HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-19, Page 17 01 X 'OKS 01)9' ONTARIO, focal and Perso Farmers vvapting '.(ibeep on shares ROI :and See Alex, Bess, harnessmaker. 1,0,es1; stiles in men's :dancing pumps at Littles Shoe Store. , Mr. Moorehouse Mitchell is having a new boiler installed in his mill 'here. - Rev. F.. „M. Alatheis of Thorold vs- '., few days, last .week . with_ his brother Ilenty MatherS. • - 1?r.:Ovens,- Specialiset,, will be a Cain ,House, Sept. 2.2, Oct , 29, Nov 17, Dec, /5. ,HooM '2 to 9., • • -FoR SALrE quantity of Lumber. -Ara "ftvgatity .6f -fiat -dais- Shingles: D, Loa- ----- SAw Nfat. Fon SALE ---A Saw and. shaigle,n3 au , er press on the 12th Con. Ashfield; will be sold cheap. - Mrs. E. Bowers, l3e1fa4. -Your --bUsinese is solicited• -by- the 3Holson'A Bank. ' Savings Bank depo sits bear interest from date of depOsit -to date of withdrawal. Interest paid four tunes a, year. Absolute security - offered. Read advertisement. • -Mrs.-Jase Bryittireturneel,last .week„ frOm----Vanconver:-..whero:.6130,-.„,werit. in. Jitly With Mr, Bryan, They will re- main in tuclin,ow indefinitely The deathoecured on 'Friday Nov. lath of Mrs. David ,Agnevv, aged 58 yetirs:, The funeral was held. on Mon- day the .._ 16tli te- Hone,- Chnieh4:,:atid- _ „ interment was in •ti.dpe , uernentry."---- , The Rev. Mr' Ward of 'Ripley left • „ Monday for Belfast Ireland where he . . io3 the hope Of regaining his health which -11a,s not been the best of late. Th(3 first sleighing of :the season was enjoyed by small boys a,nd others on Menday. It snowed more or less 'ff•;-.' all (111V and by evening Sleighbells 'were much in ,evidence. attention is called to the 41 vertisement o f 1Vliss McColl which appears On this page. Miss McColl is going out of business and is holding bona -fide •cleartirice sale at sacrifice - prices. - ;stages Or 'Sleighs is strictly prohibited • both by local eutlacuites and by .the PostOffice Department of' - 'Canada, Boys disregard. this warning are liable,to fall, into the' hands of the _ Dominion, authorities, ]Obert Ma :Lod, W. C. Johnston, - Alb. Boyd and Chas. Durnin returned this week ,from their hunting exped- ition to B,Inskoka. They each brought back their hill,00mPlement of, deer Which they report to: he very plentilul • this year. Mr. 'Yirm. and Miss Etta • Thoinpson were quietly Married' in Winghain On Friday last. The' San- ------tinel-joins-theirrinany_friendsin eun- gnttuiahons and hest; 'wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ifelwig. Deposit your. .savings ' With the. Bank -of Elitinifteil.---Stims-otene 'dollar and ,upwards- received, Interest recciVed.- ` from date of , deposit* date. Of with, draWal and added to principal roun. times a, year. All bnaineas strictly cchifidential.: ' „ We will :pay bash or trade every 'Wedne4tlay.for any 'qna,ntity of hens, ,-ehickens, ;- ducks, geese and -turkeys, fat, dry picked and Starved: Give us a call and, We'll use you O. K..: We also pay top prices for hatter, ..eggs arid dried-, Apples.. We, want: your lousineass. : • ' • . Fon SALE -LA geed tranie h�use with pod shine foundation, three rooms • and sininner kitchen ,ancl up- stairs. 