Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-05, Page 7som bY .
Sintteir Machine Company
• TopoNto'. wiNarapta-,:.
312 plitineing....chatehinYt.,_053Jtearaefirtidenift.........;.... ;04 Main•Str-est"L.-...._.
nt -Untie IC.Dbitaitalf10-
fithek Cotintrippi: •
'which will have to he solvedby new
Turkey is that of the future
kiktb,-wooexi, Xt.2-,has _already:tiveiO.
:rise to c011sidoYahle.'disCussion, and.;
will sooner ; or later •beeoine
-.For ;Maur yeays among the better_
classes -there has been a -stea,dy
movement toward ; emancipation,
arid the, ,.4).:.;TrirkiShjcife-has-prac:4:
tically: disappeared inallthe, ho'ase e
of the edueateci 'people. The change
came withecineation, as the Ldaugh-
Orr 4:airted.;;-hY. told *ea- teIS of the hciuSe Were train:0d by
ather•or hy hen foreign gOverneaties. . They began
'Orilk one way to- tQ read foreign literature and .PaPf
It;;InuSt*;he treat-- :ers, and brought .rip 'their clirldrea POWs :1id4eY.. PillP) v3 --the exPer4-.
4PCt, A.11' the1n better than; iihirig;arid alled
thentaelves with, the .re- el?ce Of •• gr• -James .-Brant:. a
suit: tilttt no faith's; (;f a y use fairoter rediding near here
i•., 'so-c
-...tretairk*;; the '.WOrld, uonee Iteeps. up the old TurkishNfr, Brant; contracted *Ktdnes,Dis-.
:0.0.'-tOluirio,t.i'f4x.u. The nid c• ustoms .fif their. entirety. :1,111114 wheif a- ,Y0fing, utuo; 'ficnu
esthe'disease Must he re.r.Y. levi; 'innelern.f.Turks -haw inore •,- &lid like '.110StS ,;:crtherS/:
and=tthan-Oner--Wite :eicPeetiOg' it tO go,
.and Purified1' is hoaseai quil tiropesin
use Di %T11Iian1s' Pink 'Pills ing their ib c'...' .of living,▪ But it k 1 ulu tIly
g on
rc.d','IAOC.".:1 that tlieY have food*, etP, !Drily oritof-cloors .do they. worse 'till: after thirtjr .Y•earS 14
'caSCS It Ylieri-; 'IAT'itt the ''siej" 644 befOre: ,.'..-ereaS.irig7S'affering-the":01.ilhaOO•Canie,..
. ;
*.[ter all other treatment 13.Ut the *Omen want Mere .'theY .O4(14., he found hijaself
LilCd. si.prapf of what;Dr.. Want to institirte 'home life, aUcl ..thit it times hecuiildnet :turn
Pills will' do:ever) many 'have; done so alreadY. ":TheY 'bed, au! --1 fel* fwc; *-eeks -at a lime
;1!,.'.)0t-seve1e .cases of shell -Ilia., also _desire to_reeeiVe visitors witit-. it was iniPePs/hie 'nit him ti) rise
0:•,..cuse .hut,
ell,kiaoW"n-r-funii-ture -dealer, reerning-‘ilies's "--tThe , -
;on, N. s,,:may.. be eited. Mr, eated Turks 'have no objection to, • He 'could net button. his elothea.
