HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-05, Page 3:4••
`; •
06,14ti.`001n." 0i4HY."4
• 044 von :40,141nItkili‘ ;the -'•Augitrer'4.
Vpteit*A14h0#0'; .in an
,.44:0441 0,-*; yielding attitude on the
•ZIai't of Austria, whieh;11;1474,,,siti„
• , • .
444 g,"tilq. Allt4riant. deleka‘
o adinit-
d that it
was 4;iieit.09;tri'thiStie.;-te
d its utmost , :tos;retioigi:the-„,preseo
'toetoi4,and *Ito, thelefoie'th Gov-
crnment *41'414; 44.1001St: that the
questjonief the .4/106;445e Bos-
nia and
'the •: re'
41°I•Pr-t° :the,International Con.
✓ ai••41,04.40C744tUrit'lly"-helehuld
PP arOhle',.:that.'the ,PoWerti !had the
• • , ' • • • : ••• ' " • '
onn r e4'o Othez D' Poduce at
eli'gq, . 0.11.d; be, ... '1,4.9p042'.141,..C4p*or,p,;,.._ . 40-Ciart 14,Y-entii, --...--• --,-, ••;-.-L-- -,-::'-';''..40iiie,and,:,Ahroad.
• • smooth 4114 ly4yr.fOr tho•:004ter-,
00:40;4-;'. :• - :- ' '' r•''. ' i' ', •• ,:' ' ',' Bitg4.D$TOVA:
:rnet:iiit!,44,:::,7•0.,nitenoti. QQ4Inst,awootiiin.lodplb;ei....,a4picIrea.*:rm.:H.,,,L. alte/.,;.,..,tir7643.).6.(tcir,-,,,,iitiLfb,,..i,1*,:,,-,of .,,,,,,,,t4i., ,,.....,,fH-,:hT-6'0•4,:t.„00'..0,i':*4?'iv•.,,•",;.,7„ott;u:r__ptit-x.i,6
;haadieitendecl-fek-a'frieeklir agree; "" in J'`a : , Montreal''''''l 1-1,;,',0•'4-P4 r°*•9".7' . a'7•'9°:P-or cent::. patonta,qaqed
,.,. ,,„- ...,..,,,..., , , .. ,,,‘. . r , ,,,•
, - ..,..-.:, 1*.rs, -,,,, , ,, 4,„„ .: ; .. ., ,1,,..i.,.. ,;,,. , .. ,..•', -,,. •O*00,it; i A'44.3.1iteba, Ileui..,., first pat-
-ont.% -.' • ..• '•,' -'' ..-- .• • •-. ; : • ed ,n.'•# -OatlaY.::, 0,..'ini.111041.8 Of 401;
•; :4t ,3-55- 14 buyers' sacks for
. outside `-
"BTOP'11144TABIC::'ATB4BPBBS*, '• , -,•:•Williani-,"thiekle' 'Of 11h,milton was :gilts* 0-.20 on trick Toronto;'' -
• • go. 'would ,ati(y.b-0:,.glad..lo -000 the`:-.9PromAtte vf9rctri4I,' on 41,1,rges....or :9411 patents,; $5.30; and strong 'bait-
'TarkO-330,1garian'Aitigetiations1ead, blackmail and jatte°iPted,;'*0*.tortion,-, 'xs',i• $.5.0. *--‘,.. : • ' -,•• • • ',..: ' ' • ' .-
to.;a:irunderstandipgforwhiplieon... , The Toronto 1.3_ . , PI .kfanage put . . heat- _ anitoha wheat $1.03,0 'for
e or
, ,,,,,..:,..,
tior , ., , ..
despatch from J' TorontO says
Outhrealgi"Of typhoid pre On90 more
, ,
repbrted from the - lumber camps;
1:where the lack of, PalaitarY
tie and the lErek protection of
'water` supplies, niake• the Cliseas0
almost inevitahle " • ' •
• Dr. 'Sell of the provincial, health,
cleParbilent reliPtts MO eases in Ke -
0;04:04 Aveiti • by "linfav•-•:'-enni-mitt°-°-'1411°8•:•fln-aPP-6-'int7i4nt: 319%4- *t)rtnnrni:- a°4 $1.012 kr Ora tri• connection , with
ecahlt-e..„,,aating.,,t4th,,that,,view,;f: .111eFheni71napi;(pteit, schools. JO. 2, 'PeeTgUn: railway• cOnstrxictio;i7. ps . are
*Ith. Other pettrera,, -F.rince • 1.4eiir,„ :Of -Prussia elado;,a; p06.ts. • • , .• - - filled Up., He 'desoribes tha.poxidi-
;AC Con'atayt_tilioplit.' and Sofia, froni at k!riedriehsluifen, Tites- :Epd Winter, 90c, 'and' : • ••
,1,4),4.4.-:4,4_4`',..,41P.P.PP4-0;•" tluk,1144°XRiver .:
strict, though there are -
nine hospitals in 200 .miles with dos -
Tho men, generaily foreigners,
• and after sJeeping out
1at.texnpt to get to oivilizat.ion,"1 44.1‘..:
.• ' -
•The carclessness about the pro-
t.06,10070t •
00 and poisonous garbago Dr. .. .
