HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-19, Page 3Corns cause intolerable pain.. IflollOW3eY' 8 Corn Qure ..reraiwes 'MI° ' No pthroegicAsintievie"fanrrn6erquelnneltf:' troohle. Try ie,- and see what• _ -- iiiitotittrof puinis.-,-savect.- - ..„...ford _0.U...without-it. ;---Pliblish-L.- ed Weekly., Only $L59 per.syear. ,„ Two young ladies *.ete't4licing the Drop 'post-ertrd for fre.e saniPle. cther day about 'a third • who bad ' cepy. Agents Wanted, 'Address': , . iosi. beoOme engaged Jto a' widOwer, or“Till FARMER'S ADVOCATE 82 who plays the Cnet,- arid ,brts. four' ,.. 611116.0n. "What could he wor5e.". Mention this Paper. London 'Ont. 7Claimed .ene, "than four children ,......._:_______, • ,„,: •:- ',. .1261 - ' ',:________,___-..,........... A a cornet I' ! ` "Nothing," . 'said . ' __ ie other, "except, .-'Perhaps, six , OUITSIDI: HIS LINE a children: ;mad ..-, troinbone." ' ., , "I presume, rok" :good ' fellow, • ,..._..,... , - . yOtere a 'taborer .14' Said a 4wyer The doll is the 'oldest faint of tic 'a plainIrdtessed; wittioso... . plaything knont, "Yon right; 't Lei a worktitart, •siare t;" replied -Ilia Witness,' who "With t a Cit-il otigineet. ' , "Familiar withthe use of the ' plok, shovel, . and ' sPactei 1 pre,- . sumo 7 . - - To soinoiittrit. Those irle, not •the principal, ithplentellta of my tegtdo, tholigh..' , l''',;"' - ' "Perharnt you 'Iiiill condescend to , eetightee.me aa to . sof principal implements," . .' ,. “It is hardly. worth oliile. . Von .doret understand: their. nature dr . use:" '• , •, , "Iirebably not;',' loftily, “but 7 fijtnewing 'what the are.'4 twof s , a 'h , v . ' ',...ltrilins. .sir.'. , •'7". • Men should lOelc fot t114 Tag,on, Chewing'. Tebatto. It guarantees thehigh quality of Th c Blg Black Plan. , 227' • NSUMPTIO 'Oh foil tretcd remarkable, anti -European de- 0:41S-"ehalyilehereadw6eakmun:bs 00740anit against the treatment. _ and,, do•' not Strike at the sooree of deringlhe last !y,ear ego. two that -all these ,methoda are .inere palliatives, lian--b,cenydencrolly-Iree*gnizer - '0:` it 1104k •• Witiry-4106(1. '44trollen'44,,y8--buTath4ee-otheea°suitho oft TO --TWE *0111( DODD'S tbe " nataral illitTea;d-am binder. .the .t*ovigiet. , .40004,00.. • , iitoiL.-4.4.-41elotesi'c,n,'tite-14:0:7L, ,.. iti, on,4.,:, ii. i Ii!„ \ sqn:Acipill'. SUPPLY .rl *lfull 4 ge:. !'21:r. ,t"te:,..°0:761claar:3t ...i.: 127e74377;4TorontorI:ltig't 4 ', 1 or ao' i t i' ri-457tr, ate i 41:' p .'", :ler et:elan. rap: il: 0 .0.0ie,24141:1;ii'de::•ZUT:Yadeat:Cic..sif.47 , . • • . • • , ., Eareeisior ,Chetufml Work's, Ito ;_Bontliii i•Ireek 'ARE .you.sj0K ?. abaut my natural MVO' Piot 1111014ketlthe tbird at, tion of th'‘-liie;vhl'ta.. ' .. - ' -r.---: 1.:-:'-: AumVersaty of the':;parti. . ,..11.1D3TVY-PITI,J,S.-.AItt '00ING..' tinder Old-style traffic .a; . maeadam' . •, , , -,......., • • . - - -- '-i. -- .-- ",- - . ' ' ' ` ' ;read 'wore eutr,very slovily,, Wit au- ' tennibileil-Will -deStrey -the:fineSo • . " - ' . . ' ' i. FEATHER ' D EING1 chit 01....aciiribvaild Rid •Gktiles ''r;7"...'ell-ne411‘:-T'bOil • • • , .. ...,• ....,, ' - ' . I -7-7,7-7,-, . ?.. ','.••••;'.:,..':-,-.---,--.-:- -:...: .1170. F. P, K E itfamii„:0,tirice, -,' -:.- - . - - , - - _ mooatessrio.s: is -'• Alio ,.,:'..starting .41g 'th°r 'cl9the.s 'nnd'ic'tWear 'and • fn- linnkied,4A-1,r* Fkiiiik.".“sall.chil ' OP dressing ,detvo.to,' the No. 2 aRATiss ..AtigRitAti- -13' ir-Emolco...1 ,....