have been' a 'Moat ,..this;•• provided -the change is not' too- :He -• was -, trotibled with :-.12umbage,--
r miffprer-.: from • rheuma,tism, quick, as tlieY• also' have. rnixe,d °rare' and. 'Backache, and. tried
,tbak, _Seine fereign ;.society 'and feel -the want medicines. fOr each .and all Of thein
.tio• . . •
sufferer -May' find relief front rof . ladies:in 'Turkish society. • If it rvithout ,getting ichef, till good
1') 114 with this ,celass uroue,,. tho, luck turned him to Docld's Kidney'
received froin change, WOuld conie •
piuk Pills. "The t• here , are the ,common. .,elasSes Dedd's I.CidneY.. Pills started ,at
settled in my :shoulders arid the ,country Peeple who cannot uri7 the. cause of his tmibles au° cured
own-InY"-.SideS- arid at -times' I- was derstand it, and- ein-never•imeginc. 10S.',..Kirtn.e37.8,_•„...111.ith eared. • Kidneys
'.04n unah_le,..ta_Lroise..JnY---Axm::.....1:. aUY_Lthanse.....,by.:_imhiehn,their 'women -his other troublsp
es eedily disap-
riSitteltded' by a .doetor brit as folk .ihorild be 'an t in else than reared; •ancr toTcl . he
',put 'appear' to be getting -any what they have 'been 'for ceniiiii-e-s7 mali.—
Otter. I :sent for a so.-ealled eled•-• 'And it:is-noteworthy that in the
tife',beit for, Which ',paid. pi OyineeS. that whenever • 1ea1 tici1-
itt:4Ot d. mei any 'griOd: and then I .arieif have tried tO start a rnoVement
tned;;;another remedy, .but without against: the' ecinsidtiitiore ...they have
„etter: results. A •friend isked always declared that One. of the first
'trY.Dr, Whilims' Pink Pills; objects' Of:the.: Constitution would
Ot 'three Ixe, by the t4me be. tlie corrifilete enianeigUtio.oftlip 41•441M.R.1,!".:D-...9 '7, IV
,J1.ris-d -them " all I found, 'Or, women and their going about „,
neSs..sand pain lesS: seVere - v• eiled;, and:this: ,has never failed ',CO ":ertkel; Annum' Emperor Coodemned
re tito,
P LWAllgea an� Tor
tuvo of
-Pik Bile
14ertaiii ura
wingers- and:the 'tortures of
*0' are: net cold,
ethr as So, , inUttY•-• PeePle
-Khep-Matisio. mines from
eictirt the lolood.., The
, • . .
r.therr Used-Doild'8,,Ridney Ptlls
and :Became a vvgii - ais
'ExPerienee A Lesson tor Yon.. 1
,Athabasca.. ;landing; - Alta.:; Oct.
26".(pcCia1).-That Kidney Disea,se
'Plt'orite• Sport in' New? Routh Wales
'Whether. ;`4.1.),ruMby." is a, siiryiyal
of the AboriginAl name. for A
horse :Or perruption':Of ,,`funhrind-
-ed",eittlearS to be a questieu 'which
.pliirdle0Stg., have, nridocicled;.;
but 'brumbs, favbr-
.sport iIgew' SOrrth Wale, says
the '1.,oitdoil ',Standard. . ,
District 1ike . the .01arenge.44e
and Manning Riyer water-
shed are still the home Of Tinnier-.
vi; g'tieheete'mcl oiSstn-1ttsererairhilleer- ssrtuftageersiniladi,; i°n11; tdIrmoinvesisofdebeliaurinebdietso' ds a h -vu- ePrty-
not ;death 'itself .and that the, one exhilaratin.c, pastime. The first
mire cure for it in all stageS- -Is-step talten is to stake out a corral
and -make all secure except 'a nar-
. ,
• row ' entrance,. whieh, can subse-
iihrently be gated. On. either side
thp ;entrance and projecting from
it ' funnelwise "boobY,, fence" is
• If you enre your Kidneys with
Dodd'ii 'Kidney Pills you will never
have Lurribago,s. Rheumatism, Heart
Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis-
etanother half . dozen .boxes: excite tha,people,' as was the ca • se ' , 'In.:Perpettial Exile. .