•01 tho
• • •
prevalence -of the: disease
, • „. d, got).4 to • 90c outside „ Anality. Choice,.b
•14„ted. to,,,,i,u.ere,t1Se"••ta., F,G!), •Seett'is•:Iikei '-b 0**'t
• .• • •• • ... ,Y 0 , • 4 , •• , cattle
- 8.t°- 'Ht°adY:•:arait4d;:,$'4':40.;;•'to-•"0"4":5(F'f".
• . • r ,
raillt IT 'n1` east' ;es' '1' , ay-, •
• ,',"
• • d 140 -. chosen .Spea or ',•the Senate hn 38.40•outside ‘a•-'nd .at 41c on tracIE to goes' bu cher $$.• 5 4.25. •
neit ler vat; en- ; , - • - t • e,c1 .• • •
• : regar o Servia ;an . , • *, t , .
••• - • . , Charles •Marcil •';'Speaker .the or,ort o ; o. 2 -Western Canada, • • •• „z„, •
1,9°0=1110--.-, • °a s- quo -t 42°' • tode-rAch."MORE.*
rightiO'Cltieg . ` '' .' ' . , i d .t -
. , ,,. ,, • - fl idea m lee e tit e :7 -to -in erfere an; the 'matter in
tlitr.rpo. julf,„•,,,,,,,.;.!‘„?e-ue;atti,tnn,e;:'..•:iii. ii,t„hpx::. :htl,f1,4 00-v„-e-Ple.'nt 7-ia''''.7-ill-{°g'i.°*ilea:,:'
-•.- ..4.-4..,-; - ,! •. 0 .4-11 • '. any:waY.1 U notwithstanding a
1)°;•410tivine4s' 'i'qh'e -' f '" ' ••"' ' - 1, 6: :*'"-'tit'
, ,• ,.. ;. -•• , ..„ • oth • with• benevolence and • o
. ,a•• , basis,. however:' he added, theialitereats: into cengideratiOn.lt
e1.,,"1„;:iyas"ii,s, obleation_.,,,,4,,v th,o,c...0.4- *-0414;•hoWever, •be better for their
' 'EScso, placing on reeord' the abroga, OW/T1:- 4,74,efeEr-c6.,st. praCtioal-,-'..fliati
;OW of the aftieles.,relating to Boa.: Stir theiractivity''r instead' f -
Ilia. zdict,--,k,T -- ------ , -Th Austro-,-.__ _ • o . pursh:
:.,- °Y11P44r.,.. , 'er- ,ing.dreanis-that-crittlthiev•eele-trear•--
•';'llung441,ii•:706-Veriiiieiit was trying -Hied
' Railway',Trainmen--to_be-, nmi d -
d fjertineates- ani"ash-11°1111". Three) Montlti.
An ItaJian named An'-gelo .was BYe--L,No. 2,quote-d':at'78c out '):1
.1.49wn 114(1;'qlq air -and Sericnislyin uc - ea 57 .to 520 outsidc' ' .1fineinplayeA ' _
jated hf explosion 6f,.dynainge •'• • ke,pi.---No; t quoted at 85 tck.\8N.6c • •A • menoilial mrpt od,a"
EzekiiJIil1 of1; •Brantforit'jjj Crn--No 2 Amerian yllo*;'--A-"tteSnateh froin London
sentenced-to,ten-Yearale: the, /*phi, -.nersInali. a 8534c on trheki ,Torento, n n:. urns, theLabor'leader-and
.tentia.FYI assau11-44 ',a ...ivginnam,e .9.fidNo•-•,;,3 '4;t,I 80e: " ,PriAiclent.erttbe Leenr-Goverinne•nt-'•'aud Loulands ef U1d,'-•
— •
•Wliat iS-Goitig on in the Highlands •
2: -barley- -quoted- at • oar .,dreNv•-•-idown-,-uport. has--nead •
*Bight Rev. Cosin9 Gordon Lang, .56 to .47 and NO.; 3 extra at 55 totheanathemas of . the Laborites , • . • `. •
Bishop Stepney, 4ag, been elected 55%c, outside. L, when in tho\House of Cominoas on Dundee is, no , proceed with its • • „
Bishopy.--Of---Montreal, . -Bran-Cars-are- quoted -at -$19 in Thursday ,-•af terneon :'-he -intimated- .--trackless--?trolley -.ear -system.
Bishop, Carmichael,. -deceased:',• bulk outside. ,Shorts quoted at $22 that the niairi• ,disadvantage under An adder' measuring' Close on .
