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Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-19, Page 5
ur °ir r • adies- , rickets lsrachau We haus left in stoc`a a ght .Astra ch 4n Jackets of alaiious price , which 'will be cleared' out le;ardless of cost. Any persk,n desuing' a ; "rcouforte to . tra',ment at a low : price 'should see these m tract an„Jackets.. adies' Neck :Furs .. Our range of .styles and prices in Ladies' Sivalt Fu s'': is much larger - n- isua and-the-valaes✓be ter than. _:.. ever'befon e. • These eonsir& of Auffs,. Scarf-, . S'oles, Throws and Ties. to Quit;the taste of the weareer. 'ISAEEI.L. ' OPPOSSITJI RUFFS,`. Leri tlis fin?' 4.i •41. to •.84-111u6ea �~._- ane tr ail 'it Is h alts' *uid tails; soinq , with: 'braid •i rn.amCnts acd tails. `. ; ...Fall f‘rrrea an l very a"j,-.':N.-..•: , •tea , . i 8 :5i) ,S9•t'►0, �ei,!t50, $13 50, :$1.1 and $li ARMOT STOL• ES; good -imitation of Mnut, first irate wearers and quitee dressy . $5, . $6.50 and $9 -SCARFSS THROWS- Asn 'TI'ES .. i ie the -tine- a bPg-ir--tn. tel.e- sohd;conifort and.' enjoy the luxury of -carni far-- -stir-.a►ents �a id : wr tp� -Here; area fe'v of'the maicy arry in'stoo4 — • dies• •ur .Gi�ed Coatis — In these ;Ave are 'a:sowing six differ eat prices~- A11L.have.. _gr,�r1 :Ii ick. • c sine in arieus kinds of Furs in . a.:variety of price!. • WRITE TRIRET , SS LEIS _ a u • •1iUFFS f,r Aliases •and Children, s0. a.d ra t1?;, Broad C%th Shells and . all a •e Aimed with ' fne thickdark .11[iiskeat Fur. Co late , gad Revers •of the .cheaper lines are D�Coun,.andsf`the•' Alaska Sable... All are sp�lrnd]a aid will give very' comfort and:sures- -¢osteon -to~-:the , wearers= -.--- he=s fair- • lined Coats a O,r�lmost entirely surer cisding s si an 7"ckeis Pn es • X55, i~60,•$65; Si0 and, 5 each. 'A �1 a hate, a s� two , lilies: -of Ladies' Blaci. iie_,.vrt t;ct t% .some lined tiriih :._... Citi Gloth, -others with quilted' Far; • mens •..atnn: o lura• ..end ° "levers77rof -!cunt , aro of heeler. • AIr lheappear- rime and° .•most of„ the camfort of a• jar=Iined•c t. Prices 2 -•and $i:5._ . • isI..uff :Lade ,u te ter • ; ...e_ ' , .� - q - 5 �' t • _ at „tea, .a+ a0, � 10. aii•1 t,L V 0. /,, cozats We ha• a Mnff� in a variety e. i Furs.' ce t Satu r days. 0: n n_'. The farmer. •who has heed the rural it thanlhe could with, the porde. There 'certainly' is no better invest- meat of money that a farmer, can poi,. siblp im:ike.than the''410 or $15 per year that he pays 'foi lits telephone: `"Tn "Hal_dirnnd'county, where the natural bas is:a v/011erful convenience, for, heating and lighting, and almost e' e$y farmer has a, gas well, be • Will frankly. tell yen that ,he would prefer' to go back to /the -wood stove and coal oil lamp rather than be witho It . the `use of the telephone.""' • The :practical value ;to the' farmer of the .rural 'telephone ' was thus ex 'pressed by Ir. Byron 'Gee, Selkirk, Ont., secretary and. ' manager of Erie. Telephoner Co., ;who attended the Indepennent. T$1ephone Convention at the City Hall iii Toronto_recedntly, "I tamedAhe telephone on inyfarmneast e Selkirk or-two�.yearsbe* I -mov- ed into town;' -so that I knew whereof I speak,° he added. "A farmer, after .'getting accustomed to a p!none i n gilt house, simply. •could'ut get along With- out