‘,1."."", 44" 44," . ' 114: -• , ' :' 4S''ii-d4 of' inglittAing, (1100.41'4- YiS4°11/114311'itgaril TI14-601 4S'''a' °nen Surfacing in a Year, strilng -.the ' ,vaa be 'Mot br pork taper ar,,,, the tieitydateji, 'i , :filiita v,. g',.„4' leta. .'nativeS ohserVed th ri. niv' r ' 72;;;ice;f1974(legra":46.jr:tiic97: ,i_utft7ar,:oLse,r-arE,t .04:4ssotel:r, "VOint' of:- 0:01.1SIIMPtiO4:;• '119140-4"-:YOur -nhStainiiii. - IraM.'fOOd;7"--,7,"*IttihOlee • .',Teps "gow' Thu' ''''itred-- Mislek;' ..st..°4e, 'Th.watee,- the* finds- rca,tly,.iii(isTtit.kiz.;_, , . ..,. , , „j, ;‘,6106.01 is th.. . i • t , were dosed in "Caletitta - ` ' : ' , ache.' . , access.. and does , great , damage; . , I _. Aisans.pooltsonscv rwri mu! ' h .019 : health .'d0elin es.: ....1(014 fax,e several Pelibe,'PreelaMathma Were 7"mewise"3"7"'""47-7"""i7m144.774766'..* 1 ::.3.77A. '''';' .'41'siva°11"rsis,°4""*41.o.Tsg'velsrlitruqPcs4wi. .' .giv8s, paie,;:y,ui, doilatte hiiia „and, posted evoryWhere '(orbidding meet- . 'Garnish,' . Fortune • EaT,, ...iiid.,..,, , 'IT° TOP; 'l--)RESSI-NO. - , , , .. 0,0,0,by, setii.m.oianyourcto re , 'your' heart; .,•ilimpi: and illitters at iri4s and 'P-.rece-#siens'nfter l''Veleek; NOT- 6. E.Peeial)."-:-. Atheeg 't4e fis'47. • 34.11x. ceuntries,, faciai ih' Prali- . „When a girl. gets. married,. she. is i.fliaktetetwiroinveip exatecitiani„ Orninn'WW**1.01-30)41niald 1 . 11-41T.DE. IT,ti., ......, .1 ,the feast `6'zertion -,,Or,,,,e4,6tee-i-it., 'ari-d.,9rderng thei'''IM"est ,ef. aiik..;,114- erinen here, who:through 'exposure., lerri of automobile- wear, prefer.rd practicoy,, th6 ,.,i.whoie .11.,.... the , leti"-are always weak -and- wretch: tir .9 -feliad ,eaviIing. weaPeas; ' ' '. .to., 'wet.: and . cold. :at'e ett„hjeCt tO to give op all. aSteuipt at maintain, mam only.. ,pia.3is. 4• sort of .4i,lan.. ..• ..:ju ..eous'equence of ' the -alarming ' tho ' ' -.ju.,' , aches w c come. iu. a, top d1 111,. of fine .s.reened, 412641:dev'it.11.1-'-eskislog747ntrot's7Yc9;;;;;;* .. striuno,rmednea 1,o' chooser from. • 1. '-, This is the POint 'froiti''.whieli 1700- 'ri--62:mics' that. the leagalis. eeilteeeli . from 'diseased.k.ide9Y'S, TtoddVs Hid' sth4e and haVe. al:II:flitted traffic di,- ' ed. and lose-iiiterast in ,faverytliing' ig. °ern .Ohligato., '.i.-: , •..1... ' ,...,, . , it. Igo, - ' : ',Are Ca, '.1-?telit.5..31:wifierAktaj ,... . ,.. - •, .. . "deelitje that..„londs to consumption -ceinParties ,,o ot ow . .g ao , . . tive boon :ILO i. mankind:" . ' They. ar...e' .whiCh. _constitutes' the Secend" layer: . ' le e 4 ' - al"' c I Y S el3' '11C.Q.• 4 . °Pe e : ' " --.. f G . a . .ffl i - dei.s . ' ' . • ' ' - '11;1' t '. ' tb, t h • 1 sit- lated an attack 0a Fmr0Pearks7.-t*0. nes' Ping are looked 'Upon ani.posi-• rectly upon -the.. coarser,B...ki, , •4 -at c oii-sumptii,p yiiip ' d the' " ' Wli t ' . a etnai i jr- w ere . t u r 0 e d out ' for, patrol duty, , riever' tit, ea' of :telling' : how • their [1 : - was -.re c o g n i z ed, : t h act l'iiia:dslat, jahlini.ScIyh,. 1110_...:_-_ ctorii,irjr,84.10'ut:ishiret'rne.detih'ir,,k.ameb71.:tette?cf:'at..4.7infz.9snt,oerghert,i,.:tohr.,,praei7td:itilteligOe,ig. i4te,nh,tc4.1,toobd,:fin'gosil.hihite;.., II:: , tr .lititer'el.'hiLii,'°•it:dth- ::eaitil.:-.Witlibte'letc..,:v1:e4Pke v;.:111..71111:1P'fi a' 1. .7:liskisne-lild:bidag..4ei'ill'P'-'61ai-cleell':t'''-kta'.4-1' PlaTfif:lacia'cl'a: rftoliret-Yi:a. P.D8O3fd'ssil"Kiedri:cg; .s%°rIneePtill7gds, .1W7latsh"Parac:.stineraflalye :needed ',id' bring .;:bacit- health -,,,od: 'an _ the remain, er o .t e regimen - Backaches and.. their • Itheuniatiam' said:of-No. 2.