntistionatty• at
the Gliristiah arid Alitaitni-Allianee-i-
. Stateil that great dietaithencee were
,ahotO Atm in' the Celestial Empire,
and .a se that a war with jepen
Waa eonteniplation. htr.
tie tattle.' " •
•,`The:Objeet oft the; revolutionary!
1tZPVCPleftt the overthrew of the
present dynasty, which is hated for
Pa.its conservatism rand feared her its
It is reported in Calcuittilhlt
rifles and revolvers are Leing im-
ported into Bengal in cases label-
led "sewing machiues" or "cot-
ton." .•
As compensation for the annexa-
tion by Austria of Bosnia and Her-
zegovina, Sends.' demands grant
of territory and an outlet to the
Rear-EMIlhilliSiOn• at:Little:W-0°de,
• --'Neal. New Orleans.: . . ' ,
• A despatch .from - New Orleans
iliya : 'Eleven •persons are dead and
a scere or 'ine.injured 'its the re-
sult of. a wteck <at 'Wedn,esd.ay on
the NeW Orleans * Northeastern
Railroad : at Littlewoods,. _twelve lard, 12%. to 13c,;. ke-ttle rendered,
Ittiles' from New Orleans,: Rntweenitla to tiKet hares; 12%: to lace
:Slidell and New Orleanatthe tracks breakfait bacon, 14 to,-.15et-Witiatt
of the Now Orleans & Northeastern. s:ors bacon, 15 to. lec ;. fresh kahed.
Railroad ate used ' by the Great ;abattoir deessed.hoge, $925 to $9. -
Northern RailrOad, and it was a 50, aliye, $6.25 to 58.50,, per cwt.
Paitter . e . . .
teburhanottrain of this road- from CheeSe-Western, 12%; to 121/C.
Greatest Mule. Disastei; of Many Years
Ctsviingt.on that c ehed, into the -27 to 27%c in round he's:
Eggste-Sales of ., e ,
• , , : ? •
rear Ora tire-nr.-N- tileattern train 28e in. jobbing :kite.
ing the 1011D. rear toenhost' . : ed at 26c, No: 1 at 22, and No: 2 ' 4.13: : Germany.
front Hattieshe , • Miss.:, t.eleecop- new laid Were made at 29C selee.te • .
. silt, 17 e per dozen.
. A' deepatch froni 'Hamm, West- " Heartrending SeerICS. Were emact-
' , . •
, UN ", t8 MAP TaTS. ' g. reate ed at- t -• nune when the dead aid
El ail, . Noir, ....711.11 6.,t.....Nre,, i' pha, lia, Germany, sass : The
: fdilea at Sandi Creek. ' • ha '4,'$1.05%; No. NO there,.$1:t .clt, setr.nniia; nney. cliosi:c'stttertr'eian:notantay.re:1;7sati :ai....; ::::.1''';': 'till:: cs.::,:,:t1-1,c1*N,PIrc.1,)r.0:::''!ilititt):1.t;1.hd, e, --_,.::tn, :at .
Bnrial , of Earl .Crandell and Alma . .
e , , • TZWe and there we're saretla- tee: ta,
A despatch from Ottawa gays: nett ; Ne'. 2 Northern; Leuze ; Itee,
morning -at-, the -.; Ptedhod Mine, totatperted through the •streeta to ' ..
$1,. 4N.; Mate $1.08X; Nov.. ttf.06%
inneapeliS,. Nov. 17.. -Wheat ee- three :miles frem here.;, Tile • waS the hoepieala '' • : • e,
pa)5,soti A i_ui /nine , '. Finally the lir e , had ItVtiit* S1,141 -
De % tot$1.04%; May, 51,, a•,very heavy ex 1 ; 4 4
Ot.Y4 t,) $1.08% ,," O1011, Wheat NO. I :Octet 4 .6,:in., and altnost.' iininedi- ereate headway that it wet:ch.:lent:4 . 6. a;
o%1No 1 Northern , $1:- ately the rilitle: took Arc: -.Of n,s6 that any, fur:titer attempts to -feet- will
ltittOtt-Xtie t Vf-t1M-A7ir 053714 -No.. miners on ly ,'aik escaped withoe t in....re e, the en toadied men we ro vain eed :it
3 Sptingtteheat, $1,03% to, $1,04, jury:,, Thirtylve- t•,(i•ro. taken' out on )n to the„intpottiW.nte af enter
Ittati-a$17.50 ,to,$11:75. ' "Float -,- badly.; injured; and 37 'males, were ire the pallet itta *Y\t't:ha, patro ti,
First patent,, 575.4o to $5J50; see- ' .broitght but. The renthieing. ...6t' I al\ order wive iesaed to flodd.
end petehts, 55 15 to $5.40; first lateet• hetet giveh -up for lost, Thelmitte,' Ittret eeporte iedicated
Clears, 54 to 51.301 seeehd nleare, ..explosien ' Ohtettoyed One of the the Incident win, the .16,t'llt. ,
" Buffalo,' Xo: 17 --S\ -Spriag edireil before :the 'reeetie wet*: wee stateinentt of toe ttanredtie
. . 1 der litit hntenteildet • • . . - ' a
.000,00.09004terttet ,
$3 to $3.30.; a . ' ' • • eliette. which. had to he pertly' ie.! explosine of ,:•0411,
firiter; Ne. 1 .,Nortitorni Carloads begue.