:The, Stilt despatch- .t4.$22:5,0 in bulk mitside. : • whichthe r.i.tish Unemployed, las_ inches has 4ten...30.4e0 lwar, Eeeles.„.;
ing trains by'teleljhone an soon ored .eton.Pared,10;:the-ititentioloY-- .At Aberdeen ahout4-,100.liaire-Ap-.!
the nigvor7!.H.bipe::,71;7 F0/t . COUNTRY PROPITCE. •ed Amerfea Was that the Britons 'Vlied for forms ,elaim old • • -.
Apples -Winter stoc 2 -to . •
ties are BCAL.g ." •;
•-OttaWit," fa;Srii: • the .09-nadian raa -
de'spitcli- Toronto despatch .01u ,The,‘rnatiagrs• ° • -
e_Anter• ior---,t'Department-4m-nom a specia • order
M,---7•77:7Ara-plary , for WaY, :aye ls-strqd:" .•
grants to South ilf.rjean.:.,eteraeS•
their train eniployes rcgarding the
aPPlications come' in. 'Oh Yv!4- '1-rA!k73 pitstfor -g trairis. "For
,q Saict official,....
250 • iyarktints'.‘yes at, (there ;axe be a.:ny ictents
raycicleeraeunstthat,,Pved.sa9ilpfaiirodev•feor6,,.(!a°n°4 tine! "t°thtell's:
• Theciied_.•their warrant -s. _ ales-Its-brought-up-f0i-1:07ePti,er..-
t -neglect -ex :trainmen. When
applied -101 •Ii&rp";--11-"fgt-erid • . b superintendent they 4,2
basr 'rt ent 'tion Y• a %h. bare not , •
rand! AS- soon as the depa ni
• taken''• • ' • • • k $ • .3ti• 'drank More their tranaitla,n. ,Tensimis. • .1 ••:• • •- • • ,
01 er" • ue4.,,hariel for the best and, alt. ; ; • ' The Edirlhargh and Leith Millers •
v -sioeiat-io'a--haye-adya*mt•
,has .ordered :that. the ethderifk. at .11/ingt_prhoo,. -0.83 to 81 85 and 'tirin that the difference, ieT in the of flour:12 ',cents: •
Queen's Univeisit, as :well • aS arttil.piekod; $1".66:. to ..: 81;95 per :that the American unemployed ' :here have been over 200 si;ppilea;f-,, •
these" atte.Odi.hk:, city 'seho°1's; . had, inoney, their pockets "tion old.,• -age. pension feint, at',
he 1?een:. AMerica. three )10,,wick.404-0034,e• :''•
1:01.1Pt•.6•;vr4Ccin4i,e4.:'':'" " ; :rirOneY-COUths, 42,25 to $2,75 ; .(1
times " he said, and the only •dif••• The .0a:den 'Coilaparty: -Dundne
ter dozen and strained
bee - o• y otTe.d_a- ploved- in -America and those -of. this-, •Liver oor ork-eattle-tra-ie. •-•
-oun*1° t° :f6-re.nCe 'saw: 'between the lineal- .are to bitild, r 000:•ton steamer for'. '•••
formed in Brit.414": • '• a. ton on trackoliere, :and e04-ntrY was that -the .f-e-FM-er fOi'a ;
M! Haldane. says there are 3;153 Xo, 2', at ;t4. to •8a, • • ..ebort" time after 'losing -Work were has been •in • existenbeTi• 4?'vers
ea 'track.
rea are 70 T5 pee hag or
aeceiveti,..appliCatioit kr eitherlands, , variably plea4 that 9*,
wirrant is FOr time to study the pnles: :.TheY will -army reseryPts m
f • %jai. of the. ireterame,' Bata • have this eiceuse longerbeca,use kdWard ,.Cooke: 00.,•_spaimak-
f led tp receive . grainto • ,- unde`r-th"'•', W", -h°-°*: am-. , rs;lli*f6iibtiintd'jutlkn;-eut agahiSt
7 - three' months wh 'n• L el riVektheliffe's PaPerS for -$115,-
I 1;1 •
'",,•,,,,,, -
';'' '''''' •• '• /ion:A-Ay ant,' it .antyl.ie':stated' that,' the. every;_
. Prili ation „ Mast ' firat.go•-'to the Abe, VOnilpalqy's, PPriri,.ee.----Wef-w.i112,g1,3,.te '0.0.9. fel"' .::1 e--,- • - .... -..