-stolie.0 nefili'ili" 7 1 ' '' I " ' 11- th '. 'WOO& °eats "atarelted-:0- the ie9a9 TeUthe:.-- Atheng Many:: 'others' ;Mi.- Frank. ate .abraston'On: ....thiS. -Stirfeee- ' aa' n.ci :Tost,,,,,,ro': the; ! ' ir. „, _pas. ag . . t - ....., vilyterhonEicotd, atdr..,.„woniluegats. ,iop. itilhke :1).ni jori. I nziv." as 9.- iLpntoorriedeprg.inicreniwa. Aith t4xeeiderbta-sr..... iv.,:iinni:L" ,, bn, fore „, t.lie , ,gre at , li,,,i nr,: e..7„ .rtirli:t. 4e 0; zsd,rdp4,00,0, 4, lit sr.,70111.1a,1 .natiVe....eit.3";. i.le Order to be readYi ."1-InfTddieDinoeddfo'Sr.:.KiBatlenkettveh. ePililshathvee :ii,sz.".v.v.e.ar,3'tersil.:tnedepcitiihst.leu.p...ttioolidli„Sytotriboastit.ee, ..v.ait.iio,dtoxiistb,t,we.w4htat!4'",,,,,4y71:1; th,e .01-1 . sli ,:t,* 'd . h id :take these e;ading 'Plain:00.0es . inea-armed PillS,'-and bureis. whit he intoning inosaic, .:in fact, on- an :old read' itl feel-thatlearinet-Say '., VertyAhousand,BOOlinParaded-over,-...-uSed.-A.,..ord,Serltwo4kores... :____:-.-,. .... . _ . _ • _ _ .-_,......___ ._ Vills - at , `once, .4in:a - regain new A'n. 4 l'er, elverPi '"were Posted m 'the -his friends :.---1 • ' • - .-. " - practically non -dust -producing; but 'flinse nwiin .nek. - a • su-r.e re-me,ayiri-dj:.• ,, - • MiaST Ada -Burke, The: Jl;arige;. 11-' 0, :Oen °iv' ristin:-.' . • hest "."84/* • . " l'e''Y'."':'''' - a • xs • ' • di- d f h - - t ' . ' ...toe 'Pruett in fever Of Pi;williams' 'the ''treets, the' Pl'Oeession heiag. a "and -thei:enred riie of }7( 1(4 1 . ' ..... :"YA--T1.7rgtricifi't-E -ST. . '. • ' Pirik ,Pills. 'In. Merck 1907, I, Was. Mile and a ball: long; and'''stePlailg,' had had for. five' years.. It started It has been found that. tar. could att4okod' - ,with . whooping, , cotigh 111: ' . 7 ore I ranat - aner. through a strain... Ms cathees,hack! he used- to niake .the. mesai , . _ enieli;t1:1: .tbeir • . nornial.: -healthy '... Condition:. . ta stralian hiiniming-bii-d • etivers the to- -those' familial'. , :•With .it.," but ,' td.}, There is no need; te-,recciininend 't 1. Befete ..a. thunderstorm, the Au-, ..• .. ..,,.. . .. ... , . e .• , ,. . :mos. Catatemew e'end. Et:So: jPrne-:: CANADA'S : .arlaavserstiOr. Sanwa or PaVs tit .._,..••.. •__, ____ . '-.---.712 , • , ., , .,. .. • . . BEST .... • , Buy ' , Aiti N,whieb,: ',clung ...to.,,, ..eine Aor -several iees tl,w --, aacrowiled lEtag! of ea- AisObothered, him, aod he kOt 89ple- proof: - A- tar compound is applied t°P 6-f ' i°'' neat' with echweh' winch atlai,' and.:Whea the. eOnglidisali,- 'gat ' was. 'escorted liY.it boclYgaard. 'relieVIrorn" ',Otte Pilt I gave ,hint- tis' the road, 'in a-, liquid :condition ncl..."P Wn,i'l.Oft:, ''' Weak' 'and -run 'He' *alked 'heneatli:'019;standai"def they.- were too preeiOns to ': OLV 0 . him -p,nd hardens =Mang the fine inter- . • • . ,,,,r, ,,,„.. ,,,,,, „. is a - non-conducter Of eleetrieity, , ' - • , . . • . • , , ' I 1I10 Bell P10110 't011011 et 1.10..,g1131011;1[11 Maim" ot nett Plano!, Iteliertratio oast ' • 'Autonolit'Petyir Mao*, . . .. , owItt.. All sokamoe_ 1., was - ailing," Bengal.. :. ,- -, , ...., -more. ...All persons, -suffering. -from 'stiCes-:of the readwaY -somewhat like, :am' t".1,11,,' ;in' rs,14chnilseTE.c,.14011417:n.ir'engTeorattrid.::. lint when the :natant,* 4' 1014' I seentL, --.::,'The rieli99 Pi•ev.eated..a.a37:EPPebh-. 