.en...t.,-naor MilEen,--71-ffele7' every: at 17F ina;liere, the70 ua, lm -ii wa'S :Threti'll'hai.;•••••TKing..i..-torag,-
.6,1ptioni of. saved fly the arrival O
the.. trouble had disap: ...e f a nuirisometimes calk
ber. of • •
ored ...aiid in •:the. ,two :yeals :that troopS. and ...the arrest.".of. the''agita,-
. „ ... ., . cruel d, .Emperor of ' An _, ,
No household remedy in existence
.,,. . ; . , . . , . . .
nini. ' the.",:ndoSt fantastically ,
, ',lie 'price passed -1. have .had no•,t-TE: tors, .... This 1a -7 -the - .r eason Prince Allona,roh Of, inpcliiin tiines,7liaileen haS-77°P-sue'irg.lUvvir% tt:ibutes •P
,ill....lf:Of the trouble. 11.belleve there! :Sabah:. ed , . • his Speech 'lastson einn. : , perpetual.: ' exile in
*. .,,.. . ,
.i. -. i...
af P.OP,Y.j;a :h4;t„ placesAs'F..t
410-othermedicine ii1tT7DTi1ahYth7Ernch:COvefementI1/7Kr;1.°ter'I-_IrrYr.kasiee
illiaMs!:Pink-Pillkochring-thTltrwnta14e ieace-er,Britia .ooiumtla„:,s
To thesimple min.dat,Vbrunihy.:-it-
pre4ma.b.w. looks like:. -stockade,„
and pieqS of fluttering' cetton make
it, When this is
7reiiaTthe young- blOod s, . Well 111Q1.1n
gallop; „out .;and •round up the
wild horses, driving them with
Phouts and ,muehleild snapping Of
stock Whips' toward the mouth . of
In` a group brumbies there is
,--alway-s- a leader; andwhenonee-the
hunters have got the leader for the
cerral they are pretty .certain of the of the drov,e... The fluttering
cotton rags of the shear fence are
Sufficient • to deter ' the.:-bpumbies
from bre'aking • through :the' flimsy
harriers, sand ies•S time than it
takes .to tke.:.Wild ,horses are
safely corralled and , gate
sbut-orytheni. •, •
7•TITEirlfie$ are: left foi-.7felirran
twenty hours : without food ilia
water tci :reflect on the .situation,
and after that they can be broken.
i•-1 without much, difficujtY.,.'
Says I
a' Wonderful,IICaler an
• For It.. ..'
e Difference Between Poor and Good Cabinet Wark
It is a fact not generally known that very
few sewing machinw-Inanufacturers pr�.
duce their own cabinet work. This is a
distinct -industry in itself.
(I The Singer Company Owns and operates
the largest and best equipped factot-y hi
the world, exclusively devoted to the
production of the highest grade sewing
machine cabinet work.
Elf Only the finest woods procurable are used.
To insure the proper selection of these'
vvoods, a corps of expert wood rangers is
employed, whose duty it is to purchase
individual trees, the grain and growth of
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
ThiS is why.Singer-,cabirtet work, begideg
being the most durable, is also the most
beautiful,—the Singer process brings out all
the richness and natural* beauty of the wood.
tock Brokers_and Financial Agents
1 -,TA Caonmdmothseronst.o Correspondence invit-
cks bought and sold on
Oraers.inav ired at aur exnense.
-Sfoke to wornenT
counseling piardenee aritUnmoderap'
ost ,painful trouble, and I havis
ecommenoled the Pills- to others his pretty, little wires 'with tortures tested:this -famous balm; and this
• ho.-Iraye ,been benefitted by their of incortpeivable: cruelty and hor- as. -What •he -'says of it :
. •
Woriderful',-," ;said' 131.ihrey,:
"The Pavilion
..C4oldfields B. C.
Annam is a larcountry of )
Williains' Pink Pills not only which is nd r To the Zam--Buk CO.,.
1b S JJr.
but. all the other "hoW wide" .awalrne', the Japtnese. .• a6C.,:ErUthe'n.,6eih!,,tpe;14117` E,.ra". rice.4
QT' rnat4-0-,:Vcitkjavka-Everei;.se-liik7a
uovi Gan :2102241Sr •AILIVIZI2221',
'1 ant...1 Woman..
I' know a..woman'S sufferings;
a' cure. " ""' • f-
t will maiLlree of Charge, My heme treat-.
,ment ,w,•irlt-fulhinstructionS-tp-any-sOfferer:frotn
women's ailttie.nts.; •I 7.vant tell all women
.about the u re my: reader, for yourself,'
your itlanghter, yoUrsuotliel',:er.yein.sister.