'A 'geed 'frame . barn: with Stables Underneath, 9 acres of land; a gOod spring of water close to house. Om 111111 north of Post Offiee on gravel road. Apply to Mitt. John Boker; FAlik FOR SALE' -Part Let 6 Con 3E. JXJTfiwnship of Ashfie1d 100 acres. Good clay .loam, 2 , story. cement house,nearly new, frame barn 15C 11-41i-UliYnhil-d-ruidlitible'rWilni- .mill and artesian well, also, 1 horse, bugg'jr and cutter, '2i trifles' from the - Village.of Lucknow. Apply Webster, J. J. Helm, Exors., Estate of B: Webster., , PoULTILY WANTED.---Dneks. 8c., Geese 8e., Turkeys 1.2ci., ChiCkena .8e.; Hens 6,c., it Rose, Anderson's store; Liieltnew; every 'Thursday. All fowl Must be starved 'hours, with no foedin croft. Moat be dry picked with heads Off.. 3/bat not be allowed to freeze. Deformed fowl not taken DUngannon. ' The ease ef Edwards of the, Calg.swy :Eye Opener Vs McGillieuddy of the Calgary News for libel eithe to trial .in Calgary on the 1 lth inst and res'ilt-. ed in a conviction. A fine of $100.00 was imposed, the judge at the Same time making some CoMmetita on the Eye Opener and handling out some gond adVice to Mr. Edwards. Mr. McGillicuddy was the pabliSher. of the Goderich Signal for a number • of,years. Will ajapeal against his. TJIURSDAY. N0VEMBE 19 1908 044.4.14asmo.o.4 1_910 FOR Rev.'J E. • Ford ivaS a, visitoi- London this week. A. E: Durnin returned this: week from Saskatoon ,Sask. -Miss., Minnie Beaton came. home fioin the West this. 'week. \T. E.• nendereon • shipped'a car of lan3bs.to Buffalo on Monday. - sss 'Beck Mehenzie, of I.ochalsh, was , the guest, af hor sistetV 'Miss Belle, on Sunday'last.-. . • The ,regular Sabbath evening -Service at -,Hotie, -Church. • is withdrawn: this 1Ye-4.3k, ' R. D.--Catnerort Will deli -Ver. an -ad-, Areigi...on-•Barlitat-Bethatir -•'•-this•-eVetiL ing, Nov. loth: Fine River, will assist Rev. T. E. Sawyer in special meetings at Zion itekt week. - ,The anew whieli fell on Monday and Tuesday and which made -fair -Sleigh: „ , nig, for, a coupler.of days is gone again and we have beatitifulmud in its pfa,ce. The. familiar face" of W. J. Ear's is seen on our streets- thia.. week. Mr. Earls will remain: three or fou',weeks A fs4,. John McDonagh Atter a brief illness of a few days Mrs. John McDonagli passed, away on Friday night Oct.' 30th -4 her lii,?me on the 12th Con. of Ashfieldld was teiid in Zion Oeinetery, On Monday Noy. 2nd, , • She Was a daughter of the 'late Wjlliam Andrew and was. born .in ParkllLrn Farisly, Deyonshir., England on•2.:arch -9th 1834., She came: to Canada- with -her fathers family at tbe. ago of: to. Th 1885' She became the 'wife 04-: Jelin w•QP(magh • and they Settk LI on the,I2th of Ashfield on. the faun which Was her home until her biertiber of the Methodist 'Church at Zion and was liighlrestee1tedlayita-fh67,1oecame,ad-.'" qhainted With her during"' her long. residence in the neighborhood„ and a very large number 'assembled at, the home on the day of the funeral to pay :their last tribute of respect. Three children predeceased her, While her husband, now in his 89th Year, 'arid the following members of the family still suryive : Alexander, of Russell, 1Vlan. • William; • -Yanconver;• -before""kifiin"gb'aZk'te Where; james_Cook. ; ankt- Tho bachelors of Lucknow are hold- • .061468,,, who -lanta. e clay befor his ing _niet_her's, :illness . •begaR. YnOvIn./7cr from ati asseiribly; tins :eVening in the . :Tovin 0011 for which invitatioris have. Lane:S.6o the. bld Innate. The rehgiolis. b,e4n .seiit 1111. TheflULiC will 1,):,tsorvice .WaS conducted by the ,Pastor, -famished- by the London .11arpe1S,....:.... JI Ka.Y°37",er. -organiZe-the_.hOekpy:- her , • ,• „ iiibarditie had chatue of the funeral:, epliews acted' eltib '016 eOnting aeasbn, will be vealtr4,, • .n 'as .it1i held in the IsaMple• rOolh at the McGarry ' House .On•Alimad,ak evening 'at 8. ,o'cleck,, 7A-frtiireIe-ra"---totts.e tn, „ 'ST.'