'I3alc.aCh' ShOtild 'lle DOdd'e KidneY cement in concret- It is .a,bsolutejy hew& and similar affections, ur Wearer's CerateS pci ' to he eoroletely 'Worn' out •FOr e8 Ite3100-144de•',b3r,the agitators, and ,Pills," .- ' -•'• 1 ' ' ' ' LJ la -an -ointment- that has inought-' -weld ;to- Waterpiciof - and - a roa so , reate U088114 -.a whole. month I never,.move -• ateeraptn"- to:" ereato , distorbanees ". . Why AdDeild's Kidnev Pills, clue Will Sh.ed. water like„the proverhial . •:, .ar e-tatill'fa(tuting ....bid tfin .hgtio and collid. L' i% ''`'ier'&.PrelePtlk.sePPreSsed„ A liiir.,o-,. Baokaehe.j. '. 'SinaPI3t becanse.Back.,'. .dueles hack.' In--fa-et; if the- road . There in.nothing 'More Uncertain ---Wilk-..-abent--1-tith----,:,,hotise..,-1---was-Se-Pean:earPoration- official. Wanattae, it, ache ...- is : KidneY"- -ache ...and, --Dedirit,- - : ppens • - --- e---ItopeOectly„--dramed than- A" 1WOMRR=OX'O'ept.'OOO'et7);qj= • • . • . • . . .. . -•AVettilE:';'-1-liad,appetitthy....,,ecilorif,rt,-,024-t.siCtp--09--...,WRY-orgt3'4-444d-Kicip.ey-rtill-pOitivelY,--cu*,---',-P,11, 4440-1,ea-ve7pitddies4fter-1-47-raini-,-. . , „lic.ao .-a . gireenish yellovr... -.I .had se- ,carriage was ,Stoned. One of the' I':idney 'achei' :. d 11 . ' - Thi . i ' lho . -:,..water in . , the puddles Will 'nor . , .vere heads,ches.ancLwenldbe almost' footal9n' Was. "s9V-PrelrlaParetl, ' and ' been:proved io-•t ousamts, 0 , b"e be • b Orb , 4,Y thp .roads and .wl -- , The d•eheions..flavor and aroma of .„.,breathlOss at the fea.St eitertititz.-. .enly,'..."see,..ned death ill .-Peesectuen.e -in-. Canada. '. If yeti ,haVeti1t asel 6;oly ' diSaPPear . bk eVaPoiakien... , 4Salacia,i7..T04. ia' preserved 34. The took: ieveraI - , hettles. of ,thedicine, pt the hraverk OI•tbe oaciiiitafi.- thein you.raelf ask 'yoiir neighbors, A single. treatitient. will "give geed' nie'of iealed. lead ' :pickets: ' It is .0.72,1"i ildflit4Ide. St- 111433t . . , - r.' lent -it did. net holP , me, an ',then ': , : - - . '. ' .' 4.- ........., . , ' . ' ' ... ' : -...14,1'.. :resida ts fer 'year, and ' wlli""fre- 'never ,...exposeri ,4 to the '''..an.. ' dust • my-niot. er got me...three boxe , of • ,,. .. ,„„_____„______ . , . ,,.. . , , . . , , qttently_show_ goo _...effect• -ranch -Ion-- Ihrti-Tair-Htlit---surrounding-odors ' About '40x9.,00,, 'lightod.• . by bltrinaeo§s,ary -4,,ndi, ,i.ria,..,:.e„..taiiiin„-tibi..:...-ius,,.,e,,, .. ci 1 '..-hii.l.ft..e......i',WiiidiiViti;.::.tr.te..:..4ti•.:S, ' ad us !,errthem. 'I -ires-inuell -better A,ndrew . Thomas Wgre IS a . at" .FriendsTi ;.:. me ws *hen ' 'a ' ' I) V. . ail occaSional- eleaning '14' the' 0j:ti3' other goods as litil or loose teas -.end hy_ the 'time I . had ,taken ,an- .,,forgetter.". . Ele :forget topay th hoth . .Tas'' Eciet.fic... 011.! d_ . 4 ; 'c.are req.ured. ... . ..,tifre length of three,sides, alio other three boxes. I was .agam -ela- .inoney.he oWed,"and to give people *all:field of distribetami hiit11-19.7 . ...', rea - ent ,or sueb roads costs aile're:ilee,,Pet, teat lull show the •from ten large skYlights,. r0,0st •. utiLte7date. manidactitring. fiat ., . tho leSt- ':•OVInalth,--11'with'zia-, hict-' ' ', the i-- •'ngs- -h",.---borrowerl. it. : territOFY_,js*.,_____.wideagr_C_acL . 'Ttice:."ahontz-..Saoa•-ner thile'iand_ ca,._..in,- .... ... • _ , ,,,... ' 044•in eentrtl part of 11' 11 .to.get in :the, tome "hearty" itlietito:. 