%vialo. tell you howto cure 'yourself at home,
j_v thoopct.b heIrt,o0k_do_ctor.. .1VI_en„Cannot PP.
:derSland'women's sufferings. What.we:yrtheen
rom exPerience, we know better than
anYTdecter. ' I know that my home treatment
AS'a--sate and sure cure .for all . female Weak- •
nesses-pecti te our -sex. ,
want le Send you a 'coniplete to days' ,
treatment entirely free te prove to you thatyou
can cu,e yourself at. -home eaily, :quickly -and
Sur v. .Remeinber that it will cost you nothing tOgIVethe treatriletit nceittplete trial;
d yon shOtild 'wish to coritinUe it Will:cost von only about Is cents a week or
less than two cents 'a day. It will not. interre're With' your work eccuPation.. just
send ine•yourname and addivisi, tell We how you suffer, if you wish, ar:d I will send
you 'the treat:tient:4er' your case, ifree,ln plain Wrapper, by return mail:. .
- Will also slalW-1 :Cost mibiiikt:-'swoMAN'SS:OvaMEOWAll."-AIIVISE14!'avith
explanatoryillustrations.shOwing•whi women suffer, and how: they can easily cure home, : Every womanshould have it, and learn. to think for hons,elf.
'then:when the doe -" Yon- must have , an Operation,? you can 'decide for
„yoarself, ',thousands ofwornen.hUye cured themselves with my home .rernedy, . It '
cot-est:ilk:4d. Or young. To footiier,a.Of Onnthters, 1 'Will explain siranle- home
-treatment. which speedily and effectuallY cure i Painful ond Irregular Menstruation
in young Ladies. .PIttilipness and health always result front itS ' •
Wherever :yen live I can re!er you to ladies of your Own, locality Who know and .
:will &drily tell any sufferer. that this Hants Treatment really, mires all woman'S dis=
e4SeS and makes women strong; pluMplancl robust:, Joist Send 11111.your lindrest, the free ten. days' treatment is, yours; also l'hehozaik.: Write t� day as ymi may
lint see this oiler akain. .Address : ':•: fiRC' it:SOMMERS, Btn;101, Windsor, Ont. "
Seises due to; poor watery ;blood, .. , s the
, . . - • , natiVe Em-Pertir to••rule, his .. • • •... , „ ,.-• • • •
ti'lati.liaVe proved. Zlirri-'1Ink •ernilT=
- have liecome4n -reee,rit. years,.
•ently satisfactory. •in .my...• case it
as,:•.aziaerrria, .inaigestion, •' h s woncterrui,... re- . country .absoiutely interim . e k• •
IAV ' d -v• , lied the observant man, '''wherLYeu ownnexcept where French inter-
s r ers, neuralgia, St. itus P
haffairs ex cured a skin rap Ne years
• d th - • Iricnts earth. ees concerned, Thus etrn111Scr ieh no ddoeftr
----,-P--, -all -- e ai e,
h euake every night g
, girlhood and womanhoOd,, with 1 .., , y ) • . ' .• •
°r -°- in the-1it happened that the Emperor was a, e n o any .goo oi.
their-) headaches, backaches; side Plinbr3'' ... • , .,1.. ' a+ liberty to earn"' on murder and "I, would certainly encourage any
- , his . harem for keep _Zabm-Buk in.etthleair
-.aches and attendant Miseries. Only , . ., .. •, torture in .
the gepuine -pills can. do Allis ,a,,ed In the Autumn Rheumatism ,is so weeks before anybody ventured to h°me:i :IntitiolirlYitdoeilon;einayelonwili part
yeti. shoul4 see that the full irme, general that all our readers so suf- interfere. you e ft& • •
'EDr. Willianos' Pink Pills fo Pale
feringwill be glad to .hear -that a
People,' ison the Wrapper around; letter, addressedto The.
naci .bo*: Sold by all medicine liams'i-Medieirie--Voi-.-"Breekiillei;
dealers or by mail at .50 cents a'box Ont. will .be to their advantage.
six boxer) for' $„2.56'. from The Dr., :Write toLdix. •
Nti Medicine Co. ."." Brockville • , • .
