HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-05, Page 4h -Opening an d Maiuta'hini ng
' a Savings Bank , :Account
s a duty, that everyone owes,
both to themselves . and . : to
those • dependent on these.
l -ENTS constantly arise that make ticinands her
d: 's regular income. The '.i ussib ility : of .sick,.. .
Hess,' temporary loss .of employment : or income, or
the ureal of something the regular ,income cannot
meet, renders it absolutely" )lecessa-17 to , la?' aside, in
the safe custodyof ; `Savings •Bank, all money not,
quired: ('dr current living expenses.
lid bl" a�t ailton has Sola 'been very: ilei-ally,_..re-
lfa -alaebeg -4a'fIllg-i di)$11-tiltipfIS 1n Canada,
r .over . thirty years under sound, conservative
as accumulated. total assets of over Thirty
rs. This public confidence aelleeted ala being
stodian of this large sum, is its best reference
atMg' your Savings,. A,ccount.;
SNL thoai ht: tai this . uestion of o en-
1�s .�' � p .
ii - h as t:,
. t :m;to c a ; ,.and-.;.starcT,;�at �a..M�i� .. s�
w l jj, l�
--tta save a little as regi laxly: ', as ' pos- M
ill .that is: necessary is to call at the
rise Ranh, ' of.'1-lalnllton, and enquire for.
a P72
sella yore); Vire;
ikpzuncK .r.f'e
ii A,.Alud ag
p41on „b tight,
l@Y leaned on
1turday 'of each'' wee
llarrister, Solar.
aw ou Friday and
C14TI ;an tr.Tiy rata. Many of then, sale ex ?'
tit 'n elv s limitH • A certain number
A h :- o __,5 : -
'�S rzr ,� a 0 ,
, ,, vwAoN,
t►c3.riow, > t 0 iii-vvet}�lpt-1i4Q# day_of -
c i .0 s't
�:1i uiootli ?ai_..ddfclklAwQ;:1Ia11,.Yi_i.iii,�;:
tetlireri are`cordinib!,-uiritedr ---- .._ _,
e tneW entitle!
Jnsirs 1,, :Nasri.otr, I�unz;isrixv#a
ron must: have their, hours of play, but
it is a.<ot wise that. they 'should be on
the streets: till the late hour's of "tlie-
tdght. `
Mischief is inoi e prone to develop in-
to badness in the late hours when • few
are arrouind,.than in-• the' light ofdaay.
Tlie ba(bo i whatr:.few there are, "are.
sat* to las. the last to leave the streets
-`The'Ctirf xw' , a std. we l'behuvoct boys who'are aallciived
to rootain out till the last, Joey find
Tlie young' boys of Lew are fiat. themselves ill the minority and evil
by any means a had "lot, In feet, they ,ounsel"s'will prevail. '
are for, the most part as manl ,and wolf ..
._v_� _ _ . , y•.. .. _._,.. • i 4'1 ve- o d 1 " c ir-
behavoda lot of chaldron aasoain befound Pliny tory t, , to ad ted, t �. i
row bell as a sinnaal to .s tc bike
ee ng y we a Ove adr . sheen Dare- ,
w r' which
ed afte hi h
£ o c
si ..�anini 'e�_ill..__ - _ ___ . _
- it
fu1_harria3-tratnang:ttincl_gen�temizrtI ' inm _- - . Y..
boa -found cel -the streets are 114.bler-to
at'nct. I3 t li o other. : . '"';
i _ k 11 a s �lx � ...
Put a l H 9
t,a 9 r
... ... �,: AAAA.,., AA...p .�..,� AAAA...._ . ., . .. .
Ybo taLl�eii alit cliige 1�y.n oliiQai� T
sire-�i4coptioriS,--:fhe gcocl-:-itxust=nasals �.. - -
w. o re Would not this -be a good: thing for
mingle rth those not so „ocd, uud it'
behoves parents to know where their Inekiioss We have seen it successfully
children are and what they are doing worked elsHwhere, ' We think there
during the long winter evenings, Clild- -. should be a curfew in every town.
