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Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-12, Page 5
ANN*•N•• •NNN.NN. 4N1•N ••SN•N NrN • en.•s. Fne� Shoes 4 • Me 's 0t�y ll'"We ts" .A:.tve )tilt eedthree-spacial _: line' of Men's •Gooflvbar`Welted Shoeg Two of the lines are Fine Heavy -Don-, gola :Bluebf•rs worth•$3.50 fur $3.00 • pier pair The other is a Box Oalf, B1uGh,. erleather lined," litavysale, full '• .. . last, and v=ry easy flitting, regular-_ $4.00•hoe for: $3.50:, . Boy s 5weatiers At this Seh, en of the year•Boy's S%eaters are in rod..detiiand; •' .We have exc llent values and a," good. range of t:izes rn::stock at the:follow- ing prices -50c, 65c, 753, 8,5;an 1, Men's' Flannel Shirty .. . e have twospecials, et present in 11't-en's-Fla=nnel-Sb'wt-s; one -is ; "a T , . Tweed 'F'aan&;`the other a "Hearhr-r: ' Mixed Tweed' flannel: B,,th are 'good to w' ar,,)They are worth m a regular: ntvay e1:25, oar sp3cial;price, :h:o,veverr. is', my $1,00 .p. 'ess o4e does ' not require - any breaking in. You can':, "Wear it � >i shop—rn it, work in it, and'. your feet will not be:: tied:. Women _who ear the E m per e: `s's :are our 'best advertisers, Corsets Wo are putting i`n a s:toek`for, spridg 'of the' fantods.SQVEREIUN SHOES .lot Men, which we' aiesu.re_wi1Lnreet-_::.• . ' with 'acceptan ii 'by._a m'en w'ho'•e•p- preciate 'good' footwear. " . The uiauu- faaturera of..'these shoes ,make. only FINE 8H0� fiG .1;0'Iti, IN, and devoting all their -attention -to this- one -ti ing, it iy. no wonder that they succeed in turn - mg outlines tri iE aie.;;p krticularly t , tractive. in appearaooe, and at ilia , Fumy tiro give=every , eatu fattier .1 :wear. We'hays just' received` one line of these' Shoes; that is partieularl�q 'suitable as a fine shoe for ,fall and winter. This is: .-... • 7 Op° • _'_•-,7 • birnade,,ai Well as 'seine STYLE' No 105:. 41 n's.. Velour Calf Blucher with dull calf top, .patsn!t tip; fangs:and• back; sold oak sole -=_on new=-Harva;ad tact •la very-stylish-�> shoe, for young men, prise $4.50. N•. ON•Nm,•, 1 �©® • N Just'receLved a large stock of all kinds bf Boots a rad Shoes, from Mi'en's: Long Boots to tile' Baby's .. Wee Moccasin. m` .. . Special Lino. is The Nurs.ry Shoe fir . Chl'd- retl's wear, in black, chocolate; red, ted and black tan and white, 'tan- ai d�black ; Sizes • ttS 5 and 4.I2 to. 71. ' Repairing Neatly alio ,Prottiptly Done, J01114 JOY PROP12TBTd . ' GNEW MAN tGET:. • Save, This, Anyway' Put it in some safe Place; for it, may. :. conte inhandy' sonic day.' Bet;i is it siriiplo home,m vie mix= tura•+ts grvin'by an eminent -au h irity • On l !'flit'-F11'iF21aes, wii7-coskes•tike" :sratt»t n, that it .will relieve •alinnat. any case of Kidney trnrz'tle if tk`.ti teftl4 stir -. stav a tif 110 9f etes that' socia Snmp0 iuis as'la ne bad'., pain hi Ilii ;ti., frequent 'de sirs to ixrin tip; .especially at night , painful and riis oolnt;srl urination, "are text ire is the: recip". Fluid E'xtrac't, .Daudeli.o^, one-hatf ounce'; Comp yuudl '•trgoti one.i:uni.e;. r()dmpttiund 'Syr`up "SAC ap'ti'il'i;a; tli ey dunces. :Taike •y teasootiftr':i' after 'Irclr ettl• and - A wolf k npwn dr iiggist here in town is authority that ttt'ese ingredients are all har nil' ss and • easily ini'eed . at horn l.y sha,king well in a bottle This 'mixture hits ii pecu'iat• healing ,and 'soothing off et tipin the entire Kids ney .rtnri' Veitiar'y- str'tf atfird, 'aid Often' overcomes •th'e` worst for0s of Rhein- ni'wtisin,'in -j nit 'a' little wnil '.. This mixture is sai'1• to r'eriir•sve• all blood di-oi dei and an:'e the ltli pritli`•ls+ii roi�lt It :Kidneys t a ' It . f i t oto h er rad g . strain from the'.blb ld'and wssi in . all utie•acid' and: fou'1 deetriinpnsed' • waste Matter. which "cause those a. icti•itls:. Try it if you aren't Well.. +ave the prescription,, • tfieid All the members were p, eseet at '24th. The minutes of, Sept. meeting were read on motion of &choenhals'& Kickley, were. adopted Moved by Kickley and Hunter that the petition of 366 ratepayers, praying for.the sub mitting of a Local Option - bylaw at then tinre of : the next 5funieipal elec- tions be "favorably received and that the Clerk be instructed to have the necessary. bylaw prepared for the next regular .meeting of Council in Nov.