•Is . •
"Wily is a. gun like a Cat r asked
V.ZARINA A SAD • FIGURE: . tbn•bonundrum fierid.2 '
. • if, du n no," repiied • the viotim
Wife .01. RusSia's Ruler is P" tl" "Because they both go. off"
"held of ' 1114.danchoty. But there 8,:d!fference.”
• PWhat, is. it 7" .
• The Czarin&Lis—certainly -one_of • -"The citcomes. back.' s
the ..saddest figures, in the Russian
ha's :melancholy It is an Officer : of ...the La of
wr.itt0n upon it ela'ltcIlojy and re • Health. --When called in tO attend
Brought.up•in the narrow a, ,distur ban searc es, ou e
etntoObere which surrounded her hiding place of pain; and*like 4,
Mother) the Princess Mice; he had guardian of the peace; 148 harina
a youth full of depressing incidentscripOriit and Says, "I arrest you
She, was taught to be 'extremely. Resistance ii useless -' as of
frugal,. to content herself with a feni health imposes a .sentence:ef ,per -
shillings a week as pocket-i-noney, pethal ;banishment On Pain, and
LG examine into' the possible results Dr. Thomas'. Eeleptrie Oil was ori-
'fof, all her, actions and to find a felt- ginated toenforce tha4'..sentence,
son for all She did. This Scrupti-
lousness led to an immense amount
of. hesitation as to ".the . eliange re-
• •quired: in her ..religion- When she
.rnarrjed...the preSent.esari_and.
wasmiserably unhappy when the
change took .place. , The -Czar: begged ber' to marry bii foug • before
the would consent.. He used to foil
, .
. low hr • about in his patient.. way
whenever She stayed with her sis»
. ter, the. Grand Duchess Serge.,, and
Steadfastly,refused to • accept her
• "No' for .anansvier. bow-.
' ever, she haS•becothe pare 'Russian
-thaw many Ruirsians., She-tits-so--
."PerstitionS and dreams, and this
her 'girlhood, has -deeperMa,"untd
lier.„life is one long Sadness. ,
, • • •
44 • qt>. .
1lilliPEn11114, MOTHERV
1,yr am 86.114'04 that nazyjg .owt
..TiiGfefg are,indiSpetiSibje' to moth-.
S,"/SayS'Itil; Abraharn, Boneher;
Fictreville Milis, .'Que.', and, .•slie
atid01--"BefOre,' using, • the..,Tablets
- was CreS8,, „peevish and not
`.thriving well;.htiti the Tablets have
worked, a,great Change and in lit-
. tie one is *el:I.e.-nil:happy," This is
:the verdict of afl Mothers with havo
'ised these 'Tablets', And,.better
', nuitherS have '06 griararitee of
government !analyst that Raby'S.
OWn.Tablets. 100 abiin•Itttely ttite
that thcy contain not One. partiele,
of 00i4to • Or illottitnitOtt8 soothing:
SOld. by all tiedieind &edit
`rar by nntit at I. cents a bo froin
.,The Dr, Villiants Medicine Co
IIIP,00kM1ei :Out
_Finally/ the French 'authorities :I; would .not how ;be Without' it in
broke • into the EmperOt'a the." house. Yours very.truly;
-:•iihielili-e-h-a-,th-ternecl-into-ra-moriss-- ---,Owned) -"Roger E. • Perry,_
of•blood.; and seized the crazy Mon. "Justice of the ,Peace kr
-apch..—That.....wasiLnearly twO,Lyettrs Zam-Bak differs from ordinary
ago. Since then the Emperor has
been. kept -under -restraintandelose
It will be noticed in the Singer,
Sewing:Maehine (jornpany!s:a,dver-
tiagMent that there are three
'dresies-af-l-thel-b ottani: the, --air,
neuneeinent. Any one writing Will
Pleaseaddress thein at the nearest
:One of the. three places:a) hinvost
As i p eaeant4 ed Woman pass -
the Corner ris totithed
hat to'• her and •reinarked to his,
8;,, great. '..deai te that WOrnan,'
"Your inotlier17" was .the tinery.•
Regarded as one •of the iiroPt
tent competinds ever intreduced
with Which. to combat all slimmer
'complaints and riflantation of the
bthvels;-Dr., J. D. Kellogg's Pyseit,.