?are;-41. attend. BE. SORE TO The eildip Pen,,Eqnre Bylaw will 'be voted oa'tertiorrow. . Read the letter of tbe:'..ireeeve; and Council which appears in this/ issue, and 4/4:1=i4P.OgICI,Silati.. . Pin sorry to say , have'rit miieh Pews for yeti this 'Week as,t have. been :s(3 busy with -blade. Worlethat-I-tlid not - get out to See what waq going on among 1.1oWeVer,I will try and. keep up my To the Property Owners, of the Village of Leckeow LADIES AND CsiirrLaNTN,,, -Yon are aware that year Council have 'built two cement :and :steel, and' one centent.and wood 'bridge this 'year tit; a cost-, of about ' $3109; Of this ainotint 'the • couaty has granted the sunt,of $800 toNyntol's the crenstruotion of the bridgeOn•Campbelr:Street" west, leaving about "$2500 to be2'raiSed: on the ..asseSsable property-ot•-.,theXillage.:- ' •Owing to liepermanent character of theAs improVenients. your Pennell have thought- it NtiSo ext,end,. the.leirying of this amount over period, of .26 ithear`aClighilt 'Village., "For this 'PUrpose we arc Slit - Bile* No. 9, 1908' for year approval km,' Friday, 20th Nev. next. It is *portant that every property holder tarn out , and vote, ter, 'this the. eient otthe bylaw being 'defeated it Would be *pessary: 6V -the COuncil Of 1-909 tOleiry . the Whole amount on year taxation mit \'P81', which would raise the rate *lite. Liri to-the'itatuOry limit-ef:- 36 Jf--3roir-turnLout---- and-, hardly perceptible; only. being abont twO-thirda.„ of a mill. I 11 is possible that a further grant!. may be °ht.:tined' froin the County at 1 ):''ember se!ISLon, toward DeTit.s: tel:lec:st -of thnbAdge-On.Catiitibell-.-Street East .attelle ',that 'event the 'Ociuncil•iiillnot sell any larger amount of debentures than is absolutely necessary. 0. Mucnocn , BE suRE 67•A . ,Apace a.few items NyhIch 1?0., The EpwortivLeague o Dungannon ••°f• il-1-tre4t to. pox !Pony reOdel's. Metliadist Church held debate .1a,st The elections 'are over end the Goyl • eminent won ont, 'cat as I predicted weeltort the gnedion:v_L ther 'reading' ,,or.....traveling is the betel. ed-tia,ior. 'the Tories -carried- Winnipcg.-by storm; Thr ch*pions reading won out.' although -tlie-liefermer's-pet• RTE.= EsT4y--:A. .red steer •cam ed s a ,winnel but die behind the " about Oct. Owner iS--requeatd (;13 flAg'and therefOre wa:s. distanced. Soie! ..; - Arid. the .-...110thin.. happened : in • to prove proPertz . 'pay eXpeaseS "45-• gOod. old South 'Well! yy:olu take the aitimal.away.--,Fitun 2i1tiDow- .,----- --Bede:anted-at, Ar.:13; !Jot 16 Con • 1.1, W W • , • .1 sivpose-the •,• yOung tory Workers in Luckno v hacl a good tO do' With the defeat- of. onr old friend '..Peter Well 'such is life:. on the frontier - , • - The ,greateSt gathering„ever '-helthere'tOok-TfaCe'-iu.-:-the•••Wal'ker. W110,00.*:04., :the W01;14P'Y P'FP0.14' • prior to the.eleCtion when. the Clifford; •Sifton, D. C.Cameren, .