1704)11 .FOTOriifd re- i Moreover, he Was '."todebY" "irl 'the. i-c'bV i'ff7a-T-7-reCegnizeti .its.'"rauye ,no" apparatna ,.exeept, an ordii-kary ii..:sa.c.„„pso.i.g.up to. he lieat,;:.:water, elf,30tticlight, a t' '.. Z ' ''71..C.A1Pi. Ur:til eS7P'&1,,"..41'41:r.trt:"*41'1:. , . • • . : tT; .'ne,Wed.OnergY... . ' . ' -'. , subject, . §41 ' that few Of. his' friends qUabties Sti4 tahle. it "ni--a"-siieci. sprinkling Cart with whaa a gi :a , sial 'ad- ,:.....: . .., 41, per cent. iss . : Itho. city If . you- wal4 mei,: health...and, new liked to .ht; t inhah that 110 ad arty of, fie, and ' 'while it. ,retains, its old ja.#6.,hle notale:,. , • pecyona, - • h ' strength-'. trY.,.. Pi. 'Winialias'. Pilik. their ,property in ' his possession.. friends it is ever „making,. iaew.' . It , it' is' firetty *ell, eatalglishstrete ed that -rills"- -a-::..fair-Use of this ,:.•ined.icine One ..da.Y...ene,.Of. theuv"toek__his..e0411,•:, •I'F• certain...that who.oy.e.r",040e 11See, 7 • . . . • ke . , • rat' -s, fewest insurarice - rite; •Will -...zint • disat)Point. you.- -,• Sold bY. .'age IfiThis hand.. • ' ' ' . it .will, riot he -1..0,ithontit:---.7-"------..----- :„,theAltrViat-ed.-"Surface-preserves,the' _The__,Laapoanr-ix-y0....mnoie M..0_ e. is.„ .e.t.'„Ph_es.s.ies.s.ietil.,.. '. -• te.17. , . --7-rental,..0- -1g e ass- email .-- -fr.i" 's-G-''"117-a's. t° i'4"e - than.'-'sali't GraVe,V.p,,'-,--Werni. - Xtternlinater , is. , tthedieirie-deateiS',.o'f '7147.inail"" at -09, -"-- -,,,:cVir..heyevt-h----0.'.--Tfiyo. - -dollii.'i, 3, -.6 -ii ---,' „ , - , .,... .. -s- ,, ..., .'r ' . - its, cost in the' iiii7eWTer. of .09-itaja-e. shown ,,,bi:l.iti. good':_ ef,fects On'. the! centa...a -bok.",:or.,_Six..hoxes for 2.0, ..ho.trOwed '-, of.,:inte.....last_ „Month ..An.--.. '_ : : " .. '' : • -Aotoiniii-hile*affib;;Jlas-tead,0f,--44;41i.71Tetildren-,•-r---ParChase-'-a-,hottIO---atid-. •`:.frOni,,''.The.'-pr..:Williarne."•Itedicinp drew.? • ', he - asked. :: - `1.dotet want i.,ONLY ItilADE DUST<STICKY 'iiii.it'iiP'''actually•- makes it.snaoOth-..,.i-iy it...a trial.'.P.--..•' -• .. CO.,' ,BrOckVille,‘ Ont. . . ' to seem tight, but.' I've Juit. ,got...; .. ; : ....'. . ' . ' :er,..... ••• • , • . . .. . .. • • . • . • , • .1 •. : 4, • :--• Andrew. - --replied:: • ' :..trith.....;dignity, J • ---,-*.--.*7-.-! - „ . .. • . Mother -"Did youthat awful .get• ' 'She -"Do yeii.,like. dirk hair.Or: .. . .. • .. , In. the race-for-wealth-theaver-,' crold-while:'-'outiplaym'gr.' ..S,on---:".N.o• • . ..lorden 7,7771.1.ja7i,ji.;, yo.,,can al_ •`'.`Did-StOttr-e--tetne.e.anititing:I-OlidW.t EXPERIM*INTS'L--W-IT-H-LIQ-V-1-1)-S-4ge4man-aets-like-it-Isor.Sc Of-a-40;rig, --ritothert-r-thinkitight. it *.aOhing; .., return.? : .,N., 1.ess,-you. didn't',"? • . 0 :ways, see.: it quicker in the '_Initter:t.!: og FOR l'ItEVENTIV.I. • • ' eare ' ree, -' . . ... . • . , my • ace yesterday --mornins.. . . • • , • . ., , „ .. „. i , ,A.:".'Sinall .Pi11,-:.:hot.-:Pewerint ....,..h. : •••___,- • BijtIILIMATletatw, . . . . , ... ... .ii °pill-, by. ita Si?o, Weida Censider .'