'it Ititic4 ' Department : ' A:certificate et.er_i•Inan a fair chance .to necome Sir Gordon Heine';fiti-S.Th Lep.
iheri ' issued • by .thii,tAlepartrnent,. fa!niliar *ith. the laws iiid if ..they ' don Tunes, complaining that Virest-
4• T-nd"th-elitieiiiii-445-e-Partinent-is- iiiii-',, 46,1V-totfitik:itheVe.t.hmitt-ation:' 'they -,Minster,Abhey,-.-.m, 'irt • a 'filthy -condi-
i ed. that the volunteer is entitled .will be disMisSecl. ' _: • , . t
, . ,n _ iv ,t. .t ! depart ____ ' __L.. _..........__-,,.,- - • - _ ....:.ThirteeiLMIffrakettes;_artesteiten
tilt, thelbeit t_ ..y.; -;,., 0 at er -,-1: , .-`•---,-,, - . •• Wednesday for attacks on the :Brit-
' " Pet :ihOh; 'en 110i,ifigii°•'1":.gra* '1•11' VAST AVvAY'I•14 SikU-TA. SEA- ' h II * f* eo "*: .6* fined to
.' itroliititeer-,'aS,"'•te": whether. scrip.or • : ,:: . --. •-•-•-• ':`-' ,.• : ''' •• pay fines and were cjsnen'terneded t..° 'a
land is 'desired; issues a Warrant Tale of `Hard:Ship Brought to Sin ' •
'4. for • i,hi• ,,,Ifiind „or, pays Over $inn . ' ' . : mouth in i441.• .... : . . . -. , . ,. •
•-•---- in •,.: Francisco. .
,...,eash„seriti;_-:..as•thenpphcant_destres , , , . „ • • •
• ' • . . . ,
In -making applieation-for land the,. A desnateh. from San Francisco, ,UNITED OTATER
eg Ines,tioni;niast, 'tif course be stated„ ' Cal., :says: ak story of hardships as ' Dr, Rachel S. Skidelsky of
• castaways in the Son h Seas is told, oe plua advises women to smoke or
,, ......, . ' . -, ' • • . • 13'..y -:-seven Chinese -who arrived .On five minutes -after .pleala. • .,
"g.:"•:--:; ".. 71' EXII-AhlaJG7 RE:ADITT-• VI:110g,, -the' ste ' 'ant. er rItlanclittrihn on ilced-•
'',!:;;;-•:;''.''' , :.' •••• .., • --:-.6 • . • . 1*(.19..3r Irbil -1 , Hong Kong i•.They
• , • , . . - .
'.' • . : Mextoor!s.-Uil-G,laeher-Gusher-te Continues-,formed-the-Creiv-ef4the--linikentine
,,..--• . .., ''. • : . , ' ' . "Vi*e. Trouble, • . : •FoSter, Which ,..was wrecked on a
reef' 700 .miles -frbm- Freema,ntle; . Au-.
•Stralin.,• For 15 days -they lalkored
to repair the, little. "vesSel -So t.liat
it „might ..again 'Put t . sea." subsist-.
mg on a • scan: amount ,of ship s
tan a score ,of workmen duringthe
A despatch .from: New • Orleans,
La., says Deadly fumes: from Mexi
-eo's'great well fire, sixty les
froth. Tampico, 'ha•tre killed more
••,.....- .• • ae-t-e-v---i.'days;..coreUICtely bracken-. F -t-: °.-e.' 'aml'f'.'sli: • akj-cLL-'ind-'--• (.14-
.--, _,_:.,.„,.....i.-.•-d..•..th-e,iiiiit-,6-_ii_olii_t:,_,64...i.bil.:.6.i4.68..,,a: - 1... r st barrewaslan .- -There,:
:','"•-•.•H' T7',. :Cihe 7:Shipsi: ,eiidan.geiTed •: comp:telt:se; tie7a ln° - : ' '' ' '' a -26-
p9.-irs--ware-,:completed-.--on41 !-
last, and Captain .Robin, son of for
and Caused - thousands ''Of ,•dellarS
b'arkentine' profesed. • te, sail
...';', ,''' • ::- f werth.. of".dareagef:,:tot ranches and ....
N 01 'Afrida. ' ' ', At this. the, crey.
iti,i46,evton. Atio.,,,ej .!, fire...e.n... .1''Luthi)er.di*totdefoirrei,,imieiehtlient the
"'::": • " :• : ,eiher,iaeigliboringiii,eiest:;:aecerd- '
.. 'of the.„.•-steantship City • of Mexicowere 1 t I. days on' the is-..
-'• 'Whielt:reaclied:NeW to
g',.. land; Iv n.e , ..
-1 .1 'the' captain: '.stood „off
With. the • vessel:, . Then, ;they '.ivere•
,........ , „ .. .
' ' ' : „ ."-they,' couldfrom ..., the wckag_e";: _,:takr` aboard 11111'1*°';•/3:tii..t.4ter 1"°".
-.day night.' :•Battling„to save what
''•'''',:.;4'.=.•,-,,:‘'Axiieii • ' -etvners;- aftet;- speed- :len;3•!,d--alidtalF"ni--,°.--C.,`.)e°8"8-1,11s1`31e'di.-,
* '''''' ' .• 'tng itiocra::tinlianine.:a Millioa.rdollars. fia- w.linrn'' fre'§,1:1--.• 'water. •••P',11,0 1- ,
-ill 3I-'`'..•-•:,, git'e-ee-e-ded'tii-dXtinVIIPh a'....the_,ty_ele-,_-olitain.ed,.__and_,Irem..11-tia.,:lelace
;•';','*,,hiaic, hint,,!Ta greatet terreellirstnan-a'l'il:os". _at..hoe,13:gevetonlitii,tal_ly .7i.a‘ de ,t.,heir, ....wsy t, o
tofeie .preVailed then, .T.lts- fl .• -•' ,„'-r, "--'. . , . Tr, ,
had consumed the noxious. gases, . ,..., , . .,RARG ,, .. .