*tfie ..liberal. candidate 'and. several Other big gitittnaddresSed 'the'pabliC.On „the issuei, , R. detective laot'ge was ,here yesterday making stottiOin:Vestip,•ationS into...the. matter Of somereoent disturb- ances obotit. the (4-: T.. H. 'dOpot: .The, coinpany are, dotermined ,to. pat an end to loafing and-'-rOwdyisar•-•-abotrt.. , • The'. chosen. Frifneds • held an :At. • Home in their lodge roOnis OreTuesday. • ev)rong: An excellent program'. of music, reditations and short, addresSeS was provided, and. 'fighti:refreshaterits-7•erthe• day:"7-Among'61rn-rnanr notice,: -wete-served,:.-t Th4Qh0001.--Friends,:are..-able-features-appearing-on-the-platform one of • the' live fraternal societies of were' those of Miss Maggie G an& Lueknow. : • • ar. Will Mallough, while V. J. Earls An interesting anci instructive tpro7, grain. itr being prepared the Ep- 7VbethLeigue-meeting-intheMethedist iChnrcli neXt•Monday.eVening at eight o'clock Sharp. It is a social evening. , . You Will be -we. loeme., :QOP'it and bring a friend. . . . In a -recent • contest held by the Shatv7CtirrespendenceSehoo4 .Torotate,, various prizes:, were 'offered. ter, the best stOries,-purely -Original: The first prize was *On by .giss.Dean 'EMS prize entitles.. the:winner 64 , 'wives frees dottiplete forty .dollar courSe with-tbe'Shaw School. , • A-r.neetin*,to--organize•the-•B[ock0 Club for the Corning Winter was called to • meet .in tlie sample room of the McGarry lioase Tuesday. evening. but . as there Were not enough presen.t the Matter of , 'ori,ranizationi *as post, ,.tirtt4 Ea 'later.. day. Atiotrier- g7-Will be held Monday evening 'the Curling Cittbiln0.1)0On reorgan ...iiectior,,t4e,„Comin,g_season ' With the: foll�wing'oilicera: Pal -rens E. Truax M.P.P. andj. dent: --T: S. 1„-teid;. S`ecretary-0.-'11.: Sniith; Chaplain Rev.. if.' D.• Mciterrell; Managing, Cotiimittee- Rebt. jOhnstOrt,'"Vlioa. 'Watson 'and W. Davidson. , . The inquiry into phe.Pepartateob o Marine' and FisherieS,' which is being ,coxidueted Qiie,bec under ft'idge Cassells is uncovering surprisVig state of rottenness in that', clepattlnen't and ;many Suspensions, haire rektited. The 'investigation Will be: ,conthuied in' Ottawa and TOrOnto. an :early date. L .. Markets '• , VVIis,C"-.7"-- ' '- .486 PeaS 4., :•.4 .4 4 , 4,... , .. ., , .-,.......,.',..80 ' Barley.: . . : . i ..,,.,..... „,, „ '. „ 50 to , 60 Potatoes, • , '. 4 :4 4 • 4. '4 i, 4 40- a a .... a .. b li; ' II y"3 5 13 . ter .; : .2: ..*. ;,..,.... it 6 .4' 4 ; 20 td, ill t I, ,i 'Of ,''' , .24. v°,,..-•",:•,. ,...§,po t6,"$,,56 Dried Apples . 4.1 Ji f :4' .4. i ,* ,.; 4 .. , ,. 4 '4 4: .4. ik 4y WOOcl.. i ,i.•'; 6 Io '6 6 .6.." di' 6,6 6, Ii .6 ' i't 6 -6"„li • 4..260 , , , . • . , ceenpi d :preininent• seet---arnong, the 6ods. '• -Reddy Ifinlitysonslate:of,Loeh- alsh ba,staken a position on , the T. ;Eaton Co's staff and will be found de-- itig ardaons toil in ,tlie hardtvare dep't Fraser chief checker, hi the T. Eaton- ' Coos Store is again Jiiinseif 'arid fro% -aPpearances is teat - up what be, lost daring his recent We are informod bpon •good author- ity that Jobb- PotCher McChailes has about fillisbecihis 'course in typewriting andl.will look fir a more lucrative We,are-pleased01 hear..that. John Paeber is getting along so well • ., With his studies and We. prediet for him 4 grand futtire. Mr: I Junk drtirr clispenier the Drug Co's Siore report'ibusindss 'very briak' es - Estate... 