• '' : .. ', linillOrS' .CERF..CAAE. •.,...2,Parnielee'S__Segetable . Pills,. to . he --,E-Ver.T-nicither, ia tiatitialtr. an4- . :lacking. : - ItT-i47--a little; `-,WOndei y ""alisiOng Pills,'" What :it laclis 'in ".size healthy,'..gend na.tured-and',.bright," 0.: nia,kelit up ' in , petency. , The re,, e-. The thousands Of'eXperimenta'for , very, :mother can:, k.,,e, e.P.;' little "{I'm, soppregion-of-dnst oninneadam. --,---these-sraalldoseSs--beealise,th Y -tire -1--.1:11- ‘3' 'in t1:118. ,C-941:111*1'.11 °1-6 '`._74-1-„roada---whieft-hai‘'-heeriLiiiaddiar-- . - . , ' . ve, theiriTiiii --*-Ceitikin-arct-- -- ,ENiory_riciother; every .fatlier.:' : ''FiratIt.:7,406the4 ,the.:Shrk.;:then.".its anti-_ , "lien ..,whica. it carries are .PateP - "are' required. The full"Stre.ngtli, of 3,i, 7 .. - ...- ,,,o.t.,. i,,,,--,.... fli,,.. '„-•A „,i.,.... -.,..,,l' *eloped .0. Va.; t amotint. of data ..en .11Prtle; la , tie±6* giiieti.an opportunity'.,to 'test i k bU iVIS 'lip_ i2e.,,tissIte,.. . . ,. . . . ''''''''''. .• . , .: , , . , . 0 .pow,erfol.' th.at enly small "closes ing the past five yearS havdricriv-de- 'n.Own.0ablets. These Tab.." ' • elt.0.1"lietiCll 'of' evetY. 106,1 .septie essences. IlilolldiseaSe ger:bison a wetted. : Then . -7-ille.extra:P-ts' is 'se'n‘iredlli thls';':i6liil' --irj.OAL-tibeluers7-crea'ks7u-tr'''-coltdas77-dff7eslroi 141. 'az' il,,11:761-,,"••ry:'1. will°1.-` 7''tg-imitttir.iiii*I" :_•oth4t4pee4dt:iPac..11:46,11Zikl'ebretalk11,11A3140:17°-Cvcier.c.aikti•st*retii-,•.:the' .d.f4k.,!.'ta'alkia.• pf.h'althaa°t-hel:Istl::°•;;Pumix:Iyelhiett he'sbi. , and do,,• their, work,,, thorough v. Atorms2antlaniketeethiitg-easy."11*4044-4 -441-D-14-Ognogi...,As.-z_loj: . It.,take to tO.,,,Oake a 4iin,-frei_._. aihr, 'good for ,.the. new. bern. baby: !lews ?.- ' , Realds, cuts, bruises, 1)urni,,' taae; Wen:fishes' 'lever '.geca :rane'd.;'..i..:iiii1-..*:treefr."'744 "iielal--- .,. . r . ,never ...but .that is 'no ' reas,on.',' WhY . Yea,' .`r,, tshteeZatt, gr!s°7t., ‘eGheiokte.go:' "lit'P ' ' Bil‘!.: ...n*H' hAlcilhldinilakdae7tfheli.r.dlithistst-tinigekeycim'orP"°h:ant ; , by Z*-13:i4L, 'shod& be ,one,Of .thent. . '. , Bores. ch3.0' to,hlood-polsOning-alrare healed ..4' Al fat',.......,Je._.and mineral poisons. - It is Led World . says :----!I. - have .Uged... BabY?s ;Own' have . ,heelt, 'tOecl. ...$otaetimeti :they ' , send ts,..,,i.ativertiseraent..the.ii. ett•oer... Why t., • .0.33, :xi, .,8.3'co)a itryx1.00r. y,Lut.twifitlee,. kill; ..itikl. •_, ' , ..' . • ..... -Tablets, .fer. my -little' Dilea' for. SeV.: :haTelieeir.ofacharacter thatTormaiti- -, ni-rik-rfo.., . ortinto, and wo will mill ' • co.._ Toionto. „ • artht'PerriM.4.10:.ttiontp in 2niu, ' s res,. an raggtsA ,e, .:pu.N . , . mmmation in 00 throaCgrew down into,•:_the., ••-"..!-- .. • s'' --;. 4d• d".3 -.all ‘;.**'' Al ' Ri'':'ancltha-N.-e found -them.' re-: -PerTit i'.4 ' 0 eir. :h.cilig .dissolved • in • ,y on- tree 151L3 %,I3 ' • .• • 1 • • ' • r- --Deait-pm4ptisr-with7a7cold-avAtitIvIA-fite, lit e--111---ali--emergeneieSI---can" • water,_and- *est trout • ao_Ortline_krk__- Pat. whOu An WIPP to can" '10 •i11ea7'11a1INI.r.otpraise ti. Tablets. too b- hi i, sprinkling 'Cart 'giving to the water ' ' '-' • . .• .. '.'. '..- .. - '`' ' .: . ' . '' Sold: by-medicine_dealerner_by Mail IL sti'ar1.Y• or "stiekY.."..ettarrae,ter...-t0 do- , . if., a "tit./ , is: in Jove_ with ' a • 'oung1 at 23. cents a box .... from :. e Dr.,. nY-,..evaporation. • ,,, ,. , , ,. , , . . -naan-sheTran't-,See,anyone...,..else.44_;.a. ..Williams'„.Medielne„Cei,-.1.1rOekville,., .4e.Yler-9.1.,44-gt,e,P.e.....ligAiclatto.X.e.t.,de- crowd. : ' ' .' ' ..; Ont. .• '" •-• ' • - indristrated'therr tthility to keep the. , ' _....„...t, , .1,.: , roia .dtistles.S.-for a • short period.. • They are .