' the:.ftre was.,stopped,the.: MANSLAUGliTER-.0 ....„ ,.. . ,.
..::'*.gbatisbes\vbil'ettniat forth.' Laborers; inhal- . , ,
.•'.•• '' ;. •••, -mg .ar•titt; of the Staff, 'idrepped in. Fenticeii4entcold Bey ...ghat'a.Ceina
.,.. ,. , .• -their trackS dead: • •. . ; ' ' -'.:it:14km. 'Accidentaity, • ',,
' • • ' '''' .` '' '• ' '4. 4A. despatch fromFredericton.; N:
•..• ;•'7,`• ..1. • . '.'.' ..: FAL. Pll,o3( BRIDGE:" , , . •B ; s'.0,:..41: ..6ure.o.n.....x,c4r_oid., ‘hos
. „i,.....,4,,,e, ne.... ,_,...r.,.„4„irt •tiov,ht. 1. :named ..Chester .f.Trcpitia,rt of •CinTer-
• • :. .: :la:" a ' n .' : t" '":""-"""-• '.' :"-' '! ' ., ed Bridge parish of• Stanley, is in
....',. .. .. llraittferd Vontli. •
'. • - .': . jail...fief 0:,.,...?chioged. wit.1.1.,e.atilinig,:lhe. .
• ,7,:.A de.spateh -from-Braniferel ;says :. 'death ., of , smother. „beY ...• nanted• Gto:
.:. Herbert' K.:night,: aged fiftcea•,•:,son Clary:at that place on Oct. •1•0:. The
• d Min ',Knight; Eagle avenne,• was two-hoya Were out:shooting together
,,'''," • .,..,„• ; killed on '...'Wednesday :morning by and the 'rifle...which .1„1-rqultart was
.:, •*".",;: , .' •fitlling' from -a T., 41.. & B•:: Railway carrying, was . disdiaraM ,the hal-
..„,';'*'•:''...;,... , , ,I,rridge (1VCZ1'.'' Ole: Grand. Riil-Cr. The let 'striking :Clary in the ..fieeki: in-
-youth was proceeding-to:the Brant; flictillg.a wound,' froni the effects of
rd. Steew •Works.,• where he1 V at, WiliCIF. 66 •dipAin twenty Minutes.
etulilOyed,... nail, in going OVer the Coroner Wainwright ."of ;Stanley
„.......,„. .- bridge , accidentally ' tripped over- held an, inquest, and the jary.after
;;• .. `•'-.'*7'tlta-rtill'• in $..tapping to one -side -,and-: hearing the evidence tleeln.red_that,
•'• .: ' •;,...,:fell,' 4 wer . thO st;ructure. He gtruck`'Clary'S death as due to culpable
-.‘''*---*:*--• --Oii-Ilie-iteiii-t-libutiiient-t:en feet-Iya,- neg1-igence4n-the-part-gf-Vrquhart:
:".••:'. *: low, and Then fell ,. t the river Urquhart •elaints :that the shooting
-. • ,-twentvilive. „feet lewer, The .water'"Was aecidental: '
; , .. . . .
2.•,.: : , was :very shallow: . and he was — . - . . •
at."-_,ditglied. to death ..tit the reek bottoip, ' ONEIDA. FARMER'S LOSS..
... • . . .
-'' ,;•' ,• 711'fis skull being fractured and ncelc. *. '
. , .. . .. ---
: ,,..,,' -;,••• ;,•;' broken.. Thei0 NN,111 'lie 110 111C1110.tt.• Mi % Patrick Fagan's Barns Bernet]
,, •., ., :,,:. . , , • . ...:,,,,,_ ; .. 1%., d' *e.s.pate'll from caYaga,','sayst
.".•'''• ;:„ r • • ,------t------. . . • . ' . • ct - i .. • ,• ' ,-
, , ,,.., , , . .. ,. .. . III I1C14 a.. . , • , - '
AS'SS V, LTED .A I. ES( IIER. • : , '
•''` ''' - - •:: tie.-- iolitiston. el Gnelpii. •Siriiek The Warns. and mIthuildings Of
• •
, * • . l'atriek 'Fagan,..,:a • farmer in the
• • townSitip,of Ontida,, were destroy-
' •the result 'of a note. regarding 'the •Evet.ything wasisti bite no hol's'es
- Seventy ',men, are ,under
Samburg, in connection, with
the--hatering--,---ofLeatitain - :Rankin
• Heinfert of ., Dayton, close supervision new being exer-
:traek, ' T.'
ltry-'-Chickens, spring,dress:-
„ed, Ile per Pound”; fowl,ei to
80; .ducks, 9c per pound.; • young
tarkeysi- ;:ri 19-, 150 -Per
• 'Biitter-Pound 'prints, 23' to2-4e;
tubs, .22 to 23c; inferior; 16 to 20e.