•-iter-y-CO44-gailor itself a re-
putationthat, no" Other cordial for
the • Purpose cart :aspire' to: ; .For
Sraiii-g`Tard Iftd-Intfferint- fronrth ese-
'complaints itis. the •best inedicine
that .can be Procnied :
, • •
'Reing sensitive is..,easier than lib-
•ing sensible.. • , •
•Trouble soon, fades away and dies
if neglected. , •
•1I4!• ivlio sees. no good in ethert
has no gond ID himc1f. a house, but it
cannat" 'Archaise, a home: - •.
volt it you aro Short, It.'S 140
guod malting it long-,fabe ovor it.
• Aim high, if you would
hat, be sure your gun is loaded:---'
.Flow.often is ,"conscience. therely
another name for "eriwardiee'' '?
111 IL Wal'id fnll ofroses,why be
continually looking out ',for 00,
thorns 1 . •
foolish inay Makea lover
a huSband, htitanly'a wise woluan
('41.11 kccp lier littsband a loiter.
o T0 THE FLDC. .1*
Here's to the flea
S' villain is
And awfully hard to cateh..
He nips awair •
--- Both night and day,
And raiihalhb old scratch.
, .
If Your children are troubled with
worms, give them Mether Graves'
Worm Exterminator, safe, 'Sure
and effectual, • Try it, „and mark the
improvement m your child. • •
Toreman-"If you please, sir, I
.vitonldlilte to get a raise in my pay,
F.:just gotmarried."
Boss -"Sorry, my Wan, but
eap't be 'responsible for accidents
that occur outside tlie factory."
• ?Will' AtEt ALL. .FAMILIAR With the
deep', hoarse ' uno5, gorms, called '•
fiii&StAtd:Ltiq VW'. • 'rake Allen's, 'Lang
:Balsam(or, a remedy r pulmonary troll,:
We, highly O•totrialended even • la the'
earlier• stages .ol...(loosulivotien • ..
• . •
. TeaCher--johnny,. can you infOrni
the class asto how the. age. of ,ft
ehiekn' is deterthined
J.ohnnY-Yes'm. lify the .teeth.
Teticher--.-Why; Johnny, chickens
have no teeth... ,
Johnny--No'ni: Rut we have.
illack -able for
Watch ness and
flavor. The big black
plug -Chewing tObaCCO.
salves ;and emliroeations,lijr *tile
these,mostly contain aninaal_oils_
and fats, ,Zam--Biik is parely-herhal:
It soothes and heals cuts, sores, ul-
cers, eruPtions, both!, e0eina,
chafing sores, etc. All. druggists
-and stores Sell at 56 ,cents a. box,,
for price 'boxe's for $2.50,
dkl that _fellow fare When.
he started to fish -for compliments
the hook."
STIM ()LA nT'" to the stomach, thereby
aiding digestion. As a tonic • for
patients•, rOpovering from , fevers and all
diseases lowering the vitality,. it is
without a rivat. At all drug and gem-
ern.I otores: , •• ••.,,
• '
Most of the stone !barbels, used.
by boys .are , mad in Gern.lany,
'where the•refuse of the inarble and
.8:gatequarries is utilized for this,
pUrpese. •::
.'IR fitting beots-and, sheet cause
'corns.' Corn Cure is
the ,article to ose.., Geta bottle at
once and cure' your corns'.
The best time to eat an, apple for
medicinal purposesis just before
going to bed. '
an4dUoYn.....cP:rt.,1,0:tews who djsianitsd'a2,5?
see .that itis not only finer in fla-:
many more' etips, it is. eednomical
use. .• ' ' .
'Do you know yoUr Orders, ,seil-
try.:1' asked an, Irish ofRee.r, of the
soldier on guard -ditty...,
• • "Yes, soy," was the; prOtript re-
piy,, • • • • .