Da, S "nivcito 0. R,
J. $,Q�i lR. w,' I+tiv,�Sue:
D R; Mclrin'osti,,.Creaarnrer
-Orzi I('GILT &P�nri
/ 4,.�F. A, I.,• 0,,R C.,
nieeta• every Tlnn day' •
Wight Dia. ei before the
fult ancon, in the Masonic ,
nail, Uavel ick ' Street,
Truck now, •
�l. ti Mnabuon,
i;ocgrlaaa+ 1ion0;i
Nor: 112,. Meets ev-
ery Friday
v-ery;Friday evening
A Il, lttAclitiOn,
sit a o'clock in their hall, Campbell St
411,1.0riahren cordially invited,
• �Y. J, Mc arinoa, N. 0.
I); ` . a+i,t,ouou,11n-See,
R. V. 1(i uz t,' R. S.
A, Aoss, 'treasurer.,
-1.vax rorir iono4 '
Independent 9r4ler
-tar oresterrriti-cet*-rut.._
the'Oddfetlowa" lAir►l1
on the. last:Tues lay
of each month et 7,3O.
o'clock. Visitingbre,
-t41.01 arc roriailly
bruited to attend.
P. 112G1)onha,n, C41t, .T. S. ltttain, Ir, See.
X', u•
444.witorca R.eo. Sac,
ltt()NAV 140aNIUt 'RRAlt . , r.rA t,
.Alsip CUAt4 D$AI,l lt,.. .
Money to loan Cat notes, single Or tipsy
blab .at. ti'oiu mis unoutli to twelve: inouitlra,•
sod os first and. secondMortgages on
real estate and first mortgages on live,
otoHk', at reasonable rates. (ate
a1Iffilrwaas...**aia 1%*e ckt
• '.All *adept' methods used. "gest
materiel furnished. Crown atat , btiddc
work., rainless extractingby the .use 'c'rf;
the latest,' simplest amt safest remedy,
tioamoroma. Newest t1iittb in ettiiteiatt-
taaftai,, AliAtAiniuur plates noxa, breitkable
At;Riiiley•atvery a'l1ur(iday,
The :hard ivv'ork, of red(., skit g
should be-ldon& in .the flour sill -trot
ill the kitchen.
When it is.; ixecessal'y fol- you: to make bread
rn"a ll strel g 'la ae ilier iris t is
gt,t� � ,,, ��dQ1���s.
part.' ) i
t. His flC u ,1,s
. llOt #ane e11At1, -ll.
Househo.Id FI
itr de'trota luta— a f" w I . ai h`xcll
,capable; lo, of finer :,gi l.ndalig t ►atl any c>ehar:°:hest
--- a nd 01' 4101 B. a . �rocesss that' insures.thc finest,
and most nutrition; a floors", . . Oct . oriuh
to try from your gro er.,. ., . , a,3 •
OgiI Le Flour l'fllhl Co.w ,ivied. onireaL
Ropy. ?All`s, Ca end Rudy
t. Ionea,':tumor iti
logy, if the ,,Ontario , grlou1tw l
C'nllno(, akar (4t n 4u a Il;M,ai�inn nix
p - ilk, ys
amn io past~f'ow 'w ok wo laws
,had brought to us far irtkvso- ai atlt a°
ieveraf --b .d „oases; af-rapy-mall;.—oh:
casO,Was presented ' by,.ataaauar . wlat'u
77,was situated near the eity an
�hiiS,}, ha peaidled i;he milk .o f 'UIRl.
twenty -five tot iy battle,, o wIt has ving'
a ,good business and each a'upidlylosing-
his£uetornese because the Milk, if kept,
a , few hours, would t eeome viscid,
slimy, or ropy, :apparently altogether
unfit for use„ and disgusting to handle,
This condition of their milk , ba'ouglitl
about:€a serious financial loss to these'
farancrs, "a loss which, was: increasing
.from day -to day, and after trying their
utmost to'solve the probl in, they were
alnnost in despair of finding a rein edy
when :they brought the iiiatter; before
the Ontario; .Agricultural Authorities
to: see if we could de anything for.thein
We aro. able in. each instance to _-find
the cause and tq•sut. gest n simple -re
medic which :if fait into practice
,wood eiitir@ly do away with ` the
-trouble, .