'F4iti.k. says that after thii winterthere 'will be no. inore druge. for initie,as if is ton , sloW comparedNictliTar&tItetbryslnesst-7-:, • .Branch P. R. (Before the Board or t,i1.1way Com M:is`SiOnerSaJty Toronto, Nov, 10th, ,q8). • The treuble,: 'between the.ToWii of kerten, and the 'Canadian Pacific liailWay,line to a bridge built evet the Sttu,goep River on thO Walkertini tnd Lukttw branch was amicably,settledi 4tfrigeeettient •was reached; to whielt 'the board' cOUSefited;.,Wherehy • if .p.n>. daniftg3 is done tn property due to. an, -bVertlow pi the, river crossed by the bridge bloe,Iting' the ice, they repay the datnagoi the antaunt to he asSeseed rafored to . be sum marily aPpoirited by the-.`:shosier-' - - 'Pais looks, as though P. R Co, 'were especting 'to this line in the near futtire. • RAW, PO's Wanted itigho8L. Casil prices paid. for raw frost, raCoon, ipuskrat, weasel', fox 'atieskunk.' No 'muskrat ' taken . Anal (l.fiar Dec. 1st, LOCal.Ofition'Campaign' 'The tocal'Option danipaign in the villar,e of Lueknow will open on. • Sab- hath Nov. 22nd 1908, The conimittee have been Very fortunate in securing the s4vices of three men tlioronghry, conversant with' the working ..of: the law in loCalitieS •'•hee. it has •.i)een': tried. The:naines Otithe:speakoraare as follows;71360. 11. Spence, 'See: of the pc/rainier,: Alhatice,.: Rev. ' R. Trwin X'Thanfee34110:- TheaboveTivill- Ocolipy the pulpits' of the various churches as follows, "Preabyterian, Chl Rev: It ',Irwin M. A. 11 A. M:i Ben 11. Spence 7 Methodist .Ch. Ben H. Spenrell A. M. Rev. R. 4. - win '17 P. M. A meeting will beheld iii the town JLII1 for ellen only -a -t13--17', M also a inass,Meet2mg in. the ..towit; hall at the close of the evening services at 8.30 P.4. to which 11..11 are invited to come. , The Committee earnestly request, that all. the electorate of the ,village ToTTEtleknow-irilF -avail thiingiblvet of the meetings -next Sabbath and all sabsequent•Lineetings,held'in',the,inter-* est Of local option in order that all nlay become acquainted with the facia, regardingthitoeirOpttenClatiSe of the present Liquor Apt of the Province of Ontario; its enforcement. and the -te-: §ulfs aeerueing from the, salt*, Good judgment requires the hearing: of all the evidence. en•both .sides. INCORPORATED 11354 Catvit,al, $3,574,,O09 _ Rest' Fund, - $5,574,000 1-jas, 65, Branches. in Canada, and, Agents:and, Cprrespondents in 'all the Prjracip4i.c iq'es'.'in the; Woild. -GENERAL-BANRINO- BUSINESS: -TRANSACTED. SAVING`T BANIii. DEPARTMENT all f Branches. : interest allOwed at highest icifriertt'r4te 'L-Ut-K"isr.-o-Nv--.--A A -r4 - E Vitakkagulitanti7=-- 4o•C•4><>oocK5...00Y • . • 'TELEGRAPHY will win for you a good saki*. You, can learn it quickly under superior conditions at our school. ,Catalogue free. Write - Central Welegraplt 'tehooli.,Totiont StrAw, ' T. J. Johnston, • ' ' Pres. Prin. Synopsis of,Canadian Northwes • ,. . utti4nSTEAu. ugcuLATfOus ..AY person who is the sole head of 'a , family, or any Male over years old; may homestead'a quarter section of avail= atcheivan or Alberta. The applicant Must, 'appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-,,Ageney, for .the .district.. Entry, by • proxy ,may be, 'Made at and' _ agency, oil certain conditions, by father, -mother, son, daughter, "brother or, sister of attending homesteader. monthes' residence