Know the points ,�f the'•corn7
passr Continued, the •Offider.' .
-Yes' sox.," ' •'
'cif you face the rising sun, your
left band svould bp on; the .north of
you, and. your right ,to.. the
south of Yotr.. What would be
y(Iiir • •
The knipsack, 10r '‚
"POre6Sing SOO: of day) this,"
.said the guest at the Sf114,11 .110tOty
sitting tiOWfl to • breakfaSt. "Yes,
said the waiter. i`E'ven the
milk,' you Will netice, has got the
.The chanee_of_ _one:, Anger -Print
being ckaetly like another is lin 1
Prevent Disorder: -At the first
qmptems of internal disorder, Par-
inelee's Vegetable Pills 'Should
Te'SOrteCi , to immediately. Two
three of these salutary pellets, tak-
en before going to bed, followed by
doses of one or two pills for two or
three :nights in succession,'Wilt
serve as a preventive of 'attacks of
.43oriepsia and all the diecomfort&
which folleiv in the train.'of that
f11isordor. The means are simple
when the Way is knoivn.
Out of Itautriania's 6.„000,000, -inha-
bitants, :only crie in three ean read
• and write.
i sleas111117firly. be wo tl a. at
symptomof bad 'blood: In that ease,
"Iireaver's esrate, ex ternallY aPplied„,
should be Supplemented. with Weaver's,
Syrup. taken
Good Man -"Ah, my friend,
suppose you've never,bad any edu-
c,ational advantages?" . `.Loafer -
Sit.4,-1ut 'v.c»
had smallpox, whooping -cough, ery-
iiplas .dOWn the leg, an' a 'cussiOn
'ifthe brain..:". '
--Owing to. the_growing demand for .
pure essence otroSes, many Trench .
vineyards are likely 16 be turneir.; -
intn.roSe,gardens.: ••-•
05e Fact Is . Better- then Tin, Heirsayei.-•-.
Ask Dr. Bemis, Sept'. Hospitaller Insiine,idoit4
kraal, for .hfs• opinion et,'" The TI 4. /4" Menthol
Plaine& YILIA relit $4. Mao 25C. tips:. • ' •
ff thereN one a bOr enjoys
seeing 'mere than a citrons,it is- a
dot fight. •.
Do, ,Not , Delay..-When,'Ihrough6, •
• debilitated digeati(Vd.orgarie, poison..
findirits'AVar- into ,theAlood,_Alie • -
prithe tOnsideration'is to get the
,poison ,..on L. as rapilly And :as tkor-
ougly as possibloe. Delay may mean
disaster.: .Parnieldes '.Vegeta-
•Pills will be found a most valuable „
and effective"tnedicine to assail tlie
'intruder with. They never, fail.
They go at 'once to the seat of tho
Ironble and work a permanent 'cure,
ARE YOU SICK ./Adi .for particulars '
. about 111*' *rural ,
reniadlel: --Sare-iluis Id overt ease, 20 years' ot,, • '
perienee in' nerinanS• • En land and. Ca.naAla, The
Benton Istreet,
S -TE D 0'70
tst.'b'd FLiff")141titilra?;CitIREFIS
Everything in 'Ladies' and ?*ten's. Furs. Special "
. . Write tor pthi'e list
I). 11: BastFn0 .on., SInX It!? • 'Toronto
Wens' to dealers. • Write tor 'data:I:T:1:a
• - • ...• • .
OW. Owderhe yietteetty by otit .16efrs11 Process. Ttili
• . ,
togisio,• ttnionxo, .44trittfiOtt
IIRITISHAMEiti0A/1.0.2,0100 00.,
Coot ,gottookeoper Wahted
In comfortable : horie in ToYd;t7, •
must be thoroughly ; clean- alid.'•
systematic about her work, and: tilt- :
derstand good plain cooking. Small
family;. „good wages: Tottst- , mu id
kept,' Address, stating cipericnO
.and give referonees.,, MrS. Vitfit'in, 6 •
Dalt AYMIttii,, 'Rosedale', 'Toronto: -