— Carried. Accounts totalling $575..74 were ordered paid, and on motion of Stiles and J(ickley,Council adjourned. to meet Nov. 14th, at 10 a m.—TIRQs.' G. ALL' EN, Clerk., Bylaw No, 9; 1908 A Bylaw to raise the "sunt of for building certain bridges.: and for:, ;general improvements in the village;Qf_ 7{ucknow. WHKR.K .S it is'necessary and expedient: that certain bridges over streams<crossing; certain ofihe public streets or roads in said' Village of "Lucknow and%under the loris- diction -of tile, Council. of said. Village. .should lie .rebuilt; to wit:,, two bridges on, Campbell Street in said Village and eine bridge ,on Gough Street, and certain gen eral improvements on ,;said. streets are =also rEcf2iired. ANri wiiEREAS it will 'be .necessary ford' .the purposes aforesaid.to raise by"way of loan the; sutra of"'$2,500'.00 upon the se;' eurity of debentures of the said . The, Corporation of the Village of 1,ucknow. , AND • War,xi ns. the amount of the whole:of the. rateable- :property of the said -"Municipality :according to.- the 'last revised'and equalized 'assessment roll . is the sum '.of $3$0,8Q8.00. • AND WistrdiAS .the 'amount' 'of the, existing i:ebenture-debtof- the said Mun icipality. s now ;.the • sum of $27; 70b OU, nwpart ef.wlucii sin arrear * •` rc X.rthe mobil .amount of the, • debt intended to be created by.:this bylaw; for the. purposes aforesaid is the',sunt of i $2;500 •:Awn. 'wirgn,n >,'S' the- total amount 're quired to be raised, annually b•y/ ::.special. !,rate upon'' the taxable properfy: Within • the said Xunicipaity.` for ,paying, such he'yv-debt=and - interest -arethe-several su'nis hereinafter specified, and . and ',di- rected directed oto. be levi ed annually; *during the' period • of trv_nty years ,'next after :the passim Of flits .:b 1 • w for %the repaymerit•C 0 p„incip: en. iterest w t'cn • tnotints, t h the• estimated in terest c -n the i' exit•:.thereof, will be sufficient, to Ll ge'said• debt when, • due; B>~ 3„»�A� wa`lsC7EJR ati at 's. hereby wader,: :.: Ltuicipai Council of •the said w' v . ,ucldiow: 1. That V. r , al for the Reeve and" TreaSiate ne being of this: said Village :19 il(, • - oM 'any' ,person or person n- C tion willing • to. lend • the ..011!e,. aid surra of Two Tiausand'F } .tit T7ollars`($25001;: for;-the.,pur-Fa •.�.-esti,=a�.ing.--for .tlt�btitld of said in idges and' for said ; general iinprovemeiits, and to issue therefor the, debentures ' of the Said. 'Corporation.of the Vsllage-q�l,xlcknow of•" sums• of nor less than One hundred .dollars, ($100 io)'', each with coupons, attachedfor the pay - Ment, of interest, 'which* said debentures andw coupons-shall�be" •signed ;tby the' Reeve and: Treasurer of said. Village, and, paled With the C6rpottate,,.sea1, and :the lender shall pay the "sural so .loaned into the branch ' or agency: of the. Bank of Han;iltont; at ILucknow;-"to-the=-special- credit of said Village :'of Lucknow. .and the same shall. be "payable. out only,- -upon-tlie;joint• cheek . of thhe Reeve.And Treasurer and shall be..exclusively ap plied by -them for the -purposes -aforesaid. 2. , And for the repayment of said sum of $2, 50000 :and ' interest, 'thereon at the. rate of five per cent per annum, there shall be assessed• and levied peer and above-all.,other•::rates-and--taxes=upon the=- wltole taxable •property .within the said. Municipality during each and.every year'• scid bottsoro to ORS, KENNEDY &: KEWOAN nitRvous DEBILITY h Excesses 'ilii indiscret nus: ale the iiansn et:.maro sorrow µilii ' utiu c ,"f batt 414 otht a r' diseases combined ye sae the victims of vicious *habit s- on -sivery hand the''sallo'sv; soled 'face dark circled eyes, atoop.nc, , orm stunts ], elop'neut: bashful.' °ale' i{i Clio tc countenance ,aud tlruid bearing V p , ;,a ol:ii t to all' the world his.roilly and fiend to' blight