A,ltiiough it is possible for thio con,
tion of milk to occur • at any time , of a '
the year, this is the:' season, 'when, it is
perhaps mdse prevalent; and w, thin • a.
ing :that prAbably other formers or
handlers of milk may be so troubled,
and entirely; in the dark, as•• to the.
cause and 'the -control of--such--an `-un•-•
'aratisfaetory state of thiaigs,: we 'take'
the liberty of sending to ;the press 11,
few'linea on .the subject.. Y
Although' it - is possible,for cattle
suffering from -inflated udders orgatr
get produce,nliniy milk, we Proved,
_conelnaivel�gwine,ach- (awes - iv estigaied ----:
that it was not any disease in any of
the cattle that was the cause of the
ropy milk, In fact, this kind of ropy
milk `is.hot caused by. a diseaso,produo
ing germ, but by one that, lives in
.water, • and is not at all dangerous from
a -health -standpoint;` either for animals:
or man. Sc that this • kind - of ropy
milk is net 'caused'.by a, diseased. "con-
' dition of the cow, nor' will .it cause any
disease in mini brit 'owh t,O To its 1
�liyg,isting appearance, the. slimy8,'ropj
stuff is thrown away •by the ,houe-
keeper and tho inilkiaan who supplied
it is told that his milk is not.'wanted,,
any :more. ,
The germ that causes the trouble is
known to. bacteriologists -as-liacilliis-,
lactis.viseaa.4ie, that.is, the germ whieh
makes milk viscid, It lives indefini
tely'and multiplies in, water containing
organic matter. Some districts are
troubled-witlrit- and "others are'' not.
We may liken it to a bad weed which
may- bo.. provatlent --on - one -farm-or:
. throughout a whole neighborhood, and
others districts may not be 'troubled
with, it at all until -it spreads to them
from the infected areas in: one or more
of the many ways tllat't'verybody kn6wa
weeds spread, .Ehe=germ though small
•---it has :to be magnified . a thousand
times before it•lain • be seen ---,bas a coin -
� Q o% s
add see our .g>�'a icl dls lay. of maul er Sets, i Toilet
its; `�ltlrl io warcA .go ng 11t ; fade d
liirl a a�llil tltp' " Iast,, \V ntalst i1► o p l toy
°AlI ki' ids of It lw ys in Stock,
~t ,hest, „ 1 .f' t� lar duce 9
Special V i,l tie u '2 fa
para Lively thick, gelatinous covering
'when it grows itr .milk; and its .000
germ dropped into milk-, will increase
-into niilliens-of its -kind in twentyfinir
hours, we Han easily, see ]low the Milk'
becomes sticky or ropy it issimply
because.millieni of these :germs with.
'their sticky, slimy coverings have de-
veloped iii the iixilk, nihil rile milk is
pr'actically-inothinag but a mass of thtaxt.
At the. farms at which iiivesti'`atiens
weie.earried •on, the.cattle on anep eo-.
tion -appeared- to :be -All-right, and
saniplas of:' their `milk tested were
prove "-to' bo free t t ui n the rtct ilbler
Samples of water:from- they wells, cis-
terns and cooling vats paved to be-
an) source of the trouble ,in every in-
stance, In one case," the .barnyard,
well proved to bo badly .infected, and:
from, this well• the cooling vats wore:
filled, 'and these were badly infected.