• ,
.,. I .
I . •
OIL' NOT---"t7P--TO -STAND ARD:' --
order forbidding emphiyes in- is tt --' , -;
departinent .visiting saloons or 1- Manttoba GovernMent Investigatine. . . .
qizor houses for any purpose what-; . !I priie and Quality.,
tevert---Thee.order-affeetseaboat.,,54a ,.....: _ '.. ..._:.: , . ,
, ' ' A -clepalai. trent Winnipeg Tape -.
extra No. •1 feed oats at 44* and einployes. Se' moaths; ago
women An investigation by provineial an.
No. 1 feed at 43% •to 446,'"Ozhario Blaisdell discharged all the
No. 2 white at 44tetc, No. 3 at 43/c, clerks and Stenogratehers in his de- Dominion 'authorities into the uit.
and No. 4, at .43eper bushel, ex partrnent and ;replaced them- with lifY, price of oil and thegexiero.
Sutoert.t patents,Flohfitsts
Mrsatiatelia6;., secondspinreefac
ring. traeeeontiheentronnd that men are oil industry of .the West began
Niredricsday: ,Ofacers went to Setae.
at $5.50; Winter wheat -patents,: River, where a ',family, of eight Tett,
$5 to $5.25; straight rollers, 54.50 Tene,,,pawrea sTANDAnw, , ithed last week through the expla-
tO 54.66; do.; in bags, $2.10' to 52,- .... stow of inferior: oil. Oil is Selling-
20.;* extras, 51.75 to p1.85, Feed- Mr. ..4.sgoith Tells ' the Commons in Winnipeg at 40 cents a Viler-
Manitobabran, 521.; shorts., $24; • : yiliaf Ile tilleane lli :It whereas itis on sate 50 miles Soutiii,'
Ontario bran; 521.•50 to "$22; Mid- • . . of -the -border at 12 cents. The .,
dlings ..,...$25... to $26; shorts, 5s4.00 . •A• deSpateh front London says: Standard Oil officer "• at Winnipeg
to $25 per inn iiiiiiiding hAisi pixie: -Preraie-ro"A-squitob--:sot-,forth .in-ahe.„ stvers, the ' price: is meletained :ay '
'grain •;anonille, $30 to $42; milled llouse of Commons on Thersdal the local wail& and that Iiii."-i-eiga--
grades, $25 to $28 per ton a :Pro- what was meant by the tWotptev a. pan y sells to th,eni at 12 cents: -Tho
visions --Barrels• short Cut mese, standard of naval strength ef Great great feature, hinveVer,-ie •the
$13,50; half -barrels, ,511..50.; , 'clear. Britain, and his annonneetnent oliaanee being pressed 'that the oil
fat backs,, 523; 'dry isalt long .clear brought out hearty cheers from all is not up to the legal Standard he'
backs, •fie; barrels 'plate beef, sides. Up to the presenktime Mr. 40 Points and that this has caused
$17:50; : half .baserels do, $0; Asquith has been ' non -committal many deaths in lapitoba receiftly.
compound lard, 8t..< to 93ce pure
power.. During the past year there Lying side by side in tneir easkets;
have bden ;three abortive attempts, the tdotible funeral of Earl C,rait-
deaf time 'before the moveremit Was dell, aged -28, and Miss; Alnia Miles,
iipe. Tho unrest is being fostered hie affianced bride, aged 18, tock
b3' ti student elethent. place at Sandy Greek, neat Brack-
. 'China is not afraid of lapan: vil•le„ 011 Wedtieeday. Lovers"
..-The-Governieent is ,working night, through .life, they were not parted
and day in the trainiog 'of men for in, death, aed the • last rites were
the war with the ' UPane.se that said ON'el' the altar banked with
eventualle will _Come; All this talk fiewers where the tato white tai -
of :ceeciliatiert,hetween japae ,,and trete rested: ririving together and
China in the eeent.of another. war discuteing, their eteniog Matrieget
with the Ntql:Alef t VAIOtigii 18 ridi- their atilliagq WaS stetick'II alrein
ealotis;"' " laud both; Were instantly killed.