his existence. , Our tireatmentpositive- ly cures allweal- men by overcoming and • reinoying tho ef:ceta of+'orater iudlscrehors IIRva reamesthevictmto h 11 vatereintended—•II ~ t?Zi• fit tal and tier -ye' power compete PhY$[cal, men cfaltre©ed.'v. wt h tho g e test atxccesp etl�, al tltseasos oijnen and women• 'tar .'' If you nave ray secret disease that is i' moa'r5�,-au=t-a-meraea�to-}-air-health-.cr°i. cit.,' [mg old!estabbshed physicians who do not have to esperimentvn you. VYe,guaranteeto wire NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD DISEASE$, STRICTURE,' VARICOCELE," KIDNEY AEU BLADDER DISEASES. Consulty; .! _ r A tionEree. YE unable to call, write for "u Located, in Our Owa Oliice Building question Blank tor Home Treatment. so _ :or. Michigan -Ave:, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. R.511V Has improvements :all its; own. To see it is . to admire it. Come -in and we will be pleased to..skosr 3mu. all ... about it. , 'for the.-said.period of twenty -years -nest 0066000000000060000000606. • - er_ .4,e, 1assi ig;of this , bylaw the'sum .'. . • of -Two hundred and eighteen dollars ---. - ' and 2 cents "($218.¢2)' 'for therpurpose'of ti repaying • the said • principal sum of __ W _... 12;590.001 -Ana ; "infe`rest •: thereon �" `at the" rate aforesaid, of 'which amount the sum • C Of $93 02..shail be •deposited -annually in the Sayings -Branch of the' -Bank of Ham- ; Ilton in Lucknow at interest daring said term of twenty: , years,• an the balance shall be ,payable ;as lotoneSt antfpally qri- on slid debentures. ,3. This' fl law• shall come into . full force and effect immediately peon the passing thereof, • 4: The votes of the electors of the said. Municipality entitled to vote • for or against' this ,bylaw, shall' be taken"on Friday, the :-20th day of November A.D.'' 1908, coi intencing at the hour of nine Of the clock in/the forenoon and closing at the' hour of Ave of the clock in the, afternoon and such poll shall be. taken' in'the various polling , places hereinafter set out 'namely: • Par, the North Polling subdivision—,at' Robert'Graham:"s vacant store, Campbell Street. Harvey . J. Lindsay, Deputy Re- turning Officer. Far the 'South Pollingl Subdivison at the Council Chamber; in the Town Ha11, Joseph- � Agnev-pepaty 4leturui: ig Omcer. 5. The Clerk of: said Cpiporation shall attend at',the TownHall sip the said `ri`iilage' of I,iic%iitiir on' 'Saturday, • the 21st day of November, 1908, •at .• eleven o.'clock in the forenoon to sunt lips the ntitfiber of votes given for or against this bylaw" and the Reeve will .-attend 'at the said 'Toys n Hatt on .Wednesday, .the 18th day' of Noveniber, ,1908,'at the liotir of eleven o'clock :in •the• forenoon for• the appointment 'Of persons to att'e'nd at the various' pol•Irrrg places and at the final straining up of the • votes • by the said Clerk on behalf of persons in - bylaw relpecttVsly, Provisionally passed this ;24th day of October, A.0.4908. SdL) 5 O ...:' DlaItSON, Reevel, (Sd.). J 1 �. TNi;w, Clerk • TU NortCn that the foregoing i$ a A.t.tne copy..of a pc: iosed. -bylaw vbtcli; has 'been : taken itix consideration and which will be Jfirtally : 'passed by the Council ifr the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto after one Month. froni. the •firSt publication thereof in 'the Luci=,ti v Sentinel newspaper, vspaper; which said; first,•; publication took place on the 29th day of October, 1,903,.' and,at the hotir, day and places therein hsed far takitig the votes of the elec'tors,. the polls will be held, ' ($4.)1., AONW Village; Clerk. We have on ,7 and . at . all trines a large and zip -to -date stock of Furniture comprising the best makes aitd ' latest pat terns, Clutch :we are oilering at 'Reasnable Prices. Kindly call and inspect' our 'stock We dee»z--vt a teaswre-toshow-_goods .Ptccture Iar»ung and repairutzj dome' neatly, and prornpl y. COUCH THROWS. See our stock of newest• designs ' in Couch_.Thro'ws� MARRIAGE i IS, ED »'• . trudertakhig' receives' our pr••ttltpt and caretal atten.tkm, day . or rug ht