Creamery rolls; 26 to 26%c and
:solids, 24;4 :t 25c. -
Eggs0aseAots'of_freSh, 22.: to
23c •per: :dozen, while now' laid are
quoted at 25 to .206 per dozen.
. • Cheese ---Large, 13e per pound;
rand -twigs, -13%e. ' ,
• • Ii0G PRODUCTS.' '
Bacon -Long clearc---IV,• • to 1.21A -6 -
per pound in case •lots;,niess pork,
better. dressed. - Many, of then]. de has 700 branches and., Out1 3,0130
not drink so mdeb • as do inanY':members. : • '•,, ' e•;
11:-jainoS Gardm '••••, z& -a)17.1 ,
l3ritish. Workmen have an advant: cate, has been appointed - li''.t.);11f..:)f. •
age in, the namber of days.theitare Lankasbire, in room of:thel'oe; idle -.
. ' '.• , '• • '•-•
Loud cries of "It is untrue • it is' ' . 'Napier's Shipyard at ,Govair was •
„a_ Shameful coniparison,,"1 greeted: off.e red. _fer.,:_sale_the, other , •••
Mr. Burps' statement. -the :upset price $300i0t.i0„- .••
. • there were no Offers. •, ••„',;
t-Penteink- ore-- ' -b •
IMMIGRANTS DEPORTED. A ' a eYeara tree - •
. , • , • • •,' •
Government Careful Shout Admit-
ting People No*.
-A- despatch 7.--fkom—Cttta,wa,ays:
Daring the first nineAnontlis of this
yearthel_iminigration departinent
bas deported immigra4ts :as
-te-ing•--undeSirable.,eitizens. During-
lieved to be 200 .years, old ,was
flown. It, *as struck' by. lightning
some years, ago. . : . , • -,;
.. Berwick Naturalists' ClUb is pro- i'', ' '•,•• -'• , . ;•,':.
. . •
-poaing-to-erect-n-niemorial;,oif,:Elod- : : '';----1-----;
•den Field, the scene Of N'trtliein.„- •.'• ' -'''.
bria's greatest -- battle. -: : . -,1- : ,. ' . • , .• '-.,•••'-'
,A firm of°I,eithiphipbuildars have-
'received 200,-appbeations in. answer .. ,,,, . , -:_•.:
;the -Same :period 1;266 people have ,te an 'advertisement for a night-. ....:- . .. ,,, , ....
been: refused entry, from the United watchman,. it $5 . per Week. • • , •• ' -• •":•'
-States. These figures indicate the Mr.' Robert Sow Orr- Me- has - . --
. ,
been appointed Sheriff -Substitute -it - :-
the: Lothians and Peebles at Edin-
' • ' •
burgh, in room of Mr., Gard Ler Mil- , • .
• The post -office officials hive :pur- .
chased ground in Clark street and - ,
Maeg-regor strectr-B,reehin,--for-=,•the
Ohio' le 'a ilight,of 500 yards $19 to ,$19.50.; short cut, $23.50. cisecl by. the de.partMeiat over the
'an acre lane built on the single liants-Light to Medium, ',14 to new ,arrivals :the country, and
14c, do 'ray, to 13 Ils is said' that no country haS ever
' plane A • , Y* 4; rp
Word • has reached VVSsliingten of to 11'.3,(0; shoulder,s, 10 to 102c; received a .better class' of imini-
ixo_dyttamite eriOlosiens on the Pa 7 'backs, 16% to 17c; breakfast bacon, grants than, the 120,600 who 'set-.
name: 10 tied iir-Gansida-this-year,--Immigra
, '-L'ard-Tierees; 136; .ttibS, "1:33V tion for the -year has now •practi.-
Wm. Montgomery, Cashier of the Pei , • ' ---
Allegheny 'National Bank, was • . •
fotind guilty of einbezzlement on a- BUSINESS AT. MOISPTILEAL. BIG FIRM ENTERPRISE.