it. ]l'r V8EPDLNj68S know, One farmer who saved a ..horse by_i eing_ abie,to telephone to a veterinary entgeen, thus getting him oat twice ' as quick es by driving to town for him. Another case lion,* of, where *barn. was struck ` lby light- ..ning in the night. The fire signal was 'Phoned. to the; farmers around, and a dozen :'off them , lied .gathered in, time to 'save part Of the contents, of the' barn, -which could :never .have been ;done if help tad not ;been so speedily' seonaid.24n ''tilesame way-a_utootor =eau l sumintsied=k oLsiek t* in the family; and'there are,' doubtless; times; when a man would give:* thou- sand:dollars tobe able to communicate` :,directly with a physicnan You; see then that in rid! such' emerge ncles tyl e :jrural I Iepfione is invaluable:" But for-ordmaagvery-dait is 'also worth"tentimes the. yearly cost of .the'phone.• A• farmer,can telephone to:towu . and get the market prices,„ silo save rlie•'.it'�r o y y what b , landingwh he has to sell on the market when the prices abare right.. Likewise, li eau inquire out trains, make engagennents' or obta in infermu tion_:that_will saveMhn in.. leadiesi amount of time and tmtrel., SAvls Tsonnin 'awn Bettis: ;�./Think --of-the=..convenience-toy-the- farmer phon his o ails'.. worrier* �ey- the far coup! his Wife friends, he can ver. ings n ttttnost -on=-this worth April we h have the y t1oIIS -the= &nd_Repaii ► .b. pramptly its • td dd' to in our Shoe Dspartmen tr , µwoNNwi�sH�!+ N� s y, , just received a large stock of 'all kinds of Boots and Shoes, from Alen's Long, Boots to the Baby's Wee Moccasin. ; ��• , A Special lint is The .Ntirsn.lry Shoe frit 'Child - ' icer;'$ wear, in black; chocolate, reed, red and black tan and white tan avid 'black sites'' to 5 and 444 to_.,7+ y oct0000ixoocioecitsmeoce • ENROLL.- NOW f.at 'Winter Tera►—no • batter lima. 'Wo ender s5cial :tdrahtsims and phi` cti�afes uat obtainable • eliewhrre 'Write for partieolars: • B'r'itish American 13usl.ness C A 'Building, Toronto ',4 T. * WATS011, Primus:I ioc,Ocitgaociop0000pp000. also .to bumble:to go to the e af%r dinnerand, arrange with t r . beat, farmer nearby 'any little b ess they have together. nviti}out: nab or wink to: ;him, The: w too, fnd •the telephone a boon,_. conld-riot-new do without. Wheal, .mer is away as day or for • a e' of: days, how handyit is 'for te'phoneto her neighbo or- or ' in to—torn if:••ne©essary: - S also: mare her engagements o the 'phone or. inquire about meet, on in tke oranytliing�el§elgoing. ' borhood, Au; 'a Moans . of facilit- a • social. ''intereonrse it. is of the value, and the rttral_teYepl oiie score�alone i.:would lee . ire1L the investment. • company - began business in. 1908,2' Mr. Gee continued; ',and aveinow 600 subscrit is and will from .700` to 700 by the end of ee►r� dor 'we have -`more a pli •than rR a ire , ab-ie`to`eupply; The fanners pay $12,1.year, which Covers installation of the ' .phone,. 'and • W- NCNAM I3UStilESS OOIECE tll.St modern and popular 1147:', *sax, ,S,chovl °: in Weston t)Yntario. � • l\"Y�tclp , eiprrieuced, • broadly eciti!cscto d. sy malatli4tio. attedtiire stint. Ch synonym of sdccese:: Ono-Mateo 'eminently eneefiii the rery .esseree of Modern* Brisk bnt`tu.ss systems. . $t@no raj hv, . To1epai 114:01. 