-:CarefUlly Prepared.., .... Mrs. Frills --.--"New that I ...hive N' 'Pite. 4 . \.t4i ahn...te, 'er'lia.:4- see• .':' 'Pala' which ' dissipate ythernselVes inengaged you:, 'Bridget, ,I. aim going ',.c.eeeded, 0 r,-Prel'0-atiOg shist fOrnia- „the ' stomach cannot- be -expeetedAo to begin to give 3011. a:little .t.rain- Lic.in ' i , . .. .• -,• , 1. , ... . have oiiich.-000 upon 0,6 inteatines ing..in the art. of oraiting on -guests., Sea Water.' has ala0-• bee0 nsed in . ' and • to ' oVerecane . costiveness the You.„ see,- MY. ' da.ogliter .is coming ea. as cot to -seine advantage, , piedicine adininistered 'Most lain., ' out 'oeXt. month -7.-2'e • Bridget. . -4 resulting 'in,' a 'considerable• -'Saving ,., ence the, action ,, Of these . canals. :. "Indade, Mum! An'how : long was ir.lt • SPiiilkling. ,eipenSe,'. Iiarnielee's Vegetable Pillsareso she: in PriSon.11.'''' ' •!' '. ; . ''' .• : . ' .. . ' ' .:DO NOT ti.A.Clif..."'SGIT.R08".. . 'made, mider the supervision Of *et, ports, ;that the" substance in :then . . • ' . - ' ''' ' 7 --Considerable. 'areas- havir.- been • ° intended to Operate On the, intes- liARIPLE ...COPY 'FRE treated with-Oilt-'-of various grades. '.,tiaea' io---mtarded. , in . --actionTontil- ' „ . . .' - . • . - ,and.,".gravities .preaticed-frem. either- ' the bOW.els-. . Ciloidd you like to have a sam- petroleinn• or "asphalt. - Their effeet• ple copy of The ,Farnter!S Ad- ,upon the road- has lasted. c-onSider7:- . , , . , Ire easy to ,,,See the blessings ,of I ' ''"°04,!e ' and Ilikina J Magazine? • ablk-lenger, and. a.good ii.e.-atmOt raster, although ems* umeninuions dealers. iii.ty . .. • , , ,--. • • •DO, athiSurcrir for 'The D IC L ineothel poverty thr?2,4;h_.the eyes of.. a :lad:. ,. , . . . . , THE .13E81 AGRICULTURAL. elwrgy. and•overybudy, for ininnotitypluensy,' e ..vrith oil Wilt lieep theroad.duatlegia .64:vtbarela4 Omeannaliadad lir deetats, hospi • lionaire. "'"''' • , , , - , . , .1 for wh,eels, ilia'srmiCh.U.S it will; ilot -,. . . - AND' ' .HOME, PAPER.' • ..• .evapdrate, bait will , disappear 'only . . bi .4tbsorption. • into . the roadivay. :- tadi-t-"I am looking 'fel' a gever-• , . The'serious, detriment, in the use. of Bea 'in'. : res .children2i Manager oil, however, has been the feet that. 4, . „selfip,lplitelpoguen,iiceit.-h--Ofb„.e....one i.'02iiii.,.!.t :IT, ast eck , it is . obnoxious,: _to, parles.i.,ri ... .• e..._.„.„, .•••,„.twin; .rjiaai.ni.,;.Iie,coidi;ii ., -Skirts .and shoes are stained,..by it, 1 and the: -auteMobilists and 'carriage • lc her report, .yon.den't need ",a. ovrners .often, .00112004n. of t''d'ainage. governess. ' Yen need "a'•Wild 'hen" to..th.eir'.velgielea. , ' ' ' ' ' • • , ' ' tamer." t • • . . . . Moreover the oily dust, which, does arise 'sometimes, frOrti ..an ' en- treated, road is. est,)ecially 'dirty. aucf ohnoXiOtts,. and preperty owners On cus that her -little ones ,shall -be All Rut' Tgtr round .to be ,Ilseleas iniereilenting Bunt on ' Roads; -'j.111S01i OWNER r3 Adelaide Street West TORONTO, uNr---. - • .-. -_••• •A-• ' "•••••••-•5-v•••- ., • .- There are in Quebec to -day de-' atendants 'of, Volle'd'..11ighlanchrs, .whe Stormed the place; hut, tboUgh, • :: I ani a woman: ' Scottish in.:"Iiferything -else, ' they ' 1 kat)* a woinati•I'silfferinga, Stjeak French, and ' do '.. not kiln* 1 hare found' a mire. . 'Eligi....iall: 1 ' . ' " ' ' ' ' . ' abont the eure-yout triy reader,: for yonraelfi, '. . . I Wilinnall, li'ee of eitarge.