' by 111,1)11.'8, Inether.
says:- .Ns .ed by. 'fire on 1\'ednesilay Anorning.
attendanee of his • daughter., Dan eattle had lice) stabled. The fire
f'Impson and his sita,. is Supposed 1,6 be of, ineeritliaky ori
Ti,nreday,• afternoon Avent' tib St,. gip, and EC warrant has been issued
.Waittl school and sfter• the fol. the arrest of Brace ' Lonsdale,
• traaiers. Mr. Johnston'. had been who has been recently, employed by
St'annened friqriVI7e;Viii; it•-retifte-";ffirnzaiw., irtit thdy,:ircd_
.eittitutcheed and ilia. tnaster was quarrel and Lonsd
smee last Spring, it is anitounced
' • I" st ruck ".ftenvilyID •the il by Young, is said that' he• hap hen reeentlY c,it•Tharsday regained' Work with,
• "r,•': attaek uPoll a tea-, soon 111 'the neighborhood, • lions- full 60'41bn:tent of 1,500' Men. Or
in it,•;sari-911.4 dale is a yoting 'man; 2:3 years of derS: front the Harrinian lines, it i
• ul Th Imptim wilthave to face the an.0 win eve gone, height about :5 said,'aie sufficient to ran the plan
alEragittratefeet '7 pieties. and ego shotilderi, until the ritift Of tke. year at -least
' • ,:
second count on uesday. his Montreal Nov 3.-Grain--0-1-
COmtva-to-Talie Up 'Half a
:$313,000.. - ; at 4,3%, to 44c No: 3. at 42/, to 43th; • lion, Aeres of Land:-
, „ NO. 4 at 42 to 42c, Nanif?ba No. . A despatch:from WinniPeg:.:says;
GENEBAT., 2 White at 45 to 451/2c ; No. 3 at 44 A remarkable project which teems
President• Castro - of "Venezuela Vt__4414„c,_ancl-rejetited..at.43.te_43,4n_-ittereilibleof-realization-Was outlin
speculationsin the two easPs being tario NO: 2, white oats was quoted . • iiii
ha-s-ibielutely refused to, revoke his :per bushel,: ex 'store. , .ed ."thursday--hy--A,13:•:Exiy-,
deererehifilting.--theAraxishipment toba
ef,' goads for Vecieuela..at, Curacao, $6 ; seconds-at$&59,;. Winter wbeat ager• of :die'
• • The national, eonvention.at.
subject Ao, .severe property and•etin7,
cation -teats- : : ,
‘Tlittitks, Say;Day liben Limb• .
Cut off by Waggen is Returned-
. ,
•A' despatch froM.New ;York says;
railk*iiggen ran oVer'John-.Dan
Watclitnan :of the •Brooklyn'llapid
Transit Company, Broadway and
KoSeitiske Street, Brooklyn, on,
Tuesday. Spectators .Screamed aS'•
Day 'Staggered. to his feet.. They
:saw' that one,, his trousers' legs
gapped erriptY. in -the air, torn and
ar.:80:. Day leaned against a post,:
breathing hard, :but without 'winc-
ing.; _
11# -leg-;s--ent-off4--.-Mhere's • Ins
*.leg cried a 'Man .the crowd. A
patents, ..$5 to $5.25; straight rot.
lers, $4.50 to $4.60 ;.do in bags, $2.-
10 to $2.20; extraS, 11/75 to $1:85.
sYnaltholf,"wearing Spectaeles,-ran-
'Here it is!" he exclaimed, The
boy held the leg in his -arms.
• "Thatiks" , said Day, taking the
"I'm glad it didn't get caught in
the spokes. Sometimes it's better
to have a wooden , leg. than a real
The,driver of the vehicle Was ar-
rested. • • ,
Car Idle Since Spring Will
Open Alain.
• A despatch from Johnstown, Pa.,
says: The ear shops of the Cambria
'was.and Stock Company," which
was recently incorPorated at St.
Bierr South Dakota, with a capi-
Feed-L-ltranitoba bran,' $21 t•o
, . tali;.ation of two and a half millions
Shorts, $25; Ontario bran, $21.50 to 'ancl.•:With the avovied intension of
$22; middlings, -826 to $27; sl;orts, colonizing five hundred thouiand
• ares of land in the Canadian
Northwest and Working It entirely
with English labor. as a single` en•
terprise. The company hop-Wre
tablistritself in the neighborhood of
-Vermilion, ,
ed 251/A -in round lots,, and 26 te
20%c• in 'a jobbing way' Eggs - 154 ,NN;erk l'eople Seriously Injured
. •
$5 to $5,50 per ton, incluaing bags;
pure grain mottille, $30 to $35;
grades, $25` to $28 per ten.
,Cheese--=-The-market-is Steady;-with-
Westerni. quoted at 124 for white
and _12ge for: COloretiTand-Eastertis
at 11%'.0 ,11c.e. Butter -171p Mar-
ket is steady; finest0 ,creamequot-
Demand continues to he fairly good
and:mDnring September
the -undertone to the
market re- ,
mains about steady; sales of new A despatch from Ottawa. says:
iaid were made at 27c; Selected Industrial accidents occurring to
'stock at 244 ti.i-'25.4c; No. 1 at 20. 256, individual work people: in. Can -
and NO..' 2 "at '17X0 per ,dPzen. " ad.& during the month of Septen-
. ber,‘1905,,,were reported to the De-
ITNITED--STATES-MA-RKETS::-- Tartment-ef- Labor -___01:th9.s_e_ 102 ear
Ipe're fatal, and 154 resulted in seri-
-erection. of :a new -post-office.. _
legac3r :of 8590. has' le2m'ilie-
queathed to. the Dundee.Society:for:
the AkeventiOn of :Cruelty :to .