0631111141,14111111-0,4108111 1;'reparsttry rii & foe those : irhots, edncxtign• hasteennettlented W Wait iionht nn any enbieet5. far hoes wh.+ with to staid* at h=timer l niic i Tnal instruction ' Enter any itaa . ;Vitra', for , handsome •Vstalegae,. t to. o.titttn..1 nncipsl to run*eta , ing as ;the poison iti�i4 %tn r ; or mineral ,Inti used inc.iscrixn;u.xte:y Vey 2.c�.�. ,• ruin the syttc^ . .T�ve ! y years expo rience in the treatnientOelihese tis ; cs enables us to prescribe' speeificren4eriiesthatwill pos tively c i„;.o all Hood diseases of the worst character, ,leaving nit bad effects: on the system. Our.loiew.MethodTrent :- went will, purify and enrich''the blood,• !real, np : all ulcers, clear.the skin, remove bone pains, fallen' out hair will grdw in`, and swollen gland°s will re 'turn to a normal,:v ndition, and the patient will feel and'look .like a .,different person.' Ail cases we accept for treatment, are guaranteed o com plete cure if instructions are followed Reader -if -in -doubt as toyottr'condition you• Can consult ns-F:IiEE- OF CHARGE.. -• Beware -of incompetent; doctors who have=no reputation -ot-reliabahty:` -Drs -K -gt K. -have been'established over 20 years. • Wh ' CURE Nery ous Debility, Varicocele,• Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and -Bladder Complaints. -Consultation -Free....:: . i.nt a en_ . T 1i Ynai�ie 1i0 6011 WCi'�+n: ESP. fa kju�c3i7Vn 6iaa mW2 .-,va, e • ,`.:a Rs.K : . EN E Car. is an Griswold Sts.. R' Detroit, 00000000000000ticc000c0000 O (r. 00000ti000O00000ci000000ttot eel Kange • • Has improvements -all -its- own To see it:.is to admire it Come in_and.awewwill be.leased_toabort•ou. all about it p 0000000000l00000000w00000 4i13600000000000000° ti to cEn rs PEI PAC5AGE. gi.es,them free.connectiofl with their. market town. They pay a small fee to • 'phone aulside Their ownnlistiiici ;6Z change, but this .could not co'sfj more than .$2 or $3 in a year We have no connection With the Bell Telephone Company.because'they demand anop- to' pto purchase our whole syr, and also that : we bay all -telephone supplies froth them. These ccppeditions we refuse to agree ,to. e. Liar a five exchanges respectively, about ' the. towns of Selkirk,. FFsher� le, 04nga, gagersoille and lapis: ' ' • • • Pi ortn. IS POPULAR "On a nine -mile line east of Selkirk; there ire'53 farnders who hire' phones and,Andy fire faruners' without !them: fanners intended. •organizing as: a mutual company;,, but 'our solicitor advised us to make it a joint stock company, and ue .did soy: The Clii& tends for • the• first year *ere sr%x per cent;. and for the second year ten' per cent: "RThe t epiioiiei it the greatest boot that has chine to the farmer in a; long Mite Gee Qoneittded, .rani! the is the man*he' ncene; ` it�-E1 greet;deal more than. jieittlr:: pesltfent in the city. We have on : !aced atal/ times e large and ,:tip -to -date stock of Farnitur • comprising thbest.; reaches unci • latest • pat: terns, zvhzch we are] o f j' rrs n s, at Beasnable Prices. _ind'Lycall" and inspect'our stock. We deem it a pleaswi .e tq showpods: Pietar°e'l arming and cepa ring ,done .neatly and prormply see:,bur• .stock'of newest designs .in Conch: Throws. ARRIAGE SES ' ISSUED N unlierti°c11 inct`t 'receive 0..is prot�;Y !t . and • careful 'at%teiitiotl, ,day • br .night. ' . '•