Just one=Spot of this water atoideit-
a ally splashed into a can -of atria would'
cause it • to. become rep ; a?f' this'''.
water aaplashed on to 'the door: and
thou driodµup, the dust on the; #lax;
vvquld. be xnfeeted, ' and' if this dust
blow' into the ~milk the mil:l+'tivauld>
Oyu atopy. ` l£ any of tliiaa ' water got
on to the :inilk ales hands, he "would
he. liable' to einem, it on tho •cans when
he .Was putting then into the vat, or'.
when ho was putting on the can liclai, '
the result would be ropy salla: In
many othrr':ways it would be possible:
for: a -little of the water' to -get into
the milk ` 'Then,: if tl;n -masa; .:pails
asci : strainers were net, thoroughly
clodirf eFhhey; once74aa• inteisted
Milk in thea the milk that was part
Into thont afterwards would `become
ropy. .ff.'s: it takes-: from twelve• to
th i t` -six'• Ronna. for the. ropiness to
develop, the tuft has usuallyleft the
milkman's, or fariaer's hans, befoeo
it gets ropy, and these igen know no-
thing - about it . until they heiar,froin
their eustounei's about it,next day.
When' 01100 trtillr infectedit eanuat be prevented' from beeotnin r
'ropy nines; it turns sour. - The sour-
ing of the milk by the lacticsold
germ will.•pr'ovont the development of
the ropy intik , gorm, and wo have
known farmers prefer tohave the
alalia .turn, sour rather' than have the.
,iropiitittintrotlitine retuittrire--01 copy
mak, and so they did not put their
ea00'rnto the eneling vats., .:E'he rein.
otly for the trouble' that is to prevent.
the goons from: gotting into the milk
,and itr,pr'evetit dais, ,from gottr'ng•iit,,
we inust•know how they • get in,. and
*hero they aline " frntn, „ A simple
wiry oaf `aseertiiituing where they: eioane
H'E' PLA `E O PSI, RGh1' $
- ' P4m,4 ; SULTS', P',A-1. LU STA NDS,.
> a i O...00:01.0.4',.1 -,'..,7:.e - 4Rf,QR.-C4F-r! .•1r.�
- _ ,., �;, ':D)rE$' w r a -M ti? 1. y ,
Ex.T K§..fc?i`T T' BL ��' A `D .ST E1 "O,A IDS
B E1) RQO M 1� [JRNITIT E. ..
.UA ,L R:ACi ;S, ._.,MTRR04$. STANDS:
COUOFJ•E5, _;_ (131RTAI l' l OLES .... ETO»n...,
Gall, and sec our Shwa lLoldel's fol ion and' Wood Bede.
iTTIN 101R -11R -TA. ---KI
Undertaking i' ceives our best woe and' attention,
PIetu1 o:--Franaiug A Speetal ..
We do not think there has :.
been a season within ' our re–
collection when Wall Papers
were produced in artistic de-
sins quite equal to stl a new
papers offered this fall,
• lt-has heel-our--ai,taa in past--
ast-- -:.
-Sea 4 ' .: to •
s ins stockpapers ahatik,_.:
. are really . new, and at the
same tune in keeping with
correct ideas—we have learn-
, the ' needs of our
'customers—and .this season's
exception .selections have been, no t,�ce n n to the -rule,
aters sartable._-_fa
z_ .ex"ry-gurA_- �fr_t
heArawtn ;.
�QQ aatil,— l ra
of r
"No.trouble'to"show: them.
See 'this BEAVER. :UANGj,b forte 'haying;,
best ricUng plow tnttle in (Janal'la :
We aro alio prepared to supply you ; with the most'
up tn•dato Single ,1 alrro4w ' Waalkilt S . 2 horse 'twins,
.S" bore twins d lity �. laaubb�lg .. w
and ,� T�iltn, ,. anufacttYred
by .,the 'hollowing hrmt
S. T'R'0'lVT E 13;COS. • TEESWATEEt.
a ih ' k. -U •s'WOOD'. CO.
.good ',StOt
1.opsat� a