• tny.bout6 treat- . . ment with sin instructioni to any .aufferer from women's ailments. I ,wartt to „tett ot, women • yourdaughter,,your Mother, Or *Our nister., I ' want to tell 'you taw to Cure yourse, trat iniiiie, • without the help Ofn doctor.' Men cannot WI- ' derstand•woindes sufferings, Ulna. We women . know from experience, We know' better than any. doctor. I know that my halite treattrient, ,Is a safe ,nitti sine curt for ill Tentale weak. : :inesSes. peculiar to •oitr-sett.:- ' ,-. • , • itto...tenfLyou.a...complefte 'to days' treatment each-el:Y.6-de to prove to you that you ; . can Cure: yourself at inoine, easily.quickly and • surely: Retnernuer mat it will Cost you nothing' to give the treatmetira Complete trial* ,, and if you should WiSfr teacontintieit will colt You Only abOut , t; centa a Week; or . kis thanl.Wcr"cents, a ,day. ' .it wilt not inter 'ere with your Work 'of occupation. Just . setuititte your name and address, Idl me barn! you suffer, it -you wiAt.,. ,,..,:il will sent( -- you the treatment foryour Case; entirety free, itiplain wrapper.. by return mail. • I . Will alse:iend. you ,free of .costniyh,ak --• "WalitAN*4 OWil MEOPALAUVISER,i'. With • explanatory illustratiMrSshowg whywOini...il suffer', and 'hOwthey can easily euro theaselyes at home.' Every wotnan should have it, and 'kit% to think for herself. - AMPLE 611:00.NDS. Then When die doctor saya-,-.4i Voir Must, have an ' Operation," you can decide for ••ctiarself. ' thousands of women 'haye cured thentselves .with my. home -remedy, It ' A little bzzy, aged five, had Been CU'e'0ta,. Ead -Or kit)ung ' T, 6 f t a .g. era. N'S'It explain' a guittlig: bottles '. SeverclY p'unithed hy his parents ir , treatment which :Speedily and effectually curets .Painftil end IrregitInr. Menstruation ' ' !ti yptio.t, Ladies, 'PlumptieSs and health always result from it.; :coe ' for disobedience; and the.: nekt day,. ' . .WIlerever }.oit liveI can+ ,.• ryot 0, ' . 'o '• ' localii;-„whe li...riow ne.d.' .' Irithoilt it WetiktiVitilTeffei - lie heti: • mint -lain' •' tell ai-Y's-ufft. csrirt.ohaett hits, li,1-0shizall'.7drie;st-oerrirltr:ie.7141. °MIR 01 ivornaWg di.. :Aida'.off to the fathily legal adviser; eases andltuakes'iveme't7 rrieria or nis. . . ' partieul- Awl th free tetiv4a treatin ngt' 'P.! .rti" l'611st'' ' tiiSt 01'11 11113 Yet* '°6re!'41 . 'il.i•, Ct 'Alla••Pi•Plett' e'Ci' '' t't)..' 4 P ''''-r' " n-0.1 See thla":effer rig -Ya in. '. Adde'rleSsIg.:7urs'asd. 'Bh,,e'abtIttiiitaNsvria't,IXti6-or 41h4s1117, 01%7 ' ' "Wen aelittei 1 8- id the titan. ot it„....,......,...._______,.,.______.,,.,,,- - : - . .' ' ' ' ' ' . ' " ' ' ' • ' . ' . 't 1a.w , . af t6r, , hd . had sha'ken ' hands with hirte,."what can .I do Itir•yon r'l ,' ' • -- '' . ,... - Fag TO ItqlF-MY IStER FRRE FOU' AND avrilialliTit R elintrAnialt2 FROM IROMalris' Ah.MR141.3 Tht pu sold an, ISSC ''141 • Aiorrtas Qer07' is the best et all diet, 'lett*. will not make :moo and. tinigeto but “.Perratiat' Ty Ail drug Mattonoral *anat. 11 I lease, Mr, Brown," "said ,tlit young litigant, "I. want to gtb a di,: voice froth odr family I" " In Sarilea the .Stilitti thdtet rtt tortoise -shell hats,• 1.• Lots 'of ligtd"peeplif ate fef+lid. $0114 rod soinoorst OlitS etre tonna! Ont., 5 ' • tock Ettokprt. and Finan:ial: Agent3 T and otlitr,stoc'ks bought and 'gOld on corninisSiOn. Correspondence teillt- ers rnaiy be 'kilted at oar expense. •t•