upon and cultivation of ilie tuna in each of three years. A homesteader 'may live, Within nine nules of his hchnestead on a, fermi of at least 80 acres solely aimed and occiipied by hint or 1115 father, 1110t117 et, son, daughter, brother or sister, ' In certain districts iii`hoitiesteader in good standing May "pre-empt a quarter - section aitiaside. his homestead. • Price $3."01) pet -acre. Duties, -Must reside six Months in each of She years from date Of Iioniestead entry (including the time, required to earn homestead patent), and &titivate ,Stfaeres'extra. , A homesteader who has exhausted his Inntiestead right and cannot obtain a pre.' oniption may take a Purchased hOmestead in certain districts, Price $3.00 per acre. Duties-,-Must.Yeside six months in each of three Years, cultivate fifty tietea 'and etet a lionae worthiO , N W, ' Deputy of the Minister of Interior:: " -,.-"linanthtolzed publication of this, advertisetnent Will uothe paid,for, ' ARM.:_sT,1:1?ersS Is the place- for *7-Stfle' $90. AND Castile, 2 -lb bar 25e. Toilet Soaps 5c a bar up. ARMSTRONG 13RUGG1ST. Every Man. • IsTe'eds ,to' knory • Nil y, „al:16rd, to , be 'without o time ieee:.."7"'"A.Moti the wattches • w,e sell' are e aim ton arti Regina!, ;IATal.thani glgin and r;ther:makes. .A. -large stock of Alarm and 8- II•ay-clocks-always:On-band:Taint, onr prices, We -tan save • yon . ' ' '• WE, STUDY YOUR NEEDS Our atm has been to make thisstcore-Ahe., most-attractim.e. „Place in to*p. purchase Falk* ' China and Groceries, and all ,the other articles . to be „found in a well equipped Grocery,- . tore: . . . . , Seine of the indlieeineiitd-ba-.-intilir you buy here./are : •--7- .11-2-pfA:-C-velganclyases°11irus, . and Irilleoceri;66s. Clubdr arealways-.dean --and. • fresh. 6.. ---,Courteous attention to. your self • ancl particular pains to serve your children if you send them: -e-,Pricesthei 6 . pares . e. vuut your .produce. Flour, and Feed always on hand. • Merabee the 'Vat; the home of the 28c' Tea. , eildelson Blifistein s Store __,Ladie_e_Coats 'For Winter.. and. Dress Goods. rmstrong _ Jewelers & Opticians. = 4__.4_ 4. 4 4 4- 4 0. '4" 4 4" 4" 004)*<H)094,00000000066,0604,04) Great Clearing Sale of Winery. For,four.weeks_commeneilag *November 19th, I will offer at • -- SACRIFICE PRICES * samnyd,e7..utirnterimsto:ed ofhiM:s;1_1sinilekrsyr_:: good§ consisting of trimmed . .lalibbuopntos,..fdeaattehetrisiti, liainic:gless. and :These goods are all new. and STRICTLY-•UPT.OMATE. I am givifig up business and g aril determined to clear the 0 entire stook within the tiirte ,Stated. • 0 The Prices willdo it . g This is a bona.fide clearance ,g . • sale and there is going to be a g • rush So • ' " • COME EARLY.. • • • • ISS IVIcCOL. Lucknow's Pioneer Boir ,t-Ilhoe Store For Gentienien,.'LateSt Mike Snits aitd ..Overcoats ' nderwear , WeWant to get your Raw Puri -Mink, Pox,- ' • •*•Oobri Sie paying fall " , Mendelsoi.& ' Olitzstein. ESTABLISIIED. 1869. trleip:si.:y0011;. give 76,r feet' at them ivarm too. Any care Keep. your feet dry: ' p . this *ate of the year will well A maxim says that. if 'your. feet are right you are ell right. Kgood deal of truth: in it too. • There•are'rubbers here for • . any thape, of shoo almost. They are this.34.earss goods -4 strong and durable. Pat a. ,pftir 011 ifo year feet. Will ineevtettenr slusithhyg.t v