drensly.*the late Mrs. JohnFarl
obeitson, 'Dundee. • • , - • .•
• _ ,
.A meeting`of nainisters and Office-
bearera Of 511 the churchei. Pos-
silpark was held recently to pr ttest"
against the desecration of the Sab-,
Edinburgh -proposes -to engxge -
-a,,salary ef$1,50-a lady -health. Nisi--
t-O-r-h-Cading a niedical-qualification,
- -•••.A.
who must, devot/ eher, whore tinie to
Miss MarY, Barclay, matron,. Ju-
bilee Cottage Hospital, Banff, died
recently matron,:
blood :poiSoning re -
Salting from -having seratchel
finger .with fish bone. _ •
• Arrangements WINO ben made in
Scotland with the View of laving
claimants for old -age -pensions -the
expense of obtaining certificates of
their birth bi- baptisin.• , ,
A legacy of $2;500 left by the late
Mr. James, Reid' has been handed `.
over CO Greenock Eye Infirmary.
The amount is to be funded for the
general purposes of the inititution.
Forty -Ave pension claim form's
have been issued by Alyth post - t-
flee, a•nd these ethbrace :a mother
and. son, the former being ,94 years
of age, . while the son is in Ids 72nd
There --is a` -Prospect of pablic
sivimiliincr baths being tonstructed
Northern, $1,66 to $1,661A.; 'No. 2
Northern, $1.04 to ,P1.05; Dec.,
993c to $1. Rye -No. 1, 74Xe.
B5rt.e*ici.aos0.612,Aci ;. $i.00; No. °,:*12.03711;
Detroit, NOY.'
p374,e. -
52 to 53e. Vern -Dee.; 634to
Toronto Nor. .
3 --13titcher Cat-
tleL•'--Market steady. • ,There is a
steady demand for. geed feeders I
and stockers. 'Distillery , cattle
wanted: Sheep ---Ewes steady at
, at decline. Moti.4)--.:Market •,c,;eak.
a II:anis; quotes seIcet hogs at
• f.o.b., and $6, fed and Nr0tOri'd.
rCed01'8•-.14h0 market steady for.
t good feeders. Eltpert market
• Steady arMuld $4:15 to $5 for choice'
ous injures, ifit
. _
accidents Were re:Liar-tea as hiving
taken place'prior to,,the beginning
of the mouth,, information not hav-
ing been received by the depart,
ment before September, 1908, was
13 less than inthe previous inenth,
and 0 more than in October. 19(-11.
. .
A GE1131.tc- COLQNI,
iiiIliesEit-elfIngemBall.711-awick,-ther- .
trustees of the late Mr. Thomas An-
derson having offered $26,000 to
the Town Connell for this purpose,
"It's silly for 'anyone ,to suspect
Me of cheating,'" said; the tfieks
ecal zaaD ; "my weight is, boneS ass
Party From D..aota the
• ?
Sections Near Calgary. ;
- et, "tile clays tat:, getting •shortt'r
cleistpaptacrly; koofraceedr11,2116-8e4lileir.s,t. trt,nr(A)11:scliil.o6is-t,'.e,t:. as t.11 coldWeather ap-
4 f .
,fi-Qin I)aketa, 110111bering in all 1'1'8 ' ' 4....-...--
souls. have purchased an area.cov- -• Ap•pp: kLiNG To inn
.4 ,I •
tke.latisl,ini,...0.1,1Lirii.ts:;-;ve,,. ste;e.,t1i,,,,.;.se to.lfrotliao.thictl: , .,.,,, : ,,.i" , , .:., .. : ' • , :*
. • • ,,,_,...,i 1,4- • ,..........,,:,......:—...-,,,,-,.,.........-.....
1 . • W 1"" A KNI •-3`.; 't
et crything with pein "nceo•ssP ry t.t-,1-7-Gefiildtpc---.., I , cittiCit- 'marry
found'a -11,9triSinng et. ony.. even to ,•-o•tn,:,•• ' ,
their Own , iniiiis.t. e i.. Their of.f0e:qg 4 (1 0 l'h 1 d '''.--..0 id I know a u•i,4,:ter •
incliale nearl..t"twelve hundred bead V1110. Will 1.)11`11t0t1ls tilt'. •;.ti',,:".1'1101,V r.,,r
Of' stOck, The b, „-IYis regarded -as. $1.4.0, , • •
.one of, the model colonies. - •::,-- Gcratdine--1.ain y:w.is.
1 1 1
• •
1 .
.• I. 1 •
. .
. . ,
" ' ''..•
• .
• .
ith`41.0,);P).;0•4,-N,*,44- L • •